ФГБУ КДЦ с поликлиникой
59.97113680626547(()30.276839565485727(()(()ФГБУ КДЦ с поликлиникой | ||
Править клинику ✎ | To the estimates | |
Многопрофильный медицинский центр | ||
Address: | Санкт-Петербург, Морской пр-т, д. 3 | |
Working hours: | Mon-Fri: 08:00 - 21:00сб: 09:00 - 21:00вс: выходной | |
Phone numbers: | +7(812..show 2 phones+7(812) 325-00-03, +7(812) 305-24-55 | |
E-mail: | kdcudp@mail.ru | |
High cost: | 0.9 ⓘ✘The coefficient of the clinic's high cost by market. 1 means that the clinic has average prices. The lower the coefficient, the cheaper the clinic. | |
Website: | spbpmc.ru | |
License: | ФС-99-01-002886 | |
Description: В структуру ФГБУ «Консультативно-диагностический центр с поликлиникой» входит поликлиническое отделение, подразделение стоматологии, стационар, служба скорой и неотложной помощи, отделение травматологии и ортопедии и медицинской реабилитации. На базе многопрофильной поликлиники ведут прием взрослые и детские специалисты всех специальностей, активно развивается направление семейной медицины. В медицинском центре проводятся магнитно-резонансная томография, мультиспиральная КТ, цифровая рентгенография, ультразвуковые исследования всех органов и систем, эндоскопические исследования, все виды анализов. В стационаре выполняются эндовидеохирургические операции по следующим профилям: общая хирургия, гинекология, урология, маммология, отоларингология, травматология и ортопедия. Стоматологическое отделение ФГБУ «КДЦ с поликлиникой» предлагает комплексную диагностику и планирование индивидуальных и семейных программ стоматологического здоровья на основе новейших технологий. скрыть... |
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Allergology (5), Analyzes (337), Andrology (8), Cardiology (3), Consultations (27), Cosmetology (17), Dentistry (159), Dermatology (29), Diagnostics (297), Endocrinology (2), Gastroenterology (12), Gynecology (66), Mammology (15), Narcology (1), Neurology (11), Obstetrics (2), Oncology (32), Ophthalmology (66), Otolaryngology (63), Pediatrics (88), Phlebology (11), Physical therapy (35), Plastic surgery (78), Proctology (10), Pulmonology (3), Rheumatology (8), Surgery (49), Therapy (21), Traumatology-orthopedics (61), Urology (21), Venereology (2)Local Search
- Allergy tests
- Prick test - 1150₽
- Consultations in allergology
- Consultation of an allergist-immunologist (повторная врач) - 2000₽
- Preventive reception before immunization - 1500₽
- Diagnostics in allergology
- Spirometry (2) - 1350₽
- Nonspecific therapy of allergic diseases
- Injectable immunocorrection
- Autohemotherapy with ozone (малая) - 5000₽
- Injectable immunocorrection
- Allergy tests
- Allergological studies
- Individual allergens
- Food allergens (1 allergen) (igg) - 490₽
- Household allergens (1 allergen) (igg) - 490₽
- Markers of allergic reactions
- Immunoglobulin E (IgE) in the blood - 550₽
- Tests for allergies to animals and birds
- Analysis for allergy to cats (эпителий, ige (е1)) - 490₽
- Analysis for allergy to dogs (эпителий (е2)) - 490₽
- Individual allergens
- Biochemical analysis of feces
- Analysis of feces for carbohydrates - 500₽
- Fecal calprotectin - 1820₽
- Stool analysis for pancreatic elastase-1 - 1950₽
- Biochemical analysis of urine
- Alpha-amylase (diastase) of urine (2) - 180₽
- Calcium in the urine - 190₽
- Creatinine in urine - 180₽
- Glucose (daily urine) (суточная моча) - 180₽
- Microalbumin in urine (разовая моча) - 670₽
- Potassium in the urine - 130₽
- Rehberg Test - 500₽
- Sodium in the urine - 130₽
- Spectroscopy of the urinary stone (Col.) - 3500₽
- Sulkovich 's test - 150₽
- Urea in the urine - 180₽
- Uric acid in the urine - 200₽
- Urine phosphorus - 200₽
- Biochemical blood analysis
- Amino Acid Research
- Omega-3 Index - 4000₽
- Definition of vitamins
- Folic acid of the blood - 400₽
- Vitamin B12 (цианокобаламин) - 800₽
- Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) - 2059₽
- Vitamin D (общий 25-oh d) - 2000₽
- Determination of electrolytes
- Blood Magnesium - 240₽
- Blood calcium (общий) - 300₽
Blood calcium (ионизированный) - 400₽ - Blood phosphorus - 200₽
- Blood potassium - 300₽
- Zinc in the blood - 720₽
- Determination of specific proteins and markers of inflammation
- Alpha-1-antitrypsin - 2385₽
- Blood myoglobin (2) - 1000₽
- Brain Natriuretic Peptide (NT-proBNP) (nt-probnp) - 3250₽
- C Reactive blood protein (hs (ультрачувствительный)) - 850₽
C Reactive blood protein (стандартный) - 500₽ - Procalcitonin - 3105₽
- Troponins (качественно) - 1100₽
Troponins (тропонин i) - 950₽
- Enzyme research
- AST of blood (аспартатаминотрансферазу) - 200₽
- Alkaline phosphatase of blood - 180₽
- Blood ALT - 200₽
- Blood Creatine Kinase (общая) - 250₽
- Blood lipase - 400₽
- Blood test for alpha-amylase - 250₽
- GGTP of blood (2) - 200₽
- LDG of blood - 290₽
- Insulin in the blood - 400₽
- Other biochemical blood tests
- Pepsinogen in the blood (пепсиноген i/ii соотношение) - 2000₽
Pepsinogen in the blood - 950₽
- Pepsinogen in the blood (пепсиноген i/ii соотношение) - 2000₽
- Study of carbohydrate metabolism
- Blood glucose - 200₽
- Glucose tolerance test (стандартный) - 520₽
- Glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1) - 700₽
- Lactic acid in the blood - 500₽
- Study of iron metabolism
- Blood Ferritin - 500₽
- Blood Transferrin - 340₽
- Blood burns - 240₽
- Ceruloplasmin - 540₽
- Whey Iron - 200₽
- Study of lipid metabolism
- Apolipoprotein A1 - 500₽
- Apolipoprotein B - 500₽
- Blood lipoproteins (лпвп) - 260₽
Blood lipoproteins (расчетный тест, необходимы доп. исследования- триглицериды, холестерин, лпвн) - 600₽ - Homocysteine - 760₽
- Total cholesterol - 250₽
- Triglycerides - 200₽
- Study of pigment metabolism
- Bilirubin straight - 200₽
- Indirect Bilirubin - 200₽
- Total bilirubin - 200₽
- Study of protein and substrate metabolism
- Albumin in the blood - 200₽
- Blood Creatinine - 190₽
- Blood urea - 200₽
- Protein fractions of blood - 580₽
- Uric acid of the blood - 200₽
- Total blood protein - 200₽
Total blood protein (суточная моча) - 180₽
- Amino Acid Research
- Cancer markers
- Alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) (афп) - 380₽
- Analysis for paraproteins (типирование (сыворотка)) - 4875₽
- Bence-Jones protein in urine (типирование м-градиента) - 3835₽
Bence-Jones protein in urine (иммунофиксация (скрининг)) - 4225₽ - Beta-2-microglobulin (в крови) - 1500₽
- CYFRA 21-1 Cancer marker (онкомаркер) - 1200₽
- Cancer marker CA 125 (онкомаркер) - 600₽
- Cancer marker CA 15-3 (онкомаркер) - 680₽
- Cancer marker CA 19-9 (онкомаркер) - 680₽
- Cancer marker CA 242 (онкомаркер) - 800₽
- Cancer marker CA 72-4 - 650₽
- Cancer-embryonic antigen (REA) (рэа) - 500₽
- Chromogranin A - 2700₽
- HE4 (Human epididymis secretory protein 4) (секреторный белок 4 эпидидимиса человека) - 1000₽
- Index ROMA (2) - 1950₽
- NSE (neuron-specific enolase) (нейронспецифическую енолазу) - 1200₽
- Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) common (пса общий / своб.) - 800₽
Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) common (пса общий) - 600₽ - SCC (squamous cell carcinoma antigen) (антиген плоскоклеточного рака) - 1200₽
- Chemical and toxicological studies
- Definition of drugs and alcohol
- Drug test (экспресс-тест) - 1700₽
- Study of mineral metabolism
- Spectral analysis of hair for trace elements (23-25 мэ) - 4500₽
- Definition of drugs and alcohol
- Comprehensive laboratory tests
- Cardiological profiles
- Lipidogram (lipid profile) (стандартная) - 900₽
- Gastroenterological profiles
- Autoantibody panel for autoimmune liver diseases (mimmunoblot) - AMA-M2, M2-3E, SP100, PML, GP210, LKM-1, LC-1, SLA/LP, SSA/RO-52 (скрининг) - 4900₽
Autoantibody panel for autoimmune liver diseases (mimmunoblot) - AMA-M2, M2-3E, SP100, PML, GP210, LKM-1, LC-1, SLA/LP, SSA/RO-52 (развернутая) - 6400₽
- Autoantibody panel for autoimmune liver diseases (mimmunoblot) - AMA-M2, M2-3E, SP100, PML, GP210, LKM-1, LC-1, SLA/LP, SSA/RO-52 (скрининг) - 4900₽
- Cardiological profiles
- Cytological studies
- Cervical oncocytology (pap test) (2 препарата) - 1400₽
Cervical oncocytology (pap test) (1 препарат) - 700₽ - Cytology of a smear, an imprint from an intrauterine device - 1235₽
- Cytology of a smear-imprint of a skin neoplasm - 1200₽
- Cytology of lymph node punctate - 1200₽
- Cervical oncocytology (pap test) (2 препарата) - 1400₽
- Diagnosis of infections
- Antibodies to helicobacter in the blood
- A breath test for helicobacter - 2200₽
- Blood test for Helicobacter pylori (igg) - 730₽
- PCR diagnostics of helicobacter pylori - 400₽
- Hepatitis tests
- Blood test for hepatitis B (днк колич.) - 2500₽
Blood test for hepatitis B (hbsag кач.) - 550₽
Blood test for hepatitis B (hbеag) - 680₽
Blood test for hepatitis B (anti-hbs) - 340₽ - Blood test for hepatitis E (anti-hev igg) - 750₽
- Blood test for hepatitis B (днк колич.) - 2500₽
- Passive hemagglutination reaction (RPGA)
- Diphtheria RPGA (Corynebacterium diphtheriae) (corynebacterium diphtheriae) - 580₽
- Dysentery RPGA (Shigella flexneri, Shigella sonnei) (s. sоnnei) - 1040₽
- RPGA Y. pseudotuberculosis IHA (yersinia pseudotuberculosis) - 390₽
- Salmonellosis RPGA (Salmonella) (группа b) - 390₽
Salmonellosis RPGA (Salmonella) (о-антиген (комплекс)) - 580₽ - Typhoid fever RPGA (Salmonella typhi) (salmonella typhi) - 580₽
- Typhus RPGA (Rickettsia prowazekii) (rickettsia prowazekii) - 390₽
- Yersiniosis RPGA (Yersinia enterocolitica) (y. enterocolitica 03) - 390₽
- Polymerase chain reaction (PCR diagnostics)
- Androflor (24 расширенный) - 2550₽
- PCR analysis of HPV (типирование) - 750₽
PCR analysis of HPV (среднеонкоген. 31, 33, 35 типы) - 500₽
PCR analysis of HPV (низкоонкоген. 6, 11, 44 типы) - 240₽
PCR analysis of HPV - 555₽ - PCR diagnosis of candidiasis (candida) (candida) - 300₽
- PCR diagnosis of chlamydia (chlamydia trachomatis) (chlamydia trachomatis) - 380₽
- PCR diagnosis of gardnerellosis (gardnerella vaginalis) (gardnerella vaginalis) - 200₽
- PCR diagnosis of herpes simplex virus type 1 and 2 - 300₽
- PCR diagnosis of mycoplasmosis (mycoplasma genitalium/hominis) (mycoplasma genitalium/hominis) - 200₽
- PCR diagnosis of syphilis (treponema pallidum) (treponema pallidum) - 350₽
- PCR diagnosis of trichomoniasis (trichomonas vaginalis) - 200₽
- PCR diagnosis of ureaplasmosis (ureaplasma urealyticum) (ureaplasma urealyticum) - 520₽
- PCR neisseria gonorrhoeae, DNA (neisseria gonorrhoeae) - 200₽
- PCR test for coronavirus (анализ) - 1500₽
- Antibodies to helicobacter in the blood
- Enzyme immunoassay (ELISA)
- Antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, IgM and IgG (igm) - 800₽
- Determination of antibodies to STIs
- Analysis for antibodies to ureaplasma (igg) - 400₽
- Antibodies to chlamydia trachomatis (igg) - 310₽
- Antibodies to mycoplasma hominis (igg) - 270₽
- Antibodies to trichomonas (igg) - 400₽
- Determination of antibodies to bacterial infections
- Analysis for antibodies to borrelia (igg) - 715₽
- Analysis for antibodies to the causative agent of tetanus (асл-о) - 620₽
- Determination of antibodies to helminths
- Analysis for antibodies to ascarids (2) - 325₽
- Analysis for antibodies to toxocars (igg кач.) - 455₽
- Determination of antibodies to intestinal infections
- Analysis for antibodies to aspergillus - 1235₽
- Determination of antibodies to protozoa
- Analysis for antibodies to giardia (igm) - 520₽
- Analysis for antibodies to toxoplasma (igg) - 455₽
Analysis for antibodies to toxoplasma (авидность) - 270₽
- Determination of antibodies to the causative agent of syphilis
- Syphilis RPR test - 300₽
- Determination of antibodies to the herpes virus
- Analysis for antibodies to Varicella-Zoster virus (igm) - 450₽
- Antibodies to herpes simplex virus type 1 and 2 (herpes simplex virus types 1, 2) - 350₽
- Epstein-Barr virus antibody test (anti-ebv-vca igм) - 400₽
Epstein-Barr virus antibody test (иммуноблот igm) - 4530₽
- Determination of antibodies to viruses
- Analysis for antibodies to the measles virus (igm) - 500₽
- Analysis for antibodies to the mumps virus (igm) - 700₽
- Analysis for antibodies to the rubella virus (2) - 550₽
Analysis for antibodies to the rubella virus - 520₽ - Analysis for antibodies to tick-borne encephalitis virus (igm) - 445₽
- Antibodies to cytomegalovirus (igm) - 450₽
- Determination of infectious antigens in feces
- Analysis of feces on cryptosporidia - 850₽
- HCV-RNA (serum) - research (anti-hcv общ.) - 650₽
- Evaluation of the hemostasis system
- ACTV - 300₽
- Antithrombin III - 390₽
- Blood Fibrinogen - 450₽
- Coagulogram (стандартная) - 1450₽
- D-dimer (2) - 1350₽
- MNO - 610₽
- Thrombin time - 260₽
- General clinical studies
- Blood tests
- ESR - 130₽
- General blood test (анализатор микроскопия) - 500₽
- LE cells - 780₽
- Research on malarial plasmodium - 700₽
- Reticulocytes - 300₽
- Research of other biological secrets
- Microscopic examination of sputum - 500₽
- Nasal secretion microscopy (rhinocytogram) - 500₽
- Sputum examination for acid-resistant mycobacteria - 350₽
- Stool studies
- Coprogram - 500₽
- Eggs of worms in feces (обычный) - 300₽
- Protozoa in feces - 270₽
- Scraping for enterobiosis (забор материала) - 200₽
Scraping for enterobiosis (исследование) - 350₽ - Stool analysis for hidden blood (стандартный) - 840₽
- Studies of skin and mucous scrapings
- Scraping from nail plates on mushrooms (исследование) - 450₽
- Skin examination for demodex (анализ кожи) - 450₽
Skin examination for demodex (анализ ресниц) - 390₽ - Skin scraping for pathogenic fungi - 450₽
- Studies of the separated urogenital tract
- Microscopy of prostate secretions - 400₽
- Microscopy of prostate secretions in urine - 400₽
- Smear on flora in women - 500₽
Smear on flora in women (взятие мазка) - 150₽ - Spermogram (базовая) - 1100₽
- Urine tests
- General urine analysis - 300₽
- Three-cup urine sample - 450₽
- Two-cup urine sample - 370₽
- Urine analysis by Nechiporenko - 320₽
- Zimnitsky 's test - 400₽
- Blood tests
- Genetic research
- Genetic predisposition tests
- Analysis for HLA-B27 antigen (2) - 3770₽
- HLA typing
- HLA-typing Class I - 3770₽
- Genetic predisposition tests
- Genodiagnostics of hereditary diseases
- Genodiagnostics of diseases of the nervous system
- Darsonvalization extra - cavity - 400₽
- Genodiagnostics of Huntington's disease (chorea) (HTT gene) (ген htt) - 4000₽
- Genodiagnostics of myotonic dystrophy (dmpk (1 тип)) - 3440₽
- Genodiagnostics of spinocerebellar ataxia (atxn7 (7 тип)) - 3440₽
- Genodiagnostics of metabolic diseases
- Genodiagnostics of lactose intolerance (2) - 1300₽
- Genodiagnostics of diseases of the nervous system
- Histological studies
- Examination of bronchus/lung/pleura biopsy - 2300₽
- Histological examination of the surgical material - 2600₽
- Histology of a biopsy of female genital organs - 4200₽
- Histology of a biopsy of male genitalia - 5500₽
- Histology of a biopsy of the esophagus/stomach/12p. intestine (2) - 2300₽
- Histology of biopsy of ENT organ mucosa - 2300₽
- Histology of biopsy of organs of the urinary system - 2300₽
- Histology of salivary gland biopsy - 2300₽
- Histology of the biopsy of the colon and rectum - 4200₽
- Histology of the oral cavity biopsy - 2300₽
- Histology of the orbit biopsy - 2300₽
- Histology of the removed skin neoplasm - 1430₽
- Immunohistochemical examination of the material - 2730₽
- Hormonal studies
- Examination of thyroid function
- Blood Triiodothyronine - 450₽
- Free Thyroxine - 600₽
- Free Triiodthyronine - 500₽
- Thyroglobulin - 450₽
- Thyroid - stimulating hormone (ттг) - 600₽
- Thyroxine - 500₽
- Investigation of pancreatic function
- C-peptide in the blood - 455₽
- Investigation of pituitary and epiphysis function
- ACTH (актг) - 520₽
- Somatomedin-C in the blood - 1250₽
- Somatotropic hormone - 455₽
- Other hormones
- Erythropoietin - 1100₽
- Leptin - 754₽
- Pregnancy monitoring
- Free b-HCG (free b-HCG) (free b-hcg) - 1300₽
- Free estriol (E3) (е3) - 455₽
- HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) (хорионический гонадотропин человека) - 500₽
- PAPP-A (ассоциированный с беременностью белок а) - 2500₽
- Sex hormones
- 17-OH progesterone - 455₽
- 17-ketosteroids (17-CS) (стандартный) - 1500₽
- Androstenediol glucuronide - 770₽
- Androstenedione - 325₽
- Anti - Muller hormone - 1230₽
- DHEA-s - 390₽
- Dihydrotestosterone - 730₽
- Estradiol - 600₽
- Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) (фсг) - 600₽
- GSPS (GSPG) for men (гспг) - 625₽
- Inhibin B - 1200₽
- Luteinizing Hormone (лг) - 600₽
- Progesterone - 650₽
- Prolactin - 600₽
- Testosterone - 600₽
- Testosterone Free - 570₽
- Studies of bone metabolism
- Calcitonin in the blood - 650₽
- Marker of bone resorption β-CrossLaps - 780₽
- Oligomeric matrix protein of cartilage (COMP) (comp) - 2405₽
- Osteocalcin in the blood - 670₽
- Parathyroid hormone in the blood - 970₽
- Study of adrenal function
- Aldosterone - 700₽
- Aldosterone-renin ratio - 1700₽
- Catecholamines in the blood - 2600₽
- Catecholamines in urine (катехоламины) - 2600₽
- Cortisol analysis (в крови) - 600₽
Cortisol analysis (в моче) - 975₽ - Renin in the blood (прямой тест) - 1300₽
- Urine Metanephrines (общие) - 3250₽
- Examination of thyroid function
- Immune status research
- Cellular and humoral immunity
- Circulating Immune Complexes (CEC) (цик) - 350₽
- Immunoglobulin A (IgA) in the blood - 260₽
- Immunoglobulin G (IgG) in the blood - 260₽
- Immunoglobulin M (IgM) in the blood - 260₽
- Complement level study
- Complement (C3) (с3) - 455₽
- Complement (C4) (с4) - 455₽
- Cellular and humoral immunity
- Isoserology
- Antierythrocytic (antiresus) antibodies - 520₽
- Antigroup antibodies (Antibodies according to the ABO system) - 500₽
- Blood type and Rh factor - 720₽
- Markers of autoimmune diseases
- Anti-C1q Antibody - 1430₽
- Markers of antiphospholipid syndrome
- Antibodies to cardiolipin (igg) - 1625₽
- Antibodies to phospholipids - 715₽
- Markers of autoimmune endocrinopathy
- AT to steroid-producing adrenal cells (суммарно) - 1755₽
- Antibodies to TSH receptors - 2145₽
- Antibodies to beta cells of the pancreas - 1600₽
- Antibodies to glutamate decarboxylase (GAD) (gad) - 1700₽
- Antibodies to insulin - 1235₽
- Antibodies to thyroglobulin in the blood test - 450₽
- Antibodies to thyroperoxidase in the blood test (ат-тпо) - 450₽
- Markers of autoimmune infertility
- Antiovarial antibodies - 1120₽
- Antisperm antibodies (ASAT) (асат) - 1000₽
- MAR-test for antisperm antibodies (igg) - 450₽
- Markers of autoimmune lesions of the gastrointestinal tract
- Antibodies to endomysium (iga и igg) - 1235₽
- Antibodies to gliadin (2) - 1120₽
- Antibodies to goblet cells of the intestine (BCC) (бкк) - 4750₽
- Antibodies to mitochondria (AMA) (ama) - 1300₽
- Antibodies to reticulin - 1235₽
- Antibodies to smooth muscles - 1430₽
- Antibodies to the microsomal fraction of the liver and kidneys (anti-LKM) (анти-lkm) - 1400₽
- Antibodies to the parietal cells of the stomach - 1300₽
- Antibodies to tissue transglutaminase (igg) - 1235₽
- Markers of autoimmune neuropathies
- Antibodies to aquaporin 4 - 3600₽
- Antibodies to skeletal muscles - 1625₽
- Antibodies to the acetylcholine receptor - 5525₽
- Oligoclonal IgG in cerebrospinal fluid and blood serum (комплекс (+ легкие цепи)) - 6045₽
Oligoclonal IgG in cerebrospinal fluid and blood serum (изоэлектрофокусирование олиголонального igg в ликворе) - 4800₽
- Markers of autoimmune skin lesions
- Antibodies to desmoglein 1 - 1885₽
- Antibodies to desmoglein 3 - 1885₽
- Antibodies to skin desmosomes (ADA) (ада) - 2145₽
- Antibodies to the BP180 protein - 1885₽
- Antibodies to the BP230 protein - 1885₽
- Antibodies to the basal membrane of the skin (ABM) (абм) - 2145₽
- Markers of other autoimmune lesions
- Angiotensin Converting Enzyme (ACE) (активность антиотензин-превращающего фермента в сыворотке крови) - 2145₽
- Antibodies to platelets - 1870₽
- Antibodies to the myocardium - 1755₽
- Markers of rheumatoid arthritis
- Antibodies to citrullinated vimentin (MCV) (mcv) - 1625₽
- Antibodies to cyclic citrulline peptide (anti-SSR) (anti-сср) - 1810₽
- Antibodies to keratin (AKA) (только ака) - 1625₽
Antibodies to keratin (AKA) (совместно с апф) - 2470₽ - Determination of rheumatoid factor - 400₽
- Immunological examination of synovial fluid (2) - 1950₽
- Markers of systemic collagenoses
- Antibodies to ds DNA - 2400₽
- Antibodies to extractable nuclear antigens (ENA) (ena) - 1270₽
- Antibodies to nucleosomes - 1600₽
- Antinuclear factor (анф) - 1180₽
- Markers of systemic vasculitis and kidney damage
- Antibodies to myeloperoxidase (MRO) (мро) - 1170₽
- Antibodies to neutrophil cytoplasm (ANCA) (igg) - 2060₽
- Antibodies to proteinase 3 (PR3) (pr3) - 1170₽
- Antibodies to the basement membrane of the glomeruli of the kidneys - 1890₽
- Endothelial Antibodies (HUVEC) (huvec) - 1755₽
- Microbiological studies
- Seeding of the separated respiratory tract
- Sowing a smear from the pharynx on the microflora - 550₽
- Seeding of the separated urogenital tract
- Seeding for ureaplasm with determination of sensitivity (mycoplasma hominis и ureaplasma species) - 1720₽
- Seeding for ureaplasm with determination of sensitivity in women (mycoplasma hominis и ureaplasma species) - 1720₽
- Sowing a smear from the genital tract on the flora with an antibioticogram - 700₽
- Sowing for candida with determination of sensitivity - 570₽
- Sowing for candida with the determination of sensitivity in women - 570₽
- Sowing for flora with an antibioticogram in women - 700₽
- Sowing for gonococci with determination of sensitivity - 500₽
- Sowing for mycoplasma with determination of sensitivity - 1720₽
- Sowing for mycoplasma with the determination of sensitivity in women - 1720₽
- Sowing blood
- Blood culture for sterility - 1235₽
- Sowing feces
- Determination of pathogen sensitivity to antibiotics - 550₽
- Fecal culture on pathogenic intestinal flora (патогенная м.ф.) - 500₽
- Sowing feces for dysbiosis - 1200₽
- Seeding of the separated respiratory tract
- Allergological studies
- Conservative treatment in andrology
- Manipulations in andrology
- Prostate massage (получение секрета простаты) - 1000₽
- Manipulations in andrology
- Consultations in andrology
- Consultation of a urologist (повторный 2) - 2000₽
Consultation of a urologist (повторная врач к.м.н.) - 2500₽
- Consultation of a urologist (повторный 2) - 2000₽
- Operations on the scrotum
- Hydrocele operations
- Bergman's Operation (1-я категория) - 12000₽
- Operations for varicocele
- Ivanissevich 's operation (1-я категория) - 10000₽
- Laparoscopic excision of the testicular vein (1 сторона) - 10000₽
- Operation Marmara (односторонняя) - 10000₽
- Hydrocele operations
- Prostate surgery
- Removal of prostate adenoma
- Transurethral resection of the prostate (до 60 куб. см) - 8000₽
- Removal of prostate adenoma
- Conservative treatment in andrology
- Endovascular surgery
- Endovascular neurosurgery
- Embolization of branches of the external carotid artery - 25000₽
- Endovascular surgery on arteries
- Embolization of the renal artery - 25000₽
- Endovascular neurosurgery
- Operations on arterial vessels
- Reconstructions of the aorto-ilio-femoral segment
- Embolization of the branches of the internal iliac artery - 25000₽
- Reconstructions of the aorto-ilio-femoral segment
- Endovascular surgery
- Consultations of adult specialists
- Consultations in cardiology and vascular surgery
- Consultation of an arrhythmologist (д.м.н., профессор) - 4000₽
- Consultation with a cardiologist (повторная врач) - 2000₽
Consultation with a cardiologist (повторная врач к.м.н.) - 2500₽
Consultation with a cardiologist (повторная д.м.н., профессор) - 3900₽
- Consultations in dentistry
- Consultation of a dentist-surgeon (повторная врач) - 2000₽
- Consultation of a maxillofacial surgeon (повторная врач) - 2000₽
- Consultation of an orthopedic dentist (врач) - 2000₽
Consultation of an orthopedic dentist (повторная врач) - 1700₽ - Dentist consultation (врач) - 2000₽
Dentist consultation (повторная врач) - 1700₽ - Orthodontist consultation (врач) - 2000₽
Orthodontist consultation (повторная врач) - 3900₽
- Consultations in endocrinology
- Consultation of an endocrinologist (2) - 2000₽
Consultation of an endocrinologist (повторная врач к.м.н.) - 2500₽
- Consultation of an endocrinologist (2) - 2000₽
- Consultations in neurology
- Consultation of a chiropractor (врач) - 1800₽
- Consultation of a neurologist (врач) - 2000₽
Consultation of a neurologist (врач к.м.н.) - 2500₽
- Consultations in ophthalmology
- Consultation of an ophthalmologist (врач) - 2000₽
Consultation of an ophthalmologist (врач к.м.н.) - 2500₽
Consultation of an ophthalmologist - 1700₽
- Consultation of an ophthalmologist (врач) - 2000₽
- Consultations in otolaryngology
- Consultation of an otolaryngologist (2) - 2000₽
Consultation of an otolaryngologist (врач) - 1150₽
Consultation of an otolaryngologist (врач к.м.н.) - 2500₽
- Consultation of an otolaryngologist (2) - 2000₽
- Consultations in psychiatry and narcology
- Psychiatric consultation (врач) - 1150₽
- Consultations in pulmonology
- Consultation of a pulmonologist (повторная врач) - 2000₽
- Consultations in rheumatology
- Consultation of a rheumatologist (врач) - 2000₽
- Specialists of restorative medicine
- Consultation of a physical therapy doctor (повторная врач) - 1500₽
- Consultations in cardiology and vascular surgery
- Consultations of adult specialists
- Cellular rejuvenation
- Plasmolifting
- Plasmolifting of gums - 11000₽
- Plasmolifting of the scalp - 5000₽
- Plasmolifting
- Contour plastic
- Intimate contouring
- Contouring of the labia majora - 15000₽
- Contouring of the labia minora - 15000₽
- Intimate plasmolifting - 5000₽
- Intimate contouring
- Massage in cosmetology
- Body massage in cosmetology
- Anti-cellulite massage (60 минут) - 2500₽
- Facial massage
- Classic facial massage - 600₽
- Body massage in cosmetology
- Mechanical facial peeling
- Hardware peeling
- Facial dermabrasion - 15000₽
- Hardware peeling
- Non-surgical liposuction
- Radiofrequency liposuction
- Radiofrequency hip liposuction - 30000₽
- Radiofrequency liposuction of hands - 30000₽
- Radiofrequency liposuction of the buttocks (bodytite) - 30000₽
- Radiofrequency liposuction of the knees (bodytite) - 30000₽
- Radiofrequency liposuction of the sides (bodytite) - 30000₽
- Radiofrequency liposuction
- Physiotherapy in cosmetology
- Darsonvalization
- Darsonvalization of the scalp - 400₽
- Darsonvalization
- Spa treatments
- Wraps
- Algae Wrap - 2700₽
- Mud Wrap - 1800₽
- Thermoactive wrapping - 4100₽
- Wraps
- Cellular rejuvenation
- Aesthetic dentistry
- Restoration of teeth
- Cosmetic restoration of teeth - 10300₽
- Restoration of the crown part of the tooth - 13000₽
- Restoration veneers
- Ceramic Veneer - 28800₽
- Teeth whitening
- Amazing white Teeth Whitening (домашнее) - 8860₽
- Intracoronal tooth whitening - 4200₽
- Kappa for home whitening (на 1 челюсть) - 5000₽
- Teeth whitening ZOOM 3 - 28000₽
- Teeth whitening ZOOM 4 (одна челюсть) - 28000₽
- Restoration of teeth
- Anesthesia in dentistry
- Anesthesia application in dentistry - 150₽
- Infiltration anesthesia in dentistry - 700₽
- Dental implantation
- Classical implantation of 1 tooth - 30000₽
- Implantation of a protective membrane - 15000₽
- Installing the abutment (инд. обычный (cocr/tio2)) - 8600₽
Installing the abutment (индив. диоксид циркония) - 25300₽ - Production of a surgical template - 12700₽
- Diagnostics in dentistry
- Drawing up a dental treatment plan
- Application of a caries marker (indicator) (индикатора) - 100₽
- Determination of hygiene indices - 300₽
- Determination of periodontal indices - 250₽
- Drawing up a dental treatment plan
- Maxillofacial surgery
- Operations on the jaws
- Distraction of the jaw (2) - 18000₽
- Ligature binding of teeth - 450₽
- Operations on the jaws
- Orthodontics
- Aligners for teeth alignment
- Aligners of Star Smile (medium (до 20 капп)) - 195000₽
Aligners of Star Smile (full (неограниченно)) - 270000₽ - Invisalign Aligners (без уточнения) - 368000₽
- Aligners of Star Smile (medium (до 20 капп)) - 195000₽
- Braces
- Activation and correction of the bracket system - 3100₽
- Ceramic braces (все включено) - 60000₽
- H4 Braces (на 1 челюсть) - 60000₽
- Lingual braces (incognito (германия), все включено) - 150000₽
- Metal braces (все включено) - 45000₽
- Re-fixation of braces - 2500₽
- Removing the bracket system (одна челюсть) - 5000₽
- Sapphire braces (damon clear (ormco, сша), все включено) - 70000₽
Sapphire braces (inspire ice (ormco, сша), все включено) - 60000₽ - Self-ligating braces (smartclip (3m unitek, сша), все включено) - 55000₽
Self-ligating braces (damon q (ormco, сша), все включено) - 60000₽
- Extra - cellular devices
- Face Mask - 10200₽
- The facial arc - 3150₽
- Functional devices
- Trainer system - 17000₽
- Mechanical devices
- Palatal dilator - 15000₽
- Plate with Bertoni screw (с накусочной площадкой) - 5500₽
- The Nance device (Nance) (аппарат) - 5700₽
- Retainers
- Non-removable retainer for one jaw - 5000₽
- Removable retainer for one jaw (металлическая дуга) - 10000₽
- Aligners for teeth alignment
- Pediatric dentistry
- Prevention of caries and oral hygiene in children
- Professional oral hygiene in children (молочный прикус) - 2500₽
- Sealing of fissures in children (неинвазивная) - 2600₽
- Teaching a child oral hygiene - 400₽
- Tooth extraction in children
- Removal of a baby tooth (неподвижного) - 2750₽
Removal of a baby tooth (подвижного) - 1200₽ - Removal of a permanent tooth to a child (сложное удаление) - 4000₽
- Removal of a baby tooth (неподвижного) - 2750₽
- Treatment of caries and its complications in children
- Silvering of a tooth to a child - 3000₽
- Treatment of caries of a baby tooth - 4850₽
- Prevention of caries and oral hygiene in children
- Periodontology
- Surgical periodontics
- Closing the Gum Recession - 5500₽
Closing the Gum Recession (свободным лоскутом) - 12800₽ - Flap surgery in the tooth area (простая) - 14900₽
Flap surgery in the tooth area (с остеопластикой) - 19100₽
Flap surgery in the tooth area (с направленной регенераций) - 9000₽ - Gingivectomy (обычная) - 1500₽
Gingivectomy (2) - 7400₽ - Gingivoplasty (мукогингивопластика) - 2000₽
- Opening of an abscess of the oral cavity (поднадкостничный) - 1100₽
Opening of an abscess of the oral cavity - 1000₽ - Vestibuloplasty (обычная) - 9800₽
- Closing the Gum Recession - 5500₽
- Therapeutic periodontics
- Curettage of the periodontal pocket (закрытый) - 2500₽
- Medical treatment of the periodontal pocket - 300₽
- Selective grinding of the tooth - 400₽
- Splinting of the tooth (glasspan / керамика) - 6500₽
Splinting of the tooth (гелиокомпозит (1-2 зуба)) - 4700₽ - Treatment of gums with Vector (без уточнения) - 6500₽
Treatment of gums with Vector (1 челюсть) - 15000₽
- Surgical periodontics
- Prosthetics of teeth
- Crowns for teeth
- Metal-ceramic crown (обычная) - 17300₽
- Metal-free crown (бескаркасная) - 28800₽
Metal-free crown - 34500₽ - Plastic crown (лабораторная) - 2900₽
Plastic crown (прямой метод) - 4600₽ - Solid crown (обычная) - 9800₽
- Temporary Crown (лабораторный метод) - 2900₽
Temporary Crown (прямой метод) - 2600₽
- Dental tabs
- Ceramic tab - 21900₽
- Solid-cast stump tab (однокорневая обычная) - 7500₽
Solid-cast stump tab (многокорневая (разборная)) - 9200₽
Solid-cast stump tab (однокорневая из спецсплава) - 20000₽
Solid-cast stump tab (разборная из спецсплава) - 32000₽
- Other orthopedic services
- Diagnostic model for prosthetics - 1600₽
- Fixing the crown on cement (постоянный) - 1800₽
- Individual Impression Spoon - 4100₽
- Production of a protective mouth guard - 6500₽
- Removal of the dental crown (цельнолитой) - 500₽
Removal of the dental crown (штампованной) - 700₽ - Restoration of the tooth stump under the crown - 5600₽
- Wax modeling of a tooth - 1200₽
- Prosthetics on implants
- Metal-ceramic crown for the implant (обычная) - 17000₽
Metal-ceramic crown for the implant (трансокклюзионный винт) - 18000₽ - Removable prosthesis on implants - 115000₽
- Zirconium dioxide crown for the implant - 46000₽
- Metal-ceramic crown for the implant (обычная) - 17000₽
- Removable prosthetics of teeth
- Acry-Free Prosthesis (частичный съемный) - 46000₽
Acry-Free Prosthesis (микропротез) - 28800₽ - Clasp denture (кламмерный) - 63300₽
Clasp denture (обычный аттачмен) - 57500₽
Clasp denture (замок мк) - 94300₽
Clasp denture (телескопический) - 155300₽ - Immediate prosthesis (акриловый) - 20200₽
- Nylon Denture (частичный) - 40000₽
- Plate denture (частичный) - 28800₽
Plate denture - 34500₽
- Acry-Free Prosthesis (частичный съемный) - 46000₽
- Repair and correction of dentures
- Relocation of a removable prosthesis - 6400₽
- Repair of a removable prosthesis - 10600₽
- Repair of metal-ceramic chip - 3500₽
- Welding of the 1st clamp to the prosthesis - 6400₽
- Crowns for teeth
- Surgical dentistry
- Operations in dentistry
- Cystectomy of a tooth cyst (простая) - 4000₽
- Elongation of the crown part of the tooth - 4500₽
- Excision of the hood in pericoronitis (промывание, рассечение и/или иссечение капюшона) - 1450₽
- Plastic surgery of the frenulum of the lower lip (лазерная коррекция) - 6000₽
Plastic surgery of the frenulum of the lower lip (без уточнения) - 3500₽ - Plastic tongue frenulum (хирургическое) - 6000₽
- Removal of oral neoplasms - 3400₽
- Resection of the top of the tooth root - 5000₽
- Tooth hemisection - 4000₽
- Tooth root amputation - 4000₽
- Upper lip frenulum plastic surgery (обычная) - 3500₽
Upper lip frenulum plastic surgery (лазерная) - 6000₽
- Osteoplasty in dentistry
- Implantation of osteoconductive material - 15000₽
- Plastic surgery of the alveolar ridge - 26000₽
- Sinus lifting (закрытый) - 15000₽
Sinus lifting - 25000₽
- Salivary gland surgery
- Augmentation of the salivary gland duct - 2500₽
- Surgical manipulations in dentistry
- Curettage of the tooth hole - 2400₽
- Tooth extraction
- Permanent tooth removal (простое удаление) - 3500₽
Permanent tooth removal (сложное удаление) - 5500₽ - Removal of a dental implant - 4500₽
- Removal of a dystopian tooth (1 категория) - 8000₽
Removal of a dystopian tooth (2) - 13000₽ - Removal of a retinated tooth - 8000₽
- Removal of an overcomplicated tooth (1 категория) - 8000₽
Removal of an overcomplicated tooth (2 категория) - 13000₽ - Tooth root removal - 9000₽
- Permanent tooth removal (простое удаление) - 3500₽
- Operations in dentistry
- Therapeutic dentistry
- Endodontics
- Complex treatment of pulpitis - 5990₽
- Treatment of double-channel tooth pulpitis (разное) - 4000₽
- Treatment of pulpitis of a four-channel tooth (разное) - 8060₽
- Filling of carious cavities
- Caries treatment by Icon system - 4200₽
- Removing the old seal - 800₽
- Tooth filling (2) - 4600₽
Tooth filling (светополимер) - 1700₽
Tooth filling (стеклоиономер) - 3600₽
Tooth filling (химический композит) - 1950₽ - Treatment of superficial caries - 5400₽
- Hygiene and prevention
- Coating with fluorine preparation (один зуб) - 1000₽
Coating with fluorine preparation (все зубы) - 1800₽ - Professional oral hygiene (без брекетов) - 8700₽
Professional oral hygiene (с брекетами) - 2500₽ - Teeth cleaning 'Air-flow' (2) - 5500₽
- Ultrasonic teeth cleaning (одна челюсть) - 2800₽
- Coating with fluorine preparation (один зуб) - 1000₽
- Treatment of dental canals
- Closure of tooth root perforation (2) - 2520₽
- Installing the in-channel pin (стекловолоконный) - 1800₽
- Removal of a foreign body of the root canal - 5000₽
- Removing the pin from the root canal - 4600₽
- Root Canal Treatment (механическая) - 2900₽
- Root canal filling (termafill) - 1900₽
- Root canal sealing (паста) - 1820₽
- Setting a temporary seal - 760₽
- Temporary filling of the root canal - 800₽
- Endodontics
- Aesthetic dentistry
- Acne Treatment
- Mechanical removal of blackheads
- Opening of the infiltrate of the skin (acne element) (2 категория) - 2000₽
- Mechanical removal of blackheads
- Consultations in dermatology
- Consultation with a dermatologist - 1150₽
Consultation with a dermatologist (повторная врач) - 2000₽
- Consultation with a dermatologist - 1150₽
- Diagnostics in dermatology
- Biopsy in dermatology
- Skin biopsy - 2500₽
- Biopsy in dermatology
- Mycology
- Treatment of nail fungus
- Surgical removal of a fungal nail - 2200₽
- Treatment of nail fungus
- Podology
- Corn removal
- Surgical excision of a corn - 2000₽
- Corn removal
- Removal of formations on the skin
- Keratoma removal
- Laser removal of keratoma (до 0,5 см) - 1800₽
Laser removal of keratoma (0,5 - 1см) - 3000₽
Laser removal of keratoma (более 1 см) - 4500₽
- Laser removal of keratoma (до 0,5 см) - 1800₽
- Laser removal of skin neoplasms
- Laser removal of warts (до 0,5 см) - 1800₽
Laser removal of warts (0,5 - 1см) - 3000₽
Laser removal of warts (более 1 см) - 4500₽ - Removal of moles by laser (до 5 мм) - 2500₽
Removal of moles by laser (более 5 мм) - 4000₽
Removal of moles by laser (более 10 мм) - 5500₽
Removal of moles by laser - 3000₽ - Removal of papillomas by laser (5-10 шт) - 5000₽
Removal of papillomas by laser (до 5 шт) - 1800₽
- Laser removal of warts (до 0,5 см) - 1800₽
- Removal of atheroma
- Surgical excision of atheroma (2 - 5 см) - 5000₽
Surgical excision of atheroma - 2500₽
- Surgical excision of atheroma (2 - 5 см) - 5000₽
- Removal of dermatofibroma
- Surgical excision of dermatofibroma (1-2 см) - 2500₽
- Removal of hemangiomas
- Surgical removal of hemangioma (более 2 см) - 5000₽
- Removal of the cutaneous horn
- Laser removal of the skin horn - 1800₽
- Removal of xanthelasma
- Surgical excision of xanthelasma (0,3-0,5 см) - 5400₽
- Xanthoma removal
- Surgical removal of xanthoma (до 1 см) - 2500₽
- Keratoma removal
- Removal of scars on the skin
- Scar removal with cosmetic suture (5-10 см) - 35000₽
Scar removal with cosmetic suture (1 кв. см) - 5000₽
Scar removal with cosmetic suture - 15000₽ - Scar removal with plastic surgery by local tissues (до 5 см) - 30000₽
- Scar removal with cosmetic suture (5-10 см) - 35000₽
- Acne Treatment
- Computed tomography (CT)
- CT of abdominal organs
- CT of the abdominal cavity (обп с контрастом) - 4700₽
CT of the abdominal cavity (без контраста) - 3700₽
CT of the abdominal cavity - 5500₽ - CT of the adrenal glands (без учета контраста) - 3700₽
CT of the adrenal glands (без учета стоимости контрастного вещества) - 4700₽ - CT of the heart (левое предсердие и лёг. вены) - 7000₽
- CT of the kidneys (без учета контраста) - 3700₽
CT of the kidneys (с контрастом) - 4700₽ - CT of the pelvic organs (без учета контраста) - 3500₽
CT of the pelvic organs (с контрастом) - 4500₽ - CT of the thoracic cavity organs - 3200₽
CT of the thoracic cavity organs (огк с контрастом) - 7200₽ - CT of the urinary system (без учета контраста) - 4500₽
CT of the urinary system (без учета стоимости контрастного вещества) - 4900₽ - CT-virtual bronchoscopy (мскт) - 5700₽
- CT of the abdominal cavity (обп с контрастом) - 4700₽
- CT of soft tissues
- CT of the larynx (без учета контраста) - 3500₽
- CT of the soft tissues of the neck - 4000₽
CT of the soft tissues of the neck (без учета стоимости контрастного вещества) - 5700₽
- CT of the head
- CT of temporal bones (мскт) - 3500₽
- CT of the facial skeleton (мскт) - 4500₽
- CT of the jaw (нижняя челюсть) - 3500₽
CT of the jaw (обе челюсти) - 4500₽ - CT of the paranasal sinuses (без учета контраста) - 3200₽
- CT orbits (без учета контраста) - 3500₽
- CT scan of the brain (с контрастом) - 4500₽
CT scan of the brain (без контраста) - 3500₽
- CT of the musculoskeletal system
- CT of the ankle joint (один сустав) - 3500₽
CT of the ankle joint (оба сустава) - 5500₽ - CT of the bone - 3500₽
- CT of the brush (мскт) - 3500₽
- CT of the elbow joint - 5500₽
CT of the elbow joint (один сустав) - 3500₽ - CT of the foot (кт) - 3500₽
- CT of the hip joint (один сустав) - 3500₽
CT of the hip joint (оба сустава) - 5500₽ - CT of the knee joint - 3500₽
CT of the knee joint (оба сустава) - 5500₽ - CT of the shoulder joint (один сустав) - 3500₽
CT of the shoulder joint - 5500₽ - CT of the spine (грудной отдел) - 3500₽
- CT of the wrist joint (один сустав) - 3500₽
CT of the wrist joint (оба сустава) - 5500₽
- CT of the ankle joint (один сустав) - 3500₽
- CT of vessels
- CT of coronary calcium - 3500₽
- CT of peripheral arteries (с контрастом) - 11000₽
- CT of the aorta (брюшной с контрастом) - 13500₽
- CT of the neck vessels (с контрастом) - 10300₽
- CT-coronarography (с контрастом) - 11000₽
- Contrast in CT - 1500₽
- CBCT of the temporomandibular joint - 1000₽
- KLKT of jaws (обе челюсти) - 3000₽
KLKT of jaws (верхняя челюсть) - 2250₽
- CT of abdominal organs
- Endoscopy
- Endoscopy in gynecology
- Colposcopy (простая) - 1900₽
- Diagnostic laparoscopy in gynecology (с хромосальпингоскопией) - 49500₽
Diagnostic laparoscopy in gynecology (без биопсии) - 44000₽ - Hysteroscopy (2 категория) - 17000₽
Hysteroscopy (2) - 21000₽
- Gastrointestinal endoscopy
- Capsule endoscopy (тонкокишечная (без стоим. обор.)) - 50000₽
- Chromoscopy of the esophagus and stomach - 700₽
- Colon chromoscopy - 700₽
- Colonoscopy - 5800₽
- Diagnostic laparoscopy (первичная) - 44000₽
- Endoscopic biopsy of the large intestine (сигмовидная кишка) - 300₽
- Endoscopic biopsy of the stomach, 12-p. intestine - 300₽
- Esophagoscopy - 1800₽
- Gastroscopy (EGDS) (без наркоза) - 3900₽
- Rectoromanoscopy (диагностическая) - 1350₽
- Rectosigmoscopy (стандартная) - 4200₽
- Respiratory tract endoscopy
- Bronchoscopy (без наркоза) - 3700₽
Bronchoscopy (с биопсией) - 300₽ - Tracheoscopy (диагностическая) - 3700₽
- Bronchoscopy (без наркоза) - 3700₽
- Urinary tract endoscopy
- Cystoscopy in men (без биопсии) - 3500₽
- Cystoscopy in women (без биопсии) - 3500₽
- Ureteroscopy (без биопсии) - 8000₽
- Endoscopy in gynecology
- Functional diagnostics
- Cardiovascular EFI
- Bicycle Ergometry (VEM) - 4300₽
- Daily monitoring by Holter (экг + ад) - 3600₽
Daily monitoring by Holter (только экг) - 2500₽
Daily monitoring by Holter - 4950₽ - Electrocardiography (ECG) (с расшифровкой) - 500₽
Electrocardiography (ECG) (чреспищеводная (чпэкг)) - 3500₽
Electrocardiography (ECG) (без описания) - 380₽ - Passive orthostatic test (Tilt-test) (тилт-тест) - 3500₽
- Research using load tests
- Ergospirometry - 5500₽
- SMAD (24 часа) - 2000₽
- Treadmill test - 4300₽
- EFI of the neuromuscular system
- Electroencephalography (EEG) (с пробами) - 2600₽
- Electroneurography - 4500₽
- Electroneuromyography (ENMG) - 4500₽
- Cardiovascular EFI
- Contrast in MRI - 4700₽
- Full body MRI (без контраста) - 10200₽
- MRI of abdominal organs
- MRI cholangiography - 5150₽
- MRI of the abdominal cavity (обп с контрастом) - 6300₽
MRI of the abdominal cavity (обп без контраста) - 6100₽
MRI of the abdominal cavity - 7500₽ - MRI of the heart (без учета контраста) - 7500₽
MRI of the heart (с контрастированием) - 14000₽ - MRI of the intestine (с контрастированием) - 14000₽
- MRI of the liver (с контрастированием) - 6900₽
MRI of the liver (2) - 8400₽ - MRI of the retroperitoneal space (с контрастированием) - 5300₽
- MRPHG (MRI pancreatocholangiography) (мрт-панкреатохолангиография) - 8300₽
- Mediastinal MRI (без учета контраста) - 5600₽
Mediastinal MRI (с контрастированием) - 6300₽
- MRI of soft tissues
- MRI of soft tissues (1 localization) (с контрастированием) - 6700₽
MRI of soft tissues (1 localization) (2) - 5900₽ - MRI of soft tissues of the limb (2) - 6700₽
- MRI of the brachial plexus (без учета контраста) - 7500₽
MRI of the brachial plexus (с контрастированием) - 8100₽ - MRI of the external genitalia in men (без учета контраста) - 5700₽
MRI of the external genitalia in men (с контрастированием) - 5850₽ - MRI of the mammary glands (без учета контраста) - 6000₽
MRI of the mammary glands (с контрастированием) - 12800₽
- MRI of soft tissues (1 localization) (с контрастированием) - 6700₽
- MRI of the head
- MRI of cranial nerves (1 pair) - 8400₽
- MRI of orbits and optic nerves (с контрастированием) - 5700₽
MRI of orbits and optic nerves (без учета контраста) - 8100₽ - MRI of temporal bones - 5500₽
- MRI of temporomandibular joints (оба сустава) - 7500₽
- MRI of the brain (без контраста) - 5100₽
MRI of the brain (с контрастом) - 5700₽
MRI of the brain - 8100₽ - MRI of the larynx (без учета контраста) - 5900₽
- MRI of the paranasal sinuses (без учета контраста) - 4400₽
MRI of the paranasal sinuses (с контрастированием) - 4500₽ - Pituitary MRI (с контрастированием) - 5400₽
Pituitary MRI - 8100₽
- MRI of the musculoskeletal system
- MRI myelography of the spine - 2600₽
- MRI of the ankle joint (без контраста) - 6400₽
MRI of the ankle joint (с контрастом) - 6600₽ - MRI of the brush - 6300₽
- MRI of the coccyx - 5100₽
- MRI of the craniovertebral junction (без учета контраста) - 3800₽
- MRI of the elbow joint (один сустав) - 6300₽
- MRI of the foot (без контраста) - 6500₽
- MRI of the hip joint (оба сустава) - 6200₽
- MRI of the knee joint (оба сустава) - 5900₽
- MRI of the sacroiliac joints (без контраста) - 5600₽
- MRI of the shoulder joint (без контраста) - 6300₽
- MRI of the spine (грудной отдел) - 5400₽
MRI of the spine (пояснично-крестцовый отдел) - 7800₽
MRI of the spine (весь позвоночник) - 13000₽
MRI of the spine - 9100₽ - MRI of the wrist joint (один сустав) - 6300₽
- MRI of the pelvic organs
- MRI of the kidneys - 5100₽
- MRI of the pelvic organs in men (без учета контраста) - 5900₽
MRI of the pelvic organs in men (с контрастированием) - 6100₽ - MRI of the pelvic organs in women - 5900₽
MRI of the pelvic organs in women (2) - 6100₽ - MRI urography - 4500₽
- Vascular MRI
- MRI of brain veins (без учета контраста) - 3900₽
- MRI of brain vessels (с контрастированием) - 5000₽
- MRI of intracranial arteries (без учета контраста) - 4500₽
- MRI of the aorta (брюшной отдел) - 6000₽
MRI of the aorta (брюшной + грудной с контрастом) - 7500₽
MRI of the aorta (без стоимости контрастного вещества) - 6500₽ - MRI of the inferior vena cava (одна область) - 3900₽
- MRI of the neck arteries - 4900₽
- Radiography
- Densitometry (позвоночника) - 1000₽
Densitometry (комплексная) - 2100₽ - Joint radiography
- Radiography of the acromioclavicular joint - 1300₽
- Radiography of the ankle joint (3 снимка) - 2100₽
Radiography of the ankle joint (стандарт (2 пр.)) - 1900₽ - Radiography of the elbow joint (стандарт (2 пр.)) - 1800₽
- Radiography of the hip joint - 1700₽
- Radiography of the knee joint (стандартный) - 1800₽
- Radiography of the pubic joint - 1300₽
- Radiography of the sacroiliac joint - 2100₽
- Radiography of the shoulder joint (стандарт (2 пр.)) - 1400₽
- Radiography of the sternoclavicular joint - 1300₽
- Radiography of the wrist joint (стандарт (2 пр.)) - 1800₽
- TMJ radiography - 2000₽
- Radiography in dentistry
- Orthopantomogram (в клинике) - 1350₽
- Radiography of the tooth - 400₽
- Telerentgenography (TRG) (боковая проекция) - 1500₽
- Radiography of abdominal organs
- Irrigoscopy (одинарное контрастирование) - 4800₽
- Overview radiography of the abdominal cavity - 1500₽
- Radiography of the esophagus (без контраста) - 2500₽
- Radiography of the passage of barium through the large intestine - 5100₽
- Radiography of the passage of barium through the small intestine - 5100₽
- Stomach radiography (без контраста) - 4100₽
- Radiography of limb bones
- Forearm radiography (1 проекция) - 1600₽
- Radiography of the brush (2 проекции) - 1800₽
Radiography of the brush (1 снимок) - 1500₽ - Radiography of the calcaneus (2 проекции) - 1800₽
Radiography of the calcaneus (1 проекция) - 1500₽ - Radiography of the femur - 1600₽
- Radiography of the fingers of the hand - 1300₽
- Radiography of the foot (2 проекции) - 1900₽
Radiography of the foot (2) - 3500₽
Radiography of the foot (1 проекция) - 1700₽ - Radiography of the humerus (1 проекция) - 1300₽
Radiography of the humerus (стандарт (2 пр.)) - 1600₽ - Radiography of the lower leg - 1400₽
- Radiography of the patella - 1300₽
- Radiography of the toes - 1500₽
- Radiography of the bones of the head
- Radiography of the facial skeleton - 1500₽
- Radiography of the jaw (нижняя челюсть) - 1400₽
Radiography of the jaw (2 проекции) - 1700₽ - Radiography of the nasal bones (2 снимка) - 1600₽
- Radiography of the skull - 1400₽
- X-ray of the orbit (1 снимок) - 1400₽
- Radiography of the eyes and ENT organs
- Laryngeal radiography - 2000₽
- Radiography of the paranasal sinuses (без учета контраста) - 2100₽
- Radiography of the trachea - 2000₽
- Radiography of the genitourinary system
- Antegrade pyelography (с учетом контраста) - 4500₽
- Cystography (ретроградная (восходящая)) - 3100₽
Cystography (микционная) - 6300₽
Cystography (без учета стоимости контрастного вещества) - 3500₽ - Excretory urography (с учетом контраста) - 5300₽
- Hysterosalpingography (HSG) (гинекологический этап) - 6000₽
Hysterosalpingography (HSG) (рентгеновский этап) - 4000₽ - Overview urography (рентгенография мочевыделительной системы) - 1500₽
- Retrograde ureteropyelography (с учетом контраста) - 4500₽
- Urethrography (нисходящая (микционная)) - 6300₽
Urethrography (восходящая) - 1800₽
- Radiography of the mammary glands
- Mammography - 1200₽
Mammography (скриннинговая) - 2550₽
Mammography (обзорная 1 м.ж.) - 1300₽
- Mammography - 1200₽
- Radiography of the spine
- Radiography of the I-II cervical vertebrae (1 снимок) - 1500₽
- Radiography of the cervical spine (4 снимка) - 2500₽
Radiography of the cervical spine (стандарт (2 пр.)) - 1800₽ - Radiography of the coccyx (без проб) - 1700₽
- Radiography of the lumbar spine - 1700₽
- Radiography of the sacrum - 1700₽
- Radiography of the thoracic spine - 1700₽
- Radiography of the thoracic cavity
- Lung X-ray - 1200₽
- Lung radiography (в двух проекциях) - 1800₽
Lung radiography (1 снимок) - 1500₽ - Radiography of the heart with contrast of the esophagus - 2000₽
- Radiography of trunk bones
- Radiography of the clavicle - 1200₽
- Radiography of the ilium - 1300₽
- Radiography of the pelvis (стандартный) - 1800₽
- Radiography of the ribs (1 проекция) - 1400₽
- Radiography of the scapula (2 проекции) - 1900₽
Radiography of the scapula (1 проекция) - 1700₽ - Radiography of the sternum (стандарт (2 пр.)) - 1600₽
- Densitometry (позвоночника) - 1000₽
- Ultrasound
- Elastography
- Breast elastography - 3500₽
- Elastography of the prostate gland - 3200₽
- Elastography of the uterus and appendages - 3200₽
- Thyroid elastography - 3200₽
- Ultrasound during pregnancy
- Cervicometry - 1900₽
- Fetal cardiotocography (CTG) (многоплодная беременность) - 2000₽
- Fetal echocardiography (один плод) - 2000₽
- Ultrasound screening of the 1st trimester of pregnancy (одноплодная беременность) - 2200₽
- Ultrasound screening of the 2nd trimester of pregnancy - 2200₽
- Ultrasound of blood vessels
- Determination of the ankle-shoulder index - 800₽
- UZDS of the NIP and its branches (комплексное) - 4400₽
- Ultrasound of the abdominal aorta and its branches (дуплекс, цдк) - 3550₽
- Ultrasound of the arteries of the extremities (дуплекс, цдк) - 3650₽
- Ultrasound of the veins of the lower extremities (дуплекс, цдк) - 3950₽
- Ultrasound of the veins of the upper extremities (узи вен и артерий в.к.) - 5800₽
Ultrasound of the veins of the upper extremities (цдк, в-flow, angio-b-flow) - 2500₽ - Ultrasound of the vessels of the head and neck (уздс сосудов шеи) - 3750₽
- Ultrasound of soft tissues and surface structures
- Ultrasound of lymph nodes (стандартное) - 1650₽
- Ultrasound of soft tissues - 1200₽
- Ultrasound of the breast (без лимфоузлов) - 2550₽
- Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity and retroperitoneal space
- Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity - 3500₽
Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity (только обп) - 3100₽ - Ultrasound of the adrenal glands (без допплерографии) - 1400₽
- Ultrasound of the gallbladder (прицельное) - 1750₽
- Ultrasound of the liver (только печень) - 1750₽
Ultrasound of the liver (печень и желчный пузырь) - 2800₽ - Ultrasound of the pancreas - 1750₽
- Ultrasound of the spleen - 1750₽
- Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity - 3500₽
- Ultrasound of the female genital organs
- Folliculometry - 1650₽
- Ultrasound of the pelvic organs in women - 3200₽
Ultrasound of the pelvic organs in women (трансабдоминальное узи) - 1900₽
Ultrasound of the pelvic organs in women (комбинированное та+тв) - 2600₽
- Ultrasound of the head and neck
- Ultrasound biometrics of the eye - 1050₽
- Ultrasound of the eye (ав-сканирование) - 1950₽
Ultrasound of the eye (b-сканирование) - 820₽
Ultrasound of the eye (сосуды глаза) - 2600₽ - Ultrasound of the paranasal sinuses - 500₽
- Ultrasound of the parathyroid glands - 2100₽
- Ultrasound of the salivary glands - 1300₽
- Ultrasound of the thyroid gland - 2100₽
Ultrasound of the thyroid gland (щитовидная железа) - 3200₽
- Ultrasound of the male genitals
- Ultrasound of the penis (уздг, уздс) - 3100₽
Ultrasound of the penis - 2200₽ - Ultrasound of the prostate gland (2) - 1900₽
Ultrasound of the prostate gland - 3100₽
Ultrasound of the prostate gland (двумя датчиками) - 2600₽
Ultrasound of the prostate gland (с эластографией) - 3200₽ - Ultrasound of the scrotum organs - 3100₽
Ultrasound of the scrotum organs (без сосудов) - 1800₽
- Ultrasound of the penis (уздг, уздс) - 3100₽
- Ultrasound of the musculoskeletal system
- Ultrasound of shoulder joints (2) - 2400₽
- Ultrasound of small joints of the hand/foot - 6300₽
- Ultrasound of the ankle joints (один сустав) - 2400₽
- Ultrasound of the elbow joints (один сустав) - 2400₽
- Ultrasound of the hip joints (один сустав) - 2400₽
- Ultrasound of the knee joints (один сустав) - 2400₽
- Ultrasound of the wrist joints (один сустав) - 2400₽
- Ultrasound of the thoracic cavity
- Echocardiography (EchoCG) (эхокг) - 4300₽
- Stress echocardiography - 6050₽
- Transesophageal echocardiography - 5000₽
- Ultrasound of the pleural cavity - 4000₽
- Ultrasound of the urinary system
- Ultrasound of the bladder (без определения ост. мочи) - 1500₽
- Ultrasound of the kidneys (только почки) - 1800₽
Ultrasound of the kidneys - 3400₽
- Elastography
- Computed tomography (CT)
- Diabetology
- Diabetes Treatment
- Diabetes School (1 занятие) - 2000₽
- Diabetes Treatment
- Dietetics
- Treatment of overweight and eating disorders
- School for obese patients (1 занятие) - 2000₽
- Treatment of overweight and eating disorders
- Diabetology
- Bariatric surgery
- Reduction of stomach volume
- Installation of an intragastric balloon (без стоимости оборудования) - 15000₽
- Removal of the intragastric balloon - 12000₽
- Reduction of stomach volume
- Consultations in gastroenterology
- Consultation of a gastroenterologist (врач к.м.н.) - 2500₽
Consultation of a gastroenterologist - 3900₽
Consultation of a gastroenterologist (врач) - 2000₽ - Consultation of an endoscopist (врач) - 1800₽
- Consultation of a gastroenterologist (врач к.м.н.) - 2500₽
- Diagnostics in gastroenterology
- Endoscopy in gastroenterology
- Endoscopic biopsy of the esophagus - 350₽
- Endoscopic biopsy of the small intestine (биопсия) - 350₽
- Endoscopy in gastroenterology
- Esophageal surgery
- Removal of tumors and foreign bodies of the esophagus
- Removal of a foreign body from the esophagus (эндоскопическое) - 2500₽
- Removal of the esophageal polyp (до 1 см (i кат.)) - 6400₽
- Removal of tumors and foreign bodies of the esophagus
- Gallbladder surgery
- Removal of the gallbladder
- Laparoscopic cholecystectomy (2 категория) - 30000₽
- Removal of the gallbladder
- Gastric and duodenal surgeries
- Gastric and duodenal resections
- Endoscopic resection of the gastric mucosa - 10200₽
- Gastric and duodenal resections
- Bariatric surgery
- Abortion
- Surgical termination of pregnancy - 40000₽
- Cervical surgery
- Cervical plastic surgery
- Tracheloplasty (без уточнения) - 27500₽
- Operations for cervical erosion
- Cauterization of cervical erosion - 7000₽
- Conization of the cervix (радиоконизация) - 16000₽
- Cryodestruction of the cervix (3 категория) - 5000₽
Cryodestruction of the cervix (1 категория) - 800₽ - Laser vaporization of the cervix - 7500₽
- Radiocoagulation of cervical erosion (2 категория) - 16000₽
Radiocoagulation of cervical erosion (1 категория) - 7000₽
- Cervical plastic surgery
- Conservative therapy in gynecology
- Removal of condylomas in women
- Removal of condylomas with liquid nitrogen (1 шт более 0,5см) - 800₽
Removal of condylomas with liquid nitrogen (5-10 шт) - 5000₽ - Removal of warts by laser (деструкция одной кондиломы) - 1000₽
Removal of warts by laser (3-5 шт) - 2500₽
Removal of warts by laser (5-10 шт) - 4500₽
- Removal of condylomas with liquid nitrogen (1 шт более 0,5см) - 800₽
- Therapeutic manipulations in gynecology
- Instillation into the vagina - 1000₽
- Vaginal therapeutic bath - 800₽
- Removal of condylomas in women
- Consultations in gynecology
- Consultation of a gynecologist (д.м.н., профессор) - 5200₽
Consultation of a gynecologist (повторная врач) - 2100₽
Consultation of a gynecologist (врач к.м.н.) - 2600₽
Consultation of a gynecologist (повторная д.м.н., профессор) - 3600₽ - Consultation of a reproductologist - 2800₽
- Consultation of a gynecologist (д.м.н., профессор) - 5200₽
- Contraception
- Installation of the Navy - 3000₽
- Removing the IUD (простое (за усы)) - 2500₽
Removing the IUD (сложное (инструментальное)) - 3000₽
- Diagnostics in gynecology
- Checking the patency of the fallopian tubes
- Laparoscopic chromosalpingoscopy (1 категория) - 49500₽
- Gynecological examination
- Puncture of the posterior vaginal arch (1-я категория) - 3500₽
- Laboratory tests in gynecology
- Femoflor 16 - 2600₽
- Femoflor screen - 1950₽
- Checking the patency of the fallopian tubes
- Intimate plastic surgery
- Labioplasty
- Reduction of the labia minora - 25000₽
- Labioplasty
- Operations on the appendages of the uterus
- Operations for polycystic ovaries
- Laparoscopic electrocauterization of the ovaries - 49500₽
- Operations for tubal infertility
- Laparoscopic fimbriolysis (с одной стороны) - 60500₽
- Laparoscopic salpingo-oovariolysis (с одной стороны) - 55000₽
- Laparoscopic salpingoneostomy (с одной стороны) - 60500₽
- Laparoscopic salpingostomy (с одной стороны) - 60500₽
- Removal of appendages
- Laparoscopic adnexectomy (с одной стороны) - 49500₽
- Salpingectomy (лапароскопия) - 49500₽
- Removal of ovarian cyst
- Laparoscopic removal of ovarian cysts (с одной стороны) - 49500₽
- Removal of ovaries (ovariectomy)
- Laparoscopic oophorectomy (с одной стороны) - 49500₽
- Sterilization in women
- Laparoscopic coagulation of the fallopian tubes - 49500₽
- Laparoscopic sterilization with rings or terminals - 49500₽
- Operations for polycystic ovaries
- Operations on the uterus
- Intrauterine operations
- Endometrial ablation (2 категория) - 30000₽
- Endometrial resection (2 категория) - 30000₽
- Hysteroresectoscopy of synechiae of the uterine cavity (2-я категория) - 30000₽
- Hysteroresectoscopy of the endometrial polyp (1 категория) - 30000₽
- Instrumental removal of the fetal egg - 40000₽
- Operations for endometriosis
- Excision of retrocervical endometriosis - 49500₽
- Operations for uterine prolapse
- Laparotomic sacrovaginopexy - 44000₽
- Ventrofixation of the uterus - 44000₽
- Ventrosuspension of the uterus (1 категория) - 44000₽
- Operations to remove uterine fibroids
- Hysteroresectoscopy of fibroids (до 1 см) - 35000₽
Hysteroresectoscopy of fibroids (до 3 см) - 40000₽
Hysteroresectoscopy of fibroids (при одиночном миоматозном узле размером 3-4 см) - 45000₽ - Laparoscopic removal of uterine fibroids (до 3 см) - 49500₽
Laparoscopic removal of uterine fibroids (до 5 см) - 55000₽
Laparoscopic removal of uterine fibroids (более 5 см) - 66000₽ - Laparotomy removal of uterine fibroids (до 5 см) - 51700₽
Laparotomy removal of uterine fibroids (до 10 см) - 60500₽
Laparotomy removal of uterine fibroids (до 3 см) - 45000₽
- Hysteroresectoscopy of fibroids (до 1 см) - 35000₽
- Removal of the uterus
- Hysterectomy (лапароскопический доступ) - 88000₽
Hysterectomy (лапаротомный доступ) - 82500₽ - Pangisterectomy (влагалищный доступ) - 93500₽
- Supravaginal amputation of the uterus (лапаротомный доступ) - 71500₽
Supravaginal amputation of the uterus - 77000₽
- Hysterectomy (лапароскопический доступ) - 88000₽
- Intrauterine operations
- Operations on the vagina
- Operations for bartholinitis
- Autopsy of the bartholin gland abscess (1-я категория) - 4500₽
- Operations for vaginal pathology
- Removal of vaginal neoplasms (хирургическое) - 15000₽
- Operations for bartholinitis
- Vulva surgery
- Laser removal of vulva neoplasms - 1000₽
- Abortion
- Breast surgery
- Mastectomy
- Mastectomy with simultaneous endoprosthesis - 50000₽
- Radical mastectomy (по маддену) - 100000₽
- Simultaneous mastectomy and reconstruction with own tissues - 54000₽
- Subcutaneous mastectomy - 45000₽
- Organ-preserving operations on the mammary gland
- Lumpectomy (односторонняя) - 20000₽
- Oncoplastic breast resection - 63000₽
- Radical breast resection - 20000₽
- Removal of a benign breast tumor - 10000₽
- Removal of breast fibroadenoma - 10000₽
- Sectoral breast resection (1 категория) - 20000₽
Sectoral breast resection (2 категория) - 27000₽
Sectoral breast resection (3 категория) - 32000₽
- Mastectomy
- Diagnostics in mammology
- Breast biopsy in mammology
- Breast puncture (цитологический анализ) - 2100₽
Breast puncture (под узи-контролем) - 3000₽
- Breast puncture (цитологический анализ) - 2100₽
- Tomography in mammology
- Mammary gland tomosynthesis (1 сторона) - 2900₽
- Breast biopsy in mammology
- Breast surgery
- Consultations in narcology
- Consultation of a narcologist (врач) - 1050₽
- Consultations in narcology
- Conservative therapy in neurology
- Physical therapy (physical therapy)
- Exercise therapy for CNS lesions - 1200₽
- Physical therapy for neuritis - 1200₽
- Physical therapy for osteochondrosis of the spine - 1200₽
- Taping
- Taping one zone (большая) - 1000₽
Taping one zone - 500₽
- Taping one zone (большая) - 1000₽
- Physical therapy (physical therapy)
- Nerve Surgery
- Peripheral neurosurgery
- Neurolysis of peripheral nerves (на уровне кисти) - 20000₽
- Sympathectomy
- Revascularizing osteoperforation - 15000₽
- Peripheral neurosurgery
- Somnology
- Cardio-respiratory monitoring - 3300₽
- Polysomnography (в клинике) - 8500₽
- SIPAP therapy - 4500₽
- Therapeutic blockades in neurology
- Blockades
- Paravertebral blockade (поясничный уровень) - 1600₽
- Blockades
- Conservative therapy in neurology
- Consultations for pregnant women
- Consultation of an obstetrician-gynecologist on pregnancy (врач) - 2500₽
- Registration for pregnancy - 3300₽
- Consultations for pregnant women
- Abdominal oncosurgery
- Operations for non-organ tumours of the abdomen
- Omentectomy (лапароскопия) - 30000₽
- Operations for non-organ tumours of the abdomen
- Biopsies in oncology
- Biopsy in gynecology
- Aspiration biopsy of the endometrium (взятие аспирата) - 5000₽
- Cervical biopsy (2 категория) - 4000₽
Cervical biopsy (с выскабливанием) - 7000₽ - Pipel-endometrial biopsy (1 категория) - 3500₽
- Separate diagnostic curettage (2 категория) - 7000₽
Separate diagnostic curettage (эндометрия) - 6500₽
- Endoscopic biopsy
- Biopsy of the nasal mucosa - 1000₽
- Fine needle biopsy
- Biopsies in rheumatology
- Biopsy of tofuses - 2900₽
- Muscle and fascia biopsy - 3450₽
- Biopsy of axillary lymph nodes - 3500₽
- Pleural puncture (диагностическая) - 3450₽
- Prostate biopsy (под узи контролем) - 10000₽
Prostate biopsy (гистология биоптата) - 5500₽ - Puncture biopsy of breast formation (под узи-контролем) - 2000₽
Puncture biopsy of breast formation (под рентген-контролем) - 5000₽ - Puncture liver biopsy (2) - 20000₽
- Thyroid biopsy (пункция) - 1950₽
- Trepan biopsy (core) of the breast (без навигации) - 3200₽
- Biopsies in rheumatology
- Surgical biopsy
- Biopsy of oral tumors - 1550₽
- Biopsy in gynecology
- Diagnostic operations in oncology
- Diagnostic thoracoscopy (без биопсии) - 15000₽
- Lymphadenectomy
- Axillary lymphadenectomy - 27000₽
- Cervical lymphadenectomy - 27000₽
- Inguinal-femoral lymphadenectomy (односторонняя) - 46000₽
- Oncodermatology
- Wide excision of skin melanoma - 3900₽
- Oncogynecology
- Operations for cervical cancer
- Extirpation of the cervical stump (лапаротомный доступ) - 66000₽
- High cervical amputation - 22000₽
- Operations for cervical cancer
- Oncosurgery of head and neck tumors
- Operations for cancer of ENT organs
- Removal of neoplasms of the paranasal sinus - 15000₽
- Removal of tumors of the nasal cavity (открытое) - 4000₽
- Operations for cancer of ENT organs
- Oncourology
- Operations for bladder cancer
- Bladder TOUR (1 категория сложности) - 15000₽
- Operations for urethral cancer
- Urethrectomy (частичная) - 15000₽
- Operations for bladder cancer
- Osteooncology
- Resections of tubular bones
- Marginal bone resection - 10000₽
- Resections of tubular bones
- Abdominal oncosurgery
- Diagnostics in ophthalmology
- Biometrics of the eye
- Computer keratometry (офтальмометрия) - 500₽
- Exophthalmometry - 400₽
- Pachymetry (окт-пахиметрия) - 1300₽
- Inspection of eye structures
- Direct ophthalmoscopy (под мидриазом) - 790₽
- Fundus photography (fundus camera) (фундус-камера) - 1200₽
- Ophthalmochromoscopy - 350₽
- Reverse ophthalmoscopy (под мидриазом) - 790₽
- Measurement of intraocular pressure
- Eye tonometry according to Maklakov - 700₽
- Load-unloading tests during tonometry - 220₽
- Non-contact eye tonometry - 400₽
- Ophthalmological tests
- Amsler Test - 300₽
- Computer perimetry (1 глаз) - 1300₽
- Definition of color perception - 420₽
- Lensmetry - 330₽
- Perimetry of the eye - 700₽
- Visual acuity check - 500₽
- Optical coherence tomography
- OCT of the cornea of the eye (один глаз) - 1300₽
OCT of the cornea of the eye (два глаза) - 2100₽ - OCT of the optic disc (один глаз) - 1500₽
OCT of the optic disc (оба глаза) - 2600₽ - OCT of the retina (один глаз) - 1500₽
OCT of the retina (два глаза) - 2600₽
- OCT of the cornea of the eye (один глаз) - 1300₽
- Refraction research
- Computer refractometry - 500₽
- Skiascopy of the eye - 750₽
- The study of tear production and lacrimation
- Color tear-nasal test - 380₽
- Fluorescein instillation test (1 глаз) - 370₽
- Norn Test - 780₽
- Schirmer 's Test - 780₽
- Biometrics of the eye
- Eye surgery
- Eyelid surgery
- Correction of the inversion of the century - 14800₽
- Correction of the inversion of the eyelid - 17500₽
- Correction of upper eyelid ptosis (1 сторона) - 13500₽
- Excision of blepharochalyasis (1 категория) - 13500₽
Excision of blepharochalyasis (2 категория) - 18500₽ - Removal of chalazion (инъекционное) - 1450₽
Removal of chalazion (хирургическое) - 6500₽ - Removal of neoplasms of the eyelid (без пластики века) - 2600₽
- Keratoplasty
- Removal of a foreign body of the cornea (2 категория) - 1500₽
- Operations for visual acuity disorders
- Scleroplasty (один глаз) - 6500₽
- Operations in orbit
- Removal of a foreign body from orbit - 1500₽
- Operations on lacrimal organs
- Opening the phlegmon of the lacrimal sac - 1800₽
- Operations on the conjunctiva of the eye
- Removal of a conjunctival foreign body - 1300₽
- Removal of conjunctival cyst - 1300₽
- Removal of conjunctival neoplasms (2) - 5600₽
- Removal of pterygium (простое (1-2 степени)) - 10800₽
- Removal of the penguin - 4600₽
- Strabismus operations
- Strabismus surgery (операция i категории сложности) - 14500₽
- Eyelid surgery
- Hardware methods of vision treatment
- Accommodation training 'Trickle' (1 сеанс) - 1200₽
- Accommodation training according to the Dashevsky method - 1200₽
- Avetisov Accommodation Training - 1200₽
- Laser eye stimulation (1 сеанс) - 250₽
- Ophthalmological manipulations
- Intravitreal administration of drugs
- Intravitreal injection - 2500₽
- Intravitreal introduction of Eilea - 26000₽
- Intravitreal introduction of Lucentis - 30500₽
- Intravitreal introduction of Zaltrap - 26000₽
- Medical procedures in ophthalmology
- Eyelash epilation - 440₽
- Flushing of the lacrimal-nasal canal (один глаз) - 750₽
- Ophthalmic injections
- Parabulbar injection - 340₽
- Subconjunctival injection - 340₽
- Surgical manipulations
- Opening of barley - 2600₽
- Postoperative eye treatment - 900₽
- Removal of postoperative sutures (шов века) - 750₽
- Suturing in ophthalmology (шов века) - 2700₽
- Intravitreal administration of drugs
- Vision correction
- Selection of contact lenses (мягкие линзы) - 1300₽
Selection of contact lenses (торические линзы) - 1600₽ - Selection of difficult points - 900₽
- Selection of simple glasses - 700₽
- Selection of contact lenses (мягкие линзы) - 1300₽
- Diagnostics in ophthalmology
- Diagnostics of ENT organs
- Examination of the auditory analyzer
- Audiometry (тональная надпороговая) - 1000₽
Audiometry - 250₽ - Tympanometry - 500₽
- Audiometry (тональная надпороговая) - 1000₽
- Examination of the vestibular analyzer
- Vestibulometry - 400₽
- Examination of the auditory analyzer
- ENT procedures
- Anesthesia and blockages in otolaryngology
- Behind - the - ear blockade (заушная без уточнения) - 500₽
- Intra -nasal blockade (1 сторона) - 500₽
- Pharyngeal blockade - 1000₽
- Procedures for diseases of the nasopharynx
- 'Nasal shower' (nasal cavity washing) - 400₽
- Endolaryngeal administration of drugs - 500₽
- Endonasal instillation of drugs - 170₽
- Procedures for otitis media
- Blowing the auditory tubes by Politzer (1 сторона) - 500₽
- Ear toilet (другие показания) - 400₽
- Pneumomassage of the eardrum (с одной стороны) - 500₽
- Removal of ear granulations (прижигание) - 600₽
- Procedures for sinusitis
- Puncture (puncture) of the maxillary sinus (и катетеризация с двух сторон) - 3300₽
Puncture (puncture) of the maxillary sinus (с одной стороны) - 2000₽
Puncture (puncture) of the maxillary sinus (с катетеризацией) - 1800₽
Puncture (puncture) of the maxillary sinus (диагностическая) - 4000₽
- Puncture (puncture) of the maxillary sinus (и катетеризация с двух сторон) - 3300₽
- Anesthesia and blockages in otolaryngology
- Endoscopy of ENT organs
- ENT organ biopsy
- Ear biopsy - 1000₽
- Pharyngeal biopsy - 1000₽
- Ear endoscopy
- Microtoscopy - 1000₽
- Nasal endoscopy (риноскопия) - 500₽
Nasal endoscopy (эндоскопия носа) - 2000₽ - Throat endoscopy
- Pharyngoscopy (эндоскопическая) - 1500₽
- ENT organ biopsy
- Hearing replacement
- Preparation of an auditory passport - 200₽
- Operations on ear structures
- Operations on the outer and middle ear
- Opening of an ear atheroma (1 категория) - 5000₽
- Opening of the boil of the external auditory canal (2-я категория) - 3500₽
- Removal of benign neoplasms of the auricle - 5000₽
- Removal of middle ear polyps - 3000₽
- Operations on the outer and middle ear
- Operations on nasal structures
- Operations on nasal conchs
- Conchotomy (1 сторона) - 3000₽
- Electroplating of the lower nasal conchs - 1800₽
- Nasal conch resection - 5000₽
- Resection of the bullous middle nasal concha (с одной стороны) - 4100₽
- Operations on the nasal cavity
- Opening of a nasal septum hematoma - 2000₽
- Opening of the nasal septum abscess - 2000₽
- Operations on the nasal septum
- Christotomy - 17000₽
- Plastic perforation of the nasal septum (до 2 см) - 25000₽
Plastic perforation of the nasal septum (более 2 см) - 35000₽ - Reposition of nasal bones (ручная) - 4000₽
Reposition of nasal bones - 6000₽
- Operations on the paranasal sinuses
- Ethmoidotomy (открытая) - 10000₽
- Frontotomy (эндоскопическая) - 20000₽
- Infundibulotomy (односторонняя) - 3000₽
- Maxillary sinusotomy (эндоскопическая) - 20000₽
- Removal of mucocele of sinuses (эндоскопическое) - 20000₽
- Sphenoidotomy (эндоскопическая) - 20000₽
- Removal of tumors and synechiae of the nasal cavity
- Nasal polypotomy (открытая) - 5000₽
- Removal of polyps in the nose with a laser (единичный полип) - 5000₽
Removal of polyps in the nose with a laser (2) - 10000₽ - Removal of synechiae of the nasal cavity (эндоскопическое) - 4500₽
- Operations on nasal conchs
- Pharyngeal surgery
- Operations for pharyngitis
- Radio wave quenching of the posterior pharyngeal wall - 600₽
- Operations for tonsillitis
- Abscessstonzillectomy - 27000₽
- Autopsy of a paratonsillar abscess (2) - 2000₽
Autopsy of a paratonsillar abscess (первичное) - 3500₽ - Cryodestruction of palatine tonsils (первичная) - 8000₽
- Tonsillectomy (односторонняя) - 25000₽
- Tonsillotomy (лазерная) - 8000₽
- Pharyngeal resection
- Opening of the amygdala cyst (классическое) - 1500₽
- Removal of pharyngeal papillomas - 12000₽
- Removal of adenoids
- Adenoidectomy (обычная) - 12000₽
- Adenotomy (чрезротовым доступом) - 18000₽
- Snoring Treatment
- Uvulopalatoplasty (обычная) - 15000₽
- Uvuloplasty (обычная) - 8000₽
- Operations for pharyngitis
- Diagnostics of ENT organs
- Children's physiotherapy
- Electrotherapy in children
- Microwave therapy
- SMV therapy - 240₽
- UHF therapy (взрослые) - 480₽
- Microwave therapy
- Heat treatment in children
- Ozokeritotherapy (взрослые) - 320₽
- Paraffin therapy (взрослые) - 320₽
- Electrotherapy in children
- Consultations of children's specialists
- Primary consultations of children's specialists
- Consultation of a neonatologist (2) - 2500₽
- Consultation of a pediatric ophthalmologist (2) - 1150₽
- Consultation of a pediatric surgeon (врач) - 1050₽
- Consultation of a pediatric urologist (повторная врач) - 1700₽
- Consultation of a pediatrician (врач к.м.н.) - 2300₽
Consultation of a pediatrician (врач) - 2000₽ - Consultation of a pediatrician at home (в пределах города) - 4500₽
- Oncologist consultation (2) - 2000₽
Oncologist consultation (врач к.м.н.) - 2300₽
Oncologist consultation (д.м.н., профессор) - 3900₽ - Pre-vaccination examination - 1500₽
- Primary consultations of children's specialists
- Medical certificates for children
- Certificate for admission to the university (form 086/y) (форма 086/у) - 4900₽
- Certificate for the child to school (form № 026/y) (без анализов) - 4900₽
- Reference for kindergarten (form № 026/y) (без анализов) - 4900₽
- Pediatric Ophthalmology
- Instrumental studies of the eyes in children
- Biomicroscopy of the eye (стандартная) - 700₽
Biomicroscopy of the eye - 950₽ - Gonioscopy - 740₽
- Measurement of the angle of strabismus (по гиршбергу) - 300₽
- Biomicroscopy of the eye (стандартная) - 700₽
- Ophthalmological manipulations in children
- Flushing of the lacrimal canal to a child (один глаз) - 3800₽
- Instillation of eye drops - 100₽
- Massage of the century (1 глаз) - 380₽
- Probing of tear ducts (1 глаз) - 750₽
Probing of tear ducts (2) - 2600₽
Probing of tear ducts (дети) - 3800₽
- Study of visual function in children
- Accommodation research (объем аккомодации) - 520₽
- Instrumental studies of the eyes in children
- Pediatric gynecology
- Manipulations in pediatric gynecology
- Separation of the synechiae of the vulva - 1200₽
- Manipulations in pediatric gynecology
- Pediatric otolaryngology
- Ear surgery in children
- Myringotomy (двусторонняя) - 1500₽
- Endoscopy of ENT organs in children
- Laryngeal endoscopy (фиброларингоскопия) - 1500₽
- Laryngoscopy (прямая (эндоскоп)) - 1500₽
- Examination of ENT organs in children
- Acoustic impedance measurement - 500₽
- Tuning fork hearing examination - 500₽
- Operations on the nasal cavity in children
- Opening of a nasal boil (2-я категория) - 3500₽
- Vasotomy of the lower nasal conchs (простая) - 5000₽
Vasotomy of the lower nasal conchs (лазерная) - 13500₽
- Removal of foreign bodies from ENT organs in children
- Removal of a foreign body from the ear - 1500₽
- Removal of a foreign body from the larynx - 1500₽
- Removal of a foreign body from the nasal cavity (2) - 1100₽
- Removal of a foreign body from the pharynx - 1500₽
- Removal of sulfur plug (сложное (промыванием)) - 1000₽
- Stopping nosebleeds in children
- Coagulation of the Kisselbach zone (лазерная) - 1500₽
- Nasal tamponade (передняя) - 1500₽
Nasal tamponade (задняя) - 2500₽
Nasal tamponade (удаление тампона) - 500₽
- Throat surgery in children
- Lacunotomy (лазерная) - 5000₽
- Treatment of otitis media in children
- Catheterization of the auditory tube (с введением лекарств) - 1000₽
- Treatment of sinusitis in children
- Aspiration of mucus from the nose by Pass, Sonderman (по зондерману) - 500₽
- Washing according to the Proetz ('cuckoo') (кукушка) - 1000₽
- Washing of the paranasal sinuses through the anastomosis (2) - 1500₽
- YAMIK-catheter treatment procedure (синус-катетером) - 1500₽
- Treatment of tonsillitis in children
- Tonsillor' treatment procedure (1 сеанс) - 500₽
- Washing the lacunae of the palatine tonsils (шприцом (ручное)) - 1000₽
Washing the lacunae of the palatine tonsils (вакуумное / аппаратное) - 1500₽
- Ear surgery in children
- Pediatric pulmonology
- Diagnosis in pulmonology in children
- Examination of respiratory volumes (FVD) to a child - 1350₽
- Diagnosis in pulmonology in children
- Pediatric urology
- Diagnostics in pediatric urology
- Uroflowmetry (стандартная) - 1000₽
- Urological manipulations in children
- Circumcision of the foreskin (2 категория) - 12000₽
- Diagnostics in pediatric urology
- Physical therapy for children
- Physical therapy for diseases of the musculoskeletal system in a child (индивидуальное) - 1200₽
- Ultrasound in children
- Other ultrasound scans of the child
- Neurosonography through the fontanelle (у детей) - 2800₽
- Ultrasound of the hip joints of the child - 3300₽
- Ultrasound of the spine - 1850₽
- Other ultrasound scans of the child
- Vaccination of children
- Additional vaccination
- Vaccination against chickenpox (варилрикс) - 3340₽
- Vaccination against hepatitis A (альгавак м) - 1540₽
- Vaccination against influenza - 900₽
Vaccination against influenza (инфлювак) - 1100₽
Vaccination against influenza (гриппол) - 850₽
Vaccination against influenza (ультрикс) - 950₽ - Vaccination against meningococcal infection in children (менактра) - 4640₽
- Vaccination against rotavirus infection in children (ротатек) - 2650₽
- Vaccination against tick-borne encephalitis (клещ-э-вак) - 1120₽
Vaccination against tick-borne encephalitis (энцевир) - 1500₽
Vaccination against tick-borne encephalitis (вакцина против клещевого энцефалита с 3-х лет, россия) - 1115₽
- Mandatory vaccination
- Comprehensive vaccination for children (пентаксим) - 2500₽
Comprehensive vaccination for children (инфанрикс гекса) - 2470₽ - Vaccination against diphtheria, tetanus for children (адс-м) - 650₽
- Vaccination against hepatitis B (энджерикс в) - 830₽
Vaccination against hepatitis B (регевак) - 740₽ - Vaccination against hepatitis B in children (регевак) - 730₽
Vaccination against hepatitis B in children (комбиотех) - 784₽ - Vaccination against measles for children (жкв) - 720₽
- Vaccination against measles, mumps, rubella for children (ммр ii) - 1380₽
- Vaccination against mumps, measles for children (жпкв) - 734₽
- Vaccination against polio for children (полимилекс) - 955₽
- Vaccination against rubella for children - 700₽
- Vaccination against whooping cough, diphtheria, tetanus for children (акдс) - 664₽
Vaccination against whooping cough, diphtheria, tetanus for children (адасель) - 3500₽
- Comprehensive vaccination for children (пентаксим) - 2500₽
- Additional vaccination
- Children's physiotherapy
- Cosmetic phlebology
- Laser coagulation of blood vessels
- Laser removal of telangiectasia on the lower leg (1 leg) - 2500₽
- Laser removal of telangiectasias on the thigh (1 leg) - 2500₽
- Laser removal of vascular asterisks 2x2 cm - 2500₽
- Laser coagulation of blood vessels
- Diagnostics in phlebology
- Radio diagnostics of the lymphatic system
- Lymph node biopsy (трепан-, инцизионная) - 5900₽
Lymph node biopsy (2) - 3500₽
- Lymph node biopsy (трепан-, инцизионная) - 5900₽
- Radio diagnostics of the lymphatic system
- Operations on veins
- Operations for varicose veins
- Endovasal laser coagulation of varicose veins (1-я категория) - 30000₽
- Phlebectomy (2) - 27500₽
- Operations for varicose veins
- Sclerosis of the veins of the lower extremities
- Microsclerotherapy
- Microsclerotherapy of vascular asterisks (1-я категория) - 4000₽
- Sclerotherapy
- Compression sclerotherapy on one leg (голень) - 4000₽
- Foam-form varicose vein sclerotherapy - 4500₽
Foam-form varicose vein sclerotherapy (голень) - 4000₽
- Microsclerotherapy
- Cosmetic phlebology
Physical therapy
- Aerotherapy
- Nebulizer therapy (без стоимости лекарств) - 240₽
- Consultations in physiotherapy
- Consultation of a reflexologist (врач) - 1800₽
Consultation of a reflexologist (повторная врач) - 1500₽ - Consultation with a physiotherapist (повторная врач) - 1800₽
- Consultation of a reflexologist (врач) - 1800₽
- Hydrotherapy
- General therapeutic baths
- Aromatic bath - 900₽
- Hot tub - 800₽
- Healing souls
- Charcot Shower (шарко) - 900₽
- Circular shower - 500₽
- Vichy Shower - 400₽
- General therapeutic baths
- Massage
- Classic massage
- Foot massage (нога полностью) - 900₽
Foot massage (стопа и голень) - 600₽ - Hand massage (рука полностью) - 900₽
Hand massage (кисть и предплечье) - 600₽ - Head and neck massage - 600₽
- Foot massage (нога полностью) - 900₽
- Classic massage
- Mud treatment
- Fangotherapy - 400₽
- Peloidotherapy - 400₽
- Phototherapy
- Infrared therapy
- General infrared therapy - 560₽
- Laser therapy
- Laser therapy on the skin (1-2 поля) - 560₽
Laser therapy on the skin (3-4 поля) - 1120₽ - Laser therapy vaginally - 1000₽
- Laser treatment of gums - 2000₽
- Laser therapy on the skin (1-2 поля) - 560₽
- UFO therapy
- OKUF therapy (quartz) (кварц) - 240₽
- Infrared therapy
- Reflexology
- Acupuncture (acupuncture) (корпоральная) - 2200₽
- Shock wave therapy
- UHT of the anatomical zone (1 зона) - 2000₽
UHT of the anatomical zone (2 зоны) - 3000₽
- UHT of the anatomical zone (1 зона) - 2000₽
- Treatment with electric currents
- Electrical stimulation
- Electromyostimulation - 640₽
- Electrophoresis medicinal
- Cutaneous electrophoresis - 640₽
- Rectal electrophoresis - 880₽
- Urethral electrophoresis - 880₽
- Vaginal electrophoresis - 880₽
- Electrical stimulation
- Treatment with magnetic fields
- Magnetic therapy
- Local magnetotherapy (магнитотерапия 3 поля) - 1200₽
Local magnetotherapy (1 поле) - 560₽
Local magnetotherapy (2 поля) - 960₽ - Pulsed magnetotherapy (1поле) - 640₽
- Local magnetotherapy (магнитотерапия 3 поля) - 1200₽
- Magnetic therapy
- Ultrasound treatment
- Ultraphonophoresis of medicinal substances - 560₽
- Aerotherapy
Plastic surgery
- Abdominoplasty (abdominal plastic surgery)
- Abdominoplasty without moving the navel (3-я категория) - 200000₽
Abdominoplasty without moving the navel (2-я категория) - 160000₽
Abdominoplasty without moving the navel (1-я категория) - 140000₽ - Miniabdominoplasty (2-я категория) - 95000₽
Miniabdominoplasty (3-я категория) - 110000₽
Miniabdominoplasty (1-я категория) - 85000₽ - Umbilicoplasty (navel plastic surgery) (1-я категория) - 15000₽
- Abdominoplasty without moving the navel (3-я категория) - 200000₽
- Blepharoplasty
- Eye Corner Correction Surgery
- Tear point plastic surgery - 3200₽
- Lower blepharoplasty
- Percutaneous blepharoplasty of the lower eyelids - 30000₽
Percutaneous blepharoplasty of the lower eyelids (2 категория) - 40000₽
- Percutaneous blepharoplasty of the lower eyelids - 30000₽
- Upper blepharoplasty
- Percutaneous blepharoplasty of the upper eyelids (1-я категория) - 25000₽
Percutaneous blepharoplasty of the upper eyelids (2-я категория) - 35000₽
- Percutaneous blepharoplasty of the upper eyelids (1-я категория) - 25000₽
- Eye Corner Correction Surgery
- Brachioplasty (hand surgery)
- Arm lift (1 категория) - 90000₽
Arm lift (2 категория) - 100000₽
Arm lift (3 категория) - 120000₽
- Arm lift (1 категория) - 90000₽
- Cheiloplasty
- Lip shape correction (1-я категория) - 40000₽
Lip shape correction (2-я категория) - 50000₽
Lip shape correction (3-я категория) - 60000₽
- Lip shape correction (1-я категория) - 40000₽
- Consultations in plastic
- Consultation of a plastic surgeon (врач) - 1800₽
Consultation of a plastic surgeon (врач к.м.н.) - 2300₽
Consultation of a plastic surgeon (повторная врач к.м.н.) - 500₽
- Consultation of a plastic surgeon (врач) - 1800₽
- Facial plastic surgery
- Face and neck lift
- Advanced Facelift with SMAS (2-я категория) - 150000₽
Advanced Facelift with SMAS (3-я категория) - 190000₽
Advanced Facelift with SMAS - 130000₽ - Circular facelift (1-я категория) - 80000₽
Circular facelift (2-я категория) - 100000₽
Circular facelift (3-я категория) - 120000₽ - Deep facelift (3-я категория) - 210000₽
Deep facelift (2-я категория) - 180000₽
Deep facelift - 160000₽ - Platysmoplasty (neck lift) (1 категория) - 75000₽
Platysmoplasty (neck lift) (2 категория) - 90000₽
Platysmoplasty (neck lift) (3 категория) - 100000₽
- Advanced Facelift with SMAS (2-я категория) - 150000₽
- Face and neck lift
- Femoroplasty (hip surgery)
- Hip lift (3-я категория) - 200000₽
Hip lift (2-я категория) - 180000₽
Hip lift - 160000₽
- Hip lift (3-я категория) - 200000₽
- Gluteoplasty (buttock surgery)
- Butt lift
- Buttock lift surgical (2-я категория) - 120000₽
Buttock lift surgical (1-я категория) - 80000₽
- Buttock lift surgical (2-я категория) - 120000₽
- Butt lift
- Lipofilling
- Facial lipofilling
- Forehead and eyebrow lift
- Open coronary forehead and eyebrow lift - 100000₽
- Lipofilling of zone 1 - 15000₽
- Forehead and eyebrow lift
- Facial lipofilling
- Mammoplasty
- Breast augmentation
- Inframammary breast replacement (3 категория) - 110000₽
Inframammary breast replacement (2 категория) - 100000₽
Inframammary breast replacement (1 категория) - 90000₽
- Inframammary breast replacement (3 категория) - 110000₽
- Breast lift (mastopexy)
- Periareolar mastopexy (2 категория) - 55000₽
Periareolar mastopexy (1 категория) - 50000₽
Periareolar mastopexy (3 категория) - 60000₽ - Vertical mastopexy (1 категория) - 60000₽
Vertical mastopexy (3 категория) - 90000₽
Vertical mastopexy - 80000₽
- Periareolar mastopexy (2 категория) - 55000₽
- Breast reduction
- Reduction mammoplasty (1 категория) - 100000₽
Reduction mammoplasty (2 категория) - 120000₽
Reduction mammoplasty (3 категория) - 140000₽
- Reduction mammoplasty (1 категория) - 100000₽
- Breast surgery in men
- Breast reduction surgery for gynecomastia (3 категория) - 30000₽
Breast reduction surgery for gynecomastia (1 категория) - 20000₽
Breast reduction surgery for gynecomastia (2 категория) - 22000₽ - Liposuction for gynecomastia (1 сторона) - 20000₽
- Breast reduction surgery for gynecomastia (3 категория) - 30000₽
- Correction of the shape of the areola and nipple
- Reconstruction of the nipple and areola - 20000₽
- Reconstruction of the female breast
- Breast reconstruction combined - 140000₽
- Breast reconstruction with artificial materials (1-я категория) - 45000₽
- Removal, replacement of breast implants
- Removal of breast implants - 60000₽
Removal of breast implants (2 категория) - 70000₽
Removal of breast implants (3 категория) - 80000₽ - Removal of polyacrylamide gel (1 категория) - 60000₽
Removal of polyacrylamide gel (2 категория) - 80000₽
- Removal of breast implants - 60000₽
- Breast augmentation
- Mentoplasty
- Chin liposuction (1-я категория сложности) - 15000₽
- Otoplasty
- Correction of the earlobe (одно ухо) - 10000₽
- Elimination of hearing loss (1 категория (1 ухо)) - 25000₽
Elimination of hearing loss (3 категория (1 ухо)) - 35000₽
Elimination of hearing loss (2 категория (1 ухо)) - 30000₽
Elimination of hearing loss (1 категория (оба уха)) - 18700₽
- Plastic surgery of cheekbones and cheeks
- Cheek liposuction (1 сторона) - 15000₽
- Rhinoplasty
- Correction of nasal septum curvature (костно-хрящевой отдел) - 30000₽
Correction of nasal septum curvature (1 категория сложности) - 25000₽ - Nose tip plastic surgery - 50000₽
- Rhinoseptoplasty (1 категория) - 90000₽
Rhinoseptoplasty (2 категория) - 120000₽
Rhinoseptoplasty - 150000₽ - Septoplasty (2 категория) - 30000₽
- Correction of nasal septum curvature (костно-хрящевой отдел) - 30000₽
- Abdominoplasty (abdominal plastic surgery)
- Anal surgery
- Anal Fissure Treatment
- Excision of anal fissures (1 категория) - 9000₽
- Anal area Operations
- Anus divulsion - 10000₽
- Sphincterotomy (задняя) - 10000₽
- Removal of anal zone formations
- Excision of the anal fringe - 5000₽
- Removal of the anal canal polyp (1 категория) - 3500₽
- Anal Fissure Treatment
- Consultations in proctology
- Consultation of a proctologist (повторная врач к.м.н.) - 2800₽
Consultation of a proctologist (повторная врач) - 2300₽
- Consultation of a proctologist (повторная врач к.м.н.) - 2800₽
- Diagnostics in proctology
- Endoscopy in proctology
- Endoscopic biopsy of the rectum (без уточнения) - 300₽
- Endoscopy in proctology
- Operations on the rectum
- Rectal resection
- Resection of the rectal mucosa (1-я категория сложности) - 12400₽
- Removal of formations and foreign bodies of the rectum
- Removal of a rectal polyp (2 категория) - 3500₽
- Rectal resection
- Anal surgery
- Diagnostics in pulmonology
- Laboratory tests in pulmonology
- PCR sputum examination - 300₽
- Laboratory tests in pulmonology
- Medical procedures in pulmonology
- Bronchoalveolar lavage - 2960₽
- Drainage of the pleural cavity (thoracocentesis) (2) - 4000₽
- Diagnostics in pulmonology
- Hardware research in rheumatology
- Muscle Research
- Electromyography (EMG) - 4500₽
- Muscle Research
- Invasive research in rheumatology
- Joint punctures
- Hip joint puncture (лечебная) - 1000₽
- Puncture of the ankle joint (диагностическая) - 1000₽
- Puncture of the elbow joint (диагностическая) - 1000₽
- Puncture of the knee joint - 1000₽
- Puncture of the shoulder joint (диагностическая) - 1000₽
- Puncture of the wrist joint (диагностическая) - 1000₽
- Joint punctures
- Therapeutic punctures and blockades
- Intra-articular administration of drugs
- Intra-articular administration of chondroprotectors (другое) - 2000₽
- Intra-articular administration of drugs
- Hardware research in rheumatology
- Abdominal surgery
- Operations for gastric and duodenal ulcers
- Stopping gastroduodenal bleeding - 4600₽
- Operations for gastric and duodenal ulcers
- Anesthesia and resuscitation
- Blood transfusions
- Plasma transfusion - 10000₽
- Platelet transfusion - 10000₽
- Transfusion of erythrocyte mass (только переливание) - 10000₽
- Cardiopulmonary resuscitation and IT
- Postoperative observation in the wake-up ward - 2800₽
- General anesthesia
- Combined anesthesia - 14520₽
- Combined endotracheal anesthesia (1 hour) (1 час) - 9900₽
- Inhalation anesthesia - 3300₽
- Total intravenous anesthesia (30 минут) - 4100₽
Total intravenous anesthesia (60 минут) - 5900₽
- Local anesthesia
- Epidural anesthesia (1-я категория) - 9350₽
- Infiltration anesthesia in surgery - 700₽
- Spinal anesthesia (1-я категория) - 7400₽
- Spinal-epidural anesthesia - 10600₽
- Blood transfusions
- Consultations of surgeons
- Consultation of a surgeon (врач) - 1150₽
Consultation of a surgeon (повторная врач к.м.н.) - 2500₽
Consultation of a surgeon (повторная врач) - 2000₽
- Consultation of a surgeon (врач) - 1150₽
- Emergency medicine specialists
- Consultation of an anesthesiologist-resuscitator (врач) - 2000₽
- Emergency surgery
- Removal of foreign bodies
- Removal of a foreign body of the stomach (эндоскопическое) - 3500₽
- Removal of a soft tissue foreign body - 3000₽
- Removal of foreign bodies
- Hernia surgery (herniology)
- Hernioplasty
- Hernioplasty for diastasis of rectus abdominis muscles - 27500₽
- Hernioplasty of inguinal-femoral hernia (лапаротомия) - 16500₽
- Hernioplasty of postoperative ventral hernia (лапаротомия) - 18500₽
- Hernioplasty of the hernia of the white line of the abdomen (без аллопластики) - 16500₽
- Hernioplasty of umbilical hernia (лапаротомия) - 10000₽
- Hernioplasty
- Hospitalization
- Round-the-clock hospital (1 k/d) (одноместная палата) - 4500₽
Round-the-clock hospital (1 k/d) - 3500₽
- Round-the-clock hospital (1 k/d) (одноместная палата) - 4500₽
- Operations for hemorrhoids
- Evacuation of thrombosed hemorrhoids (тромбэктомия) - 5000₽
- Removal of an external hemorrhoid node - 16500₽
- Sclerotherapy of the hemorrhoid node (2 категория) - 40000₽
- Operations for pathology of the skin and its appendages
- Excision of skin neoplasms
- Surgical excision of a mole (2) - 2500₽
- Surgical excision of a vulgar wart (2) - 2500₽
- Surgical excision of fibroma (более 5 см) - 5000₽
- Surgical excision of keratoma (более 1 см) - 2500₽
- Surgical excision of lipoma (более 5 см) - 5000₽
- Ingrown toenail removal
- Resection of an ingrown nail - 2500₽
- Excision of skin neoplasms
- Purulent surgery
- Appendicitis operations
- Appendectomy for acute appendicitis (лапароскопия) - 16500₽
- Appendectomy for chronic appendicitis (лапароскопия) - 16500₽
- Autopsy and sanitation of ulcers
- Autopsy of panaritia (2) - 2450₽
- Dissection and drainage of phlegmon (абсцесса) - 3500₽
- Opening and drainage of the abscess - 3500₽
- Opening the carbuncle - 2500₽
- Removal of a boil (1 категория) - 3500₽
Removal of a boil (2 категория) - 4000₽
- Removal of formations of the pararectal zone
- Autopsy of the suppurated epithelial coccygeal passage (1-я категория) - 7500₽
- Excision of the epithelial coccygeal passage (с ушиванием) - 9000₽
Excision of the epithelial coccygeal passage - 13500₽
- Removal of rectal fistulas
- Excision of the external fistula of the rectum (1-я категория) - 16500₽
- Excision of the internal fistula of the rectum (1-я категория) - 16500₽
- Appendicitis operations
- Abdominal surgery
- Adult vaccination
- Routine vaccination
- Tetanus vaccination (ас-анатоксин) - 650₽
- Vaccination against influenza for children (инфлювак) - 1100₽
Vaccination against influenza for children (гриппол) - 850₽
Vaccination against influenza for children (ультрикс) - 950₽
- Vaccination according to epidemic indications
- Vaccination against pneumococcal infection (пневмо 23) - 2400₽
Vaccination against pneumococcal infection (превенар) - 2370₽
Vaccination against pneumococcal infection (пневмовакс 23) - 2800₽
- Vaccination against pneumococcal infection (пневмо 23) - 2400₽
- Routine vaccination
- Consultations in therapy
- Consultation of a family doctor (повторная врач) - 2000₽
- Consultation with a therapist (врач) - 1150₽
Consultation with a therapist (повторная врач к.м.н.) - 2500₽
Consultation with a therapist (повторная врач) - 2000₽
- Diagnostics in therapy
- Express diagnostics at the reception
- Measurement of blood pressure - 80₽
- Pulse oximetry (амбулаторная) - 60₽
- Streptatest - 450₽
- Thermometry (сбор анамнеза, термометрия, осмотр кожных покровов, фарингоскопия, аускультация легких) - 1500₽
- Express diagnostics at the reception
- Medical certificates
- Pre-trip inspection of drivers - 350₽
- Treatment room
- Intramuscular injection - 350₽
- Intravenous drip of solutions - 450₽
- Intravenous injection - 450₽
- Venous blood sampling (взрослые) - 270₽
Venous blood sampling (дети) - 320₽
- Adult vaccination
- Consultations in traumatology and orthopedics
- Consultation of a traumatologist (повторная врач) - 2000₽
Consultation of a traumatologist (повторная врач к.м.н.) - 2500₽ - Orthopedic consultation - 2000₽
Orthopedic consultation (врач к.м.н.) - 2500₽
Orthopedic consultation (повторная врач) - 1700₽
- Consultation of a traumatologist (повторная врач) - 2000₽
- Manipulations in traumatology
- Bone repositions of the lower extremities
- Ankle reposition in case of a two-ankle fracture - 7000₽
- Calcaneal bone reposition - 7000₽
- Metatarsal bone reposition (без фиксации) - 7000₽
- Reposition of the ankles and the posterior edge of the tibia - 7000₽
- Reposition of the bones of the tarsus - 7000₽
- Reposition of the inner ankle - 7000₽
- Reposition of the outer ankle - 7000₽
- Reposition of the phalanges of the toes - 7000₽
- Plaster castings, soft fixation
- Application of a plaster cast in case of fracture of the radius - 2500₽
- Application of fixing bandages on joints - 1500₽
- Applying a plaster cast from the ankle joint to the hip - 2500₽
- Applying a plaster cast to the brush - 2500₽
- Applying a plaster cast to the foot - 2500₽
- Applying a plaster cast to the knee joint - 2500₽
- Applying a plaster cast to the thigh - 2500₽
- Applying a plaster cast to the upper third of the shoulder - 2500₽
- Removing the plaster cast (без уточнения) - 7000₽
- Reduction of dislocations and subluxations
- Reduction of dislocation of the forearm bones - 7000₽
- Reduction of dislocation of the humerus - 7000₽
- Reduction of dislocation of the phalanges of the fingers of the hand - 7000₽
- Reduction of dislocation of the phalanges of the toes - 7000₽
- Reduction of hip dislocation - 7000₽
- Reduction of patellar dislocation - 7000₽
- Repositions of upper limb bones
- Clavicle reposition - 7000₽
- Metacarpal bone reposition (без фиксации) - 7000₽
- Reposition of the diaphysis of the forearm bones - 7000₽
- Reposition of the head of the radius - 7000₽
- Reposition of the neck of the humerus - 7000₽
- Reposition of the phalanges of the fingers of the hand (без фиксации) - 7000₽
- Reposition of the radial bone diaphysis - 7000₽
- Reposition of the radius in a typical place - 7000₽
- Reposition of the ulna diaphysis - 7000₽
- Reposition of wrist bones (без фиксации) - 7000₽
- Wound treatment
- Cosmetic seam - 1950₽
- Dressing in traumatology - 500₽
- Primary treatment of infected wounds - 5000₽
- Primary treatment of superficial wounds (1 категория) - 2200₽
Primary treatment of superficial wounds (2) - 1950₽ - Suture removal in traumatology - 600₽
- Bone repositions of the lower extremities
- Operations on the joints of the lower extremities
- Arthroscopic operations on the knee joint
- Arthroscopic rehabilitation of foci of knee joint infection - 30000₽
- Knee joint surgery
- Knee joint ligament repair - 60000₽
- Surgery for habitual dislocation of the patella - 20000₽
- Operations on bones and joints of the foot
- Arthroplasty of the joints of the foot - 20000₽
- Operations on the ankle joint
- Arthroscopic rehabilitation of the ankle joint - 30000₽
- Arthroscopic operations on the knee joint
- Operations on the joints of the upper extremities
- Shoulder joint surgery
- Surgery for habitual dislocation of the shoulder - 20000₽
- Shoulder joint surgery
- Small operations in traumatology
- Removal of metal structures
- Removal of metal structures from the collarbone - 20000₽
- Removal of metal structures from the hip - 20000₽
- Removal of metal structures from the lower leg - 20000₽
- Removal of metal structures from the pelvis - 20000₽
- Removal of metalwork from the forearm - 20000₽
- Removal of metalwork from the shoulder - 20000₽
- Skin plastic surgery
- Autodermoplasty - 10000₽
- Removal of metal structures
- Soft tissue surgery
- Operations on muscles and ligaments of the lower extremities
- Stitching of the lower leg muscles - 25000₽
- Stitching the thigh muscles - 25000₽
- Operations on muscles and ligaments of the upper extremities
- Excision of the elbow joint bursa - 4000₽
- Operations on the tendons of the lower extremities
- Achilles tendon tenolysis with bursectomy - 20000₽
- Operations on muscles and ligaments of the lower extremities
- Consultations in traumatology and orthopedics
- Bladder surgery
- Epicystostomy
- Open epicystostomy (1-я категория) - 4500₽
- Epicystostomy
- Kidney surgery
- Nephrostomy overlay
- Percutaneous puncture nephrostomy (1-я категория) - 7000₽
- Operations for kidney cyst
- Excision of the kidney cyst - 15000₽
- Removal of kidney stones
- Remote nephrolithotripsy (1-я категория) - 12000₽
- Nephrostomy overlay
- Operations on the ureters
- Operations for ureteral strictures
- Ureteral stenting (у мужчин) - 8000₽
- Removal of stones from the ureter
- Contact ureterolithotripsy - 15000₽
Contact ureterolithotripsy (1 категория) - 11000₽ - Remote ureterolithotripsy (1-я категория) - 12000₽
Remote ureterolithotripsy (2-я категория) - 20000₽ - Ureterolithoextraction (1 категория сложности) - 11000₽
- Contact ureterolithotripsy - 15000₽
- Ureterostomes and ureteroanastomoses
- Ureterocystoanastomosis - 15000₽
- Operations for ureteral strictures
- Urethral surgery
- Operations for urethral strictures
- Urethrotomy (внутренняя (оптическая)) - 10000₽
- Removal of foreign bodies and urethral formations
- Removal of urethral polyps (1 категория) - 5000₽
Removal of urethral polyps (2 категория) - 8000₽
- Removal of urethral polyps (1 категория) - 5000₽
- Urethral resection
- Wedge-shaped urethral resection - 15000₽
- Operations for urethral strictures
- Urological manipulations
- Catheterization of the bladder
- Catheterization of the bladder in men - 800₽
- Catheterization of the bladder in women - 800₽
- Replacement of cystostomy drainage - 1500₽
- Sanitation of the urinary tract
- Instillation of the bladder - 1000₽
- Urethral augmentation
- Urethral augmentation in men (прямой буж) - 1500₽
- Urethral augmentation in women - 1500₽
- Catheterization of the bladder
- Bladder surgery
- Consultations in venereology
- Consultation of a venereologist (врач) - 2000₽
Consultation of a venereologist (повторная врач) - 1700₽
- Consultation of a venereologist (врач) - 2000₽
- Consultations in venereology
Specialists working in the clinic
Clinic has no doctors listed yet.
Clinic phone numbers: (812) 325-00-03, (812) 305-24-55 | All contacts of the clinic ⇮ |