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Brief description of urinalysis parameters
General properties of urine
- Urine color is one of the most important characteristics that even a person without medical education can appreciate. In the norm, urine is yellow, but with various pathologies it can take any color and shade.
- The transparency of urine is determined by the presence of visible impurities in it. Turbidity of urine is observed in various conditions - from bacterial infection to glomerulonephritis. Note that only fresh urine should be absolutely transparent, and standing urine often becomes cloudy without any pathology.
- The smell of urine is not an important indicator in itself, but may cause further examination. Normal fresh urine is characterized by a weak specific smell.
- The density of urine determines the concentrating function of the kidneys. This parameter strongly depends on the time of taking the analysis (morning is recommended).
- The reaction (PH) of urine evaluates the acid-base properties of urine. Normal urine is slightly acidic, but various pathologies or medications can shift the acid-base balance.
Chemical composition of urine
- Protein in the urine indicates a violation of its filtration in the kidneys. This is a rather formidable sign that most often occurs with glomerulonephritis or pyelonephritis.
- Glucose in urine usually appears with significant hyperglycemia, which can occur due to the consumption of large amounts of sweets or with diabetes mellitus.
- Ketone bodies in urine analysis usually appear with ketoacidosis, which most often occurs during decompensation of diabetes mellitus.
- Bilirubin in urine appears when its metabolism is disrupted or red blood cells decay too actively. It is most often associated with jaundice.
- Urobilinogen is a bile pigment that gives urine a yellowish color. In its absence in the urine, it becomes colorless, which is a sign of some diseases.
- Hemoglobin in urine is a symptom of various diseases that cause the breakdown of red blood cells by their effect on the membrane, while hemoglobin leaves the cells and enters the plasma. It should be distinguished from hematuria, although these are similar conditions.
Urine microscopy
- Erythrocytes in urine is a formidable sign called hematuria. He speaks of a violation of kidney filtration or bleeding.
- Squamous epithelium is contained in urine in a small amount, however, with various inflammatory processes in the genitourinary tract, its amount may increase.
- The renal epithelium should not be contained in the urine. It appears in it with various lesions of the renal tubules.
- Cylinders in urine are casts of kidney tubules. With various violations, cylinders can form from different components.
- White blood cells in urine when they increase, they indicate an inflammatory process in the genitourinary tract or kidneys, for example, pyelonephritis.
- Mucus in the urine should not be contained. It is secreted by epithelial cells during various inflammatory processes.
- Bacteria in the urine are usually present, but in very small amounts. If their number exceeds 106, then this indicates the presence of a bacterial disease of the urinary tract or kidneys.
- Fungi in the urine are pathological microorganisms that normally should not be contained there. Their presence indicates the development of a fungal infection.
- Parasites in urine indicate the presence of a parasitic invasion of the genitourinary tract, for example, schistosomiasis.
Mineral precipitation in urine
- Salts in the urine are contained in small amounts. The content of a large amount of salts in the urine (saliuria) may indicate various violations of the mineral composition of urine or its acidity.
- Uraturia - an increase in the level of urates in the urine.
- Phosphaturia - an increase in the level of phosphates in the urine.
- Oxalaturia - an increase in the level of oxalates in the urine.
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