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Decoding the analysis of sex hormones 
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Brief description of sex hormones
Sex hormones are deciphered taking into account gender, age, the day of the menstrual cycle and the presence of pregnancy or breastfeeding. If these parameters are known, they are taken into account, if not, the average norms for a given gender and age are applied.
- Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) is a hormone of the anterior pituitary gland, its release depends on the effect of another biologically active substance - gonadoliberin, which is formed in the hypothalamus. FSH performs important functions in both the female and male body: * in women it is responsible for the formation of the follicle - a special formation of the ovaries, which is necessary for the proper maturation of the egg. Once a month, a follicle begins to form in one of the ovaries under the action of this compound, which then breaks, releasing an egg (ovulation) - this process takes the entire first half of the menstrual cycle. The remainder of the follicle turns into a yellow body that produces progesterone. If conception has not occurred, then the yellow body is destroyed, but in the case of pregnancy, this formation secretes progesterone for its entire period. * in men this hormone contributes to the formation of a number of structures of the reproductive system - seminal tubules, testicles. In addition, FSH in men promotes the conversion of estrogens into testosterone, increases the level of male hormones in the blood. FSH deficiency is especially unpleasant for women, as it can cause infertility. However, excess FSH also causes many disorders in the sexual sphere of both men and women.
- Luteinizing Hormone (LH) - like FSH is released in the anterior pituitary lobe under the influence of hypothalamic gonadoliberin. This hormone is designed to ensure the normal course of ovulation in women, so the main peak of its level is observed on the eve of this phenomenon. In men, this compound controls the normal course of spermatogenesis and the formation of testosterone. In addition to the absolute level of this substance, an important indicator is the ratio of LH to FSH. In men and girls before puberty, the index of this ratio is one, in women of reproductive age, the amount of FSH should exceed the level of LH by 1.5-2 times.
- Prolactin is the main hormone that ensures the growth of mammary glands in adolescence, and then actively stimulates lactation, that is, the release of milk. For this reason, its level in the body of men or non-pregnant women is quite low. In the case of pregnant women - its quantity must be known for the prognosis and prevention of possible problems with feeding; One of the types of hormone-active tumors - prolactinoma - is precisely diagnosed by an elevated level of this compound.
- Testosterone has historically been considered a typically male hormone, and for good reason - it stimulates muscle growth, facial hair, even voice changes. But some of its amounts are also present in the female body, where it is secreted by the cells of the ovarian reticular zone and the adrenal glands. The study of its level is carried out in the presence of certain symptoms (hirsutism, coarsening of the voice, etc.) in women, its increased amount can be the cause of infertility, as well as a symptom of a condition such as polycystic ovaries. In men, a decrease in its amount is accompanied by a disorder of the reproductive system and the sexual sphere.
- Estradiol is one of the main female sex hormones. It ensures the development of all secondary sexual characteristics. Estradiol also controls, along with luteinizing hormone, the normal course of ovulation and the fertilization process. Its effect also affects the psychological state of a woman - it is this substance that is largely responsible for sexual desire in the fair sex. Men also have minimal amounts of this substance in the blood, but its role in a healthy body has not been fully clarified. It is assumed that it is just an intermediate for the synthesis of testosterone. In some diseases in men, it may increase.
- Progesterone is one of the most important pregnancy hormones. It is the lack of this substance that is associated with the overwhelming number of cases of infertility or non-gestation. This allows it to be used for the treatment of similar conditions. Progesterone is mainly secreted by the yellow body (the remainder of the follicle remaining after ovulation), the main increase in its level is observed in the second half of the menstrual cycle. If conception and pregnancy occur, the amount of this substance remains high enough for the entire period of gestation. In the absence of this phenomenon, the progesterone level slowly decreases to the baseline by the beginning of menstruation.
- Estriol is a steroid hormone produced by the placenta. It is the main pregnancy hormone that appears from the second trimester.
- Dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEA-c) is a precursor of testosterone, most of which is located in the adrenal glands. This compound is a reserve form of the hormone, which is released when needed. Its predominant location in the supra-renal glands (adrenal glands) has diagnostic value. This allows us to determine the root cause of the increase in testosterone levels. If a low amount of DHEA-c is observed against the background of a high content of the male hormone, it means that the cause of the pathology is in the ovaries (for example, polycystic). With a simultaneous increase in both indicators, adrenal gland disease is diagnosed.
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