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Transcript of the coagulogram online
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Description of the coagulogram
Coagulogram is a complex hematological analysis that allows you to evaluate the clotting ability of blood. The study is prescribed after a serious injury and before surgery in order to prevent the development of bleeding or the formation of blood clots.
Also, the study of coagulogram indicators is necessary for the diagnosis of hereditary and acquired diseases of internal organs (kidneys and liver, blood vessels, heart). Monitoring of blood clotting during pregnancy and with diagnosed autoimmune disorders is mandatory.
Fibrinogen, fibrin and their metabolites
- Fibrinogen or factor I (the first) is a component of the coagulogram that demonstrates blood clotting ability. Fibrinogen analysis is included in the program of prenatal (prenatal) diagnostics, is prescribed during the examination of cardiovascular, inflammatory and infectious diseases, as well as in the preoperative preparation of the patient. Performed within the coagulogram.
- D-dimer is a protein fraction resulting from the breakdown of fibrin during the dissolution of blood clots (fibrinolysis). Analysis for D-dimer allows us to evaluate 2 factors at once in a complex: coagulation (blood clotting) and fibrinolysis (dissolution of clots). Performed within the coagulogram.
- RFMC (Soluble fibrin-monomer complexes) - quantitative determination of high-molecular compounds of fibrin with fibrinogen and its decay products. Performed with extended coagulogram. The test results are necessary for the diagnosis and monitoring of the effectiveness of therapy.
Tests evaluating prothrombin and thrombin
- INR is the ratio of the patient's prothrombin time to a similar norm indicator. This indicator allows you to identify the degree of hypocoagulation (prolongation of clotting time) during conservative treatment with anticoagulants (warfarin, heparin, etc.)
- Quick Prothrombin is a percentage of the normal prothrombin time. It is the most accurate analysis for the evaluation of the plasma prothrombin complex. It is usually carried out together with INR.
- Prothrombin time - reflects the plasma clotting time after the addition of a thromboplastin-calcium mixture. Due to the lack of a comparative evaluation of the results, it is not considered an accurate test. It is usually carried out together with prothrombin by Quick.
- The prothrombin index is the ratio of the clotting time of the control ( normal) plasma to the clotting time of the patient's plasma. It is usually carried out together with prothrombin by Quick.
- Antithrombin 3 is the main anticoagulant of the blood system that blocks clotting factors. Its main function is to regulate the formation of blood clots during bleeding, that is, deactivation of excessive thrombosis.
- Thrombin time - characterizes the last stage of blood clotting - the conversion of fibrinogen into fibrin. The analysis is prescribed to determine hereditary disorders, blood diseases, oncological processes, liver pathologies, as well as during pregnancy. Performed with extended coagulogram.
Other components of the hemostasis system
- APTT (Activated partial thromboplastin Time, APTT) is a screening study that is conducted as part of a general coagulogram and allows to determine the effectiveness of hemostasis. Basically, the test is prescribed for the treatment of indirect anticoagulants (heparin), as well as for pregnancy pathologies.
- Protein C belongs to the main coagulation inhibitors. Its active form binds and deactivates clotting factors, regulating the process of thrombosis, slowing it down. Performed within the coagulogram.
- Protein S free is one of the main components of the anticoagulation system of the blood. Thanks to protein S, blood clots resolve in a timely manner without blocking the lumen of the vessels. Performed within the coagulogram.
- Plasminogen is the primary form of plasmin, an enzyme that restricts the process of blood clotting during bleeding. Plasmin destroys fibrin and fibrinogen, which are responsible for the formation of blood clots-blood clots, which prevents excessive, pathological thrombosis. Plasmin also provides healing of damaged areas of the mucous membranes and skin, cleansing the wound surface of excess fibrin. Performed within the coagulogram
- Platelet aggregation is an assessment of the ability of platelets to adhere (adhere) and aggregate (stick together), which underlies the formation of a platelet plug at the site of injury. Performed with extended coagulogram
- Lupus anticoagulant (VA) - class G immunoglobulin - combines a group of antibodies of the immune system that cause an elongation of clotting time in phospholipid-dependent coagulation tests. Performed within the coagulogram
Plasma coagulation factors
- Fibrinogen
- Prothrombin
- Blood Clotting Factor III (Thromboplastin)
- Ca++ ions
- Blood Clotting Factor V (Proaccelerin)
- Accelerin - removed from the classification, as it is an active factor V.
- Blood Clotting Factor VII (Proconvertin)
- Blood Clotting Factor VIII (Antihemophilic globulin)
- Blood Clotting Factor IX (Christmas factor)
- Blood Clotting Factor X (Stewart- Prauer factor)
- Coagulation Factor XI (Rosenthal factor)
- Blood clotting factor XII (Hageman factor)
- Transglutaminase (Fibrin-stabilizing factor, Lucky-Lorand factor)
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