Standard medicines | Syndromes and diagnoses | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Alternative | Medical services, etc. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Pharmacological groups — list
The list of pharmacological groups of medicines with drugs. |
- 1st generation Cephalosporins
- 2nd generation Cephalosporins
- 3rd generation Cephalosporins
- 4th generation Cephalosporins
- ACE inhibitors
- ACE inhibitors in combinations
- Actinomycins
- Adenosineergic agents
- Adenosineergic agents in combinations
- Adrenergic and dopaminergic agents
- Adreno- and sympathomimetics (alpha, beta)
- Adreno- and sympathomimetics (alpha-, beta-) in combinations
- Adrenolytic agents
- Adrenomimetic agents
- Adsorbents
- Adsorbents in combinations
- Agents affecting neuromuscular transmission
- Agents that normalize the intestinal microflora, in combinations
- Agents that prevent the formation and promote the dissolution of concretions in combinations
- Agents that prevent vascular neoplasm
- Aliphatic derivatives of phenothiazine
- Alkylamine Esters
- Alkylating agents
- Allergen Extract
- Alpha and beta blockers
- Alpha and beta blockers in combinations
- Alpha blockers
- Alpha glucosidase inhibitors
- Alpha-adrenomimetics
- Alpha-adrenomimetics in combinations
- Alpha-blockers in combinations
- Aluminum preparations
- Amides
- Amino Acids
- Aminobenzoic acid esters
- Aminoglycosides
- Aminoglycosides in combinations
- Aminoquinolines
- Aminosalicylic acid and similar preparations
- Amphenicols
- Amphenicols in combinations
- Anabolic steroids
- Anabolic steroids in combinations
- Analogues of nitrogenous mustard gas
- Androgens
- Androgens, antiandrogens
- Androgens, antiandrogens in combinations
- Anesthetic drugs
- Angioprotectors and microcirculation correctors
- Angioprotectors and microcirculation correctors in combinations
- Angiotensin II receptor antagonists (AT1 subtype)
- Angiotensin II receptor antagonists (AT1 subtype) in combinations
- Anilides
- Anilides in combinations
- Ansamycins
- Antacids
- Antacids in combinations
- Antagonists of endothelin receptors
- Anthelmintic agents
- Anthracyclines and related compounds
- Anti - gestagens
- Anti-leprosy drugs
- Anti-protesters
- Anti-tuberculosis drugs
- Antiandrogens
- Antiarrhythmic drugs
- Antiarrhythmic drugs in combinations
- Antiarrhythmics Class IA
- Antiarrhythmics Class III
- Antiarrhythmics class IB
- Antiarrhythmics class IC
- Antibiotics
- Anticholinesterase agents
- Anticoagulants
- Anticoagulants in combinations
- Anticongestants in combinations
- Antidepressants
- Antidepressants in combinations
- Antidiarrheal drugs in combinations
- Antidiarrheal microorganisms
- Antidiarrheal remedies
- Antidotes
- Antiemetics
- Antiemetics in combinations
- Antiepileptic drugs
- Antiepileptic drugs in combinations
- Antiestrogens
- Antiferments
- Antifungal agents
- Antifungal agents in combinations
- Antifungal antibiotics
- Antifungal drugs for local use other
- Antifungal drugs for topical use
- Antifungal drugs of systemic action
- Antigonadotropin releasing hormones
- Antihypoxants and antioxidants
- Antihypoxants and antioxidants in combination
- Antimetabolites
- Antimicrobial, antiparasitic and anthelmintic agents
- Antiparasitic agents
- Antiparasitic agents in combinations
- Antiparkinsonian drugs
- Antiparkinsonian drugs in combinations
- Antiplatelet agents
- Antiplatelet agents in combinations
- Antiseptics
- Antiseptics and disinfectants
- Antiseptics and disinfectants in combinations
- Antiseptics for local treatment of oral diseases
- Antitumor agents
- Antitumor agents - monoclonal antibodies
- Antitumor agents - monoclonal antibodies in combinations
- Antitumor agents - protein kinase inhibitors
- Antitumor agents - protein kinase inhibitors in combinations
- Antitumor agents of plant origin
- Antitumor agents of plant origin in combinations
- Antitumor antibiotics
- Antitumor drugs other
- Antitumor hormonal agents and hormone antagonists
- Antitussive agents in combinations
- Antitussive remedies
- Antiviral (with the exception of HIV) drugs
- Antiviral (with the exception of HIV) drugs in combinations
- Antiviral agents
- Anxiolytics
- Appetite Regulators
- Appetite regulators in combinations
- Aryloxyacetic acid derivatives
- Auxiliary means for hemotransfusion
- B vitamins
- B vitamins in combinations
- Baby food (including mixtures)
- Bach's Intestinal nosodes
- Barbiturates (antiepileptic)
- Barbiturates (general anesthetics)
- Benzamides
- Benzodiazepine - like drugs
- Benzodiazepine derivatives
- Benzothiazepine derivatives
- Beta blockers
- Beta-adrenomimetics
- Beta-adrenomimetics in combinations
- Beta-blockers are not selective
- Beta-blockers are selective
- Beta-blockers in combinations
- Biguanides
- Biguanides and amidines
- Bile acid sequestrants
- Bioflavonoids
- Biologically active food additives (dietary supplements)
- Biphosphonates
- Bradykinin receptor antagonists
- Broad-spectrum penicillins
- Butyrophenone derivatives
- Calcineurin inhibitors
- Calcitonin preparations
- Calcium Channel Blockers
- Calcium Preparations
- Calcium channel blockers in combinations
- Carbapenems
- Carbapenems in combinations
- Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors
- Carboxamide derivatives
- Cardiac glycosides and non-glycoside cardiotonics
- Cardiac glycosides and non-glycosidic cardiotonic agents in combinations
- Cardiovascular products
- Carminative agents
- Carminative agents in combinations
- Cephalosporins
- Cephalosporins in combinations
- Choleretic agents and bile preparations in combinations
- Choleretics and bile preparations
- Cholinolytic drugs
- Cholinomimetic agents
- Coagulants (in pm, blood clotting factors), hemostatics
- Coagulants (in pm, blood clotting factors), hemostatics in combinations
- Coagulation factors
- Coal preparations
- Colony-stimulating factors
- Coloring agents
- Combination of anti-tuberculosis drugs
- Contact laxatives
- Contrast media
- Correctors of bone and cartilage metabolism
- Correctors of bone and cartilage tissue metabolism in combinations
- Correctors of cerebral circulation disorders
- Correctors of cerebral circulation disorders in combinations
- Corticosteroids
- Corticosteroids are highly active in combination with antibiotics
- Corticosteroids are mildly active in combination with antibiotics
- Corticosteroids are moderately active in combination with antibiotics
- Corticosteroids for topical use
- Corticosteroids in combination with antimicrobials
- Dental products
- Dental products in combinations
- Derivatives of choline
- Derivatives of fatty acids
- Derivatives of hydantoin
- Derivatives of oripavin
- Derivatives of podophyllotoxin
- Derivatives of pregn4-ena
- Dermatotropic agents in combinations
- Dermatotropic products
- Detoxification drugs for antitumor therapy
- Detoxifying agents, including antidotes
- Detoxifying agents, including antidotes, in combinations
- Diagnostic tools
- Diazepines oxazepines and thiazepines
- Dietary supplements - balms, teas, brews, fees
- Dietary supplements - bee products
- Dietary supplements - carbohydrates and products of their processing
- Dietary supplements - enzymes of plant or microbial origin
- Dietary supplements - fats, fat-like substances and their derivatives
- Dietary supplements - macro- and microelements
- Dietary supplements - natural metabolites
- Dietary supplements - polyphenolic compounds
- Dietary supplements - probiotics and prebiotics
- Dietary supplements - products of vegetable, animal or mineral origin
- Dietary supplements - proteins, amino acids and their derivatives
- Dietary supplements - vitamin and mineral complexes
- Dietary supplements - vitamins, vitamin-like substances and coenzymes
- Different means
- Digitalis preparations
- Dihydropyridine derivatives
- Dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitors
- Diphenylmethane derivatives
- Direct thrombin inhibitors
- Diuretics
- Diuretics in combinations
- Dopa and its derivatives
- Dopamine Receptor Agonists
- Dopaminomimetics
- Dopaminomimetics in combinations
- Drugs for the treatment of HIV infection
- Drugs for the treatment of HIV infection in combinations
- Drugs that affect the metabolism in the prostate gland and urodynamic correctors
- Drugs that affect the metabolism in the prostate gland and urodynamic correctors in combinations
- Drugs that affect the metabolism of uric acid
- Drugs that reduce gastrointestinal motility
- Endothelin receptor antagonists in combinations
- Endothelin receptor blockers
- Enkephalinase inhibitors
- Enkephalinase inhibitors in combinations
- Enteral and parenteral nutrition products
- Enteral and parenteral nutrition products in combinations
- Enveloping laxatives
- Enzyme preparations
- Enzymes and antiferments
- Enzymes and antiferments in combinations
- Ergot Alkaloids
- Estren derivatives
- Estrogens, progestogens; their homologues and antagonists
- Estrogens, progestogens; their homologues and antagonists in combinations
- Excipients, reagents and intermediates
- Expectorant drugs
- Fat-soluble vitamins
- Fibrates
- Fibrinolysis inhibitors
- Fibrinolytics
- Flowers of Bach
- Folic acid analogues
- Gastrointestinal motility stimulants, including emetics
- Gastrointestinal products
- Gastroprotectors
- Gastroprotectors in combinations
- General anesthetics other
- General ionizing agents and adaptogens
- General ionizing agents and adaptogens in combinations
- Gestagens
- Glucagon and its analogues
- Glucocorticoids with high activity (group III)
- Glucocorticoids with low activity (group I)
- Glucocorticoids with moderate activity (group II)
- Glucocorticoids with very high activity (group IV)
- Glucocorticosteroids
- Glucocorticosteroids in combinations
- Glycopeptides
- Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone Analogues
- Gonadotropins
- H1-antihistamines
- H1-antihistamines in combinations
- H2-antihistamines
- HIV protease inhibitors
- Halogenated hydrocarbons
- Hematopoiesis stimulants
- Hematopoiesis stimulants in combinations
- Hematotropic agents
- Heparin Group
- Heparins or heparinoids for topical use
- Hepatoprotectors
- Hepatoprotectors in combinations
- Histaminergic agents
- Histaminolytics
- Histaminomimetics
- Homeopathic classical monopreparations
- Homeopathic complex remedies
- Homeopathic nosodes
- Homeopathic remedies
- Hormonal contraceptives
- Hormones and their antagonists
- Hormones of the hypothalamus, pituitary gland, gonadotropins and their antagonists
- Hormones of the hypothalamus, pituitary gland, gonadotropins and their antagonists in combinations
- Hydrazides
- Hyperglycemic agents
- Hypertensive drugs
- Hypoglycemic synthetic and other drugs
- Hypoglycemic synthetic and other drugs in combinations
- Hypolipidemic agents
- I1-imidazoline receptor agonists
- Immune serums
- Immunobiological diagnostic tools
- Immunoglobulins
- Immunoglobulins in combinations
- Immunomodulators
- Immunosuppressants
- Immunotropic agents
- Indole derivatives
- Insulins
- Insulins in combinations
- Interferon inductors
- Interferons
- Interferons in combinations
- Interleukin inhibitors
- Interleukins
- Intermediates
- Iron preparations
- Iron-binding preparations
- Laxatives
- Laxatives in combinations
- Laxatives that increase the volume of intestinal contents
- Leukotriene receptor blockers
- Lincosamides
- Lincosamides in combinations
- Lipid-lowering drugs in combinations
- Lithium preparations
- Local anesthetics
- Local anesthetics in combinations
- Local irritant agents in combinations
- Local irritating agents
- Long-acting insulins and their analogues for injection
- Loop diuretics
- Low molecular weight heparins
- M-, n-Cholinolytics
- M-, n-Cholinomimetics, pm anticholinesterase agents
- M-Cholinolytics
- M-Cholinolytics in combinations
- M-Cholinomimetics
- M-Cholinomimetics in combinations
- Macro- and microelements
- Macro- and microelements in combinations
- Macrolides and azalides
- Macrolides and azalides in combinations
- Magnetic resonance contrast media
- Means regulating the function of the genitourinary system and reproduction
- Means that prevent the formation and promote the dissolution of concretions
- Medications to eliminate dizziness
- Medium- or long-acting insulins and their analogues in combination with short-acting insulins for injection
- Metabolics
- Methylhydrazines
- Mineralocorticoids
- Monoamine oxidase Type B inhibitors
- Monobactams
- Mucolytic drugs
- Myotropic antispasmodics
- Myotropic antispasmodics in combinations
- N-Cholinolytics (ganglioblockers)
- N-Cholinolytics (muscle relaxants)
- N-Cholinolytics (muscle relaxants) in combinations
- N-Cholinomimetics
- NSAIDs - Acetic acid derivatives and related compounds
- NSAIDs - Acetic acid derivatives and related compounds in combinations
- NSAIDs - Butylpyrazolidines
- NSAIDs - Butylpyrazolidines in combinations
- NSAIDs - Coxibs
- NSAIDs - Derivatives of salicylic acid
- NSAIDs - Derivatives of salicylic acid in combinations
- NSAIDs - Oxycams
- NSAIDs - Oxycams in combinations
- NSAIDs - Phenamates
- NSAIDs - Phenamates in combinations
- NSAIDs - Propionic acid derivatives
- NSAIDs - Propionic acid derivatives in combinations
- NSAIDs - Pyrazolones
- NSAIDs - Pyrazolones in combinations
- NSAIDs for topical use
- Natural and semi-synthetic estrogens
- Neuraminidase inhibitors
- Neuroleptics
- Neurotropic drugs
- Nicotinates
- Nitrates and nitrate-like agents in combinations
- Nitrates and nitrate-like products
- Nitroferricyanide derivatives
- Nitrofuran derivatives
- Nitroimidazole derivatives
- Nitrosourea derivatives
- Non-hormonal contraceptives
- Non-narcotic analgesics, including nonsteroidal and other anti-inflammatory drugs
- Non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors
- Nonselective monoamine reuptake inhibitors
- Nootropics
- Nootropics in combinations
- Normal Human immunoglobulins
- Normotimics
- Nucleotides reverse transcriptase inhibitors
- Ophthalmic products
- Ophthalmic products in combinations
- Opioid narcotic analgesics
- Opioid narcotic analgesics in combinations
- Opioid non-narcotic analgesics
- Opioid non-narcotic analgesics in combinations
- Opioids, their analogues and antagonists
- Oral anticoagulants
- Oral preparations of divalent iron
- Oral preparations of trivalent iron
- Organotropic products
- Osmotic diuretics
- Osmotic laxatives
- Other antibiotics
- Other antibiotics for external use
- Other antibiotics in combinations
- Other antifungal drugs of systemic action
- Other antimicrobial, antiparasitic and anthelmintic agents
- Other antimicrobial, antiparasitic and anthelmintic agents in combinations
- Other antitumor agents
- Other cardiotonic means
- Other cardiovascular drugs in combinations
- Other cardiovascular products
- Other diagnostic tools
- Other dietary supplements
- Other different means
- Other drugs that affect the structure and mineralization of bones
- Other gastrointestinal remedies
- Other gastrointestinal remedies in combinations
- Other hematotropic agents
- Other histaminolytics
- Other hormones, their analogues and antagonists
- Other immunomodulators
- Other immunomodulators in combinations
- Other intermediates
- Other lipid-lowering agents
- Other lipid-lowering drugs in combinations
- Other means regulating the function of the genitourinary system and reproduction
- Other metabolites
- Other metabolites in combinations
- Other neurotropic agents
- Other neurotropic agents in combination
- Other non-narcotic analgesics, including nonsteroidal and other anti-inflammatory drugs
- Other non-narcotic analgesics, including nonsteroidal and other anti-inflammatory drugs, in combinations
- Other organotropic agents
- Other quaternary ammonium compounds
- Other respiratory products
- Other respiratory products in combinations
- Other synthetic antibacterial agents
- Other synthetic antibacterial agents in combinations
- Other vegetative agents
- Oxazolidinones
- Oxytocin and its analogues
- PDE-5 inhibitors
- PDE-5 inhibitors in combinations
- Papaverine and its derivatives
- Paramagnetic contrast media
- Parenteral preparations of trivalent iron
- Penicillins
- Penicillins in combinations
- Penicillins resistant to beta lactamases
- Penicillins sensitive to beta lactamases
- Penicillins, in combination with beta-lactamase inhibitors
- Periwinkle alkaloids and their analogues
- Phenothiazine derivatives
- Phenylalkylamine derivatives
- Phenylpiperidine derivatives
- Piperazine derivatives
- Piperazine derivatives of phenothiazine
- Piperidine derivatives of phenothiazine
- Plasma Proteinase Inhibitors
- Plasma substitutes and other blood components in combinations
- Platinum preparations
- Polymyxins
- Potassium-sparing diuretics
- Potency regulators
- Pregnadiene derivatives
- Products that normalize the intestinal microflora
- Prokinetics
- Prokinetics in combinations
- Prolactin inhibitors
- Prostaglandin analogues
- Prostaglandins
- Prostaglandins, thromboxanes, leukotrienes, their analogues and antagonists
- Prostaglandins, thromboxanes, leukotrienes, their analogues and antagonists in combinations
- Proteins and amino acids
- Proteins and amino acids in combinations
- Proteolytic enzymes
- Proton Pump Inhibitors
- Proton pump inhibitors in combinations
- Psoralenes of systemic action
- Psychostimulants
- Psychostimulants in combinations
- Purine analogues
- Purine derivatives
- Pyrimidine analogues
- Quinolones/Fluoroquinolones
- Quinolones/fluoroquinolones in combinations
- Radiopaque agents in combinations
- Radioprophylactic and radiotherapeutic agents
- Regenerants and reparants
- Regenerants and reparants in combinations
- Regulators of the water-electrolyte balance and CSF
- Regulators of water-electrolyte balance and CSF in combinations
- Rehydrating agents
- Rehydrating agents in combinations
- Remedies for the correction of disorders in alcoholism, substance abuse and drug addiction
- Remedies for the correction of disorders in alcoholism, substance abuse and drug addiction in combinations
- Renin inhibitors
- Renin inhibitors in combination
- Respiratory products
- Respiratory stimulants
- Respiratory stimulants in combinations
- Retinoids for acne for external use
- Schussler salts
- Sclerosing agents
- Secretolytics and respiratory tract motor function stimulants in combinations
- Secretolytics and stimulants of respiratory tract motor function
- Sedatives
- Sedatives in combinations
- Selective agonists of serotonin 5-HT1 receptors
- Selective beta2-adrenomimetics
- Selective immunosuppressants
- Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors
- Serotonergic drugs
- Serotonergic drugs in combinations
- Serotonin 5HT3 Receptor Blockers
- Short-acting insulins
- Sleeping pills
- Sleeping pills in combinations
- Solutions for peritoneal dialysis
- Solutions of plasma substitutes
- Somatostatin and its analogues
- Somatropin and its agonists
- Stabilizers of mast cell membranes
- Stabilizers of mast cell membranes in combinations
- Statins
- Steroid Structure Antibiotics
- Substituted alkylamines
- Substituted ethylenediamines
- Substitutes for plasma and other blood components
- Succinimide derivatives
- Sulfonamides
- Sulfonamides in combinations
- Sulfonylurea derivatives
- Surfactants
- Sympatholytics
- Sympatholytics in combinations
- Sympathomimetics for the treatment of glaucoma
- Sympathomimetics other than anti-glaucoma drugs
- Sympathomimetics used as decongestants
- Synthetic antibacterial agents
- Synthetic ovulation stimulators
- Taxa
- Tertiary amines
- Tetracyclines
- Tetracyclines in combinations
- Tetrahydropyrimidine derivatives
- Thiazide diuretics
- Thiazolidinediones
- Thioxanthene derivatives
- Thyroid Hormones
- Thyroid and parathyroid hormones, their analogues and antagonists (including antithyroid drugs)
- Thyroid and parathyroid hormones, their analogues and antagonists in combinations
- Tocolytics
- Triazole derivatives
- Tumor Necrosis factor alpha TNF inhibitors
- Type A monoamine oxidase inhibitors
- Ultrasonic contrast media
- Uterotonics
- Vaccines, serums, phages and toxoids
- Vaccines, serums, phages and toxoids in combinations
- Vasodilators
- Vasodilators in combinations
- Vasopressin and its analogues
- Vegetative agents
- Vitamins and vitamin-like products
- Vitamins and vitamin-like products in combinations
- Water-soluble vitamins
- X-ray contrast media
- Xanthines
- Zinc preparations