Appointment to the doctor and for diagnostics
Enter the doctor's specialty, diagnostic method, or your complaints/diagnoses using 🔍 Search and input
Answers to frequently asked questions
- Is it more expensive to register via Kiberis than in a clinic?
No, the prices in Cyberis do not differ from the prices in clinics, and the services for selecting the best doctor are free. Even more than that, you can often make an appointment with a doctor cheaper than at the clinic itself. - How do I make an appointment with a doctor or for an examination?
Find the specialty or examination page through a quick search, select a clinic and submit an application. They will contact you soon and clarify all the details. - How is the payment made?
Everything is paid for in the clinic itself. The only exceptions are telemedicine online consultations, for which remote payment can be used. - Kiberis is a clinic?
No, Kiberis is a medical artificial intelligence system for helping doctors and patients. A doctor's appointment is just for ease of use. - I'm a doctor. How do I start seeing patients?
Register in the system, write down your medical data in the system, and then send us the documents confirming them. Learn more in the registration process.
Available medical specialties
The main sections of medical services are
Category: treatment. Service type: online doctor's appointment.