Биомед на Нурсултана Назарбаева
55.77654972212422(()49.142538551241174(()(()Биомед на Нурсултана Назарбаева | ||
Править ✎ | To the estimates | |
Лечебно-диагностический центр | ||
Address: | Казань, ул. Нурсултана Назарбаева, д. 10 | |
Working hours: | Mon-Fri: 07:00 - 20:00сб: 07:30 - 16:00вс: выходной | |
Phone numbers: | +7(843..show 1 phone+7(843) 533-33-33 | |
E-mail: | info@biomed-mc.ru | |
High cost: | 0.7 ⓘ✘The coefficient of the clinic's high cost by market. 1 means that the clinic has average prices. The lower the coefficient, the cheaper the clinic. | |
Website: | biomed-mc.ru | |
Description: Лечебно-диагностический центр «Биомед» на ул. Нурсултана Назарбаева г. Казани (м. Суконная слобода) – это ведущее негосударственное медицинское учреждение. Специалисты центра используют в своей работе высокоточные современные технологии. Это позволяет своевременно обнаружить отклонения и предотвратить их развитие. В многопрофильных лабораториях проводятся сложнейшие анализы. В том числе исследование, основанное на полимеразной цепной реакции, которая позволяет получить точные результаты без проведения сложных микробиологических процедур. У нас работают врачи по всем основным специальностям: аллерголог, гастроэнтеролог, гематолог, гинеколог, дерматовенеролог (дерматолог), иммунолог, инфекционист, кардиолог, рефлексотерапевт, косметолог, маммолог, массажист, невропатолог (невролог), нефролог, онколог, отоларинголог, офтальмолог, педиатр, проктолог, ревматолог, сосудистый хирург-флеболог, терапевт, уролог-андролог, хирург, эндокринолог, физиотерапевт. Прием ведут кандидаты и доктора медицинских наук, заслуженные врачи Республики Татарстан, а также специалисты первой и высшей категории, имеющие большой практический опыт. Высокий профессионализм и новейшие методы исследований позволяют нам не просто ставить диагнозы, но и проводить крайне эффективное лечение пациентов с заболеваниями разной степени сложности. |
Prices for 594 services
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Allergology (2), Analyzes (307), Andrology (3), Consultations (11), Cosmetology (11), Dentistry (3), Dermatology (12), Diagnostics (59), Gastroenterology (2), Gynecology (26), Mammology (4), Neurology (10), Obstetrics (5), Oncology (6), Ophthalmology (9), Otolaryngology (18), Pediatrics (24), Phlebology (3), Physical therapy (35), Proctology (10), Pulmonology (2), Rheumatology (1), Surgery (11), Therapy (11), Traumatology-orthopedics (2), Urology (6), Venereology (1)Local Search
- Consultations in allergology
- Consultation of an allergist-immunologist (врач) - 1500₽
- Diagnostics in allergology
- Spirometry (без проб) - 500₽
- Consultations in allergology
- Allergological studies
- Individual allergens
- Food allergens (1 allergen) - 2100₽
- Markers of allergic reactions
- Eosinophilic cationic protein (ecp) - 990₽
- Histamine in the blood (histamine, plasma) - 2080₽
- Immunoglobulin E (IgE) in the blood (ige общий) - 310₽
- Tests for allergies to animals and birds
- Analysis for allergy to cats - 550₽
- Analysis for allergy to dogs - 5100₽
- Analysis for allergy to guinea pigs (шерсть морской свинки эпителий мыши эпителий крысы шерсть кролика шерсть хомячка) - 550₽
- Analysis for allergy to mice - 550₽
- Analysis for allergy to parrots - 550₽
- Analysis for allergy to rats - 550₽
- Hamster allergy test - 550₽
- Rabbit allergy test (эпителий лошади эпителий коровы эпителий овцы шерсть кролика) - 550₽
- Individual allergens
- Biochemical analysis of feces
- Analysis of feces for carbohydrates (в т. ч. лактоза) - 900₽
- Fecal biochemistry for dysbiosis (исследование микрофлоры кишечника) - 2200₽
- Fecal calprotectin - 2640₽
- Stool analysis for pancreatic elastase-1 - 2330₽
- Biochemical analysis of urine
- Alpha-amylase (diastase) of urine (суточная моча) - 215₽
- Calcium in the urine - 374₽
- Creatinine in urine - 275₽
- Microalbumin in urine - 450₽
- Oxalates in urine - 970₽
- Pancreatic urine alpha-amylase - 320₽
- Potassium in the urine - 330₽
- Rehberg Test (уровень креатинина в моче) - 325₽
- Urea in the urine - 175₽
- Uric acid in the urine - 175₽
- Biochemical blood analysis
- Amino Acid Research
- Blood test for unsaturated fatty acids (эйкозапентаеновая кислота, докозагексаеновая кислота, витамин e (токоферол) ) - 6490₽
Blood test for unsaturated fatty acids (линолевая кислота, линоленовая кислота, арахидоновая кислота) - 5830₽ - Omega-3 Index (оценка риска внезапной сердечной смерти, инфаркта миокарда и других сердечно-сосудистых заболеваний) - 5830₽
- Blood test for unsaturated fatty acids (эйкозапентаеновая кислота, докозагексаеновая кислота, витамин e (токоферол) ) - 6490₽
- Definition of vitamins
- Blood test for fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K) - 7590₽
- Blood test for water-soluble vitamins (b1, b5, b6, в9, в12, с) - 8690₽
- Comprehensive blood test for vitamins (a, d, e, k, c, b1, b5, b6, в9, b12) - 13090₽
- Folic acid of the blood - 770₽
- Vitamin A (retinol) - 2310₽
- Vitamin B1 (thiamine) - 550₽
- Vitamin B12 - 550₽
- Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) - 2310₽
- Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) - 2310₽
- Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) - 550₽
- Vitamin D - 2310₽
- Vitamin E (tocopherol) - 2310₽
- Vitamin K (phylloquinone) - 2310₽
- Determination of electrolytes
- Blood Magnesium - 176₽
- Blood calcium - 290₽
- Blood potassium - 176₽
- Zinc in the blood - 360₽
- Determination of specific proteins and markers of inflammation
- Alpha-1-antitrypsin - 1386₽
- Brain Natriuretic Peptide (NT-proBNP) - 2695₽
- C Reactive blood protein - 275₽
- Troponins (экспресс тест иха-кардио-фактор для выявления кардиомаркеров в крови) - 350₽
- Enzyme research
- AST of blood - 170₽
- Alkaline phosphatase of blood - 165₽
- Blood ALT - 170₽
- Blood Cholinesterase (s-псевдохолинэстераза, холинэстераза ii, s-хэ ацилхолинацилгидролаза, cholinesterase) - 280₽
- Blood Creatine Kinase - 345₽
- Blood lipase - 220₽
- Blood test for alpha-amylase - 300₽
- GGTP of blood - 190₽
- LDG of blood (лдг) - 270₽
- Pancreatic alpha-amylase - 320₽
- Insulin in the blood - 550₽
- Other biochemical blood tests
- Pepsinogen in the blood - 1275₽
Pepsinogen in the blood (пепсиноген i, пепсиноген ii, отношение пепсиногенов i/ii) - 2200₽
- Pepsinogen in the blood - 1275₽
- Study of carbohydrate metabolism
- Blood glucose - 175₽
- Glucose tolerance test (2 пробы) - 725₽
- Glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1) (hba1c) - 495₽
- Lactic acid in the blood (молочная кислота) - 550₽
- Study of iron metabolism
- Blood Ferritin - 400₽
- Blood Transferrin - 370₽
- Ceruloplasmin - 520₽
- Haptoglobin - 616₽
- Whey Iron - 370₽
- Study of lipid metabolism
- Apolipoprotein A1 - 450₽
- Apolipoprotein B - 450₽
- Blood lipoproteins - 230₽
- Homocysteine - 1100₽
- Total cholesterol (алт, аст, билирубин общий, билирубин прямой, холестерин общий, глюкоза, креатинин, мочевина) - 1380₽
- Triglycerides - 175₽
- Study of pigment metabolism
- Bilirubin straight - 170₽
- Indirect Bilirubin - 330₽
- Total bilirubin - 175₽
- Study of protein and substrate metabolism
- Albumin in the blood - 180₽
- Blood Creatinine - 175₽
- Blood urea - 175₽
- Protein fractions of blood (метод электрофореза) - 630₽
- Thymol test - 176₽
- Uric acid of the blood - 175₽
- Total blood protein - 250₽
- Amino Acid Research
- Cancer markers
- Alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) (афп) - 420₽
- Beta-2-microglobulin (в моче) - 869₽
- CYFRA 21-1 Cancer marker (онкомаркер) - 1240₽
- Cancer marker CA 125 (включает определение антигена са 125 и опухолевого маркера he 4) - 1540₽
- Cancer marker CA 15-3 (онкомаркер) - 660₽
- Cancer marker CA 19-9 (онкомаркер) - 620₽
- Cancer marker CA 242 (онкомаркер) - 1050₽
- Cancer marker CA 72-4 (онкомаркер) - 1065₽
- Cancer-embryonic antigen (REA) (рэа) - 440₽
- HE4 (Human epididymis secretory protein 4) (секреторный белок 4 эпидидимиса человека) - 1045₽
- NSE (neuron-specific enolase) (нейронспецифическую енолазу) - 1180₽
- Prostate Health Index (phi) (phi) - 3300₽
- Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) common (пса общий) - 340₽
- Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) free - 495₽
- Protein S-100 - 2300₽
- SCC (squamous cell carcinoma antigen) (антиген плоскоклеточного рака) - 1020₽
- Tumor M2-pyruvate kinase - 2200₽
- UBC (bladder cancer antigen) in urine (антиген рака мочевого пузыря) - 1880₽
- Chemical and toxicological studies
- Study of mineral metabolism
- Blood test for heavy metals (li, b, na, mg, al, si, k, ca, ti, cr, mn, fe, co, ni, cu, zn, as, se, mo, cd, sb, hg, pb) - 5500₽
- Spectral analysis of hair for trace elements (li, b, na, mg, al, si, k, ca, ti, cr, mn, fe, co, ni, cu, zn, as, se, mo, cd, sb, hg, pb) - 4114₽
- Urine analysis for heavy metals (li, b, na, mg, al, si, k, ca, ti, cr, mn, fe, co, ni, cu, zn, as, se, mo, cd, sb, hg, pb) - 4114₽
- Study of mineral metabolism
- Comprehensive laboratory tests
- Other diagnostic panels
- Pregnancy planning tests - 1066₽
- Other diagnostic panels
- Cytological studies
- Cytological examination of sputum - 990₽
- Cytological examination of urine - 550₽
- Cytology of a smear, an imprint from an intrauterine device - 420₽
- Diagnosis of infections
- Antibodies to helicobacter in the blood
- A breath test for helicobacter (h. pylori) - 2570₽
- Blood test for Helicobacter pylori (иха) - 341₽
- PCR diagnostics of helicobacter pylori - 750₽
- Diagnosis of tuberculosis
- Quantiferon test - 6050₽
- T-SPOT.TB TB test (старше 12 лет) - 8250₽
- Hepatitis tests
- Blood test for hepatitis A (anti-hav igg) - 495₽
- Blood test for hepatitis B (anti-hbе) - 480₽
Blood test for hepatitis B - 385₽ - Blood test for hepatitis E (anti-hev igg) - 660₽
- Blood test for hepatitis G - 660₽
- Passive hemagglutination reaction (RPGA)
- RPGA Y. pseudotuberculosis IHA - 475₽
- Typhoid fever RPGA (Salmonella typhi) (сыворотка крови) - 675₽
- Typhus RPGA (Rickettsia prowazekii) (rickettsia prowazekii, iha) - 495₽
- Yersiniosis RPGA (Yersinia enterocolitica) - 475₽
- Polymerase chain reaction (PCR diagnostics)
- Androflor (скрин) - 1430₽
Androflor - 1980₽ - PCR diagnosis of chlamydia (chlamydia trachomatis) - 370₽
- PCR diagnosis of gardnerellosis (gardnerella vaginalis) - 370₽
- PCR diagnosis of herpes simplex virus type 1 and 2 - 350₽
- PCR diagnosis of syphilis (treponema pallidum) (treponema pallidum) - 500₽
- PCR diagnosis of trichomoniasis (trichomonas vaginalis) (trichomonas vaginalis) - 290₽
- PCR diagnosis of ureaplasmosis (ureaplasma urealyticum) - 370₽
- PCR neisseria gonorrhoeae, DNA - 370₽
- PCR test for coronavirus (анализ) - 1500₽
- Androflor (скрин) - 1430₽
- Antibodies to helicobacter in the blood
- Drug monitoring
- Blood test for cyclosporine - 1419₽
- Blood test for valproic acid - 1200₽
- Enzyme immunoassay (ELISA)
- Antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, IgM and IgG (igm) - 800₽
Antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, IgM and IgG - 1900₽
Antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, IgM and IgG (igg) - 990₽ - Determination of antibodies to STIs
- Analysis for antibodies to ureaplasma - 360₽
- Antibodies to chlamydia trachomatis - 350₽
- Antibodies to mycoplasma hominis (ифа) - 410₽
- Determination of antibodies to bacterial infections
- Analysis for antibodies to borrelia - 517₽
- Analysis for antibodies to brucella (anti-brucella spp. igg) - 539₽
Analysis for antibodies to brucella - 550₽ - Analysis for antibodies to diphtheria bacillus (corynebacterium diphtheriae) - 1040₽
- Analysis for antibodies to meningococcus (neisseria meningitidis) - 1500₽
- Analysis for antibodies to the causative agent of tetanus - 290₽
Analysis for antibodies to the causative agent of tetanus (clostridium tetani) - 840₽ - Analysis for antibodies to the causative agent of typhoid fever - 675₽
- Analysis for antibodies to the causative agent of whooping cough - 803₽
- Determination of antibodies to helminths
- Analysis for antibodies to ascarids (ифа) - 600₽
- Analysis for antibodies to echinococci - 451₽
- Analysis for antibodies to opisthorchis (ифа) - 500₽
- Analysis for antibodies to toxocars (ифа) - 500₽
- Determination of antibodies to protozoa
- Analysis for antibodies to giardia - 484₽
- Analysis for antibodies to toxoplasma - 935₽
- Determination of antibodies to the causative agent of syphilis
- Syphilis RPR test - 350₽
- Wasserman Reaction (RW) (рв, реакция вассермана) - 470₽
- Determination of antibodies to the herpes virus
- Analysis for antibodies to Varicella-Zoster virus - 440₽
- Analysis for antibodies to herpes virus type 6 (anti-hhv-6 igg) - 520₽
- Analysis for antibodies to herpes virus type 8 (anti-hhv-8 igg) - 605₽
- Antibodies to herpes simplex virus type 1 and 2 (herpes simplex virus types 1, 2) - 671₽
Antibodies to herpes simplex virus type 1 and 2 - 450₽ - Epstein-Barr virus antibody test - 585₽
- Determination of antibodies to viruses
- Analysis for antibodies to Coxsackie virus - 803₽
- Analysis for antibodies to the measles virus - 1200₽
Analysis for antibodies to the measles virus (аnti-measles igm) - 990₽ - Analysis for antibodies to the mumps virus - 775₽
- Analysis for antibodies to the rubella virus (igm) - 430₽
Analysis for antibodies to the rubella virus (igg) - 440₽
Analysis for antibodies to the rubella virus - 610₽ - Analysis for antibodies to tick-borne encephalitis virus (igg) - 660₽
Analysis for antibodies to tick-borne encephalitis virus - 605₽ - Antibodies to cytomegalovirus (igg) - 715₽
Antibodies to cytomegalovirus - 450₽ - S-protein antibody test after vaccination against SARS‑CoV‑2 - 1320₽
- Determination of infectious antigens in feces
- Analysis of feces for clostridium toxins - 1375₽
- HCV-RNA (serum) - research - 550₽
- Antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, IgM and IgG (igm) - 800₽
- Evaluation of the hemostasis system
- ACTV (ачтв) - 247₽
- Blood Fibrinogen - 260₽
- D-dimer - 630₽
- Plasminogen - 380₽
- Protein C - 1320₽
- Protein S - 1496₽
- RFMC (рфмк-офт) - 260₽
- The Willebrand Factor (иммунотурбодиметрический метод) - 836₽
- Thrombin time - 260₽
- General clinical studies
- Blood tests
- ESR - 180₽
- Erythrocytes (morph.) - 150₽
- General blood test - 320₽
- Hematocrit - 145₽
- Reticulocytes - 495₽
- Research of other biological secrets
- Microscopic examination of sputum - 990₽
- Stool studies
- Eggs of worms in feces - 800₽
- Protozoa in feces - 450₽
- Scraping for enterobiosis (enterobius vermicularis) - 275₽
- Stool analysis for hidden blood - 1070₽
- Studies of skin and mucous scrapings
- Scraping from nail plates on mushrooms (дрожжевые, плесневые, дерматомицеты) - 300₽
- Skin examination for demodex - 330₽
- Skin scraping for pathogenic fungi (дрожжевые, плесневые, дерматомицеты) - 330₽
- Studies of the separated urogenital tract
- Microscopy of prostate secretions - 340₽
- Microscopy of prostate secretions in urine - 340₽
- Microscopy of smears from the genital tract (overview) - 550₽
- Smear on flora in women - 550₽
- Urine tests
- General urine analysis - 255₽
- Three-cup urine sample - 440₽
- Urine analysis by Nechiporenko - 275₽
- Blood tests
- Genetic research
- Genetic predisposition tests
- Analysis for HLA-B27 antigen (hla генотипирование i класса hla b 27, диагностика аутоиммунных состояний, болезнь бехтерева) - 1540₽
- HLA typing
- HLA-typing Class II (локус drb1) - 1900₽
- Karyotyping
- Karyotyping of one patient (без фотографии) - 5000₽
- Noninvasive prenatal diagnosis
- Panorama Noninvasive Prenatal Test (расширенная) - 55000₽
- Genetic predisposition tests
- Histological studies
- Histology of a biopsy of the esophagus/stomach/12p. intestine - 1595₽
- Histology of the oral cavity biopsy - 1595₽
- Hormonal studies
- Biogenic amines
- Serotonin in the blood (serotonin, serum) - 2080₽
- Examination of thyroid function
- Blood Triiodothyronine - 340₽
- Free Thyroxine - 340₽
- Free Triiodthyronine - 340₽
- Thyroglobulin - 440₽
- Thyroid - stimulating hormone (ттг) - 340₽
- Thyroxine - 340₽
- Investigation of pancreatic function
- C-peptide in the blood - 640₽
- Investigation of pituitary and epiphysis function
- ACTH (актг) - 530₽
- Somatomedin-C in the blood - 1045₽
- Somatotropic hormone - 480₽
- Other hormones
- Erythropoietin - 968₽
- Gastrin - 2200₽
- Leptin - 960₽
- Pregnancy monitoring
- Free estriol (E3) (е3) - 410₽
- HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) (хорионический гонадотропин человека) - 650₽
- PAPP-A (ассоциированный с беременностью белок а) - 740₽
- Placental lactogen - 726₽
- Trophoblastic beta-1-glycoprotein - 380₽
- Sex hormones
- 17-OH progesterone - 560₽
- Androstenedione - 440₽
- Anti - Muller hormone - 1350₽
- DHEA-s - 490₽
- Dihydrotestosterone - 1350₽
- Estradiol - 410₽
- Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) - 330₽
- GSPS (GSPG) for men - 560₽
- Inhibin B - 1265₽
- Luteinizing Hormone - 330₽
- Macroprolactin - 850₽
- Progesterone - 340₽
- Prolactin - 330₽
- Testosterone (альбумин, тестостерон общий, ссг) - 750₽
- Testosterone Free - 780₽
- Studies of bone metabolism
- Calcitonin in the blood - 760₽
- Marker of bone matrix formation P1NP - 1550₽
- Osteocalcin in the blood - 930₽
- Parathyroid hormone in the blood - 490₽
- Study of adrenal function
- Aldosterone - 1100₽
- Catecholamines in the blood - 2500₽
- Catecholamines in urine (катехоламины) - 2500₽
- Cortisol analysis (в слюне) - 1100₽
Cortisol analysis (в крови) - 400₽
Cortisol analysis (в моче) - 720₽ - Renin in the blood (прямой тест) - 1180₽
- Biogenic amines
- Immune status research
- Cellular and humoral immunity
- Circulating Immune Complexes (CEC) - 240₽
- Comprehensive immunological examination (cd3, cd19, cd16/56. включает анализ крови с лейкоцитарной формулой) - 2300₽
- Immunoglobulin A (IgA) in the blood - 240₽
- Immunoglobulin G (IgG) in the blood - 240₽
- Immunoglobulin M (IgM) in the blood - 240₽
- The main subpopulations of lymphocytes - 4070₽
- Total immunoglobulins (IgG, IgA, IgM) - 528₽
- Complement level study
- Complement (C3) - 260₽
- Complement (C4) - 260₽
- Interferon status
- Comprehensive assessment of interferon status (3 показателя: сывороточный интерферон, интерферон-альфа, интерферон-гамма) - 3200₽
- Sensitivity of leukocytes to immunomodulators - 1700₽
- Interleukin status
- Interleukin 1 beta (IL-1b) - 1650₽
- Interleukin 6 (IL-6) - 1760₽
- Tumor Necrosis Factor (TNF) - 1500₽
- Cellular and humoral immunity
- Isoserology
- Blood test for antigens of the Kell system (k) - 715₽
- Blood type and Rh factor - 560₽
- Markers of autoimmune diseases
- Markers of antiphospholipid syndrome
- Antibodies to beta-2-glycoprotein (суммарные) - 1400₽
- Antibodies to phospholipids (igm) - 1350₽
- Lupus Anticoagulant (LA) - 810₽
- Markers of autoimmune endocrinopathy
- Antibodies to TSH receptors - 1540₽
- Antibodies to glutamate decarboxylase (GAD) (gad) - 1700₽
- Antibodies to thyroglobulin in the blood test (ат-тг) - 450₽
- Antibodies to thyroperoxidase in the blood test (ат-тпо) - 580₽
- Markers of autoimmune infertility
- Antisperm antibodies (ASAT) (эякулят) - 600₽
- MAR-test for antisperm antibodies (маr-тест ig g) - 715₽
- Markers of autoimmune lesions of the gastrointestinal tract
- Antibodies to endomysium - 1320₽
- Antibodies to gliadin - 1100₽
- Antibodies to reticulin - 1320₽
- Antibodies to the internal Castle factor (ифа) - 1375₽
- Antibodies to the microsomal fraction of the liver and kidneys (anti-LKM) - 2200₽
- Antibodies to the parietal cells of the stomach - 1050₽
- Markers of autoimmune neuropathies
- Antibodies to the acetylcholine receptor (ахр) - 3500₽
- Markers of rheumatoid arthritis
- Antibodies to citrullinated vimentin (MCV) (mcv) - 1600₽
- Antibodies to cyclic citrulline peptide (anti-SSR) (anti-сср) - 1900₽
- Determination of rheumatoid factor (обычный) - 260₽
- Markers of systemic collagenoses
- Antibodies to ds DNA - 660₽
- Antibodies to single-chiral DNA (a-ssDNA) (a-ssdna) - 660₽
- Antinuclear antibodies (ANA) (ana) - 2420₽
- Antinuclear factor (анф) - 2189₽
- Markers of antiphospholipid syndrome
- Microbiological studies
- Seeding of the separated urogenital tract
- Sowing a smear from the urethra on the microflora (мазок) - 870₽
- Sowing for flora with an antibioticogram in women - 870₽
- Sowing urine on microflora - 770₽
- Sowing blood
- Blood culture for sterility - 2000₽
- Sowing feces
- Fecal culture on pathogenic intestinal flora (качественный анализ) - 770₽
- Sowing feces for dysbiosis - 1100₽
- Seeding of the separated urogenital tract
- Allergological studies
- Conservative treatment in andrology
- Manipulations in andrology
- Prostate massage (лечебный) - 750₽
- Manipulations in andrology
- Consultations in andrology
- Consultation of a urologist - 950₽
- Penis surgery
- Operations for erectile dysfunction
- Puncture of cavernous bodies in priapism - 495₽
- Operations for erectile dysfunction
- Conservative treatment in andrology
- Consultations of adult specialists
- Consultations in cardiology and vascular surgery
- Consultation with a cardiologist - 950₽
- Consultations in endocrinology
- Consultation of an endocrinologist - 950₽
- Consultations in infectious diseases
- Consultation of a parasitologist - 800₽
- Consultation of an infectious disease specialist - 2300₽
- Consultations in neurology
- Consultation of a chiropractor - 1000₽
- Consultations in ophthalmology
- Consultation of an ophthalmologist (врач) - 1050₽
- Consultations in otolaryngology
- Consultation of an otolaryngologist - 850₽
- Consultations in psychiatry and narcology
- Consultation with a psychotherapist - 2000₽
- Psychiatric consultation (с собой справку от психиатра и нарколога) - 1310₽
- Consultations in pulmonology
- Consultation of a pulmonologist - 800₽
- Consultations in rheumatology
- Consultation of a rheumatologist - 1200₽
- Consultations in cardiology and vascular surgery
- Consultations of adult specialists
- Chemical facial peeling
- Combined peeling
- Jessner Peeling (enerpeel, только лицо) - 4000₽
- Fruit peeling
- Almond peeling (mediderma, только лицо) - 1320₽
- Milk peeling (mediderma, лицо) - 1650₽
- Salicylic peeling
- Salicylic facial peeling (medic control peel, 30%) - 3300₽
- Combined peeling
- Contour plastic
- Contouring of the face
- Contour plastic with gels (1 мл princess filler, belotero) - 18150₽
- Intimate contouring
- Gel enlargement of the G-spot - 4200₽
- Contouring of the face
- Facial cleansing
- Ultrasonic facial cleansing - 2300₽
- Massage in cosmetology
- Body massage in cosmetology
- Anti-cellulite massage (20 минут) - 1810₽
- Facial massage
- Classic facial massage (очищение тонизирование маска крем массаж лица, шеи, декольте) - 3050₽
- Plastic facial massage - 1870₽
- Body massage in cosmetology
- Physiotherapy in cosmetology
- Darsonvalization
- Darsonvalization of the scalp (3-6 мин) - 750₽
- Darsonvalization
- Chemical facial peeling
- Anesthesia in dentistry
- Anesthesia application in dentistry - 600₽
- Infiltration anesthesia in dentistry - 400₽
- Periodontology
- Surgical periodontics
- Opening of an abscess of the oral cavity - 1450₽
- Surgical periodontics
- Anesthesia in dentistry
- Consultations in dermatology
- Consultation of a dermatocosmetologist - 800₽
- Consultation with a dermatologist - 1200₽
- Diagnostics in dermatology
- Biopsy in dermatology
- Skin biopsy - 660₽
- Hardware diagnostics of the skin
- Dermatoscopy - 1100₽
- Biopsy in dermatology
- Removal of formations on the skin
- Laser removal of skin neoplasms
- Removal of moles by laser (0, 25-0, 5см) - 800₽
Removal of moles by laser (0, 5-1см) - 1000₽
Removal of moles by laser (свыше 1 см.) - 7400₽
Removal of moles by laser (0, 1см.) - 400₽
- Removal of moles by laser (0, 25-0, 5см) - 800₽
- Removal of a contagious mollusk
- Mechanical removal of a contagious mollusk (10-15 шт) - 900₽
- Removal of atheroma
- Laser removal of atheroma - 2200₽
- Radio wave removal of atheroma - 2200₽
- Removal of papillomas
- Radio wave removal of papillomas - 2040₽
- Laser removal of skin neoplasms
- Consultations in dermatology
- Endoscopy
- Endoscopy in gynecology
- Colposcopy - 850₽
- Hysteroscopy - 14000₽
- Gastrointestinal endoscopy
- Colonoscopy (тотальная) - 4000₽
- Endoscopic biopsy of the large intestine - 650₽
- Endoscopic biopsy of the stomach, 12-p. intestine - 650₽
- Gastroscopy (EGDS) (без учета стоимости исследования биоматериала) - 2500₽
- Rectoromanoscopy (включает осмотр зеркалами) - 1500₽
Rectoromanoscopy (электрокоагуляция полипов, биопсия) - 5500₽
- Urinary tract endoscopy
- Urethroscopy - 3500₽
- Endoscopy in gynecology
- Functional diagnostics
- Cardiovascular EFI
- Daily monitoring by Holter - 1150₽
- Electrocardiography (ECG) (с расшифровкой) - 500₽
Electrocardiography (ECG) (расшифровка в течение 15 минут) - 600₽ - SMAD - 1150₽
- Cardiovascular EFI
- Ultrasound
- Elastography
- Breast elastography - 950₽
- Liver elastography - 1600₽
- Thyroid elastography - 950₽
- Ultrasound during pregnancy
- 3D and 4D ultrasound during pregnancy (двойня) - 2400₽
- Cervicometry (цервикометрия) - 440₽
- Dopplerography of uteroplacental blood flow (одноплодная беременность) - 650₽
- Ultrasound screening of the 1st trimester of pregnancy (одноплодная беременность) - 790₽
- Ultrasound screening of the 2nd trimester of pregnancy (одноплодная беременность) - 1250₽
- Ultrasound of blood vessels
- Ultrasound of the abdominal aorta and its branches - 990₽
- Ultrasound of the arteries of the extremities (за 1 конечность) - 1090₽
- Ultrasound of the veins of the lower extremities (за 1 конечность) - 1090₽
- Ultrasound of the veins of the upper extremities (за 2 конечности) - 2000₽
- Ultrasound of the vessels of the head and neck - 1200₽
- Ultrasound of soft tissues and surface structures
- Ultrasound of lymph nodes (одна анатомическая зона) - 500₽
- Ultrasound of soft tissues (одна анатомическая зона) - 500₽
- Ultrasound of the breast (цветным доплеровским картированием) - 1200₽
- Ultrasound of the rectum with a rectal sensor - 900₽
- Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity and retroperitoneal space
- Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity (печень, желчный пузырь, поджелудочная железа, селезенка) - 850₽
- Ultrasound of the gallbladder (пдф) - 650₽
- Ultrasound of the large intestine - 700₽
- Ultrasound of the pancreas - 490₽
- Ultrasound of the spleen - 450₽
- Ultrasound of the stomach - 1000₽
- Ultrasound of the female genital organs
- Echohysterosalpingoscopy (USGS) (кузг) - 3795₽
- Folliculometry (фолликулометрия) - 500₽
- Ultrasound of the pelvic organs in women (цдк) - 1400₽
- Ultrasound of the head and neck
- Echoencephalography (ECHO-EG) (нейросонография) - 850₽
- Ultrasound of the salivary glands - 450₽
- Ultrasound of the thyroid gland - 650₽
Ultrasound of the thyroid gland (цветным доплеровским картированием) - 830₽
- Ultrasound of the male genitals
- Ultrasound of the penis (пениальный кровоток) - 1100₽
- Ultrasound of the prostate gland - 750₽
Ultrasound of the prostate gland (цветным доплеровским картированием) - 1200₽ - Ultrasound of the scrotum organs - 800₽
- Ultrasound of the musculoskeletal system
- Ultrasound of shoulder joints (один сустав) - 700₽
- Ultrasound of small joints of the foot (1 конечность) - 1100₽
- Ultrasound of small joints of the hand/foot - 1100₽
- Ultrasound of the ankle joints (один сустав) - 850₽
- Ultrasound of the elbow joints (один сустав) - 700₽
- Ultrasound of the hip joints (пара одноименных) - 1450₽
- Ultrasound of the knee joints (один сустав) - 850₽
- Ultrasound of the wrist joints (один сустав) - 700₽
- Ultrasound of the thoracic cavity
- Echocardiography (EchoCG) (эхокардиоскопия) - 1300₽
- Ultrasound of the pleural cavity - 350₽
- Ultrasound of the urinary system
- Ultrasound of the bladder - 550₽
- Ultrasound of the kidneys - 600₽
- Elastography
- Endoscopy
- Consultations in gastroenterology
- Consultation of a gastroenterologist - 2500₽
- Gastric and duodenal surgeries
- Removal of neoplasms and foreign bodies of the stomach
- Removal of stomach polyps - 10000₽
- Removal of neoplasms and foreign bodies of the stomach
- Consultations in gastroenterology
- Abortion
- Medical termination of pregnancy - 8200₽
- Miniabort (vacuum aspiration) - 7500₽
- Surgical termination of pregnancy - 12340₽
- Cervical surgery
- Operations for cervical erosion
- Cauterization of cervical erosion - 1210₽
- Conization of the cervix - 3630₽
- Cryodestruction of the cervix - 1210₽
- Laser vaporization of the cervix - 12000₽
- Radiocoagulation of cervical erosion (до 1 кв. см) - 2300₽
- Recanalization of the cervical canal
- Removal of the cervical canal polyp - 3080₽
- Operations for cervical erosion
- Conservative therapy in gynecology
- Removal of condylomas in women
- Removal of condylomas by solcoderm (0, 1-0, 25см) - 600₽
- Therapeutic manipulations in gynecology
- Gynecological pessary - 1100₽
- Vaginal sanitation - 350₽
- Vaginal therapeutic bath - 400₽
- Removal of condylomas in women
- Consultations in gynecology
- Consultation of a gynecologist - 2000₽
- Contraception
- Installation of the Navy - 1815₽
- Removing the IUD (внутриматочная спираль) - 970₽
- Diagnostics in gynecology
- Laboratory tests in gynecology
- Femoflor 16 (мазок, соскоб) - 1900₽
- Femoflor 8 (мазок, соскоб) - 1320₽
- Femoflor screen - 1400₽
- Florocenosis (стандартный) - 1650₽
Florocenosis - 1375₽
- Tests in gynecology
- Ph-metric of the vagina - 200₽
- Postcoital test (Shuvarsky) (пкт) - 670₽
- Laboratory tests in gynecology
- Operations on the vagina
- Operations for bartholinitis
- Autopsy of the bartholin gland abscess - 1815₽
- Removal of the cyst of the bartholin gland - 6600₽
- Operations for bartholinitis
- Pregnancy management
- Pregnancy management 1-3 trimester - 1000₽
- Abortion
- Consultations in mammology
- Consultation of a mammologist - 1000₽
- Consultation of an oncologist-mammologist - 800₽
- Diagnostics in mammology
- Breast biopsy in mammology
- Breast puncture - 500₽
- Breast biopsy in mammology
- Manipulations in mammology
- Lymphatic drainage massage of the breast - 1800₽
- Consultations in mammology
- Conservative therapy in neurology
- Manual therapy
- Manual therapy general - 2500₽
- Manual therapy of the spine - 2500₽
- Postisometric relaxation - 1500₽
- Visceral manual therapy - 3500₽
- Taping
- Taping one zone (1 зона) - 500₽
Taping one zone (2 зоны) - 700₽
Taping one zone (5 зон) - 1300₽
- Taping one zone (1 зона) - 500₽
- Manual therapy
- Therapeutic blockades in neurology
- Blockades
- Paravertebral blockade - 1500₽
- Joint blockades
- Blockage of the knee joint (без уточнения) - 900₽
- Nerve blockades
- Peripheral nerve blockade - 770₽
- Blockades
- Conservative therapy in neurology
- Consultations for pregnant women
- Consultation of an obstetrician-gynecologist on pregnancy - 1050₽
- Prenatal diagnosis
- Invasive prenatal diagnosis
- Chorion biopsy - 26400₽
- Invasive prenatal diagnosis
- Prevention of pregnancy complications
- Introduction of the obstetric pessary (без стоимости пессария) - 3410₽
Introduction of the obstetric pessary (со стоимостью пессария) - 9680₽
Introduction of the obstetric pessary - 880₽
- Introduction of the obstetric pessary (без стоимости пессария) - 3410₽
- Consultations for pregnant women
- Biopsies in oncology
- Biopsy in gynecology
- Cervical biopsy (конхотомная) - 1210₽
- Pipel-endometrial biopsy (1 категория) - 1815₽
- Separate diagnostic curettage (матка + церв. канал) - 3630₽
- Fine needle biopsy
- Penis formation biopsy - 495₽
- Puncture biopsy of breast formation (без стоимости биопсии) - 1550₽
- Thyroid biopsy - 500₽
- Biopsy in gynecology
- Biopsies in oncology
- Diagnostics in ophthalmology
- Ophthalmological tests
- Definition of color perception - 400₽
- Visual acuity check - 187₽
- Refraction research
- Computer refractometry (исследование на аппарате) - 450₽
- Ophthalmological tests
- Ophthalmological manipulations
- Medical procedures in ophthalmology
- Flushing of the lacrimal-nasal canal (два глаза) - 847₽
- Ophthalmic injections
- Parabulbar injection (флостерон) - 1300₽
- Subconjunctival injection (1 инъекция -1 глаз) - 600₽
- Medical procedures in ophthalmology
- Vision correction
- Selection of contact lenses - 500₽
- Selection of difficult points - 500₽
- Selection of simple glasses - 500₽
- Diagnostics in ophthalmology
- Diagnostics of ENT organs
- Examination of the auditory analyzer
- Audiometry - 900₽
- Examination of the auditory analyzer
- ENT procedures
- Anesthesia and blockages in otolaryngology
- Behind - the - ear blockade - 330₽
- Intra -nasal blockade - 418₽
- Procedures for diseases of the nasopharynx
- 'Nasal shower' (nasal cavity washing) (носовой душ с учетом чувствительности) - 500₽
- Toilet of the nasal cavity (носовой душ с учетом чувствительности) - 500₽
- Procedures for otitis media
- Blowing the auditory tubes by Politzer - 500₽
- Ear toilet - 475₽
- Paracentesis of the eardrum - 2000₽
- Pneumomassage of the eardrum - 341₽
- Transtimpanal administration of drugs - 430₽
- Washing the middle ear with drugs (1 ухо) - 500₽
- Procedures for sinusitis
- Puncture (puncture) of the maxillary sinus - 1300₽
- Anesthesia and blockages in otolaryngology
- Laryngeal surgery
- Removal of laryngeal formations
- Autopsy of the epiglottis abscess - 1450₽
- Removal of laryngeal formations
- Operations on ear structures
- Operations for purulent otitis media
- Bypass surgery of the tympanic cavity - 1900₽
- Operations for purulent otitis media
- Operations on nasal structures
- Operations on nasal conchs
- Electroplating of the lower nasal conchs - 2100₽
- Operations on the nasal cavity
- Opening of the nasal septum abscess - 1450₽
- Removal of tumors and synechiae of the nasal cavity
- Removal of synechiae of the nasal cavity - 670₽
- Operations on nasal conchs
- Pharyngeal surgery
- Operations for tonsillitis
- Autopsy of a paratonsillar abscess - 600₽
- Operations for tonsillitis
- Diagnostics of ENT organs
- Consultations of children's specialists
- Primary consultations of children's specialists
- Consultation of a hematologist - 1300₽
- Consultation of a pediatric cardiologist - 800₽
- Oncologist consultation - 1000₽
- Primary consultations of children's specialists
- Medical certificates for children
- Help for the pool (без стоимости анализов) - 700₽
- Pediatric Ophthalmology
- Instrumental studies of the eyes in children
- Biomicroscopy of the eye - 440₽
- Ophthalmological manipulations in children
- Massage of the century (1 глаз) - 650₽
- Study of visual function in children
- Binocular vision research - 187₽
- Visometry for a child - 187₽
- Instrumental studies of the eyes in children
- Pediatric otolaryngology
- Operations on the nasal cavity in children
- Opening of a nasal boil - 2500₽
- Removal of foreign bodies from ENT organs in children
- Removal of a foreign body from the ear - 1600₽
- Removal of a foreign body from the nasal cavity - 1600₽
- Removal of sulfur plug (одно ухо) - 420₽
- Stopping nosebleeds in children
- Anemia of the nasal mucosa - 150₽
- Nasal tamponade - 2000₽
- Treatment of otitis media in children
- Catheterization of the auditory tube - 825₽
- Treatment of sinusitis in children
- Washing of the paranasal sinuses through the anastomosis - 575₽
- YAMIK-catheter treatment procedure (со стоимостью ямик-катетера) - 2500₽
- Treatment of tonsillitis in children
- Tonsillor' treatment procedure - 600₽
- Washing the lacunae of the palatine tonsils - 600₽
- Operations on the nasal cavity in children
- Ultrasound in children
- Other ultrasound scans of the child
- Ultrasound of the spine (шейный отдел) - 700₽
- Other ultrasound scans of the child
- Vaccination of children
- Additional vaccination
- Vaccination against influenza (гриппол) - 430₽
Vaccination against influenza (инфлювак) - 900₽
Vaccination against influenza (ваксигрипп) - 650₽ - Vaccination against tick-borne encephalitis - 1050₽
- Vaccination against influenza (гриппол) - 430₽
- Additional vaccination
- Consultations of children's specialists
- Operations on veins
- Operations for varicose veins
- Endovasal laser coagulation of varicose veins - 38000₽
- Miniflebectomy - 15000₽
- Operations for varicose veins
- Sclerosis of the veins of the lower extremities
- Sclerotherapy
- Compression sclerotherapy on one leg - 12000₽
- Sclerotherapy
- Operations on veins
Physical therapy
- Consultations in physiotherapy
- Consultation of a reflexologist - 900₽
- Consultation with a physiotherapist - 900₽
- Hirudotherapy
- Classical hirudotherapy (постановка 10 пиявок) - 1600₽
- Consultation of a hirudotherapist - 900₽
- Massage
- Classic massage
- Abdominal wall muscle massage (мышц передней брюшной стенки) - 600₽
- Back massage (2) - 670₽
Back massage - 605₽
Back massage (от vii шейного позвонка до основания крестца и от левой до правой средней подмышечной линии) - 1100₽ - Chest massage (спереди и сзади) - 550₽
- Foot massage (проксимального отдела стопы, области голеностопного сустава и нижней трети голени) - 430₽
Foot massage - 420₽ - Hand massage - 730₽
Hand massage (верхней трети плеча, области плечевого сустава и надплечья одноименной стороны) - 450₽
Hand massage (проксимального отдела кисти, области лучезапястного сустава и предплечья) - 430₽ - Head and neck massage - 430₽
Head and neck massage (лобно-височной и затылочно-теменной области) - 350₽ - Massage of the cervical-collar zone - 470₽
- Spine massage - 1450₽
Spine massage (задней поверхности шеи и спины до i поясничного позвонка от левой до правой задней подмышечной линии) - 1200₽
Spine massage (от i поясничного позвонка до нижних ягодичных складок) - 800₽
- General massage
- Classic general massage (дети от 1 года до 8 лет) - 840₽
- Lymphatic drainage massage - 1800₽
- Sports massage - 1600₽
- Myofascial massage
- Myofascial back massage - 480₽
- Myofascial foot massage - 500₽
- Segmental massage
- Segmental massage of the cervical-thoracic spine - 1450₽
- Segmental massage of the lumbosacral spine - 730₽
- Segmental massage of the lumbosacral spine and legs (области стопы, голени, бедра, ягодичной и пояснично-крестцовой области) - 1000₽
- Segmental massage of the neck-collar zone and hands - 1300₽
- Classic massage
- Phototherapy
- Laser therapy
- Intravenous laser irradiation of blood (VLOK) (внутривенное лазерное облучение крови) - 935₽
- UFO therapy
- Ultraviolet irradiation of blood (UVOC) (ультрафиолетовое облучение крови) - 935₽
- Laser therapy
- Reflexology
- Acupuncture (acupuncture) - 850₽
- Shock wave therapy
- UHT of the anatomical zone (4000 ударов) - 1500₽
- Treatment with electric currents
- Galvanization
- Electroplating extra-hollow - 750₽
- Galvanization
- Treatment with magnetic fields
- Magnetic therapy
- Local magnetotherapy (5 сеансов) - 1500₽
- Magnetic therapy
- Consultations in physiotherapy
- Anal surgery
- Anal Fissure Treatment
- Excision of anal fissures - 8800₽
- Laser treatment of anal fissure - 20000₽
- Removal of anal zone formations
- Excision of the anal fringe - 20000₽
- Excision of the hypertrophied anal papilla - 20000₽
- Anal Fissure Treatment
- Conservative treatment in proctology
- Blockades in proctology
- Perianal blockade (при выраженном болевом синдроме) - 1650₽
- Blockades in proctology
- Consultations in proctology
- Consultation of a proctologist - 980₽
- Diagnostics in proctology
- Proctological examination
- Examination of the rectum with rectal mirrors - 500₽
- Probing the fistula - 400₽
- Proctological examination
- Operations on the rectum
- Removal of formations and foreign bodies of the rectum
- Removal of a rectal polyp - 10000₽
Removal of a rectal polyp (удаление лазером полипов) - 15000₽
- Removal of a rectal polyp - 10000₽
- Removal of formations and foreign bodies of the rectum
- Anal surgery
- Diagnostics in pulmonology
- Ultrasound in pulmonology
- Ultrasound of the lungs - 790₽
- Ultrasound in pulmonology
- Medical procedures in pulmonology
- Bronchoalveolar lavage (мокрота, бронхоальвеолярный лаваж, хирургический материал (туберкулома) ) - 580₽
- Diagnostics in pulmonology
- Hardware research in rheumatology
- Muscle Research
- Dynamometry - 50₽
- Muscle Research
- Hardware research in rheumatology
- Anesthesia and resuscitation
- Local anesthesia
- Infiltration anesthesia in surgery - 400₽
- Local anesthesia
- Consultations of surgeons
- Consultation of a surgeon - 800₽
- Emergency medicine specialists
- Consultation of an anesthesiologist-resuscitator - 800₽
- Emergency surgery
- Removal of foreign bodies
- Removal of a foreign body from the vagina - 880₽
- Removal of a soft tissue foreign body (до 1 см.) - 1870₽
- Removal of foreign bodies
- Operations for hemorrhoids
- Removal of an external hemorrhoid node - 8800₽
- Operations for pathology of the skin and its appendages
- Ingrown toenail removal
- Resection of an ingrown nail - 2700₽
- Surgical removal of an ingrown nail (без пластики) - 3500₽
- Ingrown toenail removal
- Purulent surgery
- Autopsy and sanitation of ulcers
- Autopsy of panaritia - 2900₽
- Removal of a boil - 1300₽
- Removal of formations of the pararectal zone
- Operative autopsy of paraproctitis (ишиоректальный) - 12000₽
- Autopsy and sanitation of ulcers
- Anesthesia and resuscitation
- Adult vaccination
- Routine vaccination
- Vaccination against rubella - 400₽
- Vaccination according to epidemic indications
- Vaccination against pneumococcal infection (синфлорикс) - 2400₽
Vaccination against pneumococcal infection (пневмовакс 23) - 3500₽
- Vaccination against pneumococcal infection (синфлорикс) - 2400₽
- Routine vaccination
- Consultations in therapy
- Consultation with a therapist - 3000₽
- Diagnostics in therapy
- Express diagnostics at the reception
- Pulse oximetry - 200₽
- Streptatest (экспресс-тест для определения бета-гемолитического стрептококка группы а) - 950₽
- Express diagnostics at the reception
- Medical certificates
- Driver's license certificate (for traffic police 003-In/out) - 900₽
- Health resort card (form 072/u-04) (с готовыми результатами анализов, экг, женщинам-справка от гинеколога) - 1200₽
- Treatment room
- Intramuscular injection (со стоимостью препарата) - 242₽
- Intravenous drip of solutions (включая стоимость системы) - 660₽
- Intravenous injection - 560₽
- Adult vaccination
- Manipulations in traumatology
- Wound treatment
- Primary treatment of superficial wounds - 1210₽
- Wound treatment
- Small operations in traumatology
- Operations for bone pathology
- Removal of hygrom - 4200₽
- Operations for bone pathology
- Manipulations in traumatology
- Anesthesia in urology
- Infiltration anesthesia in andrology - 400₽
- Consultations in urology
- Consultation of a nephrologist - 800₽
- Urological manipulations
- Sanitation of the urinary tract
- Instillation of the bladder - 550₽
- Urethral instillation - 700₽
- Urethral augmentation
- Urethral augmentation in men - 880₽
- Urethral augmentation in women - 880₽
- Sanitation of the urinary tract
- Anesthesia in urology
- Consultations in venereology
- Consultation of a venereologist - 1000₽
- Consultations in venereology
Specialists working in the clinic
Clinic has no doctors listed yet.
Clinic phone numbers: (843) 533-33-33 | All contacts of the clinic ⇮ |