ИАКИ на площади Победы
55.73774452960236(()37.520920000970385(()(()ИАКИ на площади Победы | ||
Править клинику ✎ | To the estimates | |
Лечебно-диагностический центр | ||
Address: | Москва, пл. Победы, д. 2 корп. 1 | |
Working hours: | Mon-Fri: 09:00 - 21:00сб: 09:00 - 19:00вс: 10:00 - 16:00 | |
Phone numbers: | +7(499..show 5 phones+7(499) 116-77-93, +7(499) 148-88-66, +7(499) 148-36-41, +7(499) 148-63-49, +7(499) 148-01-62 | |
High cost: | 1 ⓘ✘The coefficient of the clinic's high cost by market. 1 means that the clinic has average prices. The lower the coefficient, the cheaper the clinic. | |
Website: | ksmed.ru | |
Description: «Клиника современной медицины» - многопрофильный медицинский центр и научно-исследовательский центр. Услуги клиники представлены направлениями: гинекология, урология, нефрология, дерматовенерология, эндокринология, трихология, гастроэнтерология, косметология, иммунология, терапия. В «Клинике современной медицины» проводится весь спектр лабораторных и ультразвуковых исследований; лечение бесплодия, ведение беременности, лечение ожирения и нарушений пищевого поведения, психологическое консультирование и мн. др. скрыть... |
Prices for 328 services
Choose a clinic based on diagnoses
Analyzes (211), Andrology (9), Consultations (8), Cosmetology (4), Dermatology (9), Diagnostics (32), Gastroenterology (1), Gynecology (16), Mammology (2), Oncology (2), Otolaryngology (9), Pediatrics (11), Physical therapy (4), Proctology (1), Therapy (2), Traumatology-orthopedics (1), Trichology (2), Urology (2), Venereology (2)Local Search
- Allergological studies
- Markers of allergic reactions
- Eosinophilic cationic protein - 800₽
- Histamine in the blood (в крови) - 2300₽
- Immunoglobulin E (IgE) in the blood - 700₽
- Markers of allergic reactions
- Biochemical analysis of feces
- Fecal biochemistry for dysbiosis - 2600₽
- Biochemical analysis of urine
- Calcium in the urine - 260₽
- Chlorine in the urine - 420₽
- Creatinine in urine - 260₽
- Microalbumin in urine (суточная моча) - 600₽
- Oxalates in urine - 850₽
- Potassium in the urine - 420₽
- Rehberg Test - 360₽
- Sulkovich 's test - 250₽
- Urea in the urine - 260₽
- Uric acid in the urine - 300₽
- Urine phosphorus - 310₽
- Biochemical blood analysis
- Definition of vitamins
- Folic acid of the blood - 850₽
- Vitamin A (retinol) (ретинол) - 3100₽
- Vitamin D (общий 25-oh d) - 2600₽
- Determination of electrolytes
- Blood Magnesium - 270₽
- Blood calcium (общий) - 250₽
Blood calcium (ионизированный) - 400₽ - Blood chlorine - 260₽
- Blood phosphorus - 250₽
- Blood potassium - 250₽
- Blood sodium (na) - 250₽
- Zinc in the blood - 370₽
- Determination of specific proteins and markers of inflammation
- Blood myoglobin - 660₽
- C Reactive blood protein (hs (ультрачувствительный)) - 510₽
C Reactive blood protein - 490₽ - Procalcitonin - 3200₽
- Troponins - 1350₽
- Enzyme research
- AST of blood (аспартатаминотрансферазу) - 260₽
- Acid phosphatase - 320₽
- Alkaline phosphatase of blood - 260₽
- Blood ALT (аланинаминотрансферазу) - 260₽
- Blood Cholinesterase - 350₽
- Blood Creatine Kinase (общая) - 300₽
Blood Creatine Kinase (мв-фракция) - 450₽ - LDG of blood (лдг общая) - 250₽
LDG of blood (лдг 1, 2 фракции) - 340₽
- Insulin in the blood - 610₽
- Study of carbohydrate metabolism
- Blood Fructosamine - 380₽
- Blood glucose - 250₽
- Glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1) - 620₽
- Study of iron metabolism
- Blood Ferritin - 580₽
- Blood Transferrin - 380₽
- Blood burns - 360₽
- LVSS of blood - 320₽
- Whey Iron - 270₽
- Study of lipid metabolism
- Apolipoprotein A1 - 830₽
- Blood lipoproteins (лпнп) - 270₽
- Homocysteine - 1550₽
- Lipoprotein (a) (а) - 830₽
- Total cholesterol - 250₽
- Triglycerides - 260₽
- Study of pigment metabolism
- Bilirubin straight - 250₽
- Total bilirubin - 250₽
- Study of protein and substrate metabolism
- Albumin in the blood - 260₽
- Blood Creatinine - 250₽
- Blood urea - 250₽
- Uric acid of the blood - 250₽
- Total blood protein (суточная моча) - 240₽
Total blood protein (разовая моча) - 260₽
- Definition of vitamins
- Cancer markers
- Alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) (афп) - 1000₽
- Analysis for paraproteins (скрининг (сыворотка)) - 3000₽
- Beta-2-microglobulin (в моче) - 1100₽
- Bone TRAP (marker of bone metastases) - 1450₽
- CYFRA 21-1 Cancer marker (онкомаркер) - 1200₽
- Cancer marker CA 125 (онкомаркер) - 820₽
- Cancer marker CA 15-3 - 820₽
- Cancer marker CA 19-9 (онкомаркер) - 820₽
- Cancer marker CA 242 (онкомаркер) - 1450₽
- Cancer marker CA 72-4 (онкомаркер) - 1200₽
- Cancer-embryonic antigen (REA) (рэа) - 720₽
- HE4 (Human epididymis secretory protein 4) - 3350₽
- Index ROMA (roma2) - 1450₽
- Mucin-like cancer-associated antigen (MCA) (мса) - 2000₽
- NSE (neuron-specific enolase) (нейронспецифическую енолазу) - 1400₽
- Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) common (простатспецифический антиген) - 800₽
- Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) free - 730₽
- SCC (squamous cell carcinoma antigen) (антиген плоскоклеточного рака) - 950₽
- Tumor M2-pyruvate kinase - 2800₽
- UBC (bladder cancer antigen) in urine (антиген рака мочевого пузыря) - 1800₽
- Comprehensive laboratory tests
- Infectious profiles
- Hospital complex (HIV, syphilis, hepatitis B and C) (вич, сифилис, гепатит в и с) - 1800₽
- PCR diagnostics of 20 infections - 3800₽
- Non-invasive liver disease tests
- FibroTest (расчет) - 16500₽
- Fibromax (расчет индекса) - 16000₽
- Fibrometer (фиброметр v) - 12000₽
Fibrometer (фиброметр a) - 15000₽
- Infectious profiles
- Cytological studies
- Cervical oncocytology (pap test) - 1600₽
- Cytology of a breast nipple smear - 800₽
- Cytology of a smear, an imprint from an intrauterine device - 800₽
- Diagnosis of infections
- Antibodies to helicobacter in the blood
- A breath test for helicobacter - 700₽
- Blood test for Helicobacter pylori (igg) - 850₽
- Polymerase chain reaction (PCR diagnostics)
- Androflor - 3000₽
Androflor (24 расширенный) - 4500₽ - PCR analysis of HPV (соскоб/мазок) - 800₽
PCR analysis of HPV (скрининг) - 750₽ - PCR diagnosis of chlamydia (chlamydia trachomatis) (chlamydia trachomatis) - 260₽
- PCR diagnosis of herpes simplex virus type 1 and 2 - 260₽
- Androflor - 3000₽
- Antibodies to helicobacter in the blood
- Enzyme immunoassay (ELISA)
- Determination of antibodies to STIs
- Antibodies to chlamydia trachomatis (igm) - 600₽
- Determination of antibodies to the causative agent of syphilis
- Syphilis RPR test - 350₽
- Determination of antibodies to viruses
- Antibodies to cytomegalovirus - 600₽
- Determination of antibodies to STIs
- Evaluation of the hemostasis system
- Blood Fibrinogen - 350₽
- Coagulogram (расширенная) - 2800₽
- D-dimer - 1300₽
- General clinical studies
- Blood tests
- General blood test - 650₽
- LE cells - 500₽
- Research of other biological secrets
- Microscopic examination of sputum - 300₽
- Sputum examination for acid-resistant mycobacteria - 450₽
- Stool studies
- Eggs of worms in feces (обычный) - 400₽
- Stool analysis for hidden blood (стандартный) - 390₽
- Studies of skin and mucous scrapings
- Scraping from nail plates on mushrooms (исследование) - 550₽
- Skin examination for demodex (анализ ресниц) - 550₽
- Skin scraping for pathogenic fungi - 550₽
- The study of scraping for scabies - 550₽
- Studies of the separated urogenital tract
- Biochemical analysis of sperm - 900₽
- Smear on flora in women (без уточнения) - 550₽
- Urine tests
- General urine analysis - 355₽
- Urine analysis by Nechiporenko - 350₽
- Zimnitsky 's test - 590₽
- Blood tests
- Histological studies
- Histology of a biopsy of the esophagus/stomach/12p. intestine - 3850₽
- Histology of the removed skin neoplasm - 3850₽
- Hormonal studies
- Biogenic amines
- Serotonin in the blood - 2100₽
- Examination of thyroid function
- Blood Triiodothyronine - 520₽
- Comprehensive blood test for thyroid hormones - 3150₽
- Free Thyroxine - 520₽
- Free Triiodthyronine - 520₽
- T-uptake (test of extinguished thyroid hormones) - 700₽
- Thyroglobulin - 830₽
- Thyroid - stimulating hormone (ттг) - 520₽
- Thyroxine - 520₽
- Investigation of pancreatic function
- C-peptide in the blood - 510₽
- Proinsulin in the blood - 1200₽
- Investigation of pituitary and epiphysis function
- ACTH (актг) - 820₽
- Somatomedin-C in the blood - 1250₽
- Somatotropic hormone - 650₽
- Other hormones
- Erythropoietin - 1500₽
- Gastrin (обычный (голодный)) - 880₽
- Leptin - 1000₽
- Pregnancy monitoring
- Free b-HCG (free b-HCG) (free b-hcg) - 700₽
- HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) (хорионический гонадотропин человека) - 3500₽
- PAPP-A (ассоциированный с беременностью белок а) - 900₽
- Placental lactogen - 850₽
- Prenatal Trisomy screening (PRISCA) (1-й триместр) - 2100₽
Prenatal Trisomy screening (PRISCA) (2-й триместр) - 2500₽ - Trophoblastic beta-1-glycoprotein - 500₽
- Sex hormones
- 17-OH progesterone - 650₽
- Androstenediol glucuronide - 1400₽
- Androstenedione - 1200₽
- Anti - Muller hormone - 2400₽
- DHEA-s - 530₽
- Dihydrotestosterone - 1300₽
- Estradiol - 520₽
- Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) (фсг) - 520₽
- GSPS (GSPG) for men (гспг) - 600₽
- Inhibin A - 2400₽
- Inhibin B - 2400₽
- Luteinizing Hormone (лг) - 520₽
- Macroprolactin - 1150₽
- Progesterone - 520₽
- Prolactin - 520₽
- Testosterone - 520₽
- Testosterone Free - 1150₽
- Studies of bone metabolism
- Calcitonin in the blood - 1100₽
- Marker of bone matrix formation P1NP - 1750₽
- Marker of bone resorption β-CrossLaps - 1100₽
- Osteocalcin in the blood - 1000₽
- Parathyroid hormone in the blood - 830₽
- Study of adrenal function
- Aldosterone - 660₽
- Catecholamines in the blood - 3200₽
- Catecholamines in urine (катехоламины) - 2800₽
Catecholamines in urine - 4200₽ - Cortisol analysis (в крови) - 520₽
- Renin in the blood (прямой тест) - 1100₽
Renin in the blood (ренин + ангиотензин 1) - 1200₽ - Urine Metanephrines (свободные) - 2500₽
Urine Metanephrines (норметанефрины) - 2700₽
- Biogenic amines
- Immune status research
- Cellular and humoral immunity
- Circulating Immune Complexes (CEC) (цик) - 450₽
- Comprehensive immunological examination (базовая) - 3800₽
- The main subpopulations of lymphocytes (минимальное) - 3800₽
- Total immunoglobulins (IgG, IgA, IgM) (igg, iga, igm) - 750₽
- Interferon status
- Comprehensive assessment of interferon status (без опр. чувствительности) - 4450₽
- Sensitivity of leukocytes to immunomodulators (тактивин) - 530₽
Sensitivity of leukocytes to immunomodulators (иммуномакс) - 500₽
- Cellular and humoral immunity
- Isoserology
- Blood type and Rh factor - 650₽
- Markers of autoimmune diseases
- Markers of antiphospholipid syndrome
- Antibodies to annexin V - 1200₽
- Antibodies to beta-2-glycoprotein (суммарные) - 1200₽
- Antibodies to cardiolipin (суммарно) - 1000₽
- Lupus Anticoagulant (LA) (скрининг) - 1000₽
- Markers of autoimmune endocrinopathy
- Antibodies to TSH receptors - 1400₽
- Antibodies to beta cells of the pancreas - 1260₽
- Antibodies to glutamate decarboxylase (GAD) (gad) - 1550₽
- Antibodies to insulin - 950₽
- Antibodies to thyroglobulin in the blood test - 610₽
- Antibodies to thyroperoxidase in the blood test (ат-тпо) - 800₽
- Markers of autoimmune lesions of the gastrointestinal tract
- Antibodies to gliadin (iga) - 850₽
- Antibodies to mitochondria (AMA) (ama) - 1250₽
- Markers of other autoimmune lesions
- Angiotensin Converting Enzyme (ACE) (апф) - 2640₽
- Markers of rheumatoid arthritis
- Antibodies to cyclic citrulline peptide (anti-SSR) (anti-сср) - 760₽
- Determination of rheumatoid factor (обычный) - 490₽
- Markers of systemic collagenoses
- Antibodies to ds DNA - 1000₽
- Antinuclear antibodies (ANA) (ana) - 1000₽
- Markers of systemic vasculitis and kidney damage
- Antibodies to neutrophil cytoplasm (ANCA) (igg) - 1400₽
- Cryoglobulins - 1100₽
- Markers of antiphospholipid syndrome
- Microbiological studies
- Seeding of the separated urogenital tract
- Sowing a smear from the genital tract on the flora with an antibioticogram - 1800₽
- Sowing for candida with determination of sensitivity - 1000₽
- Sowing for candida with the determination of sensitivity in women - 1000₽
- Sowing for flora with an antibioticogram in women - 1800₽
- Sowing for gonococci with determination of sensitivity - 1100₽
- Sowing urine on microflora - 1300₽
- Seeding of the separated urogenital tract
- Allergological studies
- Conservative treatment in andrology
- Hardware treatment in andrology
- The 'Androgynous' procedure (1 сеанс) - 1500₽
The 'Androgynous' procedure (5 сеансов) - 7500₽
The 'Androgynous' procedure (10 сеансов) - 13000₽
- The 'Androgynous' procedure (1 сеанс) - 1500₽
- Manipulations in andrology
- Prostate massage (лечебный) - 5000₽
Prostate massage - 750₽
Prostate massage (курс 10 сеансов) - 10000₽
- Prostate massage (лечебный) - 5000₽
- Hardware treatment in andrology
- Consultations in andrology
- Consultation of a urologist (врач) - 2100₽
Consultation of a urologist - 1950₽
- Consultation of a urologist (врач) - 2100₽
- Diagnostics in andrology
- Laboratory studies in andrology
- TUNEL test (fragmentation of sperm DNA) (фрагментация днк сперматозоидов) - 8100₽
- Laboratory studies in andrology
- Conservative treatment in andrology
- Consultations of adult specialists
- Consultations in cardiology and vascular surgery
- Consultation with a cardiologist (врач) - 3500₽
Consultation with a cardiologist (повторная врач) - 3100₽
- Consultation with a cardiologist (врач) - 3500₽
- Consultations in endocrinology
- Consultation of an endocrinologist (врач) - 3000₽
Consultation of an endocrinologist (повторная врач) - 2500₽
- Consultation of an endocrinologist (врач) - 3000₽
- Consultations in neurology
- Consultation of a neurologist (врач) - 2000₽
- Consultations in otolaryngology
- Consultation of an otolaryngologist (врач) - 2500₽
- Consultations in psychiatry and narcology
- Consultation of a psychologist - 3500₽
- Family psychologist consultation - 3750₽
- Consultations in cardiology and vascular surgery
- Consultations of adult specialists
- Cryotherapy in cosmetology
- Cryomassage
- Cryomassage of the face (лицо и шея) - 1100₽
- Cryomassage of the scalp - 1100₽
- Cryomassage
- Injections of hyaluronic acid
- Biorevitalization
- Biorevitalization of the IAL System (ial system, 0.6 мл) - 8950₽
Biorevitalization of the IAL System (ial system acp, 1.0 мл) - 10950₽
- Biorevitalization of the IAL System (ial system, 0.6 мл) - 8950₽
- Biorevitalization
- Cryotherapy in cosmetology
- Consultations in dermatology
- Consultation with a dermatologist (врач) - 1850₽
Consultation with a dermatologist (повторная врач) - 1750₽
- Consultation with a dermatologist (врач) - 1850₽
- Diagnostics in dermatology
- Hardware diagnostics of the skin
- Dermatoscopy (1 новообразование) - 950₽
Dermatoscopy (полное обследование) - 500₽ - Luminescent diagnostics - 550₽
- Dermatoscopy (1 новообразование) - 950₽
- Hardware diagnostics of the skin
- Removal of formations on the skin
- Keratoma removal
- Radiowave keratoma removal (до 0,5 см) - 2000₽
- Removal of atheroma
- Radio wave removal of atheroma (до 2 см) - 3900₽
- Removal of moles
- Radio wave mole removal (до 5 мм) - 2000₽
- Removal of papillomas
- Radio wave removal of papillomas (до 5 шт) - 2000₽
- Keratoma removal
- Consultations in dermatology
- Endoscopy
- Endoscopy in gynecology
- Colposcopy (простая) - 3200₽
- Endoscopy in gynecology
- Functional diagnostics
- Cardiovascular EFI
- Electrocardiography (ECG) (без описания) - 1000₽
Electrocardiography (ECG) (с расшифровкой) - 1500₽
Electrocardiography (ECG) (расшифровка экг) - 500₽
- Electrocardiography (ECG) (без описания) - 1000₽
- Cardiovascular EFI
- Ultrasound
- Ultrasound during pregnancy
- 3D and 4D ultrasound during pregnancy (одноплодная беременность) - 3950₽
3D and 4D ultrasound during pregnancy (многоплодная беременность) - 4850₽ - Cervicometry - 1650₽
- Dopplerography of uteroplacental blood flow (многоплодная беременность) - 3000₽
Dopplerography of uteroplacental blood flow (одноплодная беременность) - 2000₽ - Fetal cardiotocography (CTG) (одноплодная беременность) - 1850₽
Fetal cardiotocography (CTG) - 2800₽ - Ultrasound determination of the child's sex - 1200₽
- Ultrasound of early pregnancy - 2450₽
- Ultrasound screening of the 1st trimester of pregnancy (одноплодная беременность) - 2800₽
Ultrasound screening of the 1st trimester of pregnancy - 3900₽ - Ultrasound screening of the 2nd trimester of pregnancy (одноплодная беременность) - 3400₽
Ultrasound screening of the 2nd trimester of pregnancy (многоплодная беременность) - 4500₽ - Ultrasound screening of the 3rd trimester of pregnancy (многоплодная беременность) - 4500₽
Ultrasound screening of the 3rd trimester of pregnancy (одноплодная беременность) - 3200₽
- 3D and 4D ultrasound during pregnancy (одноплодная беременность) - 3950₽
- Ultrasound of soft tissues and surface structures
- Ultrasound of the breast (с регионарными лимфатическими узлами) - 2000₽
- Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity and retroperitoneal space
- Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity (только обп) - 2600₽
- Ultrasound of the gallbladder (с определением функции) - 1750₽
- Ultrasound of the female genital organs
- Folliculometry - 1500₽
- Ultrasound of the pelvic organs in women (трансвагинальное узи) - 2500₽
Ultrasound of the pelvic organs in women (трансабдоминальное узи) - 2350₽
- Ultrasound of the head and neck
- Ultrasound of the thyroid gland (щитовидная железа) - 2000₽
- Ultrasound of the male genitals
- Ultrasound of the penis (только п.ч.) - 1700₽
- Ultrasound of the prostate gland (трансабдоминально) - 2500₽
Ultrasound of the prostate gland (трансректально (трузи)) - 4000₽ - Ultrasound of the scrotum organs (без сосудов) - 1800₽
- Ultrasound of the urinary system
- Ultrasound of the bladder (без определения ост. мочи) - 1350₽
- Ultrasound of the kidneys (только почки) - 2550₽
- Ultrasound during pregnancy
- Endoscopy
- Consultations in gastroenterology
- Consultation of a gastroenterologist - 3000₽
- Consultations in gastroenterology
- Conservative therapy in gynecology
- Removal of condylomas in women
- Removal of condylomas by solcoderm (1 шт до 0,5см) - 1800₽
Removal of condylomas by solcoderm (1 шт более 0,5см) - 2200₽
Removal of condylomas by solcoderm (3-5 шт) - 2900₽
Removal of condylomas by solcoderm (5-10 шт) - 3300₽
- Removal of condylomas by solcoderm (1 шт до 0,5см) - 1800₽
- Removal of condylomas in women
- Consultations in gynecology
- Consultation of a gynecologist (врач) - 2100₽
Consultation of a gynecologist - 2350₽
Consultation of a gynecologist (повторная врач) - 1950₽
Consultation of a gynecologist (повторная врач к.м.н.) - 2200₽ - Consultation of a reproductologist (врач) - 4500₽
- Consultation of a gynecologist (врач) - 2100₽
- Diagnostics in gynecology
- Laboratory tests in gynecology
- Femoflor 16 - 3000₽
- Femoflor 8 - 1500₽
- Femoflor screen - 1700₽
- Florocenosis (бактериальный вагиноз) - 1300₽
Florocenosis - 2000₽
- Laboratory tests in gynecology
- Intimate plastic surgery
- Surgical defloration (1-я категория сложности) - 6000₽
- Operations on the vagina
- Operations for bartholinitis
- Autopsy of the bartholin gland abscess (1-я категория) - 7100₽
- Operations for bartholinitis
- Conservative therapy in gynecology
- Consultations in mammology
- Consultation of a mammologist (врач) - 3000₽
Consultation of a mammologist (повторная врач) - 2000₽
- Consultation of a mammologist (врач) - 3000₽
- Consultations in mammology
- Biopsies in oncology
- Biopsy in gynecology
- Cervical biopsy (прицельная) - 6000₽
- Pipel-endometrial biopsy (1 категория) - 7800₽
- Biopsy in gynecology
- Biopsies in oncology
- ENT procedures
- Anesthesia and blockages in otolaryngology
- Anesthesia in otolaryngology (аппликационная анестезия) - 650₽
- Behind - the - ear blockade - 1500₽
- Intra -nasal blockade (1 сторона) - 1500₽
- Procedures for diseases of the nasopharynx
- Cauterization of the nasopharyngeal mucosa - 300₽
- Treatment of the posterior pharyngeal wall and tonsils with drugs - 300₽
- Procedures for otitis media
- Blowing the auditory tubes by Politzer (1 сторона) - 800₽
- Ear toilet (при мезо-, эпитимпаните) - 1000₽
Ear toilet (другие показания) - 350₽ - Pneumomassage of the eardrum - 700₽
- Anesthesia and blockages in otolaryngology
- ENT procedures
- Consultations of children's specialists
- Primary consultations of children's specialists
- Consultation of a homeopath - 3000₽
- Primary consultations of children's specialists
- Pediatric otolaryngology
- Removal of foreign bodies from ENT organs in children
- Removal of a foreign body from the ear - 1200₽
- Removal of a foreign body from the nasal cavity - 1500₽
- Removal of a foreign body from the pharynx - 1500₽
- Removal of sulfur plug (сложное (промыванием)) - 1000₽
- Stopping nosebleeds in children
- Anemia of the nasal mucosa - 700₽
- Coagulation of the Kisselbach zone (химическая) - 1000₽
- Treatment of otitis media in children
- Endaural compress - 800₽
- Treatment of sinusitis in children
- Washing according to the Proetz ('cuckoo') (кукушка) - 1700₽
- Treatment of tonsillitis in children
- Washing the lacunae of the palatine tonsils (шприцом (ручное)) - 1100₽
Washing the lacunae of the palatine tonsils - 1300₽
- Washing the lacunae of the palatine tonsils (шприцом (ручное)) - 1100₽
- Removal of foreign bodies from ENT organs in children
- Consultations of children's specialists
Physical therapy
- Aerotherapy
- Inhalation therapy
- Medicinal inhalation - 1000₽
- Inhalation therapy
- Phototherapy
- Infrared therapy
- Local infrared therapy - 800₽
- Laser therapy
- Laser therapy for adenoids - 800₽
- Infrared therapy
- Treatment with magnetic fields
- Magnetic therapy
- Magnetolaser therapy (1 зона) - 1500₽
- Magnetic therapy
- Aerotherapy
- Consultations in proctology
- Consultation of a proctologist (врач) - 3000₽
- Consultations in proctology
- Consultations in therapy
- Consultation with a therapist (врач) - 2000₽
Consultation with a therapist (повторная врач) - 2500₽
- Consultation with a therapist (врач) - 2000₽
- Consultations in therapy
- Manipulations in traumatology
- Wound treatment
- Suture removal in traumatology - 1000₽
- Wound treatment
- Manipulations in traumatology
- Consultations in trichology
- Consultation of a trichologist (врач) - 3000₽
Consultation of a trichologist (повторная врач) - 2500₽
- Consultation of a trichologist (врач) - 3000₽
- Consultations in trichology
- Consultations in urology
- Consultation of a nephrologist (врач) - 3250₽
Consultation of a nephrologist (повторная врач) - 2750₽
- Consultation of a nephrologist (врач) - 3250₽
- Consultations in urology
- Consultations in venereology
- Consultation of a venereologist - 1850₽
Consultation of a venereologist (повторная врач) - 1750₽
- Consultation of a venereologist - 1850₽
- Consultations in venereology
Specialists working in the clinic
Clinic has no doctors listed yet.
Clinic phone numbers: (499) 116-77-93, (499) 148-88-66, (499) 148-36-41, (499) 148-63-49, (499) 148-01-62 | All contacts of the clinic ⇮ |