Элит на проспекте Энгельса
60.03768526896247(()30.326483231037866(()(()Элит на проспекте Энгельса | ||
Править клинику ✎ | To the estimates | |
Центр эстетической медицины | ||
Address: | Санкт-Петербург, пр-т Энгельса, д. 113, корп. 2 | |
Working hours: | Mon-Sun: 10:00 - 21:00 | |
Phone numbers: | +7(812..show 2 phones+7(812) 511-67-83, +7(911) 024-49-64 | |
E-mail: | elite-centr@mail.ru | |
High cost: | 0.7 ⓘ✘The coefficient of the clinic's high cost by market. 1 means that the clinic has average prices. The lower the coefficient, the cheaper the clinic. | |
Website: | inelite.ru | |
License: | 78-01-005183 | |
Description: Центр эстетической медицины «Элит» на проспекте Энгельса Санкт-Петербурга (м. Озерки) оказывает услуги косметологии, салонной эстетики и SPA-направления. В центре проводятся аппаратные процедуры вакуумно-роликового массажа (LPG Cellu M6), фотоомоложения и фотоэпиляции, миостимуляции, кавитации, лазерного липолиза, термолифтинга, прессотерапии и др. Инъекционные технологии включают процедуры плазмолифтинга, контурной пластики (Juvederm, Surgiderm), коррекции морщин и лечения гипергидрозиа (Botox, DляциYSPORT), мезотерапии, биоревитализации (IAL System, IAL System ACP). Центр предлагает профессиональный ногтевой сервис на препаратах Creative Nail Design, Gehwol; косметические уходы и СПА-программы от лучших мировых производителей. |
Prices for 176 services
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- Alcohol-free mesotherapy
- Laser biorevitalization
- Laser biorevitalization of the face - 2300₽
- Laser biorevitalization
- Botulinum therapy
- Botox Injections
- Botox, 1 unit (unit) (коррекция морщин) - 290₽
- Botulax Injections
- Botulax, 1 unit (unit) (коррекция морщин) - 230₽
- Relatox Injections
- Relatox, 1 unit (unit) (коррекция морщин) - 270₽
- Xeomin Injections
- Xeomin, 1 unit (unit) (коррекция морщин) - 290₽
- Botox Injections
- Carboxytherapy
- Non-invasive carboxytherapy (лицо) - 1700₽
- Cellular rejuvenation
- Placental therapy
- Laennec therapy (2 амп. мезотерапия (фармакопунктура)) - 6400₽
Laennec therapy (3 ампулы внутримыш.) - 9000₽
Laennec therapy (1 ампула в/в) - 3700₽
- Laennec therapy (2 амп. мезотерапия (фармакопунктура)) - 6400₽
- Plasmolifting
- Facial PRP therapy (только лицо) - 2500₽
- Neck Plasmolifting - 2500₽
- Plasmolifting of the decollete - 2500₽
- Plasmolifting of the hands - 2500₽
- Plasmolifting of the scalp - 2500₽
- Placental therapy
- Chemical facial peeling
- Combined peeling
- ABR peeling (holy land, abr-professional) - 3200₽
- Jessner Peeling - 3500₽
- PRX-T33 peeling (лицо, шея и декольте) - 5300₽
PRX-T33 peeling (только лицо) - 4200₽ - Yellow peeling (только лицо) - 4200₽
- Fruit peeling
- AHA-peeling (holy land, только лицо) - 1800₽
- Almond peeling (только лицо) - 2800₽
- Enzyme facial peeling (dermaquest) - 2400₽
- Ferule peeling - 2700₽
- Milk peeling (лицо) - 2800₽
- Pyruvic peeling (только лицо) - 2800₽
- Glycolic facial peeling
- Glycolic peeling 35% (только лицо) - 2800₽
- Combined peeling
- Contour plastic
- Bio-reinforcement of the face
- Belotero bio-reinforcement (belotero soft, 1.0 мл) - 13400₽
- Bio-reinforcement of Princess (princess volume) - 12900₽
- Radiesse bio-reinforcement (radiesse, 0.8 мл) - 10800₽
Radiesse bio-reinforcement (radiesse, 1.5 мл) - 23000₽
Radiesse bio-reinforcement (radiesse, 3.0 мл) - 41000₽
- Contouring of the face
- Belotero contour plastic (belotero basic, 1.0 мл) - 14100₽
Belotero contour plastic (belotero soft, 1.0 мл) - 13400₽ - Contour plastic Filorga X-HA (filorga x-ha volume, 1.0 мл) - 13800₽
Contour plastic Filorga X-HA (filorga м-ha 18, 1.0 мл) - 9700₽ - Contour plastic Juvederm (juvederm volift, 1.0 мл) - 19500₽
- Contour plastic Princess (princess volume) - 12900₽
Contour plastic Princess (princess filler) - 11500₽ - Contour plastic Yvoire (yvoire classic, 1.0 мл) - 13800₽
- Contour plastic with fillers (3, 3ml) - 17900₽
- Belotero contour plastic (belotero basic, 1.0 мл) - 14100₽
- Intimate contouring
- Clitoral enlargement with hyaluronic acid - 15500₽
- Contouring of the labia majora - 16000₽
- Contouring of the labia minora (1х1мл) - 16000₽
- Contouring of the vagina - 16000₽
- Gel enlargement of the G-spot - 15500₽
- Intimate plasmolifting - 2700₽
- Lip contouring
- Contour lip plastic Juvederm (juvederm ultra smile, 0.55 мл) - 9000₽
Contour lip plastic Juvederm (juvederm ultra 3, 1.0 мл) - 16800₽
- Contour lip plastic Juvederm (juvederm ultra smile, 0.55 мл) - 9000₽
- Softlifting
- Contouring of the nasolacrimal sulcus (princess filler, 1.0 мл) - 11500₽
Contouring of the nasolacrimal sulcus (juvederm volift, 1.0 мл) - 19500₽
- Contouring of the nasolacrimal sulcus (princess filler, 1.0 мл) - 11500₽
- Bio-reinforcement of the face
- Cosmetic masks
- Alginate Mask - 950₽
- Biomatrix - 1550₽
- Gel-like mask - 800₽
- Cryotherapy in cosmetology
- Cryomassage
- Cryomassage of the body - 500₽
- Cryomassage of the face (только лицо) - 450₽
- Cryomassage
- Epilation
- Bioepilation with wax
- Bioepilation of armpits - 500₽
- Bioepilation of bikinis - 850₽
- Bioepilation of hands completely - 850₽
- Bioepilation of the abdomen - 300₽
- Bioepilation of the chin - 300₽
- Bioepilation of the face - 3000₽
- Bioepilation of the hands above the elbow - 400₽
- Bioepilation of the legs completely - 1100₽
- Bioepilation of the shins (до колена) - 750₽
- Bioepilation over the lip - 250₽
- Hip bioepilation - 450₽
- Photoepilation
- Bikini photoepilation - 1500₽
- Hip photoepilation - 3000₽
- Photoepilation of a deep bikini - 1700₽
- Photoepilation of armpits - 750₽
- Photoepilation of fingers - 300₽
- Photoepilation of hands (до локтя) - 600₽
Photoepilation of hands - 2500₽ - Photoepilation of the abdomen - 32000₽
- Photoepilation of the back + belt - 5800₽
- Photoepilation of the buttocks - 400₽
- Photoepilation of the chin - 500₽
- Photoepilation of the decollete - 750₽
- Photoepilation of the legs completely - 4900₽
- Photoepilation of the shins - 2500₽
- Photoepilation of the upper lip - 500₽
- Bioepilation with wax
- Facial cleansing
- Mechanical cleaning of the face - 2300₽
- Ultrasonic facial cleansing - 1900₽
- Hardware massage
- LPG massage
- LPG suit - 980₽
- LPG-body massage (30-35 минут) - 1490₽
- LPG-body massage, a package of 5 procedures (30-35 минут) - 6500₽
- LPG massage
- Injections of hyaluronic acid
- Bioreparation
- Meso-Wharton P199 Bioreparation (1.5 мл) - 13900₽
- Meso-Xanthin F199 Bioreparation (1.5 мл) - 13900₽
- MesoEye C71 Bioreparation - 13900₽
- MesoSculpt C71 Bioreparation (1.0 мл) - 13900₽
- Teosyal Bioreparation (teosyal puresense redensity i, 1.0 мл) - 8800₽
- Biorevitalization
- Aquashine Biorevitalization (aquashine ha, 2.0 мл) - 8900₽
- Biorevitalization PROFHILO (profhilo) - 16700₽
- Biorevitalization of Filorga (filorga nctf 135, 3.0 мл) - 6700₽
- Biorevitalization of Juvederm (juvederm hydrate, 1.0 мл) - 7500₽
Biorevitalization of Juvederm (juvederm volite, 1.0 мл) - 14900₽ - Biorevitalization of Princess (princess rich) - 7900₽
- Biorevitalization of Skin (skin-b, 5.0 мл) - 5800₽
Biorevitalization of Skin (skin-ох, 5.0 мл) - 6800₽
Biorevitalization of Skin (skin-r, 10.0 мл) - 7200₽ - Biorevitalization of Teosyal (teosyal meso expert, 3.0 мл) - 15800₽
- Biorevitalization of the IAL System (ial system, 0.6 мл) - 6300₽
Biorevitalization of the IAL System (ial system acp, 1.0 мл) - 9900₽
Biorevitalization of the IAL System (ial system, 1.1 мл) - 7800₽ - Hyalual Biorevitalization (hyalual 1,1%, 1.0 мл) - 7600₽
Hyalual Biorevitalization (hyalual 1,8%, 1.0 мл) - 8900₽
Hyalual Biorevitalization (hyalual 1,8%, 2.0 мл) - 10700₽
Hyalual Biorevitalization (hyalual 2,2%, 1.0 мл) - 10500₽
Hyalual Biorevitalization (hyalual 2,2%, 2.0 мл) - 12500₽ - Yvoire Biorevitalization (yvoire hydro, 2.0 мл) - 18500₽
- Bioreparation
- Massage in cosmetology
- Facial massage
- Classic facial massage - 1700₽
- Pinch facial massage (by Jacquet) (по жаке) - 1700₽
- Plastic facial massage - 1700₽
- Facial massage
- Mechanical facial peeling
- Cosmetic facial peeling
- Coral Facial peeling (christina) - 3500₽
- Hardware peeling
- Carbon peeling (только лицо) - 4200₽
- Microdermabrasion of the face - 3000₽
- Cosmetic facial peeling
- Mesotherapy
- Facial mesotherapy
- DMAE Facial Mesotherapy (дмае комплекс, 5.0 мл) - 1500₽
- Dermaheal Facial Mesotherapy (dermaheal hsr, 5.0 мл) - 3900₽
- Facial Mesotherapy Viscoderm (viscoderm skinko e, 5.0 мл) - 6500₽
- Mesotherapy of the face Mesoline (mesoline acne, 5.0 мл) - 4400₽
- Hair Mesotherapy
- Dermaheal Hair Mesotherapy (dermaheal hl, другое) - 1200₽
- Mesotherapy of the body
- DMAE Body Mesotherapy (дмае комплекс, 10.0 мл) - 3000₽
- Revital Body Mesotherapy (revital celluform, 10.0 мл) - 6800₽
- Facial mesotherapy
- Non-surgical liposuction
- Laser lipolysis of Zerone (1 900р/ 1 процедура) - 9500₽
Laser lipolysis of Zerone (10 минут) - 950₽ - Ultrasonic cavitation
- Ultrasonic cavitation of a small zone - 2500₽
- Laser lipolysis of Zerone (1 900р/ 1 процедура) - 9500₽
- Photocosmetology
- Photo rejuvenation
- Photo rejuvenation of cheeks - 2500₽
- Photo rejuvenation of the decollete - 2800₽
- Photo rejuvenation of the face (только лицо) - 3000₽
Photo rejuvenation of the face - 4400₽ - Photo rejuvenation of the forehead - 1700₽
- Photo rejuvenation of the hands - 1100₽
- Photo rejuvenation of the nasolabial triangle - 1700₽
- Photo rejuvenation of the neck - 2000₽
- Photo rejuvenation
- Physiotherapy in cosmetology
- Darsonvalization
- Darsonvalization of the face - 350₽
- Darsonvalization of the scalp - 350₽
- Myostimulation in cosmetology
- Myostimulation of the body (10 procedures) (780р / 1 процедура) - 7800₽
- Myostimulation of the body (one-time procedure) - 1100₽
- Ultrasonic massage
- Ultrasonic facial massage - 500₽
- Darsonvalization
- Piercing
- Ear piercing (без серьги) - 650₽
- Tattooing
- Eye tattooing
- Tattooing of the upper eyelid - 4300₽
- Eye tattooing
- Thermal lifting
- RF lifting
- RF-face lifting (все лицо) - 2800₽
- RF lifting
- Ultrasonic lifting
- Ultrasonic abdominal lifting - 32000₽
- Ultrasonic facial lifting (только лицо) - 22000₽
Ultrasonic facial lifting - 25900₽
Ultrasonic facial lifting (без подчелюстной зоны) - 11500₽ - Ultrasonic hip lifting - 30000₽
- Ultrasonic knee lifting - 12500₽
- Ultrasonic lifting of the decollete - 24900₽
- Ultrasonic lifting of the submandibular zone - 9800₽
- Ultrasonic neck lifting (только шея) - 14900₽
- Ultrasonic shoulder lifting - 23500₽
- Ultrasound lifting of the periorbital zone - 9800₽
- Alcohol-free mesotherapy
- Acne Treatment
- Mechanical removal of blackheads
- Back cleaning - 2700₽
- Mechanical removal of blackheads
- Mycology
- Treatment of nail fungus
- Cleaning the nail plate with fungus (1-2 ногтя) - 500₽
- Treatment of nail fungus
- Podology
- Plantar wart removal
- Electrocoagulation of plantar wart (до 0,5 см) - 1250₽
- Podological treatment of feet
- Medical hardware pedicure (женский) - 1500₽
Medical hardware pedicure - 1700₽
- Medical hardware pedicure (женский) - 1500₽
- Prosthetics of nails
- Gehwol Nail Prosthetics - 750₽
- Onycholit Nail Prosthetics - 750₽
- Prosthetics of nails with copolin with nail mass - 500₽
- Plantar wart removal
- Removal of formations on the skin
- Removal of a contagious mollusk
- Electrocoagulation of a contagious mollusk (1 шт) - 150₽
- Removal of atheroma
- Electrocoagulation of atheroma (до 2 см) - 600₽
- Removal of moles
- Electrocoagulation of the mole (до 5 мм) - 750₽
- Removal of papillomas
- Electrocoagulation of papillomas (до 5 шт) - 200₽
Electrocoagulation of papillomas (10-20 шт) - 150₽
- Electrocoagulation of papillomas (до 5 шт) - 200₽
- Removal of the milium
- Electrocoagulation of milium (1 шт) - 50₽
- Removal of xanthelasma
- Electrocoagulation of xanthelasma (до 0,3 см) - 800₽
- Wart Removal
- Electrocoagulation of warts (до 0,5 см) - 850₽
- Removal of a contagious mollusk
- Treatment of ingrown toenail
- Correction of ingrown toenail
- Correction of an ingrown nail with titanium thread (стандартная) - 2500₽
- Tamponade of an ingrown nail - 500₽
- Correction of ingrown toenail
- Acne Treatment
Physical therapy
- Aerotherapy
- Pressotherapy
- Body pressotherapy - 950₽
- Pressomassage (subscription for 10 procedures) (абонемент на 10 процедур) - 7300₽
- Pressotherapy
- Massage
- Classic massage
- Foot massage (нога полностью) - 350₽
- Hand massage (кисть и предплечье) - 300₽
- General massage
- Neuro-sedative massage (до 40 минут) - 2000₽
- Classic massage
- Aerotherapy
Specialists working in the clinic
Clinic has no doctors listed yet.
Clinic phone numbers: (812) 511-67-83, (911) 024-49-64 | All contacts of the clinic ⇮ |