МЦ Лада на Бориса Богаткова 245
55.04078756591756(()82.98107290640475(()(()МЦ Лада на Бориса Богаткова 245 | ||
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Лечебно-диагностический центр | ||
Address: | Новосибирск, ул. Бориса Богаткова, д. 245 | |
Working hours: | Mon-Sun: 08:00 - 20:00 | |
Phone numbers: | +7(383..show 2 phones+7(495) 104-88-01, +7(383) 383-08-59 | |
E-mail: | medcentrlada@yandex.ru | |
High cost: | 0.8 ⓘ✘The coefficient of the clinic's high cost by market. 1 means that the clinic has average prices. The lower the coefficient, the cheaper the clinic. | |
Website: | nsk-lada.ru | |
License: | ЛО-54-01-005737 | |
Description: Медицинский центр «Лада» на ул. Бориса Богаткова, д. 245, г. Новосибирска (м. Золотая Нива) - это многопрофильный центр мужского и женского здоровья. Здесь ведут прием специалисты: гинеколог, уролог, терапевт, кардиолог, эндокринолог, гастроэнтеролог, невролог, маммолог-онколог, косметолог и др. Проводится ультразвуковая диагностика, ЭКГ, холтеровское мониторирование. Работает процедурный кабинет, проводится забор анализов (крови, мазков). В МЦ «Лада» работает квалифицированный персонал, готовый всегда прийти на помощь. В медицинском центре «Лада» ведется прием взрослых и детей. |
Prices for 229 services
Choose a clinic based on diagnoses
Analyzes (128), Andrology (3), Consultations (5), Cosmetology (25), Dermatology (1), Diagnostics (37), Gastroenterology (1), Gynecology (12), Mammology (4), Obstetrics (1), Oncology (3), Pediatrics (2), Physical therapy (1), Surgery (2), Therapy (4)Local Search
- Allergological studies
- Markers of allergic reactions
- Eosinophilic cationic protein - 1540₽
- Immunoglobulin E (IgE) in the blood - 370₽
- Markers of allergic reactions
- Biochemical analysis of feces
- Fecal biochemistry for dysbiosis - 2200₽
- Fecal calprotectin - 4356₽
- Biochemical analysis of urine
- Calcium in the urine - 209₽
- Glucose (daily urine) (разовая моча) - 209₽
- Oxalates in urine - 990₽
- Rehberg Test - 209₽
- Urea in the urine - 2009₽
- Uric acid in the urine - 209₽
- Biochemical blood analysis
- Amino Acid Research
- Omega-3 Index - 5500₽
- Definition of vitamins
- Folic acid of the blood - 550₽
- Vitamin B12 (цианокобаламин) - 550₽
- Determination of electrolytes
- Blood Magnesium - 209₽
- Blood calcium (общий) - 209₽
Blood calcium (ионизированный) - 418₽ - Blood chlorine - 209₽
- Blood phosphorus - 209₽
- Blood potassium - 209₽
- Blood sodium - 209₽
- Zinc in the blood - 418₽
- Determination of specific proteins and markers of inflammation
- Alpha-1-antitrypsin - 1045₽
- Alpha-2-macroglobulin - 990₽
- Brain Natriuretic Peptide (NT-proBNP) (nt-probnp) - 2860₽
- C Reactive blood protein (стандартный) - 220₽
- Procalcitonin - 2640₽
- Troponins (тропонин i) - 1056₽
- Enzyme research
- AST of blood (аспартатаминотрансферазу) - 209₽
- Alkaline phosphatase of blood - 209₽
- Blood ALT (аланинаминотрансферазу) - 209₽
- Blood lipase - 308₽
- Blood test for alpha-amylase - 209₽
- GGTP of blood (гамма-глютамилтрансферазу) - 275₽
- LDG of blood (лдг общая) - 275₽
- Pancreatic alpha-amylase - 693₽
- Insulin in the blood - 462₽
- Study of carbohydrate metabolism
- Blood glucose - 209₽
- Study of iron metabolism
- Blood Ferritin - 550₽
- Blood Transferrin - 440₽
- Blood burns - 418₽
- Ceruloplasmin - 924₽
- LVSS of blood - 209₽
- Whey Iron - 209₽
- Study of lipid metabolism
- Apolipoprotein A1 - 847₽
- Apolipoprotein B - 847₽
- Atherogenicity index - 594₽
- Homocysteine - 1650₽
- Triglycerides - 209₽
- Study of pigment metabolism
- Bilirubin straight - 209₽
- Indirect Bilirubin - 396₽
- Total bilirubin - 209₽
- Study of protein and substrate metabolism
- Albumin in the blood - 209₽
- Blood Creatinine - 209₽
- Blood urea - 209₽
- Thymol test - 132₽
- Uric acid of the blood - 209₽
- Total blood protein (разовая моча) - 209₽
- Amino Acid Research
- Cancer markers
- Alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) (афп) - 660₽
- Cancer marker CA 15-3 (онкомаркер) - 660₽
- Protein S-100 - 4356₽
- Chemical and toxicological studies
- Definition of drugs and alcohol
- Drug test (предварительный) - 2420₽
- Definition of drugs and alcohol
- Comprehensive laboratory tests
- Cardiological profiles
- Lipidogram (lipid profile) (стандартный) - 594₽
- Infectious profiles
- TORCH-complex (стандартный) - 3080₽
- Cardiological profiles
- Cytological studies
- Cytological examination of sputum - 330₽
- Cytology of a breast nipple smear - 495₽
- Diagnosis of infections
- Antibodies to helicobacter in the blood
- Blood test for Helicobacter pylori (igg) - 440₽
- H. pylori antigen in feces - 880₽
- Passive hemagglutination reaction (RPGA)
- Brucellosis RPGA - 330₽
- Polymerase chain reaction (PCR diagnostics)
- Androflor (24 расширенный) - 2860₽
- PCR analysis of HPV (скрининг) - 1320₽
- PCR diagnosis of herpes simplex virus type 1 and 2 - 319₽
- Antibodies to helicobacter in the blood
- Enzyme immunoassay (ELISA)
- Determination of antibodies to STIs
- Analysis for antibodies to ureaplasma (iga) - 363₽
- Antibodies to candida (igg) - 330₽
- Antibodies to chlamydia trachomatis (igg) - 330₽
- Antibodies to mycoplasma hominis (igg) - 374₽
- Antibodies to trichomonas (igg) - 352₽
- Determination of antibodies to bacterial infections
- Analysis for antibodies to borrelia (igg) - 550₽
- Analysis for antibodies to brucella (igg) - 352₽
- Analysis for antibodies to the causative agent of tetanus (асл-о) - 484₽
- Analysis for antibodies to the causative agent of typhoid fever - 495₽
- Analysis for antibodies to the causative agent of whooping cough (iga) - 1320₽
- Determination of antibodies to helminths
- Analysis for antibodies to ascarids (igg кач.) - 880₽
- Analysis for antibodies to echinococci (igg кач.) - 572₽
- Analysis for antibodies to opisthorchis (igg кач.) - 572₽
- Analysis for antibodies to toxocars (igg кач.) - 297₽
- Analysis for antibodies to trichinella (igg кач.) - 407₽
- Determination of antibodies to protozoa
- Analysis for antibodies to giardia (суммарные) - 330₽
- Analysis for antibodies to toxoplasma (iga) - 308₽
- Determination of antibodies to the causative agent of syphilis
- Wasserman Reaction (RW) (rw) - 330₽
- Determination of antibodies to the herpes virus
- Analysis for antibodies to Varicella-Zoster virus (iga) - 880₽
- Epstein-Barr virus antibody test (anti-ebv-na igg) - 616₽
- Determination of antibodies to viruses
- Analysis for antibodies to the measles virus (igm) - 1100₽
- Analysis for antibodies to the rubella virus (igg) - 374₽
- Analysis for antibodies to tick-borne encephalitis virus (igg) - 704₽
- Antibodies to cytomegalovirus (igg) - 484₽
- S-protein antibody test after vaccination against SARS‑CoV‑2 (igg + igm) - 1100₽
- Determination of antibodies to STIs
- General clinical studies
- Blood tests
- ESR - 132₽
- General blood test
- Platelets (количественно) - 440₽
- Stool studies
- Eggs of worms in feces (обычная) - 660₽
- Stool analysis for hidden blood (стандартный) - 330₽
- Studies of the separated urogenital tract
- Microscopy of prostate secretions - 550₽
- Smear on flora in women (узи гинекологическое, мазок на микрофлору, анализы крови на хгч, вич, rw, гепатиты в и с) - 2899₽
- Urine tests
- Urine analysis by Nechiporenko - 275₽
- Blood tests
- Genetic research
- Oncogenetics
- Assessment of the risk of developing BRCA-associated cancer in women (brca1 и brca2) - 2530₽
- Oncogenetics
- Hormonal studies
- Pregnancy monitoring
- Free b-HCG (free b-HCG) (free b-hcg) - 847₽
- Free estriol (E3) (е3) - 528₽
- HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) (хорионический гонадотропин человека) - 418₽
- PAPP-A (ассоциированный с беременностью белок а) - 847₽
- Placental lactogen - 1210₽
- Trophoblastic beta-1-glycoprotein - 484₽
- Sex hormones
- Inhibin B - 1485₽
- Progesterone - 341₽
- Study of adrenal function
- Aldosterone-renin ratio - 1850₽
- Cortisol analysis (в моче) - 484₽
- Pregnancy monitoring
- Immune status research
- Cellular and humoral immunity
- Immunoglobulin A (IgA) in the blood - 330₽
- Immunoglobulin G (IgG) in the blood - 330₽
- Immunoglobulin M (IgM) in the blood - 330₽
- Interleukin status
- Interleukin 1 beta (IL-1b) (ил-1b) - 528₽
- Interleukin 10 (IL-10) (ил-10) - 528₽
- Interleukin 6 (IL-6) (ил-6) - 528₽
- Tumor Necrosis Factor (TNF) (фно) - 528₽
- Cellular and humoral immunity
- Markers of autoimmune diseases
- Markers of antiphospholipid syndrome
- Antibodies to cardiolipin (igм) - 1914₽
- Antibodies to phospholipids (igg) - 1188₽
- Lupus Anticoagulant (LA) (скрининг) - 308₽
- Markers of autoimmune lesions of the gastrointestinal tract
- Antibodies to gliadin (iga) - 1980₽
- Markers of rheumatoid arthritis
- Antibodies to cyclic citrulline peptide (anti-SSR) (anti-сср) - 1760₽
- Determination of rheumatoid factor (обычная) - 264₽
- Markers of antiphospholipid syndrome
- Microbiological studies
- Seeding of the separated respiratory tract
- Sowing a smear from the yawn on the microflora - 1320₽
- Seeding of the separated respiratory tract
- Allergological studies
- Conservative treatment in andrology
- Manipulations in andrology
- Prostate massage (лечебная) - 500₽
- Manipulations in andrology
- Consultations in andrology
- Consultation of a urologist - 2000₽
- Consultation of an andrologist - 500₽
- Conservative treatment in andrology
- Consultations of adult specialists
- Consultations in cardiology and vascular surgery
- Consultation with a cardiologist - 2000₽
- Consultations in endocrinology
- Consultation of an endocrinologist - 1500₽
- Consultations in neurology
- Consultation of a neurologist (врач) - 1700₽
Consultation of a neurologist - 1500₽
- Consultation of a neurologist (врач) - 1700₽
- Consultations in pulmonology
- Consultation of a pulmonologist - 1500₽
- Consultations in cardiology and vascular surgery
- Consultations of adult specialists
- Epilation
- Bioepilation with wax
- Bioepilation of the hands to the elbow - 700₽
- Sugaring (sugar depilation)
- Armpit sugaring - 350₽
- Belly sugaring - 500₽
- Breast sugaring - 500₽
- Chin sugaring - 250₽
- Lumbar sugaring - 500₽
- Shugaring of shins - 600₽
- Sugaring a bikini - 600₽
- Sugaring a deep bikini - 1000₽
- Sugaring faces - 250₽
- Sugaring hands (полностью) - 600₽
Sugaring hands (до локтя) - 500₽ - Sugaring over the lip - 250₽
- Sugaring the back - 500₽
- Sugaring the buttocks - 500₽
- Sugaring the hips - 600₽
- Sugaring the legs completely - 1000₽
- Bioepilation with wax
- Facial cleansing
- Combined facial cleansing - 1500₽
- Manual face cleaning - 2000₽
- Hardware massage
- LPG massage
- LPG suit - 700₽
- LPG-body massage (50 - 60 минут) - 1200₽
- LPG-body massage (subscription for 10 treatments) (50 - 60 минут) - 9600₽
- LPG-body massage, a package of 5 procedures (50 - 60 минут) - 5100₽
- LPG massage
- Massage in cosmetology
- Facial massage
- Classic facial massage - 500₽
- Plastic facial massage - 1000₽
- Facial massage
- Epilation
- Treatment of pigmented skin disorders
- Photo removal of pigmentation
- Removal of pigmentation on the hands up to the elbow - 300₽
- Photo removal of pigmentation
- Treatment of pigmented skin disorders
- Endoscopy
- Endoscopy in gynecology
- Colposcopy - 1000₽
- Endoscopy in gynecology
- Functional diagnostics
- Cardiovascular EFI
- Daily monitoring by Holter (только экг) - 2000₽
- SMAD - 2000₽
- Cardiovascular EFI
- Ultrasound
- Ultrasound during pregnancy
- Ultrasound of early pregnancy - 1600₽
- Ultrasound screening of the 1st trimester of pregnancy (одноплодная беременность) - 1600₽
- Ultrasound of blood vessels
- Ultrasound of the arteries of the extremities - 1600₽
- Ultrasound of the veins of the lower extremities (допплерография) - 1500₽
- Ultrasound of the veins of the upper extremities (узи вен и артерий в.к.) - 2700₽
Ultrasound of the veins of the upper extremities (уздг вен) - 1500₽ - Ultrasound of the vessels of the head and neck (транскраниальное сканирование сосудов головного мозга узи брахиоцефальных сосудов) - 2800₽
Ultrasound of the vessels of the head and neck (бца, брахиоцефальных) - 1600₽
Ultrasound of the vessels of the head and neck (уздс сосудов шеи) - 1500₽
- Ultrasound of soft tissues and surface structures
- Ultrasound of lymph nodes (одна область) - 1200₽
- Ultrasound of soft tissues (одна область) - 1200₽
- Ultrasound of the breast (с лимфоузлами) - 1200₽
Ultrasound of the breast - 1300₽
- Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity and retroperitoneal space
- Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity (для пац. с 3 лет) - 2999₽
Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity (печень, желчный пузырь, поджелудочная железа, селезенка) - 1400₽
Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity (печень, желчный пузырь, поджелудочная железа, селезенка, почки, надпочечники) - 1800₽ - Ultrasound of the adrenal glands - 1200₽
- Ultrasound of the gallbladder (с определением функции) - 1400₽
- Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity (для пац. с 3 лет) - 2999₽
- Ultrasound of the female genital organs
- Folliculometry - 850₽
- Hydrosonography of the fallopian tubes (узи проходимости маточных труб) - 6500₽
- Ultrasound of the pelvic organs in women (трансвагинальное узи) - 1500₽
- Ultrasound of the head and neck
- Ultrasound of the thyroid gland - 1200₽
- Ultrasound of the male genitals
- Ultrasound of the prostate gland - 1700₽
- Ultrasound of the scrotum organs - 1200₽
- Ultrasound of the musculoskeletal system
- Ultrasound of shoulder joints (оба сустава) - 1200₽
- Ultrasound of small joints of the hand/foot (1 конечность) - 1200₽
- Ultrasound of the ankle joints (один сустав) - 1200₽
- Ultrasound of the elbow joints (оба сустава) - 1200₽
- Ultrasound of the hip joints - 1200₽
- Ultrasound of the knee joints (2 сустава) - 1200₽
- Ultrasound of the wrist joints (оба сустава) - 1200₽
- Ultrasound of the thoracic cavity
- Echocardiography (EchoCG) (эхо-кг) - 1600₽
- Ultrasound of the urinary system
- Ultrasound of the bladder (без определения ост. мочи) - 1200₽
- Ultrasound of the kidneys - 1600₽
- Ultrasound during pregnancy
- Endoscopy
- Consultations in gastroenterology
- Consultation of a gastroenterologist - 1500₽
- Consultations in gastroenterology
- Abortion
- Medical termination of pregnancy (препарат, анализы, 2 узи, 3 консультации врача) - 12000₽
- Conservative therapy in gynecology
- Therapeutic manipulations in gynecology
- Vaginal sanitation - 700₽
- Treatment of menstrual dysfunction
- Treatment of menopause - 2000₽
- Therapeutic manipulations in gynecology
- Consultations in gynecology
- Consultation of a gynecologist (повторная врач) - 1100₽
Consultation of a gynecologist - 1500₽
- Consultation of a gynecologist (повторная врач) - 1100₽
- Contraception
- Installation of the Navy (без стоимости спирали) - 1500₽
- Removing the IUD (простое (за усы)) - 1200₽
- Selection of contraception - 2000₽
- Diagnostics in gynecology
- Laboratory tests in gynecology
- Femoflor 16 - 3080₽
- Femoflor 8 - 1540₽
- Femoflor screen - 2200₽
- Laboratory tests in gynecology
- Pregnancy management
- Pregnancy management 1-3 trimester - 2000₽
- Abortion
- Consultations in mammology
- Consultation of a mammologist (врач) - 2000₽
Consultation of a mammologist (повторная врач) - 1400₽ - Consultation of an oncologist-mammologist (врач) - 1500₽
Consultation of an oncologist-mammologist (повторная врач) - 1400₽
- Consultation of a mammologist (врач) - 2000₽
- Consultations in mammology
- Prevention of pregnancy complications
- Introduction of the obstetric pessary (установка) - 1500₽
- Prevention of pregnancy complications
- Biopsies in oncology
- Biopsy in gynecology
- Pipel-endometrial biopsy (1 категория) - 2200₽
- Fine needle biopsy
- Puncture biopsy of breast formation (под узи-контролем) - 2100₽
Puncture biopsy of breast formation (без навигации) - 1800₽
- Puncture biopsy of breast formation (под узи-контролем) - 2100₽
- Biopsy in gynecology
- Biopsies in oncology
- Pediatric surgery
- Manipulations in pediatric surgery
- Piercing the earlobes of a child - 600₽
- Manipulations in pediatric surgery
- Ultrasound in children
- Other ultrasound scans of the child
- Neurosonography through the fontanelle - 1600₽
- Other ultrasound scans of the child
- Pediatric surgery
Physical therapy
- Massage
- General massage
- Classic general massage - 1000₽
- General massage
- Massage
- Consultations of surgeons
- Consultation of a surgeon - 1500₽
- Purulent surgery
- Autopsy and sanitation of ulcers
- Removal of a boil (1 категория) - 2200₽
- Autopsy and sanitation of ulcers
- Consultations of surgeons
- Consultations in therapy
- Consultation with a therapist - 1500₽
- Treatment room
- Intramuscular injection - 150₽
- Intravenous drip of solutions - 800₽
- Intravenous injection (без медикаментов) - 200₽
- Consultations in therapy
Specialists working in the clinic
Clinic has no doctors listed yet.
Clinic phone numbers: (383) 383-08-59 | All contacts of the clinic ⇮ |