Вакцина клещевого энцефалита культуральная очищенная концентрированная инактивированная сухая - analogs
Components: Vaccine tick-borne encephalitis |
Pharmgroups: Vaccines, serums, phages and toxoids |
Prices in pharmacies: — Instructions Вакцина клещевого энцефалита культуральная очищенная концентрированная инактивированная сухая | |||||||||
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Similar | Complete analog ⓘ✘Analogues of the drug with completely identical active ingredients |
Prices in pharmacies |
≈100% | EnceVir neo children | 39€ |
≈100% | EnceVir | 41.7€ |
≈100% | Tick-E-Vac | 43.4€ |
≈100% | FSME-Immun Junior | — |
≈100% | Encepur adults | — |
Prices in
pharmaciesAnalogs by action ⓘ✘Analogues of the drug according to its degree of similarity with other drugs that are not direct analogues
- 82% 62-64.2€ Immunoglobulinum humanum contra encephalitidem ixodicum [Immunoglobulinum human antiencephaliticum Human immunoglobulin against tick-borne encephalitis and more 1Immunoglobulin tick-born encephalitis]
- 75% — FSME-Immun Inject [Vaccine tick-borne encephalitis and more 1Aluminium hydroxide]
- 64% 0.6-3.5€ Remantadin [Rimantadine]
- 64% 5-5.2€ Iodantipirin [Iodophenazone]
- 50% — ВАКТРИВИР Комбинированная вакцина против кори, краснухи и паротита культуральная живая [Measles, mumps and rubella vaccine and more 3Measles vaccine, Vaccine rubella virus live, Parotitis vaccine]
- 50% — Immunoglobulin variole human [Immunoglobulin human smallpox Smallpox human immunoglobulin]
- 39% — АДАСЕЛЬ [Вакцина для профилактики дифтерии (с уменьшенным содержанием антигена), коклюша (с уменьшенным содержанием антигена, бесклеточная) и столбняка, комбинированная, адсорбированная] [Vaccinum ad prophylaxim diphtheriae, pertussis et tetani (with reduced antigen content) and more 4Anatoxin tetanus, Diphteria anatoxin, Pertussis vaccine, Anatoxinum pertussicum]
- 37% — Iodantipyrin tablets [Iodophenazone]
- 36% — Vaccinum meningococcium gruppae A polysaccharidicum [Vaccine meningococcae]
- 36% — Menjugate [Vaccine meningococcae]
- 36% — Менюгейт [Vaccine meningococcae]
- 36% 13€ Mencevax ACWY [Vaccine meningococcae]
- 36% — МЕНВЕО (Вакцина менингококковая олигосахаридная конъюгированная серогрупп ACW 135Y) [Vaccine meningococcae]
- 35% 5.8€ Vaccinum morbillorum culturarum vivum siccum [Measles vaccine]
- 35% — Meals vaccine live attenuated [Measles vaccine]
- 32% 37.2€ Менактра [Meningococcal (groups A, C, Y and W-135) polysaccharide diphtheria toxoid conjugate vaccine and more 3Vaccine Meningococcal (groups A, C, W, Y) polysaccharide prophylactica, Proteine, Diphteria anatoxin]
- 32% — Rouvax [Measles vaccine and more 1Neomycin]
- 29% 3.4-266€ Priorix [Measles, mumps and rubella vaccine and more 4Measles vaccine, Vaccine rubella virus live, Parotitis vaccine, Neomycin]
- 28% — ПНЕМОТЕКС (вакцина пневмококковая полисахаридная конъюгированная адсорбированная тринадцативалентная) [Pneumococcal vaccine and more 1Proteine]
- 27% 12.7-16.7€ Vaccine hepatitis B recombinant faecis liquid [Vaccine hepatitis B]
- 26% — Act-HIB [Haemophilus influenzae vaccine type b and more 1Haemophilus influenzae type b conjugate vaccine]
- 25% 2.3-2.4€ Akineton [Biperiden]
- 24% 13.5€ Pentaxim [Diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, polio and Haemophilus influenzae type b and more 7Tetanus and diphtheria vaccine, Pertussis vaccine, Polio vaccine, Haemophilus influenzae type b conjugate vaccine, Diphteria anatoxin, Anatoxin tetanus, Anatoxinum pertussicum]
- 23% 8.3-11.1€ Intesti-bacteriofag [Intesti-bacteriophage]
- 23% — Интестифаг [Intesti-bacteriophage]
- 23% — Вакцина гемофильная тип b конъюгированная [Haemophilus influenzae type b conjugate vaccine and more 1Anatoxin tetanus]
- 23% 27.9€ Infanrix hexa [Vaccinum ad prophylaxim diphtheriae, tetani, pertussis, hepatitidis epidemicae B, poliomyelitidis (inactivatum) et infectionibus Haemophilus influenzae b and more 1Polio vaccine]
- 22% — Vaccinum febris flavae vivum siccum [Yellow fever vaccine]
- 21% — Serum antigangrenosum polyvalentum purificatum concentratum equinum [Antitoxin gangrenous]
- 20% — Vaccinum pertussico-diphtherico-tetanicum aluminio hydroxydato adsorptum [Vaccine diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis and more 5Tetanus and diphtheria vaccine, Pertussis vaccine, Diphteria anatoxin, Anatoxin tetanus, Pertussis microbial cells]
- 20% — ПРИОРИКС-ТЕТРА (Вакцина против кори, эпидемического паротита, краснухи и ветряной оспы живая аттенуированная) [Vaccinum ad prophylaxim parotitidis, morbillorum, rubeolae and more 4Varicella vaccine, Measles vaccine, Parotitis vaccine, Vaccine rubella virus live]
- 19% 8.6€ Bacteriophagum intestinalis fluidum [Intesti-bacteriophage]
- 19% 10.2€ Infanrix [Vaccine diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis and more 2Tetanus and diphtheria vaccine, Pertussis vaccine]
- 18% — Бексеро [Vaccine Meningococcal (serogroup B) subunit recombinant prophylactic]
- 18% — M-M-R II [Measles, mumps and rubella vaccine and more 3Measles vaccine, Vaccine rubella virus live, Parotitis vaccine]
- 18% — Madopar [Levodopa+Benserazide and more 2Levodopa, Benserazide]
- 18% — МенКвадфи [Vaccine Meningococcal (groups A, C, W, Y) polysaccharide prophylactica]
- 18% — Вакцина менингококковая групп А и С полисахаридная [Vaccine Meningococcal (groups A, C) polysaccharide prophylactica]
- 18% — Anatoxinum diphterico-tetanicum purificatum adsorptum fluidum [Diphteria and tetanus toxoid anatoxin and more 2Diphteria anatoxin, Anatoxin tetanus]
- 18% — Anatoxinum diphtherico-tetanicum purificatum adsorptum cum quantitate minore antigenorum fluidum [Diphteria and tetanus toxoid anatoxin and more 2Diphteria anatoxin, Anatoxin tetanus]
- 18% — Meals, mumps and rubella virus vaccine live attenuated [Measles, mumps and rubella vaccine and more 3Measles vaccine, Vaccine rubella virus live, Parotitis vaccine]
- 17% — Ondansetron-LANS [Ondansetron]
- 17% — Ондансетрон-РОНЦ [Ondansetron]
- 17% 10.4-11.1€ Ribonuclease [Ribonuclease]
- 17% 2.3-2.7€ StressOff forte
- 17% 7.2€ Polysaccharide meningococcal vaccine A+C [Vaccine meningococcae and more 1Lactose]
- 17% 52.7€ АЛЬГАВАК М [Vaccine hepatitis A]
- 17% — Ondansetron-Eskom [Ondansetron]
- 17% — Бипериден [Biperiden]
- 17% — Ацикловир Дж [Aciclovir]
Learn more about the selection of analogues
- The drug has «Вакцина клещевого энцефалита культуральная очищенная концентрированная инактивированная сухая» 7 full analogs, the cheapest - EnceVir neo children (39€); 51 analog by action, the most similar - Immunoglobulinum humanum contra encephalitidem ixodicum (62-64.2€).
- Medical online service has selected the best substitutes for Вакцина клещевого энцефалита культуральная очищенная концентрированная инактивированная сухая based on its instructions, components, pharmaceutical groups and practical application.
- The table shows the prices of analogues Вакцина клещевого энцефалита культуральная очищенная концентрированная инактивированная сухая to choose the cheapest pills.
- If you have introduced other drugs for registration, substitutes are selected taking into account the assessment of interactions and safety.
- Sometimes, due to the presence of dangerous interactions, it is necessary to use drugs that are similar in effect, sometimes even from different pharmacological groups.