Immunoglobulinum humanum contra encephalitidem ixodicum - analogs
Pharmgroups: Immunoglobulins |
Prices in pharmacies: 62-64.2€ Instructions Immunoglobulinum humanum contra encephalitidem ixodicum | |||||||||
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- 83% 41.7€ EnceVir [Vaccine tick-borne encephalitis]
- 82% 43.4€ Tick-E-Vac [Vaccine tick-borne encephalitis]
- 82% — Вакцина клещевого энцефалита культуральная инактивированная сорбированная жидкая (Вакцина клещевого энцефалита) [Vaccine tick-borne encephalitis]
- 82% 39€ EnceVir neo children [Vaccine tick-borne encephalitis]
- 82% — FSME-Immun Junior [Vaccine tick-borne encephalitis]
- 82% — Вакцина клещевого энцефалита культуральная очищенная концентрированная инактивированная сухая [Vaccine tick-borne encephalitis]
- 73% 0.6-3.5€ Remantadin [Rimantadine]
- 73% 5-5.2€ Iodantipirin [Iodophenazone]
- 72% — Encepur adults [Vaccine tick-borne encephalitis]
- 72% — Энцепур детский [Vaccine tick-borne encephalitis]
- 59% — Immunoglobulin variole human [Immunoglobulin human smallpox Smallpox human immunoglobulin]
- 42% — Iodantipyrin tablets [Iodophenazone]
- 38% — FSME-Bulin [Immunoglobulin tick-born encephalitis and more 3Alanine, Proteine, Glycine]
- 33% — ВАКТРИВИР Комбинированная вакцина против кори, краснухи и паротита культуральная живая [Measles, mumps and rubella vaccine and more 3Measles vaccine, Vaccine rubella virus live, Parotitis vaccine]
- 29% 50.6-58.1€ Immunoglobulin anirhesus Rh0 (D) human [Immune globulin human antirhesus Rho[D]]
- 28% 34.9-58.6€ KamRho [Immune globulin human antirhesus Rho[D]]
- 28% — Immunoglobuline antitetanus human [Immunoglobulin human tetanus]
- 28% 165.9€ NeoCytotect [Immunoglobuline cytomegalovirus and more 1Proteine]
- 28% 82.9-406.9€ Neohepatect [Immunoglobulin human hepatitis B and more 1Proteine]
- 26% — Immunoglobulin antiallergicum fluidum [Immunoglobulin human antiallergic and more 1Proteine]
- 25% 2.3-2.4€ Akineton [Biperiden]
- 23% — BayRho-D [Immune globulin human antirhesus Rho[D]]
- 22% — FSME-Immun Inject [Vaccine tick-borne encephalitis and more 1Aluminium hydroxide]
- 20% — Lactoglobulinum controcoliproteum vaccum siccum pro usu perorale [Lactoglobulin against coliproteum]
- 19% — Lactoglobulinum contra bacteria morbifica conditionalia et salmonellas vaccum siccum [Lactoglobulin against bacteria morbifica conditionalia and salmonella]
- 18% — Flebogamma [Immunoglobulin human normal and more 1Proteine]
- 18% — Madopar [Levodopa+Benserazide and more 2Levodopa, Benserazide]
- 17% — Бипериден [Biperiden]
- 17% — Intraglobin [Immunoglobulin human normal and more 1Proteine]
- 17% 10.4-11.1€ Ribonuclease [Ribonuclease]
- 17% — Ацикловир Дж [Aciclovir]
- 16% 100.9-208€ Octagam [Immunoglobulin human normal and more 1Proteine]
- 16% 1.5-1.6€ Valemidin
- 16% — Immunoglobuline complex [Immunoglobulinum humanum normale [IgG+IgA+IgM]]
- 16% — Avonex [Interferon beta-1a and more 1Interferon beta-1b]
- 16% 7.5-8€ Иммуноглобулиновый комплексный препарат (КИП) [Immunoglobulinum humanum normale [IgG+IgA+IgM]]
- 16% 252.4€ Magnevist [Gadopentetic acid]
- 16% 49.6-442.2€ Intratect [Immunoglobulin human normal and more 1Proteine]
- 16% — Gadopentetic acid-TL [Gadopentetic acid]
- 16% — Гадопетоскан [Gadopentetic acid]
- 16% — Gadopentetic acid [Gadopentetic acid]
- 16% — Гадопентетат димеглюмина [Gadopentetic acid]
- 15% 8.2€ Madopar dispersible 125 [Levodopa+Benserazide and more 2Levodopa, Benserazide]
- 15% 12.6-12.7€ Madopar «250» [Levodopa+Benserazide and more 2Levodopa, Benserazide]
- 15% 7.3€ Madopar «125» [Levodopa+Benserazide and more 2Levodopa, Benserazide]
- 15% — Interferon alfa-2b human recombinant (rhIFN-alfa-2b) [Interferon alfa-2b human recombinant]
- 15% 80.3€ IG VENA N.I.V [Immunoglobulin human normal]
- 15% 7.5€ Madopar HBS «125» [Levodopa+Benserazide and more 2Levodopa, Benserazide]
- 15% — Thyroliberin solution for injections [Protirelin]
- 15% 4.2-15.9€ Ethoxidol [Ethlvlmethylhydroxypyridine malate]
Learn more about the selection of analogues
- The drug has «Immunoglobulinum humanum contra encephalitidem ixodicum» no complete analogues; 51 analog by action, the most similar - EnceVir (41.7€).
- Medical online service has selected the best substitutes for Immunoglobulinum humanum contra encephalitidem ixodicum based on its instructions, components, pharmaceutical groups and practical application.
- The table shows the prices of analogues Immunoglobulinum humanum contra encephalitidem ixodicum to choose the cheapest pills.
- If you have introduced other drugs for registration, substitutes are selected taking into account the assessment of interactions and safety.
- Sometimes, due to the presence of dangerous interactions, it is necessary to use drugs that are similar in effect, sometimes even from different pharmacological groups.