Женское начало (Деметра) - analogs
Components: Ascorbic acid || Sodium benzoate || Valerianae officinalis rhizomata cum radicibus || Rhodiolae roseae rhizomata cum radicibus || Paeoniae anomalae rhizomatum cum radicibus || Origano herba || Althaeae officinalis radices || Chamomillae recutitae flores || Black elderberry flowers || Gnaphalii uliginosi herba || Juniperi fructus || Bergeniae rhizomata || Inulae helenii rhizomata et radices |
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Начиная работу с сервисом, вы принимаете соглашение пользователя. Kiberis do not replace the doctor!
- 90% 5.2-5.7€ Nervo-Vit [Ascorbic acid and more 5Polemonium coerulcum, Mentha, Melissa, Leonurus cordiaca, Valerianae officinalis rhizomata cum radicibus]
- 90% — Свободное дыхание [Ascorbic acid and more 3Glycyrrhizae radicibus extract, Calendula, Vitis idaeae folia]
- 90% 2.9-3.1€ Valemidin plus [Ascorbic acid and more 9Dihydroquercetin, Valerianae officinalis rhizomata cum radicibus, Menthae piperitae folia, Motherwort herb, Crataegi fructus, Polemonium coerulcum, Magnesium aspartate, Sodium benzoate, Mentha]
- 84% — Жевательные пастилки Зайчонок Страна Здравландия [Ascorbic acid and more 3Origanum, Mentha piperita, Foeniculum vulgare mill.]
- 84% 3.8€ Holms [Ascorbic acid and more 4Sodium selenite, Selenium sulfide, Lepidium meyenii walp., Vitamin E]
- 84% 7.7-9.6€ Orlit [Blueberry fruit extract and more 4Calendula, Vitamin E, Betacarotene, Proteine]
- 84% 4.2€ Цистениум [Ascorbic acid and more 1Arctostaphylos]
- 83% — Ацерола [Ascorbic acid and more 5Glutathione, Betacarotene, Vitamin E, Lecithin, Zinc oxide]
- 82% 11.6€ Vivacia Ultra Iron Complex [Ascorbic acid and more 6Folic acid, Cyanocobalamin, Pyridoxalphosphate, Pyridoxine, Colecalciferol, Sodium selenite]
- 82% 0.4€ Живая капля (Эколог) [Ascorbic acid and more 3Glutamic acid, Succinic acid, Crataegi fructus]
- 81% 4€ РЕТИНОРМ детский [Ascorbic acid and more 4Copper sulfate, Vitamin E, Calendulae officinalis floridis extract, Retinol]
- 79% 16.9€ Vitrum Vision Plus [Ascorbic acid and more 4Vitamin E, Zinc oxide, Riboflavin, Betacarotene]
- 78% 3.1€ Mevalpas thyroid [Ascorbic acid and more 6Sodium selenite, Copper sulfate, Selenium sulfide, Vitamin E, Sodium ascorbate, Spirulina platensis]
- 76% 10€ ЦитроМикс [Retinol and more 1Colecalciferol]
- 75% — Urosystem Life formula [Ascorbic acid and more 2Echinacea, Salix alba]
- 74% — URO-TONIC Life Formula [Echinacea and more 1Salix alba]
- 74% 2€ Сироп «Зайчонок» для детей с 3-х лет «Страна Здравландия» [Ascorbic acid and more 4Foeniculum vulgare mill., Melissae officinalis foliorum extract, Origanum, Menthae piperitae folia]
- 74% 3.6€ Люкомин [Ascorbic acid and more 2Vitamin E, Sodium selenite]
- 74% — Gelenk-Aktiv [Ascorbic acid and more 2Vitamin E, Sodium selenite]
- 73% — Цист офф [Ascorbic acid and more 9Ginkgo Bilobae leaf extract, Vitis idaeae folia, Levisticum, Vaccinium oxycoccus, Arctostaphylos, Uvae ursi folia, Centaurii herba, Colecalciferol, Lactose]
- 71% 6.4-7.8€ Доппельгерц Kinder Мультивитамины для детей [Ascorbic acid and more 4Nicotinamide, Vitamin E, Retinol, Colecalciferol]
- 69% — Бьютитон [Ascorbic acid and more 7Zeae maydis styli cum stigmatis, Laminariae thallus, Black elderberry flowers, Inonotus Obliquus, Tiliae flores, Aroniae melanocarpae fructus, Sodium benzoate]
- 68% 0.5-1.8€ Элеутерококк П [Ascorbic acid]
- 67% 14.5-31.3€ Сустафлекс [Ascorbic acid and more 3Hypromellose, Colecalciferol, Proteine]
- 66% 1.7€ Фаритол С [Ascorbic acid and more 1Thymi herbae extract]
- 64% 1.5-9€ Retinorm [Ascorbic acid and more 1Vitamin E]
- 64% 0.4-0.8€ Naturino [Ascorbic acid and more 1Vitamin E]
- 63% 1.1-1.9€ Дыши [Aloe and more 3Menthae piperitae oleum, Melissa, Thymi herbae extract]
- 62% — Бальзам для сосудов [Ascorbic acid and more 13Succinic acid, Humulus lupulus, Origanum vulgare, Benzoic acid, Valerianae officinalis rhizomata cum radicibus, Valeriana officinalis, Crataegi fructus, Crataegus sanguinea pall., Panax ginseng, Melissae officinalis herba, Melissa, Rosae fructus, Cinnamon Rose]
- 61% 1.4€ Arnebia effervescent tablets vitamin C [Ascorbic acid and more 1Riboflavin]
- 61% — Супрадин ФрутоМикс [Ascorbic acid and more 5Vitamin E, Folic acid, Colecalciferol, Pyridoxine, Retinol]
- 60% 3.5€ Нефромон Плюс [Ascorbic acid]
- 60% 4.1-5.1€ Monurelle PreviCist [Ascorbic acid]
- 60% — Гематоген с аскорбинкой [Ascorbic acid]
- 60% 5.2-5.9€ Цистениум II [Ascorbic acid and more 1Lactose]
- 59% 8.5-9.6€ Цитролюкс [Ascorbic acid and more 1Proteine]
- 57% 11.9€ Pregnomama [Ascorbic acid and more 11Alfa-Tocopherol acetate, Sodium selenite, Cyanocobalamin, Riboflavin, Folic acid, Potassium iodide, Calcium pantothenate, Pyridoxine, Thiamine, Colecalciferol, Glycerol]
- 57% — Lamin Vision [Carnitine]
- 56% 1.6-2.4€ ДЫШИ напиток с липой для детей
- 56% — Immunovit Life formula [Ascorbic acid and more 2Zinc gluconate, Echinacea]
- 56% 1.8-3.4€ ДЫШИ пастилки с медом и ромашкой для детей
- 56% 1.7€ TeraFlu Immuno [Ascorbic acid and more 2Zinc gluconate, Echinacea]
- 55% — Arovitolum [Ascorbic acid and more 1Aroniae melanocarpae fructus]
- 54% 2.9-5.4€ УРОПРОФИТ [Arctostaphylos and more 2Ascorbic acid, Equiseti arvensis herba]
- 54% — Бетулин слимкоррект [Helianthus tuberosus]
- 52% 5.9€ Vitrum Superstress Plus [Ascorbic acid and more 9Vitamin E, Ferrous fumarate, Nicotinamide, Folic acid, Riboflavin, Cyanocobalamin, Calcium pantothenate, Pyridoxine, Thiamine]
- 52% — Альга Менс [Ascorbic acid and more 8Nicotinamide, Folic acid, Vitamin E, Pyridoxine, Pyridoxalphosphate, Retinol, Colecalciferol, Cyanocobalamin]
- 51% 6.6-36.6€ Цитросепт Экстракт семян грейпфрута [Ascorbic acid]
- 51% — Целебные травы «Календула» [Calendula]
- 51% — БораБора [Ascorbic acid and more 1Colecalciferol]
Learn more about the selection of analogues
- The drug has «Женское начало (Деметра)» no complete analogues; 51 analog by action, the most similar - Nervo-Vit (5.2-5.7€).
- Medical online service has selected the best substitutes for Женское начало (Деметра) based on its instructions, components, pharmaceutical groups and practical application.
- The table shows the prices of analogues Женское начало (Деметра) to choose the cheapest pills.
- If you have introduced other drugs for registration, substitutes are selected taking into account the assessment of interactions and safety.
- Sometimes, due to the presence of dangerous interactions, it is necessary to use drugs that are similar in effect, sometimes even from different pharmacological groups.