Консилиум Клиник на Дербеневской набережной
55.720909648156685(()37.65078753232959(()(()Консилиум Клиник на Дербеневской набережной | ||
Править клинику ✎ | To the estimates | |
Лечебно-диагностический центр | ||
Address: | Москва, Дербеневская наб., д. 11А | |
Working hours: | Mon-Fri: 09:00 - 18:00сб - вс: 09:00 - 16:00 | |
Phone numbers: | +7(495..show 2 phones+7(495) 104-88-01, +7(495) 146-84-88 | |
E-mail: | contact@consilium.clinic | |
High cost: | 0.9 ⓘ✘The coefficient of the clinic's high cost by market. 1 means that the clinic has average prices. The lower the coefficient, the cheaper the clinic. | |
Website: | consilium.clinic | |
Description: «Консилиум Клиник» на Дербеневской набережной (м. Дубровка) - ваша персональная история здоровья. Кабинеты клиники оснащены новейшим медицинским оборудованием, которое помогает оказывать качественную амбулаторную помощь. Мы ценим ваше время и отвечаем за качество предоставляемых услуг – с нами ваше здоровье выиграет. Мы гарантируем отсутствие очереди даже на самые востребованные услуги. Ведь у нас всё строго организовано для отлаженной работы и вашего удобства. Мы улучшаем качество жизни с любовью и заботой, вовлекаясь в судьбу каждого пациента. Обращаясь к нам, вы получаете квалифицированную медицинскую помощь по доступным ценам и чувствуете искренне доброжелательное отношение. |
Prices for 480 services
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Analyzes (430), Andrology (1), Consultations (5), Diagnostics (22), Endocrinology (3), Gynecology (2), Mammology (2), Obstetrics (4), Oncology (5), Pulmonology (1), Therapy (5)Local Search
- Allergological studies
- Allergological panels
- Allergocap ImmunoCAP ISAC 112 - 30220₽
- Fadiatop adult - 2100₽
- Fadiatop for children - 2310₽
- Panel of household allergens (phadia) - 1670₽
- Markers of allergic reactions
- Blood test for tryptase - 4517₽
- Eosinophilic cationic protein - 889₽
- Immunoglobulin E (IgE) in the blood - 597₽
- Tests for allergies to animals and birds
- Analysis for allergy to cats (эпителий, ige (е1)) - 668₽
- Analysis for allergy to dogs - 617₽
- Analysis for allergy to guinea pigs (ige (e6)) - 617₽
- Analysis for allergy to mice - 617₽
- Analysis for allergy to parrots (перо волнистого попугая ige (e78)) - 617₽
Analysis for allergy to parrots (перо попугая жако ige (e213)) - 668₽ - Analysis for allergy to rats (крыса ige (e87)) - 676₽
Analysis for allergy to rats (моча крысы ige (e74)) - 617₽ - Hamster allergy test (ige (e84)) - 617₽
- Rabbit allergy test (эпителий, ige (e82)) - 617₽
- Allergological panels
- Biochemical analysis of feces
- Analysis of feces for carbohydrates - 690₽
- Analysis of feces for zonulin - 8500₽
- Fecal calprotectin - 2895₽
- Stool analysis for pancreatic elastase-1 - 2340₽
- Biochemical analysis of urine
- Microalbumin in urine (разовая моча) - 730₽
Microalbumin in urine (суточная моча) - 450₽ - Rehberg Test - 320₽
- Spectroscopy of the urinary stone (Col.) - 3987₽
- Microalbumin in urine (разовая моча) - 730₽
- Biochemical blood analysis
- Amino Acid Research
- Blood test for L-carnitine - 2780₽
Blood test for L-carnitine (свободный и общий) - 4198₽ - Blood test for unsaturated fatty acids (нэжк) - 2199₽
Blood test for unsaturated fatty acids (омега 3) - 3887₽
Blood test for unsaturated fatty acids (омега 6) - 4087₽
Blood test for unsaturated fatty acids - 7487₽ - Omega-3 Index - 4290₽
- Blood test for L-carnitine - 2780₽
- Definition of vitamins
- Blood test for fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K) (a, d, e, k) - 7487₽
- Blood test for water-soluble vitamins - 7890₽
- Comprehensive blood test for vitamins (стандартный) - 14890₽
- Folic acid of the blood - 967₽
- Vitamin A (retinol) (ретинол) - 2087₽
- Vitamin B1 (thiamine) (тиамин) - 2087₽
- Vitamin B12 (цианокобаламин) - 880₽
- Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) (рибофлавин) - 2170₽
- Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) (пантотеновую кислоту) - 2087₽
- Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) - 1250₽
- Vitamin D (общий 25-oh d) - 2487₽
Vitamin D (d2 и d3 раздельно) - 5487₽ - Vitamin E (tocopherol) (токоферол) - 2087₽
- Vitamin K (phylloquinone) (филлохинон) - 2287₽
- Determination of electrolytes
- Blood Magnesium - 340₽
- Blood calcium (общий) - 287₽
Blood calcium (ионизированный) - 480₽ - Blood potassium - 787₽
- Zinc in the blood - 787₽
- Determination of specific proteins and markers of inflammation
- Alpha-1- acid glycoprotein - 797₽
- Alpha-1-antitrypsin - 1290₽
- Alpha-2-macroglobulin - 575₽
- Blood myoglobin - 780₽
- Blood test for sialic acids - 1347₽
- Brain Natriuretic Peptide (NT-proBNP) (nt-probnp) - 3087₽
- C Reactive blood protein (стандартный) - 518₽
C Reactive blood protein (hs (ультрачувствительный)) - 987₽ - Procalcitonin - 2087₽
- Troponins (тропонин i) - 847₽
- Enzyme research
- AST of blood (аспартатаминотрансферазу) - 270₽
- Acid phosphatase - 327₽
- Alkaline phosphatase of blood - 280₽
- Blood ALT (аланинаминотрансферазу) - 270₽
- Blood Cholinesterase - 368₽
- Blood Creatine Kinase (общая) - 398₽
Blood Creatine Kinase (мв-фракция) - 565₽ - Blood lipase - 398₽
- Blood test for alpha-amylase - 320₽
- Blood test for ostasis (bone SCHF) (костную щф) - 2300₽
- GGTP of blood (гамма-глютамилтрансферазу) - 278₽
- LDG of blood (лдг общая) - 258₽
LDG of blood (лдг 1, 2 фракции) - 288₽ - Pancreatic alpha-amylase - 380₽
- Insulin in the blood - 717₽
- Other biochemical blood tests
- Pepsinogen in the blood (пепсиноген ii) - 3587₽
- Study of antioxidant status (total) (tas) - 2397₽
- Study of carbohydrate metabolism
- Blood Fructosamine - 565₽
- Glucose tolerance test - 770₽
- Glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1) - 650₽
- Lactic acid in the blood - 729₽
- Study of iron metabolism
- Blood Ferritin - 678₽
- Blood Transferrin - 597₽
- Ceruloplasmin - 635₽
- Haptoglobin - 660₽
- Whey Iron - 277₽
- Study of lipid metabolism
- Apolipoprotein A1 - 575₽
- Apolipoprotein B - 575₽
- Atherogenicity index - 478₽
- Blood lipoproteins (лпнп) - 290₽
Blood lipoproteins (лпвп) - 305₽
Blood lipoproteins (лпонп) - 287₽ - Homocysteine - 1737₽
- Lipoprotein (a) (а) - 870₽
- Total cholesterol - 275₽
- Triglycerides - 290₽
- Study of pigment metabolism
- Bile acids - 2320₽
- Bilirubin straight - 275₽
- Indirect Bilirubin - 480₽
- Total bilirubin - 275₽
- Study of protein and substrate metabolism
- Albumin in the blood - 330₽
- Blood Creatinine - 280₽
- Blood urea - 260₽
- Cystatin C - 4195₽
- Protein fractions of blood - 508₽
- Uric acid of the blood - 295₽
- Total blood protein - 300₽
- Amino Acid Research
- Cancer markers
- Alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) (афп) - 518₽
- Analysis for paraproteins (скрининг (сыворотка)) - 2849₽
Analysis for paraproteins (типирование (сыворотка)) - 5290₽ - Bence-Jones protein in urine (типирование м-градиента) - 3990₽
- Beta-2-microglobulin (в крови) - 1187₽
- CYFRA 21-1 Cancer marker (онкомаркер) - 1197₽
- Cancer marker CA 125 (онкомаркер) - 820₽
- Cancer marker CA 15-3 (онкомаркер) - 820₽
- Cancer marker CA 19-9 (онкомаркер) - 820₽
- Cancer marker CA 242 (онкомаркер) - 920₽
- Cancer marker CA 72-4 (онкомаркер) - 1157₽
- Cancer-embryonic antigen (REA) (рэа) - 798₽
- Chromogranin A - 2990₽
- HE4 (Human epididymis secretory protein 4) (секреторный белок 4 эпидидимиса человека) - 1580₽
- Index ROMA (roma1) - 1947₽
- Mucin-like cancer-associated antigen (MCA) (mca) - 1980₽
- NSE (neuron-specific enolase) (нейронспецифическую енолазу) - 1527₽
- Prostate Health Index (phi) (phi) - 3490₽
- Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) common (пса общий) - 577₽
Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) common (пса общий / своб.) - 990₽ - Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) free - 547₽
- Protein S-100 - 2387₽
- SCC (squamous cell carcinoma antigen) (антиген плоскоклеточного рака) - 2087₽
- Tumor M2-pyruvate kinase - 2640₽
- UBC (bladder cancer antigen) in urine (антиген рака мочевого пузыря) - 1747₽
- Chemical and toxicological studies
- Study of mineral metabolism
- Spectral analysis of hair for trace elements (23-25 мэ) - 4087₽
- Study of mineral metabolism
- Comprehensive laboratory tests
- Cardiological profiles
- Lipidogram (lipid profile) (стандартная) - 1087₽
Lipidogram (lipid profile) (расширенная) - 1890₽
- Lipidogram (lipid profile) (стандартная) - 1087₽
- Hormonal profiles
- Androgen profile (скрининг) - 2498₽
- Hormonal profile for women - 3898₽
- Infectious profiles
- TORCH-complex (скрининг) - 4387₽
- Non-invasive liver disease tests
- FibroTest (расчет) - 4900₽
FibroTest (биохимия) - 980₽ - Fibromax (расчет индекса) - 12487₽
Fibromax (биохимия крови) - 1250₽ - Steatoscreen - 6279₽
- FibroTest (расчет) - 4900₽
- Other diagnostic panels
- Surgical Hospital profile - 5287₽
- Cardiological profiles
- Cytological studies
- Bone marrow punctate examination - 6998₽
- Cervical oncocytology (pap test) (1 препарат) - 1487₽
Cervical oncocytology (pap test) (2 препарата) - 914₽ - Cytology of a breast nipple smear - 845₽
- Cytology of endoscopic material - 845₽
- Diagnosis of infections
- Antibodies to helicobacter in the blood
- Blood test for Helicobacter pylori (igg) - 647₽
Blood test for Helicobacter pylori (igm) - 748₽ - H. pylori antigen in feces - 1375₽
- PCR diagnostics of helicobacter pylori - 580₽
- Blood test for Helicobacter pylori (igg) - 647₽
- Diagnosis of tuberculosis
- Quantiferon test - 5000₽
- T-SPOT.TB TB test (старше 12 лет) - 7990₽
- Hepatitis tests
- Blood test for hepatitis A (рнк вируса) - 747₽
Blood test for hepatitis A (anti-hav igm) - 897₽
Blood test for hepatitis A - 719₽ - Blood test for hepatitis B (днк кач.) - 577₽
Blood test for hepatitis B - 3500₽
Blood test for hepatitis B (hbsag кач.) - 377₽
Blood test for hepatitis B (hbsag колич.) - 1288₽
Blood test for hepatitis B (hbеag) - 687₽ - Blood test for hepatitis E - 820₽
Blood test for hepatitis E (anti-hev igg) - 837₽ - Blood test for hepatitis G - 788₽
- HDV-RNA (serum) - research (рнк hdv) - 747₽
HDV-RNA (serum) - research (anti-hdv сумм.) - 720₽
HDV-RNA (serum) - research (anti-hdv igm) - 687₽
- Blood test for hepatitis A (рнк вируса) - 747₽
- Polymerase chain reaction (PCR diagnostics)
- Androflor - 1687₽
Androflor (24 расширенный) - 3297₽
- Androflor - 1687₽
- Antibodies to helicobacter in the blood
- Drug monitoring
- Blood test for cyclosporine - 2987₽
- Blood test for lamotrigine - 2987₽
- Blood test for levetiracetam - 2987₽
- Blood test for valproic acid - 1997₽
- Carbamazepine in serum - 2987₽
- Digoxin blood test - 2987₽
- Everolimus blood test - 3990₽
- Phenobarbitalum, serum - 2987₽
- Enzyme immunoassay (ELISA)
- Antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, IgM and IgG (igm) - 1090₽
- Determination of antibodies to STIs
- Analysis for antibodies to ureaplasma (igg) - 647₽
Analysis for antibodies to ureaplasma (igm) - 597₽
- Analysis for antibodies to ureaplasma (igg) - 647₽
- Determination of antibodies to bacterial infections
- Analysis for antibodies to borrelia (igm) - 597₽
Analysis for antibodies to borrelia (igg иммуноблот) - 748₽ - Analysis for antibodies to brucella (igg) - 645₽
Analysis for antibodies to brucella (igм) - 687₽
Analysis for antibodies to brucella (igm + igg) - 654₽ - Analysis for antibodies to diphtheria bacillus - 748₽
- Analysis for antibodies to the causative agent of tetanus (асл-о) - 520₽
Analysis for antibodies to the causative agent of tetanus - 867₽ - Analysis for antibodies to the causative agent of whooping cough - 1297₽
Analysis for antibodies to the causative agent of whooping cough (igm) - 787₽ - Analysis for antibodies to tuberculosis - 1247₽
- Analysis for antibodies to borrelia (igm) - 597₽
- Determination of antibodies to helminths
- Analysis for antibodies to ascarids (igg кач.) - 767₽
Analysis for antibodies to ascarids (igg титр) - 847₽ - Analysis for antibodies to echinococci (igg кач.) - 767₽
Analysis for antibodies to echinococci (igg титр) - 800₽ - Analysis for antibodies to opisthorchis (igg кач.) - 767₽
Analysis for antibodies to opisthorchis (igg титр) - 800₽ - Analysis for antibodies to pork tapeworm - 1287₽
- Analysis for antibodies to schistosomes (schistosoma mansoni) - 1287₽
Analysis for antibodies to schistosomes (schistosoma spp.) - 2200₽ - Analysis for antibodies to the causative agent of fascioliasis - 1378₽
- Analysis for antibodies to the causative agent of strongyloidosis - 867₽
- Analysis for antibodies to toxocars (igg кач.) - 550₽
Analysis for antibodies to toxocars (igg титр) - 565₽ - Analysis for antibodies to trichinella (igg кач.) - 545₽
Analysis for antibodies to trichinella (igg титр) - 535₽
- Analysis for antibodies to ascarids (igg кач.) - 767₽
- Determination of antibodies to intestinal infections
- Analysis for antibodies to aspergillus - 767₽
- Analysis for antibodies to the causative agent of yersiniosis (iga) - 1180₽
- Determination of antibodies to protozoa
- Analysis for antibodies to giardia (igm) - 645₽
- Analysis for antibodies to toxoplasma (igm) - 647₽
Analysis for antibodies to toxoplasma (igg) - 597₽
Analysis for antibodies to toxoplasma (авидность) - 1020₽
- Determination of antibodies to the causative agent of syphilis
- Syphilis RPR test - 347₽
- Determination of antibodies to the herpes virus
- Analysis for antibodies to Varicella-Zoster virus (igm) - 748₽
- Analysis for antibodies to herpes virus type 6 (igg) - 697₽
Analysis for antibodies to herpes virus type 6 - 1790₽
Analysis for antibodies to herpes virus type 6 (авидность igg) - 645₽ - Analysis for antibodies to herpes virus type 8 (igg) - 1390₽
- Epstein-Barr virus antibody test (anti-ebv-vca igм) - 647₽
Epstein-Barr virus antibody test - 697₽
Epstein-Barr virus antibody test (авидность igg) - 757₽
- Determination of antibodies to viruses
- Analysis for antibodies to Coxsackie virus (igm) - 788₽
- Analysis for antibodies to T-lymphotropic virus - 2772₽
- Analysis for antibodies to adenovirus (iga) - 847₽
Analysis for antibodies to adenovirus (igg) - 988₽ - Analysis for antibodies to parvovirus B19 (igm) - 1789₽
- Analysis for antibodies to the measles virus (igg) - 865₽
Analysis for antibodies to the measles virus - 697₽ - Analysis for antibodies to the mumps virus (igm) - 748₽
- Analysis for antibodies to the rubella virus - 647₽
Analysis for antibodies to the rubella virus (igg) - 597₽
Analysis for antibodies to the rubella virus (авидность igg) - 898₽ - Analysis for antibodies to tick-borne encephalitis virus (igm) - 748₽
- Determination of infectious antigens in feces
- Stool analysis for adenovirus - 787₽
- HCV-RNA (serum) - research (рнк кач.) - 697₽
HCV-RNA (serum) - research (рнк кол.) - 3287₽
HCV-RNA (serum) - research (anti-hcv общ.) - 537₽
HCV-RNA (serum) - research - 588₽
- Evaluation of the hemostasis system
- ACTV - 285₽
- Analysis for fibrinolytic activity - 487₽
- Blood Fibrinogen - 365₽
- Coagulogram - 1298₽
Coagulogram (расширенная) - 3587₽ - D-dimer - 1437₽
- Ethanol test - 787₽
- Protein C - 1840₽
- Protein S - 2147₽
- RFMC - 295₽
- Thromboelastogram (простая) - 4750₽
- General clinical studies
- Blood tests
- General blood test (с лейкоцитарной формулой) - 687₽
General blood test (без формулы (тройка)) - 297₽ - LE cells - 687₽
- Reticulocytes - 327₽
- General blood test (с лейкоцитарной формулой) - 687₽
- Research of other biological secrets
- Examination of cerebrospinal fluid - 447₽
- General synovial fluid analysis - 610₽
- Nasal secretion microscopy (rhinocytogram) - 840₽
- Stool studies
- Coprogram - 565₽
- Eggs of worms in feces - 420₽
- Protozoa in feces - 420₽
- Scraping for enterobiosis (исследование) - 398₽
- Stool analysis for hidden blood (стандартный) - 355₽
Stool analysis for hidden blood (colonview) - 1310₽
- Studies of skin and mucous scrapings
- Scraping from nail plates on mushrooms (исследование) - 547₽
- Skin examination for demodex (анализ ресниц) - 430₽
- Studies of the separated urogenital tract
- Microscopy of prostate secretions (клеточный состав, микрофлора) - 470₽
- Smear on flora in women (без уточнения) - 570₽
- Spermogram (базовая) - 1987₽
Spermogram (комплексная / расширенная) - 3897₽
- Urine tests
- General urine analysis - 320₽
- Three-cup urine sample - 480₽
- Urine analysis by Nechiporenko - 365₽
- Zimnitsky 's test - 530₽
- Blood tests
- Genetic research
- DNA tests for kinship
- DNA test for motherhood (дуэт (мать и ребенок)) - 13120₽
- Genetic predisposition tests
- Analysis for HLA-B27 antigen (пцр, типирование) - 1785₽
- Analysis of predisposition to allergies - 6918₽
- Complete exome sequencing (пробанд) - 67600₽
- HLA typing
- HLA-typing Class II (супружеская пара) - 9878₽
HLA-typing Class II (локус dqa1) - 1987₽
HLA-typing Class II (локус dqb1) - 2022₽
HLA-typing Class II (локус drb1) - 2047₽
- HLA-typing Class II (супружеская пара) - 9878₽
- Karyotyping
- Karyotyping of one patient (без фотографии) - 6898₽
Karyotyping of one patient (с фотографией) - 6989₽ - Karyotyping with aberrations (без фотографии) - 12887₽
- Karyotyping of one patient (без фотографии) - 6898₽
- Noninvasive prenatal diagnosis
- Determination of the Rh factor of the fetus by the mother's blood - 3487₽
- Determining the sex of the fetus by the mother's blood - 4990₽
- DNA tests for kinship
- Genodiagnostics of hereditary diseases
- Genodiagnostics of diseases of the nervous system
- Gene diagnostics of Wilson-Konovalov disease (ATR7B gene) (ген атр7в) - 9885₽
- Genodiagnostics of metabolic diseases
- Genodiagnostics of phenylketonuria (pah) - 590₽
- Genodiagnostics of diseases of the nervous system
- Histological studies
- Histology of a biopsy of the esophagus/stomach/12p. intestine - 2497₽
- Histology of salivary gland biopsy - 2195₽
- Histology of the oral cavity biopsy - 2195₽
- Hormonal studies
- Biogenic amines
- Serotonin in the blood (в крови) - 2128₽
- Examination of thyroid function
- Comprehensive blood test for thyroid hormones - 2687₽
- Free Thyroxine - 530₽
- T-uptake (test of extinguished thyroid hormones) - 795₽
- Thyroglobulin - 835₽
- Thyroid - stimulating hormone (ттг) - 520₽
- Thyroxine - 530₽
- Investigation of pancreatic function
- C-peptide in the blood - 598₽
- Insulin Resistance Index (HOMA- IR) (homa- ir) - 987₽
- Proinsulin in the blood - 1360₽
- Investigation of pituitary and epiphysis function
- ACTH (актг) - 885₽
- Melatonin in the blood (в сыворотке крови) - 3478₽
- Somatomedin-C in the blood - 1315₽
- Somatotropic hormone - 700₽
- Other hormones
- Adiponectin - 2890₽
- Erythropoietin - 1320₽
- Gastrin (обычный (голодный)) - 828₽
- Leptin - 1047₽
- Pregnancy monitoring
- Free b-HCG (free b-HCG) (free b-hcg) - 678₽
- Free estriol (E3) (е3) - 598₽
- HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) (хорионический гонадотропин человека) - 537₽
- PAPP-A (ассоциированный с беременностью белок а) - 857₽
- Placental Growth Factor (PLGF) (plgf) - 4753₽
- Placental lactogen - 875₽
- Prenatal Trisomy screening (PRISCA) (1-й триместр) - 1675₽
Prenatal Trisomy screening (PRISCA) (2-й триместр) - 1975₽ - Trophoblastic beta-1-glycoprotein - 765₽
- Sex hormones
- 17-OH progesterone - 720₽
- Androstenediol glucuronide - 1397₽
- Androstenedione - 1340₽
- Anti - Muller hormone - 1387₽
- DHEA-s - 565₽
- Dihydrotestosterone - 1415₽
- Estradiol - 557₽
- Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) (фсг) - 557₽
- GSPS (GSPG) for men - 557₽
- Inhibin A - 1820₽
- Inhibin B - 1990₽
- Macroprolactin - 1170₽
- Progesterone - 565₽
- Prolactin - 557₽
- Testosterone - 557₽
- Testosterone Free - 1197₽
- Studies of bone metabolism
- Calcitonin in the blood - 1150₽
- Marker of bone matrix formation P1NP - 1600₽
- Marker of bone resorption β-CrossLaps - 1200₽
- Oligomeric matrix protein of cartilage (COMP) (comp) - 2428₽
- Osteocalcin in the blood - 940₽
- Parathyroid hormone in the blood - 880₽
- Pyrilinks-D Bone Resorption Marker - 1687₽
- Study of adrenal function
- Aldosterone - 620₽
- Aldosterone-renin ratio - 2698₽
- Catecholamines in the blood - 2125₽
- Catecholamines in urine (катехоламины) - 2125₽
Catecholamines in urine (только метаболиты) - 3265₽ - Cortisol analysis (в крови) - 940₽
Cortisol analysis (в слюне) - 2998₽ - Renin in the blood (ренин + ангиотензин 1) - 1045₽
- Urine Metanephrines (общие) - 2970₽
- Biogenic amines
- Immune status research
- Cellular and humoral immunity
- Circulating Immune Complexes (CEC) (цик) - 1089₽
- Determination of the content of the IgG4 subclass - 1545₽
- Immunoglobulin A (IgA) in the blood - 379₽
- Immunoglobulin G (IgG) in the blood - 379₽
- Immunoglobulin M (IgM) in the blood - 379₽
- Phagocytic activity of leukocytes - 2987₽
- Complement level study
- Complement (C3) (с3) - 445₽
- Complement (C4) (с4) - 445₽
- Interferon status
- Comprehensive assessment of interferon status (без опр. чувствительности) - 2387₽
- Sensitivity of leukocytes to immunomodulators (тимоген) - 489₽
- Sensitivity of leukocytes to interferon inducers (циклоферон) - 489₽
- Sensitivity of leukocytes to interferon preparations (роферон) - 489₽
- Interleukin status
- Interleukin 1 beta (IL-1b) (ил-1b) - 1780₽
- Interleukin 10 (IL-10) (ил-10) - 1780₽
- Interleukin 6 (IL-6) (ил-6) - 1780₽
- Interleukin 8 (IL-8) (ил-8) - 1780₽
- Tumor Necrosis Factor (TNF) (фно) - 1780₽
- Cellular and humoral immunity
- Isoserology
- Blood test for antigens of the Kell system - 878₽
- Coombs Test - 889₽
Coombs Test (непрямой) - 789₽
- Markers of autoimmune diseases
- Anti-C1q Antibody - 1545₽
- Markers of antiphospholipid syndrome
- Antibodies to annexin V (igm) - 1377₽
- Antibodies to beta-2-glycoprotein (суммарные) - 1100₽
- Antibodies to cardiolipin (igм) - 1047₽
- Lupus Anticoagulant (LA) - 990₽
- Markers of autoimmune endocrinopathy
- Antibodies to TSH receptors - 1547₽
- Antibodies to beta cells of the pancreas - 1300₽
- Antibodies to glutamate decarboxylase (GAD) (gad) - 1550₽
- Antibodies to insulin - 997₽
- Antibodies to thyroglobulin in the blood test (ат-тг) - 628₽
- Antibodies to thyroperoxidase in the blood test (ат-тпо) - 617₽
- Markers of autoimmune infertility
- AT to steroid-producing testicular cells - 1447₽
- Antibodies to hCG (igm) - 1187₽
- Antiovarial antibodies - 1377₽
- MAR-test for antisperm antibodies (igg) - 1287₽
- Markers of autoimmune lesions of the gastrointestinal tract
- Antibodies to endomysium (iga) - 1197₽
Antibodies to endomysium (iga и igg) - 2387₽ - Antibodies to gliadin (iga) - 1247₽
- Antibodies to goblet cells of the intestine (BCC) (бкк) - 2147₽
- Antibodies to mitochondria (AMA) (ama) - 1448₽
- Antibodies to reticulin - 1187₽
- Antibodies to smooth muscles - 1450₽
- Antibodies to the internal Castle factor - 1247₽
- Antibodies to the microsomal fraction of the liver and kidneys (anti-LKM) (анти-lkm) - 1460₽
- Antibodies to the parietal cells of the stomach - 1477₽
- Antibodies to tissue transglutaminase (igg) - 1047₽
- Antibodies to endomysium (iga) - 1197₽
- Markers of autoimmune neuropathies
- Analysis for antibodies to NR2 peptide - 3790₽
- Antibodies to aquaporin 4 - 2627₽
- Antibodies to gangliosides - 4500₽
- Antibodies to the NMDA receptor - 3200₽
- Antibodies to the acetylcholine receptor - 3890₽
- Oligoclonal IgG in cerebrospinal fluid and blood serum (только igg) - 3900₽
- Markers of autoimmune skin lesions
- Antibodies to desmoglein 1 - 1947₽
- Antibodies to desmoglein 3 - 1947₽
- Antibodies to the BP180 protein (буллезный пемфигоид) - 1947₽
- Antibodies to the BP230 protein (пемфигоид) - 1947₽
- Markers of other autoimmune lesions
- Antibodies to platelets - 2900₽
- Antibodies to the myocardium - 1478₽
- Neopterin - 2588₽
- Markers of rheumatoid arthritis
- Antibodies to citrullinated vimentin (MCV) (mcv) - 1589₽
- Antibodies to cyclic citrulline peptide (anti-SSR) (anti-сср) - 1387₽
- Antibodies to keratin (AKA) (только ака) - 1898₽
- Determination of rheumatoid factor (обычный) - 518₽
- Markers of systemic collagenoses
- Antibodies to Scl-70 - 3567₽
- Antibodies to single-chiral DNA (a-ssDNA) (a-ssdna) - 1375₽
- Antinuclear factor (анф) - 1197₽
- Markers of systemic vasculitis and kidney damage
- Antibodies to myeloperoxidase (MRO) (мро) - 1070₽
- Antibodies to neutrophil cytoplasm (ANCA) (igg) - 1987₽
- Antibodies to proteinase 3 (PR3) (pr3) - 1070₽
- Antibodies to the basement membrane of the glomeruli of the kidneys - 1537₽
- Cryoglobulins - 1090₽
- Endothelial Antibodies (HUVEC) (huvec) - 1587₽
- Microbiological studies
- Seeding of the separated urogenital tract
- Sowing a smear from the urethra on the microflora (исследование) - 5987₽
- Sowing for flora with an antibioticogram in women - 1190₽
- Sowing urine on microflora (с антибиотикограммой) - 997₽
- Sowing blood
- Blood culture for sterility - 900₽
- Sowing feces
- Fecal culture on pathogenic intestinal flora (патогенная м.ф.) - 567₽
- Sowing feces for dysbiosis - 1647₽
- Seeding of the separated urogenital tract
- Allergological studies
- Diagnostics in andrology
- Laboratory studies in andrology
- TUNEL test (fragmentation of sperm DNA) (фрагментация днк сперматозоидов) - 8687₽
- Laboratory studies in andrology
- Diagnostics in andrology
- Consultations of adult specialists
- Consultations in cardiology and vascular surgery
- Consultation with a cardiologist (врач) - 3500₽
- Consultations in endocrinology
- Consultation of an endocrinologist (врач) - 3500₽
Consultation of an endocrinologist (повторная врач) - 3000₽
- Consultation of an endocrinologist (врач) - 3500₽
- Consultations in neurology
- Consultation of a chiropractor (врач) - 3500₽
- Consultation of a neurologist (врач) - 3500₽
- Consultations in cardiology and vascular surgery
- Consultations of adult specialists
- Functional diagnostics
- Cardiovascular EFI
- Electrocardiography (ECG) - 1000₽
- Cardiovascular EFI
- Ultrasound
- Ultrasound during pregnancy
- Ultrasound screening of the 1st trimester of pregnancy (одноплодная беременность) - 2800₽
- Ultrasound of blood vessels
- Ultrasound of the abdominal aorta and its branches (допплерография) - 2000₽
- Ultrasound of soft tissues and surface structures
- Ultrasound of lymph nodes (стандартное) - 1000₽
- Ultrasound of soft tissues - 1000₽
- Ultrasound of the breast (с лимфоузлами) - 2500₽
- Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity and retroperitoneal space
- Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity (только обп) - 3500₽
- Ultrasound of the adrenal glands (без допплерографии) - 1000₽
- Ultrasound of the female genital organs
- Folliculometry - 1500₽
- Ultrasound of the pelvic organs in women (комбинированное та+тв) - 1800₽
- Ultrasound of the head and neck
- Ultrasound of the salivary glands - 1000₽
- Ultrasound of the thyroid gland (уздг, цдк) - 2500₽
- Ultrasound of the male genitals
- Ultrasound of the penis (только п.ч.) - 3000₽
- Ultrasound of the prostate gland (трансабдоминально) - 2500₽
- Ultrasound of the scrotum organs (без сосудов) - 2500₽
- Ultrasound of the musculoskeletal system
- Ultrasound of the wrist joints (один сустав) - 2000₽
- Ultrasound of the thoracic cavity
- Echocardiography (EchoCG) (эхокг) - 6000₽
- Ultrasound of the pleural cavity - 1000₽
- Ultrasound of the urinary system
- Ultrasound of the bladder (без определения ост. мочи) - 1000₽
Ultrasound of the bladder (с определением ост. мочи) - 1500₽ - Ultrasound of the kidneys (только почки) - 2000₽
Ultrasound of the kidneys - 2500₽
- Ultrasound of the bladder (без определения ост. мочи) - 1000₽
- Ultrasound during pregnancy
- Functional diagnostics
- Dietetics
- Consultations in dietetics
- Consultation of a dietitian (врач) - 4500₽
Consultation of a dietitian (повторная врач) - 4000₽
- Consultation of a dietitian (врач) - 4500₽
- Diagnostics in dietetics
- Bioimpedance measurement (первичная) - 2500₽
- Consultations in dietetics
- Dietetics
- Diagnostics in gynecology
- Laboratory tests in gynecology
- Femoflor 8 - 1827₽
- Femoflor screen - 2487₽
- Laboratory tests in gynecology
- Diagnostics in gynecology
- Diagnostics in mammology
- Breast biopsy in mammology
- Breast puncture (цитологический анализ) - 845₽
Breast puncture - 5478₽
- Breast puncture (цитологический анализ) - 845₽
- Breast biopsy in mammology
- Diagnostics in mammology
- Prenatal diagnosis
- Invasive prenatal diagnosis
- Amniocentesis (исследование (цитогенетика)) - 26432₽
- Chorion biopsy (определение пола) - 24528₽
Chorion biopsy (цитогенетика) - 17039₽ - Cordocentesis - 12320₽
- Invasive prenatal diagnosis
- Prenatal diagnosis
- Biopsies in oncology
- Biopsy in gynecology
- Aspiration biopsy of the endometrium (цитология аспирата) - 845₽
Aspiration biopsy of the endometrium (гистология биоптата) - 2497₽ - Cervical biopsy (исследование биоптата) - 2497₽
- Pipel-endometrial biopsy (гистология) - 2497₽
- Aspiration biopsy of the endometrium (цитология аспирата) - 845₽
- Fine needle biopsy
- Thyroid biopsy (исследование биоптата) - 845₽
- Biopsy in gynecology
- Biopsies in oncology
- Diagnostics in pulmonology
- Ultrasound in pulmonology
- Ultrasound of the lungs - 2000₽
- Ultrasound in pulmonology
- Diagnostics in pulmonology
- Consultations in therapy
- Consultation with a therapist (врач) - 3500₽
Consultation with a therapist (повторная врач) - 3000₽
- Consultation with a therapist (врач) - 3500₽
- Treatment room
- Intravenous drip of solutions - 8000₽
- Intravenous injection (без медикаментов) - 800₽
- Subcutaneous injection (без медикаментов) - 300₽
- Consultations in therapy
Specialists working in the clinic
Clinic has no doctors listed yet.
Clinic phone numbers: (495) 146-84-88 | All contacts of the clinic ⇮ |