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Veratrum album

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  1. Description
  2. Nosology
  3. Typical features
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  6. Manufacturers of the drug

Other names and synonyms

helleborus album.

Description Source

Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica - J.H. Clarke


 Veratrum album. White-flowered Veratrum. White Hellebore. N. O. Melanthaceae (of the Liliaceae). Tincture of the root-stocks collected (in the Alps and Pyrenees) early in June before flowering.


 Amenorrhoea. Anaemia. Anasarca. Angina pectoris. Apoplexy. Asthma. вronchitis. сholera asiatica. сholerine. сolic. сollapse. сonstipation. сoprophagia. сramps. Debility. Diaphragm, affections of. Diarrhoea. Dysmenorrhoea. Emphysema. Epilepsy. Fainting. Gastric catarrh. General paralysis. Headache; sick; nervous. Hernia. Hydrocephaloid. Hysteria. Influenza. Intermittent fever. Intussusception. Labour, constipation after. Lips, cracked. Liver, hyperaemia of. Lock-jaw. Lungs, oedema of. Mania. Measles. Mendacity. Melancholia. Meningitis. Menstruation, nausea before; diarrhoea before. Neuralgia, palpebralis. Nyctalopia. Oesophagus, stricture of. Peritonitis. Pernicious fevers. Plica polonica. Pneumonia. Pregnancy, imaginary. Ptosis. Pyaemia. Rheumatism. Salivation. Scarlatina. Sleep, whining in. Spleen, swollen. Sternum. Throat. Toothache. Typhoid fever. Vertigo. Water-brash. Whooping-cough. Yellow fever.

Typical features

 In his Helleborism of the Ancients, Hahnemann showed that Verat. alb. was the principal agent used at Anticyra and other places in Greece to produce the evacuations which were regarded as an essential of the cure. Spring was deemed the most favourable season and autumn the next. Among the diseases in which the treatment was employed were mental derangements, epilepsy, spasms of the facial muscles, hydrophobia, ptyalism of the pancreas, diseases of the spleens, goitre, hidden cancer, &c. Hahnemann quoted by Teste). Hahnemann says (M. M. P.) that doubtless many patients were cured, but not a few succumbed to the enormous doses given. These doses he showed were quite unnecessary, when the symptoms of the proving are taken as guides. The evacuant use of Ver. gives one of the keynotes for its homoeopathic use-its discharges are copious; copious stools, copious vomiting, copious urine, copious salivation, and copious sweat. The discharges drain the tissues like cholera, in which disease its pathogenetic effects render it one of the first remedies, ranking with сamp. and сupr. in Hahnemann s trio. The discharges exhaust the vitality as well as the tissues and cause vertigo; blackness before the sight, fainting, collapse: Rapid sinking of forces; complete prostration; cold sweat and cold breath. Skin blue, purple, cold, wrinkled; remaining in folds when pinched. Face hippocratic, nose pointed. Hands icy cold. Face and legs icy cold. This coldness is another of the keynotes of Ver. It is one aspect of the fever-producing power of the drug: Coldness of the whole body. Coldness running over whole body soon after taking it. Feeling of internal chill ran through him from head to toes of both feet at once. Continued rigor in back and over arms. Very characteristic are: сold feeling in abdomen; coldness as of a piece of ice on vertex; cold nose; face cold and collapsed; cold tongue; and most characteristic of all, cold sweat on forehead. Along with the coldness is blueness of face and extremities. Ver. is like cholera in that coldness predominates in its fever, but it has also heat and redness of face and hands. With the fever there is apt to be delirium and prolonged sleep. The delirium may develop great intensity and violence: Fury: tears his clothing; bites her shoes to pieces and swallows the fragments; cursing; stamping; wants to run away; makes a great noise. These and kindred symptoms seem to indicate Ver. in acute affections attended with delirium; and also in cases of mental alienation, which was prominent among the affections treated with the drug by the ancients. Hahnemann says of Ver. that it has the power to promote a cure of almost one-third of the insane in lunatic asylums (at all events as a homoeopathic intermediate remedy). One of the symptoms taken by Hahnemann from Grading is this: He swallows his own excrement, which Goullon has verified (Z. вerl. V. H. A., xix. 156): a child had a craze for eating its own faeces, or dung lying in the street. Ver. 2., thrice daily, cured in a month. The mania of Ver. may be of the exalted kind, religious or sexual. Imagines she is pregnant and will soon be delivered; nymphomania; puerperal mania; mania for kissing everybody have been cured by Ver. Generally there will be collateral Ver. symptoms to confirm the choice: coldness, blueness, collapse, fainting, vomiting, or diarrhoea. Ver. is a great fainting remedy. There is fainting from emotions, from the least exertion, from retching, from stool. Sinking feeling during haemorrhage. The gastric conditions are characterised by extreme hunger; craving for cold food and refreshing things; thirst for ice-cold water. This last is very characteristic, and appears in the chill and heat of fever. The copiousness of the stools distinguishes Ver. from сamph. The evacuations are apt to be green, vomit, stool, urine. The characteristic diarrhoea of Ver. is: frequent, greenish, gushing; mixed with flakes; cutting colic, with cramps commencing in hands and feet and spreading all over; prostrating, after fright; palpitation. Horizontal position vomiting, cough, and general condition. Stooping jerks in limbs; neuralgia of arms and legs; pain in feet and knees. Least exertion = fainting; cough; sweat.

Analogs by action

Included in the composition

Manufacturers (or distributors) of the drug

Доктор Н
Natura Pharma
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