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Veratrum album

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Other names and synonyms

verat, helleborus album.

Description Source

Leaders in Homeopathic Therapeutics - E.B. Nash

Pharmacological Group

Homeopathic classical monopreparations


 Collapse, with general coldness and cold sweat, especially on forehead; Hippocratic face.
 Mania, with desire to cut and tear things, with lewdness, lascivious talk, religious or amorous.
 Disposed to silence, but if irritated gets mad. Scolds, calls names and talks of faults of others.
 Rice water stools, profuse, exhausting, cramps in calves, coldness, collapse.
 Rheumatic affections worse in damp weather; drives patient out of bed.
 The pains ar maddening, driving the patient to delirium.
 Copiousness of discharges: stools, vomiting, urine, saliva, sweat; craving for acids or refreshing things.
 Here is a remedy that HAS a characteristic COLD SWEAT ON THE FOREHEAD. It makes no difference whether it is cholera, cholera infantum, pneumonia, asthma, typhoid fever or constipation; f this symptom is prominently present, and the patient is in anything like a faint, collapse, or greatly prostrated condition, vERAT ALB is the first remedy to think of. It is one Hahnemann’s trio of remedies for asiatic cholera,CAMPHOR and сUPRUM being the other two; and today his indications for its use stand as true as when he first gave them to the profession. It abides the test because it is founded upon a natural law of cure, which is the same yesterday, today and forever.
 Here the choice will sometimes have to be made between this remedy and STRAM., they are both very loquacious, and both strongly religious. Also both at time very violent; but the face of STRAM., is generally very reed and bloated, while that of VERAT, is likely to be pale, sunken or hippocratic; again, there is greater general weakness with VERAT, sometimes the violent form of mania alternates with a disposition to silence, but if irritated gets mad, scolds, calls names, and talks of the faults of others. These forms of mania are often consequent upon suppressed menses or puerperal state. They may be acute or become chronic.
 If we were to describe in ONE WORD the general condition, as near as possible, for which this remedy was best, it would be сOLLAPSE. Let me quote: Rapid sinking of forces; complete prostration; cold sweat and cold breath. Skin blue, purple, cold, wrinkled, remaining in folds when pinched. Face hippocratic; nose pointed. Whole body icy cold. Cold skin, face cold, back cold. Hands icy cold. Feet and legs icy cold. Icy coldness of surface, covered with cold sweat, tABAC.,) сramps in calves. All these are verified symptoms, and show to what an extreme degree of collapse may come and yet be cured. This condition may be found in rapidly progressing, acute cases like cholera, or it may be found in suppressed exanthemata; or, again, in the course of bronchitis, pneumonia, typhoid or intermittent fever. No matter where found, or in connection with whatever disease, if this collapse is present, and especially if the grand keynote, сOLD SWEAT ON FACE and FOREHEAD, is present, we may give this remedy with confidence that it will do all that сAN вE done and much more than the old school system of stimulation with alcoholics. In choleric diseases сAMPHOR comes nearest to VERAT, the stools are profuse and like rice water, while they are scanty or entirely absent with сAMPHOR. The pains of VERAT are very severe sometimes, driving the patient to delirium. It is said to be a good remedy for rheumatism, which is worse in wet weather and which may be found in wide range, because it covers a condition which may be found in so many different diseases.

Analogs by action

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Доктор Н
Natura Pharma
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