Пассновел - analogs
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- 64% 3€ Глирикум+зверобой [Glycine and more 1Hypericum]
- 63% 2.8-2.9€ Nightwell [Magnesium oxide and more 5Passiflora incarnate, Humulus lupulus, Melissae officinalis foliorum extract, Valerian rhizome with root extract, Pyridoxine]
- 48% 5.2-5.7€ Nervo-Vit [Ascorbic acid and more 5Polemonium coerulcum, Mentha, Melissa, Leonurus cordiaca, Valerianae officinalis rhizomata cum radicibus]
- 47% 8.4€ Феминал Премиум [Clover]
- 45% 5.4€ МЕМО-ВИТ [Rosae fructus and more 1Cinnamon Rose]
- 43% — Rhodiols Rosea Soft Capsule [Rhodiola rosea]
- 43% — Целебные травы «Толокнянка» [Arctostaphylos]
- 40% — Femoklim [Glycine and more 5Alanine, Clover, Glycyrrhizae radix, Salviae officinalis folia, Pyridoxine]
- 39% — Cichorii intybi herba [Cichorium]
- 37% 6.8€ Feminal [Clover and more 1Trifolium pratense]
- 36% 4.4-5.9€ Stressovit [Magnesium oxide and more 3Humulus lupulus, Tiliae flores, Motherwort herb extract]
- 36% — Алказа [Equisetum arvense]
- 35% — Antisklerin [Vitamin E and more 1Lecithin]
- 35% 11.5€ Eromax [Arginine and more 3Panax ginseng, Leuzeae rhizomata cum radicibus, Pyridoxine]
- 34% — Apexa [Spirulina platensis]
- 34% 2.7€ Лецират [Lecithin and more 2Phospholipides, Ascorbic acid]
- 34% 15.8€ ПРОСТАТОН [Glycyrrhizae radix and more 1Pyridoxine]
- 34% 11.4€ Natural Spirulina [Spirulina platensis]
- 34% — Экстракт зеленого чая с пониженным содержанием кофеина [Caffeine]
- 34% — Экстракт зеленого чая с повышенным содержанием кофеина [Caffeine]
- 34% — Spirulina Tablets [Spirulina platensis]
- 33% — Cortex Populi [Populus tremula]
- 33% 3.2-4.2€ Tireo-Vit [Potentilla alba and more 2Laminariae thallus, Echinaceae purpurae herba]
- 33% — Спирулина [Spirulina platensis]
- 33% 3.6-4.7€ Спирулина ВЭЛ+селен [Spirulina platensis]
- 33% — Артелар Форте [Chondroitin sulfate and more 4Glucosamine, Ascorbic acid, Sodium hyaluronate, Sodium selenite]
- 33% — Рыбий жир с экстрактом родиолы розовой [Rhodiola rosea]
- 33% — Chamenerioniae angustifolii herba [Chamerion angustifolium]
- 33% — Адлив форте [Eclipta alba and more 1Andrographis paniculata]
- 33% — Спирулина в капсулах [Spirulina platensis]
- 33% — Spirulina powder [Spirulina platensis]
- 33% 12.7€ Spirulina [Spirulina platensis]
- 32% 3.7€ Gripmax LOR [Stevia]
- 32% — Thymi serpylly herba [Thymus serpyllum]
- 32% 0.4-1.8€ Валериана П [Valeriana officinalis]
- 31% — Passilat [Passiflora edulis and more 2Valeriana officinalis, Passiflora incarnate]
- 31% — Эскуцин [Aesculus hippocastanum]
- 31% — Peppermint green-tea drops [Mentha piperita]
- 31% 2.7€ Реналис [Vitis idaeae folia and more 1Levisticum]
- 31% — Бетулин слимкоррект [Helianthus tuberosus]
- 31% 2€ Сироп «Зайчонок» для детей с 3-х лет «Страна Здравландия» [Ascorbic acid and more 4Foeniculum vulgare mill., Melissae officinalis foliorum extract, Origanum, Menthae piperitae folia]
- 30% 5.8-6.5€ Uronext [Colecalciferol and more 3Gum guar, Lecithin, Vitamin E]
- 30% 0.4-0.5€ Валериана Экстра [Valeriana officinalis]
- 30% 2-3.2€ Валериана+Пустырник форте «Мерцана» [Valeriana officinalis]
- 30% — Валериана+Мята+Мелисса таблетки [Valeriana officinalis]
- 30% 7.1€ Кинетоп [Tryptophan]
- 30% — Апетинол. Контроль над аппетитом [Valeriana officinalis]
- 29% — Panzeria Lanata [Panceria lanata]
- 29% 12.2€ Lactoflorene ПЛОСКИЙ ЖИВОТ [Melissae officinalis foliorum extract and more 3Passiflora incarnate, Lactose, Lactobacillus acidophilus]
- 29% 15.7€ 5- гидрокситриптофан (5-HTP) комплекс [Laminaria japonica and more 1Fucus vesiculosus]
Learn more about the selection of analogues
- The drug has «Пассновел» no complete analogues; 51 analog by action, the most similar - Nightwell (2.8-2.9€).
- Medical online service has selected the best substitutes for Пассновел based on its instructions, components, pharmaceutical groups and practical application.
- The table shows the prices of analogues Пассновел to choose the cheapest pills.
- If you have introduced other drugs for registration, substitutes are selected taking into account the assessment of interactions and safety.
- Sometimes, due to the presence of dangerous interactions, it is necessary to use drugs that are similar in effect, sometimes even from different pharmacological groups.