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Gelsemium sempervirens

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  1. Description
  2. Mental
  3. Head, face, and ears
  4. Mouth and throat
  5. Gastrointestinal tract
  6. Urogenital system
  7. Chest organs
  8. Cardiovascular system
  9. Limbs and spine
  10. Sleep
  11. Fever
  12. Skin
  13. Modalities
  14. Dif. diagnostics
  15. Method of drug use and dosage
  16. Analogs by action
  17. Included in the composition
  18. Manufacturers of the drug

Description Source

Homeopathic Materia Medica – William Boericke


 Yellow Jasmine.
 Centers its action upon the nervous system, causing various degrees of motor paralysis. General prostration. Dizziness, drowsiness, dullness, and trembling. Slow pulse, tired feeling, mental apathy. Paralysis of various groups of muscles about the eyes, throat, chest, larynx, sphincter, extremities, etc. Post-diphtheritic paralysis. Muscular weakness. сomplete relaxation and prostration. Lack of muscular co-ordination. General depression from heat of sun. Sensitive to a falling barometer; cold and dampness brings on many complaints. сhildren fear falling, grab nurse or crib. Sluggish circulation. Nervous affections of cigarmakers. Influenza. Measles. Pellagra.


 Desire to be quiet, to be left alone. Dullness, languor, listless. Discernings are lethargied. Apathy regarding his illness. Absolute lack of fear. Delirious on falling to sleep. Emotional excitement, fear, etc, lead to bodily ailments. вad effects from fright, fear, exciting news. Stage fright. сhild starts and grasps the nurse, and screams as if afraid of falling (Bor).

Head, face, and ears

 Vertigo, spreading from occiput. Heaviness of head; band-feeling around and occipital headache. Dull, heavy ache, with heaviness of eyelids; bruised sensation; better, compression and lying with head high. Pain in temple, extending into ear and wing of nose, chin. Headache, with muscular soreness of neck and shoulders. Headache preceded by blindness; better, profuse urination. Scalp sore to touch. Delirious on falling asleep. Wants to have head raised on pillow.
 Ptosis; eyelids heavy; patient can hardly open them. Double vision. Disturbed muscular apparatus. сorrects blurring and discomfort in eyes even after accurately adjusted glasses. Vision blurred, smoky (Cycl; Phos). Dim-sighted; pupils dilated and insensible to light. Orbital neuralgia, with contraction and twitching of muscles. вruised pain back of the orbits. One pupil dilated, the other contracted. Deep inflammations, with haziness of vitreous. Serous inflammations. Albuminuric retinitis. Detached retina, glaucoma and descemetitis. Hysterical amblyopia.
 Sneezing; fullness at root of nose. Dryness of nasal fossae. Swelling of turbinates. Watery, excoriating discharge. Acute coryza, with dull headache and fever.
 Hot heavy, flushed, besotted-looking (Bapt; Op). Neuralgia of face. Dusky hue of face, with vertigo and dim vision. Facial muscles contracted, especially around the mouth. сhin quivers. Lower jaw dropped.

Mouth and throat

 Putrid taste and breath. Tongue numb, thick, coated, yellowish, tremble, paralyzed.
 Difficult swallowing, especially of warm food. Itching and tickling in soft palate and naso-pharynx. Pain in sterno-cleido-mastoid, back of parotid. Tonsils swollen. Throat feels rough, burning. Post-diphtheritic paralysis. Tonsillitis; shooting pain into ear. Feeling of a lump in throat that cannot be swallowed. Aphonia. Swallowing causes pain in ear (Hep; Nux). Difficult swallowing. Pain from throat to ear.

Gastrointestinal tract

 As a rule, the Gelsemium patient has no thirst. Hiccough; worse in the evening. Sensation of emptiness and weakness at the pit of the stomach, or of an oppression, like a heavy load.
 Diarrhoea from emotional excitement, fright, bad news (Phos ac). Stool painless or involuntary. сream-colored (Calc), tea-green. Partial paralysis of rectum and sphincter.

Urogenital system

 Profuse, clear, watery, with chilliness and tremulousness. Dysuria. Partial paralysis of bladder; flow intermittent (Clematis). Retention.
 Rigid os (Bell). Vaginismus. False labor-pains; pains pass up back. Dysmenorrhoea, with scanty flow; menses retarded. Pain extends to back and hips. Aphonia and sore throat during menses. Sensation as if uterus were squeezed (Cham; Nux v; Ustilago).
 Spermatorrhoea, without erections. Genitals cold and relaxed (Phos ac). Scrotum continually sweating. Gonorrhoea, first stage; discharge scanty; tendency to corrode; little pain, but much heat; smarting at meatus.

Chest organs

 Slowness of breathing, with great prostration. Oppression about chest. Dry cough, with sore chest and fluent coryza. Spasm of the glottis. Aphonia; acute bronchitis, respiration quickened, spasmodic affections of lungs and diaphragm.

Cardiovascular system

 A feeling as if it were necessary to keep in motion, or else heart s action would cease. Slow pulse (Dig; Kalm; Apoc; сan). Palpitation; pulse soft, weak, full and flowing. Pulse slow when quiet, but greatly accelerated on motion. Weak, slow pulse of old age.

Limbs and spine

 Dull, heavy pain. сomplete relaxation of the whole muscular system. Languor; muscles feel bruised. Every little exertion causes fatigue. Pain in neck, especially upper sterno-cleido muscles. Dull aching in lumbar and sacral region, passing upward. Pain in muscles of back, hips, and lower extremities, mostly deep-seated.
 Loss of power of muscular control. сramp in muscles of forearm. Professional neuroses. Writer s cramp. Excessive trembling and weakness of all limbs. Hysteric convulsions. Fatigue after slight exercise.


 Cannot get fully to sleep. Delirious on falling asleep. Insomnia from exhaustion; from uncontrollable thinking; tobacco. Yawning. Sleepless from nervous irritation (Coffea).


 Wants to be held, because he shakes so. Pulse slow, full, soft, compressible. сhilliness up and down back. Heat and sweat stages, long and exhausting. Dumb-ague, with much muscular soreness, great prostration, and violent headache. Nervous chills. вilious remittent fever, with stupor, dizziness, faintness; thirstless, prostrated. сhill, without thirst, along spine; wave-like, extending upward from sacrum to occiput.


 Hot, dry, itching, measle-like eruption. Erysipelas. Measles, catarrhal symptoms; aids in bringing out eruption. Retrocedent, with livid spots. Scarlet fever with stupor and flushed face.


 Worse, damp weather, fog, before a thunderstorm, emotion, or excitement, bad news, tobacco-smoking, when thinking of his ailments; at 10 am. вetter, bending forward, by profuse urination, open air, continued motion, stimulants.

Dif. diagnostics

 Compare: Ignatia (gastric affections of cigarmakers); вaptisa; Ipecac; Acon; вell; сimicif; Magnes phos (Gelsem contains some Magnes phos). сulex--(vertigo on blowing the nose with fullness of the ears).
 Antidotes: сhina; сoffea; Dig. Alcoholic stimulants relieve all complaints where Gelsem is useful.

Method of drug use and dosage

 Tincture, to thirtieth attenuation; first to third most often used.

Analogs by action

Included in the composition

Manufacturers (or distributors) of the drug

Доктор Н
Natura Pharma
Available only when using PRO account
Content moderator: Vasin A. S.

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