Candibiotic - analogs
Pharmgroups: Glucocorticosteroids in combinations |
Prices in pharmacies: 3.9-5.8€ Instructions Candibiotic | |||||||||
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- 67% 4.4-10.7€ Candiderm [Beclomethasone+Clotrimasole+Gentamicin and more 3Beclometasone, Clotrimazole, Gentamicin]
- 58% 1.5€ Левомисепт [Dioxomethyltetrahydropyrimidine+Chloramphenicol and more 2Dioxomethyltetrahydropyrimidine, Chloramphenicol]
- 55% 1.5-1.8€ Levomecol [Dioxomethyltetrahydropyrimidine+Chloramphenicol and more 2Dioxomethyltetrahydropyrimidine, Chloramphenicol]
- 55% 0-0.1€ Bactericidal emplastrum adhaesive [Nitrofural and more 2Chloramphenicol, Brilliant green]
- 54% — Новомиколь [Dioxomethyltetrahydropyrimidine+Chloramphenicol and more 2Dioxomethyltetrahydropyrimidine, Chloramphenicol]
- 54% 5.1-7.1€ Candid B [Beclometasone+Clotrimasole and more 2Beclometasone, Clotrimazole]
- 54% — Альфамеколь [Dioxomethyltetrahydropyrimidine+Chloramphenicol and more 2Dioxomethyltetrahydropyrimidine, Chloramphenicol]
- 54% 0.4-0.9€ Levometil [Dioxomethyltetrahydropyrimidine+Chloramphenicol and more 2Dioxomethyltetrahydropyrimidine, Chloramphenicol]
- 54% 1.1-1.5€ Левомикон-ТФФ [Dioxomethyltetrahydropyrimidine+Chloramphenicol and more 2Dioxomethyltetrahydropyrimidine, Chloramphenicol]
- 54% — Комбимеколь [Dioxomethyltetrahydropyrimidine+Chloramphenicol and more 2Dioxomethyltetrahydropyrimidine, Chloramphenicol]
- 54% — Левомедерм [Dioxomethyltetrahydropyrimidine+Chloramphenicol and more 2Dioxomethyltetrahydropyrimidine, Chloramphenicol]
- 54% — Левофенакс [Dioxomethyltetrahydropyrimidine+Chloramphenicol and more 2Dioxomethyltetrahydropyrimidine, Chloramphenicol]
- 54% — Димиколь [Dioxomethyltetrahydropyrimidine+Chloramphenicol and more 2Dioxomethyltetrahydropyrimidine, Chloramphenicol]
- 54% — Метилурацил+Левомицетин [Dioxomethyltetrahydropyrimidine+Chloramphenicol and more 2Dioxomethyltetrahydropyrimidine, Chloramphenicol]
- 53% 0.1€ Levomycetin-DIA [Chloramphenicol]
- 53% — Iruxol [Chloramphenicol]
- 53% — Cortomycetin [Hydrocortisone+Chloramphenicol and more 2Hydrocortisone, Chloramphenicol]
- 52% — Levomycetin-UBF [Chloramphenicol]
- 52% — Levomycetin liniment [Chloramphenicol]
- 52% — Levomycetin sodium succinate [Chloramphenicol]
- 51% 2-2.5€ Hydrocortison-Richter [Hydrocortisone and more 1Lidocaine]
- 50% — Levomycetin-LekT [Chloramphenicol]
- 50% 7.7-9.6€ Triderm [Betamethasone+Gentamicin+Clotrimazole and more 3Betamethasone, Gentamicin, Clotrimazole]
- 50% 1-1.2€ Левомицетин Реневал [Chloramphenicol]
- 50% 1-1.2€ Левомицетин Актитаб [Chloramphenicol]
- 50% 0.2-0.4€ Levomycetin solution in ethanol [Chloramphenicol]
- 50% 0.2-0.5€ Levomycetin [Chloramphenicol]
- 50% — Chloramphenicol sodium succinate [Chloramphenicol]
- 50% — Ligenten [Gentamicin and more 2Lidocaine, Ethonium]
- 50% — Levomycetin succinate soluble [Chloramphenicol]
- 50% — Levomycetin-Akri liniment [Chloramphenicol]
- 50% — Lotriderm [Betamethasone+Clotrimazole and more 2Betamethasone, Clotrimazole]
- 50% — Chloramphenicol [Chloramphenicol]
- 50% — Levomycetin-AKOS [Chloramphenicol]
- 49% 3.4-4.4€ Canison plus [Betamethasone+Gentamicin+Clotrimazole and more 3Betamethasone, Gentamicin, Clotrimazole]
- 49% — Saledes [Salicylic acid+Chloramphenicol+Ethanol and more 3Salicylic acid, Chloramphenicol, Ethanol]
- 48% 5.2-9.8€ Akriderm GK [Betamethasone+Gentamicin+Clotrimazole and more 3Betamethasone, Gentamicin, Clotrimazole]
- 48% — Полиактин гк [Betamethasone+Gentamicin+Clotrimazole and more 3Betamethasone, Gentamicin, Clotrimazole]
- 48% — Кло-дерм [Betamethasone+Gentamicin+Clotrimazole and more 3Betamethasone, Gentamicin, Clotrimazole]
- 48% — Бетанецин гк [Betamethasone+Gentamicin+Clotrimazole and more 3Betamethasone, Gentamicin, Clotrimazole]
- 47% — Ciprofloxacine hydrochloridum [Ciprofloxacin]
- 47% — Бетаминол зд трио [Betamethasone+Gentamicin+Clotrimazole and more 3Betamethasone, Gentamicin, Clotrimazole]
- 47% 0.7-0.8€ Ecociphol [Ciprofloxacin]
- 47% — Ciprofloxacin-Promed [Ciprofloxacin]
- 47% — Quipro [Ciprofloxacin]
- 47% — Гентабе [Betamethasone+Gentamicin+Clotrimazole and more 3Betamethasone, Gentamicin, Clotrimazole]
- 47% — Ciprosin [Ciprofloxacin]
- 47% — Цифлокс-Алиум [Ciprofloxacin]
- 47% — Ciprolone [Ciprofloxacin]
- 47% 1.2-1.5€ Oftocipro [Ciprofloxacin]
Learn more about the selection of analogues
- The drug has «Candibiotic» no complete analogues; 51 analog by action, the most similar - Candiderm (4.4-10.7€).
- Medical online service has selected the best substitutes for Candibiotic based on its instructions, components, pharmaceutical groups and practical application.
- The table shows the prices of analogues Candibiotic to choose the cheapest pills.
- If you have introduced other drugs for registration, substitutes are selected taking into account the assessment of interactions and safety.
- Sometimes, due to the presence of dangerous interactions, it is necessary to use drugs that are similar in effect, sometimes even from different pharmacological groups.