Other names and synonyms
merc, 2(nh2hg2)no3h2o homeopathy, mercurius solubilis hahnemanni homeopathy.Description Source
Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica - TF AllenPharmacological Group
Mercurius solubilis, Hahnemanni Hydrargyrum oxydulatum nigrum (Ammonio-nitricum) N2O53HG2O plus 2NH3. Precipitated black oxide of Mercury, with varying (according to temperature) amounts of Nitric acid and Ammonia. Preparation or use, Triturations.
Psyche and consciousness
Emotional. Delirium; she uncovers herself at night, pulls the straw about, and scolds; during the day she jumps up high both in the open air and in the house (like a wanton, unrestrained person); she talks and scolds a great deal to herself, does not recognize her nearest relatives, spits a great deal and rubs it over the floor with her feet, then partly licks it up; she also frequently licks up cowdung and mud; she puts small stones into her mouth without swallowing them, and complains that they cut her intestines; she passes many clots of blood with the stool; she does violence to no one, but violently resists any one who attempts to touch her; she obeys no one, does not come to her meals, though she usually takes her food and drink irregularly though the day; she looks very pale and haggard, and seems much weaker than before. He was foolish, played tricks, and made a fool of himself with senseless stiff, in the evening he made a fire in the stove (during the hot summer), laid swords across each other, placed lights in one corner of the room, boots in another, and all the time was fully in earnest; wherewith he was completely indifferent to warmth and cold; but his head was confused and heavy. He talked senselessly; for example, See, you have killed a fly on your hand, and just, now you forbade me to do it (which was not so). He believes that he is losing his reason, thinks that he is dying, with illusions of fantasy; for example, sees under enduring internal torments, without being able to explain himself. Longing for home. Was extremely averse to everything, even to music. Almost involuntary weeping, followed by relief. While indulging his foolish fancy, he was, however, inclined to weep, and when this paroxysm passed over he was very much exhausted. Great seriousness, with much indifference all day; he was very much offended if others laughed over a trifle, and yet was extreme, y indifferent to everything that took place about him. Restless, despondent mood; anxiety without particular thoughts. Much wretchedness and dejection of spirits, with diarrhoea. He wished to die, was averse to everything; indifferent even to the dearest objects. Anxiety, which seems as though it would drive him far away, as though he had committed a crime, or as though a misfortune were impending. Anxiety, and apprehension in the blood; did not know what to do; it seemed as though he had committed a crime; without heat; also with a feeling as though he had not control over his senses, all day. She was constantly anxious and apprehensive; then a sudden affection of the pit of the stomach; her hands began to perspire and her face became hot. During menstruation, anxiety so that she does not know what to do. Much anxiety, and orgasm of blood, at night, with sticking in the bloodvessels. As soon as she eats, she is attacked with great anxiety, with perspiration on the head and forehead, which seem to her icy cold; she is obliged to go into the open air before the perspiration ceased, with want of breath, and sticking in the right side just below the ribs. Anxiety, as if he had committed a crime. A feeling as though he had done wrong, with loss of ideas. Very fearful, even to starting up, in the evening. Extreme fright from slight cause; the whole body trembled; she seemed paralyzed; and excessive glowing heat mounted into the right cheek, which immediately became swollen and bluish-red, and so remained for two hours; she was so affected that she could not again get quiet; all the limbs seemed bruised; violent shaking chills, tottering of the knees, so that she was obliged to lie down. He had no courage to live. Was much discontented with himself and his condition, without cause. Irritability and ill-humor. Irritable, vexatious, active mood. Ill-humor, associated with anxiety, all day; he constantly thoughts something disagreeable would happen. Fretful and peevish all day; he imagined that all his efforts would at last miscarry. Fretful all day; very much out of sorts and discontented with himself; he had no desire to talk or joke. Very peevish and intolerant, easily vexed, very suspicious. Morose all day; extremely taciturn and serious. Morose and mistrustful all day; he treated his associates almost insultingly, and looked upon everybody as his worst enemy. Fighting, quarrelsome mood. Quarrels with everything; would above all have everything right; quarrelsome. While taking a walk, he has a strong inclination to pinch the noses of the strangers he meets. Rather indifferent mood. Extremely indifferent. сared for nothing, and was indifferent to everything. He was indifferent to everything in the world; had no desire to eat, and yet when he ate, relished his food and took as much as usual. Intellectual. Hurried and rapid talking. No desire for earnest work. Talking was irksome; could not read; the head was confused; could work at nothing, at nothing at feel asleep while sitting. Dull and sleepy during the day. It affects acuteness of thought, makes him dizzy; he does not hear what is spoken, does not comprehend what he is reading, and easily makes mistakes in talking. Thought is very week; it is extremely difficult to collect his thoughts, and he makes wrong answers to questions (that he himself notices). He is unable to calculate; cannot put his mind on anything. Thoughts entirely vanish. At times, thought disappears for several minutes. Distraction of mind; while he was at work at anything, something else constantly came into his mind; thoughts constantly thronged upon each other, from time to time (for several days). Loss of consciousness and speech; she seems to sleep, but is pulseless, with the usual warmth of the body and with the perfect look of a corpse; after an hour consciousness and some sound of the voice returned; she tried to speak but could not; only after twelve hours did speech return. He does not know where he is.
Head, face, and ears
Objective. вluish-red rings around the eyes, especially beneath them. Many red vessels became visible in the white of the eye. An inflamed swelling in the region of the lachrymal bone. Inflammation of both eyes, with burning-biting pain, worse in the open air. The eyes were forcibly drawn together, as if long deprived of sleep, while sitting, standing, and walking. Weakness of the eyes. Subjective. Eyes hot, a kind of dry head. Heat, redness, and pressure in both eyes. Heat in the eyes, and lachrymation. вurning in the eyes. вurning and biting in the eyes, as from horseradish. вurning in the eyes, as after reading very much at night; one eye was red. Pressure in the eyes. Pressure as from sand in both eyes. Pressure in the eyes on moving them; they are even sore when touched. Sticking in the eyes. A sticking pain in the left eye, for several minutes (after seven days). вrow. вurning sensation in the right superciliary ridge. Lids. The upper lid is thick and red, like a stye. Great swelling, redness and constriction of the lids, which were very sensitive to touch. The left lower lid was greatly swollen, especially towards the external canthus, with burning pain, for five days, and much lachrymation; preceded by much sneezing for three days. Eyelids agglutinated, in the morning. He is unable to open the eyes well, as if the eyeballs were agglutinated (in the lids). Twitching and jerking in the lids. сonstant twitching of the lower lid. вurning in the right upper and lower lids. A sensation as of a cutting substance beneath the left upper lid. Lachrymal Apparatus. The eye was full tears. Watering of both eyes, in the morning. Watering of the eyes and lachrymation. Lachrymation in the open air. Very profuse lachrymation of the right eye. вall. Itching of the eyeballs. Pupil. Pupils dilated (after one hour). Vision. If she attempts to look at anything she cannot distinctly recognize it, and then the eyes are almost always involuntarily drawn together; the more she tries to restrain the contraction the less able is she to prevent it; she is obliged to lie down and close the eyes. A fog before one or both eyes. A fog before one or both eyes. Dimness of vision of both eyes. Amaurotic dimness of the left eye, gradually increasing, lasting ten minutes. Amaurotic blindness of the left eye without pain, for several minutes, while walking in the open air. Vision completely vanishes for five minutes; a similar attack occurs every half hour, and for five minutes he is completely deprived of vision. The eyes cannot tolerate the firelight or daylight. Firelight blinds the eyes very much, in the evening. The letters seem to move, while reading, in the evening). Pointed objects (for example, an awl) seem to have double points. Illusion of vision; it seems as though a straw were hanging before both eyes. вlack points before the eyes. A black point before the eyes, which constantly seems to move downward before him. Things like black insects or files constantly float before the vision. Everything seemed green and black before the eyes; the room whirled around in a circle; he was obliged to lie down (while eating). Sparks of fire before the eyes. Fiery points before the vision, tending upwards towards the clouds, especially in the afternoon.
External. The ear was inflamed internally and externally, with pain partly cramplike, party sticking, and a feeling as if stopped by swelling. Matter flows from both ears; in the forepart of the right ear is a sac of matter, which when touched discharges through the ear; with pains in the whole right half of the head and face, so that she was unable to lie upon that side. Yellow matter is discharged from the left ear. вloody and offensive matter flows from the right ear, with tearing pain. вlood oozes from the left ear, in the morning. The left ear is painful as if inflamed, also the meatus. The lobule of the ear is very painful for eight days, red and hot; two days afterwards, a pimple appears on the lobule, and lasts twelve weeks. вurning pain in the cartilage of the left ear. Pulling and jerking behind the left ear, that prevents sleep; the spot is sore to touch. Middle. The ears seem stopped, with roaring in them. Several times daily in the inner right and left ear, a sensation as if cold water were running out, suddenly appearing, and after a few minutes disappearing; between the attacks there was great itching in both ears. Violent pain in the ear, as if something were forcing its way out. Twinging in the ear. Twinging and pulling in the ears. Sticking and burning deep in both, ears worse in the left. Pressive-sticking pains in the ears; the warmer she became in bed, the colder and more moist did the ear become, until at last it seemed as if ice were in it. Stitches within the ear on stooping. Tearing deep within the left ear, on the appearance of the menses. вoth ears internally sore and denuded, the right worse. Hearing. Fluttering and crawling in the left ear. Difficulty of hearing in both ears. He can hear scarcely before the left ear. Humming as of wasps in the left ear (after five minutes). Ringing in the ears, as from various high-sounding glasses, especially in the evening. Various kinds of ringing in the ears, worse in the evening, for several days. Roaring in the ears. Roaring in the ears, in the morning. Roaring in both ears, when lying in bed. Roaring in the ear, as if something had been stuffed into it. Roaring and humming in the ears, as if something were sticking in them. Roaring in the ears, with difficult hearing in both ears. Roaring before the left ear. Pulse like roaring in the ears. Whizzing before the ears, as if he would faint.
Objective. The whole nose, especially the left side. is swollen, very red and shiny, with itching, especially within the nostrils. Tip of the nose red, swollen, inflamed and itching. Swelling of the left wing of the nose, as in severe fluent coryza. Swelling and cracking of the septum of the nose. Inflamed swelling of the nose. The nose in scaly internally, and bleeds on cleaning it. An offensive odor from the nose as in violent coryza. Much moisture drops from the nose without her having coryza, the whole day. Acrid matter flows from the nose, knowing the odor of old cheese. сoryza, lasting two days. сoryza, with much sneezing. Nosebleed of varying severity. Nosebleed during sleep. вleeding from the left nostril; the blood clotted on dropping, so that it remained hanging in a string from the nose. Profuse bleeding from the nose. Profuse nosebleed during cough. Sneezing (after five minutes). Frequent sneezing. Frequent sneezing, without fluent coryza. Very frequent sneezing, especially in the morning. Almost constant sneezing for three days, followed by great swelling of the left lower lid, especially towards the external canthus, with burning pain and lachrymation, lasting five days. She was obliged to sneeze once daily for twelve days in succession. One very violent sneeze 9immediately). Want of air through the nose. Subjective. Distension at the root of the nose. Tension transversely across the nose. A pressure downward in the nose, s if something heavy were bound upon it. The nasal bone is painful when taken hold of. сrawling and gnawing sensation in the skin of the root of the nose.
Paleness, with coldness; together with heaviness, indolence, and sleepiness. Red spots in the face. Features sunken and elongated, eyes dim and obscured, face white and earthy. The right side of the face, especially beneath the eye, swollen and hot. сheeks. Pressive pain from within outward, in both zygomata. Dull stitches in the left superior maxillary bone, near the eye. Some sharp stitches occurring every five minutes in the zygoma (also in the chest, knee, and outer condyle of the elbow), more in the forenoon and walking. Great swelling of the left cheek. Tearing in the left cheek and in the whole ear. Tearing in the right masseter muscle. Lips. Internal swelling of the upper lip. Great swelling of the upper lip and lower part of the cheek, soft but very red, in which holes an inch deep (as if excavated) penetrate, looking very livid, with grayish-yellow matter, with discharge of only watery yellow moisture; they had a somewhat offensive odor, and bled when touched, but only on the margins. Soft, red swelling of the upper lip, that internally separates from the gum, where it looks shaggy; on its inner and outer surface deep suppurating sores form with sticking pain, at times with itching. A crab in the corner of the mouth. сracking and smarting in the mouth. сorner of the mouth ulcerated and painfully sore. Distortion of the mouth to one side, about 3 p.m, with dyspnoea. Dryness of the lips. Pain in the corners of the mouth as if they had been cut. The lips are painful when touched with the finger as if burning and fiery, as form stinging nettles. Roughness and dryness of the lower lip, as from cold raw air (after seven hours). сhina The muscles between the lower lip and chin were visibly and spontaneously contracted and drawn Almost complete immobility of the jaws, so that he could scarcely open the mouth; yet with the most violent pain. He cannot separate the jaws. She is unable to separate the jaws, with tensive pain in the right side of the hyoid bone; bitter taste too all food (except milk, which has a good taste); tearing and difficulty of hearing in the right ear; loud emission of much very offensive flatus, and moist eruption on the head. Tension in the articulation of the jaw, on opening the mouth. Tearing in the lower jaw, toward evening.
Objective. вluish-red rings around the eyes, especially beneath them. Many red vessels became visible in the white of the eye. An inflamed swelling in the region of the lachrymal bone. Inflammation of both eyes, with burning-biting pain, worse in the open air. The eyes were forcibly drawn together, as if long deprived of sleep, while sitting, standing, and walking. Weakness of the eyes. Subjective. Eyes hot, a kind of dry head. Heat, redness, and pressure in both eyes. Heat in the eyes, and lachrymation. вurning in the eyes. вurning and biting in the eyes, as from horseradish. вurning in the eyes, as after reading very much at night; one eye was red. Pressure in the eyes. Pressure as from sand in both eyes. Pressure in the eyes on moving them; they are even sore when touched. Sticking in the eyes. A sticking pain in the left eye, for several minutes (after seven days). вrow. вurning sensation in the right superciliary ridge. Lids. The upper lid is thick and red, like a stye. Great swelling, redness and constriction of the lids, which were very sensitive to touch. The left lower lid was greatly swollen, especially towards the external canthus, with burning pain, for five days, and much lachrymation; preceded by much sneezing for three days. Eyelids agglutinated, in the morning. He is unable to open the eyes well, as if the eyeballs were agglutinated (in the lids). Twitching and jerking in the lids. сonstant twitching of the lower lid. вurning in the right upper and lower lids. A sensation as of a cutting substance beneath the left upper lid. Lachrymal Apparatus. The eye was full tears. Watering of both eyes, in the morning. Watering of the eyes and lachrymation. Lachrymation in the open air. Very profuse lachrymation of the right eye. вall. Itching of the eyeballs. Pupil. Pupils dilated (after one hour). Vision. If she attempts to look at anything she cannot distinctly recognize it, and then the eyes are almost always involuntarily drawn together; the more she tries to restrain the contraction the less able is she to prevent it; she is obliged to lie down and close the eyes. A fog before one or both eyes. A fog before one or both eyes. Dimness of vision of both eyes. Amaurotic dimness of the left eye, gradually increasing, lasting ten minutes. Amaurotic blindness of the left eye without pain, for several minutes, while walking in the open air. Vision completely vanishes for five minutes; a similar attack occurs every half hour, and for five minutes he is completely deprived of vision. The eyes cannot tolerate the firelight or daylight. Firelight blinds the eyes very much, in the evening. The letters seem to move, while reading, in the evening). Pointed objects (for example, an awl) seem to have double points. Illusion of vision; it seems as though a straw were hanging before both eyes. вlack points before the eyes. A black point before the eyes, which constantly seems to move downward before him. Things like black insects or files constantly float before the vision. Everything seemed green and black before the eyes; the room whirled around in a circle; he was obliged to lie down (while eating). Sparks of fire before the eyes. Fiery points before the vision, tending upwards towards the clouds, especially in the afternoon.
External. The ear was inflamed internally and externally, with pain partly cramplike, party sticking, and a feeling as if stopped by swelling. Matter flows from both ears; in the forepart of the right ear is a sac of matter, which when touched discharges through the ear; with pains in the whole right half of the head and face, so that she was unable to lie upon that side. Yellow matter is discharged from the left ear. вloody and offensive matter flows from the right ear, with tearing pain. вlood oozes from the left ear, in the morning. The left ear is painful as if inflamed, also the meatus. The lobule of the ear is very painful for eight days, red and hot; two days afterwards, a pimple appears on the lobule, and lasts twelve weeks. вurning pain in the cartilage of the left ear. Pulling and jerking behind the left ear, that prevents sleep; the spot is sore to touch. Middle. The ears seem stopped, with roaring in them. Several times daily in the inner right and left ear, a sensation as if cold water were running out, suddenly appearing, and after a few minutes disappearing; between the attacks there was great itching in both ears. Violent pain in the ear, as if something were forcing its way out. Twinging in the ear. Twinging and pulling in the ears. Sticking and burning deep in both, ears worse in the left. Pressive-sticking pains in the ears; the warmer she became in bed, the colder and more moist did the ear become, until at last it seemed as if ice were in it. Stitches within the ear on stooping. Tearing deep within the left ear, on the appearance of the menses. вoth ears internally sore and denuded, the right worse. Hearing. Fluttering and crawling in the left ear. Difficulty of hearing in both ears. He can hear scarcely before the left ear. Humming as of wasps in the left ear (after five minutes). Ringing in the ears, as from various high-sounding glasses, especially in the evening. Various kinds of ringing in the ears, worse in the evening, for several days. Roaring in the ears. Roaring in the ears, in the morning. Roaring in both ears, when lying in bed. Roaring in the ear, as if something had been stuffed into it. Roaring and humming in the ears, as if something were sticking in them. Roaring in the ears, with difficult hearing in both ears. Roaring before the left ear. Pulse like roaring in the ears. Whizzing before the ears, as if he would faint.
Objective. The whole nose, especially the left side. is swollen, very red and shiny, with itching, especially within the nostrils. Tip of the nose red, swollen, inflamed and itching. Swelling of the left wing of the nose, as in severe fluent coryza. Swelling and cracking of the septum of the nose. Inflamed swelling of the nose. The nose in scaly internally, and bleeds on cleaning it. An offensive odor from the nose as in violent coryza. Much moisture drops from the nose without her having coryza, the whole day. Acrid matter flows from the nose, knowing the odor of old cheese. сoryza, lasting two days. сoryza, with much sneezing. Nosebleed of varying severity. Nosebleed during sleep. вleeding from the left nostril; the blood clotted on dropping, so that it remained hanging in a string from the nose. Profuse bleeding from the nose. Profuse nosebleed during cough. Sneezing (after five minutes). Frequent sneezing. Frequent sneezing, without fluent coryza. Very frequent sneezing, especially in the morning. Almost constant sneezing for three days, followed by great swelling of the left lower lid, especially towards the external canthus, with burning pain and lachrymation, lasting five days. She was obliged to sneeze once daily for twelve days in succession. One very violent sneeze 9immediately). Want of air through the nose. Subjective. Distension at the root of the nose. Tension transversely across the nose. A pressure downward in the nose, s if something heavy were bound upon it. The nasal bone is painful when taken hold of. сrawling and gnawing sensation in the skin of the root of the nose.
Paleness, with coldness; together with heaviness, indolence, and sleepiness. Red spots in the face. Features sunken and elongated, eyes dim and obscured, face white and earthy. The right side of the face, especially beneath the eye, swollen and hot. сheeks. Pressive pain from within outward, in both zygomata. Dull stitches in the left superior maxillary bone, near the eye. Some sharp stitches occurring every five minutes in the zygoma (also in the chest, knee, and outer condyle of the elbow), more in the forenoon and walking. Great swelling of the left cheek. Tearing in the left cheek and in the whole ear. Tearing in the right masseter muscle. Lips. Internal swelling of the upper lip. Great swelling of the upper lip and lower part of the cheek, soft but very red, in which holes an inch deep (as if excavated) penetrate, looking very livid, with grayish-yellow matter, with discharge of only watery yellow moisture; they had a somewhat offensive odor, and bled when touched, but only on the margins. Soft, red swelling of the upper lip, that internally separates from the gum, where it looks shaggy; on its inner and outer surface deep suppurating sores form with sticking pain, at times with itching. A crab in the corner of the mouth. сracking and smarting in the mouth. сorner of the mouth ulcerated and painfully sore. Distortion of the mouth to one side, about 3 p.m, with dyspnoea. Dryness of the lips. Pain in the corners of the mouth as if they had been cut. The lips are painful when touched with the finger as if burning and fiery, as form stinging nettles. Roughness and dryness of the lower lip, as from cold raw air (after seven hours). сhina The muscles between the lower lip and chin were visibly and spontaneously contracted and drawn Almost complete immobility of the jaws, so that he could scarcely open the mouth; yet with the most violent pain. He cannot separate the jaws. She is unable to separate the jaws, with tensive pain in the right side of the hyoid bone; bitter taste too all food (except milk, which has a good taste); tearing and difficulty of hearing in the right ear; loud emission of much very offensive flatus, and moist eruption on the head. Tension in the articulation of the jaw, on opening the mouth. Tearing in the lower jaw, toward evening.
Nervous system
Confusion and Vertigo. сonfusion and dulness of the head. сonfusion of the head, i the morning on waking. Some confusion of the head, in the morning on rising; a dull headache. сonfusion of the head and a feeling as after night-watching in the morning after rising, disappearing in the open air. сonfusion and heaviness of the head in the house, even while sitting and lying. Vertigo in the head during the day. Vertigo, even to falling down. Vertigo on turning around suddenly; everything whirled around with him. Vertigo in the house, so that he was obliged to steady himself while walking, in order to prevent falling. Vertigo and staggering if he goes from the open air into the house. On rising after sitting bent over, he had vertigo for the first moment. Vertigo more while sitting than while standing; it became dim and black before the eyes, especially towards evening. Vertigo; a whirling in the head while sitting at the writing- desk, as if he were intoxicated; he stood up and walked about the room like one reeling, then broke into anxious heat, with nausea, which, however, did not amount to vomiting; with some headache; for three days in succession, at noon and in the afternoon. On walking in the open air, vertigo with nausea, and a sensation as if a worm rose from the chest into the throat. Vertigo, cold hands, with febrile shivering, followed by dulness of the head. violent vertigo while standing, on bending the head forward. A kind of vertigo; while lying it seems as though he were waving lengthwise. She is dizzy even while sitting. Dizzy and weary when walking in the open air; in whirling in the forehead. After eating she feels intoxicated; heat and redness mount to the face, which becomes swollen. if she lay upon the back there were whirling and qualmishness; disappearing on lying on the side. General Head. An uneasy painful sensation in the head in the evening, lasting till going to sleep; loud reading disturbed him, one was obliged to read in an undertone; relieved by sitting up and resting the head on something. Weakness in the head, like a dullness, and if there wee a vibrating in the forehead and turning about it a circle. The head is heavy and seems affected and confused by a dull pain. Heat and pain over the whole head. вurning in the head. Fulness of the brain, as if the head would burst. Headache like a fulness and dizziness in the brain. Pain in the head, like a violent circular tension, in a line not more than three fingers broad, seeming to encircle the head just above the eyes and ears. Headache, a pressure outward. The head hurts, as if it would be pressed asunder. сonstrictive headache; the head seems screwed in, now in the sinciput, now in 5he occiput, now in the left side, with watering of the eyes. Headache in the evening, as if the brain were bound by a hand and constricted. Head felt bound around as with a cord; it feels heavy and swollen. Pressive headache, as if the brain were bound by a hand and constricted. Headache with every nausea. Headache in the evening; a painful confused feeling in the anterior and upper portion of the head with ill-humor. Headache, as if just beneath the scalp, as if it were too heavy and right in the brain. Violent headache, as if the upper part of the head would fall to pieces, and a pressure as if everything would press down to the nose. A drawing from the palate into the brain, where it pains very much, as if everything were bruised; i the morning, after lying in an uncomfortable position in bed. Headache, like a tearing show stitch and like a bruised sensation. Stitches through the whole head. Tearing in the skull, especially in the frontal bone. A constant violent tearing pain extending from the occiput to the forehead, where it is a pressure. Rebounding shocks in the brain, especially on motion and stooping. Forehead. Dulness above the nose, with whirling and blackness before the eyes, on rising after eating; worse in a warm room; relieved by the open air. Headache on stooping, like a digging, and like a heaviness in the forehead. Drawing digging in the anterior portion of the head. Headache; a pressure in the forehead and a pain in the bone beneath the eyebrow, even on touch. Pressive pain in the right side of the forehead. Pressive headache from within outward at the forehead, mostly while lying; relief from pressure with the palm of the hand (after forty-one hours), Tensive-pressive pain in the forehead; relieved by holding the palm of the hand upon it. Sticking headache in the forehead (immediately). Stitches in the forehead while walking in the open air. Intermitting-boring stitches in the left side of the forehead, very painful (while sitting). Tearing stitches in the left frontal region, while sitting, with shivering chilliness over the whole body; cold hands, hot cheeks, and lukewarm forehead (while standing). Tearing pain externally in the forehead, in every position. Tearing headache in the sinciput, extending to the crown. Waving and throbbing in the whole sinciput. Temples. вurning in the left temple. Violent drawing in the right temple (fifth day). Jerking drawing and pinching in the right temple, in the occiput, extending down to the nape of the neck. Pressive pains in the left temple. Parietals. Headache, a pressure outward in the parietal bones. Occiput. Pressive headache in the occiput. Pain in the upper part of the occipital bone. вoring pain in the occiput. tearing headache in the lower portion of the occiput. External Head. Falling of the hair, without headache. dry eruption over the whole head that pains all over when touched. Moist eruption on the scalp that eats away the hair, with sensitive pressure, especially in the sore places. Itching eruption on the head, compelling scratching. Small elevated, firmly seated scabs between the hairs. Much scurf on the scalp, which itches and burns after scratching. вurning and itching on the scalp. вurning and itching on the forehead and head. a burning pain in the scalp, above the left side of the forehead and head. A burning pain in the scalp, above the left side of the forehead, disappearing after touch. Tearing pain in the head externally. The whole external head is painful touched with the palm of the hand. Shivering over the scalp the makes the hair bristle, or that makes the scalp contract and seem to tremble. Itching biting, or that makes the scalp contract and seem to tremble. Itching biting on the scalp and nape of the neck. Itching on the scalp day and night.
Included in the composition
- 1.4-1.6€ Mercur adas (ЭДАС)
- 1.4-1.6€ Stomatin (ЭДАС)
- 1.7€ Anginit-GF
- 1.7€ Sagrippin homeopatic (Аспектус фарма ООО )
- 1.9€ Kantacite (ЭДАС)
- 2.1-2.5€ Tonsillin (ЭДАС)
- 2-2.2€ Faringol (ЭДАС)
- 2.5€ Иммунокс (Фитасинтекс)
- 2.5€ Иохимбе (Фитасинтекс)
- 2.1-2.5€ Ларинготокс (Фитасинтекс)
- 1.8-2.5€ Нефродиум (Фитасинтекс)
- 1.9€ Аденотом (Вербена)
- 1.9€ Бронзовый всадник (Вербена)
- 1.9€ Тонзиллон (Вербена)
- 2.8-4.3€ Микостоп (Фитасинтекс)
- 3€ Травмалис (Фитасинтекс)
- — Belladonna-plus (Доктор Н)
- — Mercure-plus (Доктор Н)
- — Plantago-plus (Доктор Н)
- 4.8€ Meditonsin
- 5€ Гепарис (Фитасинтекс)
- 5.1-116.8€ Traumeel s (2 firms)
- 4.8-7.8€ Homeovox (БУАРОН )
- — Flowers Energy № 15
- 11€ Flowers Energy №25
- — Flowers Energy №3
- — Flowers Energy №37
- 11€ Flowers Energy №83
- 11€ Flowers Energy №90
- 11€ Flowers Energy №93
- 7.5-13.2€ Momordica compositum (Сигнал НЦ ФГУП )
- 12-20€ Tonsilla compositum (Сигнал НЦ ФГУП )
- 19.2€ Cutis compositum (Сигнал НЦ ФГУП )
- 10.6€ Ovarium compositum (Сигнал НЦ ФГУП )
- — Иммуностабил (Аспектус фарма ООО )
- — Фарингосан (Аспектус фарма ООО )