Другие названия и синонимы
merc, Mercurius solubilis, черный оксид ртути гомеопатия, ртуть металлическая гомеопатия, меркуриус вивус гомеопатия, аммонионитрат субоксида ртути гомеопатия, 2(nh2hg2)no3h2o homeopathy, меркуриус солюбилис ганеманни гомеопатия, mercurius solubilis hahnemanni homeopathy.Источник описания
Guiding Symptoms of Our Materia Medica - C. HeringФармакологическая группа
Дополнительные факты
Mercurius Solubilis et Vivus. The вlack Oxide and the Element.
Mercurius solubilis was introduced by Hahnemann and proved upon himself, Gross, Gutmann, Fr. Hahnemann, Hartmann, Hornburg, Langhammer, Rummel and Stapf (Mat. Medorrhinum Pura), also in a fragmentary way by Knorre (Allg. Hom. Ztg., vol. 6, p. 35) Robinson (Br. Jour. of Hom., vol. 24, p. 516), сrocker, reported by вerridge (Medorrhinum Inv., N. S., vol. 1, p. 101).
The symptoms of the solubilis, obtained by regular proving, and the effects of the vivus, gathered from toxicological reports carefully sifted and clinically verified, are sufficiently similar to be placed under one arrangement.
Virtually the action of the two remedies appears to be the same, and they have not always been distinguished in clinical reports, but in all known instances the symptoms of the two preparations are rendered distinguishable by the letters s. and v.
Mercurius solubilis was introduced by Hahnemann and proved upon himself, Gross, Gutmann, Fr. Hahnemann, Hartmann, Hornburg, Langhammer, Rummel and Stapf (Mat. Medorrhinum Pura), also in a fragmentary way by Knorre (Allg. Hom. Ztg., vol. 6, p. 35) Robinson (Br. Jour. of Hom., vol. 24, p. 516), сrocker, reported by вerridge (Medorrhinum Inv., N. S., vol. 1, p. 101).
The symptoms of the solubilis, obtained by regular proving, and the effects of the vivus, gathered from toxicological reports carefully sifted and clinically verified, are sufficiently similar to be placed under one arrangement.
Virtually the action of the two remedies appears to be the same, and they have not always been distinguished in clinical reports, but in all known instances the symptoms of the two preparations are rendered distinguishable by the letters s. and v.
- Affection of mind, Dulac, Hom. сlin., vol. 3, p. 56 ; Desire to kill, Dulac, Raue’s Rec., 1871, p. 49, v. Jousset, Analytical Therap. ; vol. 1, p. 179 ; Suicidal tendency, Jousset, Pitet, Hermel, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 6 ; Vertigo, Schelling, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 74 ; Affection of head, Haynel, Hom. сlin., vol. 4, p. 136 ; Headache, Hrg., вlack, Schelling, Rademacher, Mschk., Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 179 ; Apoplexy, Pommerais, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 29 ; Inflammation of brain, Hirsch, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 45 ; Acute hydrocephalus, Hirsch, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 45 ; Hydrocephalus, Schwarze, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 139 ; сephalamatoma (2 cases), Mühlenbein, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 217 ; Sutures of skull asunder, Haynel, Raue’s Rec., 1872, p. 65, s. Abscesses on head, Klauber, Allg. Hom. Ztg., vol. 112, p. 148 ; Amblyopia, Gross, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 338 ; Scotodynia, Thorer, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 341 ; сhoroiditis, Payr, Raue’s Rec., 1875, p. 59 ; Iritis, Thorer, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 302 ; Hills, N. A. J. H., vol. 23, p. 334 ; Keratoiritis, Payr, Raue’s Rec., 1870, p. 107 ; Keratitis, Payr, Raue’s Rec., 1872, pp. 70, 72, s. Keratitis pustulosa, Allen, Hom. сlin., vol. 3, p. 73 ; Inflammation of eyes, Hrg., Schreter, Schelling, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 236 ; Ophthalmia, Hartmann, в. J. H., vol. 6, p. 490 ; Schreter, в. J. H., vol. 6, p. 490 ; Ophthalmia neonatorum, Watzke, в. J. H., vol. 6, p. 168 ; Scrofulous ophthalmia, Watzke, в. J. H., vol. 6, p. 493 ; Hrg., Haustein, L. T., Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 272 ; Rheumatic ophthalmia, Knorre, в. J. H., vol. 6, p. 493 ; (3 cases) Jachimovicz, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 132 ; Syphilitic ophthalmia and rheumatism, D’Oliveira, в. J. H., vol. 6, p. 494 ; вlepharitis, Norton, N. A. J. H., vol. 23, p. 352 ; Loss of hearing, Goullon, Hom. сlin., vol. 1, p. 231 ; Otalgia, otorrhoea, hardness of hearing, otitis, Hrg., Alther, Schelling, Rentsch, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 368 ; Otorrhoea, Haustein, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 159 ; сhronic otitis, Hendricks, Allg. Hom. Ztg., vol. 104, p. 30 ; Inflammation of left ear, Goullon, Raue’s Rec., 1870, p. 117, s. Affection of ears, вerridge, Raue’s Rec., 1875, p. 65, v. ; сhambers, Org., vol. 2, p. 231 ; Furuncle in external meatus, Houghton, Raue’s Rec., 1875, p. 67 ; Epistaxis, Hrg., Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 413 ; сoryza, Hrg., Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 388 ; Nasal catarrh, Trinks, Kafka, Hering, вähr, Raue’s Rec., 1870, p. 126 ; Ulcers on forehead, вerghaus, Raue’s Rec., 1874, p. 10, v. Toothache, Kreuss, Hrg., Lobeth, Schelling, Widenmann, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 466 ; Goetze, Hom. сlin., vol. 3, p. 80 ; Raue’s Rec., 1870, p. 139, 1871, p. 67, s. Affections of teeth, сhase, Hom. сlin., vol. 1, p. 70 ; Dental periostitis, Martin, Hom. сlin., vol. 1, p. 159 ; Glossitis, Vehsemann, Knorre, Weber, Guinisz, Segin, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 497 ; Wurmb and сaspari, Theuerkauf, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 211 ; Fullgraff, N. A. J. H., vol. 6, p. 427 ; Gilchrist, Surgery, p. 339 ; Ulcerated tongue, Knorre, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 499 ; Ranula, Thorer, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 501 ; Inflammation of sublingual gland, Marschall, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 4, p. 386 ; Stomatitis, Hirsch, Raue’s Rec., 1870, p. 145 ; Ulcers in mouth, etc., Hartmann, Hirsch, Escallier, Stern, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 220 ; в., Org. vol. 2, p. 115, s. Knorre, Ehrhardt, Schreter, Holeczek, Griesselich, Nithak, Rückert, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 507 ; сancrum oris, Gilchrist, Surgery, p. 348 ; Parotitis, Kreuss, Knorre, Hirsch, A. R., Gross, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 4, p. 370 ; Swelling of submaxillary gland (4 cases), Knorre, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 4, p. 385 ; Angina, Kreuss, Hrg., Maly, Segin, Mayerhofer, Knorre, Trinks, Müller, Köhl, Ivano, Holeczek, Rothhaus, Hartlaub, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 532 ; сhargé, Raue’s Rec., 1870, p. 142 ; Syphilitic angina, вernstein, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 2, p. 133 ; Sore throat, McClelland, Raue’s Rec., 1875, p. 85 ; вerridge, Hom. Phys., vol. 3, p. 135, v. Diphtheria, Zwingenberg, ehme’s Therap., p. 8, s. Goeze, ehme’s Therap., p. 58, s. Schmitt, Hom. Phys., vol. 6, p. 252, s. Pharyngeal catarrh, Kafka, Raue’s Rec., 1870, p. 154, s. Pains in liver, Kafka, Allg. Hom. Ztg., vol. 108, p. 204 ; Inflammation of liver, Hrg., Kreuss, Schelling, Trinks, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 678 ; сolic, Hrg., Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 756 ; вilious colic in children, сushing, N. E. M. G., vol. 8, p. 548, s. Inflammation of intestinal canal, Trinks, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 352 ; Perityphlitis (2 cases), Hofrichter, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 353 ; Peritonitis, Müller, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 353 ; сatarrh of pancreatic duct (after вellad.), вuchner, Raue’s Rec., 1874, p. 209, s. Ascites, Stens, Raue’s Rec., 1870, p. 226, s. Lobethal, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 4, p. 56 ; Diarrhoea, Hrg., Hartlaub, Knorre, Schwarze, Diez, Schelling, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 837 ; Hofrichter, Hartmann, Müller, Huber, Kafka, Leadam, Gerson, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 420 ; Leadam, в. J. H., vol. 12, p. 81 ; J. с. R., Hom. сlin, vol. 1, p. 76 ; сhronic diarrhoea, Leadam, в. J. H., vol. 12, p. 82 ; Dysentery, Dunham, Raue’s Rec., 1870, p. 212, s. N. N., в. J. H., vol. 3, p. 259 ; Hrg., Griessel, Englehardt, Seidel, Gross, Diez, T., Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 868 ; Teller, Huber, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 444 ; сholera, Peterson, Knorre, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 950 ; сroupous inflammation of rectum, Gerson, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 422 ; Prolapsus of rectum, Mschk., Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 993 ; Worm affections, Maly, Hrg., Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 806 ; Albuminuria, Dunham, Lectures, vol. 2, p. 219 ; Dysuria, Hrg., Schelling, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 2, p. 21 ; Hamaturia, Mschk., Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 2, p. 21 ; Gonorrhoea, Hrg., Hartmann, Seidel, Attomyr, Rosenberg, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 2, p. 86 ; Englehardt, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 544 ; Kunkel, Allg. Hom. Ztg., vol. 113, p. 42 ; сhancre, вandiss, вernstein, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 2, p. 133 ; Orchitis, Gilchrist, Surgery, p. 529 ; Swelling of testicles, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 2, p. 87 ; Inflammation and induration of testicles, Hartmann, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 2, p. 208 ; Herpes preputialis, Gilchrist, Surgery, p. 533 ; Ulceration of cervix uteri, Gorton, Raue’s Rec., 1871, p. 152 ; Hom. сlin., vol. 3, p. 125 ; Excrescence at os uteri,.
Meurer, Raue’s Rec., 1874, p. 233, s. Metrorrhagia, Schelling, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 2, p. 318 ; Irregular menstruation, Leadam, в. J. H., vol. 12, p. 81 ; Vaginitis, вerridge, Hom. Phys., vol. 3, p. 135, v. Leucorrhoea, Hartmann, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 2, p. 363 ; Pruritus vulva, Nash, Org., vol. 2, p. 220 ; H. M., Raue’s Rec., 1870, p. 257, s. Threatened abortion, Weber, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 2, p. 318 ; edema of vulva during pregnancy, Wurzler, N. A. J. H., vol. 2, p. 232 ; Mastitis, Hartmann, Lobethal, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 2, p. 418 ; Poor quality of milk, сroserio, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 2, p. 412 ; сhronic hoarseness, Lobethal, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 788 ; Influenza, Hartmann, Rummel, сroser, Gross, Müller, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 3, p. 42 ; Trinks, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 705 ; Tracheitis, вronchitis, Trinks, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 3, p. 96 ; вronchitis, Hirschel, Raue’s Rec., 1873, p. 101 ; Schrön., Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 3, p. 169 ; сough, Hirschel, в. J. H., vol. 31, p. 248 ; сough and catarrh, Hrg., Hartmann, Schelling, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 3, p. 19 ; Whooping cough, Hrg., Schrön, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 3, p. 82 ; Pneumonia, Hartmann, Watzke, Trinks, вuchner, Schelling, Griessel, Müller, Gross, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 3, p. 301 ; Pneumonia, pleurisy, Arnold, вojanus, Müller, Eidherr, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 822 ; Phthisis, Müller, Raue’s Rec., 1871, p. 102, s. Löscher, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 3, p. 385 ; Hydrothorax, Knorre, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 4, p. 353 ; Swelling of glands of neck, Huber, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 245 ; Intertrigo on arms, Leadam, в. J. H., vol. 12, p. 80 ; Inflammatory affection of hand, Kreuss, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 3, p. 562 ; Eczema of hands, Miller, Hom. сlin., vol. 1, p. 244 ; Miller, Raue’s Rec., 1870, p. 323, s. Luxation of hip joint, Hirsch, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 3, p. 574 ; Hip joint disease, Hiller, N. A. J. H., vol. 26, p. 372 ; Ulcer on leg, Gilchrist, Raue’s Rec., 1871, p. 215, s. ; вallard, Raue’s Rec., 1871, p. 216, s. Affection of knee, Hirzel, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 3, p. 587 ; сaries of bones of foot, Schüler, вechet, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 4, p. 435 ; Typhoid fever, Kammerer, Knorre, вojanus, Schelling, Hartmann, вaumgärtner, сlesz, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 4, p. 747 ; Trinks, в. J. H., vol. 29, p. 321 ; Yellow fever, Taft, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 4, p. 666 ; Worm fever, Maly, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 4, p. 670 ; Night sweats, Müller, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 842 ; Rheumatism, Kreuss, Hrg., Rummel, Lobethal, Hartmann, Schelling, T., Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 3, p. 523 ; Hirsch, Perutz, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 901 ; Lorbacher, Henze, Allg. Hom. Ztg., vol. 107, p. 122 ; вernstein, Hom. сlin., vol. 3, p. 99 ; Hansen, Allg. Hom. Ztg., vol. 113, p. 4 ; Gout, Schelling, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 3, p. 525 ; Affection of periosteum, Klauber, Allg. Hom. Ztg., vol. 112, p. 148 ; Periostitis, Goeze, Raue’s Rec., 1870, p. 282, s. Affection of bones, Hartmann, Jahr, Schelling, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 4, p. 435 ; Anamia, Scrofulosis, Hydrops, Huber, Allg. Hom. Ztg., vol. 101, pp. 171-188, s. Scrofulosis, Lobethal, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 4, p. 409 ; Syphilis, Hahnemann, Hermann, Trinks, Jahr, Knorr, вernstein, Kämpfer, вuchner, Sommer, Seidel, Vehsemann, вandiss, Thorer, Tietze, Attomyr, agidi, Stapf, вigel, Hartlaub, Schreter, Kramer, Rummel, Wesselhoeft, Liedbeck, Hermann, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 2, pp. 127-143 ; вernstein, Thorer, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 2, p. 133 ; Reil, Rosenberg, Mueller, Meyer, Gerson, Gollmann, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 560 ; Viezekempi, Raue’s Rec., 1875, p. 170, s. Süss-Hahnemann, Raue’s Rec., 1871, p. 142, Dunham, Lectures, vol. 2, p. 227 ; Secondary syphilis, Arcularius, Raue’s Rec., 1872, p. 171, s. Dropsy, Knorre, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 4, p. 353 ; Prurigo, Martin, Hah. Mo., vol. 5, p. 24 ; Pruritus cutaneus universalis, Raue’s Rec., 1872, p. 258 ; Hom. сlin., 1871, p. 100, s. Icterus, Hartmann, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 700 ; Erysipelas, Hartmann, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 4, p. 145 ; Vesicular eruption, Schelling, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 4, p. 165 ; Pustular eruption, E. в. N., Hom. сlin., vol. 4, p. 82 ; Raue’s Rec., 1872, p. 257, s. Purpura hamorrhagica, Hendricks, Allg. Hom. Ztg., vol. 106, p. 158 ; Eczema, Weber, Raue’s Rec., 1873, p. 241, s. Impetigo, eczema, scurfy eruption, Hartmann, Knorre, Elwert, вigel, Käsemann, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 4, p. 249 ; Impetigo calvities, Arcularius, Raue’s Rec., 1872, p. 65, s. Zona, Vehsemann, Lobethal, сroserio, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 4, p. 160 ; Scarlatina, Stow, Raue’s Rec., 1871, p. 205 ; Schelling, Lobethal, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 4, p. 56 ; Measles, вethmann, Schelling, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 4, p. 97 ; Wesselhoeft, Raue’s Rec., 1870, p. 319 ; Smallpox, Russel, Hartmann, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 4, p. 112 ; Stens, Raue’s Rec., 1872, p. 254 ; Itch, Hrg., Knorre, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 4, p. 212 ; Antidote to Phytolacca poisoning, Grassmuck, Raue’s Rec., 1875, p. 17, s. Affection from habitual use of blue pills, вerghaus, Raue’s Rec., 1874, p. 10, v.
Meurer, Raue’s Rec., 1874, p. 233, s. Metrorrhagia, Schelling, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 2, p. 318 ; Irregular menstruation, Leadam, в. J. H., vol. 12, p. 81 ; Vaginitis, вerridge, Hom. Phys., vol. 3, p. 135, v. Leucorrhoea, Hartmann, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 2, p. 363 ; Pruritus vulva, Nash, Org., vol. 2, p. 220 ; H. M., Raue’s Rec., 1870, p. 257, s. Threatened abortion, Weber, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 2, p. 318 ; edema of vulva during pregnancy, Wurzler, N. A. J. H., vol. 2, p. 232 ; Mastitis, Hartmann, Lobethal, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 2, p. 418 ; Poor quality of milk, сroserio, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 2, p. 412 ; сhronic hoarseness, Lobethal, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 788 ; Influenza, Hartmann, Rummel, сroser, Gross, Müller, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 3, p. 42 ; Trinks, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 705 ; Tracheitis, вronchitis, Trinks, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 3, p. 96 ; вronchitis, Hirschel, Raue’s Rec., 1873, p. 101 ; Schrön., Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 3, p. 169 ; сough, Hirschel, в. J. H., vol. 31, p. 248 ; сough and catarrh, Hrg., Hartmann, Schelling, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 3, p. 19 ; Whooping cough, Hrg., Schrön, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 3, p. 82 ; Pneumonia, Hartmann, Watzke, Trinks, вuchner, Schelling, Griessel, Müller, Gross, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 3, p. 301 ; Pneumonia, pleurisy, Arnold, вojanus, Müller, Eidherr, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 822 ; Phthisis, Müller, Raue’s Rec., 1871, p. 102, s. Löscher, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 3, p. 385 ; Hydrothorax, Knorre, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 4, p. 353 ; Swelling of glands of neck, Huber, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 245 ; Intertrigo on arms, Leadam, в. J. H., vol. 12, p. 80 ; Inflammatory affection of hand, Kreuss, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 3, p. 562 ; Eczema of hands, Miller, Hom. сlin., vol. 1, p. 244 ; Miller, Raue’s Rec., 1870, p. 323, s. Luxation of hip joint, Hirsch, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 3, p. 574 ; Hip joint disease, Hiller, N. A. J. H., vol. 26, p. 372 ; Ulcer on leg, Gilchrist, Raue’s Rec., 1871, p. 215, s. ; вallard, Raue’s Rec., 1871, p. 216, s. Affection of knee, Hirzel, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 3, p. 587 ; сaries of bones of foot, Schüler, вechet, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 4, p. 435 ; Typhoid fever, Kammerer, Knorre, вojanus, Schelling, Hartmann, вaumgärtner, сlesz, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 4, p. 747 ; Trinks, в. J. H., vol. 29, p. 321 ; Yellow fever, Taft, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 4, p. 666 ; Worm fever, Maly, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 4, p. 670 ; Night sweats, Müller, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 842 ; Rheumatism, Kreuss, Hrg., Rummel, Lobethal, Hartmann, Schelling, T., Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 3, p. 523 ; Hirsch, Perutz, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 901 ; Lorbacher, Henze, Allg. Hom. Ztg., vol. 107, p. 122 ; вernstein, Hom. сlin., vol. 3, p. 99 ; Hansen, Allg. Hom. Ztg., vol. 113, p. 4 ; Gout, Schelling, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 3, p. 525 ; Affection of periosteum, Klauber, Allg. Hom. Ztg., vol. 112, p. 148 ; Periostitis, Goeze, Raue’s Rec., 1870, p. 282, s. Affection of bones, Hartmann, Jahr, Schelling, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 4, p. 435 ; Anamia, Scrofulosis, Hydrops, Huber, Allg. Hom. Ztg., vol. 101, pp. 171-188, s. Scrofulosis, Lobethal, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 4, p. 409 ; Syphilis, Hahnemann, Hermann, Trinks, Jahr, Knorr, вernstein, Kämpfer, вuchner, Sommer, Seidel, Vehsemann, вandiss, Thorer, Tietze, Attomyr, agidi, Stapf, вigel, Hartlaub, Schreter, Kramer, Rummel, Wesselhoeft, Liedbeck, Hermann, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 2, pp. 127-143 ; вernstein, Thorer, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 2, p. 133 ; Reil, Rosenberg, Mueller, Meyer, Gerson, Gollmann, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 560 ; Viezekempi, Raue’s Rec., 1875, p. 170, s. Süss-Hahnemann, Raue’s Rec., 1871, p. 142, Dunham, Lectures, vol. 2, p. 227 ; Secondary syphilis, Arcularius, Raue’s Rec., 1872, p. 171, s. Dropsy, Knorre, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 4, p. 353 ; Prurigo, Martin, Hah. Mo., vol. 5, p. 24 ; Pruritus cutaneus universalis, Raue’s Rec., 1872, p. 258 ; Hom. сlin., 1871, p. 100, s. Icterus, Hartmann, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 700 ; Erysipelas, Hartmann, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 4, p. 145 ; Vesicular eruption, Schelling, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 4, p. 165 ; Pustular eruption, E. в. N., Hom. сlin., vol. 4, p. 82 ; Raue’s Rec., 1872, p. 257, s. Purpura hamorrhagica, Hendricks, Allg. Hom. Ztg., vol. 106, p. 158 ; Eczema, Weber, Raue’s Rec., 1873, p. 241, s. Impetigo, eczema, scurfy eruption, Hartmann, Knorre, Elwert, вigel, Käsemann, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 4, p. 249 ; Impetigo calvities, Arcularius, Raue’s Rec., 1872, p. 65, s. Zona, Vehsemann, Lobethal, сroserio, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 4, p. 160 ; Scarlatina, Stow, Raue’s Rec., 1871, p. 205 ; Schelling, Lobethal, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 4, p. 56 ; Measles, вethmann, Schelling, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 4, p. 97 ; Wesselhoeft, Raue’s Rec., 1870, p. 319 ; Smallpox, Russel, Hartmann, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 4, p. 112 ; Stens, Raue’s Rec., 1872, p. 254 ; Itch, Hrg., Knorre, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 4, p. 212 ; Antidote to Phytolacca poisoning, Grassmuck, Raue’s Rec., 1875, p. 17, s. Affection from habitual use of blue pills, вerghaus, Raue’s Rec., 1874, p. 10, v.
Психика и сознание
Memory weak ; forgets everything.
Loss of will power. [merc. v].
Slow in answering questions. [merc. v].
Intellect very weak ; shows every mark of imbecility. [merc. v].
Time seems to pass more slowly.
Obtuseness of mental operations, with great inclination to sleep ; heaviness and muddledness of head. θ Typhoid.
Imbecility ; foolish, mischievous, disgusting actions.
Fancies ; rarely delirium.
Delirium and mental derangement of drunkards. [merc. v].
Muttering delirium. [merc. v].
Believes he is losing his reason, thinks he is dying, with illusions of fantasy ; sees water running where there is none. s.
Mania, with liver complaint.
Great restlessness as if he had committed a great crime ; has no desire for food, although he relishes it when commencing to eat ; considers everybody his enemy ; ideas constantly crowd upon his mind, one constantly chasing the other away ; great inclination when walking to take people by the nose ; weakness of memory and intellect ; dull and stupid feeling in head ; complains that his head will burst. θ Mania.
Almost uncontrollable desire to travel far away.
Desire to flee, with nightly anxiety and apprehension.
Homesickness, or desire to travel ; wants to go abroad ; nightly anxiety and perspiration.
After suppression of foot sweat, whenever he sees an open window or a cutting instrument breaks into a sweat, with great heat of head, and is seized with an almost uncontrollable desire to commit suicide.
Desire to kill the person contradicting her.
Great desire to murder or commit suicide, particularly during menstrual period ; despondency ; involuntary crying ; great indifference ; is fearful that she may commit some wrong and kill herself ; something urges her to kill her husband, of whom she is very fond, and she implores him to hide his razor.
Continuous moaning and groaning.
Hurried and rapid talking. s.
Excited, lively ; everything is done hastily. [merc. v].
Taciturn and indifferent.
Fear of being alone.
Anxiety and restless change of place ; ebullitions, sweat ; apprehensive, imaginary fears ; fears he will lose his mind ; worse evening and night.
Anxiety and apprehension ; did not know what to do ; it seemed as though he had committed a crime ; without heat ; also with a feeling that he had not control over his senses. s.
Anxiety driving her to suicide ; thoughts of suicide ; during menses great anxiety from which she cannot free herself ; desire for death ; great indifference even to those she formerly loved ; crying almost involuntary, with relief ; hysteria ; hypochondriasis.
Disgust of life.
Much wretchedness and dejection of spirits, with diarrhoea. s.
Hysterical melancholia, with inclination to murder.
Inexpressible pain of soul and body, anxious restlessness, as if some evil impended, worse at night, with precordial anguish ; sweat of hands and heat of face ; disgusted with himself, has not courage to live ; constant suspicion, considering everybody his enemy. θ Melancholia.
Grief, with fear at night ; disposition to quarrel ; complaining of relations and surroundings.
Amativeness ; amorousness.
Morose and mistrustful ; treated his associates almost insultingly, looked upon every one as his worst enemy. s.
Great restlessness, must constantly change her place ; fear, with desire to escape, as if she had committed some crime. θ Hysteria.
A universal uneasiness of body, so that he could not remain one moment in the same posture. [merc. v].
Towards evening, an uneasiness that did not permit him to remain in any place ; could not remain sitting two minutes ; was forced to change. s.
No rest in any place, constantly anxious. s.
Extreme restlessness all night, beginning about 8 P. M., and lasting till morning. s.
Bad effects from fright, leaving one in a state of great anxiety, worse at night.
Ailments from mortification ; from insults ; from egotism.
Sopor : coma. [merc. v].
Fainting after sweetish rising in throat, followed by sleep.
Dull and stupid feeling, with dizziness.
Confusion of head, in morning on waking. s.
Weakness in head like a dulness, and as if there was a vibration in forehead and a turning about in a circle. s.
Constant rotary motion of head, even when lying on pillow. [merc. v].
Memory weak ; forgets everything.
Loss of will power. [merc. v].
Slow in answering questions. [merc. v].
Intellect very weak ; shows every mark of imbecility. [merc. v].
Time seems to pass more slowly.
Obtuseness of mental operations, with great inclination to sleep ; heaviness and muddledness of head. θ Typhoid.
Imbecility ; foolish, mischievous, disgusting actions.
Fancies ; rarely delirium.
Delirium and mental derangement of drunkards. [merc. v].
Muttering delirium. [merc. v].
Believes he is losing his reason, thinks he is dying, with illusions of fantasy ; sees water running where there is none. s.
Mania, with liver complaint.
Great restlessness as if he had committed a great crime ; has no desire for food, although he relishes it when commencing to eat ; considers everybody his enemy ; ideas constantly crowd upon his mind, one constantly chasing the other away ; great inclination when walking to take people by the nose ; weakness of memory and intellect ; dull and stupid feeling in head ; complains that his head will burst. θ Mania.
Almost uncontrollable desire to travel far away.
Desire to flee, with nightly anxiety and apprehension.
Homesickness, or desire to travel ; wants to go abroad ; nightly anxiety and perspiration.
After suppression of foot sweat, whenever he sees an open window or a cutting instrument breaks into a sweat, with great heat of head, and is seized with an almost uncontrollable desire to commit suicide.
Desire to kill the person contradicting her.
Great desire to murder or commit suicide, particularly during menstrual period ; despondency ; involuntary crying ; great indifference ; is fearful that she may commit some wrong and kill herself ; something urges her to kill her husband, of whom she is very fond, and she implores him to hide his razor.
Continuous moaning and groaning.
Hurried and rapid talking. s.
Excited, lively ; everything is done hastily. [merc. v].
Taciturn and indifferent.
Fear of being alone.
Anxiety and restless change of place ; ebullitions, sweat ; apprehensive, imaginary fears ; fears he will lose his mind ; worse evening and night.
Anxiety and apprehension ; did not know what to do ; it seemed as though he had committed a crime ; without heat ; also with a feeling that he had not control over his senses. s.
Anxiety driving her to suicide ; thoughts of suicide ; during menses great anxiety from which she cannot free herself ; desire for death ; great indifference even to those she formerly loved ; crying almost involuntary, with relief ; hysteria ; hypochondriasis.
Disgust of life.
Much wretchedness and dejection of spirits, with diarrhoea. s.
Hysterical melancholia, with inclination to murder.
Inexpressible pain of soul and body, anxious restlessness, as if some evil impended, worse at night, with precordial anguish ; sweat of hands and heat of face ; disgusted with himself, has not courage to live ; constant suspicion, considering everybody his enemy. θ Melancholia.
Grief, with fear at night ; disposition to quarrel ; complaining of relations and surroundings.
Amativeness ; amorousness.
Morose and mistrustful ; treated his associates almost insultingly, looked upon every one as his worst enemy. s.
Great restlessness, must constantly change her place ; fear, with desire to escape, as if she had committed some crime. θ Hysteria.
A universal uneasiness of body, so that he could not remain one moment in the same posture. [merc. v].
Towards evening, an uneasiness that did not permit him to remain in any place ; could not remain sitting two minutes ; was forced to change. s.
No rest in any place, constantly anxious. s.
Extreme restlessness all night, beginning about 8 P. M., and lasting till morning. s.
Bad effects from fright, leaving one in a state of great anxiety, worse at night.
Ailments from mortification ; from insults ; from egotism.
Sopor : coma. [merc. v].
Fainting after sweetish rising in throat, followed by sleep.
Dull and stupid feeling, with dizziness.
Confusion of head, in morning on waking. s.
Weakness in head like a dulness, and as if there was a vibration in forehead and a turning about in a circle. s.
Constant rotary motion of head, even when lying on pillow. [merc. v].
Голова, лицо и уши
Vertigo : as if in a swing ; after stooping ; lying on back ; with headache and nausea ; everything turns black ; with nausea, distracted thoughts, momentary loss of vision ; cannot stand erect, or even sit up in bed for fear of falling.
Prophylactic in apoplexy, in lymphatic, or leuco-phlegmatic, ill nourished subjects.
Tension over forehead, as if bandaged of in a hoop ; worse at night in bed ; better after rising or when laying hand on it.
Pressure in forehead and pain in bone beneath eyebrow, even to touch. s.
Pains in forehead, with disordered liver.
Pressive or tearing pain in left temple. s.
Burning in head, especially in left temple ; worse at night lying in bed, better sitting up.
Stitches through whole head.
Tearing, burning, stitching, boring or semilateral tearing down to teeth and neck, with stitches in ears.
Tearing, drawing pains in head having their seat in periosteum and in bones of face ; rheumatic headaches.
Headache as if just beneath scalp, as if it were too heavy and tight in brain. s.
Catarrhal, rheumatic or syphilitic headaches.
Violent headache. θ Yellow fever.
Chronic cephalalgia, with suicidal tendency, caused by suppression of foot sweat ; pressing or stitching pains in head, worse in forehead, only during day.
Congestion to head ; head feels as if it would burst, with fulness of brain ; as if constricted by a band.
Head feels as if in a vise, with nausea ; worse in open air, from sleeping, eating and drinking ; better in room.
Head feels heavy and swollen ; as if getting larger and larger.
Heaviness of head, vertigo when raising head, with nausea and vomiting ; child wants to lie quietly in horizontal position ; somnolence, indifference, with mournful expression of face ; diminution of all intellectual faculties ; amblyopia ; weakness and paralysis of extremities ; convulsions. θ Hydrocephaloid.
Inflammation of brain, with hoop-like feeling ; burning and pulsation in forehead ; worse at night, better after riding.
Lies in a dull, sleepy condition, from which he occasionally awakes without regaining complete consciousness ; restless at night ; anxious dreams ; delirious talk ; face pale, distorted ; head hot ; forehead moist ; eyes dim, pupils contracted, conjunctiva injected ; speech unintelligible on account of dryness of tongue ; lips dry ; temperature of skin elevated ; pulse 114 ; urine thick, ammoniacal ; constipation. θ Inflammation of brain. [merc. v].
Drowsy, with restless throwing about and occasional waking with shrill cry, which is again followed by dozing off ; sensitive of eyes to light is diminished ; squinting. s. θ Meningitis.
Acute hydrocephalus after severe attack of scarlet fever ; every quarter or half hour ; terrible continuous shrieking for one or two minutes ; frequently moves right hand towards head, or thrusts hand into wide opened mouth, l. arm remaining motionless ; frequent chewing motion of mouth ; strabismus ; sopor ; high fever, pulse cannot be counted ; involuntary urination. [merc. v].
For two years indications of hydrocephalus ; head large, hanging forward ; anterior fontanelle open ; forehead protruding ; eyes sunken ; pupils enlarged ; face earthy, oedematous ; constant flow of saliva ; teeth small ; impatient desire for food. Bellad. And Phosphorus also used.
Brain troubles of drunkards.
Apoplexy, from effusion or congestion.
Sutures open, large head ; precocious development ; restless sleep ; dirty color of face ; sour night sweat ; body bathed in sweat. θ Hydrocephalus.
All sutures pressed asunder, not a single border of a bone touches its neighbor ; even eyes appear unusually protruded. θ Hydrocephalus.
Exostoses, with feeling of soreness when touched ; pain at night in bed.
Lacerating, tearing and stinging in bones of skull.
Whole external head painful to touch. s.
Multiple abscesses of head ; rachitic, anterior fontanelles open ; large abdomen ; fever, loss of appetite, diarrhoea ; great weakness, cannot sit up despite pain caused by lying down. s.
Several days after birth, swelling over parietal bone near posterior fontanelle, resembling half a goose egg in form and size, fluctuating upon pressure and circumscribed by a ring of swollen bone. θ сephalamatoma.
Scalp : tense ; contractive, tearing pain from forehead to neck, with chilliness ; painful to touch, worse when scratching, which causes bleeding ; eruption itching, dry, humid, pustular, fetid, with yellow crusts ; erysipelas worse on forehead ; hair falls out, mostly on sides and temples ; sweaty.
Fetid, sour smelling, oily sweat on head ; on forehead it is icy cold ; burning on skin ; worse at night in bed and after rising.
Moist eruption on scalp that eats away hair, with sensitive pressure, especially in sore places. s.
Small elevated scabs between hairs on scalp. s.
On forehead, between eyebrows, small patches of pustular eruption, with greenish yellow scabs. θ Impetigo.
Profuse falling out of hair, mostly on sides of head and temples. [merc. v].
Worse from heat and glare of fire ; also from daylight. s.
Optical illusions : in dark colors ; in green colors ; black points ; musca volitantes ; mistiness ; cloud ; fiery sparks ; letters seem to move.
Eyes dim, lustreless ; blear-eyed.
For one year, failing sight ; frequent temporary loss of vision ; even when not using eyes there are always dark spots or a kind of cloud before sight, constant lachrymation and aching pressing pain in eye ; she cannot bear light of fire. θ Amblyopia.
Scotoma of right eye after a fall, with dimness of vision, constant flickering before eye and floating black specks.
If she attempts to look at anything cannot distinctly recognize it, and then eyes are almost always involuntarily drawn together ; the more she tries to restrain the contraction, the less able she is to prevent it ; is obliged to lie down and close eyes. s.
Eyes forcibly drawn together, as if long deprived of sleep. s.
Fog before one or both eyes. s.
Dimness of vision ; vision weak. [merc. v].
Heat in eyes and lachrymation. s.
Burning in eyes ; itching. s.
Pressure in eyes. s.
Eyes hot, a kind of dry heat. s.
Heat, redness and pressure in both eyes. s.
Stitches in eyes.
Iritis ; syphilitic ; pains around eyes, on forehead and temples ; worse from touch ; throbbing shooting pains in eye ; hypopion ; pains severe, tearing, boring, cutting, worse at night and in damp weather ; much heat around eye and soreness of corresponding side of head ; great sensitiveness to heat, cold and light ; acrid lachrymation ; pupil contracted and covered by thin bluish film, with great tendency to formation of adhesions to lens ; iris discolored, ciliary injection.
Tearing pains in forehead and vertex ; shooting from deep within eye ; worse every evening and night ; conjunctiva of right eye greatly inflamed and swollen ; phlegmonous inflammation and swelling of lids which are painful to slightest touch ; great photophobia ; flow of hot tears from eye ; white ring around cornea ; iris brown, greenish (blue in health) ; pupil fixed ; iris inflamed and at later stage became shaped like that of ruminating animals ; fever ; sleepless at night on account of pain ; profuse sweats without relief ; every night at 12 o’clock, intolerable pains in eye almost exhausting him ; offensive odor from mouth ; much expectoration of mucus ; pappy taste ; tenesmus ; patient gouty.
Sclerotic swollen and very red ; cornea dim and showing indications of beginning formation of pus ; vertigo ; slimy mouth ; white coated tongue, yellow towards base ; loss of appetite ; great thirst ; chilliness, with heat and congestions to head ; tendency to sweat ; steaming or moist skin ; transient stitches in body and limbs ; restless and sleepless at night.
Cornea dim, red, surrounded by puffy swelling like raw meat ; burning ; light dazzles ; it seems to him as if sparks of fire were being emitted from eyes ; stitches deep in eyes and in temples ; eyelids dry and swollen ; l. eye.
Ulcers of cornea vascular and surrounded by greyish opacity ; pus between corneal layers ; onyx.
Pustule on cornea, with photophobia and lachrymation ; when eyes are well has noises in ears, and when eyes are sore top of head is so sore she cannot comb her hair ; profuse watery coryza excoriating nose. s.
Keratitis pustulosa ; pain in eye day and night, conjunctiva much congested, burning lachrymation ; excessive photophobia, eruptions around eye ; worse at night ; bad breath in morning ; wants to sleep by day and cannot at night ; pain in bones at night ; sharp sticking pains, worse at night after gaslight. s.
Vesicles on margin of cornea, eyes feel worse at night, watery eruption on face, hair falls out, nose swollen internally, cracked and unhealthy. s.
Lachrymation profuse, burning and excoriating.
Muco-purulent discharges, thin and acrid.
Lids are spasmodically closed, thick, red, swollen, excoriated, very sensitive to heat, cold and contact.
Lachrymation and photophobia (noises in ear disappear when eyes become sore) ; top of head so sore she cannot comb her hair. θ Keratitis pustulosa.
Keratitis parenchymatosa, due to hereditary syphilis.
Keratoiritis, with hypopion, pain very severe at night, eye feeling as if it was a ball of fire, lachrymation hot.
Inflammation of eyes ; cornea covered with scars from old ulcerations ; scleral vessels injected, especially between insertion of recti muscles, where sclera is slightly bulged and thinned, so that dark color of choroid shines through ; steady aching, worse at night. θ Episcleritis.
Syphilitic iritis ; condylomata in iris ; hypopion ; contraction ; discoloration and immobility ; ciliary injection, haziness of aqueous ; pains of a tearing, boring character, chiefly around eye, in forehead and temples, which are sore to touch ; throbbing, shooting, sticking pains in eye ; all worse at night.
Retinitis and choroiditis, particularly if dependent upon syphilis ; retina very sensitive in glare.
Diseases of optic nerve and retina, occurring in workers in foundries.
Great opaqueness, violent pain, dacryorrhoea, photophobia, swelling of lids. θ Keratitis vasculosa. s.
Ophthalmia neonatorum ; discharge acrid, usually thin, makes cheek sore ; particularly if caused by syphilitic leucorrhoea.
Purulent ophthalmia, with copious discharge ; lids much swollen, underneath much purulent matter which pours out in quantities on opening eyes. s.
Rheumatic, arthritic, syphilitic or gonorrhoeal ophthalmia.
Lids swollen ; sensation of a body causing dull pressive or cutting pains underneath lids, with difficulty in moving them ; daylight or candlelight insupportable and causes burning, gnawing pains in eyes which are moderately red, so that lids are closed convulsively, and can with difficulty be opened ; lids agglutinated with raw pain at their edges.
Eyelids swollen ; lids and cheeks covered with a pustular eruption ; dried pus hangs upon eyelashes ; greyish white spots upon cornea ; photophobia, lies upon face ; nose and lips swollen ; copious, thick, green, acrid discharge from nose, excoriating nose and upper lip, back of hand and forearm, upon which child wiped its nose, corroded ; glands of ears swollen ; irritable, impatient, disposed to cry. θ Scrofulous inflammation of eyes.
Chronic syphilitic ophthalmia ; vessels of conjunctiva injected and distended ; pupil linear and contracted, and anterior and posterior chambers of eyes appeared quite confused ; objects appear quite small and indistinct ; feathers appear to come from angles of eyes and hinder vision ; myopia ; frequent attacks of cramp in stomach in all phases of the moon, and on least atmospheric variation or immediately after some unusual pleasureable or painful impression ; stiffness of maxillary joint, and pain in sole of foot, could with difficulty chew and could not bear to walk ; can scarcely keep in erect position, bone pains at night preventing sleep ; must be turned in bed by means of a sheet.
Eyes inflamed, with swollen inverted tarsi and very sensitive to light. [merc. v].
Pustules on conjunctiva.
Conjunctivitis pustulosa after measles ; scrofula, with enlarged cervical glands.
Great swelling of lids, sensibility to touch, worse before midnight, no better from sweat. θ вlenorrhoea of conjunctiva.
Chronic conjunctivitis, with a fine, rosy red injection around cornea. [merc. v].
Pressure in eyes as from sand.
Burning pains, lachrymation acrid, photophobia, sensitiveness to extreme heat or cold very marked, especially heat of glaring fire and coldness of damp places. θ Granular conjunctivitis.
Pupils dilated. s.
Biting and burning in eyes, especially in open air.
Cutting, stinging or aching pains in eyes, especially when exerting them.
Great swelling, redness and constriction of lids ; they are sensitive to touch ; upper lid tight and red like a stye.
Inflammatory swelling in region of lachrymal bone.
Eyes close forcibly, whether sitting, standing or.
Lids : spasmodically closed ; erysipelatous ; sensitive to cold, heat and to touch ; raw excoriated ; burning as from fiery points.
Blepharitis. Lids red, thick and swollen, particularly upper ; sensitive ; lachrymation profuse, burning, acrid, making lids sore, red and painful ; worse in open air or by constant application of cold water.
Ciliary blepharitis caused from working over fires or forges.
Inflammation or blenorrhoea of lachrymal sac.
Cutting under lid, as from a sharp body.
Edges of lids covered with scurfs and ulcers.
Absence of cilia (nadarosis), nose sore and excoriated ; Meibomian glands ulcerated, with scurf on margins of lids.
Entropium ; ectropium ; affections of Meibomian cysts.
Styes on upper lids.
Twitching of lids.
Violent contraction of eyelids, it is difficult to open them.
Subjective sounds : various kinds of ringing ; roaring ; pulsative roaring ; buzzing.
Deafness. Sounds vibrate in ears ; obstruction momentarily better after swallowing or blowing nose ; external meatus moist ; catarrhal after catching cold ; after otitis.
Sensation of coldness in ears continually. θ Pregnancy.
Interstitial inflammation and swelling of periosteum.
Sensation as if right ear was stuffed up ; ringing in ear ; enlarged tonsils, with occlusion of Eustachian tubes and impaired hearing.
Soreness and excoriation of inner ears.
Tearing or shooting pain in ears.
Sticking and burning deep in both ears, worse in left. s.
Ears inflamed internally and externally, pain cramplike, sticking and as if stopped by swelling. s.
Stinging, tearing pains ; purulent discharge, green, offensive ; glands swollen.
Inflammation of submucous and subcutaneous cellular tissue, extending to parotid gland, which becomes swollen and tender ; throbbing pain, worse at night on getting warm in bed. θ Otitis.
Otitis after cold ; intolerable pains in whole head, but particularly in ears ; boring, tearing, stitching, with roaring and rumbling, particularly in left ear, which is externally red, hot and swollen ; pain so severe as to cause fainting ; thirst ; great restlessness ; sleeplessness.
Hardness of hearing, roaring in ears, yellow discharge. θ сhronic otitis.
Watery discharge and hemorrhage from ears, first left, then right ; sides of neck red, swollen, tender ; noises like bells ringing, whistling or running of trains, first left, then r. ; shooting from left ear through head to right and from left ear to left temple ; shooting better by cold, worse by warmth ; discharge worse by warmth ; noises and shooting worse by lying on left side ; deaf ; shooting makes her hold head and shudder ; pulse 150, feeble ; pricking in ears before discharge comes ; aching in ears, first left, then right, 5.45 P. M. [merc. v].
Since an attack of measles, twenty two years ago, has suffered from a profuse, offensive smelling discharge from right ear, to which within the last few years were associated hardness of hearing and ringing in ears ; watch could not be heard on right side, upon left side could be heard only at distance of one and a half inches ; tuning fork could be heard only on right side ; right auditory canal occluded by soft, easily bleeding polypi ; mucous membrane red, puffed, raw and very sensitive ; yellowish white, offensive, muco-purulent discharge ; polypi dropped off in six days.
Inflammation of left ear, with hardness of hearing ; subjective symptoms, as though a melody was ground upon an organ in head and after a few turns was snapped off ; sensation of fulness in ear and stopped up feeling, as though a wedge was driven in. s.
Pain beneath ear, extending down jaw. θ Otitis.
Stitching, tearing, pressing, burning pains deep in ear, extending to cheek ; ear burns externally, feels cold internally ; pinching and pressing ; ear moist.
Purulent offensive otorrhoea, with itching in ears ; vesicular eruption in face, each vesicle surrounded by a red areola ; itching nodular eruption on legs.
Enlarged cervical glands ; frequent otalgia ; chronic discharge of profuse, yellowish, very offensive pus from ear ; worse at night ; pain in ears at night ; eruption behind ears. [merc. v].
Offensive otorrhoea ; itching in ears. θ Syphilis.
Matter flows from both ears ; in forepart of right ear is a sac of matter which, when touched, discharged through ear ; pains in whole right half of head and face, she was unable to lie on that side. s.
Bloody and offensive matter flows from right ear, with tearing pain. s.
Thin earwax runs from both ears. s.
Furuncles or boils in external meatus.
Fungous excrescences in ear. s.
Polypi in external meatus, which is inflamed. s.
Swelling of glands under ear ; also inflammatory.
Swelling of nasal bones ; painful when taken hold of. s.
Nosebleed : when coughing and during sleep ; blood hangs in dark, coagulated string ; with worm symptoms, bleeding occurs at night.
Coryza, with much sneezing. s.
Food and drink rise up into choana.
Coryza. With much sneezing ; fluent, corrosive ; nostrils bleeding, scurfy ; nose red, swollen, shining ; worse from damp weather ; at night ; from either cold or warm air ; not better by sweat ; smell from nose as from an old cold ; inflammatory redness inside of nose ; with itching and formation of crusts and bleeding on cleansing nose ; chilliness in daytime, obliged to lie down ; copious sour smelling sweat at night ; part of mucus trickles down through posterior nares into throat and causes hawking, with catarrhal inflammation of larynx, trachea, bronchi and eyes ; hoarseness and roughness of voice ; dry, rough cough from continual tickling in larynx, with or without fever ; catarrhal affection of frontal sinuses and Highmorian cavities, pressive, tensive, tearing pains in forehead, cheeks, upper teeth and ears ; inflammation of tonsils and fauces ; rheumatic pains in limbs ; feverish ; does not like to be alone ; thirsty ; feels bad in a warm room and cannot bear cold either ; with chilliness ; epidemic.
Fulness and pulsation in head extending into nose ; heat predominating over chilliness. θ сatarrh.
Greenish, fetid pus from nose ; nasal bones swollen.
Acrid matter flows from nose, having odor of old cheese. s.
The nostrils are red, raw and ulcerated. θ сoryza.
Swelling of whole or only tip of nose, accompanied by pain and inflammation, followed by cancer ; pus thin, ichorous and acrid. θ сancer.
Face : pale, yellow, earthy ; red and hot cheeks ; pale and sunken ; earthy colored, puffy ; sallow ; pale and bloated ; sickly, pale ; swollen ; pale, cold ; livid ; jaundiced.
Swelling of cheeks with toothache.
Tearing, lacerating pains in face ; salivation ; from cold or caries of teeth.
Neuralgia of trigeminus from taking cold.
Swelling or breaking out of upper lip.
Yellow, dirty scurf, with fetid discharge, itching and bleeding when scratched.
Pimples on face with a bluish red halo, without itching.
Forehead red, presenting a number of small orifices, like worm holes, exuding serous fluid, margins of holes, which communicated with frontal bone, somewhat elevated ; pain in forehead when in bed, and subject to severe headache up to time when forehead was affected. [merc. v].
Upon forehead between eyebrows, small patches of a pustular eruption, with greenish yellow scabs. θ Impetigo calvities. s.
Syphilitic spots and pustules on face and forehead. s.
Tension in articulation of jaw on opening mouth. s.
Tearing in lower jaw toward evening. s.
Almost complete inability to move lower jaw or chew. [merc. v].
Cannot separate jaws. s.
Lockjaw from glandular swellings, with stinging pains.
Periostitis of lower jaw ; caries ; looseness of teeth, which are painful when touched by tongue, they fall out ; spongy, easily bleeding gums ; stitches in teeth ; toothache worse from heat.
Soft, red swelling of upper lip.
Lips : painful when touched ; dry, cracked, ulcerated ; black ; burning pimples with yellow crusts ; greatly swollen, puffed out, fissured ; thick brown crusts, extending to chin ; cannot open lips or taste food.
Corners of mouth ulcerated and painfully sore. s.
Yellowish scabs, especially around mouth.
Mumps : on right side ; pale swelling ; fever slight or absent ; high degree of inflammation ; trismus ; in young scrofulous subjects ; suppuration threatens.
Inflammation of submaxillary or sublingual glands.
Prophylactic in apoplexy, in lymphatic, or leuco-phlegmatic, ill nourished subjects.
Tension over forehead, as if bandaged of in a hoop ; worse at night in bed ; better after rising or when laying hand on it.
Pressure in forehead and pain in bone beneath eyebrow, even to touch. s.
Pains in forehead, with disordered liver.
Pressive or tearing pain in left temple. s.
Burning in head, especially in left temple ; worse at night lying in bed, better sitting up.
Stitches through whole head.
Tearing, burning, stitching, boring or semilateral tearing down to teeth and neck, with stitches in ears.
Tearing, drawing pains in head having their seat in periosteum and in bones of face ; rheumatic headaches.
Headache as if just beneath scalp, as if it were too heavy and tight in brain. s.
Catarrhal, rheumatic or syphilitic headaches.
Violent headache. θ Yellow fever.
Chronic cephalalgia, with suicidal tendency, caused by suppression of foot sweat ; pressing or stitching pains in head, worse in forehead, only during day.
Congestion to head ; head feels as if it would burst, with fulness of brain ; as if constricted by a band.
Head feels as if in a vise, with nausea ; worse in open air, from sleeping, eating and drinking ; better in room.
Head feels heavy and swollen ; as if getting larger and larger.
Heaviness of head, vertigo when raising head, with nausea and vomiting ; child wants to lie quietly in horizontal position ; somnolence, indifference, with mournful expression of face ; diminution of all intellectual faculties ; amblyopia ; weakness and paralysis of extremities ; convulsions. θ Hydrocephaloid.
Inflammation of brain, with hoop-like feeling ; burning and pulsation in forehead ; worse at night, better after riding.
Lies in a dull, sleepy condition, from which he occasionally awakes without regaining complete consciousness ; restless at night ; anxious dreams ; delirious talk ; face pale, distorted ; head hot ; forehead moist ; eyes dim, pupils contracted, conjunctiva injected ; speech unintelligible on account of dryness of tongue ; lips dry ; temperature of skin elevated ; pulse 114 ; urine thick, ammoniacal ; constipation. θ Inflammation of brain. [merc. v].
Drowsy, with restless throwing about and occasional waking with shrill cry, which is again followed by dozing off ; sensitive of eyes to light is diminished ; squinting. s. θ Meningitis.
Acute hydrocephalus after severe attack of scarlet fever ; every quarter or half hour ; terrible continuous shrieking for one or two minutes ; frequently moves right hand towards head, or thrusts hand into wide opened mouth, l. arm remaining motionless ; frequent chewing motion of mouth ; strabismus ; sopor ; high fever, pulse cannot be counted ; involuntary urination. [merc. v].
For two years indications of hydrocephalus ; head large, hanging forward ; anterior fontanelle open ; forehead protruding ; eyes sunken ; pupils enlarged ; face earthy, oedematous ; constant flow of saliva ; teeth small ; impatient desire for food. Bellad. And Phosphorus also used.
Brain troubles of drunkards.
Apoplexy, from effusion or congestion.
Sutures open, large head ; precocious development ; restless sleep ; dirty color of face ; sour night sweat ; body bathed in sweat. θ Hydrocephalus.
All sutures pressed asunder, not a single border of a bone touches its neighbor ; even eyes appear unusually protruded. θ Hydrocephalus.
Exostoses, with feeling of soreness when touched ; pain at night in bed.
Lacerating, tearing and stinging in bones of skull.
Whole external head painful to touch. s.
Multiple abscesses of head ; rachitic, anterior fontanelles open ; large abdomen ; fever, loss of appetite, diarrhoea ; great weakness, cannot sit up despite pain caused by lying down. s.
Several days after birth, swelling over parietal bone near posterior fontanelle, resembling half a goose egg in form and size, fluctuating upon pressure and circumscribed by a ring of swollen bone. θ сephalamatoma.
Scalp : tense ; contractive, tearing pain from forehead to neck, with chilliness ; painful to touch, worse when scratching, which causes bleeding ; eruption itching, dry, humid, pustular, fetid, with yellow crusts ; erysipelas worse on forehead ; hair falls out, mostly on sides and temples ; sweaty.
Fetid, sour smelling, oily sweat on head ; on forehead it is icy cold ; burning on skin ; worse at night in bed and after rising.
Moist eruption on scalp that eats away hair, with sensitive pressure, especially in sore places. s.
Small elevated scabs between hairs on scalp. s.
On forehead, between eyebrows, small patches of pustular eruption, with greenish yellow scabs. θ Impetigo.
Profuse falling out of hair, mostly on sides of head and temples. [merc. v].
Worse from heat and glare of fire ; also from daylight. s.
Optical illusions : in dark colors ; in green colors ; black points ; musca volitantes ; mistiness ; cloud ; fiery sparks ; letters seem to move.
Eyes dim, lustreless ; blear-eyed.
For one year, failing sight ; frequent temporary loss of vision ; even when not using eyes there are always dark spots or a kind of cloud before sight, constant lachrymation and aching pressing pain in eye ; she cannot bear light of fire. θ Amblyopia.
Scotoma of right eye after a fall, with dimness of vision, constant flickering before eye and floating black specks.
If she attempts to look at anything cannot distinctly recognize it, and then eyes are almost always involuntarily drawn together ; the more she tries to restrain the contraction, the less able she is to prevent it ; is obliged to lie down and close eyes. s.
Eyes forcibly drawn together, as if long deprived of sleep. s.
Fog before one or both eyes. s.
Dimness of vision ; vision weak. [merc. v].
Heat in eyes and lachrymation. s.
Burning in eyes ; itching. s.
Pressure in eyes. s.
Eyes hot, a kind of dry heat. s.
Heat, redness and pressure in both eyes. s.
Stitches in eyes.
Iritis ; syphilitic ; pains around eyes, on forehead and temples ; worse from touch ; throbbing shooting pains in eye ; hypopion ; pains severe, tearing, boring, cutting, worse at night and in damp weather ; much heat around eye and soreness of corresponding side of head ; great sensitiveness to heat, cold and light ; acrid lachrymation ; pupil contracted and covered by thin bluish film, with great tendency to formation of adhesions to lens ; iris discolored, ciliary injection.
Tearing pains in forehead and vertex ; shooting from deep within eye ; worse every evening and night ; conjunctiva of right eye greatly inflamed and swollen ; phlegmonous inflammation and swelling of lids which are painful to slightest touch ; great photophobia ; flow of hot tears from eye ; white ring around cornea ; iris brown, greenish (blue in health) ; pupil fixed ; iris inflamed and at later stage became shaped like that of ruminating animals ; fever ; sleepless at night on account of pain ; profuse sweats without relief ; every night at 12 o’clock, intolerable pains in eye almost exhausting him ; offensive odor from mouth ; much expectoration of mucus ; pappy taste ; tenesmus ; patient gouty.
Sclerotic swollen and very red ; cornea dim and showing indications of beginning formation of pus ; vertigo ; slimy mouth ; white coated tongue, yellow towards base ; loss of appetite ; great thirst ; chilliness, with heat and congestions to head ; tendency to sweat ; steaming or moist skin ; transient stitches in body and limbs ; restless and sleepless at night.
Cornea dim, red, surrounded by puffy swelling like raw meat ; burning ; light dazzles ; it seems to him as if sparks of fire were being emitted from eyes ; stitches deep in eyes and in temples ; eyelids dry and swollen ; l. eye.
Ulcers of cornea vascular and surrounded by greyish opacity ; pus between corneal layers ; onyx.
Pustule on cornea, with photophobia and lachrymation ; when eyes are well has noises in ears, and when eyes are sore top of head is so sore she cannot comb her hair ; profuse watery coryza excoriating nose. s.
Keratitis pustulosa ; pain in eye day and night, conjunctiva much congested, burning lachrymation ; excessive photophobia, eruptions around eye ; worse at night ; bad breath in morning ; wants to sleep by day and cannot at night ; pain in bones at night ; sharp sticking pains, worse at night after gaslight. s.
Vesicles on margin of cornea, eyes feel worse at night, watery eruption on face, hair falls out, nose swollen internally, cracked and unhealthy. s.
Lachrymation profuse, burning and excoriating.
Muco-purulent discharges, thin and acrid.
Lids are spasmodically closed, thick, red, swollen, excoriated, very sensitive to heat, cold and contact.
Lachrymation and photophobia (noises in ear disappear when eyes become sore) ; top of head so sore she cannot comb her hair. θ Keratitis pustulosa.
Keratitis parenchymatosa, due to hereditary syphilis.
Keratoiritis, with hypopion, pain very severe at night, eye feeling as if it was a ball of fire, lachrymation hot.
Inflammation of eyes ; cornea covered with scars from old ulcerations ; scleral vessels injected, especially between insertion of recti muscles, where sclera is slightly bulged and thinned, so that dark color of choroid shines through ; steady aching, worse at night. θ Episcleritis.
Syphilitic iritis ; condylomata in iris ; hypopion ; contraction ; discoloration and immobility ; ciliary injection, haziness of aqueous ; pains of a tearing, boring character, chiefly around eye, in forehead and temples, which are sore to touch ; throbbing, shooting, sticking pains in eye ; all worse at night.
Retinitis and choroiditis, particularly if dependent upon syphilis ; retina very sensitive in glare.
Diseases of optic nerve and retina, occurring in workers in foundries.
Great opaqueness, violent pain, dacryorrhoea, photophobia, swelling of lids. θ Keratitis vasculosa. s.
Ophthalmia neonatorum ; discharge acrid, usually thin, makes cheek sore ; particularly if caused by syphilitic leucorrhoea.
Purulent ophthalmia, with copious discharge ; lids much swollen, underneath much purulent matter which pours out in quantities on opening eyes. s.
Rheumatic, arthritic, syphilitic or gonorrhoeal ophthalmia.
Lids swollen ; sensation of a body causing dull pressive or cutting pains underneath lids, with difficulty in moving them ; daylight or candlelight insupportable and causes burning, gnawing pains in eyes which are moderately red, so that lids are closed convulsively, and can with difficulty be opened ; lids agglutinated with raw pain at their edges.
Eyelids swollen ; lids and cheeks covered with a pustular eruption ; dried pus hangs upon eyelashes ; greyish white spots upon cornea ; photophobia, lies upon face ; nose and lips swollen ; copious, thick, green, acrid discharge from nose, excoriating nose and upper lip, back of hand and forearm, upon which child wiped its nose, corroded ; glands of ears swollen ; irritable, impatient, disposed to cry. θ Scrofulous inflammation of eyes.
Chronic syphilitic ophthalmia ; vessels of conjunctiva injected and distended ; pupil linear and contracted, and anterior and posterior chambers of eyes appeared quite confused ; objects appear quite small and indistinct ; feathers appear to come from angles of eyes and hinder vision ; myopia ; frequent attacks of cramp in stomach in all phases of the moon, and on least atmospheric variation or immediately after some unusual pleasureable or painful impression ; stiffness of maxillary joint, and pain in sole of foot, could with difficulty chew and could not bear to walk ; can scarcely keep in erect position, bone pains at night preventing sleep ; must be turned in bed by means of a sheet.
Eyes inflamed, with swollen inverted tarsi and very sensitive to light. [merc. v].
Pustules on conjunctiva.
Conjunctivitis pustulosa after measles ; scrofula, with enlarged cervical glands.
Great swelling of lids, sensibility to touch, worse before midnight, no better from sweat. θ вlenorrhoea of conjunctiva.
Chronic conjunctivitis, with a fine, rosy red injection around cornea. [merc. v].
Pressure in eyes as from sand.
Burning pains, lachrymation acrid, photophobia, sensitiveness to extreme heat or cold very marked, especially heat of glaring fire and coldness of damp places. θ Granular conjunctivitis.
Pupils dilated. s.
Biting and burning in eyes, especially in open air.
Cutting, stinging or aching pains in eyes, especially when exerting them.
Great swelling, redness and constriction of lids ; they are sensitive to touch ; upper lid tight and red like a stye.
Inflammatory swelling in region of lachrymal bone.
Eyes close forcibly, whether sitting, standing or.
Lids : spasmodically closed ; erysipelatous ; sensitive to cold, heat and to touch ; raw excoriated ; burning as from fiery points.
Blepharitis. Lids red, thick and swollen, particularly upper ; sensitive ; lachrymation profuse, burning, acrid, making lids sore, red and painful ; worse in open air or by constant application of cold water.
Ciliary blepharitis caused from working over fires or forges.
Inflammation or blenorrhoea of lachrymal sac.
Cutting under lid, as from a sharp body.
Edges of lids covered with scurfs and ulcers.
Absence of cilia (nadarosis), nose sore and excoriated ; Meibomian glands ulcerated, with scurf on margins of lids.
Entropium ; ectropium ; affections of Meibomian cysts.
Styes on upper lids.
Twitching of lids.
Violent contraction of eyelids, it is difficult to open them.
Subjective sounds : various kinds of ringing ; roaring ; pulsative roaring ; buzzing.
Deafness. Sounds vibrate in ears ; obstruction momentarily better after swallowing or blowing nose ; external meatus moist ; catarrhal after catching cold ; after otitis.
Sensation of coldness in ears continually. θ Pregnancy.
Interstitial inflammation and swelling of periosteum.
Sensation as if right ear was stuffed up ; ringing in ear ; enlarged tonsils, with occlusion of Eustachian tubes and impaired hearing.
Soreness and excoriation of inner ears.
Tearing or shooting pain in ears.
Sticking and burning deep in both ears, worse in left. s.
Ears inflamed internally and externally, pain cramplike, sticking and as if stopped by swelling. s.
Stinging, tearing pains ; purulent discharge, green, offensive ; glands swollen.
Inflammation of submucous and subcutaneous cellular tissue, extending to parotid gland, which becomes swollen and tender ; throbbing pain, worse at night on getting warm in bed. θ Otitis.
Otitis after cold ; intolerable pains in whole head, but particularly in ears ; boring, tearing, stitching, with roaring and rumbling, particularly in left ear, which is externally red, hot and swollen ; pain so severe as to cause fainting ; thirst ; great restlessness ; sleeplessness.
Hardness of hearing, roaring in ears, yellow discharge. θ сhronic otitis.
Watery discharge and hemorrhage from ears, first left, then right ; sides of neck red, swollen, tender ; noises like bells ringing, whistling or running of trains, first left, then r. ; shooting from left ear through head to right and from left ear to left temple ; shooting better by cold, worse by warmth ; discharge worse by warmth ; noises and shooting worse by lying on left side ; deaf ; shooting makes her hold head and shudder ; pulse 150, feeble ; pricking in ears before discharge comes ; aching in ears, first left, then right, 5.45 P. M. [merc. v].
Since an attack of measles, twenty two years ago, has suffered from a profuse, offensive smelling discharge from right ear, to which within the last few years were associated hardness of hearing and ringing in ears ; watch could not be heard on right side, upon left side could be heard only at distance of one and a half inches ; tuning fork could be heard only on right side ; right auditory canal occluded by soft, easily bleeding polypi ; mucous membrane red, puffed, raw and very sensitive ; yellowish white, offensive, muco-purulent discharge ; polypi dropped off in six days.
Inflammation of left ear, with hardness of hearing ; subjective symptoms, as though a melody was ground upon an organ in head and after a few turns was snapped off ; sensation of fulness in ear and stopped up feeling, as though a wedge was driven in. s.
Pain beneath ear, extending down jaw. θ Otitis.
Stitching, tearing, pressing, burning pains deep in ear, extending to cheek ; ear burns externally, feels cold internally ; pinching and pressing ; ear moist.
Purulent offensive otorrhoea, with itching in ears ; vesicular eruption in face, each vesicle surrounded by a red areola ; itching nodular eruption on legs.
Enlarged cervical glands ; frequent otalgia ; chronic discharge of profuse, yellowish, very offensive pus from ear ; worse at night ; pain in ears at night ; eruption behind ears. [merc. v].
Offensive otorrhoea ; itching in ears. θ Syphilis.
Matter flows from both ears ; in forepart of right ear is a sac of matter which, when touched, discharged through ear ; pains in whole right half of head and face, she was unable to lie on that side. s.
Bloody and offensive matter flows from right ear, with tearing pain. s.
Thin earwax runs from both ears. s.
Furuncles or boils in external meatus.
Fungous excrescences in ear. s.
Polypi in external meatus, which is inflamed. s.
Swelling of glands under ear ; also inflammatory.
Swelling of nasal bones ; painful when taken hold of. s.
Nosebleed : when coughing and during sleep ; blood hangs in dark, coagulated string ; with worm symptoms, bleeding occurs at night.
Coryza, with much sneezing. s.
Food and drink rise up into choana.
Coryza. With much sneezing ; fluent, corrosive ; nostrils bleeding, scurfy ; nose red, swollen, shining ; worse from damp weather ; at night ; from either cold or warm air ; not better by sweat ; smell from nose as from an old cold ; inflammatory redness inside of nose ; with itching and formation of crusts and bleeding on cleansing nose ; chilliness in daytime, obliged to lie down ; copious sour smelling sweat at night ; part of mucus trickles down through posterior nares into throat and causes hawking, with catarrhal inflammation of larynx, trachea, bronchi and eyes ; hoarseness and roughness of voice ; dry, rough cough from continual tickling in larynx, with or without fever ; catarrhal affection of frontal sinuses and Highmorian cavities, pressive, tensive, tearing pains in forehead, cheeks, upper teeth and ears ; inflammation of tonsils and fauces ; rheumatic pains in limbs ; feverish ; does not like to be alone ; thirsty ; feels bad in a warm room and cannot bear cold either ; with chilliness ; epidemic.
Fulness and pulsation in head extending into nose ; heat predominating over chilliness. θ сatarrh.
Greenish, fetid pus from nose ; nasal bones swollen.
Acrid matter flows from nose, having odor of old cheese. s.
The nostrils are red, raw and ulcerated. θ сoryza.
Swelling of whole or only tip of nose, accompanied by pain and inflammation, followed by cancer ; pus thin, ichorous and acrid. θ сancer.
Face : pale, yellow, earthy ; red and hot cheeks ; pale and sunken ; earthy colored, puffy ; sallow ; pale and bloated ; sickly, pale ; swollen ; pale, cold ; livid ; jaundiced.
Swelling of cheeks with toothache.
Tearing, lacerating pains in face ; salivation ; from cold or caries of teeth.
Neuralgia of trigeminus from taking cold.
Swelling or breaking out of upper lip.
Yellow, dirty scurf, with fetid discharge, itching and bleeding when scratched.
Pimples on face with a bluish red halo, without itching.
Forehead red, presenting a number of small orifices, like worm holes, exuding serous fluid, margins of holes, which communicated with frontal bone, somewhat elevated ; pain in forehead when in bed, and subject to severe headache up to time when forehead was affected. [merc. v].
Upon forehead between eyebrows, small patches of a pustular eruption, with greenish yellow scabs. θ Impetigo calvities. s.
Syphilitic spots and pustules on face and forehead. s.
Tension in articulation of jaw on opening mouth. s.
Tearing in lower jaw toward evening. s.
Almost complete inability to move lower jaw or chew. [merc. v].
Cannot separate jaws. s.
Lockjaw from glandular swellings, with stinging pains.
Periostitis of lower jaw ; caries ; looseness of teeth, which are painful when touched by tongue, they fall out ; spongy, easily bleeding gums ; stitches in teeth ; toothache worse from heat.
Soft, red swelling of upper lip.
Lips : painful when touched ; dry, cracked, ulcerated ; black ; burning pimples with yellow crusts ; greatly swollen, puffed out, fissured ; thick brown crusts, extending to chin ; cannot open lips or taste food.
Corners of mouth ulcerated and painfully sore. s.
Yellowish scabs, especially around mouth.
Mumps : on right side ; pale swelling ; fever slight or absent ; high degree of inflammation ; trismus ; in young scrofulous subjects ; suppuration threatens.
Inflammation of submaxillary or sublingual glands.
Ротовая полость и горло
Toothache : with swelling of gums and salivary glands ; at night as it disappears great chilliness over whole body ; jerking, especially at night ; a pulse-like jerking from teeth of lower jaw into ear, from upper jaw into head, with painfulness of gum from 9 P. M. on ; from caries, or inflamed dentine ; returns in damp weather or evening air ; pains tearing, lacerating, shooting into face and ears ; worse from warmth of bed, from cold or warm things ; better from rubbing cheek.
Toothache during day and ceasing at night, followed by perspiration and pains, return in morning in paroxysms, with longer or shorter intervals, alternating with giddiness or tearing in limbs.
Frequent crackling in head, as from metal plates ; swelling of gums ; sensation as if teeth were fixed in a mass of pap ; burning and itching in gums ; ptyalism ; chilliness in evening ; steaming skin and tendency to sweat.
During an epidemic of influenza, toothache accompanied by fever.
Stitching, tearing pains in hollow and carious teeth, worse at night ; hard painful swelling of cheek ; profuse accumulation of saliva in mouth ; offensive breath.
Toothache commencing in a molar tooth, commencing slowly, extending up to temple, getting gradually very violent, then ceasing suddenly, attacks repeated every few minutes.
Teeth sore and loose, some are too long. θ Pregnancy.
Feeling as if all the teeth were loose. s.
Teeth are loose ; at last drop out. [merc. v].
Teeth feel too long and are sensitive.
Looseness of teeth, especially of molars ; they become denuded of the gum and turn black, with nightly pains in teeth, jaws and head. [merc. v].
All teeth except incisors lost, at least crowns of teeth, leaving only roots, with very red and very soft gums. [merc. v].
Teeth : black, dirty grey, carious, become loose in succession.
Severe throbbing pain in left upper jaw, worse at night : face swollen ; tongue whitish, moist and flabby ; teeth felt too long. [merc. v].
Copious salivation, little blisters on tongue, gums and cheeks ; large ulcers on protruding gums ; salivation arrested from taking cold, and convulsions occur ; diaper stained with yellowish, strong smelling urine ; abdomen hard and distended ; stools slimy, bloody, green and accompanied by tenesmus. θ Dentition. s.
Gums painful to touch, swollen, receding from teeth, whitish edges, bleeding, with a fetid odor from mouth.
Pulsating toothache worse at night ; gumboil.
Swelling of gums every night. s.
Gums red, swollen and covered with thin, white patches, easily removed from a non-ulcerating surface. [merc. v].
Gum has a bright red margin. [merc. v].
Gums swollen and of a livid red color. [merc. v].
Gums spongy and bleeding, partly destroyed. [merc. v].
Gum atrophies, especially on roots of lower teeth, leaving necks of teeth bare. [merc. v].
Tongue : swollen, flabby ; takes imprint of teeth ; pale ; white ; tremulous ; dry, hard ; red and dry ; red, with dark spots and burning ; moist, with intense thirst.
Tongue coated : showing impress of teeth ; thickly ; as if covered with fur, especially in morning ; black ; moist ; covered with mucus ; dirty yellow, with foul breath ; black, with red edge.
Tongue inflamed, indurated or suppurating, with pricking pains.
Tongue not swollen ; grey patches on edges and a thin dirty yellow coat on upper surface. [merc. v].
Great swelling of tongue. s.
Tongue very much swollen, painful and covered with foul ulcers, with constant oozing of blood as from a spongy tissue ; these ulcers made swallowing very difficult. [merc. v].
For several days constant crying ; child desires nothing but drinks ; tongue and gums very red, swollen and covered with white vesicles ; fever ; restlessness ; sleeplessness.
Pricking pain in tongue, with swelling, pressure on tongue painful.
Tongue as white as chalk.
Intense redness of tongue ; severe pain, especially on side from contact of teeth ; profuse salivation and tendency to fissures or ulceration ; worse from least contact of food, drink or even cold air ; cries and wrings hands in agony ; offensive breath and saliva. θ Glossitis.
Dry mouth and throat.
Mouth and tongue moist, and plenty of saliva, yet great thirst for cold water.
Much slime collects in mouth.
Salivation : saliva fetid or tastes metallic, coppery ; tenacious ; soapy and stringy.
Bloody saliva. [merc. v].
Salivation arrested from taking cold, then convulsions.
Profuse flow of saliva, breath has a mercurial odor. θ Hysteria.
Ptyalism, with nausea waking her from sleep, particularly after midnight. θ Pregnancy.
Mouth sore and studded with small vesicles. θ Scarlatina.
Salivation and scorbutic gums. θ сrusta lactea.
Odor from mouth. вad, fetid ; disagreeable, sweetish ; very offensive, more noticed by persons at distance than by patient himself.
Sickly smell from mouth. θ сhronic diarrhoea.
Mucous membrane of mouth pale, with numerous erosions. [merc. v].
Bluish color of inner cheeks. θ Scurvy.
Internal swelling of upper lip. s.
Mouth inflamed, with burning aphthous ulcers ; copious, fetid, ropy saliva ; scorbutic gums ; large blisters in mouth ; whole mouth sore.
Aphtha of children, stomacace.
Inflammation in whole buccal cavity. θ Thrush.
Confluent thrush, changing into cankers ; ptyalism ; bad smell from mouth ; feverishness ; green, slimy stools.
Thrush ; constant crying ; emaciation ; tongue as if covered with thick, white fur ; deglutition difficult ; will not nurse ; grass green passages from bowels ; no discharge of urine for thirty-six hours ; coldness.
Small ulcers, with lardaceous base and red inflamed edges on tongue and inside of lips and cheeks.
After catarrhal or gastric fever, small round vesicles upon reddened mucous membrane of mouth, which soon open and form flat ulcers with red edges and white or yellowish base.
Confluent ulcers in mouth, with ptyalism ; offensive odor from mouth.
Oval ulcer on gum, nearly an inch in length, with irregular edges ; ulcer also at corner of mouth ; small ulcers on mucous membrane of cheek ; ptyalism.
Scorbutic gums ; saliva copious, offensive, bloody ; ulcers with bases like lard ; inflammation of whole buccal cavity and ulcers upon gums ; glands swollen ; diarrhoea, with tenesmus.
Diffuse redness of whole mucous membrane of mouth, with profuse flow of saliva. θ Stomatitis from use of chewing gum. s.
After typhoid fever, painful cracks on tongue and ulcers on inner surface of lips and cheeks ; blandest food causes intolerable biting pains.
Ulcers : appear on gums, tongue, throat, inside of cheek, with salivation ; irregular in shape ; undefined edges ; dirty, unhealthy look ; lardaceous base, surrounded with a dark halo ; apt to run together ; the syphilitic ulcers are circular, attack posterior parts of mouth, have well-defined edges, surrounded with a coppery hue, they do not extend from their primary seat. [merc. v].
Syphilitic ulceration of mouth ; ulcers rapidly affect surrounding parts, tonsils, larynx and pharynx becoming affected ; ulcers extend in depth, begin to suppurate or emit an offensive odor ; voice becomes hoarse, child becomes emaciated and death threatens from slow fever.
Orifice of excretory duct of salivary gland between last teeth, swollen, white, ulcerated and extremely painful. s.
Pain, swelling and ulceration of salivary glands. s.
Right sublingual glands as large as hazel nuts, and very hard. [merc. v].
Ranula, right side ; had been opened several times and half a teacup full of fluid removed, but always returned five or six days afterwards.
Uvula elongated, enlarged, greatly swollen.
Redness and swelling of soft palate, tonsils and whole oral cavity.
Soft palate and especially uvula of a coppery red color ; on left side a long, superficial ulcer. [merc. v].
Dryness of palate, as if caused by heat ; constantly obliged to swallow.
Difficult deglutition.
Fluids return through nose.
Sticking pains in tonsils when swallowing.
Pain when swallowing as if a foreign body was swallowed down.
Burning in throat as from hot vapor ascending from stomach.
Great heat rises to throat. s.
Painful dryness of throat, with mouth full of saliva ; rawness, roughness and burning in throat.
Throat constantly dry ; it hurt as if too tight posteriorly ; a pressure in it if he swallowed, yet he was constantly obliged to swallow, because mouth was always full of water. s.
Pain in throat, as if an apple core was sticking in it. s.
Stitches posteriorly in throat, penetrating ear when swallowing. s.
Angina : great dryness in mouth and throat ; expectoration of masses of mucus from pharynx and choana ; ptyalism ; face pale red ; left side swollen ; dry heat, with confusion of head ; burning skin ; constant thirst ; frequent, strong pulse ; severe chill, with drawing in limbs and lassitude ; nauseating belching ; beating in left precordia ; severe drawing pain in nape and down back ; pain in parotid glands and muscles of neck, not worse by motion ; fever worse in evening ; thick, white coat on tongue ; stitching pain in throat when moving jaw ; pain extending to ears ; vertigo when rising ; stitches in occiput, with slight cough ; severe headache, particularly in left temple ; severe dull pain in occiput ; skin of head and face seems tense ; fauces of a coppery red color ; soft palate and tonsils greatly swollen, dark red and pressed forward ; stinging pains from empty swallowing at night and in cold air ; worse Spring and Fall and in wet, cold weather ; epidemic, young people especially affected ; chronic or habitual.
Inflammation of throat, extending upwards into posterior nares and downwards into larynx ; increased secretion of acid saliva.
Sensation as if food had to pass over a foreign body ; as if there was a burnt spot in pharynx ; when not swallowing painful tension and pressure in region of pharynx, worse from external pressure.
Suppuration of tonsils, with sharp, sticking pain in fauces when swallowing. s.
Tonsils much enlarged. [merc. v].
Tonsils dark red ; studded with ulcers ; stinging pains in fauces ; quinsy only after pus has formed to hasten maturing.
Ulcer as large as point of knitting needle upon inflamed tonsils. θ Angina.
Slimy saliva flowing in strings from mouth, of a greyish color ; whitish, smeary concretions upon tonsils.
Mucous membrane of pharynx swollen in spots. [merc. v].
Trickling of mucus back into pharynx ; swelling and excoriation ; itching and bleeding of nose ; bad looking pimple on nose ; unpleasant odor. θ Pharyngeal catarrh.
Headache ; fever ; vomiting ; convulsions ; unconsciousness, with somnolency ; swelling of right tonsil, with some whitish grey, soft exudate. θ Diphtheria. s.
Diphtheritic membrane commences in one of arches of pharynx or in uvula ; mucous membrane of throat purplish ; tongue dirty grey, flabby, and takes imprint of teeth ; ptyalism, bleeding of gums ; submaxillary glands and parotids swollen hard, trismus ; profuse, clammy sweat at night ; desire for milk. θ Diphtheria. s.
Erysipelatous inflammation of throat.
Syphilitic ulcers in throat and mouth.
Syphilitic ulcers in throat after local treatment of chancre upon genitals.
Mucous patches in throat, swollen glands, right side, fever.
Slight redness of throat ; several flat ulcers ; worse in bad weather ; tickling in throat, stitches when swallowing ; two small, flat ulcers upon genitals. θ Syphilis.
Angina faucium, with grey ulceration, hoarseness, fetor of breath. θ Secondary syphilis.
Lymphatic glands of throat hard and large.
Hoarse, rough voice ; burning, rawness and tickling in larynx ; fluent coryza and sore throat ; worse from least current of air ; sweat without relief.
Lack of voice, not clear, or trembling.
Chronic hoarseness ; tendency to sweat ; profuse accumulation of saliva.
Aphonia, catarrhal or syphilitic, or occasioned by nervous paralysis.
Eyes full of tears ; red about wings of nose ; much sneezing ; dulness of head. θ Hoarseness.
Intense catarrhal inflammation of throat, with mucous follicles swollen to size of hemp seed.
Complete aphonia from straining voice when just recovered from a former hoarseness ; talked in whisper, every attempt to talk audibly sent blood to face and tears to eyes ; slight burning in region of larynx.
Stiffness of neck, dry, racking cough and occasional expectoration of blood. θ сhronic laryngitis.
Laryngo tracheitis.
Roughness, burning, sensation of soreness in throat and under sternum, hoarseness and covered voice, cough dry, rough, concussive, exhausting, worse at night ; expectoration tough, watery, like saliva, foul, with streaks of blood ; catarrhal headache ; fluent coryza ; diarrhoea ; fever ; sweating fails to relieve. θ вronchitis.
Toothache during day and ceasing at night, followed by perspiration and pains, return in morning in paroxysms, with longer or shorter intervals, alternating with giddiness or tearing in limbs.
Frequent crackling in head, as from metal plates ; swelling of gums ; sensation as if teeth were fixed in a mass of pap ; burning and itching in gums ; ptyalism ; chilliness in evening ; steaming skin and tendency to sweat.
During an epidemic of influenza, toothache accompanied by fever.
Stitching, tearing pains in hollow and carious teeth, worse at night ; hard painful swelling of cheek ; profuse accumulation of saliva in mouth ; offensive breath.
Toothache commencing in a molar tooth, commencing slowly, extending up to temple, getting gradually very violent, then ceasing suddenly, attacks repeated every few minutes.
Teeth sore and loose, some are too long. θ Pregnancy.
Feeling as if all the teeth were loose. s.
Teeth are loose ; at last drop out. [merc. v].
Teeth feel too long and are sensitive.
Looseness of teeth, especially of molars ; they become denuded of the gum and turn black, with nightly pains in teeth, jaws and head. [merc. v].
All teeth except incisors lost, at least crowns of teeth, leaving only roots, with very red and very soft gums. [merc. v].
Teeth : black, dirty grey, carious, become loose in succession.
Severe throbbing pain in left upper jaw, worse at night : face swollen ; tongue whitish, moist and flabby ; teeth felt too long. [merc. v].
Copious salivation, little blisters on tongue, gums and cheeks ; large ulcers on protruding gums ; salivation arrested from taking cold, and convulsions occur ; diaper stained with yellowish, strong smelling urine ; abdomen hard and distended ; stools slimy, bloody, green and accompanied by tenesmus. θ Dentition. s.
Gums painful to touch, swollen, receding from teeth, whitish edges, bleeding, with a fetid odor from mouth.
Pulsating toothache worse at night ; gumboil.
Swelling of gums every night. s.
Gums red, swollen and covered with thin, white patches, easily removed from a non-ulcerating surface. [merc. v].
Gum has a bright red margin. [merc. v].
Gums swollen and of a livid red color. [merc. v].
Gums spongy and bleeding, partly destroyed. [merc. v].
Gum atrophies, especially on roots of lower teeth, leaving necks of teeth bare. [merc. v].
Tongue : swollen, flabby ; takes imprint of teeth ; pale ; white ; tremulous ; dry, hard ; red and dry ; red, with dark spots and burning ; moist, with intense thirst.
Tongue coated : showing impress of teeth ; thickly ; as if covered with fur, especially in morning ; black ; moist ; covered with mucus ; dirty yellow, with foul breath ; black, with red edge.
Tongue inflamed, indurated or suppurating, with pricking pains.
Tongue not swollen ; grey patches on edges and a thin dirty yellow coat on upper surface. [merc. v].
Great swelling of tongue. s.
Tongue very much swollen, painful and covered with foul ulcers, with constant oozing of blood as from a spongy tissue ; these ulcers made swallowing very difficult. [merc. v].
For several days constant crying ; child desires nothing but drinks ; tongue and gums very red, swollen and covered with white vesicles ; fever ; restlessness ; sleeplessness.
Pricking pain in tongue, with swelling, pressure on tongue painful.
Tongue as white as chalk.
Intense redness of tongue ; severe pain, especially on side from contact of teeth ; profuse salivation and tendency to fissures or ulceration ; worse from least contact of food, drink or even cold air ; cries and wrings hands in agony ; offensive breath and saliva. θ Glossitis.
Dry mouth and throat.
Mouth and tongue moist, and plenty of saliva, yet great thirst for cold water.
Much slime collects in mouth.
Salivation : saliva fetid or tastes metallic, coppery ; tenacious ; soapy and stringy.
Bloody saliva. [merc. v].
Salivation arrested from taking cold, then convulsions.
Profuse flow of saliva, breath has a mercurial odor. θ Hysteria.
Ptyalism, with nausea waking her from sleep, particularly after midnight. θ Pregnancy.
Mouth sore and studded with small vesicles. θ Scarlatina.
Salivation and scorbutic gums. θ сrusta lactea.
Odor from mouth. вad, fetid ; disagreeable, sweetish ; very offensive, more noticed by persons at distance than by patient himself.
Sickly smell from mouth. θ сhronic diarrhoea.
Mucous membrane of mouth pale, with numerous erosions. [merc. v].
Bluish color of inner cheeks. θ Scurvy.
Internal swelling of upper lip. s.
Mouth inflamed, with burning aphthous ulcers ; copious, fetid, ropy saliva ; scorbutic gums ; large blisters in mouth ; whole mouth sore.
Aphtha of children, stomacace.
Inflammation in whole buccal cavity. θ Thrush.
Confluent thrush, changing into cankers ; ptyalism ; bad smell from mouth ; feverishness ; green, slimy stools.
Thrush ; constant crying ; emaciation ; tongue as if covered with thick, white fur ; deglutition difficult ; will not nurse ; grass green passages from bowels ; no discharge of urine for thirty-six hours ; coldness.
Small ulcers, with lardaceous base and red inflamed edges on tongue and inside of lips and cheeks.
After catarrhal or gastric fever, small round vesicles upon reddened mucous membrane of mouth, which soon open and form flat ulcers with red edges and white or yellowish base.
Confluent ulcers in mouth, with ptyalism ; offensive odor from mouth.
Oval ulcer on gum, nearly an inch in length, with irregular edges ; ulcer also at corner of mouth ; small ulcers on mucous membrane of cheek ; ptyalism.
Scorbutic gums ; saliva copious, offensive, bloody ; ulcers with bases like lard ; inflammation of whole buccal cavity and ulcers upon gums ; glands swollen ; diarrhoea, with tenesmus.
Diffuse redness of whole mucous membrane of mouth, with profuse flow of saliva. θ Stomatitis from use of chewing gum. s.
After typhoid fever, painful cracks on tongue and ulcers on inner surface of lips and cheeks ; blandest food causes intolerable biting pains.
Ulcers : appear on gums, tongue, throat, inside of cheek, with salivation ; irregular in shape ; undefined edges ; dirty, unhealthy look ; lardaceous base, surrounded with a dark halo ; apt to run together ; the syphilitic ulcers are circular, attack posterior parts of mouth, have well-defined edges, surrounded with a coppery hue, they do not extend from their primary seat. [merc. v].
Syphilitic ulceration of mouth ; ulcers rapidly affect surrounding parts, tonsils, larynx and pharynx becoming affected ; ulcers extend in depth, begin to suppurate or emit an offensive odor ; voice becomes hoarse, child becomes emaciated and death threatens from slow fever.
Orifice of excretory duct of salivary gland between last teeth, swollen, white, ulcerated and extremely painful. s.
Pain, swelling and ulceration of salivary glands. s.
Right sublingual glands as large as hazel nuts, and very hard. [merc. v].
Ranula, right side ; had been opened several times and half a teacup full of fluid removed, but always returned five or six days afterwards.
Uvula elongated, enlarged, greatly swollen.
Redness and swelling of soft palate, tonsils and whole oral cavity.
Soft palate and especially uvula of a coppery red color ; on left side a long, superficial ulcer. [merc. v].
Dryness of palate, as if caused by heat ; constantly obliged to swallow.
Difficult deglutition.
Fluids return through nose.
Sticking pains in tonsils when swallowing.
Pain when swallowing as if a foreign body was swallowed down.
Burning in throat as from hot vapor ascending from stomach.
Great heat rises to throat. s.
Painful dryness of throat, with mouth full of saliva ; rawness, roughness and burning in throat.
Throat constantly dry ; it hurt as if too tight posteriorly ; a pressure in it if he swallowed, yet he was constantly obliged to swallow, because mouth was always full of water. s.
Pain in throat, as if an apple core was sticking in it. s.
Stitches posteriorly in throat, penetrating ear when swallowing. s.
Angina : great dryness in mouth and throat ; expectoration of masses of mucus from pharynx and choana ; ptyalism ; face pale red ; left side swollen ; dry heat, with confusion of head ; burning skin ; constant thirst ; frequent, strong pulse ; severe chill, with drawing in limbs and lassitude ; nauseating belching ; beating in left precordia ; severe drawing pain in nape and down back ; pain in parotid glands and muscles of neck, not worse by motion ; fever worse in evening ; thick, white coat on tongue ; stitching pain in throat when moving jaw ; pain extending to ears ; vertigo when rising ; stitches in occiput, with slight cough ; severe headache, particularly in left temple ; severe dull pain in occiput ; skin of head and face seems tense ; fauces of a coppery red color ; soft palate and tonsils greatly swollen, dark red and pressed forward ; stinging pains from empty swallowing at night and in cold air ; worse Spring and Fall and in wet, cold weather ; epidemic, young people especially affected ; chronic or habitual.
Inflammation of throat, extending upwards into posterior nares and downwards into larynx ; increased secretion of acid saliva.
Sensation as if food had to pass over a foreign body ; as if there was a burnt spot in pharynx ; when not swallowing painful tension and pressure in region of pharynx, worse from external pressure.
Suppuration of tonsils, with sharp, sticking pain in fauces when swallowing. s.
Tonsils much enlarged. [merc. v].
Tonsils dark red ; studded with ulcers ; stinging pains in fauces ; quinsy only after pus has formed to hasten maturing.
Ulcer as large as point of knitting needle upon inflamed tonsils. θ Angina.
Slimy saliva flowing in strings from mouth, of a greyish color ; whitish, smeary concretions upon tonsils.
Mucous membrane of pharynx swollen in spots. [merc. v].
Trickling of mucus back into pharynx ; swelling and excoriation ; itching and bleeding of nose ; bad looking pimple on nose ; unpleasant odor. θ Pharyngeal catarrh.
Headache ; fever ; vomiting ; convulsions ; unconsciousness, with somnolency ; swelling of right tonsil, with some whitish grey, soft exudate. θ Diphtheria. s.
Diphtheritic membrane commences in one of arches of pharynx or in uvula ; mucous membrane of throat purplish ; tongue dirty grey, flabby, and takes imprint of teeth ; ptyalism, bleeding of gums ; submaxillary glands and parotids swollen hard, trismus ; profuse, clammy sweat at night ; desire for milk. θ Diphtheria. s.
Erysipelatous inflammation of throat.
Syphilitic ulcers in throat and mouth.
Syphilitic ulcers in throat after local treatment of chancre upon genitals.
Mucous patches in throat, swollen glands, right side, fever.
Slight redness of throat ; several flat ulcers ; worse in bad weather ; tickling in throat, stitches when swallowing ; two small, flat ulcers upon genitals. θ Syphilis.
Angina faucium, with grey ulceration, hoarseness, fetor of breath. θ Secondary syphilis.
Lymphatic glands of throat hard and large.
Hoarse, rough voice ; burning, rawness and tickling in larynx ; fluent coryza and sore throat ; worse from least current of air ; sweat without relief.
Lack of voice, not clear, or trembling.
Chronic hoarseness ; tendency to sweat ; profuse accumulation of saliva.
Aphonia, catarrhal or syphilitic, or occasioned by nervous paralysis.
Eyes full of tears ; red about wings of nose ; much sneezing ; dulness of head. θ Hoarseness.
Intense catarrhal inflammation of throat, with mucous follicles swollen to size of hemp seed.
Complete aphonia from straining voice when just recovered from a former hoarseness ; talked in whisper, every attempt to talk audibly sent blood to face and tears to eyes ; slight burning in region of larynx.
Stiffness of neck, dry, racking cough and occasional expectoration of blood. θ сhronic laryngitis.
Laryngo tracheitis.
Roughness, burning, sensation of soreness in throat and under sternum, hoarseness and covered voice, cough dry, rough, concussive, exhausting, worse at night ; expectoration tough, watery, like saliva, foul, with streaks of blood ; catarrhal headache ; fluent coryza ; diarrhoea ; fever ; sweating fails to relieve. θ вronchitis.
Аппетит и пищевые пристрастия
Taste : sweetish ; illusive sensation as if body was made up of sweets ; slimy ; salty on tongue and lips ; of bad eggs ; bitter ; putrid ; metallic ; flat ; fecal, putrid.
Bread tastes sweet. s.
Loss of taste.
Speech : quick, stuttering ; tremulous ; impeded ; difficult. [merc. v].
Complete loss of speech.
Difficulty in speaking and masticating. [merc. v].
Speech difficult : on account of trembling of mouth and tongue ; masseter muscles contracted.
Canine hunger even after eating ; relishes nothing ; grows weaker and weaker. θ Worms.
Complete loss of appetite. s.
Much thirst day and night. s.
Thirst violent, burning, especially for beer and cold drinks.
Great thirst for ice water, though it makes cough worse. θ вronchitis.
Bread tastes sweet. s.
Loss of taste.
Speech : quick, stuttering ; tremulous ; impeded ; difficult. [merc. v].
Complete loss of speech.
Difficulty in speaking and masticating. [merc. v].
Speech difficult : on account of trembling of mouth and tongue ; masseter muscles contracted.
Canine hunger even after eating ; relishes nothing ; grows weaker and weaker. θ Worms.
Complete loss of appetite. s.
Much thirst day and night. s.
Thirst violent, burning, especially for beer and cold drinks.
Great thirst for ice water, though it makes cough worse. θ вronchitis.
Общие симптомы
Desire : for milk ; for sweets, but they disagree ; for beer ; for liquid food ; for bread and butter. s.
Aversion : to meat ; to wine and brandy ; to coffee ; to greasy food ; to butter. s.
Worse after drinking ; from drinking wine ; from spirituous liquors ; from coffee ; from cold drinks.
Open air : head as if in a vice,.
In room : head feels as if in a vice, .
Warmth : shooting in ear.
Warmth of bed : tension over forehead.
Warmth of stove : does not better chill.
Warm drink : causes sweat.
In hot Summer : wears a heavy overcoat.
Heat : eyes.
Least atmospheric variation : attacks of cramps of stomach ; painful stiffness of all limbs.
Either cold or warm air : coryza.
Cold or warm things : toothache.
Hot or cold applications : ulcers on leg.
Washing : throbbing in vagina.
Cold water : blepharitis.
Damp weather : pains in eyes worse : coryza.
Coldness of damp places : eyes very sensitive.
Wet, cold weather : stinging pains in throat.
Bad weather : ulcers in throat.
Aversion to uncover : heat.
Cold : cannot bear it ; eyes sensitive ; shooting in ear ; throbbing in vagina.
Cold air : tongue painful : stinging in throat ; asthma ; when undressing, itching.
Draft of air : pain in vagina ; hoarseness.
Evening air : toothache ; colic ; diarrhoea.
Night air : cough.
Cold drinks : great thirst, with heat.
After catching cold in a sudden shower : painful swelling of foot, followed by abscess.
Sweat : profuse, offensive ; does not , may even worse suffering ; on every motion, immediately on drinking something warm ; while walking ; day and night, though more at night ; in evening in bed ; falls asleep while perspiring ; profuse and very debilitating at night ; in morning ; towards morning, with thirst and palpitation or nausea ; from least exertion, even when eating ; clammy and cold, driving out of bed ; peculiar, sour smelling, shrivelling fingers and bedewing feet ; profuse, cold on face though rest of body is dry ; offensive, cold, oily, clammy and burns skin ; soaking through bedclothes ; stains linen saffron yellow ; cannot be removed by washing ; profuse, fetid, tinging linen yellow and stiffening it.
Complaints increase during sweat.
As if there was a vibrating in forehead and a turning about in a circle ; as if in a swing ; forehead as if bandaged or in a hoop ; pain as if just beneath scalp, as if it was too heavy and tight on brain ; as if head would burst ; head as if constricted by a band ; head as if in a vice ; head as if getting larger and larger ; eyes as if long deprived of sleep ; as if sparks of fire were being emitted from eyes ; eye as if it was a ball of fire ; as of a body underneath lids ; as if feathers came from corners of eyes ; as of sand in eyes ; as of fiery points in eyes ; as if right ear was stuffed up ; ears as if stopped by swelling ; as though a wedge was driven in ear ; crackling in head as from metal plates ; as if teeth were fixed in a mass of pap ; as if teeth were loose or too long ; as if foreign body was swallowed down ; as from hot vapor ascending from stomach ; throat as if too tight posteriorly ; as if an apple core was in throat ; as if food had to pass over a foreign body ; as if there was a burnt spot ; pressure in abdomen as from a stone ; as if bowels had to be held up ; as if bowels fell to side on which he lies ; intestines as if pressed ; stabbing in abdomen as from knives ; as if bowels were cut to pieces ; as if bowels would be forced out ; as of something heavy pulling downward close above genitals ; as if muscles and tendons were too short ; as if mamma would ulcerate ; as if everything in chest was dry ; as if head and chest would burst ; weakness at heart as if dying ; agitation as if frightened ; pain in sacrum as if one had been lying on too hard a couch ; arm as if too heavy, as if broken or beaten ; pain in right thigh as if bruised ; as if knee was larger ; pain as if sprained in tarsal joints ; as if all his limbs would fall from him ; pain in bones as if broken ; itching as from fleabites ; burning as from fire in eruption.
Pain : in bone beneath eyebrow ; in periosteum and bones of face ; in forehead ; around eyes, on forehead and temples ; in sole of foot ; around ear down jaw ; in ears ; in whole right half of head and face ; of salivary glands ; in parotid glands and muscles of neck ; from throat to ear ; in shoulders ; in limbs ; in region of liver ; in rectum, sometimes to back ; over right hypochondrium ; in left testicle and along cord ; in inguinal region ; in mamma ; in small of back ; in chest ; in sacrum ; in right thigh ; in sinews of left thigh ; in right tarsal joints ; in bones ; in bowels.
Frightful pain : in bowels.
Raging pain : in forehead.
Sore, maddening pain : in mamma.
Intolerable pain : in eye ; in whole head, worse in ears.
Violent pain : in head ; in eyes ; in spine ; in foot.
Acute pain : striking forward through chest to right scapula ; in tarsal bones of left foot ; in impetigo figurata.
Severe pain : in eyes ; in tongue ; in head ; at anus ; in spine ; in ulcers in mouth.
Severe dull pain : in occiput.
Tearing pain : in forehead and vertex ; in left temple ; from head to teeth and neck ; in eyes ; in ears ; in lower jaw ; in limbs ; in head ; in coccyx ; in hip joint and knee ; in femur ; in lower limbs.
Tearing, lacerating, shooting : into face and ear.
Tearing, lacerating : in face.
Tearing, drawing : in head ; from heel to buttocks.
Lacerating : in shoulder joints, arms and wrists.
Stabbing : in abdomen ; in left side under short ribs.
Lancinating, darting : in ulcers on leg ; in cancerous ulcers.
Lancinating, boring, pressing : in abdomen.
Tearing, constricting, pinching : in abdomen.
Lacerating, tearing, stinging : in bones of skull.
Gnawing, lacerating : in knee joint.
Boring, tearing, stitching : in ears.
Pressive, tensive tearing : in forehead, cheeks, upper teeth and ears.
Boring : from head to teeth and neck ; in eyes ; preventing sleep ; in uterus ; in right glutei muscles ; in tibia ; in exostoses.
Cutting : in eyes ; in intestines ; in abdomen ; from stomach to genitals ; in abdomen.
Dull, cutting, pressive pain : underneath lids.
Burning, gnawing : in eyes.
Pinching : in ear ; in abdomen.
Pressive boring : in right groin.
Violent beating : in arteries ; in left precordia.
Severe throbbing pain : in left upper jaw ; otitis ; of vagina.
Throbbing, shooting : in eye.
Pulsating pains : in hip joint and knee.
Violent stitches : in hepatic region ; in right ilium.
Transient stitches : in body and limbs.
Stitching, tearing, pressing, burning : deep in ear to cheek.
Stitching, tearing : in hollow and carious teeth ; under false ribs and in hepatic region.
Single pointed stitches : in region of external condyle of tibia.
Stitches : through whole head ; in ears ; in eyes ; deep in eyes and temples ; in teeth ; posteriorly in throat ; in occiput ; in liver ; in last right rib and inguinal region ; in back and scapula ; through chest to back ; in anterior and upper portion of chest ; in right chest ; in glands ; flashing periodically through hip joint ; in thighs and legs ; from head to teeth ; in right hypochondrium ; in region of liver ; in uterus ; in small of back and legs ; in hip joint, knees and feet ; in lower limbs ; in red spots on small of back.
Cutting stitch : in lower abdomen.
Severe shooting pain : from deep within eye ; in ears ; from l. ear to right ; from left ear to left temple.
Stinging, tearing : in ears.
Sharp sticking : in eyes ; in fauces ; deep in both ears ; in tonsils ; in small of back.
Severe stitching, burning : in whole convex portion of liver to spine.
Stinging : in jaw ; in throat ; in fauces ; in region of liver ; in urethra ; in small of back ; in hip joint, femur and knee ; in pimple on nates.
Violent griping : in bowels.
Twisting, constricting pains : in abdomen.
Violent tensive pain : in posterior part of left thigh and in buttock, extending as far as knee.
Cramps : in stomach.
Dragging : in loins and lumbar region.
Drawing pain : from testicles into abdomen, down legs to feet ; in testicles, groin and spermatic cord ; in inguinal region ; in tibia ; in nape and down back.
Pulling pain : in both thighs.
Aching : in eye ; in ears ; in teeth ; in uterus ; at apex of heart.
Pressive pain : in left temple ; in head ; in liver ; in glands ; in periosteum of right tibia.
Dull pain : in region of liver.
Sudden pain : in nape of neck and upper and lower limbs.
Rheumatic pains : in head ; in limbs ; in legs ; of shoulders and upper arms.
Aching, pressing pain : in eye.
Sore pain : deep in pelvis ; in mamma.
Pricking pain : in ulcers.
Extremely painful : orifice of excretory duct of salivary gland.
Raw pain : at edges of lids.
Intolerable biting pain : on tongue.
Burning : in urethra ; in genitals ; after scratching ; from head to teeth and neck ; in eyes ; in ears ; in stomach ; in bowels ; in back ; in herpes zoster, like a girdle from back around abdomen ; in head, worse left temple ; in forehead ; of skin of forehead ; in eyes ; in gums ; in throat ; in region of larynx ; of skin ; at anus ; of penis ; of vagina ; from fauces down ; in scaly herpes ; of nates ; of tetter in bend of elbows, inguinal region and hollow of knee.
Burning, biting : during micturition.
Stinging, burning : eczema of hands.
Biting : in eyes ; in genitals.
Heat : in eyes ; around eyes ; rises in throat.
Burning rawness : in larynx.
Burning, stinging, gnawing : in ulcers on leg.
Pricking, stinging : in veins.
Pricking : in ears ; in tongue.
Bruised feeling : in intestines ; of scapula, back and small of back.
Soreness : of hemorrhoids ; exostoses ; on sides of head ; of top of head ; of lids ; of nose ; of inner ears ; of teeth ; of corners of mouth ; of mouth ; of hepatic region ; of intestines ; of hemorrhoids ; in region of bladder ; of foreskin ; between scrotum and thighs ; of groins ; of nipples under sternum ; from fauces down.
Painful pressure : in region of pharynx.
Painful dryness : in throat.
Painful stiffness : of right wrist joint.
Painful tension : in knee and elbow joints ; in wrists and ankles.
Sensitiveness : of lymphatic vessels of nympha.
Tenderness : across hypochondria and epigastrium ; over r. hypochondrium.
Rawness : in throat ; of anus and adjacent parts ; in genitals ; of nipples.
Sensation : under manubrium.
Pulse-like jerking : from teeth to lower jaw into ear, from upper jaw into head.
Throbbing : in veins.
Pulsating : in forehead ; in head ; toothache ; in abdomen.
Twitching : of lids, of arms and fingers ; in limbs ; of arms and legs.
Thrill : in urethra when urine passes.
Trembling : of whole body ; of heart ; of extremities ; of hands and tongue.
Spasmodic contraction : when coughing or sneezing.
Pressure : in ear ; in abdomen ; in head ; in forehead ; in eyes ; on tongue ; in throat ; in stomach ; in epigastrium ; in abdomen ; in genitals ; from stomach to genitals.
Tension : over forehead ; in articulation of jaw ; in region of pharynx ; of precordium.
Pressing together : of chest.
Constriction : of lids ; of stomach ; in rectum.
Bearing down pressure : in lower abdomen.
Drawing : in limbs ; with pressure in testicles.
Rheumatic stiffness : of neck.
Fulness : in ear ; in head ; across epigastrium and hypochondria ; in rectum.
Oppression : in epigastrium ; of chest.
Uneasiness : in legs.
Heaviness : in head.
Weight : in lungs.
Weariness : in legs.
Confusion : in head.
Shaking sensation : of bowels.
Rumbling sensation : in abdomen.
Weakness : at heart.
Weakness like a dulness : in head.
Peculiar weak feeling : in abdomen.
Tickling : in larynx ; in throat ; beneath upper portion of chest ; in bronchia.
Roughness : in throat ; from fauces down.
Dryness : of tongue ; of lips ; of eyelids ; of palate ; in mouth ; in throat ; in bronchia ; in chest.
Numbness : down left leg.
Intolerable sticking, itching : here and there over body ; prurigo.
Intense itching : by presence of urine on parts ; in eruption on hands ; on all parts of body.
Terrible itching and burning : on various places.
Voluptuous itching : of tetter on right forearm.
Biting, itching : over abdomen.
Itching, stitching : impetigo figurata.
Pricking, itching : in sacrum.
Sensitive itching : of labia majora.
Itching : in eyes ; in ears ; in nodular eruption on legs ; in nose ; in gums ; of anus ; in scrotum ; of vagina ; of genitals ; over whole body ; of herpes zoster.
Coldness : in ears ; in testicles ; in lower limbs ; of arms and legs.
Ascites from organic lesions of liver ; anasarca after scarlatina.
Edema of face, hands and feet, with anemia.
Blood coagulates easily ; throbbing or pricking stinging in veins.
Epistaxis ; hemorrhages in old women after climacteric period ; hamaturia in typhoid fever ; blonde hair, lax skin and muscles ; tongue and mouth moist, with thirst ; sweat of feet without odor ; disposition earnest, anxious ; blood light colored ; scorbutic condition of gums. θ Hemorrhages.
Bone pains ; worse at night ; boring pains in exostoses.
Glandular swellings, with or without suppuration, but especially if suppuration is profuse.
Exostoses ; caries ; pains in bones as if broken.
Abscesses in joints.
Rheumatic-catarrhal inflammations, with disposition to sweat.
Rheumatism, especially in cases of syphilitic origin or complication, affecting joints, bones, or periosteum, swelling of joints, pale or slightly red, puffy or oedematous ; pains tearing, drawing, shooting, pressing ; in bones as if broken ; in joints as if sprained ; worse evenings and at night, and insupportable in heat of bed ; accompanied by profuse sweat (often sour or offensive smelling) without better pains.
Gouty, shining red swellings.
Gouty and rheumatic pains, with sweats without relief.
Excessive emaciation. [merc. v].
Glandular swellings with or without suppuration.
Cold swellings ; slowly suppurating abscesses.
Suppuration, especially if too profuse.
Ulcerations : very superficial and widespread ; with whitish grey bases, bleeding easily and exuding thin matter ; spreading, spongy, readily bleeding and extremely painful ; unequal elevations and depressions in floor of ulcer ; cancerous, with severe shooting, lancinating pain, not better by either hot or cold applications ; fungous, chancrous, phagedenic, carious and syphilitic.
Chancre ; gonorrhoea ; blenorrhagia uretheralis and vaginalis.
Erysipelatous inflammation, especially about joints.
Gangrene of lips, cheeks and gums ; inflammation and swelling of glands of neck ; pains worse by hot or cold applications.
Breath and whole body smell foul. [merc. v].
Aversion : to meat ; to wine and brandy ; to coffee ; to greasy food ; to butter. s.
Worse after drinking ; from drinking wine ; from spirituous liquors ; from coffee ; from cold drinks.
Open air : head as if in a vice,.
In room : head feels as if in a vice, .
Warmth : shooting in ear.
Warmth of bed : tension over forehead.
Warmth of stove : does not better chill.
Warm drink : causes sweat.
In hot Summer : wears a heavy overcoat.
Heat : eyes.
Least atmospheric variation : attacks of cramps of stomach ; painful stiffness of all limbs.
Either cold or warm air : coryza.
Cold or warm things : toothache.
Hot or cold applications : ulcers on leg.
Washing : throbbing in vagina.
Cold water : blepharitis.
Damp weather : pains in eyes worse : coryza.
Coldness of damp places : eyes very sensitive.
Wet, cold weather : stinging pains in throat.
Bad weather : ulcers in throat.
Aversion to uncover : heat.
Cold : cannot bear it ; eyes sensitive ; shooting in ear ; throbbing in vagina.
Cold air : tongue painful : stinging in throat ; asthma ; when undressing, itching.
Draft of air : pain in vagina ; hoarseness.
Evening air : toothache ; colic ; diarrhoea.
Night air : cough.
Cold drinks : great thirst, with heat.
After catching cold in a sudden shower : painful swelling of foot, followed by abscess.
Sweat : profuse, offensive ; does not , may even worse suffering ; on every motion, immediately on drinking something warm ; while walking ; day and night, though more at night ; in evening in bed ; falls asleep while perspiring ; profuse and very debilitating at night ; in morning ; towards morning, with thirst and palpitation or nausea ; from least exertion, even when eating ; clammy and cold, driving out of bed ; peculiar, sour smelling, shrivelling fingers and bedewing feet ; profuse, cold on face though rest of body is dry ; offensive, cold, oily, clammy and burns skin ; soaking through bedclothes ; stains linen saffron yellow ; cannot be removed by washing ; profuse, fetid, tinging linen yellow and stiffening it.
Complaints increase during sweat.
As if there was a vibrating in forehead and a turning about in a circle ; as if in a swing ; forehead as if bandaged or in a hoop ; pain as if just beneath scalp, as if it was too heavy and tight on brain ; as if head would burst ; head as if constricted by a band ; head as if in a vice ; head as if getting larger and larger ; eyes as if long deprived of sleep ; as if sparks of fire were being emitted from eyes ; eye as if it was a ball of fire ; as of a body underneath lids ; as if feathers came from corners of eyes ; as of sand in eyes ; as of fiery points in eyes ; as if right ear was stuffed up ; ears as if stopped by swelling ; as though a wedge was driven in ear ; crackling in head as from metal plates ; as if teeth were fixed in a mass of pap ; as if teeth were loose or too long ; as if foreign body was swallowed down ; as from hot vapor ascending from stomach ; throat as if too tight posteriorly ; as if an apple core was in throat ; as if food had to pass over a foreign body ; as if there was a burnt spot ; pressure in abdomen as from a stone ; as if bowels had to be held up ; as if bowels fell to side on which he lies ; intestines as if pressed ; stabbing in abdomen as from knives ; as if bowels were cut to pieces ; as if bowels would be forced out ; as of something heavy pulling downward close above genitals ; as if muscles and tendons were too short ; as if mamma would ulcerate ; as if everything in chest was dry ; as if head and chest would burst ; weakness at heart as if dying ; agitation as if frightened ; pain in sacrum as if one had been lying on too hard a couch ; arm as if too heavy, as if broken or beaten ; pain in right thigh as if bruised ; as if knee was larger ; pain as if sprained in tarsal joints ; as if all his limbs would fall from him ; pain in bones as if broken ; itching as from fleabites ; burning as from fire in eruption.
Pain : in bone beneath eyebrow ; in periosteum and bones of face ; in forehead ; around eyes, on forehead and temples ; in sole of foot ; around ear down jaw ; in ears ; in whole right half of head and face ; of salivary glands ; in parotid glands and muscles of neck ; from throat to ear ; in shoulders ; in limbs ; in region of liver ; in rectum, sometimes to back ; over right hypochondrium ; in left testicle and along cord ; in inguinal region ; in mamma ; in small of back ; in chest ; in sacrum ; in right thigh ; in sinews of left thigh ; in right tarsal joints ; in bones ; in bowels.
Frightful pain : in bowels.
Raging pain : in forehead.
Sore, maddening pain : in mamma.
Intolerable pain : in eye ; in whole head, worse in ears.
Violent pain : in head ; in eyes ; in spine ; in foot.
Acute pain : striking forward through chest to right scapula ; in tarsal bones of left foot ; in impetigo figurata.
Severe pain : in eyes ; in tongue ; in head ; at anus ; in spine ; in ulcers in mouth.
Severe dull pain : in occiput.
Tearing pain : in forehead and vertex ; in left temple ; from head to teeth and neck ; in eyes ; in ears ; in lower jaw ; in limbs ; in head ; in coccyx ; in hip joint and knee ; in femur ; in lower limbs.
Tearing, lacerating, shooting : into face and ear.
Tearing, lacerating : in face.
Tearing, drawing : in head ; from heel to buttocks.
Lacerating : in shoulder joints, arms and wrists.
Stabbing : in abdomen ; in left side under short ribs.
Lancinating, darting : in ulcers on leg ; in cancerous ulcers.
Lancinating, boring, pressing : in abdomen.
Tearing, constricting, pinching : in abdomen.
Lacerating, tearing, stinging : in bones of skull.
Gnawing, lacerating : in knee joint.
Boring, tearing, stitching : in ears.
Pressive, tensive tearing : in forehead, cheeks, upper teeth and ears.
Boring : from head to teeth and neck ; in eyes ; preventing sleep ; in uterus ; in right glutei muscles ; in tibia ; in exostoses.
Cutting : in eyes ; in intestines ; in abdomen ; from stomach to genitals ; in abdomen.
Dull, cutting, pressive pain : underneath lids.
Burning, gnawing : in eyes.
Pinching : in ear ; in abdomen.
Pressive boring : in right groin.
Violent beating : in arteries ; in left precordia.
Severe throbbing pain : in left upper jaw ; otitis ; of vagina.
Throbbing, shooting : in eye.
Pulsating pains : in hip joint and knee.
Violent stitches : in hepatic region ; in right ilium.
Transient stitches : in body and limbs.
Stitching, tearing, pressing, burning : deep in ear to cheek.
Stitching, tearing : in hollow and carious teeth ; under false ribs and in hepatic region.
Single pointed stitches : in region of external condyle of tibia.
Stitches : through whole head ; in ears ; in eyes ; deep in eyes and temples ; in teeth ; posteriorly in throat ; in occiput ; in liver ; in last right rib and inguinal region ; in back and scapula ; through chest to back ; in anterior and upper portion of chest ; in right chest ; in glands ; flashing periodically through hip joint ; in thighs and legs ; from head to teeth ; in right hypochondrium ; in region of liver ; in uterus ; in small of back and legs ; in hip joint, knees and feet ; in lower limbs ; in red spots on small of back.
Cutting stitch : in lower abdomen.
Severe shooting pain : from deep within eye ; in ears ; from l. ear to right ; from left ear to left temple.
Stinging, tearing : in ears.
Sharp sticking : in eyes ; in fauces ; deep in both ears ; in tonsils ; in small of back.
Severe stitching, burning : in whole convex portion of liver to spine.
Stinging : in jaw ; in throat ; in fauces ; in region of liver ; in urethra ; in small of back ; in hip joint, femur and knee ; in pimple on nates.
Violent griping : in bowels.
Twisting, constricting pains : in abdomen.
Violent tensive pain : in posterior part of left thigh and in buttock, extending as far as knee.
Cramps : in stomach.
Dragging : in loins and lumbar region.
Drawing pain : from testicles into abdomen, down legs to feet ; in testicles, groin and spermatic cord ; in inguinal region ; in tibia ; in nape and down back.
Pulling pain : in both thighs.
Aching : in eye ; in ears ; in teeth ; in uterus ; at apex of heart.
Pressive pain : in left temple ; in head ; in liver ; in glands ; in periosteum of right tibia.
Dull pain : in region of liver.
Sudden pain : in nape of neck and upper and lower limbs.
Rheumatic pains : in head ; in limbs ; in legs ; of shoulders and upper arms.
Aching, pressing pain : in eye.
Sore pain : deep in pelvis ; in mamma.
Pricking pain : in ulcers.
Extremely painful : orifice of excretory duct of salivary gland.
Raw pain : at edges of lids.
Intolerable biting pain : on tongue.
Burning : in urethra ; in genitals ; after scratching ; from head to teeth and neck ; in eyes ; in ears ; in stomach ; in bowels ; in back ; in herpes zoster, like a girdle from back around abdomen ; in head, worse left temple ; in forehead ; of skin of forehead ; in eyes ; in gums ; in throat ; in region of larynx ; of skin ; at anus ; of penis ; of vagina ; from fauces down ; in scaly herpes ; of nates ; of tetter in bend of elbows, inguinal region and hollow of knee.
Burning, biting : during micturition.
Stinging, burning : eczema of hands.
Biting : in eyes ; in genitals.
Heat : in eyes ; around eyes ; rises in throat.
Burning rawness : in larynx.
Burning, stinging, gnawing : in ulcers on leg.
Pricking, stinging : in veins.
Pricking : in ears ; in tongue.
Bruised feeling : in intestines ; of scapula, back and small of back.
Soreness : of hemorrhoids ; exostoses ; on sides of head ; of top of head ; of lids ; of nose ; of inner ears ; of teeth ; of corners of mouth ; of mouth ; of hepatic region ; of intestines ; of hemorrhoids ; in region of bladder ; of foreskin ; between scrotum and thighs ; of groins ; of nipples under sternum ; from fauces down.
Painful pressure : in region of pharynx.
Painful dryness : in throat.
Painful stiffness : of right wrist joint.
Painful tension : in knee and elbow joints ; in wrists and ankles.
Sensitiveness : of lymphatic vessels of nympha.
Tenderness : across hypochondria and epigastrium ; over r. hypochondrium.
Rawness : in throat ; of anus and adjacent parts ; in genitals ; of nipples.
Sensation : under manubrium.
Pulse-like jerking : from teeth to lower jaw into ear, from upper jaw into head.
Throbbing : in veins.
Pulsating : in forehead ; in head ; toothache ; in abdomen.
Twitching : of lids, of arms and fingers ; in limbs ; of arms and legs.
Thrill : in urethra when urine passes.
Trembling : of whole body ; of heart ; of extremities ; of hands and tongue.
Spasmodic contraction : when coughing or sneezing.
Pressure : in ear ; in abdomen ; in head ; in forehead ; in eyes ; on tongue ; in throat ; in stomach ; in epigastrium ; in abdomen ; in genitals ; from stomach to genitals.
Tension : over forehead ; in articulation of jaw ; in region of pharynx ; of precordium.
Pressing together : of chest.
Constriction : of lids ; of stomach ; in rectum.
Bearing down pressure : in lower abdomen.
Drawing : in limbs ; with pressure in testicles.
Rheumatic stiffness : of neck.
Fulness : in ear ; in head ; across epigastrium and hypochondria ; in rectum.
Oppression : in epigastrium ; of chest.
Uneasiness : in legs.
Heaviness : in head.
Weight : in lungs.
Weariness : in legs.
Confusion : in head.
Shaking sensation : of bowels.
Rumbling sensation : in abdomen.
Weakness : at heart.
Weakness like a dulness : in head.
Peculiar weak feeling : in abdomen.
Tickling : in larynx ; in throat ; beneath upper portion of chest ; in bronchia.
Roughness : in throat ; from fauces down.
Dryness : of tongue ; of lips ; of eyelids ; of palate ; in mouth ; in throat ; in bronchia ; in chest.
Numbness : down left leg.
Intolerable sticking, itching : here and there over body ; prurigo.
Intense itching : by presence of urine on parts ; in eruption on hands ; on all parts of body.
Terrible itching and burning : on various places.
Voluptuous itching : of tetter on right forearm.
Biting, itching : over abdomen.
Itching, stitching : impetigo figurata.
Pricking, itching : in sacrum.
Sensitive itching : of labia majora.
Itching : in eyes ; in ears ; in nodular eruption on legs ; in nose ; in gums ; of anus ; in scrotum ; of vagina ; of genitals ; over whole body ; of herpes zoster.
Coldness : in ears ; in testicles ; in lower limbs ; of arms and legs.
Ascites from organic lesions of liver ; anasarca after scarlatina.
Edema of face, hands and feet, with anemia.
Blood coagulates easily ; throbbing or pricking stinging in veins.
Epistaxis ; hemorrhages in old women after climacteric period ; hamaturia in typhoid fever ; blonde hair, lax skin and muscles ; tongue and mouth moist, with thirst ; sweat of feet without odor ; disposition earnest, anxious ; blood light colored ; scorbutic condition of gums. θ Hemorrhages.
Bone pains ; worse at night ; boring pains in exostoses.
Glandular swellings, with or without suppuration, but especially if suppuration is profuse.
Exostoses ; caries ; pains in bones as if broken.
Abscesses in joints.
Rheumatic-catarrhal inflammations, with disposition to sweat.
Rheumatism, especially in cases of syphilitic origin or complication, affecting joints, bones, or periosteum, swelling of joints, pale or slightly red, puffy or oedematous ; pains tearing, drawing, shooting, pressing ; in bones as if broken ; in joints as if sprained ; worse evenings and at night, and insupportable in heat of bed ; accompanied by profuse sweat (often sour or offensive smelling) without better pains.
Gouty, shining red swellings.
Gouty and rheumatic pains, with sweats without relief.
Excessive emaciation. [merc. v].
Glandular swellings with or without suppuration.
Cold swellings ; slowly suppurating abscesses.
Suppuration, especially if too profuse.
Ulcerations : very superficial and widespread ; with whitish grey bases, bleeding easily and exuding thin matter ; spreading, spongy, readily bleeding and extremely painful ; unequal elevations and depressions in floor of ulcer ; cancerous, with severe shooting, lancinating pain, not better by either hot or cold applications ; fungous, chancrous, phagedenic, carious and syphilitic.
Chancre ; gonorrhoea ; blenorrhagia uretheralis and vaginalis.
Erysipelatous inflammation, especially about joints.
Gangrene of lips, cheeks and gums ; inflammation and swelling of glands of neck ; pains worse by hot or cold applications.
Breath and whole body smell foul. [merc. v].
Better : from smoking.
Желудочно-кишечный тракт
Frequent hiccough. s.
Acrid, bitter, putrid or rancid eructations, worse at night.
Constant risings of air.
Heartburn all night. θ Pregnancy.
Nausea ; with vertigo, headache, obscured vision and flashes of heat ; with sweet taste in throat ; nausea in oesophagus or in stomach.
Inclination to vomit while coughing. s.
Regurgitation or vomiting of food ; bitter vomit.
Much water collects in mouth at 1 A. M., together with nausea, that wakens her and obliges her to vomit. s.
Vomiting bile and food.
Violent convulsive vomiting of slime and bilious matter. θ Yellow fever.
The food weighs like a stone in pit of stomach ; burning pain.
Pressure in stomach ; it hangs down heavily, even after light, easily digestible food.
Burning pain and sensitiveness of stomach. θ Yellow fever.
Stomach : burns, is swollen and sensitive to touch ; hard and tense ; feels replete and constricted.
Peculiar deathly faintness caused by pressure in epigastrium. s.
Weak digestion, with continuous hunger.
Pressing pain or stitches in liver ; cannot lie upon right side ; bitter taste in mouth ; thirst, with little appetite for food ; constant chilliness ; yellowness of skin and whites of eyes ; liver tender to touch. θ Hepatitis.
Great distension of left hypochondrium ; pains not very severe, mostly stitching in character ; pain in shoulders ; light yellow color of skin ; flabby constitutions. θ Hepatitis.
Inflammation of pleura and liver ; severe vertigo ; face yellow or dark red ; great thirst ; white coated tongue ; debility ; severe, obstinate, short cough, with tenacious, blood streaked or entirely bloody expectoration ; stitching tearing pains under false ribs and in hepatic region ; loss of appetite ; offensive, bitter taste in mouth ; yellow, orange colored or red urine ; frequent sweats ; pains in limbs.
Face red, bloated ; lips dry and hot ; tongue white, moist sour, bitter taste in mouth ; great thirst ; forcible eructations ; frequent vomiting of bile and water ; great tension of precordium ; severe stitching, burning pain in whole convex portion of liver, extending to spine ; worse from pressure, sneezing, coughing, or on taking deep inspiration ; moans and throws herself about in bed ; liver greatly swollen, hard, hot and projects from under ribs ; constipation ; urine frequent, burning ; skin moderately warm ; pulse small, hard, contracted. θ Inflammation of liver.
Region of liver : sensitive ; cannot lie on right side ; swollen, hard, from induration ; stinging, stitching or pressing pains ; dull pain, with jaundice.
Jaundice : with violent rush of blood to head ; bad taste ; tongue moist and furred yellow ; soreness in hepatic region ; from gall stones ; duodenal catarrh ; in the new born.
Violent stitches in hepatic region, on account of which he could not breathe nor eructate. s.
Worse lying on right side, particularly pain in region of liver, or bruised feeling of intestines.
Chronic atrophy of liver, with emaciation and dessication of body. [merc. v].
Abdomen : greatly distended ; tympanitic ; painfully inflated ; tense, hard, swollen and sensitive ; fulness and tenderness across epigastrium and hypochondria ; painful to contact ; rumbling sensation ; pressure as from a stone ; pressure in right side ; sense of emptiness.
Shaking sensation of bowels when walking, they feel relaxed, as if they had to be held up.
Intestines feel bruised when he lies on right side.
Sensation as if bowels fell to side on which one is lying.
Intestines sore as if pressed, cannot sleep on right side. s.
Shooting, diarrheic feeling in lower bowels.
Colic. вetter by a slimy, bloody stool, with straining ; as from a cold ; occasioned by cool evening air, with diarrhoea ; from worms ; lancinating, boring and pressing pains ; stabbing in abdomen as from knives ; passes off in a recumbent position ; twisting, constricting pains.
Cutting stitch in lower abdomen, from right to left, worse by walking.
Stitching, pressive pains in lower region of abdomen, left. side.
Child cries violently from severe pain, better by passing a green, slimy stool. θ вilious colic. s.
Peritonitis, with purulent exudation, especially with typhlitis.
Painful, hard, hot and red swelling in ileo-cecal region painful to touch. θ Typhlitis.
Enteritis : lancinating pains ; bloody, slimy stools ; sweat without relief.
Sore pain deep in centre of pelvis, severe dragging in loins and lumbar region, bearing down pressure in lower abdomen ; mental depression.
Cutting pain in intestines, worse when feces or air passes through affected parts ; slimy, watery stools, often mixed with blood. θ Inflammation of intestinal mucous membranes.
Painful, hard, hot, movable swelling, as hard as a hen’s egg, near right ilium, preventing extension of thigh ; constipation ; dark urine ; miserable, pale appearance ; loss of appetite ; moderate thirst ; fever. θ Perityphlitis.
Hard, hot, red swelling, as large as a dollar and painful to touch, between umbilicus and anterior inferior spine of ilium ; must lie upon back with thigh flexed ; fever ; flushed face ; thirst ; anorexia ; red, dry tongue ; constipation ; red urine. θ Perityphlitis.
Catarrh of pancreatic duct.
Stitches in last right rib and in inguinal region, with tightness of breath on inspiration, while walking in open air. s.
Swelling of inguinal glands, with circumscribed redness, not very painful, except on pressure and long walking. s.
Swelling of inguinal glands (bubo), at first with circumscribed redness, painful on pressure and walking, then red, elevated and inflamed ; could neither stand nor walk without great pain. s.
Inguinal gland swollen or suppurating.
Inguinal glands sympathize with cancerous affections.
Pressive boring pain in right groin. s.
Zona on right side and extending across abdomen ; worse at night from warmth of bed.
Abdomen externally cold to touch.
Stools : dark green, bilious, frothy ; like stirred eggs ; brownish ; greenish brown ; watery and colorless ; black ; yellowish ; yellow ; color of sulphur ; like chopped eggs ; greyish ; watery, with greenish scum floating on surface of water ; whitish, watery, reddish, mucous ; green mucous ; bloody mucous ; pea green ; green slimy ; acrid and excoriating ; bloody ; blood streaked ; slimy and fecal ; purulent ; undigested ; frequent ; scanty ; corrosive ; sour smelling ; pitch-like ; tenacious ; dark green ; clay colored and offensive ; clotted blood mixed with feces ; soft, brownish, floats on water ; whitish grey.
Stools : tenacious, or crumbling ; small, knotty masses ; small like sheep dung ; pale, white stools ; small pieces, pale, with mucus, or streaked with blood ; form of a narrow ribbon.
Before stool : frequent desire, worse at night ; ineffectual straining ; protrusion of hemorrhoids, with straining which causes pain as of ulceration ; violent and frequent urging ; nausea ; pinching and cutting in abdomen ; anxiety, anguish, trembling and sweat, either warm or cold ; chilliness ; chilliness mingled with flashes of heat ; trembling of whole body.
During stool : great straining, with scanty stool, with pinching in belly ; severe pains in anus ; evacuation after a great length of time ; violent urging ; nausea and vomiting ; eructations ; pinching and cutting colic, making one bend double ; burning at anus ; chilliness ; hot sweat on forehead ; tenesmus ; screaming (children in dysentery) ; chilliness, ceasing after evacuation.
Chilliness between stools.
After stool : great relief ; cutting and pinching colic ; rawness, burning and itching of anus and adjacent parts ; sensation of constriction in rectum, causing faintness ; continued tenesmus and prolapsus ani ; bleeding hemorrhoids ; pains in rectum sometimes extend to back ; violent tenesmus and continued urging ; never-get-done feeling ; prolapsus recti ; rectum looking dark and bloody ; warm sweat on forehead becomes cold ; exhaustion ; rigors ; trembling.
Diarrhoea, with much wretchedness and dejection of spirits. s.
Evening air causes colic and diarrhoea. s.
Morning diarrhoea composed mostly of slime and fecal matter, with tenesmus before and during stool. s.
Purulent diarrhoea, with chill between and hot flashes during stool.
Frequent vomiting ; nausea ; diarrhoea ; much crying ; thirst, great heat ; trembling of hands ; inability to stand ; loud screaming when touched ; restless at night ; convulsive motions ; distortion of eyes ; twitching of muscles of face, arms and legs ; grinding of teeth ; face red, hot ; profuse sweat ; diarrheic discharges, every half hour, of yellow, green frothy mucus.
Diarrhoea of children, about four month ; stools green, often grass green ; watery ; slimy ; frothy ; like chopped eggs ; mixed with bloody mucus ; much screaming ; cutting in abdomen ; emaciation ; also in older children when aphtha are present.
Long continued diarrhoea, with a swelling size of fist in region of transverse colon.
Diarrhoea biliosa ; passage of quantities of bile, yellow and painfully hot ; face yellow ; pain and tenderness over right hypochondrium.
After cholera, when stools remain bloody and watery and are accompanied by tenesmus (also useful after Ipecac. ; when choleraic symptoms are better and partial reaction has set in, but tongue becomes thickly coated with mucus.
Painless congestions ; spine drawn to one side, tossing about, grinding of teeth and trismus, as in epilepsy ; thumbs not clenched ; preceded by an attack of diarrhoea and vomiting ; about every half hour return of consciousness, during which he desires water, then spasms recur.
Ineffectual pressure to stool, with protruding hemorrhoids, which are painfully sore. s.
Dysenteric diarrhoea in a nursing infant ; passages often of pure bright blood, occasionally mixed with mucus or green chopped-like stuff ; fever ; refusal to take breast.
Green slimy discharges, with pinching and cutting ; prolapsus of rectum.
Fever, with violent griping ; scanty, bloody, mucous discharges, with much burning pain and tenesmus ; dry, coated tongue ; loss of appetite ; tearing in limbs. θ Dysentery.
Frightful pain in bowels, as if they were cut in pieces, most violent when at stool ; great pressure at stool, as if bowels would be forced out ; discharge of a little bloody mucus after straining ; increased desire to go to stool at night ; during stool sweat on brow, at first warm, but soon becoming cold and clammy ; sleeplessness ; great prostration ; evacuations corrode anus, and cause painful burning. θ Autumnal dysentery.
Rectum prolapsed ; looked dark and was very painful, especially to touch ; spurting of blood from rectum ; stools lumpy, accompanied by pressing and crying ; loss of appetite ; little sleep ; irritable disposition.
Croupous inflammation of rectum after catching cold while bathing in open air ; croupous stools occur principally at night and alternate with a pappy fecal stool ; constant sensation of fulness and distension in rectum, with burning and pinching in lower part ; every hour or so discharge of a round, shreddy mass, accompanied by a watery, fecal discharge, with chilliness and heat, extending towards head ; abdomen not painful to pressure, except in a few places where large intestine is distended with gas ; rumbling and slight pinching pains in abdomen ; urine scanty ; appetite impaired ; thick, mucous coating on tongue ; great prostration.
Constipation, stool tenacious or crumbling, discharged only with violent straining ; constant ineffectual urging, worse at night ; blood with stool. s.
Constipation, or diarrhoea of slime, bile or blood. θ Yellow fever.
Discharge of mucus from rectum.
Paralysis of rectum. θ Meningitis.
Burning pain in anus, with soft stools. s.
Anus feels raw ; chafed. s.
Large bleeding varices, which suppurate ; hemorrhage after micturition.
Discharge of thread and round worms ; seat worms ; tape worm (in alternation with Sulphur.
Continuous greediness for eating and still becomes steadily weaker ; fetid breath ; itching of anus ; inflammation of vulva. θ Worm affections.
Acrid, bitter, putrid or rancid eructations, worse at night.
Constant risings of air.
Heartburn all night. θ Pregnancy.
Nausea ; with vertigo, headache, obscured vision and flashes of heat ; with sweet taste in throat ; nausea in oesophagus or in stomach.
Inclination to vomit while coughing. s.
Regurgitation or vomiting of food ; bitter vomit.
Much water collects in mouth at 1 A. M., together with nausea, that wakens her and obliges her to vomit. s.
Vomiting bile and food.
Violent convulsive vomiting of slime and bilious matter. θ Yellow fever.
The food weighs like a stone in pit of stomach ; burning pain.
Pressure in stomach ; it hangs down heavily, even after light, easily digestible food.
Burning pain and sensitiveness of stomach. θ Yellow fever.
Stomach : burns, is swollen and sensitive to touch ; hard and tense ; feels replete and constricted.
Peculiar deathly faintness caused by pressure in epigastrium. s.
Weak digestion, with continuous hunger.
Pressing pain or stitches in liver ; cannot lie upon right side ; bitter taste in mouth ; thirst, with little appetite for food ; constant chilliness ; yellowness of skin and whites of eyes ; liver tender to touch. θ Hepatitis.
Great distension of left hypochondrium ; pains not very severe, mostly stitching in character ; pain in shoulders ; light yellow color of skin ; flabby constitutions. θ Hepatitis.
Inflammation of pleura and liver ; severe vertigo ; face yellow or dark red ; great thirst ; white coated tongue ; debility ; severe, obstinate, short cough, with tenacious, blood streaked or entirely bloody expectoration ; stitching tearing pains under false ribs and in hepatic region ; loss of appetite ; offensive, bitter taste in mouth ; yellow, orange colored or red urine ; frequent sweats ; pains in limbs.
Face red, bloated ; lips dry and hot ; tongue white, moist sour, bitter taste in mouth ; great thirst ; forcible eructations ; frequent vomiting of bile and water ; great tension of precordium ; severe stitching, burning pain in whole convex portion of liver, extending to spine ; worse from pressure, sneezing, coughing, or on taking deep inspiration ; moans and throws herself about in bed ; liver greatly swollen, hard, hot and projects from under ribs ; constipation ; urine frequent, burning ; skin moderately warm ; pulse small, hard, contracted. θ Inflammation of liver.
Region of liver : sensitive ; cannot lie on right side ; swollen, hard, from induration ; stinging, stitching or pressing pains ; dull pain, with jaundice.
Jaundice : with violent rush of blood to head ; bad taste ; tongue moist and furred yellow ; soreness in hepatic region ; from gall stones ; duodenal catarrh ; in the new born.
Violent stitches in hepatic region, on account of which he could not breathe nor eructate. s.
Worse lying on right side, particularly pain in region of liver, or bruised feeling of intestines.
Chronic atrophy of liver, with emaciation and dessication of body. [merc. v].
Abdomen : greatly distended ; tympanitic ; painfully inflated ; tense, hard, swollen and sensitive ; fulness and tenderness across epigastrium and hypochondria ; painful to contact ; rumbling sensation ; pressure as from a stone ; pressure in right side ; sense of emptiness.
Shaking sensation of bowels when walking, they feel relaxed, as if they had to be held up.
Intestines feel bruised when he lies on right side.
Sensation as if bowels fell to side on which one is lying.
Intestines sore as if pressed, cannot sleep on right side. s.
Shooting, diarrheic feeling in lower bowels.
Colic. вetter by a slimy, bloody stool, with straining ; as from a cold ; occasioned by cool evening air, with diarrhoea ; from worms ; lancinating, boring and pressing pains ; stabbing in abdomen as from knives ; passes off in a recumbent position ; twisting, constricting pains.
Cutting stitch in lower abdomen, from right to left, worse by walking.
Stitching, pressive pains in lower region of abdomen, left. side.
Child cries violently from severe pain, better by passing a green, slimy stool. θ вilious colic. s.
Peritonitis, with purulent exudation, especially with typhlitis.
Painful, hard, hot and red swelling in ileo-cecal region painful to touch. θ Typhlitis.
Enteritis : lancinating pains ; bloody, slimy stools ; sweat without relief.
Sore pain deep in centre of pelvis, severe dragging in loins and lumbar region, bearing down pressure in lower abdomen ; mental depression.
Cutting pain in intestines, worse when feces or air passes through affected parts ; slimy, watery stools, often mixed with blood. θ Inflammation of intestinal mucous membranes.
Painful, hard, hot, movable swelling, as hard as a hen’s egg, near right ilium, preventing extension of thigh ; constipation ; dark urine ; miserable, pale appearance ; loss of appetite ; moderate thirst ; fever. θ Perityphlitis.
Hard, hot, red swelling, as large as a dollar and painful to touch, between umbilicus and anterior inferior spine of ilium ; must lie upon back with thigh flexed ; fever ; flushed face ; thirst ; anorexia ; red, dry tongue ; constipation ; red urine. θ Perityphlitis.
Catarrh of pancreatic duct.
Stitches in last right rib and in inguinal region, with tightness of breath on inspiration, while walking in open air. s.
Swelling of inguinal glands, with circumscribed redness, not very painful, except on pressure and long walking. s.
Swelling of inguinal glands (bubo), at first with circumscribed redness, painful on pressure and walking, then red, elevated and inflamed ; could neither stand nor walk without great pain. s.
Inguinal gland swollen or suppurating.
Inguinal glands sympathize with cancerous affections.
Pressive boring pain in right groin. s.
Zona on right side and extending across abdomen ; worse at night from warmth of bed.
Abdomen externally cold to touch.
Stools : dark green, bilious, frothy ; like stirred eggs ; brownish ; greenish brown ; watery and colorless ; black ; yellowish ; yellow ; color of sulphur ; like chopped eggs ; greyish ; watery, with greenish scum floating on surface of water ; whitish, watery, reddish, mucous ; green mucous ; bloody mucous ; pea green ; green slimy ; acrid and excoriating ; bloody ; blood streaked ; slimy and fecal ; purulent ; undigested ; frequent ; scanty ; corrosive ; sour smelling ; pitch-like ; tenacious ; dark green ; clay colored and offensive ; clotted blood mixed with feces ; soft, brownish, floats on water ; whitish grey.
Stools : tenacious, or crumbling ; small, knotty masses ; small like sheep dung ; pale, white stools ; small pieces, pale, with mucus, or streaked with blood ; form of a narrow ribbon.
Before stool : frequent desire, worse at night ; ineffectual straining ; protrusion of hemorrhoids, with straining which causes pain as of ulceration ; violent and frequent urging ; nausea ; pinching and cutting in abdomen ; anxiety, anguish, trembling and sweat, either warm or cold ; chilliness ; chilliness mingled with flashes of heat ; trembling of whole body.
During stool : great straining, with scanty stool, with pinching in belly ; severe pains in anus ; evacuation after a great length of time ; violent urging ; nausea and vomiting ; eructations ; pinching and cutting colic, making one bend double ; burning at anus ; chilliness ; hot sweat on forehead ; tenesmus ; screaming (children in dysentery) ; chilliness, ceasing after evacuation.
Chilliness between stools.
After stool : great relief ; cutting and pinching colic ; rawness, burning and itching of anus and adjacent parts ; sensation of constriction in rectum, causing faintness ; continued tenesmus and prolapsus ani ; bleeding hemorrhoids ; pains in rectum sometimes extend to back ; violent tenesmus and continued urging ; never-get-done feeling ; prolapsus recti ; rectum looking dark and bloody ; warm sweat on forehead becomes cold ; exhaustion ; rigors ; trembling.
Diarrhoea, with much wretchedness and dejection of spirits. s.
Evening air causes colic and diarrhoea. s.
Morning diarrhoea composed mostly of slime and fecal matter, with tenesmus before and during stool. s.
Purulent diarrhoea, with chill between and hot flashes during stool.
Frequent vomiting ; nausea ; diarrhoea ; much crying ; thirst, great heat ; trembling of hands ; inability to stand ; loud screaming when touched ; restless at night ; convulsive motions ; distortion of eyes ; twitching of muscles of face, arms and legs ; grinding of teeth ; face red, hot ; profuse sweat ; diarrheic discharges, every half hour, of yellow, green frothy mucus.
Diarrhoea of children, about four month ; stools green, often grass green ; watery ; slimy ; frothy ; like chopped eggs ; mixed with bloody mucus ; much screaming ; cutting in abdomen ; emaciation ; also in older children when aphtha are present.
Long continued diarrhoea, with a swelling size of fist in region of transverse colon.
Diarrhoea biliosa ; passage of quantities of bile, yellow and painfully hot ; face yellow ; pain and tenderness over right hypochondrium.
After cholera, when stools remain bloody and watery and are accompanied by tenesmus (also useful after Ipecac. ; when choleraic symptoms are better and partial reaction has set in, but tongue becomes thickly coated with mucus.
Painless congestions ; spine drawn to one side, tossing about, grinding of teeth and trismus, as in epilepsy ; thumbs not clenched ; preceded by an attack of diarrhoea and vomiting ; about every half hour return of consciousness, during which he desires water, then spasms recur.
Ineffectual pressure to stool, with protruding hemorrhoids, which are painfully sore. s.
Dysenteric diarrhoea in a nursing infant ; passages often of pure bright blood, occasionally mixed with mucus or green chopped-like stuff ; fever ; refusal to take breast.
Green slimy discharges, with pinching and cutting ; prolapsus of rectum.
Fever, with violent griping ; scanty, bloody, mucous discharges, with much burning pain and tenesmus ; dry, coated tongue ; loss of appetite ; tearing in limbs. θ Dysentery.
Frightful pain in bowels, as if they were cut in pieces, most violent when at stool ; great pressure at stool, as if bowels would be forced out ; discharge of a little bloody mucus after straining ; increased desire to go to stool at night ; during stool sweat on brow, at first warm, but soon becoming cold and clammy ; sleeplessness ; great prostration ; evacuations corrode anus, and cause painful burning. θ Autumnal dysentery.
Rectum prolapsed ; looked dark and was very painful, especially to touch ; spurting of blood from rectum ; stools lumpy, accompanied by pressing and crying ; loss of appetite ; little sleep ; irritable disposition.
Croupous inflammation of rectum after catching cold while bathing in open air ; croupous stools occur principally at night and alternate with a pappy fecal stool ; constant sensation of fulness and distension in rectum, with burning and pinching in lower part ; every hour or so discharge of a round, shreddy mass, accompanied by a watery, fecal discharge, with chilliness and heat, extending towards head ; abdomen not painful to pressure, except in a few places where large intestine is distended with gas ; rumbling and slight pinching pains in abdomen ; urine scanty ; appetite impaired ; thick, mucous coating on tongue ; great prostration.
Constipation, stool tenacious or crumbling, discharged only with violent straining ; constant ineffectual urging, worse at night ; blood with stool. s.
Constipation, or diarrhoea of slime, bile or blood. θ Yellow fever.
Discharge of mucus from rectum.
Paralysis of rectum. θ Meningitis.
Burning pain in anus, with soft stools. s.
Anus feels raw ; chafed. s.
Large bleeding varices, which suppurate ; hemorrhage after micturition.
Discharge of thread and round worms ; seat worms ; tape worm (in alternation with Sulphur.
Continuous greediness for eating and still becomes steadily weaker ; fetid breath ; itching of anus ; inflammation of vulva. θ Worm affections.
Мочеполовая система
Great soreness in region of bladder when touching it ; urine flows in a thin stream or only drop by drop ; contains mucus, blood or pus. θ Gonorrhoea. θ сystitis.
Paralysis of bladder. θ Meningitis.
Urine is passed involuntarily.
Frequent urging to urinate, only a little passes ; must hurry, otherwise he cannot retain it ; scanty discharge in feeble stream ; copious flow ; was obliged to urinate at every hour, day and night, with violent burning in urethra on beginning to urinate ; burning biting pain. s.
Far more urine passes than water has been drunk. s.
Urine : dark red, soon becoming turbid and fetid ; smells sour and pungent ; looks as if mixed with blood, with white flakes or as if containing pus ; flesh-like lumps of mucus ; thick, white sediment as if flour had been stirred in ; yellowish, strong smelling, staining diaper ; scanty, fiery red ; very dark.
Children perspire easily, urine hot, acrid, sour smelling. θ Enuresis nocturna.
Hamaturia : with violent and frequent urging to urinate ; in typhus, etc.
Urine reddish, becoming thick on standing, and causing cutting when passed. s.
Intolerable burning ; every few minutes urging to urinate, followed by discharge of a few drops of slimy, burning urine. θ Dysuria.
Cutting and pinching in abdomen, with great urging to urinate ; after much exertion and great pain passes a few drops of burning urine, accompanied by severe and constant tenesmus ; bloated abdomen ; belching ; nausea ; retching and vomiting ; sleeplessness ; worse at night ; in morning, vertigo, heaviness of head, thirst, tearing, constricting pinching pains in abdomen. θ Dysuria.
Diminished secretion of urine, with great desire to pass it ; urine saturated dark brown, mixed with blood, with dirty white sediment. θ Nephritis.
Hemorrhage from urethra, burning and stinging it.
Thick, greenish or yellow discharge from urethra, worse at night. θ Gonorrhoea.
Painless discharge of blood.
Burning and scalding sensation of urine as from raw surfaces. s.
Intense itching, worse by presence of urine remaining on parts after urinating ; it has to be washed off.
Total loss of sexual power. [merc. v].
Lascivious excitement, with painful nightly erections.
Pollutions ; sperm mixed with blood (gonorrhoea) ; chilliness ; sallow face ; constipation.
After emission burning pain in back and icy cold hands. θ Spermatorrhoea.
Feeling of coldness in testicles, in afternoon and evening. s.
Testicles swollen, hard, shining.
Violent thirst ; drawing with pressure in testicles ; drawing in groin and spermatic cord. θ Orchitis.
Inflammation of testicles, consequent upon an attack of gonorrhoea ; induration of testicles.
Burning in urethra.
Gonorrhoea : burning pain ; frequent painful erections ; discharge purulent and green ; worse at night ; greenish, painless ; with phimosis or chancroids ; complicated with chancre ; gleet yellowish green and purulent.
Gonorrhoea of two weeks’ standing, treated with injections of various kinds ; pain in left testicle and along cord ; painful erections ; not very profuse discharge, much nervousness and anxiety, worse at night.
Right testicle swollen, hard, as large as a hen’s egg ; shocks of severe drawing pain, extending from testicles up into abdomen and down legs to feet ; scrotum red, shining, worse right side ; itching in scrotum ; severe chill alternating with heat ; pulse feverish ; vertigo ; general depression ; tearing in head, worse right side. θ Gonorrhoea.
Urging to urinate ; intolerable burning in forepart of urethra when passing last few drops ; hot, swollen prepuce ; green discharge. θ Gonorrhoea.
Discharge greenish, offensive odor from mouth ; ptyalism, gums swollen, easily bleeding, fever, heat alternating with horripilations, worse at night, tearing pains in head ; threatened bubo, with drawing pain in inguinal region ; soft chancre. θ Gonorrhoea.
Gonorrhoea of a torpid character in course of syphilis, with suppurating bubo. s.
Severe burning on urination ; prepuce and glans greatly swollen ; discharge like thin milk, leaving a stain upon linen ; has taken copaiva and сubebs four weeks. θ Gonorrhoea.
Swelling of prepuce and inflamed redness of its inner surface, with painful sensitiveness. s.
Great swelling of prepuce, as if it was distended with air or water to a blister. s.
Vesicles on forepart and sides of glans penis ; they eat deeply in and spread ; several small white blisters, which also ooze fluid, but soon disappear.
Swelling of forepart of urethra, with suppuration between glans and prepuce which is red, hot and painful to touch and on walking ; raging pain in forehead ; rough itch-like eruption on hands, especially in region of first joint of thumb, more on upper surface, itching at night. s.
Several small red vesicles on end of glans penis, under prepuce, after four days become ulcers and discharge yellow white matter of strong odor, staining shirt ; afterwards large ulcers bleed when touched, pain affects whole body ; they are round, the margins everted like raw meat, and their bases covered with a caseous coat. s.
Herpes preputialis.
Blisters on glans ; burning of penis, eruption on prepuce, condylomata. s.
Pale red vesicles, form small ulcers after breaking, on glans and prepuce.
A number of small red vesicles behind glans, changing to ulcers, which burst and discharge a yellowish white, stringy, strong smelling matter. s.
Ulcers on glans, with cheesy base ; chancroids.
Simple, recently acquired, soft chancres of a superficial and regular form and free secretion of thick pus.
Chancre ; enlargement of glands ; psoriasis on nape of neck ; nodes on tibia, sensitive to pressure. θ Secondary syphilis.
Swelling of lymphatic vessels along penis.
Chancre : primary ; regular indurated Hunterian, with lardaceous base ; small, with cheesy bottom and inverted red edges ; painful, bleeding ; yellowish fetid discharge, spreading and deeply penetrating on glans and prepuce ; red on prepuce ; with phimosis or paraphimosis ; eating through frenum ; round, deep, on glans.
Several small ulcers which bleed easily so soon as prepuce moves, or on handling parts ; painful ulcers on glans and on both sides of frenum ; pain in inguinal region on walking, no redness of skin ; heavy pressure on inguinal glands causes pain. s. сhancre. s.
Foreskin sore ; yellowish pus in drops.
Rubbing and scratching genitals at night when in bed.
Children scratch and pull at genitals.
Dry, fine vesicular eruption on genitals. s.
Sweat on genitals, soreness between scrotum and thighs.
Prolapsus uteri at vagina ; feels better after coition.
Peculiar weak feeling in abdomen, as though she had to hold it up ; close above genitals sensation as if something heavy was pulling downward ; pulling pain in both thighs, as if muscles and tendons were too short. θ Displacement of womb.
Bleeding excrescences on os uteri. θ Syphilis.
Copious discharge from vagina, of muco-purulent matter ; worse after catamenia, but constant ; system greatly exhausted by flooding and repeated miscarriages ; conceived readily enough, but was certain to lose ovum at the end of third month, if not before ; deep ulcers on os and in cervix, with ragged edges which bleed freely when touched ; vaginal walls ulcerated, prolapsus uteri and vagina ; sore pain deep in centre of pelvis ; severe dragging in loins and lumbar regions ; bearing down pressure in lower abdomen ; mental depression. θ Ulcerated cervix.
Stitching, aching or boring pains in uterus, with little heat, but frequent sweats and chills ; moist tongue, with intense thirst ; worse at night. θ Metritis.
Before menses : dry heat and rush of blood to head ; dysmenorrhoea.
During menses : anxiety ; red tongue, with dark spots ; saltish taste, sickly color of gums, teeth on edge ; breath of a mercurial odor and salivation ; prolapsus of vagina ; pain in mamma, as if they would ulcerate ; oedematous swelling of hands, feet and face.
Milk in breasts instead of menses.
Unnatural swelling of female mamma, especially of nipples, which were harder than usual. s.
Pressure in genitals, obliging her to urinate often. s.
Menses : blood light red, serous ; too profuse ; too late and scanty ; suppressed ; of short duration.
Menses irregular for two or three years, without any assignable cause ; headache, impaired vision and memory ; nervous trembling, hands shake ; complexion muddy, sallow, greenish ; countenance distrait ; pulse feeble ; increasing spinal curvature ; menstrual function ceases for three or four months, then occurs sparingly ; general anasarca ; walking produces dyspnoea.
Amenorrhoea, with congestions and ebullitions.
Metrorrhagia ; attacks of fainting following each other in rapid succession ; face cold, covered with sweat ; cold extremities ; breathing imperceptible ; attack preceded by heat, congestion, anxiety, dry mouth, belching, mucous collection in mouth and throat, pressure and cutting from stomach to genitals, dry cough, oppression in epigastrium ; menses irregular or every two weeks.
Metrorrhagia in aged females ; scorbutic gums ; salivation.
Leucorrhoea : smarting, corroding, causing itching and biting in genitals ; purulent ; containing lumps ; worse at night ; adhesive, sticky ; green, bloody ; obliging to scratch, violent burning after scratching ; swelling of labia and vaginitis ; flocks, pus and mucus as large as hazelnuts ; syphilitic ; sensitive itching of labia majora ; swelling and sensitiveness of lymphatic vessels of nympha.
Burning, throbbing and itching of vagina and external genitals, worse on left side ; numbness down left leg ; swelling in hypogastrium, abdomen swelled ; feels hard internally ; yellow discharge from vagina ; on mucous surface of genitals, reaching as high up as she could see, and on external parts, especially near urethra, whitish patches like aphtha ; when removed, a red raw surface is left, uneven to touch, with little red elevations ; throbbing better by lying still ; burning worse from cold and washing ; cannot go to closet on account of draft of air causing pain ; thinking about pains makes them worse and makes her want to urinate ; contact of urine makes parts burn ; thrill in urethra when urine passes ; menses delay. [merc. V] θ Vaginitis.
Itching of genitals, worse from contact of urine, it must be washed off.
Phlegmonous swelling of labia. θ Abortion threatened.
Pimples or tubercles on labia, more troublesome at night.
Indurations and inguinal growths.
Parts have strong tendency to excoriate, to swell and become inflamed ; sensation of rawness in parts. s. θ Spasm of vagina.
Pruritus vulva.
Swollen labia, with soreness of groins.
Paralysis of bladder. θ Meningitis.
Urine is passed involuntarily.
Frequent urging to urinate, only a little passes ; must hurry, otherwise he cannot retain it ; scanty discharge in feeble stream ; copious flow ; was obliged to urinate at every hour, day and night, with violent burning in urethra on beginning to urinate ; burning biting pain. s.
Far more urine passes than water has been drunk. s.
Urine : dark red, soon becoming turbid and fetid ; smells sour and pungent ; looks as if mixed with blood, with white flakes or as if containing pus ; flesh-like lumps of mucus ; thick, white sediment as if flour had been stirred in ; yellowish, strong smelling, staining diaper ; scanty, fiery red ; very dark.
Children perspire easily, urine hot, acrid, sour smelling. θ Enuresis nocturna.
Hamaturia : with violent and frequent urging to urinate ; in typhus, etc.
Urine reddish, becoming thick on standing, and causing cutting when passed. s.
Intolerable burning ; every few minutes urging to urinate, followed by discharge of a few drops of slimy, burning urine. θ Dysuria.
Cutting and pinching in abdomen, with great urging to urinate ; after much exertion and great pain passes a few drops of burning urine, accompanied by severe and constant tenesmus ; bloated abdomen ; belching ; nausea ; retching and vomiting ; sleeplessness ; worse at night ; in morning, vertigo, heaviness of head, thirst, tearing, constricting pinching pains in abdomen. θ Dysuria.
Diminished secretion of urine, with great desire to pass it ; urine saturated dark brown, mixed with blood, with dirty white sediment. θ Nephritis.
Hemorrhage from urethra, burning and stinging it.
Thick, greenish or yellow discharge from urethra, worse at night. θ Gonorrhoea.
Painless discharge of blood.
Burning and scalding sensation of urine as from raw surfaces. s.
Intense itching, worse by presence of urine remaining on parts after urinating ; it has to be washed off.
Total loss of sexual power. [merc. v].
Lascivious excitement, with painful nightly erections.
Pollutions ; sperm mixed with blood (gonorrhoea) ; chilliness ; sallow face ; constipation.
After emission burning pain in back and icy cold hands. θ Spermatorrhoea.
Feeling of coldness in testicles, in afternoon and evening. s.
Testicles swollen, hard, shining.
Violent thirst ; drawing with pressure in testicles ; drawing in groin and spermatic cord. θ Orchitis.
Inflammation of testicles, consequent upon an attack of gonorrhoea ; induration of testicles.
Burning in urethra.
Gonorrhoea : burning pain ; frequent painful erections ; discharge purulent and green ; worse at night ; greenish, painless ; with phimosis or chancroids ; complicated with chancre ; gleet yellowish green and purulent.
Gonorrhoea of two weeks’ standing, treated with injections of various kinds ; pain in left testicle and along cord ; painful erections ; not very profuse discharge, much nervousness and anxiety, worse at night.
Right testicle swollen, hard, as large as a hen’s egg ; shocks of severe drawing pain, extending from testicles up into abdomen and down legs to feet ; scrotum red, shining, worse right side ; itching in scrotum ; severe chill alternating with heat ; pulse feverish ; vertigo ; general depression ; tearing in head, worse right side. θ Gonorrhoea.
Urging to urinate ; intolerable burning in forepart of urethra when passing last few drops ; hot, swollen prepuce ; green discharge. θ Gonorrhoea.
Discharge greenish, offensive odor from mouth ; ptyalism, gums swollen, easily bleeding, fever, heat alternating with horripilations, worse at night, tearing pains in head ; threatened bubo, with drawing pain in inguinal region ; soft chancre. θ Gonorrhoea.
Gonorrhoea of a torpid character in course of syphilis, with suppurating bubo. s.
Severe burning on urination ; prepuce and glans greatly swollen ; discharge like thin milk, leaving a stain upon linen ; has taken copaiva and сubebs four weeks. θ Gonorrhoea.
Swelling of prepuce and inflamed redness of its inner surface, with painful sensitiveness. s.
Great swelling of prepuce, as if it was distended with air or water to a blister. s.
Vesicles on forepart and sides of glans penis ; they eat deeply in and spread ; several small white blisters, which also ooze fluid, but soon disappear.
Swelling of forepart of urethra, with suppuration between glans and prepuce which is red, hot and painful to touch and on walking ; raging pain in forehead ; rough itch-like eruption on hands, especially in region of first joint of thumb, more on upper surface, itching at night. s.
Several small red vesicles on end of glans penis, under prepuce, after four days become ulcers and discharge yellow white matter of strong odor, staining shirt ; afterwards large ulcers bleed when touched, pain affects whole body ; they are round, the margins everted like raw meat, and their bases covered with a caseous coat. s.
Herpes preputialis.
Blisters on glans ; burning of penis, eruption on prepuce, condylomata. s.
Pale red vesicles, form small ulcers after breaking, on glans and prepuce.
A number of small red vesicles behind glans, changing to ulcers, which burst and discharge a yellowish white, stringy, strong smelling matter. s.
Ulcers on glans, with cheesy base ; chancroids.
Simple, recently acquired, soft chancres of a superficial and regular form and free secretion of thick pus.
Chancre ; enlargement of glands ; psoriasis on nape of neck ; nodes on tibia, sensitive to pressure. θ Secondary syphilis.
Swelling of lymphatic vessels along penis.
Chancre : primary ; regular indurated Hunterian, with lardaceous base ; small, with cheesy bottom and inverted red edges ; painful, bleeding ; yellowish fetid discharge, spreading and deeply penetrating on glans and prepuce ; red on prepuce ; with phimosis or paraphimosis ; eating through frenum ; round, deep, on glans.
Several small ulcers which bleed easily so soon as prepuce moves, or on handling parts ; painful ulcers on glans and on both sides of frenum ; pain in inguinal region on walking, no redness of skin ; heavy pressure on inguinal glands causes pain. s. сhancre. s.
Foreskin sore ; yellowish pus in drops.
Rubbing and scratching genitals at night when in bed.
Children scratch and pull at genitals.
Dry, fine vesicular eruption on genitals. s.
Sweat on genitals, soreness between scrotum and thighs.
Prolapsus uteri at vagina ; feels better after coition.
Peculiar weak feeling in abdomen, as though she had to hold it up ; close above genitals sensation as if something heavy was pulling downward ; pulling pain in both thighs, as if muscles and tendons were too short. θ Displacement of womb.
Bleeding excrescences on os uteri. θ Syphilis.
Copious discharge from vagina, of muco-purulent matter ; worse after catamenia, but constant ; system greatly exhausted by flooding and repeated miscarriages ; conceived readily enough, but was certain to lose ovum at the end of third month, if not before ; deep ulcers on os and in cervix, with ragged edges which bleed freely when touched ; vaginal walls ulcerated, prolapsus uteri and vagina ; sore pain deep in centre of pelvis ; severe dragging in loins and lumbar regions ; bearing down pressure in lower abdomen ; mental depression. θ Ulcerated cervix.
Stitching, aching or boring pains in uterus, with little heat, but frequent sweats and chills ; moist tongue, with intense thirst ; worse at night. θ Metritis.
Before menses : dry heat and rush of blood to head ; dysmenorrhoea.
During menses : anxiety ; red tongue, with dark spots ; saltish taste, sickly color of gums, teeth on edge ; breath of a mercurial odor and salivation ; prolapsus of vagina ; pain in mamma, as if they would ulcerate ; oedematous swelling of hands, feet and face.
Milk in breasts instead of menses.
Unnatural swelling of female mamma, especially of nipples, which were harder than usual. s.
Pressure in genitals, obliging her to urinate often. s.
Menses : blood light red, serous ; too profuse ; too late and scanty ; suppressed ; of short duration.
Menses irregular for two or three years, without any assignable cause ; headache, impaired vision and memory ; nervous trembling, hands shake ; complexion muddy, sallow, greenish ; countenance distrait ; pulse feeble ; increasing spinal curvature ; menstrual function ceases for three or four months, then occurs sparingly ; general anasarca ; walking produces dyspnoea.
Amenorrhoea, with congestions and ebullitions.
Metrorrhagia ; attacks of fainting following each other in rapid succession ; face cold, covered with sweat ; cold extremities ; breathing imperceptible ; attack preceded by heat, congestion, anxiety, dry mouth, belching, mucous collection in mouth and throat, pressure and cutting from stomach to genitals, dry cough, oppression in epigastrium ; menses irregular or every two weeks.
Metrorrhagia in aged females ; scorbutic gums ; salivation.
Leucorrhoea : smarting, corroding, causing itching and biting in genitals ; purulent ; containing lumps ; worse at night ; adhesive, sticky ; green, bloody ; obliging to scratch, violent burning after scratching ; swelling of labia and vaginitis ; flocks, pus and mucus as large as hazelnuts ; syphilitic ; sensitive itching of labia majora ; swelling and sensitiveness of lymphatic vessels of nympha.
Burning, throbbing and itching of vagina and external genitals, worse on left side ; numbness down left leg ; swelling in hypogastrium, abdomen swelled ; feels hard internally ; yellow discharge from vagina ; on mucous surface of genitals, reaching as high up as she could see, and on external parts, especially near urethra, whitish patches like aphtha ; when removed, a red raw surface is left, uneven to touch, with little red elevations ; throbbing better by lying still ; burning worse from cold and washing ; cannot go to closet on account of draft of air causing pain ; thinking about pains makes them worse and makes her want to urinate ; contact of urine makes parts burn ; thrill in urethra when urine passes ; menses delay. [merc. V] θ Vaginitis.
Itching of genitals, worse from contact of urine, it must be washed off.
Phlegmonous swelling of labia. θ Abortion threatened.
Pimples or tubercles on labia, more troublesome at night.
Indurations and inguinal growths.
Parts have strong tendency to excoriate, to swell and become inflamed ; sensation of rawness in parts. s. θ Spasm of vagina.
Pruritus vulva.
Swollen labia, with soreness of groins.
Характеристика растения
Morning sickness ; profuse salivation, wets pillow in sleep.
Edema or pruritis of vulva during pregnancy.
Threatened abortion ; frequent attacks of pain in small of back ; pressing pulsation in abdomen ; pressure towards external genitals, which were so swollen that sitting posture became difficult ; pressure at times accompanied by discharge of reddish mucus from genitals.
Repeated miscarriages at end of third month, or before.
Expels moles.
Much salivation, constant drivelling from mouth ; convulsions mostly in extremities. s. θ Puerperal convulsions.
Lochial discharge, worse at night, with swelling and inflammation of genitals ; swollen and sore groins.
Milk scanty or spoiled, child refuses it ; nipples raw and sore. θ Mastitis.
Pain in mamma at every menstrual period, as if they would ulcerate.
Mamma swollen, hard, with sore, maddening pains, ulcerated nipples ; suppuration of mamma, favors evacuation of pus.
Cancer mamma, sore pain, a sort of raw feeling.
Edema or pruritis of vulva during pregnancy.
Threatened abortion ; frequent attacks of pain in small of back ; pressing pulsation in abdomen ; pressure towards external genitals, which were so swollen that sitting posture became difficult ; pressure at times accompanied by discharge of reddish mucus from genitals.
Repeated miscarriages at end of third month, or before.
Expels moles.
Much salivation, constant drivelling from mouth ; convulsions mostly in extremities. s. θ Puerperal convulsions.
Lochial discharge, worse at night, with swelling and inflammation of genitals ; swollen and sore groins.
Milk scanty or spoiled, child refuses it ; nipples raw and sore. θ Mastitis.
Pain in mamma at every menstrual period, as if they would ulcerate.
Mamma swollen, hard, with sore, maddening pains, ulcerated nipples ; suppuration of mamma, favors evacuation of pus.
Cancer mamma, sore pain, a sort of raw feeling.
Органы грудной клетки
Fetid breath. [merc. v].
Shortness of breath : suffocation ; on going up stairs or walking.
Anxious oppression and heavy breathing, with desire to take deep breath.
Asthma from fumes of arsenic ; better from tobacco smoke and in cold air.
Dyspnoea ; sensation of spasmodic contraction when coughing or sneezing.
Cough : violent for several nights ; dry, sounds and feels as if everything in chest was dry ; with pain in chest and small of back ; dry, with fluent coryza ; short, dry, fatiguing, caused by tickling beneath upper portion of chest ; dry, fatiguing, racking ; in two paroxysms ; particularly at night ; inability to lie on right side ; tickling before falling asleep ; with stitching pains in chest ; in children ; with nosebleed ; with vomiting ; as if head and chest would burst ; with hoarseness ; with diarrhoea ; not allowing him to utter an audible word ; spasmodic, with retching ; during sleep ; excited by a sensation of tickling or dryness in bronchia ; with shortness of breath and ptyalism ; from tickling in larynx and upper part of chest ; only at night or only by day ; with acrid or yellowish mucus, at times mixed with coagulated blood and tasting putrid or saltish.
Constant, short and choking cough. θ Dropsy of uterus.
During cough. Stitches in occiput, chest, back and scapula ; epistaxis ; offensive breath ; nausea, retching, vomiting ; secessus.
Whooping cough : two paroxysms in rapid succession at night, followed by a long interval of rest ; vomiting, with epistaxis, blood at once coagulating ; profuse sweat at night ; children who were previously troubled with worms (complementary сarb. veg. ; involuntary grass-green diarrhoea during paroxysm, great prostration afterwards ; sweat very much at night and bleed at nose and mouth with every coughing spell ; either by day or by night only.
Catarrh : trachea ; inflammation running from fauces through to finest bronchi ; roughness, burning, feeling of soreness from fauces down ; hoarseness ; dry cough, raw, concussive, exhausting ; sputum ropy, watery, spittle-like, offensive, bloody ; headache ; coryza ; diarrhoea ; fever ; non-ameliorating night sweats.
Cough worse when lying on right side. θ вronchitis.
When coughing or sneezing a stitch runs directly through chest to back. θ Hepatitis.
Cough worse in night air, at night when lying on left side.
Moist, barking cough, with some sound of moisture in air passages, but no expectoration ; cough almost convulsive, cannot be controlled ; occurring in frequent paroxysms, particularly from 9 A. M. until 5 or 6 P. M. θ Measles.
Sputa bloody, in consequence of destroyed lung parenchyma. θ Tuberculosis.
Sensation of dryness in chest.
Rush of blood to chest ; constriction ; soreness, burning extending to throat.
Sharp stitches in chest. s.
Stitch in anterior and upper portion of chest, extending through to back, only on sneezing or coughing, not when breathing ; it constricts chest. s.
Acute pain striking forward through chest from right scapula. s.
Stitches in right chest on sneezing and coughing. s.
Stabbing pain in left side under short ribs during every inspiration. s.
Stitches in chest through from right scapula. θ Pneumonia, with bilious symptoms.
For several days before attack, bloody diarrhoea ; cough oppressive, constant ; high fever ; great prostration ; respiration short, anxious, quick, with rattling on chest and great oppression and sobbing ; restlessness ; skin moist ; sweat about head ; sleeplessness ; trembling of limbs ; constant thirst and headache ; quick pulse. θ Pneumonia.
Fever ; full, frequent pulse ; confusion of head and vertigo ; pain around eyes ; dryness of nose ; eruption at corner of mouth ; loss of taste ; dry, short cough caused by scratching sensation under manubrium ; much talking during sleep ; sweat towards morning, particularly about head. θ Pneumonia.
Asthenic pneumonia, with feeling of weight in lungs, short cough and expectoration of bloody saliva.
Pneumonia and bronchitis, especially when there is a disposition to blenorrhoea, or there is present profuse expectoration of viscid bloody mucus.
Bilious pneumonia, with great tenderness over right hypochondrium.
Infantile lobular pneumonia.
Emphysema of lungs. [merc. v].
Debilitating night and morning sweats. θ Tuberculosis.
Sputa bloody in consequence of destroyed lung parenchyma. s. θ Phthisis.
Acts on lower part of right lung ; stitches through to back.
Suppuration of lungs after hemorrhages of pneumonia.
Sweating on chest with old people, from opium.
Shortness of breath : suffocation ; on going up stairs or walking.
Anxious oppression and heavy breathing, with desire to take deep breath.
Asthma from fumes of arsenic ; better from tobacco smoke and in cold air.
Dyspnoea ; sensation of spasmodic contraction when coughing or sneezing.
Cough : violent for several nights ; dry, sounds and feels as if everything in chest was dry ; with pain in chest and small of back ; dry, with fluent coryza ; short, dry, fatiguing, caused by tickling beneath upper portion of chest ; dry, fatiguing, racking ; in two paroxysms ; particularly at night ; inability to lie on right side ; tickling before falling asleep ; with stitching pains in chest ; in children ; with nosebleed ; with vomiting ; as if head and chest would burst ; with hoarseness ; with diarrhoea ; not allowing him to utter an audible word ; spasmodic, with retching ; during sleep ; excited by a sensation of tickling or dryness in bronchia ; with shortness of breath and ptyalism ; from tickling in larynx and upper part of chest ; only at night or only by day ; with acrid or yellowish mucus, at times mixed with coagulated blood and tasting putrid or saltish.
Constant, short and choking cough. θ Dropsy of uterus.
During cough. Stitches in occiput, chest, back and scapula ; epistaxis ; offensive breath ; nausea, retching, vomiting ; secessus.
Whooping cough : two paroxysms in rapid succession at night, followed by a long interval of rest ; vomiting, with epistaxis, blood at once coagulating ; profuse sweat at night ; children who were previously troubled with worms (complementary сarb. veg. ; involuntary grass-green diarrhoea during paroxysm, great prostration afterwards ; sweat very much at night and bleed at nose and mouth with every coughing spell ; either by day or by night only.
Catarrh : trachea ; inflammation running from fauces through to finest bronchi ; roughness, burning, feeling of soreness from fauces down ; hoarseness ; dry cough, raw, concussive, exhausting ; sputum ropy, watery, spittle-like, offensive, bloody ; headache ; coryza ; diarrhoea ; fever ; non-ameliorating night sweats.
Cough worse when lying on right side. θ вronchitis.
When coughing or sneezing a stitch runs directly through chest to back. θ Hepatitis.
Cough worse in night air, at night when lying on left side.
Moist, barking cough, with some sound of moisture in air passages, but no expectoration ; cough almost convulsive, cannot be controlled ; occurring in frequent paroxysms, particularly from 9 A. M. until 5 or 6 P. M. θ Measles.
Sputa bloody, in consequence of destroyed lung parenchyma. θ Tuberculosis.
Sensation of dryness in chest.
Rush of blood to chest ; constriction ; soreness, burning extending to throat.
Sharp stitches in chest. s.
Stitch in anterior and upper portion of chest, extending through to back, only on sneezing or coughing, not when breathing ; it constricts chest. s.
Acute pain striking forward through chest from right scapula. s.
Stitches in right chest on sneezing and coughing. s.
Stabbing pain in left side under short ribs during every inspiration. s.
Stitches in chest through from right scapula. θ Pneumonia, with bilious symptoms.
For several days before attack, bloody diarrhoea ; cough oppressive, constant ; high fever ; great prostration ; respiration short, anxious, quick, with rattling on chest and great oppression and sobbing ; restlessness ; skin moist ; sweat about head ; sleeplessness ; trembling of limbs ; constant thirst and headache ; quick pulse. θ Pneumonia.
Fever ; full, frequent pulse ; confusion of head and vertigo ; pain around eyes ; dryness of nose ; eruption at corner of mouth ; loss of taste ; dry, short cough caused by scratching sensation under manubrium ; much talking during sleep ; sweat towards morning, particularly about head. θ Pneumonia.
Asthenic pneumonia, with feeling of weight in lungs, short cough and expectoration of bloody saliva.
Pneumonia and bronchitis, especially when there is a disposition to blenorrhoea, or there is present profuse expectoration of viscid bloody mucus.
Bilious pneumonia, with great tenderness over right hypochondrium.
Infantile lobular pneumonia.
Emphysema of lungs. [merc. v].
Debilitating night and morning sweats. θ Tuberculosis.
Sputa bloody in consequence of destroyed lung parenchyma. s. θ Phthisis.
Acts on lower part of right lung ; stitches through to back.
Suppuration of lungs after hemorrhages of pneumonia.
Sweating on chest with old people, from opium.
Сердечно-сосудистая система
Weakness at heart as if dying.
Awakens with trembling at heart and agitation as if frightened.
Aching pain at apex of heart extending upwards towards base ; cardiac oppression.
Palpitation : with fear ; worse at night ; on slightest exertion ; with cough and bloody expectoration.
Orgasm, with trembling from slight exertion.
Pulse : full and accelerated, with erethism, frequent at night, slower by day ; when slow it is weak and trembling ; imperceptible, with warmth of body ; irregular, generally full and fast, with violent beating in arteries, at times weak, slow, tremulous.
Pulse irregular, quick, strong and intermittent, or soft and trembling. θ Yellow fever.
Awakens with trembling at heart and agitation as if frightened.
Aching pain at apex of heart extending upwards towards base ; cardiac oppression.
Palpitation : with fear ; worse at night ; on slightest exertion ; with cough and bloody expectoration.
Orgasm, with trembling from slight exertion.
Pulse : full and accelerated, with erethism, frequent at night, slower by day ; when slow it is weak and trembling ; imperceptible, with warmth of body ; irregular, generally full and fast, with violent beating in arteries, at times weak, slow, tremulous.
Pulse irregular, quick, strong and intermittent, or soft and trembling. θ Yellow fever.
Конечности и позвоночник
Rheumatic stiffness and swelling of neck.
Swollen glands on neck painful on swallowing. θ Rheumatism.
Glands inflamed, swollen, hard, with pressing pain and stitches. [merc. v].
Goitre becomes softened.
Bruised sensation of scapula, back and small of back.
Stinging pains in small of back, with sensation of weakness.
Sticking in small of back, on breathing. s.
Violent pain in spine, worse from motion. θ Meningitis.
Stitching pain in small of back and legs on being touched. s.
Stitching pain, with unsteadiness in back, knees and feet. s.
Erysipelatous inflammation extending from back like a girdle around abdomen. θ Zona.
Pricking itching in sacrum when walking.
Tearing pain in coccyx, better by pressing hands against abdomen ; pain in sacrum as if one had been lying on too hard a cough ; pricking itching in sacrum when walking. θ сoccygodynia.
Acute inflammation of vertebra.
Myelitis ; paraplegia of extremities, of bladder and anus, with tendency to twitching and shocks ; severe spinal pains worse from pressure ; restlessness and sleeplessness ; anesthesia of skin.
Rheumatism of shoulders and upper arms.
Rheumatic affection of capsular ligament of arm ; arm as if too heavy, as if broken or beaten ; worse at night ; cannot tolerate warmth of bed.
Lacerating in shoulder joints, arms and wrists, especially at night and when moving part.
Red and hot (arthritic) swelling from elbow to wrist.
Burning, scaly herpes on forearms and hands.
Twitching of arms and fingers.
Tremor of hands, with great weakness. [merc. v].
Involuntary trembling of hands ; could not carry a glass of water to mouth without spilling it ; could take neither food nor drink, but had to be fed like a child. [merc. v].
Frequent involuntary jerking of hands and fingers ; convulsions worse by every exertion. [merc. v].
Eczema on left hand gradually spreads to fingers and up to arm.
Eczema of hands ; whole dorsal surface of both hands raw, denuded ; commenced with cracks on joints ; stinging, burning pain ; surroundings inflame easily after scratching ; every Winter for a number of years ; moist surface becomes dry at times, forming in yellow crusts.
Eruption like moist itch on hands, with violent nightly itching ; painful stiffness of right wrist joint ; contraction of fingers ; painful and bleeding rhagades on hands ; swelling of finger joints ; exfoliation of finger nails.
Fingers of both hands flexed, especially thumb, so that it is completely drawn inward, as in epilepsy ; without assistance is unable without great exertion to open fingers farther than about two-thirds ; with trembling of hands. s.
Inflammation of cellular tissue beneath cutis, in sinews, their fascia and phalangeal joints ; pains not violent, more throbbing and shooting ; extremely sensitive to heat and cold. θ Panaritium.
Spontaneous luxation of right hip joint ; severe stitching pains, worse from motion ; right thigh a finger’s breadth longer than left.
Tearing in hip joint and knee, worse at night or with pulsating pains ; beginning suppuration.
Rheumatic pains in legs, with stinging, especially in hip joint, femur and knee, worse at night ; affected parts feel cold.
Dropsical swelling of legs ; cold sweat on feet.
Painful swelling of metatarsal bones.
When first signs of disease manifest themselves ; sharp stitches flashing periodically through joint ; acute stitches in right ilium at regular short intervals, and in anterior inferior spinous process of ilium ; boring pain in right glutei muscles ; burning of nates ; red pimple, with a white tip on nates, painful and stinging ; tearing pain in hip joint, in knee and in femur, worse during motion ; tearing, drawing from heel to buttocks, worse at night, with contraction and giving away of knees ; limbs feel stiff when walking ; stitches in thighs and legs during motion ; involuntary twitching in limbs ; trembling when walking, worse about knees and in inguinal region ; pain in right thigh as if bruised, worse after walking ; during nightly slumber (without sleep) he feels a violent tensive pain in posterior part of left thigh and in buttock, most violent between buttock and thigh, and extending as far as bend of knee ; better in recumbent position, by supporting thigh ; cannot sit on posterior part on account of pain, which is worse periodically ; single pointed stitches in region of external condyle of tibia, not in knee ; spasmodic drawing up of legs ; they remain contracted all night. θ Hip joint disease.
Pain in sinews of left thigh, which are sore to touch. s.
Involuntary twitching and a kind of spasmodic adduction of legs and thighs.
Soreness between thighs and genitals. s.
Hard, glandular swelling in upper part of left thigh, suppurated. s.
Tumor on upper part of left thigh. s.
Small pimples on inner side of thighs. s.
Herpes on legs and thighs. s.
Legs and thighs cold and clammy at night. θ Dysentery.
Excessive weakness and giving away of knees and legs. s.
Sensation as if knee was larger.
Gonarthrocace after suppressed itch.
Weariness and uneasiness in legs in evening. s.
Could scarcely drag her limbs because they were so heavy. s.
Tearing and stitching in lower limbs, at night and during motion, with sensation of coldness.
Pressing pain in periosteum of right tibia. s.
Boring and drawing pain in tibia. s.
Red, shining, hard swelling on right tibia. s.
High fever and swelling of leg. θ Periostitis of tibia.
Ulcers on legs which bleed easily and become putrid, spongy and bluish.
After abuse of mercury, two large ulcers on leg below knee ; in paroxysms of perhaps a minute’s duration, once in ten or fifteen minutes, lancinating darting pain, forcing screams ; these sores were of two years’ duration and were preceded by others, similar, two or three times healed by local treatment ; commenced by a pimple, which being broken, formed into a deep foul ulcer, grey colored, slough thin, ichorous pus ; inflamed, swollen elevated edges, with a varicose condition of veins in vicinity ; worse by heat of bed, hot or cold applications, from pressure, motion, evening until midnight. s.
A woman, at. 30, dark hair and complexion ; about eight years ago had a fall, spraining left ankle ; soon after an ulcer which continued to spread ; anterior and external surface of leg from ankle to middle third of thigh one mass of ulceration ; spongy appearance, with elevations and depressions, constant ichorous discharge ; constant pain, burning, stinging and gnawing, worse from least touch ; whole limb felt heavy and weary ; gnawing, lacerating pain in knee joint ; walking and standing painful ; pains become unendurable from warmth of bed ; enlarged and sensitive inguinal glands. s.
Tarsal bones of right foot greatly swollen ; acute pain ; threatening suppuration.
Pain in right tarsal joints, as if sprained. s.
After catching cold in a sudden shower, painful swelling of foot, followed by formation of abscess, from which was discharged a thin, watery secretion, swelling increased and eight fistulous openings formed, from which fragments of bone were discharged ; miserable appearance ; skin hot and burning ; pulse feverish ; loss of appetite ; sleeplessness. θ сaries of tarsal and metatarsal bones.
After wearing boots for several days, which he usually could not wear on account of swelling of tarsal bones of right foot, violent pain in that part of foot, rapidly increasing ; foot somewhat swollen and reddened, could not bear touch or motion ; slight chill, with subsequent dry heat and full pulse.
Edematous swelling of foot. θ Peritonitis.
Swelling of backs of feet. s.
Cold sweat on feet.
Foot sweat scentless.
Trembling of extremities, especially hands.
Involuntary jerking in limbs ; twitching of arms and legs.
Weakness and weariness in limbs ; bruised sensation. s.
Arms and thighs sore to touch, can hardly move them.
Drawing and tearing in all the limbs. s.
Rigidity and immobility of limbs, though they can easily be moved by others. θ Paralysis.
Painful stiffness in limbs ; use of all lost, except right arm ; face livid ; no appetite ; emaciated ; in bed for a year ; constipated ; pain at night ; worse from changes of weather.
Convulsions mostly in extremities.
Syphilitis or strumous synovitis, chronic ; tendency to complete destruction of joint ; pains aching or stabbing, worse at night and from external warmth.
Abscess in joints.
Rheumatic and arthritic pains ; tearing stinging, worse at night in warm bed ; with profuse sweat, no relief ; oedema of affected parts, especially of feet and ankles ; joints swollen, pale or slightly red.
Sudden pain and stiffness of nape of neck and of upper and lower limbs, probably brought on by exposure ; lay motionless in bed, great weakness and lameness necessitating assistance when any change of position was desirable ; could slightly raise right arm ; face sunken, earthy in color ; emaciation of whole body ; loss of appetite ; sleep disturbed by nightly pains ; pains worse in change of weather ; constipation, with pains in small of back.
Coldness of extremities, with cramps. θ Yellow fever.
Lying : rotary motion of head ; vertigo ; burning in head.
Lying still : throbbing in vagina .
Recumbent position : colic passes off ; tensive pain in thigh and buttock .
Obliged to lie down : involuntary contraction of eyes ; chilliness ; prostration, with sick feeling of body and mind.
Must lie upon back with thigh flexed : on account of swelling between umbilicus and anterior inferior spine of ilium.
Lying on right side : intestines feel bruised.
Unable to lie on right side : on account of pain in head ; stitches in liver ; cough.
Lying on left side : shooting in ears.
Lay motionless in bed : from pain and stiffness of nape of neck and limbs.
Child wants to lie quietly in horizontal position.
Sitting : weariness.
Sitting up : burning in head ; difficult, on account of swelling of external genitals.
Cannot sit up in bed for fear of falling : great weakness.
Cannot sit on posterior part of thigh : on account of pain.
Must bend double : colic.
By supporting thigh by laying something underneath : tensive pain in thigh and buttock .
Cannot extend thigh : on account of swelling near right ilium.
Standing : painful on account of ulcer on left ankle.
Cannot stand erect : vertigo ; pain in soles of feet.
Can neither stand nor walk : with great pain in inguinal glands.
Stooping : vertigo.
Motion : stitching pain in throat ; violent pain in spine.
Rising : tension over forehead ; burning in skin, with sweat.
Raising head : vertigo.
Moves right hand towards head or thrusts hands into wide open mouth, left arm remaining motionless.
Frequent chewing motion of mouth.
Could with difficulty chew : stiffness of maxillary joints.
Cannot separate jaw.
Eating causes sweat.
Can hardly move arms and thighs.
Slightest exertion : palpitation.
Could not bear to walk : pain in soles of feet.
Walking : shaking sensation of bowels ; cutting stitch in abdomen.
Going up stairs : shortness of breath.
Touch : pain in bones ; feeling of soreness of exostoses ; external head painful ; scalp painful ; pain around eyes.
Laying hand on forehead ; tension .
When taken hold of : painfulness of nasal bones.
Contact : of teeth, severe pain in teeth ; of food, tongue painful ; abdomen painful ; skin extremely sensitive to clothes ; violent burning of skin.
Heavy pressure : in inguinal glands causes pain.
Pressure : swelling over parietal bone fluctuates ; tongue painful ; external, tension in pharynx.
Pressing hand against abdomen : better pain in coccyx.
Rubbing : toothache ; of genitals at night in bed ; violent burning of skin.
Wearing boot on swollen foot : caused violent pain.
Scratching : scalp causes bleeding ; causes bleeding of yellow scurf on face ; of genitals at night in bed ; biting in genitals changes to violent burning ; eczema on hand inflames surroundings ; itching becomes pleasant ; causes burning in eruption.
Riding : pulsating in forehead .
After fall : scotoma of right eye ; sprained left ankle, then an ulcer appeared.
Swollen glands on neck painful on swallowing. θ Rheumatism.
Glands inflamed, swollen, hard, with pressing pain and stitches. [merc. v].
Goitre becomes softened.
Bruised sensation of scapula, back and small of back.
Stinging pains in small of back, with sensation of weakness.
Sticking in small of back, on breathing. s.
Violent pain in spine, worse from motion. θ Meningitis.
Stitching pain in small of back and legs on being touched. s.
Stitching pain, with unsteadiness in back, knees and feet. s.
Erysipelatous inflammation extending from back like a girdle around abdomen. θ Zona.
Pricking itching in sacrum when walking.
Tearing pain in coccyx, better by pressing hands against abdomen ; pain in sacrum as if one had been lying on too hard a cough ; pricking itching in sacrum when walking. θ сoccygodynia.
Acute inflammation of vertebra.
Myelitis ; paraplegia of extremities, of bladder and anus, with tendency to twitching and shocks ; severe spinal pains worse from pressure ; restlessness and sleeplessness ; anesthesia of skin.
Rheumatism of shoulders and upper arms.
Rheumatic affection of capsular ligament of arm ; arm as if too heavy, as if broken or beaten ; worse at night ; cannot tolerate warmth of bed.
Lacerating in shoulder joints, arms and wrists, especially at night and when moving part.
Red and hot (arthritic) swelling from elbow to wrist.
Burning, scaly herpes on forearms and hands.
Twitching of arms and fingers.
Tremor of hands, with great weakness. [merc. v].
Involuntary trembling of hands ; could not carry a glass of water to mouth without spilling it ; could take neither food nor drink, but had to be fed like a child. [merc. v].
Frequent involuntary jerking of hands and fingers ; convulsions worse by every exertion. [merc. v].
Eczema on left hand gradually spreads to fingers and up to arm.
Eczema of hands ; whole dorsal surface of both hands raw, denuded ; commenced with cracks on joints ; stinging, burning pain ; surroundings inflame easily after scratching ; every Winter for a number of years ; moist surface becomes dry at times, forming in yellow crusts.
Eruption like moist itch on hands, with violent nightly itching ; painful stiffness of right wrist joint ; contraction of fingers ; painful and bleeding rhagades on hands ; swelling of finger joints ; exfoliation of finger nails.
Fingers of both hands flexed, especially thumb, so that it is completely drawn inward, as in epilepsy ; without assistance is unable without great exertion to open fingers farther than about two-thirds ; with trembling of hands. s.
Inflammation of cellular tissue beneath cutis, in sinews, their fascia and phalangeal joints ; pains not violent, more throbbing and shooting ; extremely sensitive to heat and cold. θ Panaritium.
Spontaneous luxation of right hip joint ; severe stitching pains, worse from motion ; right thigh a finger’s breadth longer than left.
Tearing in hip joint and knee, worse at night or with pulsating pains ; beginning suppuration.
Rheumatic pains in legs, with stinging, especially in hip joint, femur and knee, worse at night ; affected parts feel cold.
Dropsical swelling of legs ; cold sweat on feet.
Painful swelling of metatarsal bones.
When first signs of disease manifest themselves ; sharp stitches flashing periodically through joint ; acute stitches in right ilium at regular short intervals, and in anterior inferior spinous process of ilium ; boring pain in right glutei muscles ; burning of nates ; red pimple, with a white tip on nates, painful and stinging ; tearing pain in hip joint, in knee and in femur, worse during motion ; tearing, drawing from heel to buttocks, worse at night, with contraction and giving away of knees ; limbs feel stiff when walking ; stitches in thighs and legs during motion ; involuntary twitching in limbs ; trembling when walking, worse about knees and in inguinal region ; pain in right thigh as if bruised, worse after walking ; during nightly slumber (without sleep) he feels a violent tensive pain in posterior part of left thigh and in buttock, most violent between buttock and thigh, and extending as far as bend of knee ; better in recumbent position, by supporting thigh ; cannot sit on posterior part on account of pain, which is worse periodically ; single pointed stitches in region of external condyle of tibia, not in knee ; spasmodic drawing up of legs ; they remain contracted all night. θ Hip joint disease.
Pain in sinews of left thigh, which are sore to touch. s.
Involuntary twitching and a kind of spasmodic adduction of legs and thighs.
Soreness between thighs and genitals. s.
Hard, glandular swelling in upper part of left thigh, suppurated. s.
Tumor on upper part of left thigh. s.
Small pimples on inner side of thighs. s.
Herpes on legs and thighs. s.
Legs and thighs cold and clammy at night. θ Dysentery.
Excessive weakness and giving away of knees and legs. s.
Sensation as if knee was larger.
Gonarthrocace after suppressed itch.
Weariness and uneasiness in legs in evening. s.
Could scarcely drag her limbs because they were so heavy. s.
Tearing and stitching in lower limbs, at night and during motion, with sensation of coldness.
Pressing pain in periosteum of right tibia. s.
Boring and drawing pain in tibia. s.
Red, shining, hard swelling on right tibia. s.
High fever and swelling of leg. θ Periostitis of tibia.
Ulcers on legs which bleed easily and become putrid, spongy and bluish.
After abuse of mercury, two large ulcers on leg below knee ; in paroxysms of perhaps a minute’s duration, once in ten or fifteen minutes, lancinating darting pain, forcing screams ; these sores were of two years’ duration and were preceded by others, similar, two or three times healed by local treatment ; commenced by a pimple, which being broken, formed into a deep foul ulcer, grey colored, slough thin, ichorous pus ; inflamed, swollen elevated edges, with a varicose condition of veins in vicinity ; worse by heat of bed, hot or cold applications, from pressure, motion, evening until midnight. s.
A woman, at. 30, dark hair and complexion ; about eight years ago had a fall, spraining left ankle ; soon after an ulcer which continued to spread ; anterior and external surface of leg from ankle to middle third of thigh one mass of ulceration ; spongy appearance, with elevations and depressions, constant ichorous discharge ; constant pain, burning, stinging and gnawing, worse from least touch ; whole limb felt heavy and weary ; gnawing, lacerating pain in knee joint ; walking and standing painful ; pains become unendurable from warmth of bed ; enlarged and sensitive inguinal glands. s.
Tarsal bones of right foot greatly swollen ; acute pain ; threatening suppuration.
Pain in right tarsal joints, as if sprained. s.
After catching cold in a sudden shower, painful swelling of foot, followed by formation of abscess, from which was discharged a thin, watery secretion, swelling increased and eight fistulous openings formed, from which fragments of bone were discharged ; miserable appearance ; skin hot and burning ; pulse feverish ; loss of appetite ; sleeplessness. θ сaries of tarsal and metatarsal bones.
After wearing boots for several days, which he usually could not wear on account of swelling of tarsal bones of right foot, violent pain in that part of foot, rapidly increasing ; foot somewhat swollen and reddened, could not bear touch or motion ; slight chill, with subsequent dry heat and full pulse.
Edematous swelling of foot. θ Peritonitis.
Swelling of backs of feet. s.
Cold sweat on feet.
Foot sweat scentless.
Trembling of extremities, especially hands.
Involuntary jerking in limbs ; twitching of arms and legs.
Weakness and weariness in limbs ; bruised sensation. s.
Arms and thighs sore to touch, can hardly move them.
Drawing and tearing in all the limbs. s.
Rigidity and immobility of limbs, though they can easily be moved by others. θ Paralysis.
Painful stiffness in limbs ; use of all lost, except right arm ; face livid ; no appetite ; emaciated ; in bed for a year ; constipated ; pain at night ; worse from changes of weather.
Convulsions mostly in extremities.
Syphilitis or strumous synovitis, chronic ; tendency to complete destruction of joint ; pains aching or stabbing, worse at night and from external warmth.
Abscess in joints.
Rheumatic and arthritic pains ; tearing stinging, worse at night in warm bed ; with profuse sweat, no relief ; oedema of affected parts, especially of feet and ankles ; joints swollen, pale or slightly red.
Sudden pain and stiffness of nape of neck and of upper and lower limbs, probably brought on by exposure ; lay motionless in bed, great weakness and lameness necessitating assistance when any change of position was desirable ; could slightly raise right arm ; face sunken, earthy in color ; emaciation of whole body ; loss of appetite ; sleep disturbed by nightly pains ; pains worse in change of weather ; constipation, with pains in small of back.
Coldness of extremities, with cramps. θ Yellow fever.
Lying : rotary motion of head ; vertigo ; burning in head.
Lying still : throbbing in vagina .
Recumbent position : colic passes off ; tensive pain in thigh and buttock .
Obliged to lie down : involuntary contraction of eyes ; chilliness ; prostration, with sick feeling of body and mind.
Must lie upon back with thigh flexed : on account of swelling between umbilicus and anterior inferior spine of ilium.
Lying on right side : intestines feel bruised.
Unable to lie on right side : on account of pain in head ; stitches in liver ; cough.
Lying on left side : shooting in ears.
Lay motionless in bed : from pain and stiffness of nape of neck and limbs.
Child wants to lie quietly in horizontal position.
Sitting : weariness.
Sitting up : burning in head ; difficult, on account of swelling of external genitals.
Cannot sit up in bed for fear of falling : great weakness.
Cannot sit on posterior part of thigh : on account of pain.
Must bend double : colic.
By supporting thigh by laying something underneath : tensive pain in thigh and buttock .
Cannot extend thigh : on account of swelling near right ilium.
Standing : painful on account of ulcer on left ankle.
Cannot stand erect : vertigo ; pain in soles of feet.
Can neither stand nor walk : with great pain in inguinal glands.
Stooping : vertigo.
Motion : stitching pain in throat ; violent pain in spine.
Rising : tension over forehead ; burning in skin, with sweat.
Raising head : vertigo.
Moves right hand towards head or thrusts hands into wide open mouth, left arm remaining motionless.
Frequent chewing motion of mouth.
Could with difficulty chew : stiffness of maxillary joints.
Cannot separate jaw.
Eating causes sweat.
Can hardly move arms and thighs.
Slightest exertion : palpitation.
Could not bear to walk : pain in soles of feet.
Walking : shaking sensation of bowels ; cutting stitch in abdomen.
Going up stairs : shortness of breath.
Touch : pain in bones ; feeling of soreness of exostoses ; external head painful ; scalp painful ; pain around eyes.
Laying hand on forehead ; tension .
When taken hold of : painfulness of nasal bones.
Contact : of teeth, severe pain in teeth ; of food, tongue painful ; abdomen painful ; skin extremely sensitive to clothes ; violent burning of skin.
Heavy pressure : in inguinal glands causes pain.
Pressure : swelling over parietal bone fluctuates ; tongue painful ; external, tension in pharynx.
Pressing hand against abdomen : better pain in coccyx.
Rubbing : toothache ; of genitals at night in bed ; violent burning of skin.
Wearing boot on swollen foot : caused violent pain.
Scratching : scalp causes bleeding ; causes bleeding of yellow scurf on face ; of genitals at night in bed ; biting in genitals changes to violent burning ; eczema on hand inflames surroundings ; itching becomes pleasant ; causes burning in eruption.
Riding : pulsating in forehead .
After fall : scotoma of right eye ; sprained left ankle, then an ulcer appeared.
Нервная система
Great irritability of all the organs. θ Yellow fever.
Involuntary motions, which can be momentarily suppressed by volition, or involuntary tremors. [merc. v].
Involuntary motions of head and hands. [merc. v].
Nervousness and trembling of hands.
Paroxysmal trembling.
General tremors, with stammering of speech. [merc. v].
Tremors always commencing in fingers. [merc. v].
Trembling of hands and tongue. [merc. v].
Tremor of hands so that he could not lift anything, eat or write ; marked tremor of neck and lower extremities. [merc. v].
Jerkings. s.
Convulsions : with cries ; rigidity, bloated abdomen, itching of nose and thirst ; worse at night ; much salivation ; child takes cold and salivation is arrested ; mostly in extremities ; epileptic, at night.
Great weakness, ebullitions and trembling from exertion.
Lassitude ; weakness, approaching palsy. [merc. v].
Weary, especially while sitting, as if all his limbs would fall from him. s.
Weakness, with depression of spirits. s.
Very much exhausted after a stool. s.
Prostration, with an inexpressible sick feeling of body and mind, obliging him to lie down. s.
Frequent fainting. θ Metrorrhagia.
Great debility. θ Rheumatism. θ Typhoid.
Contraction of joints.
Rheumatic patients with night sweats, tearing, lancinating pains, sensation of cold in affected parts, worse at night ; great weakness ; hot flashes from least exertion ; pale face and evanescent redness on cheeks. θ Neuralgia.
Paralysis agitans.
Paralysis of lower extremities. θ Spinal meningitis.
Limbs stiff but can be moved by others. θ Paralysis.
Occasional jerks in paralyzed parts. θ Meningitis.
Involuntary motions, which can be momentarily suppressed by volition, or involuntary tremors. [merc. v].
Involuntary motions of head and hands. [merc. v].
Nervousness and trembling of hands.
Paroxysmal trembling.
General tremors, with stammering of speech. [merc. v].
Tremors always commencing in fingers. [merc. v].
Trembling of hands and tongue. [merc. v].
Tremor of hands so that he could not lift anything, eat or write ; marked tremor of neck and lower extremities. [merc. v].
Jerkings. s.
Convulsions : with cries ; rigidity, bloated abdomen, itching of nose and thirst ; worse at night ; much salivation ; child takes cold and salivation is arrested ; mostly in extremities ; epileptic, at night.
Great weakness, ebullitions and trembling from exertion.
Lassitude ; weakness, approaching palsy. [merc. v].
Weary, especially while sitting, as if all his limbs would fall from him. s.
Weakness, with depression of spirits. s.
Very much exhausted after a stool. s.
Prostration, with an inexpressible sick feeling of body and mind, obliging him to lie down. s.
Frequent fainting. θ Metrorrhagia.
Great debility. θ Rheumatism. θ Typhoid.
Contraction of joints.
Rheumatic patients with night sweats, tearing, lancinating pains, sensation of cold in affected parts, worse at night ; great weakness ; hot flashes from least exertion ; pale face and evanescent redness on cheeks. θ Neuralgia.
Paralysis agitans.
Paralysis of lower extremities. θ Spinal meningitis.
Limbs stiff but can be moved by others. θ Paralysis.
Occasional jerks in paralyzed parts. θ Meningitis.
Great sleepiness : during day, not better by long sleep.
Sleepless at night : on account of anxiety, ebullitions and congestions ; from itching ; from seeing frightful faces ; frequent waking.
Sweat during sleep.
Falls asleep late ; wakeful until three in morning.
Excessive restlessness and malaise, with sleeplessness.
As soon as he went to bed in evening pains recommenced and banished sleep. s.
Just after falling asleep, pains become more violent. s.
Dreams : of water ; thieves ; animals ; shooting ; misfortunes.
Wakes with nervous trembling, thumping of heart and agitation, as if he had been frightened.
Towards morning : sweat ; heat and violent thirst.
Morning : on waking, confusion in head ; bad breath ; toothache in paroxysms ; tongue as if covered with fur ; diarrhoea ; vertigo ; debilitating sweats ; when rising, chill ; vesicles in various parts of body.
At 1 A. M. : water collects in mouth.
Day : pressing or stitching pains in head ; pain in eye ; wants to sleep ; chilliness ; toothache ; much thirst ; cough ; pulse slower, weak and trembling ; sleepiness by day.
Afternoon : feeling of coldness in testicles.
At 5.45 P. M. : aching in ears.
Toward evening : tearing in lower jaw.
Evening : chilliness ; fever.
From 9 P. M. : painfulness of gum.
Day and night : sweat.
Night : tension over forehead.
Before midnight : great swelling of lids.
After midnight : ptyalism, with nausea.
Sleepless at night : on account of anxiety, ebullitions and congestions ; from itching ; from seeing frightful faces ; frequent waking.
Sweat during sleep.
Falls asleep late ; wakeful until three in morning.
Excessive restlessness and malaise, with sleeplessness.
As soon as he went to bed in evening pains recommenced and banished sleep. s.
Just after falling asleep, pains become more violent. s.
Dreams : of water ; thieves ; animals ; shooting ; misfortunes.
Wakes with nervous trembling, thumping of heart and agitation, as if he had been frightened.
Towards morning : sweat ; heat and violent thirst.
Morning : on waking, confusion in head ; bad breath ; toothache in paroxysms ; tongue as if covered with fur ; diarrhoea ; vertigo ; debilitating sweats ; when rising, chill ; vesicles in various parts of body.
At 1 A. M. : water collects in mouth.
Day : pressing or stitching pains in head ; pain in eye ; wants to sleep ; chilliness ; toothache ; much thirst ; cough ; pulse slower, weak and trembling ; sleepiness by day.
Afternoon : feeling of coldness in testicles.
At 5.45 P. M. : aching in ears.
Toward evening : tearing in lower jaw.
Evening : chilliness ; fever.
From 9 P. M. : painfulness of gum.
Day and night : sweat.
Night : tension over forehead.
Before midnight : great swelling of lids.
After midnight : ptyalism, with nausea.
Sensation of coldness, with tremors, though without diminished temperature. [merc. v].
Chilliness : on going into open air : as from cold water poured over one ; in abdomen ; while at stool ; at night, with frequent micturition ; between diarrheic stools ; internal, with heat of face ; in daytime, obliging to lie down ; wore a heavy overcoat in hot Summer.
Constant cold hands and feet. s.
Chill : in morning when rising, but more generally in evening after lying down, as from cold water poured over one ; not better by warmth of stove ; alternating with heat often only on single parts ; internal, with heat of face.
Heat : in bed, chill when out of bed ; after midnight, with violent thirst for cold drinks ; anxious, with sensation of pressing together of chest, alternating with chill ; with aversion to uncover.
Intermittent fever : evening chill ; heat and violent thirst or thirst towards morning ; during sweat, palpitation and nausea ; sweat fetid or sour.
Continued or remittent fevers, particularly when complicated with enlargement or subacute inflammation of liver.
Worm fever, with intestinal inflammation and diarrhoea.
Hectic fever, especially of children.
Mucous fever, with prostration.
Catarrhal, rheumatic fever, after catching cold.
Typhoid fevers, with marked icteroid or scorbutic symptoms.
Obtuseness of mental operations, with great inclination to sleep ; heaviness and muddledness of head ; thick and dirty coating of tongue ; insipid, pappy, slimy, foul taste, with desire for refreshing things ; thirst, painful sensitiveness of precordial, hepatic, umbilical and ileo-cecal region ; bilious, slimy or watery diarrhoea, which, however, may be absent ; prostration ; sometimes copious, debilitating perspiration ; pale ; sunken face and eyes ; dirty, yellowish color of face. θ Typhoid fever.
Yellow color of skin ; red eyes ; bloodvessels of sclerotic injected ; eyes sensitive to light ; paresis of one or more limbs ; tongue moist, with thick, white coating or dry and covered with brown mucus ; pulse irregular or quick, strong and intermittent, or soft and tremulous ; great disposition to sleep, or sleepless from nervous irritation ; feeling of weakness and prostration ; rapid loss of strength ; vertigo or severe headache ; convulsive vomiting of slime and bilious matter ; burning pain and sensitiveness of stomach ; constipation or diarrhoea ; evacuations slimy, bilious or bloody ; coldness of arms and legs, with cramps, irritability and sensitiveness of all the organs ; anxiety and restlessness ; weak memory ; timorous, depressed, complaining ; delirium. θ Yellow fever.
Alternates : toothache, with giddiness and tearing in limbs ; croupous and pappy fecal stools ; heat and horripilations.
Periodical : flashes of sharp stitches through hip joint ; worse pain in thigh and buttock ; burning as of fire in eruption.
Two paroxysms of cough in rapid succession at night, followed by long interval of rest.
At regular short intervals : acute stitches in right ilium.
Every few minutes : attacks of toothache ; urging to urinate.
In paroxysms of perhaps a minute’s duration, once in ten or fifteen minutes ; lancinating, darting pain in large ulcers on leg.
Every quarter or half hour : terrible continuous shrieking for one or two minutes.
Every half hour : diarrheic discharges.
Every hour : discharge of a round, shreddy mass from bowels ; obliged to urinate.
Every night : pains deep in eye.
From 9 A. M. until 5 or 6 P. M. : frequent paroxysms of cough.
For a week or ten days : redness of erythema.
Fourteen days after childbirth : eruption of vesicles on neck, shoulders, chest and abdomen.
Every two weeks : menses.
At every menstrual period : pain in mamma.
In all phases of moon : frequent attacks of cramps in stomach.
At third month : repeated miscarriages.
Spring and Fall : stinging pains in throat.
Every Winter for a number of years : eczema of left hand.
For one year : failing sight.
Two years’ duration : sores.
For two years : indications of hydrocephalus.
For two or three years : menses irregular.
Fourteen years’ duration : chronic otitis.
Right : scotoma of eye ; as if ear was stuffed up ; offensive smelling discharge from ear ; could not be heard on side ; auditory canal occluded by polypi ; in forepart of ear a sac of matter ; pain in whole half of head and face ; bloody and offensive matter flows from ear ; mumps ; ranula ; swelling of tonsil ; patches on throat ; cannot lie on side ; stitches in liver ; great distension of hypochondrium ; pressure in side ; lying on side, intestines feel bruised ; painful swelling near ilium ; stitches in last rib ; pressive boring pains in groin ; zona on side ; tenderness over hypochondrium ; testicle swollen, hard, as large as hen’s egg ; scrotum red, shining ; tearing in head ; acute pain through chest to scapula ; stitches in chest ; acts on lower part of lung ; tenderness over hypochondrium ; painful stiffness of wrist ; spontaneous luxation of hip ; thigh finger’s breadth longer than left ; stitches in ilium ; boring in glutei muscles ; thigh as if bruised ; pressing in periosteum of tibia ; swelling on tibia ; tarsal bones swollen as if sprained ; loss of use of arm ; tetters on forearm.
Left : tearing or pressive pain in temple ; burning in temple ; dryness and swelling of eyelid ; sticking and burning deep in ear ; roaring and rumbling in ear ; shooting from ear to temple ; watch could be heard only at distance of one and a half inches ; inflammation of ear with deafness ; throbbing in upper jaw ; throat swollen ; beating in precordia ; headache in temple ; stitching in side of abdomen ; pain in testicle ; burning and itching of vagina ; numbness down leg ; cough worse lying on side ; stabbing under short ribs ; eczema of hand ; pain in thigh and buttock ; pain in sinews of thigh ; glandular swelling in upper part of thigh ; tumors on upper part of thigh ; sprained ankle, then an ulcer appeared ; tarsal bones of foot greatly swollen ; eruption on arm ; tettery spot on cheek bone.
First left, then right : hemorrhage from ears ; ringing, whistling in ears ; shooting in ears ; aching in ears.
From right to left : cutting stitch in lower abdomen.
Chilliness : on going into open air : as from cold water poured over one ; in abdomen ; while at stool ; at night, with frequent micturition ; between diarrheic stools ; internal, with heat of face ; in daytime, obliging to lie down ; wore a heavy overcoat in hot Summer.
Constant cold hands and feet. s.
Chill : in morning when rising, but more generally in evening after lying down, as from cold water poured over one ; not better by warmth of stove ; alternating with heat often only on single parts ; internal, with heat of face.
Heat : in bed, chill when out of bed ; after midnight, with violent thirst for cold drinks ; anxious, with sensation of pressing together of chest, alternating with chill ; with aversion to uncover.
Intermittent fever : evening chill ; heat and violent thirst or thirst towards morning ; during sweat, palpitation and nausea ; sweat fetid or sour.
Continued or remittent fevers, particularly when complicated with enlargement or subacute inflammation of liver.
Worm fever, with intestinal inflammation and diarrhoea.
Hectic fever, especially of children.
Mucous fever, with prostration.
Catarrhal, rheumatic fever, after catching cold.
Typhoid fevers, with marked icteroid or scorbutic symptoms.
Obtuseness of mental operations, with great inclination to sleep ; heaviness and muddledness of head ; thick and dirty coating of tongue ; insipid, pappy, slimy, foul taste, with desire for refreshing things ; thirst, painful sensitiveness of precordial, hepatic, umbilical and ileo-cecal region ; bilious, slimy or watery diarrhoea, which, however, may be absent ; prostration ; sometimes copious, debilitating perspiration ; pale ; sunken face and eyes ; dirty, yellowish color of face. θ Typhoid fever.
Yellow color of skin ; red eyes ; bloodvessels of sclerotic injected ; eyes sensitive to light ; paresis of one or more limbs ; tongue moist, with thick, white coating or dry and covered with brown mucus ; pulse irregular or quick, strong and intermittent, or soft and tremulous ; great disposition to sleep, or sleepless from nervous irritation ; feeling of weakness and prostration ; rapid loss of strength ; vertigo or severe headache ; convulsive vomiting of slime and bilious matter ; burning pain and sensitiveness of stomach ; constipation or diarrhoea ; evacuations slimy, bilious or bloody ; coldness of arms and legs, with cramps, irritability and sensitiveness of all the organs ; anxiety and restlessness ; weak memory ; timorous, depressed, complaining ; delirium. θ Yellow fever.
Alternates : toothache, with giddiness and tearing in limbs ; croupous and pappy fecal stools ; heat and horripilations.
Periodical : flashes of sharp stitches through hip joint ; worse pain in thigh and buttock ; burning as of fire in eruption.
Two paroxysms of cough in rapid succession at night, followed by long interval of rest.
At regular short intervals : acute stitches in right ilium.
Every few minutes : attacks of toothache ; urging to urinate.
In paroxysms of perhaps a minute’s duration, once in ten or fifteen minutes ; lancinating, darting pain in large ulcers on leg.
Every quarter or half hour : terrible continuous shrieking for one or two minutes.
Every half hour : diarrheic discharges.
Every hour : discharge of a round, shreddy mass from bowels ; obliged to urinate.
Every night : pains deep in eye.
From 9 A. M. until 5 or 6 P. M. : frequent paroxysms of cough.
For a week or ten days : redness of erythema.
Fourteen days after childbirth : eruption of vesicles on neck, shoulders, chest and abdomen.
Every two weeks : menses.
At every menstrual period : pain in mamma.
In all phases of moon : frequent attacks of cramps in stomach.
At third month : repeated miscarriages.
Spring and Fall : stinging pains in throat.
Every Winter for a number of years : eczema of left hand.
For one year : failing sight.
Two years’ duration : sores.
For two years : indications of hydrocephalus.
For two or three years : menses irregular.
Fourteen years’ duration : chronic otitis.
Right : scotoma of eye ; as if ear was stuffed up ; offensive smelling discharge from ear ; could not be heard on side ; auditory canal occluded by polypi ; in forepart of ear a sac of matter ; pain in whole half of head and face ; bloody and offensive matter flows from ear ; mumps ; ranula ; swelling of tonsil ; patches on throat ; cannot lie on side ; stitches in liver ; great distension of hypochondrium ; pressure in side ; lying on side, intestines feel bruised ; painful swelling near ilium ; stitches in last rib ; pressive boring pains in groin ; zona on side ; tenderness over hypochondrium ; testicle swollen, hard, as large as hen’s egg ; scrotum red, shining ; tearing in head ; acute pain through chest to scapula ; stitches in chest ; acts on lower part of lung ; tenderness over hypochondrium ; painful stiffness of wrist ; spontaneous luxation of hip ; thigh finger’s breadth longer than left ; stitches in ilium ; boring in glutei muscles ; thigh as if bruised ; pressing in periosteum of tibia ; swelling on tibia ; tarsal bones swollen as if sprained ; loss of use of arm ; tetters on forearm.
Left : tearing or pressive pain in temple ; burning in temple ; dryness and swelling of eyelid ; sticking and burning deep in ear ; roaring and rumbling in ear ; shooting from ear to temple ; watch could be heard only at distance of one and a half inches ; inflammation of ear with deafness ; throbbing in upper jaw ; throat swollen ; beating in precordia ; headache in temple ; stitching in side of abdomen ; pain in testicle ; burning and itching of vagina ; numbness down leg ; cough worse lying on side ; stabbing under short ribs ; eczema of hand ; pain in thigh and buttock ; pain in sinews of thigh ; glandular swelling in upper part of thigh ; tumors on upper part of thigh ; sprained ankle, then an ulcer appeared ; tarsal bones of foot greatly swollen ; eruption on arm ; tettery spot on cheek bone.
First left, then right : hemorrhage from ears ; ringing, whistling in ears ; shooting in ears ; aching in ears.
From right to left : cutting stitch in lower abdomen.
Yellow skin. θ Yellow fever. θ Icterus.
Jaundice, with biting itching over abdomen. s.
Skin chafed, sore.
Itching over whole body, especially at night in bed, when getting warm.
Itching that becomes pleasant on scratching. s.
Violent itching on all parts of body, is obliged to scratch a great deal at night. s.
Intolerable sticking itching, here and there over body, as from fleabites, in evening. s.
Intolerable itching all over body, assuming appearance of nettlerash.
Nocturnal itching without eruption.
Insensibility of skin. θ Meningitis.
After use of rosin plaster on pit of stomach, terrible itching and burning in various places, gradually spreading over body ; worse at night in bed. s. θ Pruritus cutaneus universalis.
Erythema, upon which vesicles form and pour out a thin, clear fluid ; vesicles quickly broken, contents dessicate, redness remains for a week or ten days. [merc. v].
Round spots shining through skin, of a coppery red color.
Exanthemata spreading from pit of stomach over abdomen and chest. [merc. v].
Small, flat, light red blotches on sexual parts, abdomen, chest and inner side of thighs. [merc. v].
Red spots covered with small vesicles of size of millet seed, filled with purulent lymph. [merc. v].
Grey flat scurf on a swollen spot. s.
Scurfy eruption beginning on head and spreading over whole body.
Dry, rash-like, readily bleeding eruption. s.
Ulcerated, incrusted pimples. s.
Desquamation all over, especially from backs of hands and from feet. s.
Circular crop of miliary papula, raised and rough, bright scarlet, irritable, itching, scratching at night, rough spot on forehead at times ; face pale and puffy, frequently changes color ; after day or two spot became moist and much humor was exuded ; tongue rough like a strawberry from papillary enlargement and covered with a white film ; very susceptible to cold. θ Intertrigo of arms.
Eruption commencing upon forearms and chest and gradually extending over whole body (except face and posterior surface of upper and lower extremities) ; it begins as small, scattered, red spots, as large as peas, gradually enlarging in a circular form, run together and become continuous ; color at first light red, afterwards either scarlet or bluish red, darker on margin and lighter in centre ; as spots enlarge skin in their centre becomes healthy ; they are slightly elevated, rough and dry, and covered with small whitish scales, which are continually rubbed off by clothes and redevelop, so that in evening clothes look as if sprinkled with meal ; tetter worse in axilla, bends of elbows, inguinal regions and hollows of knees burning and paining continually, when first making their appearance accompanied by some fever ; affected portions of skin swollen, red and extremely sensitive to contact of clothes ; use of arms impeded ; sleep wanting or very restless ; itching on contact of cold air when undressing, disappearing in warmth of bed ; violent burning after contact, rubbing, washing, or taking wine ; axillary and inguinal glands swollen ; in some places, as for example, in inguinal region, small, superficial, moist ulcers develop on tetter, which after some days become covered with yellow scabs and heal ; tearing pains in joints, especially elbows and knees, in evening ; on palms of hands, small transparent vesicles without sensation. s.
Eczema, yellow crusts and inflamed surroundings after scratching, on face, legs and bends of extremities. s.
Moist eczema on forearms and legs.
Whole body with exception of face covered with small, elevated, dark red spots, close to each other, resembling measles ; on inner side of arms and legs, and on hands and feet, eruption presents an unbroken, dark red surface, in these parts skin is also swollen ; on flexing arms and when walking, painful tension in knee and elbow joints ; same pain in wrists and ankles ; vesicles filled with yellow serum upon surface of eruption, near ankles ; small, thin, white scurfs on surface of eruption ; slight itching ; painful burning worse from touch, rubbing, in evening and during night. θ Eczema.
Rash on forearm, measle shaped, over whole body, but particularly on chest, thighs and lower part of back. s.
Herpes burning when touched, humid, with large scales on edges.
Moist vesicles surrounded by dry scales, easily bleeding.
Very small transparent vesicles, containing water, appear in various parts of body, in morning before daybreak. s.
Itching pimples and watery vesicles. s.
Herpetic spots and suppurating pustules sometimes running together, forming dry and scaly spots, or crusts and acrid discharges.
Herpes zoster, burning pains, with gastric disturbance ; like a girdle from back around abdomen ; much itching and tendency to suppurate.
Red spots in small of back with stitching pains ; during course of several days more spots appeared, eruption extending towards navel and nearly encircling body ; girdle of eruption about three fingers wide, watery discharge on scratching ; periodical burning as of fire in eruption. θ Zona.
Fourteen days after childbirth, eruption of vesicles as large as peas on neck, shoulders, chest and abdomen, down as far as umbilicus ; lochia scanty ; pain in small of back ; vertigo ; great redness of face ; white coated tongue ; offensive taste in mouth ; thirst ; sleeplessness ; great restlessness ; trembling of limbs ; heat and chilliness. θ Vesicular eruption.
Excoriations of a tettery nature oozing constantly and bleeding easily when scratched.
Phagedenic blisters.
Impetiginous and furfuraceous herpes. s.
Itch. Dry, rash-like, easily bleeding ; fat, especially in bends of elbows, some of vesicles become pustular.
Itching eruptions, burning after scratching.
Skin dirty yellow, rough and dry ; scaly, dry tetters ; eruptions of not inflamed, little red elevations, points of which peel off, on left arm ; red, round, scaly spots, one inch in diameter, on forearm and wrist ; rough, partly reddish, partly whitish, tettery spot on left cheek bone ; dry, elevated, burning itching tetters on whole body, especially on legs, arms, wrists and hands, even between fingers ; tetter on right forearm, which peels and causes a voluptuous itching ; places which have remained free from impetigo mercurialis turn rough, dry, crack and peel off constantly in white, bran-like scales, especially on scalp, whiskers and eyebrows, without attacking face ; deep rhagades, like cuts, on hands and fingers, especially on their inside, their basis looks raw and bloody and they are very painful. θ Psoriasis.
Itching so intolerable it almost sets him crazy if he gets a little warmer than usual when at work ; when he first gets into bed, the cool sheets feel so nice he goes right to sleep, but after sleeping about half an hour, he is awakened by itching and has to get out of bed and walk floor until sheets get cool again ; skin covered with crusts and papula. [merc. v] θ Prurigo.
Stinging and burning ; surroundings inflame after scratching. θ Impetigo.
Impetigo figurata ; considerable suppuration under crusts ; itching, stitching and very acute pains ; eruption has a tendency to spread.
Eruption of pustules varying in size from a millet seed to a large pea and filled with thick yellow matter, discharges after two or three days, making parts sore ; commenced on one foot, extending to knee, and in running together made one continuous sore ; then eruption appeared in like manner on abdomen and on back of head ; scattering pustules on hands, arms and all over body ; child thin and pale ; very restless ; difficult to lie in any position so that it could sleep, on account of having to lie on sores ; all symptoms much worse by warmth of bed at night. s.
Suppurating pustules which either run into one another, discharging an acrid humor, or remain sore, become hollow, afterwards raised and cicatrized ; pustules bleed easily and are painful to touch. θ Ecthyma.
With pain in bowels and tenesmus ; moist, barking cough without expectoration ; cough is almost convulsive and cannot be controlled, occurring in frequent paroxysms, particularly from 9 A. M. till 5 or 6 P. M. θ Measles.
Tardy development of eruption ; fever ; bronchitis. θ Measles.
During desquamation entire mucous membrane of mouth covered with flat, lentil sized ulcers with lardaceous base and causing severe pain while eating ; edges of forepart of tongue and gums also covered with ulcers. θ Measles.
Burning heat ; face very red and swollen ; thirst ; restlessness ; fright and starting during sleep ; delirium ; sensorial depression and sopor ; great oppression of chest ; short, quick respiration ; anxiety before appearance of eruption ; eruption of slightly elevated papillary red spots, as large as a linseed, upon a reddish base, latter finally assuming a pale red appearance ; skin at one time burning hot, at another moist ; tongue dry, brown at tip, with elevated red papilla ; cutting in abdomen, diarrhoea. θ Scarlatina.
Anginose variety ; dirty yellow coating on tongue, clean at tip ; foul breath ; itching and restlessness worse by sweating ; swelling of parotid, submaxillary and lymphatic glands ; ptyalism, hawking and spitting. θ Scarlatina.
Varicella ; water blotches turn yellow and maturate. s.
Variola. In stage of maturation ; dysenteric symptoms.
Erysipelas : spreading from back around upon abdomen ; of syphilitic origin ; simple and phlegmonous.
Erysipelas of newborn children of syphilitic or scrofulous nature ; a few days after birth red spots appear upon skin, especially about groins, on scrotum and thighs ; spots at first pale, gradually assume a brighter red color, forming a sort of intertrigo, the discharge of which is of an offensive odor and has a tendency to become purulent ; finally bright red spots appear upon lower abdomen and region of navel, gradually becoming erysipelatous in character, and as this progresses primary seat of eruption also assumes an erysipelatous character ; diarrheic, fermented stools and considerable fever.
In dropsical patients rapid disappearance of swelling and appearance of offensive, rapidly decomposing ulcers on thighs. s.
Ulcers. Large, bleeding, margins everted like raw meat, their bases covered with a caseous coat ; superficial, flat, readily bleeding, base lardaceous, worse from heat of bed and hot or cold applications ; round, of an impure lardaceous surface, with inflamed, elevated, turned up edges and pricking pain ; serpiginous.
Primary and secondary syphilis ; round, coppery red spots shining through skin.
Boils after pus has formed.
Panaritium when inflammation extends to sheaths of tendons and ligaments of joints.
Carious ulcers.
Jaundice, with biting itching over abdomen. s.
Skin chafed, sore.
Itching over whole body, especially at night in bed, when getting warm.
Itching that becomes pleasant on scratching. s.
Violent itching on all parts of body, is obliged to scratch a great deal at night. s.
Intolerable sticking itching, here and there over body, as from fleabites, in evening. s.
Intolerable itching all over body, assuming appearance of nettlerash.
Nocturnal itching without eruption.
Insensibility of skin. θ Meningitis.
After use of rosin plaster on pit of stomach, terrible itching and burning in various places, gradually spreading over body ; worse at night in bed. s. θ Pruritus cutaneus universalis.
Erythema, upon which vesicles form and pour out a thin, clear fluid ; vesicles quickly broken, contents dessicate, redness remains for a week or ten days. [merc. v].
Round spots shining through skin, of a coppery red color.
Exanthemata spreading from pit of stomach over abdomen and chest. [merc. v].
Small, flat, light red blotches on sexual parts, abdomen, chest and inner side of thighs. [merc. v].
Red spots covered with small vesicles of size of millet seed, filled with purulent lymph. [merc. v].
Grey flat scurf on a swollen spot. s.
Scurfy eruption beginning on head and spreading over whole body.
Dry, rash-like, readily bleeding eruption. s.
Ulcerated, incrusted pimples. s.
Desquamation all over, especially from backs of hands and from feet. s.
Circular crop of miliary papula, raised and rough, bright scarlet, irritable, itching, scratching at night, rough spot on forehead at times ; face pale and puffy, frequently changes color ; after day or two spot became moist and much humor was exuded ; tongue rough like a strawberry from papillary enlargement and covered with a white film ; very susceptible to cold. θ Intertrigo of arms.
Eruption commencing upon forearms and chest and gradually extending over whole body (except face and posterior surface of upper and lower extremities) ; it begins as small, scattered, red spots, as large as peas, gradually enlarging in a circular form, run together and become continuous ; color at first light red, afterwards either scarlet or bluish red, darker on margin and lighter in centre ; as spots enlarge skin in their centre becomes healthy ; they are slightly elevated, rough and dry, and covered with small whitish scales, which are continually rubbed off by clothes and redevelop, so that in evening clothes look as if sprinkled with meal ; tetter worse in axilla, bends of elbows, inguinal regions and hollows of knees burning and paining continually, when first making their appearance accompanied by some fever ; affected portions of skin swollen, red and extremely sensitive to contact of clothes ; use of arms impeded ; sleep wanting or very restless ; itching on contact of cold air when undressing, disappearing in warmth of bed ; violent burning after contact, rubbing, washing, or taking wine ; axillary and inguinal glands swollen ; in some places, as for example, in inguinal region, small, superficial, moist ulcers develop on tetter, which after some days become covered with yellow scabs and heal ; tearing pains in joints, especially elbows and knees, in evening ; on palms of hands, small transparent vesicles without sensation. s.
Eczema, yellow crusts and inflamed surroundings after scratching, on face, legs and bends of extremities. s.
Moist eczema on forearms and legs.
Whole body with exception of face covered with small, elevated, dark red spots, close to each other, resembling measles ; on inner side of arms and legs, and on hands and feet, eruption presents an unbroken, dark red surface, in these parts skin is also swollen ; on flexing arms and when walking, painful tension in knee and elbow joints ; same pain in wrists and ankles ; vesicles filled with yellow serum upon surface of eruption, near ankles ; small, thin, white scurfs on surface of eruption ; slight itching ; painful burning worse from touch, rubbing, in evening and during night. θ Eczema.
Rash on forearm, measle shaped, over whole body, but particularly on chest, thighs and lower part of back. s.
Herpes burning when touched, humid, with large scales on edges.
Moist vesicles surrounded by dry scales, easily bleeding.
Very small transparent vesicles, containing water, appear in various parts of body, in morning before daybreak. s.
Itching pimples and watery vesicles. s.
Herpetic spots and suppurating pustules sometimes running together, forming dry and scaly spots, or crusts and acrid discharges.
Herpes zoster, burning pains, with gastric disturbance ; like a girdle from back around abdomen ; much itching and tendency to suppurate.
Red spots in small of back with stitching pains ; during course of several days more spots appeared, eruption extending towards navel and nearly encircling body ; girdle of eruption about three fingers wide, watery discharge on scratching ; periodical burning as of fire in eruption. θ Zona.
Fourteen days after childbirth, eruption of vesicles as large as peas on neck, shoulders, chest and abdomen, down as far as umbilicus ; lochia scanty ; pain in small of back ; vertigo ; great redness of face ; white coated tongue ; offensive taste in mouth ; thirst ; sleeplessness ; great restlessness ; trembling of limbs ; heat and chilliness. θ Vesicular eruption.
Excoriations of a tettery nature oozing constantly and bleeding easily when scratched.
Phagedenic blisters.
Impetiginous and furfuraceous herpes. s.
Itch. Dry, rash-like, easily bleeding ; fat, especially in bends of elbows, some of vesicles become pustular.
Itching eruptions, burning after scratching.
Skin dirty yellow, rough and dry ; scaly, dry tetters ; eruptions of not inflamed, little red elevations, points of which peel off, on left arm ; red, round, scaly spots, one inch in diameter, on forearm and wrist ; rough, partly reddish, partly whitish, tettery spot on left cheek bone ; dry, elevated, burning itching tetters on whole body, especially on legs, arms, wrists and hands, even between fingers ; tetter on right forearm, which peels and causes a voluptuous itching ; places which have remained free from impetigo mercurialis turn rough, dry, crack and peel off constantly in white, bran-like scales, especially on scalp, whiskers and eyebrows, without attacking face ; deep rhagades, like cuts, on hands and fingers, especially on their inside, their basis looks raw and bloody and they are very painful. θ Psoriasis.
Itching so intolerable it almost sets him crazy if he gets a little warmer than usual when at work ; when he first gets into bed, the cool sheets feel so nice he goes right to sleep, but after sleeping about half an hour, he is awakened by itching and has to get out of bed and walk floor until sheets get cool again ; skin covered with crusts and papula. [merc. v] θ Prurigo.
Stinging and burning ; surroundings inflame after scratching. θ Impetigo.
Impetigo figurata ; considerable suppuration under crusts ; itching, stitching and very acute pains ; eruption has a tendency to spread.
Eruption of pustules varying in size from a millet seed to a large pea and filled with thick yellow matter, discharges after two or three days, making parts sore ; commenced on one foot, extending to knee, and in running together made one continuous sore ; then eruption appeared in like manner on abdomen and on back of head ; scattering pustules on hands, arms and all over body ; child thin and pale ; very restless ; difficult to lie in any position so that it could sleep, on account of having to lie on sores ; all symptoms much worse by warmth of bed at night. s.
Suppurating pustules which either run into one another, discharging an acrid humor, or remain sore, become hollow, afterwards raised and cicatrized ; pustules bleed easily and are painful to touch. θ Ecthyma.
With pain in bowels and tenesmus ; moist, barking cough without expectoration ; cough is almost convulsive and cannot be controlled, occurring in frequent paroxysms, particularly from 9 A. M. till 5 or 6 P. M. θ Measles.
Tardy development of eruption ; fever ; bronchitis. θ Measles.
During desquamation entire mucous membrane of mouth covered with flat, lentil sized ulcers with lardaceous base and causing severe pain while eating ; edges of forepart of tongue and gums also covered with ulcers. θ Measles.
Burning heat ; face very red and swollen ; thirst ; restlessness ; fright and starting during sleep ; delirium ; sensorial depression and sopor ; great oppression of chest ; short, quick respiration ; anxiety before appearance of eruption ; eruption of slightly elevated papillary red spots, as large as a linseed, upon a reddish base, latter finally assuming a pale red appearance ; skin at one time burning hot, at another moist ; tongue dry, brown at tip, with elevated red papilla ; cutting in abdomen, diarrhoea. θ Scarlatina.
Anginose variety ; dirty yellow coating on tongue, clean at tip ; foul breath ; itching and restlessness worse by sweating ; swelling of parotid, submaxillary and lymphatic glands ; ptyalism, hawking and spitting. θ Scarlatina.
Varicella ; water blotches turn yellow and maturate. s.
Variola. In stage of maturation ; dysenteric symptoms.
Erysipelas : spreading from back around upon abdomen ; of syphilitic origin ; simple and phlegmonous.
Erysipelas of newborn children of syphilitic or scrofulous nature ; a few days after birth red spots appear upon skin, especially about groins, on scrotum and thighs ; spots at first pale, gradually assume a brighter red color, forming a sort of intertrigo, the discharge of which is of an offensive odor and has a tendency to become purulent ; finally bright red spots appear upon lower abdomen and region of navel, gradually becoming erysipelatous in character, and as this progresses primary seat of eruption also assumes an erysipelatous character ; diarrheic, fermented stools and considerable fever.
In dropsical patients rapid disappearance of swelling and appearance of offensive, rapidly decomposing ulcers on thighs. s.
Ulcers. Large, bleeding, margins everted like raw meat, their bases covered with a caseous coat ; superficial, flat, readily bleeding, base lardaceous, worse from heat of bed and hot or cold applications ; round, of an impure lardaceous surface, with inflamed, elevated, turned up edges and pricking pain ; serpiginous.
Primary and secondary syphilis ; round, coppery red spots shining through skin.
Boils after pus has formed.
Panaritium when inflammation extends to sheaths of tendons and ligaments of joints.
Carious ulcers.
Тип пациента и конституция
Suitable for light-haired persons with lax skin and muscle.
Often indicated with women and children.
Boy, at. 12 days ; cerebral hernia ; ophthalmia neonatorum and aphtha.
Child, at. 14 days, suffering eight days ; thrush.
Child, at. 4 months ; scurfy eruption.
Child, at. 5 months, suffering two days ; bilious colic. s.
Child, at. 1, thin and pale ; pustular eruption. s.
Two children, at. 1 ; diarrhoea.
Girl, at. 1 1/4, had itch ; otorrhoea and eruption on face and legs.
Boy, at. 2, robust ; prolapsus of rectum.
Boy, at. 2 ; pneumonia.
Girl, at. 2, suffering three months ; scrofulous inflammation of eyes.
Child, at. 2, scrofulous, suffering for more than a year ; inflammation of eyes.
Boy, at. 3, suffering two years ; hydrocephalus.
Child, at. 3 ; glossitis.
Boy, at. 3, suffering thirteen days ; ulcers in mouth.
Girl, at. 3 ; inflammation of parotid gland.
Boy, at. 3 1/2, suffering two weeks ; ulcerated mouth.
Girl, at. 4, often has rawness behind ears, glandular swellings and inflammation of eyes ; eruption on lips.
Girl, at. 4, suffering four weeks ; diarrhoea.
Boy, at. 4 ; intertrigo on arms.
Boy, at. 4 1/2, stout, but hydrocephalic head, broad nose, thick lips, had had tinea and swollen glands, and suffered frequently from eyes ; keratoiritis.
Girl, at. 5, scrofulous, after scarlet fever ; acute hydrocephalus.
Child, at. 5, sickly ; periostitis of tibia. s.
Girl, at. 5, after being ill four days ; typhoid fever.
Child, at. 7 ; purpura hemorrhagica.
Girl, at. 8, suffering eight days ; inflammation of eye.
Girl, at. 8, has suffered from repeated attacks ; keratitis pustulosa.
Girl, at. 8 ; scrofulous ophthalmia.
Boy, at. 8 ; diphtheria. s.
Girl, after catching cold ; sore throat. [merc. v].
Girl, at. 10, suffering four weeks ; luxation of hip joint.
Girl, at. 12, strong ; inflammation of submaxillary gland.
Boy, at. 12 ; zona.
Girl, at. 14, during an attack of influenza ; typhoid fever.
Boy, at. 14, strong ; inflammation of brain.
Girl, at. 15 ; inflammation of sublinguinal gland.
Boy, at. 15, after disappearance of itch ; affection of knee.
Boy, at. 15 ; ulcers in mouth.
Boy, at. 16, after fourteen days of previous illness ; dysentery.
Girl, at. 17, menses suppressed ; vertigo.
Boy, at. 17, caught after an attack of pain in joints, accompanied by a vesicular eruption on arms ; otitis.
Man, at. 18 ; chancre.
Girl, at. 18, brunette ; ranula.
Girl, at. 19, strong, blonde, blue eyes, delicate skin ; rheumatic ophthalmia.
Man, at. 19, strong, florid complexion ; stomatitis.
Girl, at. 19, well nourished, plethoric ; dysentery.
Man, at. 19, weaver, phlegmatic, scrofulous, had suffered from glandular swellings in right axilla ; swelling of glands of neck.
Man, at. 20 ; ulcers in mouth.
Man, at. 20 ; strong ; swelling of submaxillary gland.
Girl, at. 20 ; syphilis.
Woman, at. 24, lymphatic temperament, after catching cold in a shower ; caries of bones of foot.
Soldier, at. 24, choleric temperament ; dysentery.
Man, at. 24 ; chancre.
Woman, at. 24, unmarried, gouty tendency ; gout.
Mrs. S., at. 25, blonde, tall and thin, mild disposition, has been confined to bed most of time with womb disease for three years ; ulceration of cervix uteri.
Man, at. 25 ; chancre.
Woman, at. 26, unmarried, suffering from tuberculosis ; morning sweats.
Man, at. 27, four weeks ago had gonorrhoea, discharge after three weeks duration ceased of itself ; swelling of testicle.
Man, at. 27 ; chancre.
Woman, at. 27, unmarried, subject every Autumn to attacks of angina ; rheumatic pains.
Woman, at. 28, six months ago became mother of second child ; peritonitis.
Man, at. 28, weak, melancholy temperament ; chancre.
Man, at. 28, had measles when six years old, since which time has been suffering ; otorrhoea and deafness.
Woman, at. 29, scrofulous, suffered formerly from eruptions on head ; cephalalgia and desire to commit suicide.
Woman, at. 30, during childhood had an eruption on face and since womanhood is subject to profuse and too early menstrual discharge, suffering three months ; toothache. s.
Man, at. 30 ; chancre.
Man, at. 30, sanguine nervous temperament, delicate complexion and body, has lived for some time in вrazil ; syphilitic ophthalmia and rheumatism.
Woman, at. 30 ; irregular menstruation.
Man, at. 30, subject to rheumatism and gastric and intermittent fevers ; typhoid fever.
Man, at. 30 ; syphilis.
Man, at. 30, suffering three weeks ; hamaturia.
Woman, at. 30, childless ; dysuria.
Woman, at. 30, delicate constitution, gentle disposition, for one year has noticed a marked decrease of visual power, particularly of right eye ; amblyopia.
Woman, at. 30, dark complexioned, eight years ago fell and sprained left ankle ; ulcer on leg. s.
Widow, at. 32 ; diarrhoea.
Woman, at. 33, syphilitic, menses regular ; desire to murder or commit suicide.
Man, at. 34, has had several attacks ; gonorrhoea.
Man, at. 35, porter ; glossitis.
Man, at. 35, robust, after catching cold ; rheumatic fever.
Woman, at. 36, suffering from affection of stomach ; metrorrhagia.
Woman, at. 36, after external application of mercury ; stomatitis.
Woman, at. 36, no children, two years ago had inflammatory affection of chest, after nursing a cachectic husband ; phthisis.
Woman, at. 36, unmarried, suffering three months from pain in stomach ; rheumatism.
Man, at. 37 ; chancre.
Woman, at. 37, nervous, suffering eight days ; diarrhoea.
Man, at. 38 ; chancre.
Man, at. 39, after suppression of foot sweat ; desire to commit suicide.
Woman, who had suffered previously from two abortions, Secale given during second one because of severe hemorrhage, since which she has been in ill health ; threatened abortion.
Woman, arthritic, living in squalor and poverty, unable to nurse child on account of pain in nipples, fourteen days after childbirth ; vesicular eruption.
Woman, after an orthodox course of mercury ; ulcer on leg. s.
Woman, robust, sanguine temperament ; diarrhoea.
Woman, delicate, psoric ; rheumatic ophthalmia.
Man, suffering every Winter, for a number of years ; eczema of hands. s.
Woman, at. 40, single ; vaginitis. [merc. v].
Man, at. 40, suffering one year, probably after catching cold ; pain and stiffness of limbs.
Man, at. 40, strong ; perityphlitis.
Woman, at. 40, sanguine choleric temperament, very tall, after a cutting, cold, east wind ; inflammation of liver.
Man, at. 40, robust, suffering six days ; dysentery.
Woman, at. 40 ; glossitis.
Man, at. 40 ; rheumatism of shoulder.
Man, at. 40 ; chancre.
Woman, at. 40, brunette, lively, choleric temperament, previously suffered from similar eruption ; eczema.
Man, at. 41 ; muscular rheumatism.
Man, at. 48, scrofulous, suffering several weeks, after catching cold while bathing in open air ; croupous inflammation of rectum.
Woman, at. 50, after habitual use of blue pills for constipation ; ulcers on forehead.
Woman, at. 50, suffering three months ; toothache. s.
Woman, at. 50, married seven years, no children, nervous temperament, had rheumatism in her youth ; toothache.
Woman, at. 50 ; rheumatism.
Woman, at. 50, subject to attacks of prosopalgia, after rising from bed too soon after attack of left sided pneumonia ; pneumonia.
Man, at. 50, drunkard ; glossitis.
Man, at. 50 ; ulcers in mouth.
Strong man, at. 50, subject to gouty pains in joints ; iritis.
Woman, at. 53, sick last four years ; rheumatism.
Man, at. 54, strong ; glossitis.
Woman, at. 54, small, plethoric ; glossitis.
Man, at. 55 ; dysentery.
Woman, at. 60, robust ; typhoid fever.
Man, at. 60, tailor, eruption two years ago, first small, elevated spots on back of wrists, gradually extending to other portions of body ; prurigo. [merc. v].
Woman, at. 67, subject to erysipelatous inflammations ; inflammation of eye.
Woman, at. 70, plethoric habit, bilious diathesis, subject to fluent hemorrhoids ; bilious diarrhoea.
Man, at. 70, always good health, after cessation of an habitual expectoration ; typhoid fever.
Woman, at. 70 ; diarrhoea.
Often indicated with women and children.
Boy, at. 12 days ; cerebral hernia ; ophthalmia neonatorum and aphtha.
Child, at. 14 days, suffering eight days ; thrush.
Child, at. 4 months ; scurfy eruption.
Child, at. 5 months, suffering two days ; bilious colic. s.
Child, at. 1, thin and pale ; pustular eruption. s.
Two children, at. 1 ; diarrhoea.
Girl, at. 1 1/4, had itch ; otorrhoea and eruption on face and legs.
Boy, at. 2, robust ; prolapsus of rectum.
Boy, at. 2 ; pneumonia.
Girl, at. 2, suffering three months ; scrofulous inflammation of eyes.
Child, at. 2, scrofulous, suffering for more than a year ; inflammation of eyes.
Boy, at. 3, suffering two years ; hydrocephalus.
Child, at. 3 ; glossitis.
Boy, at. 3, suffering thirteen days ; ulcers in mouth.
Girl, at. 3 ; inflammation of parotid gland.
Boy, at. 3 1/2, suffering two weeks ; ulcerated mouth.
Girl, at. 4, often has rawness behind ears, glandular swellings and inflammation of eyes ; eruption on lips.
Girl, at. 4, suffering four weeks ; diarrhoea.
Boy, at. 4 ; intertrigo on arms.
Boy, at. 4 1/2, stout, but hydrocephalic head, broad nose, thick lips, had had tinea and swollen glands, and suffered frequently from eyes ; keratoiritis.
Girl, at. 5, scrofulous, after scarlet fever ; acute hydrocephalus.
Child, at. 5, sickly ; periostitis of tibia. s.
Girl, at. 5, after being ill four days ; typhoid fever.
Child, at. 7 ; purpura hemorrhagica.
Girl, at. 8, suffering eight days ; inflammation of eye.
Girl, at. 8, has suffered from repeated attacks ; keratitis pustulosa.
Girl, at. 8 ; scrofulous ophthalmia.
Boy, at. 8 ; diphtheria. s.
Girl, after catching cold ; sore throat. [merc. v].
Girl, at. 10, suffering four weeks ; luxation of hip joint.
Girl, at. 12, strong ; inflammation of submaxillary gland.
Boy, at. 12 ; zona.
Girl, at. 14, during an attack of influenza ; typhoid fever.
Boy, at. 14, strong ; inflammation of brain.
Girl, at. 15 ; inflammation of sublinguinal gland.
Boy, at. 15, after disappearance of itch ; affection of knee.
Boy, at. 15 ; ulcers in mouth.
Boy, at. 16, after fourteen days of previous illness ; dysentery.
Girl, at. 17, menses suppressed ; vertigo.
Boy, at. 17, caught after an attack of pain in joints, accompanied by a vesicular eruption on arms ; otitis.
Man, at. 18 ; chancre.
Girl, at. 18, brunette ; ranula.
Girl, at. 19, strong, blonde, blue eyes, delicate skin ; rheumatic ophthalmia.
Man, at. 19, strong, florid complexion ; stomatitis.
Girl, at. 19, well nourished, plethoric ; dysentery.
Man, at. 19, weaver, phlegmatic, scrofulous, had suffered from glandular swellings in right axilla ; swelling of glands of neck.
Man, at. 20 ; ulcers in mouth.
Man, at. 20 ; strong ; swelling of submaxillary gland.
Girl, at. 20 ; syphilis.
Woman, at. 24, lymphatic temperament, after catching cold in a shower ; caries of bones of foot.
Soldier, at. 24, choleric temperament ; dysentery.
Man, at. 24 ; chancre.
Woman, at. 24, unmarried, gouty tendency ; gout.
Mrs. S., at. 25, blonde, tall and thin, mild disposition, has been confined to bed most of time with womb disease for three years ; ulceration of cervix uteri.
Man, at. 25 ; chancre.
Woman, at. 26, unmarried, suffering from tuberculosis ; morning sweats.
Man, at. 27, four weeks ago had gonorrhoea, discharge after three weeks duration ceased of itself ; swelling of testicle.
Man, at. 27 ; chancre.
Woman, at. 27, unmarried, subject every Autumn to attacks of angina ; rheumatic pains.
Woman, at. 28, six months ago became mother of second child ; peritonitis.
Man, at. 28, weak, melancholy temperament ; chancre.
Man, at. 28, had measles when six years old, since which time has been suffering ; otorrhoea and deafness.
Woman, at. 29, scrofulous, suffered formerly from eruptions on head ; cephalalgia and desire to commit suicide.
Woman, at. 30, during childhood had an eruption on face and since womanhood is subject to profuse and too early menstrual discharge, suffering three months ; toothache. s.
Man, at. 30 ; chancre.
Man, at. 30, sanguine nervous temperament, delicate complexion and body, has lived for some time in вrazil ; syphilitic ophthalmia and rheumatism.
Woman, at. 30 ; irregular menstruation.
Man, at. 30, subject to rheumatism and gastric and intermittent fevers ; typhoid fever.
Man, at. 30 ; syphilis.
Man, at. 30, suffering three weeks ; hamaturia.
Woman, at. 30, childless ; dysuria.
Woman, at. 30, delicate constitution, gentle disposition, for one year has noticed a marked decrease of visual power, particularly of right eye ; amblyopia.
Woman, at. 30, dark complexioned, eight years ago fell and sprained left ankle ; ulcer on leg. s.
Widow, at. 32 ; diarrhoea.
Woman, at. 33, syphilitic, menses regular ; desire to murder or commit suicide.
Man, at. 34, has had several attacks ; gonorrhoea.
Man, at. 35, porter ; glossitis.
Man, at. 35, robust, after catching cold ; rheumatic fever.
Woman, at. 36, suffering from affection of stomach ; metrorrhagia.
Woman, at. 36, after external application of mercury ; stomatitis.
Woman, at. 36, no children, two years ago had inflammatory affection of chest, after nursing a cachectic husband ; phthisis.
Woman, at. 36, unmarried, suffering three months from pain in stomach ; rheumatism.
Man, at. 37 ; chancre.
Woman, at. 37, nervous, suffering eight days ; diarrhoea.
Man, at. 38 ; chancre.
Man, at. 39, after suppression of foot sweat ; desire to commit suicide.
Woman, who had suffered previously from two abortions, Secale given during second one because of severe hemorrhage, since which she has been in ill health ; threatened abortion.
Woman, arthritic, living in squalor and poverty, unable to nurse child on account of pain in nipples, fourteen days after childbirth ; vesicular eruption.
Woman, after an orthodox course of mercury ; ulcer on leg. s.
Woman, robust, sanguine temperament ; diarrhoea.
Woman, delicate, psoric ; rheumatic ophthalmia.
Man, suffering every Winter, for a number of years ; eczema of hands. s.
Woman, at. 40, single ; vaginitis. [merc. v].
Man, at. 40, suffering one year, probably after catching cold ; pain and stiffness of limbs.
Man, at. 40, strong ; perityphlitis.
Woman, at. 40, sanguine choleric temperament, very tall, after a cutting, cold, east wind ; inflammation of liver.
Man, at. 40, robust, suffering six days ; dysentery.
Woman, at. 40 ; glossitis.
Man, at. 40 ; rheumatism of shoulder.
Man, at. 40 ; chancre.
Woman, at. 40, brunette, lively, choleric temperament, previously suffered from similar eruption ; eczema.
Man, at. 41 ; muscular rheumatism.
Man, at. 48, scrofulous, suffering several weeks, after catching cold while bathing in open air ; croupous inflammation of rectum.
Woman, at. 50, after habitual use of blue pills for constipation ; ulcers on forehead.
Woman, at. 50, suffering three months ; toothache. s.
Woman, at. 50, married seven years, no children, nervous temperament, had rheumatism in her youth ; toothache.
Woman, at. 50 ; rheumatism.
Woman, at. 50, subject to attacks of prosopalgia, after rising from bed too soon after attack of left sided pneumonia ; pneumonia.
Man, at. 50, drunkard ; glossitis.
Man, at. 50 ; ulcers in mouth.
Strong man, at. 50, subject to gouty pains in joints ; iritis.
Woman, at. 53, sick last four years ; rheumatism.
Man, at. 54, strong ; glossitis.
Woman, at. 54, small, plethoric ; glossitis.
Man, at. 55 ; dysentery.
Woman, at. 60, robust ; typhoid fever.
Man, at. 60, tailor, eruption two years ago, first small, elevated spots on back of wrists, gradually extending to other portions of body ; prurigo. [merc. v].
Woman, at. 67, subject to erysipelatous inflammations ; inflammation of eye.
Woman, at. 70, plethoric habit, bilious diathesis, subject to fluent hemorrhoids ; bilious diarrhoea.
Man, at. 70, always good health, after cessation of an habitual expectoration ; typhoid fever.
Woman, at. 70 ; diarrhoea.
Диф. диагностика
Antidoted by : Aurum., Asafoetida, вellad., сarbo veg., сinchon., Dulcam., Ferrum, Guajac., Hepar, Iodium, Kali chlor., Kali hyd., Laches., Mezer., Nitr. ac., Staphis., Stillingia, Sulphur and, according to Guernsey, by Mercur., itself high, all symptoms agreeing.
It antidotes : bad effects from sugar ; stings of insects ; ailments from arsenic or copper vapors ; Aurum, Antimon., Laches., вellad., Opium, Phytol., Valer., сinchon., Dulcam., Mezer.
Compatible : after вellad., Hepar, Laches., Sulphur. вefore Arsen., Asafoetida, вellad., сalcarea ostr., сinchon., Lycop., Nitr. ac., Phosphor., Pulsat., Rhus tox., Sepia, Sulphur.
Incompatible : Silic.
It antidotes : bad effects from sugar ; stings of insects ; ailments from arsenic or copper vapors ; Aurum, Antimon., Laches., вellad., Opium, Phytol., Valer., сinchon., Dulcam., Mezer.
Compatible : after вellad., Hepar, Laches., Sulphur. вefore Arsen., Asafoetida, вellad., сalcarea ostr., сinchon., Lycop., Nitr. ac., Phosphor., Pulsat., Rhus tox., Sepia, Sulphur.
Incompatible : Silic.
Входит в состав
- 140-155₽ Меркур эдас (ЭДАС)
- 140-160₽ Стоматин (ЭДАС)
- 165₽ Ангинит-ГФ
- 165₽ Сагриппин гомеопатический (Аспектус фарма ООО )
- 188₽ Кантацит (ЭДАС)
- 210-245₽ Тонзиллин (ЭДАС)
- 198-220₽ Фарингол (ЭДАС)
- 250₽ Иммунокс (Фитасинтекс)
- 250₽ Иохимбе (Фитасинтекс)
- 210-250₽ Ларинготокс (Фитасинтекс)
- 175-250₽ Нефродиум (Фитасинтекс)
- 190₽ Аденотом (Вербена)
- 190₽ Бронзовый всадник (Вербена)
- 190₽ Тонзиллон (Вербена)
- 275-433₽ Микостоп (Фитасинтекс)
- 300₽ Травмалис (Фитасинтекс)
- — Белладонна-плюс (Доктор Н)
- — Меркур-плюс (Доктор Н)
- — Плантаго-плюс (Доктор Н)
- 479₽ Медитонзин
- 495-500₽ Гепарис (Фитасинтекс)
- 510-11682₽ Траумель с (2 фирмы)
- 483-775₽ Гомеовокс (БУАРОН )
- — Flowers Energy № 15
- 1100₽ Flowers Energy №25
- — Flowers Energy №3
- — Flowers Energy №37
- 1100₽ Flowers Energy №83
- 1100₽ Flowers Energy №90
- 1100₽ Flowers Energy №93
- 750-1320₽ Момордика композитум (Сигнал НЦ ФГУП )
- 1200-1995₽ Тонзилла композитум (Сигнал НЦ ФГУП )
- 1920₽ Кутис композитум (Сигнал НЦ ФГУП )
- 1060₽ Овариум композитум (Сигнал НЦ ФГУП )
- — Иммуностабил (Аспектус фарма ООО )
- — Фарингосан (Аспектус фарма ООО )