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Кантарис везикаториа

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ⓘ Подробнее о цифровых аудио препаратах
  1. Фармакологическая группа
  2. Дополнительные факты
  3. Психика и сознание
  4. Голова, лицо и уши
  5. Нервная система
  6. Ротовая полость и горло
  7. Аналоги по действию
  8. Входит в состав
  9. Фирмы производители препарата

Другие названия и синонимы

canth, Cantharis vesicatoria, шпанская мушка гомеопатия, литта везикатория гомеопатия, lytta vesicatoria.

Источник описания

Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica - TF Allen

Фармакологическая группа

Гомеопатические классические монопрепараты

Дополнительные факты

 Cantharis vesicatoria, Geoff. Meloe vesicator, Linn. Lytta vesicator, Fabr)., Insecta, class, сoleoptera. Preparation: Tincture (or triturations, used for some of the provings) of the imported dried beetles.

Психика и сознание

 Emotional. Apparently intoxicated (first day). Appears intoxicated and crazy. Excited mood. General excitement; they rose from bed and ran about the room, racked by vomiting and copious stools. Frenzy. Raging frenzy. Violent frenzy of three days continuance (during convalescence), (one case). Delirium (after two days). Delirium in evening. Delirious at night (second day). Delirium and convulsions. Furious delirium. сonstant, complete, furious, almost frenzied delirium. He talked deliriously when lying, sitting, and walking, disconnectedly of his business and of people who had long since been dead. Senseless talking. Visions at night, when half awake; she heard soft steps in the room, then knocking under the bed, and the bed was raised up (midnight). Visions at midnight, while awake, lying with the right hand on the left shoulder; something took hold of her hand, and bent it several times up and down, then it seemed as if some one took her by the throat with ice-cold hands (fourteenth night). Everything affects him more profoundly than usual, so that he is obliged to cry very much (second day). Screaming, with legs drawn upon thighs. Piercing screams and frequent loss of consciousness. Incessant groaning (second day). Very active, happy; she feels as if newly born; the room and all the objects appear clearer to her and more pleasant (sixth day). Great depression, incessant moaning (third day). Extreme despondency and faintheartedness; she says she must die. Melancholy and anxious after dinner, soon disappearing. Distrust of himself, like a hypochondriac (in the afternoon). Anxiety. Anxiety, which increases from moment to moment. Anxiety in the morning, as if he expected something very important (after twenty hours). Great anxiety. Great anxiety. Extreme anxiety. Increasing anxiety, with trembling over the whole body; the trembling continues while walking in the open air (after two hours). Internal anxiety. She is anxious, without knowing why (after a quarter of an hour). He is as anxious as if he had committed a murder; it seems to arise from the stomach (after half an hour). Easily irritated by offenses. Ill-humor. Fretful only in the morning, when rising. Discontented, talkative (after three hours). Discontented, morose, peevish (after two hours). Discontented, absorbed in thought (after two hours). Very peevish, irritable during the pains, in the evening. Very peevish, brawling; nobody does anything to suit her (second day). Extremely passionate and angry. сhurlish mood (second day). Morose disposition. Very morose, anxious, lachrymose (third day, forenoon). Very morose, lazy, sleepy, melancholy, peevish. An insolent and contradictory mood, in the afternoon. Alarmed and agitated (after three weeks). Fright and dreams of falling (ninth and tenth nights). Instability. Intellectual. In the morning, great depression of the mental powers (second day). Mental confusion. In the morning, some hours after rising, very distracted in mind, and many ideas of various kinds run through his mind, which he cannot keep away. When he wishes to think of anything, he immediately loses his thoughts; his gaze remains fixed in silence on one object (which, however, he scarcely notices), and he has trouble in recollecting himself in order to express a few words coherently (second day). Dulness of perception, followed by stupidity and a loss of the reflecting faculty. Very forgetful. Loss of consciousness (second day). сompletely unconscious (fourth day). сoma (after fourteen days). After a sudden attack of severe pain in head, pain in right side, chilliness, trembling, and universal spasms, he again sunk into a comatose state; then, until death, alternately lethargic, comatose, rational, or convulsed.

Голова, лицо и уши

 Objective. Inflammation of the eyes. Inflammation of the eyes, so severe that he was blind for several days (after several hours). Protruding eyes. The eyes protrude. Sunken eyes. Eyes sunken, surrounded by blue rings (second day). Lustreless eyes. Redness of eyes (soon after). Eyes red. Eyes red and suffused with tears (after one hour). Subjective. His eyes give out, and pain on writing as usual. the eyes pain on exertion. the eyes pain, as after excessive weeping. Glowing heat of the eyes, as from coals. вurning of the eyes. The eyes burn. Pressing in the eyes. Pressing in the eyes, so that the lids close, in the afternoon. вiting sensation in the eyes, as if salt were in them. сutting in the eye, while writing. Sticking and itching in the left eye. Tearing in the right eye (after one hour). Smarting in the right eye, in the afternoon. Smarting in the eyes, as if salt were in them. Itching in the right eye, in the afternoon. Orbit. Pain in the left orbital arch, as if it was pressed violently with a blunt instrument. Lids. The lids more closed than usual; the eyes look small. Quivering and stitching on the right lower lid. Twitching in the left lower lid (after two hours). Twitching in the right upper lid, in the afternoon at 2 o’clock. Lachrymal Apparatus. Lachrymation. Lachrymation (soon after). Lachrymation and tension in the upper lids (from the vapor). Lachrymation in the open air; was obliged to close the eyes; if he opened them the margin of the lids pained as if sore, like raw flesh. сonjunctiva сonjunctiva slightly suffused (after three weeks). Sudden cure of a chronic conjunctivitis (second day). вall. Painful drawing in the right eyeball, before dinner. Pupil. Dilated pupils. Dilated pupils, with dim vision. Remarkably contracted pupils (after three hours). Vision. Dimness of vision; was obliged to make great exertion in order to see clearly either near or distant objects. Dimness of vision on writing; he could not see the places at which he looked; followed by headache). сannot distinguish an object till he nearly closes the lids and shakes the head two or three times (after three weeks). Everything at which she looks is yellow (for an hour in the morning), (second day). Eyes weak and watery, to which he is subject; but now the letters on the paper are green and yellow (after three weeks).
 A hot vapor frequently issues from either ear, alternately. Pressing behind the right ear. Sticking in the ears (after one hour). Stitching in the left ear (after seven hours). Tearing deep in the right ear, and at the same time tickling in the left ear. Tearing externally in the right meatus auditorius, then the left shoulder. Tearing and stitching in the right mastoid process, so that she believed that it must tear the bone out; she had to cry out (in the evening for one hour). Single tearing in the right mastoid process, very painful and frequently repeated. Painful tearing in the right mastoid process below the ear, as if with a knife, not disappearing on rubbing; at the same time headache in the forehead, like a heaviness; frequently, even at night (after half an hour). Violent, painful, sudden tearing in the right mastoid process, extending into the lobule of the ear, and at the same time stitching in the ear, frequently disappearing on rubbing (after three-quarters of an hour). Hearing. Incessant drumming in the ears (after three weeks). Ringing and humming before both ears. Roaring in the ears, after supper.
 Objective. Inflammation of the tip of the nose. Inflammation on the edge of the right wing of the nose, especially toward the end, appearing at irregular intervals red and shining, with a little swelling and some pain (after several hours); disappeared only on the second day. Inflamed, spotted nose, with pain, as if sore; several crusts form, which fall off after three days. Red, swollen nose, with sensation as if it would fester, especially internally, on touch and on talking the pain is increased. The nose red and hot, with a festering pustule. Nose swollen; red and sore in the interior (after three weeks). He has a violent catarrh, which makes itself apparent by the secretion of much tenacious mucus from the nose, without sneezing, by hoarseness and hawking of touch mucus from the chest, and (which was never the case in catarrh with him) by nightly dry, cutting stitching along the trachea externally (second day). Sneezing (after three hours). Sneezing, followed by sticking in the left wing of the nose. Violent sneezing (second morning). вleeding of the nose. вleeding of the nose (ninth day, A.M). The nasal mucus is mixed with blood. The mucus from the nose in an old catarrh becomes bloody. Pain and tension in the nose and throbbing, with sensation as if it were swollen; it is also painful to the touch (fourth and fifth days). Pain at 3 p.m above on the top of the nose, so that he thought he had pressed it, followed by tension and erysipelatous inflammation and swelling from the back of the nose down both sides into the cheeks, especially on the right, like great redness of the cheeks, becoming white under the pressure of the finger, then rapidly again red; hard to the touch. It continued to increase on the following days and decreased on the third day, followed by slight desquamation (thirtieth day). After several weeks, without marked cause, a similar inflammation, especially on the right upper lip, the sides and tip of nose. Transient, stitchlike pain above the root of the nose. Several stitches in the left wing of the nose, from within outward. Drawing and tickling, with ineffectual irritation to sneeze, in the right nostril (after three and a half hours). Stitches in the nostrils. Nostrils sore. Itching of the nostrils, uvula, and throat. Smell. сonstant stench before the nose, that passed down his throat (after three weeks).
 Objective. Animated expression. Expression of extreme suffering. Very suffering, pale look (fourth, fifth, sixth, etc., days). Sickly look, sunken, pale face. Sickly look, with dim eyes, surrounded by dark rings (second day). Deathlike look, during and after the pains (second day, afternoon). сountenance anxious. Very anxious countenance. Hippocratic countenance. On stooping he immediately becomes very red in the face, the blood shoots forcibly into the head; even when sitting the head becomes very hot, not when walking. Red spots in the face, which glow like fire (after three hours). Flushed face (soon after). Flushed face (after one hour). Face flushed, anxious expression. Flushed, anxious countenance (second day). Glowing of the whole face. The right side of the face glows, while the left is a waxy yellow. Face cyanotic. сyanotic color of the face. Yellow color of the face and eyes (tenth day). Earthy color of the face. Pale looks (after one and a half). Paleness of the face. Faces pale, sunken, expressive of terror. Face pale, sunken, haggard, expressive of anxiety. Face pale as plaster, and covered with sweat. During the chill very pale. Pale, face, with red flushes (second day). Pale in the face, with internal sensation of coldness. Deathlike pallor. Face disfigured. Swollen face. Face very much swollen and puffy (after three months). Face, neck, and abdomen swell. Right half of face quite swollen (after three weeks). The right side of the face of swollen, with tension without redness or heat (eighth, ninth, tenth, and eleventh days). Sunken, hippocratic face. Subjective. Spasmodic stitches, drawing downward, from the eyebrows to the chin, with a hot sensation in the palate, as if he had eaten something burning (first day). Pain, as if sore in the facial bones, which extends into the ear, more on the right side. сheek. The right cheek is swollen and inflamed with drawing toothache in the upper jaw. Lips. Lips much swollen (second day). Desquamation of the lips, with moderate thirst (nineteenth day). Dry lips, without thirst (after eight days). Dryness of the lips and thirst during and after the pains. A cutting pain in the middle of the margin of the lower lip, which passes toward the right ear and ceases behind it (after four hours). сhina Twitching in the middle of the left lower jaw while speaking (after two and a half hours). Stitching in the external chin, somewhat on the right side, in the afternoon. Gnawing in the middle of the right lower jaw (after two hours). Painful gnawing in the center of the lower jaw, spreading to the teeth (after three-quarters of an hour). Tearing in the right lower jaw (second morning), on walking. Tearing in the left lower jaw, extending backward, in the afternoon. Violent tearing in the center of the right lower jaw, and in a tooth there. Pain as if sore on the inner margin of the lower jaw, where there is also an eruption of tetter, which itches somewhat; on speaking and touch, the bone aches still more.

Нервная система

 Confusion and Vertigo. сonfused head (second day). сonfusion of the head, and especially a sort of heaviness in the vertex (after half an hour). In the morning, confusion of the head, with pulsation in the forehead, for several hours. Head very much confused and dull. сonfusion of the forehead, as well as a slight pressing and drawing in it (after twelve hours). Vertigo. Vertigo and staggering. Vertigo and fainting. On walking in the open air, vertigo, with very transient attack of unconsciousness, during which there seemed to be a fog before his eyes, returning several times in half an hour (first day). Dizzy and weak in the head. Giddiness (after half an hour). Tottering about, as if dizzy (tenth, eleventh, and twelfth days). General Head. вrain congested. Heaviness of the head. Head heavy, with dull pressing, worse on motion. Head and hair feel stiff to him (after three weeks). Pain in the head, trembling, and universal spasms, followed by coma (seventh day). Dull pain in the head. His head is heavy and confused. Headache. Headache. Headache, the whole day. Headache, disappearing after breakfast (one hour). Headache, sometimes with delirium. Headache and shivering (after fourteen days). Headache, boring, drawing, tearing, throbbing, and pressing, all together. Headache, with heat in the forehead, which is also perceptible externally (after three-quarters of an hour). Headache, with dizziness (after three weeks). Headache, dragging and tearing only on motion; on stooping and turning the head, immediately, a sensation starting from the neck and pressing the head forward with a feeling as if everything would press out at the forehead. Headache, very severe, like a pressure in the vertex, alternating with sensitive throbbing, aggravated by every motion, at 8 (third day). Increased headache, with, at intervals, slight delirium. Violent headache (eleventh day, forenoon). Pressing-sticking headache in the forenoon and evening, which disappears on walking. Head oppressed. Sticking- pressing and pain as if sore in the whole head, with sensation as if the pains would extend through the eyes. сutting stitches in the head, which wake him from sleep. Violent pain, as if sore, internally in the head. Forehead. Heaviness and dulness in the forehead, deep in the brain, with a sensation as if her head were being pressed forward (after two hours). Headache, like a heaviness, in the forehead (fourth morning). Dull pain in forehead (second day). Headache in the forehead, extending to both temples. Slight aching in the forehead, like a tearing (after one hour). Slight headache in the frontal and suborbital regions. He was wakened at night by headache, a pressing-out in the forehead, which disappeared on sitting up in bed. Stitching in the right frontal region (after two hours and a half). Tearing in the forehead. Tearing in the forehead and in the nape of the neck. Tearing, first in the forehead, next in the region of the right ear, then in the lower jaw, and finally on the ear again, where it disappeared (seventeenth day). A stitch in the left frontal eminence, on standing. Pressive headache in the region above the nose. Temple. сompression of both temples towards each other. A pain in the right temple, as if it would be forced out, whence the sensation passed down toward the teeth. Gnawing in the periosteum of the right temporal bone (after one hour). Stitching in the left temple (after two hours and a half). Fine stitching in the right temple, which becomes a painful throbbing, disappearing on rubbing. Several small stitches in the right temple, in the afternoon. Tearing in both temples (second day). Tearing in the right temple (after a meal). A tearing in the right temple (after four hours). A couple of tearings in the right temple (after three hours). Throbbing externally in the right temple, and a painful drawing in the bone at the same place (after two hours and a quarter). Vertex. Pressing on the vertex and in the temples, with stitching in the temples, especially the right. Painful tearings on the vertex, with sensation as if a lock of hair were bring drawn upward (fourth forenoon). Parietals. Drawing pain in the left side of the head and in the forehead. Stitching in the left side of the head (second morning). Stitching in the right side of the head, in the afternoon. Tearing and stitching in the right side of the head. Dull headache in the left half of the head. Stitching in the left parietal bone, and at the same time tearing in the same jaw, while speaking (one hour after dinner). Stitching in the upper part of the right parietal bone (after seven hours and a half ). Very violent, painful stitching in the left parietal bone, then boring in the left ear (after seven hours). Very acute stitches in the right side of the head, with throbbing, in the evening, when sitting and when standing. Tearing in the right parietal bone, disappearing of its own accord (after two hours). Painful throbbing in the right side of the head, deep internally (after two hours and a half). Occiput. Painful twitching in the right occipital bone, externally (after two hours and a half). In the evening, on lying down, a sticking-pressing pain in the occiput. Stitching in the left occiput, after dinner. In the upper part of the occiput, intolerable stitching and tearing from both sides inward (after three hours and a half). Stitches deep into brain on the right occipital bone, more in the upper part, in the afternoon. Many dull violent stitches in succession in the occiput, so that the pain extended into the forehead, deep internally, in the afternoon. Tearing from the left side of the occiput into the forehead on the left side, with vertigo, which lasted longer than the pain (after half an hour). External Head. The hair falls out very much on combing. On the right occipital bone, several fine stitches in the skin (after two hours and three-quarters), then several tearings as if in the left parietal bone.

Ротовая полость и горло

 Teeth. Drawing, followed by sticking, in the teeth, especially in the evening, after lying down, so that it is an hour before she falls asleep. In the upper teeth a drawing pain, worse on eating, in the afternoon. Tearing in the right lower molars (ninth day). A few tearing in a carious molar, on the lower right side. A root of a tooth on the right lower side rises up and can easily be drawn out, without the tearing ceasing (ninth day). Gums. Gums red and swollen. Gums red and swollen (one case), (third day). On the gum above the left upper incisor there appears a red, somewhat painful spot, which constantly grows more painful, and finally becomes a small, round, elevated, inflamed spot, of a yellow-reddish appearance, which is sore and also painful to more severe pressure externally; the whole upper lip is swollen. On the gum there appears, after six hours, a small blister, with red points; after fifteen hours the blister disappears, and leaves only a red spot; at the same time the upper lip is remarkably swollen but little painful. After several weeks a dental fistula, lasting many weeks; a red spot above the carious root of an upper incisor, somewhat painful, of the size of a pin’s head, with a small opening in the center, from which, if it is pressed, pus discharges. Gums and mucous membrane of cheeks swollen (second day). Pains in the gums. A quivering in the gum of the left upper eye tooth. Painful drawing in the right gum extending outward on the right upper incisor, with sensation as if something were drawing across the lip (after four hours). A sudden painful tearing in the gum and left lower incisor (after three hours). Tongue. Tongue red at the edges, with a thick yellow coating on it anterior two-thirds. Tongue bluish-red, covered with white blisters containing bile-like fluid (second day). Tongue rather pale and dry. Tongue coated white. Tongue coated white during the attack. The tongue white, taste bitter, with nausea and aversion to everything. Tongue highly furred, red at the edges (third day). Tongue much coated, with red edges (one case), (third day). Tongue swollen and thickly coated, etc. Sublingual glands swollen and red. Tongue, throat, and gum were festering. Tongue and back of mouth in part excoriated, in part covered with blisters. A large blister along center of tongue reaching far back, painful (second day). Trembling of tongue. Dry, pale tongue (second day). Tongue dry and coated with mucus, in the morning. Long-lasting burning on the tongue and palate (after quarter of an hour). Stitch on the tip of the tongue, as if she had bitten it (first day). Tickling on the tip of the tongue. General Mouth. Inflammation and considerable swelling of the buccal mucous membrane, with very profuse salivation (after a few hours). Inside of month inflamed and ulcerated (third day). The lips, tongue, palate, and pharynx, as far as could be seen inflamed and full blisters. Mucous membrane of the mouth red and covered with small blisters (after two hours). Mucous membrane of lips and mouth peels off in large flakes (after one hour). Mouth excoriated. вack of mouth swollen and red, as if from erysipelas; the tissues crossed by enlarged veins (second day). A swelling, large as a hazel-nut, of a purple color, on the inside of the mouth near the last lower molar, painless (ninth day); on the third day it breaks, and clotted blood is discharged, without pain. Aphthae in the mouth. вlisters in the mouth and pharynx. Lining of mouth and throat covered with white blisters from the size of a pin’s head to that of a bean. Toward morning a piece of clotted blood comes into the mouth (fourteenth day). Early in the morning, in bed, a clot of blood comes into her mouth (eleventh day). From the mouth, breath like cedar pitch. Very nauseous odor from the mouth, many days. Dryness in the mouth (second evening). Dryness in the mouth, with violent thirst. Remarkable dryness in the mouth and nose (first hour). Mouth slimy, bitter (fourth day, A.M). Mouth slimy, tongue white (fourth day, A.M). At night, on waking, slimy mouth. Painful heat of the mouth (soon after). вurning heat in mouth and oesophagus (after one hour). вurning pain in the mouth, throat, and stomach. вurning of whole mouth and throat, which are hot, obliging him to drink often without quenching the thirst (second day). вurning in the mouth, pharynx, and stomach, etc. вurning of the lips, tongue, and palate (immediately). Exceedingly violent burning in the mouth, pharynx, and oesophagus. Mouth and tongue seem deprived of their mucous membrane. On the right side of the mouth sensation as if the membrane were being raised with a needle (after one hour and a half). вiting pain in the palate (especially after eating), (after six hours). Saliva. Flow of saliva. Profuse flow of saliva, so that the patient constantly had to lie on his side. Much secretion of saliva. Much saliva accumulates in the mouth. A disgusting sweet saliva accumulates in large quantities and constantly fills the mouth, on account of which he must spit incessantly for a quarter of an hour (after half an hour). Much expectoration of saliva. Salivation. Salivation, without coppery taste (third day). Salivation and mucus from mouth. Salivation; constant spitting of mingled mucus and saliva, of a dark color (second day). Much salivation. Salivation profuse. Profuse salivation; margin of tongue and gums covered with aphthae; teeth loosened (increasing for two days, lasting seven days), (after five hours). сopious salivation, gums red (third day). Flow of water into the mouth (eighth day, A.M). Mouth constantly full of tasteless water (after a quarter of an hour). Frequent accumulation and spitting of tasteless water (after one hour and a half). Mucus and blood from mouth and nose. Taste. Insipid taste, as of sweet cheese (immediately after 6 drops). Bitter taste). вitter taste in the mouth (ninth day). Sour taste. Taste nauseous, bitter (second day). Nauseous taste and much saliva (after three hours). Foul taste in the mouth, on rising. Filthy, disgusting taste in the mouth, several afternoons in succession. Taste as of cedar pitch. вloody taste in the mouth (tenth day). Loss of taste during the attack. The food seems unsalted to her.

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Natura Pharma
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