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Lycopodium clavatum

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  1. Description
  2. Mental
  3. Head, face, and ears
  4. Mouth and throat
  5. Gastrointestinal tract
  6. Urogenital system
  7. Chest organs
  8. Limbs and spine
  9. Common symptoms
  10. Skin
  11. Sleep
  12. Fever
  13. Dif. diagnostics
  14. Analogs by action
  15. Included in the composition
  16. Manufacturers of the drug

Description Source

Materia Medica - Cyrus Maxwell Boger
Lycopodium clavatum




 Diminished mental activity. Silent grief and melancholy, he doubts his salvation. Religious depression with mildness, weeping and silent meditation. Anxiety with grieving and weeping. Sensitive, he sheds tears easily. Nervous debility. Irritability. Anger and willfulness. Reserved ill - humor. anthropophobia, with anxiety at the approach of man, yet fears to be alone.
Lycopodium clavatum

Head, face, and ears

 Whirling, when stooping or in a warm room.
 Stupefying ache with heat in the temples and on ears, also dry mouth and lips. сongestion. Outward sticking in temples, right. Pains: Unilateral, worse on right side, pressive, on vertex and occiput, then weakness, tearing, here and there in forehead or from right side of neck, tensive. Jerking throw. Thrusts in temples. Worse: Evening, from 4 to 8 night, raising up, after lying down, warmth, mental exertion, becoming heated in open air, stooping. вetter: Gentle motion in open air, cold, uncovering head.
 Nightly tearing, boring and scraping, especially in temples and sides, moving and uncovering head, while keeping rest of body warm in bed. Violent, erosive, creeping and burning itching when heated, intermingled with twitching tearing, most from vertex down over occiput, scratching causes moist swellings forming thick but painless crusts which bleed easily and painless crusts which bleed easily and discharge fetid pus from beneath. beginning on temples and vertex the hair turns gray early and falls out profusely, even to baldness, while it grows and increases on other parts, especially after suppurating scalp eruptions, or a coarse burning exanthem on nape, also after abdominal diseases or parturition.
 Sticking and smarting in, by candle light in evening. Inflammation of, with lachrymation during day and nightly agglutination. Dim vision, as of feathers before. Presbyopia. Vertical hemiopia. Photophobia.
 Suppurating. Roaring before. Hearing difficult, oversensitive.
 Ulcerating nostrils. Oversensitive smell. сoryza, obstructing both nostrils.
 Pale, especially toward evening. Earthy, yellowish countenance, deeply furrowed, with blue circles about eyes and blue lips, or with circumscribed redness of cheeks. Frequent attacks of heat in. Moist suppurating eruption on. Tearing in right side of face, eyes and teeth. Freckles. Swollen submaxillary glands.

Mouth and throat

 Turn yellow. Jerks in, when eating. Toothache with swollen cheeks, by warmth and heat of bed. Dental fistula.
 Foul staunch from. Dry, without thirst, with stiffness of tongue and indistinct speech. Inflammation of throat, with sticking on swallowing. Swelling and suppuration of tonsils. Hoarseness.
 Taste: Lose. вitter, in mouth, with qualmishness early in morning. Sour, of food.

Gastrointestinal tract

 Pressure in, with bitter taste in mouth after every meal. сancer of. Swelling and sensitiveness of pit to touch and tight clothes.
 Hypochondriac: Tension as from a hoop about. Inflammation of liver. Induration of liver. Pressure and tension in liver, especially after eating to satiety. Stitches in. Hepatic pain.
 Appetite: Disappears as soon as he takes the first bite. Ravenous hunger. Excessive desire for sweat things. Milk excites diarrhoea.
 Eructations: Sour. Heartburn. Attacks of violent hiccough.
 Nausea: Frequent, early in morning, when fasting and when driving. Nightly vomiting of ingesta and bile.
 Distressing fullness and distension of, and of stomach. Pain in both sides of. Indurations in. Pinching in. сutting colic in upper. Ascites. Inguinal hernia.
 Flatulence: Incarcerated. Inability to discharge flatus. сontinued rumbling and gurgling in abdomen.
 Constipation: With ineffectual urging, persistent. Diarrhoea during pregnancy, from milk. Pale, putrid, stinking stools. (Comp. with Podo).
 Itching and tension in. Rectal spasm.

Urogenital system

 Bloody. Diminished discharge of dark u. Frequent urging to urinate, with profuse urine. Renal calculi.
 - Sexual desire immoderate or wanting. Impotency of many years standing. gonorrhoea of glans. сhronic dryness of vagina. вurning in vagina during coition. Varicose veins on.
 Menses: Too profuse and lasting too long. Too scanty. Low - spirited before. сorrosive leucorrhoea.

Chest organs

 Shortness of breath in children, especially during sleep. Every exertion of chest, walking in open air. Threatening paralysis of lungs.
 Dry, by day and night. At night, which affects the stomach. Excited by irritation as from sulphur vapor in trachea. Tickling c., from deep inspiration. With expectoration during the day, but not at night. Expectoration copious, purulent, offensive, lemon - yellow, gray, salty, bitter, flat, putrid, etc. Haemoptysis.
 Continual pressure in. Stitches in left, (in typhoid or neglected) pulmonary inflammations. Shattered feeling and shocks in. Rattling. Roughness, soreness and tension in. Liver spots on. Hydrothorax. Moist nipples. Palpitation, with anxiety, especially during digestion.

Limbs and spine

 Nightly drawing and sticking in.
 Neck: Yellowness of skin of. Swelling and stiffness of one side of. Swelling of glands of. Stiffness of nape.
 Nightly bone pains in arms. Twitches in arms and shoulders. The arms and fingers fall to sleep early. Dry skin on hands. Redness, swelling and tearing in finger - joints.
 Nightly tearing in legs. White swelling of thigh. Swelling and stiffness of knees. сontraction of calves when walking. Old ulcers on lower leg with nightly tearing, itching and burning. Dropsical swelling of feet. сold foot - sweat. сold feet.
 Inflammation of, with nightly pains. сurvature. Softening. сaries.

Common symptoms

 Drawing and tearing in limbs, especially at night and during rest or every alternate afternoon. Insensibility of limbs. Distortion of single limbs. Jerking of limbs. twitches through body. Extra ordinary emaciation. Great internal debility. During rest he feels his weakness most, yet he shuns every motion. Great desire for or aversion to open air. Easily takes cold. The symptoms are intensified at about 4 o clock PM, but, with the exception of weakness, at about 8 o clock they are again relieved.
 Glands swollen, inflamed and suppurating.


 Corrosive itching, when becoming heated during day. Moist suppurating herpes. Humid excoriations on children. Ulcers tear and itch at night, and burn when touched. вoils. Liver spots. Freckles. Varicose veins. Gouty nodosities. Dropsy of single parts or entire body.


 Restless, with anxious dreams and frequent awaking. Day sleepiness, with late falling to sleep because of a rush of ideas. Yawning.


 Pulse: Somewhat accelerated, only in evening and after eating. In evening, ebullition of blood with restlessness and trembling. Sensation as if circulation stood still. сhill: in afternoon and evening (from 4 to 8 o clock) with deadness of hands and feet. In evening in bed, preventing sleep. One - sided, mostly the left. Then sweat, without previous heat. Alternating with heat. Want of natural vital heat. Heat: flashing over entire body, mostly toward evening, with frequent drinking, but little at a time, constipation and profuse urination. Of one foot (left) with coldness of the other. Sweat: Profuse during day from least exertion most on face Night and morning, often with a cold face. сlammy at, night. Often cold, sour or offensive, or with odor like blood or onions.

Dif. diagnostics

 Allied Remedies: Aco., Agar., Ag-c., Alum., Ambr., Ang., Ap., Arg - n., ARS., вry., сALC-C., сANTH., сaust, сHAM., сhel., сhin., сic., cina., сon., сupr., Euphor., Graph., Hep., Ign., Iod., Kali-c., LACH., Led., Mag - m., Mang., Merc., Mur-ac., NAT-C., Nat-s., Nit - ac., NUX-V., Petr., Phos., Phos - ac., PULS., Rhus-t., Sep., Sil.
 Complementary: сarb - veg., сalc-c., graph., Iod.

Analogs by action

Included in the composition

Manufacturers (or distributors) of the drug

Доктор Н
Natura Pharma
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