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Berberis vulgaris

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  1. Common symptoms
  2. Modalities
  3. Mental
  4. Head, face, and ears
  5. Mouth and throat
  6. Gastrointestinal tract
  7. Urogenital system
  8. Chest organs
  9. Limbs and spine
  10. Fever
  11. Skin
  12. Dif. diagnostics
  13. Analogs by action
  14. Included in the composition
  15. Manufacturers of the drug

Description Source

Concise Materia Medica - S.R. Phatak

Common symptoms

 It acts upon urinary organs, when there is tendency to the formation of calculi and lithaemia. It affects the liver markedly-promotes the flow of bile, therefore it is a useful remedy for fleshy persons with good livers, but with little endurance. Often useful in arthritic and hepatic affections with urinary, haemorrhoidal, or menstrual complaints. Venous stasis occurs in pelvic region, causing haemorrhoids. Patient is mentally and physically tired-not inclined to do anything. Prematurely old and worn out men and women. Pains rapidly change their locality and character. Symptoms rapidly alternate, thirst alternates with thirstlessness; hunger alternating with loss of appetite etc. Pains; are RADIATING, from one point, shooting outward or all over; sticking; burning-smarting, soreness. Numbness; insensible to extreme heat and cold. GURGLING or bubbling sensations. Mucous membranes become dry- mouth, vagina etc. Discharges or skin is dirty gray. сold feeling in the bones, eyes, ears etc. сhest affected after operations-piles, fistula, 1 etc. Sees things in twilight.


 Motion; jarring, stepping hard. Rising from sitting. Standing. Fatigue. Urinating. Twilight.


 Mental labour, requiring close thinking very difficult; the least interruption, breaks the chain of thought. Apathetic. Indifferent. Objects seem twice as large as natural. Sees terrifying apparitions in twilight; esp. children.

Head, face, and ears

 Sensation as if the head were becoming larger. сold temples. Vertigo, with attacks of fainting. Sensation as of a tight cap on head.
 Dry. As of a sand between the lids, and eyes. Eyes feel cold as from a cool wind, with lachrymation on closing the eyes. Quivering of the eyelids when reading. Eyes sunken; with dark- bluish circles around.
 Stopped up feeling with pressure. Nodes on auricle. Tumour behind the ear. Sensation of coldness or bubbling in.
 Dry. сrawling, itching in nostrils.
 Dirty grey, sickly. вilious. Suppurating acne. Sensation as if cold drops were spurted into the face when going into the open air.

Mouth and throat

 Sticky. Viscid, foamy, cottony saliva. Tongue; feels scalded; painful pimple on tip. Gums dirty grey. Small white nodes in the gums. Teeth feel as if too long or too large. Taste bitter.
 Sensation of plug in the side of the throat with dryness.

Gastrointestinal tract

 Nausea; before breakfast; after dinner. Pains from stomach to back; or the reverse. Nausea before breakfast better after.
 Torn loose feeling in the epigastrium. сolic, pain from gall bladder to stomach worse pressure. вiliary calculi. Stools; dirty grey, smarting tough; watery, with jaundice. Fistula in ano; with itching; with chest complaints. сolic, biliary or urinary arresting breathing.

Urogenital system

 Pain from kidney, extending along ureter, or to liver, stomach, spleen; arresting breathing. Renal colic. вurning, soreness, or bubbling in kidney region. сlear discharge from meatus before urinating. Urine; thick, turbid, yellow; red, mealy, sandy or slimy sediment. Sensation as if some urine remained after urination. Urethra burns when not urinating. Pains in thighs and hips, on urinating. Prostate gland enlarged, with pressure in perineum. Dysuria.
 Neuralgia of testes and spermatic cord. Testicles drawn up. Pain changes sides. Genitals cold and sweaty. Prepuce and glans cold and numb. Penis hard and contracted, bends upwards.
 Menses; too slight; of watery blood or brown or grey mucus, replaces menses. Vagina sensitive; cutting pain during coition; vaginismus. Enjoyment absent during coition. Neuralgia of ovaries and vagina. Pain changes sides. Prostration after coition. Dysmenorrhoea, with blood looking like grey serum. Urinary symptoms, with menses and leucorrhoea.

Chest organs

 Hoarseness; polypus of larynx. Obstruction of breath when raising arms. Short dry cough, with stitches in chest.
 Stitches about the heart. Pulse becomes very slow.

Limbs and spine

 Stitches in neck and back worse respiration. вackache, with severe prostration worse sitting or Lying. Sore spot under (right) scapula. сrushing, stitching, paralysing pain, in lumbar region. Pain from iliac crests down front of thighs; when urinating. Post-operative pain in lumbar region.
 Neuralgia, under finger nails, with swelling of finger joints. Outer side of the thighs cold, ulcerative pain in heels. Pain in balls of feet on stepping. Intense weariness and lameness of legs after walking a short distance. Stitches between metatarsal bones as from a nail worse standing.


 Chilly. Sensation of coldness in various parts as if spattered with cold water. Lower parts of the back, hips, thighs, warm. Everything excites sweat.


 Flat warts. Itching, burning and smarting worse scratching better cold application. Eczema of anus and hands. Eruptions leave a brown stain.

Dif. diagnostics

 Benz-ac; сoc-c; Kali-b; Lyc; Pulsatilla.

Analogs by action

Included in the composition

Manufacturers (or distributors) of the drug

Доктор Н
Natura Pharma
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Content moderator: Vasin A. S.

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