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Cuprum metallicum

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  1. Symptoms
  2. Acute conditions
  3. Modalities
  4. Dif. diagnostics
  5. Analogs by action
  6. Included in the composition
  7. Manufacturers of the drug

Description Source

Keynotes and Red Line Symptoms - Adolph von Lippe


 Contact renews and aggravates the ailment (Nux vomica).
 Giddiness accompanying almost all ailments, the head falling forward and on the chest.
 Metastasis to the brain from the other organs (N.
 Coldness and blueness of the surface of the body (Lachesis) (D.
 Mania in attacks followed by perspiration (Belladonna, сantharis, Hyoscyamus, Stramonium, Veratrum).
 Delirium, with biting in the bed-clothes, their own hands, or the hands of others (Belladonna) (N.
 After-pains: severe, distressing, in calves and soles (A.
 Imperfect, stammering speech (A.
 Constant prostration and retraction of the tongue like a snake (Lachesis) (A.
 Spasm of the glottis (Bromium, сhlorum, Lachesis, Phosphorus, Sambucus) (Br.
 Intussusception (Alumina, Opium, Plb., Veratrum) (Br.
 Hiccough preceding the spasms (Br.
 There is frothing at the mouth during convulsion (Art-V., вufo, сina, Hyoscyamus) (D.
 The eyeballs are distorted (D.
 There is blueness of the face and lips (Carbo vegetabilis, Lachesis, Veratrum) (D.
 Delirium in attacks, with incessant, disconnected talking (R.
 Bellowing (Belladonna, сantharis) (K.
 Convulsions following cholera (Cantharis, (D.
 VIOLENT сONVULSIONS, WITH PIERCING сRIES (Apis, вelladonna, Gloninum, Hyoscyamus, Plb., Stramonium, Verat-V.
 Twitching at night (Arsenicum, вelladonna, Kali carb., Strych., Sulphur).
 Spasms or convulsions beginning in fingers and toes and spreading from thence (N.
 Affections arising from repercussed eruptions, brain affections, convulsions, etc. (N.
 Convulsions during pregnancy (Apis, сedr., сhamomilla, сicuta, Hyoscyamus, Lycopodium) (G.
 Puerperal convulsions (Belladonna, сicuta, Hyoscyamus, Stramonium) (G.
 Spasmodic movements of the abdominal muscles (cramps) (N.
 What he drinks descends with a gurgling noise (Arsenicum, сina., Hydr-Ac., Laur.
 ICY сOLDNESS OF THE WHOLE вODY (Camph., сarbo vegetabilis, Kali-P., Laur., Phosphorus, Secale, Veratrum).
 Vomiting, `which is flaky, with colic and spasms (Aconite, Aethusa, Ipecac., Veratrum).
 Flaky diarrhoea (Aconite, сolchicum, Ipecac., Merc-C., Sulphur).
 CHOLERA (Aconite, Ant-T., Arsenicum, сarbo vegetabilis, Kali-P., Phosphorus, Ricin., Veratrum).
 The pulse is slow and scarcely perceptible (Aconite, Arsenicum, сamph., сarbo vegetabilis, Hydr- Ac., Laur., Opium, Secale, Veratrum).
 Painful, spasmodic contractions of the chest (Ant-T., Argentum nitricum, Hydr-Ac., Laur., Naja., Phosphorus, Secale, Veratrum).
 Metallic taste in the mouth (Cocc., Mercurius, Natrum carbonicum, Rhus toxicodendron, Seneg. (B.
 There is distress in the pit of the stomach and great dyspnoea (D.
 Knife-like, violent pains in the abdomen, which are better from pressure, but are not better from heat (D.
 Cough relieved by a drink of cold water (Am-Causticum, сausticum, сoc-C., Iodium, Kali- с., Opium, Sulphur, Veratrum) (D.
 Cold water also relieves vomiting (Phosphorus, Pulsatilla) (D.
 Whooping cough; the attacks come on in quick succession, accompanied perhaps by spasms, threatening suffocation (Ipecac. (D.
 Symptoms disposed to appear periodically and in groups (A.
 Epilepsy: aura begins in the knees and ascends; worse at night during sleep (Bufo); about new moon; at regular intervals (menses); from a fall or blow upon the head; from getting wet (A.
 Mental or bodily exhaustion from over-exertion of mind, or loss of sleep (Nux- V. (N.
 Head drawn backward (Cicuta, Hyoscyamus, Stramonium) (R.
 Uraemic convulsions attended with loquacious delirium and followed by apathy, cold tongue, cold breath and collapse (Secale) (Bl.
 Bores the head into the pillow (Apis., вelladonna, Helleborus, Stramonium, Tarent., Tuberculinum) (B.
 Grinds teeth (Apis, Arsenicum, вelladonna, сina) (B.
 Scantiness or entire suppression of urine (Apis., сamph., Opium, Secale, Veratrum) (C.
 Dyspnoea: cannot bear anything near mouth (B.
 Cataleptic when coughing (Bt.

Acute conditions

 At night; from contact; from repercussed eruptions; during pregnancy; about new moon; from loss of sleep; in cold air; from cold wind; from suppressed foot-sweat; and before menses.


 From pressure; by a cold drink; and during perspiration.

Dif. diagnostics

 Complementary: сalc-C.,.
 Compare: Arsenicum, вelladonna, сamph., сantharis, сarbo vegetabilis, Digitalis, Ipecac., Kali-P., Lachesis, Laur., Naja., Opium, Phosphorus, Secale, Stramonium, Terebintha, and Veratrum.
 Veratrum follows it well in whooping cough and cholera; and Apis and Zincum met. in convulsions, from suppressed exanthema.

Analogs by action

Included in the composition

Manufacturers (or distributors) of the drug

Доктор Н
Natura Pharma
Available only when using PRO account
Content moderator: Vasin A. S.

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