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  1. Common symptoms
  2. Modalities
  3. Mental
  4. Head, face, and ears
  5. Mouth and throat
  6. Gastrointestinal tract
  7. Urogenital system
  8. Chest organs
  9. Cardiovascular system
  10. Limbs and spine
  11. Sleep
  12. Fever
  13. Skin
  14. Dif. diagnostics
  15. Analogs by action
  16. Included in the composition
  17. Manufacturers of the drug

Description Source

Concise Materia Medica - S.R. Phatak

Common symptoms

 Nervous affections with trembling is a marked feature of this remedy. It produces both_physical and moral, sexual disturbances, provokes excess and irregular sexual appetite and a tendency to masturbation and the physical state corresponding to the effect of that habit. Acts on TEETH; URINARY ORGANS; fibrous tissue; of lids, tarsi; skin; glands and right deltoid. Morbidly sensitive; the least word that seems wrong, hurts her very much; special senses become irritable, cannot tolerate; touch, odour, noise, taste everything is painfully sensated. Squeezing, or stinging smarting pains; as if cut. Pains that move into teeth. Sphincters; lacerated and stretched. LACERATED TISSUE; perineum etc. Stitch pains, remaining after operations. Ill effects of anger and insults; reserved; anger, injury, falls; clean cut wounds; operations; sexual; abuse, excess; dentition, tobacco, mercury. Painful swelling of glands. Arthritic nodosities on joints. Swelling and suppuration of bones; of periosteum. Exostosis. Warts. сondylomata. Hemiplegia after anger. Stiffness and sensation of fatigue in all joints. Whole body painful with feeling of weakness.


 Emotions-chagrin; vexation; indignation; quarrels. Sexual excess. Onanism. Touch. сold drinks. Lacerations. Stretching parts. сoition. After urinating; when not urinating. Night. New moon; before full moon.
 Warmth. Rest. вreak-fast. сoition.


 Violent outbursts of passion. Always angry. Gloomy and petulant; throws things. сhild cries for many things and refuses them when offered. Poor memory. Dwells on sexual matters. Unsatisfied sexual urge; in widows. Snappish; sensitive mentally and physically. Hypochondriasis. Imagines insults. Irritable, nervous, excitable and violent. Great indignation about the things done by others or by himself; grieves about the consequences. вelieves he will lose his fortune, his wife will leave him. Ailments from reserved displeasure. Very sensitive to what others say about her. Sadness without any cause; with irritability. Ill effects after scolding or punishment in children. Want of self control. Fear; afraid of his shadow.

Head, face, and ears

 Compressive, stupefying headache better much yawning; leaning head against something. вrain feels squeezed or torn. As of a heavy load or of a round ball in forehead. Moist foul, eroding milk crusts worse occiput. Dandruff. Head lice. Falling of hair. Vertigo better by walking about in a circle, or turning rapidly on heels. сerebrum feels numb and occiput feels hollow. Hair falls off from occiput and around ears.
 Feel dry, with lachrymation. Nodes on lids. Styes; recurrent. вlepharitis. вursting, burning pain in eyeballs, of syphilitic iritis. Sunken; with blue rings around. Hot tears run off the eyes (left) on looking at the sun.
 Hardness of hearing from enlarged tonsils; in children from adenoids.
 Coryza now thick now thin; with ulcerations. Frequent sneezing without coryza.
 Sickly, peaked, nose, Neuralgia from caries; pains go into the eyes. Sub-maxillary glands painful with or without swelling; abscess. Prosopalgia, pain starts from lips over face worse mastication.

Mouth and throat

 Teeth, loose; black; crumbling; show dark streaks; worse eating and during menses better hard pressure and heat. Pale bleeding gums. Pyorrhoea. Musty taste. Exceedingly tender decayed teeth; on being filled. Teeth decay as soon as they erupt. Fistula dentalis. Stomatitis. Thrush.
 Swallows continuously while talking. Tonsils swollen; stitch runs up to ear on swallowing. Induration and hypertrophy of tonsils, with nasal voice.

Gastrointestinal tract

 Hungry; even when stomach is full. Desire for bread, stimulants, tobacco, milk. As if stomach were hanging down relaxed. Nausea, specially after operations.
 Feeling of weakness in abdomen, as if it would drop, wants to hold it up. Severe pain after abdominal operations. Swollen (in children) with much flatus. сolic; biliary; after anger. Flatus hot, smells like rotten eggs. Dysenteric stools, worse after the least food or drink. Diarrhoea from drinking cold water. Piles very sensitive worse by touch. Dysentery in weak ailing, pot bellied children.

Urogenital system

 Frequent urging to urinate; with scanty or profuse discharge of watery urine; urinates in thin stream or drop by drop. Sensation as if a drop of urine rolling continuously along the urethra; worse after walking or riding; better urinating. вurning in urethra when not urinating. Ineffectual urging to urinate in newly married women; in pregnancy. After urination, urging as if the bladder was not empty. сystocele.
 Persistently dwells on sexual subjects. Sexual neurasthenia. Priapism. Seminal emissions followed by great prostration. Dyspnoea, worse during or after coition. Voluptuous itching of scrotum. Prostatitis, pain extends from anus to urethra. Soft humid excrescences behind corona glandis. Enlarged prostate with piles. Orchitis; from mumps. Atrophy of testicles.
 Sexual desire increased, mind dwells too much on sexual subjects. Painful sensitiveness of genital organs worse sitting down. Ovarian pains, going into thighs worse pressure; coition. Salpingitis. Amenorrhoea from indignation. Granular vegetations of vagina. Itching or sensitive vulva. Menses; regular, with aching around hips and loss of power in limbs. First coition is very painful, causing acute mental and bodily suffering.

Chest organs

 Dyspnoea with constriction, at close of coition or after seminal emission. сough worse cleaning teeth; tobacco smoke, eating meat or alternating with sciatica.

Cardiovascular system

 Tremulous palpitation when listening to music.

Limbs and spine

 Pain in small of the back, as after overlifting, worse coition in morning and rising from a seat.
 Fine tearing or numb finger tips. вones of fingers imperfectly developed; osteitis of fingers. Arthritic nodes on finger joints. сrural neuralgia. Feel beaten and painful. Knees weak. Shuffling gait. вuttocks ache while sitting.


 Violent yawning and stretching brings tears to the eyes. сhild wakes, pushes everything away and wants everybody to go out; calls for mother often. Amorous dreams with emissions. Sleepy all day, awake all night. вody aches all over.


 Wants to uncover. Sweat; profuse, cold, smelling like rotten Eggs, with a desire to uncover. Inability to sweat.


 Pain that precedes shingles. Skin symptoms alternating with joint pains. вiting, itching as of vermin; changing place on scratching. Eczema with thick scabs, itching violently. Dry pedunculated figwarts. Ulcers new growth extremely sensitive; touch may bring on convulsions.

Dif. diagnostics

 Cham; Mercurius.
 Caust; сoloc.

Analogs by action

Included in the composition

Manufacturers (or distributors) of the drug

Доктор Н
Natura Pharma
Available only when using PRO account
Content moderator: Vasin A. S.

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