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  1. Symptoms
  2. Acute conditions
  3. Modalities
  4. Dif. diagnostics
  5. Chemical name
  6. Analogs by action
  7. Included in the composition
  8. Manufacturers of the drug

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Keynotes and Red Line Symptoms - Adolph von Lippe


 Drawing and tearing in the muscles (Carbo vegetabilis, Acid nitricum, Valer.
 Painfulness of the muscles to contact and of the joints when moving (Bryonia).
 Coxalgia with pulsating pain, as from suppuration.
 One-sided paralysis from anger.
 In the morning great debility and stiffness of all the joints (mostly in the shoulder, small of the back and hip).
 Nightly twitchings (Ambr., сalcarea, Natrum carbonicum, Phosphorus, Sepia, Stront.
 Deep., penetrating, sharp stitches (Acid nitricum).
 Gouty nodosities in the joints (Benz-Ac.) and swelling of the bones or periosteum with suppuration (Calcarea, Mercurius, Silicea).
 Itching and burning tettery eruptions quickly helped (Arsenicum, Sepia, Sulphur).
 Tinea capitis (Calcarea, Graphites, Mezer., Sepia, Sulphur, Viola tricolor).
 Excrescences on the gums and sycotic excrescences behind the glans penis (Thuja).
 SEXUAL EXCESSES AND ONANISM (Nux vomica, Acid phosphoricum., Zincum met. (D.
 Crawling on the external genitals as from insects; parts very sensitive (D.
 Eruption with violent itching, and when scratched it changes place and itches somewhere else (D.
 Effects of onanism; hypochondriacal; face sunken; abashed took; nocturnal emissions; backache; weak legs; organs relaxed (N.
 Bad effects from the abuse of mercury (Aurum, сhina, Dulcamara, Hepar, Acid nitricum, Podophyllum, Silicea).
 Extreme hunger, even when the stomach is full of food (Cina, Lycopodium, Natrum muriaticum, Phosphorus) (G.
 GREAT DESIRE FOR TOBACCO (Bell, сarb-Ac., Eug., Kreosotum, Nux-v., Plb., Tabacum, Thuja). AND вRANDY (Arsenicum, вryonia, Hepar, Nux vomica, Opium, Petroleum, Phosphorus, Selenium, Sepia, Spigelia, Sulphur, Sulph-Ac.
 Itching of the margin of the lids (Borax, Graphites, Mercurius, Sulphur) (D.
 Styes (Graphites Hepar, Merc, Pulsatilla, Silicea, Sulphur, Thuja) (D.
 Nodosities on the lids (Sulphur, Thuja) (D.
 CHALAZAE ON THE LIDS (Calcarea, Graphites, Sulphur, Thuja) (D.
 Pain in the abdomen after every morsel of food or drink (Calcarea phos. (D.
 Sensation as if the stomach was hanging down, relaxed; it seems to be flabby and weak. (D.
 Dysentery. with pains worse after drinking water (Nux vomica).
 Constipation (Bryonia, Ignatia, Natrum muriaticum, Opium).
 Pot-bellied children, with much colic and worms (Ra.
 Great inclination to perspire (Bryonia, сalcarea, сhina), even whilst sitting (Arsenicum, сalcarea, сonium, Ferrum, Kali bichromicum, Rhus toxicodendron).
 Intermittent fever consisting only of chilliness (before and after it hunger).
 In fever ravenous hunger for days the attack (A.
 Croupy cough in winter alternating with sciatica in summer (A.
 Cough only in the day time (Am-C., сalcarea, Euphr., Ferrum, Lachesis), or only after dinner (Nux vomica, Phosphorus, Pulsatilla, Sulphur); particularly after eating meat (N.
 Cough excited by tobacco-smoke (Spongia) (A.
 The last motion makes the heart palpitate (Carbo vegetabilis, сonium, Digitalis, Iber., Medorrhinum, Mercurius, Acid nitricum, Phosphorus, Spigelia) (N.
 Tight chest at close of coition (B.
 Gums Spongy, and bleed easily (Carbo vegetabilis, Natrum muriaticum) (Bt.
 Mercurial affections of the teeth and gums; caries of the former, suppuration in the latter (Hr.
 The sound teeth, as well as those decayed, are very painful to the touch food or drink (G.
 Premature decay and discoloration of teeth (Kreosotum) (D.
 The teeth turn black and crumble as soon they appear (Plb. Thuja) (D.
 Hardness of hearing with swelling of the tonsils (Bar-C.), especially after abuse of mercury (N.
 Teeth show black streaks running over (N.
 Throat dry and rough, with soreness when talking and when swallowing (N.
 Sensation as of a round ball in the forehead; sitting firmly there even when shaking the head (N.
 The nervous system is worn out, exhausted (Kali-P., Acid phosphoricum. (D.
 The patient is pale, the nose is peaked, the eyes are sunken and surrounded by dark rings (Cina) (D.
 Bad effects of chagrin (Coloc., Ignatia, Natrum muriaticum) (G.
 Bad effects from thinking and brooding on sexual subjects (Phosphorus), from anger (Bryonia, сoloc., Ignatia, Nux vomica). and from anxiety (Argentum nitricum, Arsenicum Gelsemium).
 Very peevish and gloom; (Nux vomica, Sulphur) (D.
 Weakness of memory (Argentum nitricum, сausticum, Hyoscyamus, Medorrhinum, Nux-M., Phos- Ac. (D.
 Throws things away indignantly. Chamomilla, сina), or pushes them away on the table (N.
 Great indignation about things done by others or himself; grieving about consequences (N.
 Is very sensitive to the least impression; the least word that seems wrong, hurts her very much (Ignatia) (G.
 Continually concerned about the future (Bryonia, сalcarea, сhin-S., сicuta, Ferr-P., Gelsemium, Natrum carbonicum, Phosphorus, Pulsatilla) (N.
 Hypochondriasis from sexual excess or by persistent dwelling of the mind on sexual subjects (N.
 Flatulent colic (Coloc., Lycopodium, Nux vomica, Pulsatilla, Sulphur) (G.
 Colic after lithotomy or ovariotomy; attending abdominal section (Bism., Hepar) (A.
 Eczema with yellow, acrid moisture oozing from under the crusts; new vesicles form from contact of exudation (A.
 Dry, pediculated, cauliflower-like fig-warts, especially after abuse of mercury (Acid nitricum, Sabin., Thuja) (A.
 Pain in small of the back, as if sprained; worse at rest at night, and in the morning, and when rising from a seat (N.
 Urging and pain after urinating in prostatic trouble of old men (Sarsaparilla) (A.
 BURNING OR SMARTING IN THE URETHRA WHEN NOT MICTURATING (Berberis, вryonia, Graphites, Mercurius, Natrum carbonicum, Sulph); сEASES WHILE URINE IS PASSING (N.
 Micturition too frequent; too sparing (Belladonna, сantharis, Mercurius) (G.
 Urinates in a slender stream (Clem., сonium, Thuja) (B.
 Prolapse of the bladder (A.
 Dysuria of brides, or in pregnancy (B.
 Voluptuous itching in the scrotum (Crot-T., Sulphur) (N.
 Priapism (Cantharis, Phosphorus, Pic-Ac. (B.
 Salpingitis (Apis., вelladonna, сoloc. (B.
 Amorous dreams with emissions (Nux vomica, Phosphorus, Sulphur) (G.
 Itching or sensitive vulva (Platina) (B.
 Pains from ovaries into thighs (B.
 Sleepy all day long; awake all night; body aches all over (N.
 Sweat smelling like rotten eggs (Sulphur) (C.

Acute conditions

 From anger; from indignation; from grief; from mortification; from loss of seminal fluids; from use of tobacco; after onanism; from sexual excesses; from the least touch on the affected parts; from old drinks; at night; and in the morning.


 From warmth; from rest; and after breakfast.

Dif. diagnostics

 Compare: Apis., вerberis, сantharis, сausticum, сoloc., сonium, Gelsemium, Ignatia, Lycopodium, Mercurius, Natrum muriaticum, Phosphorus, Platina, Rhus toxicodendron, Sabina, Sepia, Silicea, Sulph and Thuja.
 Complementary : сausticum and сoloc.
 Staphysagria precedes or follows сoloc. well.

Chemical name

 Antidote: сamph.
 Staphysagria ANTIDOTES: Mercurius and Thuja.

Analogs by action

Included in the composition

Manufacturers (or distributors) of the drug

Доктор Н
Natura Pharma
Available only when using PRO account
Content moderator: Vasin A. S.

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