Artichoke Leaf Extract Capsules - analogs
Components: Cynarae scomuli foliae extract |
Prices in pharmacies: 11.1-12.3€ Instructions Artichoke Leaf Extract Capsules | |||||||||
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Similar | Complete analog ⓘ✘Analogues of the drug with completely identical active ingredients |
Prices in pharmacies |
≈100% | Extract of Artishoks | 1.5-4.8€ |
≈100% | Chophytol | 3.8-11.7€ |
Prices in
pharmaciesAnalogs by action ⓘ✘Analogues of the drug according to its degree of similarity with other drugs that are not direct analogues
- 35% — УГОЛЬ-ФОРТЕ активированный уголь с травами [Activated charcoal]
- 28% — Capsicum & Garlic with Parsley [Petroselinum crispum]
- 24% 0.8-1.8€ Гепавит [Silybum marianum]
- 21% — Фиточай травяной с каркаде «Почечный чай» серии «Радуга Горного Алтая» [Orthosiphon stamineus]
- 21% — Апполон-ИВА [Petroselinum crispum]
- 21% 1.3-2€ Чай Эвалар БИО Для почек [Orthosiphon stamineus]
- 19% — Elfasept Fito [Menthae piperitae folia and more 1Glycyrrhizae radix]
- 15% 1.6-1.8€ Entegnin [Lignin hydrolised]
- 15% 1.8-2.6€ Энтегнин-Н [Lignin hydrolised]
- 15% — Наследие природы мята перечная [Mentha piperita]
- 15% — Foeniculi fructus [Foeniculum vulgare mill.]
- 15% — Органический чай из мяты перечной [Mentha piperita]
- 14% — Betusil [Silybum marianum]
- 14% — Peppermint green-tea drops [Mentha piperita]
- 14% — Callunae folia et curmus [Calluna vulgaris]
- 14% — Доктор Тайсс Леденцы с анисом и фенхелем+витамин С [Foeniculum vulgare mill.]
- 14% — Livup-plus (capsules of essential phospholipids and vitamins) [Phospholipides]
- 13% 2-2.8€ Вазотон (L-аргинин) [Arginine]
- 13% — Panzeria Lanata [Panceria lanata]
- 13% — Markalakt [Lactose]
- 13% 4€ Доппельгерц актив Эссенциальные фосфолипиды+Витамины группы B [Phospholipides]
- 13% — Yogulact 55+ [Lactobacillus acidophilus]
- 13% — Yogulact forte [Lactobacillus acidophilus]
- 12% 6-6.6€ Probiolog Fort [Lactobacillus acidophilus and more 1Lactobacteries]
- 12% 3.8-4.7€ ProbioLog [Lactobacillus acidophilus and more 1Lactobacteries]
- 12% 2€ Метенорм [Simethicone and more 1Foeniculum vulgare mill.]
- 12% 3.4-5.3€ Гепатофильтр [Silybi mariani fructuum extract]
- 12% 2€ Желудочный доктор [Menthae piperitae folia and more 5Hyperici perforati herba, Helichrysi arenarii flores, Taraxaci officinalis radices, Inulae helenii rhizomata et radices, Calami rhizomata]
- 12% — Полибактерин
- 12% 6€ L-Threonine [Threonine]
- 11% — Amino Complete [Centaurii herba and more 2Levisticum, Vitis idaeae folia]
- 11% — Agrimoniae cupatoriae herba [Agrimonia cupatoria]
- 11% — Экстракт гриба Майтаке (Grifola frondosa (maitake) extract) [Grifola frondosa]
- 11% — Magnelact [Pyridoxalphosphate]
- 11% — Севитин (L-карнозин и инозин) [Inosine]
- 11% — Фиточай «Репешок обыкновенный» серии «Таежный отшельник» [Agrimonia cupatoria]
- 11% — Алинея Тонкая линия [Fructose and more 1Sodium hydrocarbonate]
- 11% — Наследие природы репешок обыкновенный [Agrimonia cupatoria]
- 11% — Polygoni avicularis herba [Polygonum aviculare]
- 10% 490€ Agaricus Extract Powder [Agaricus]
- 10% 12-14.7€ Symbiosys Alflorex
- 10% 5.3-7€ Хитозан-Эвалар [Ascorbic acid]
- 10% — Алгоимун [Fructose and more 1Sodium hydrocarbonate]
- 10% — Allicor
- 10% — Allicor - drage
- 10% 0.1-0.2€ Кальция глюконат Квадрат-С [Calcium gluconate]
- 10% — Valeriana Medica Plus [Valeriana officinalis]
- 10% — Кальция глюконат Dr. Price s [Calcium gluconate]
- 10% 0.1€ Кальция глюконат «Эко» [Calcium gluconate]
- 10% — Кальция глюконат - форте [Calcium gluconate]
Learn more about the selection of analogues
- The drug has «Artichoke Leaf Extract Capsules» 4 full analogs, the cheapest - Extract of Artishoks (1.5-4.8€); 51 analog by action, the most similar - Capsicum & Garlic with Parsley .
- Medical online service has selected the best substitutes for Artichoke Leaf Extract Capsules based on its instructions, components, pharmaceutical groups and practical application.
- The table shows the prices of analogues Artichoke Leaf Extract Capsules to choose the cheapest pills.
- If you have introduced other drugs for registration, substitutes are selected taking into account the assessment of interactions and safety.
- Sometimes, due to the presence of dangerous interactions, it is necessary to use drugs that are similar in effect, sometimes even from different pharmacological groups.