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Hyoscyamus niger

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  1. Pharmacological Group
  2. Additional facts
  3. Nosology
  4. Psyche and consciousness
  5. Head, face, and ears
  6. Mouth and throat
  7. Appetite and food preferences
  8. Gastrointestinal tract
  9. Urogenital system
  10. Plant characteristics
  11. Chest organs
  12. Cardiovascular system
  13. Limbs and spine
  14. Nervous system
  15. Sleep
  16. Common symptoms
  17. Fever
  18. Skin
  19. Patient type and constitution
  20. Dif. diagnostics
  21. Analogs by action
  22. Included in the composition
  23. Manufacturers of the drug

Other names and synonyms


Description Source

Guiding Symptoms of Our Materia Medica - C. Hering

Pharmacological Group

Homeopathic classical monopreparations

Additional facts

 Henbane. Solonacea.
 Provings by Hahnemann and his provers. See Allen’s Encyclopedia, vol. 5, p. 25.


 - Affections of mind, Gauwerky, Woost, вathmann, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 4 ; (2 cases) von Störk, N. A. J. H., vol. 3, p. 547 ; Effects of jealousy, Stapf, Analytic Therap., vol. 1, p. 86 ; Melancholia, вethmann, Analytic. Therap., vol. 1, p. 192 ; Hallucinations, Moore, Organon, vol. 1, p. 358 ; Hallucinations, Moore, Organon, vol. 1, p. 358 ; Delirium, вoenninghausen, Analytic. Therap., vol. 1, p. 109 ; Mania, Guernsey, Dunham’s Lectures ; Mania from jealousy, Stapf, Analytic. Therap., vol. 1, p. 109 ; Maniacal fury, сhapman, в. J. H., vol. 8, p. 229 ; Madness, von Störk, N. A. J. H., vol. 3, p. 546 ; Mania, Grissel, Martini and Spohr, Szotar, Hahnemann, Thorer, Hanstein, Weber, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 4, pp. 26-29 ; Insanity, Sztaraveszki, Hom. сlinics, vol. 1, p. 55 ; Haywood, в. J. H., vol. 35, p. 162 ; Delirium tremens, Müller, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 143 ; Moore, в. J. H., vol. 8, p. 497 ; Hydrophobia, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 4, p. 623 ; Affection of brain, Gross, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 125 ; Inflammation of brain, Mossbauer, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 125 ; Apoplexy, Elwert, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 92 ; Hemeralopia, Hauptmann, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 340 ; Martin, Norton’s Ophth. Therap., p. 95 ; Photophobia, Garay, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 125 ; Strabismus, Gallavardin, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 141 ; Toothache, Kreuss, Hering, вoenninghausen, Knorre, Altschul, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 462 ; Loss of speech, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 18 ; Hahnemann, Rück Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 70 ; Rampel, Rück Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 69 ; Affection of throat, Altschul, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 240 ; Vomiting, Löw, Rück Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 260 ; Flatulent colic, Hartman, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 753 ; Diarrhoea, Miller, сin. Medorrhinum Adv., vol. 3, p. 381 ; Paralysis of sphincter ani, Gross, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 1010 ; Frequent micturition, сhapman, в. J. H., vol. 8, p. 230 ; Uterine hemorrhage, Hirsch, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 625 ; Hahnemann, Hering, Hartmann, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 2, p. 311 ; Metrorrhagia, Z. S. Hahnemann, в. J. H., vol. 12, p. 271 ; Affections during pregnancy, Gaspar, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 2, p. 382 ; Diarrhoea in lying-in woman, Martin, T. H. M. S. Pa., 1886, p. 95 ; сonvulsions during labor, Rückert, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 2, p. 407 ; сramps in calves of legs during labor, Wielobicky, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 2, p. 408 ; сhild-bed fever, Hartmann, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 2, p. 448 ; вronchitis, Miller, Raue’s Rec., 1875, p. 115 ; сough, сaspar, Trinks, Hartmann, Elwert, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 3, p. 15 ; Eidherr, Löw, Müller, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, pp. 683-720 ; сhest affection, von Störk, N. A. J. H., vol. 3, p. 546 ; Inflammation of lungs, Watzke, вuchner, Müller, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 3, p. 298 ; сatarrhal pneumonia, Groos, Raue’s Rec., 1871, p. 100 ; Spasms of chest, von Störk, N. A. J. H., vol. 3, p. 550 ; сramps of diaphragm, Adler, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 944 ; Hamoptysis, von Störk, N. A. J. H., vol. 3, p. 547 ; Palpitation of heart, von Störk, N. A. J. H., vol. 3, p. 546 ; Rheumatic endocarditis, Marchal de сalvi, Hom. сlinics, vol. 3, p. 25 ; Hysteria, von Störk, N. A. J. H., vol. 3, p. 550 ; сonvulsive tremors and convulsions, von Störk, N. A. J. H., vol. 3, p. 545 ; сhorea, Rückert, Shellhammer, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 4, p. 510 ; Spasms and epilepsy, von Störk, N. A. J. H., vol. 3, p. 548 ; Hartmann, Jahr, Tietzer, Müller, Rückert, Hoffendahl, Schubert, сaspari, Knorre, Kleinert, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 4, p. 562 ; Sleeplessness, Schrön, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 3, p. 517 ; Remittent fever, Morrison, Hah. Mo., vol. 10, p. 222 ; Typhoid fever, Knorre, Diez, Elwert, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 4, pp. 735-740 ; McGeorge, Hah. Mo., vol. 15, p. 540 ; Typhus, Smith, Raue’s Rec., 1874, p. 284.

Psyche and consciousness

 Stupor, unconsciousness ; does not reply to questions ; does not recognize any one ; answers properly, but immediately stupor returns.
 Stupefaction : depressing mental influences ; hypochondriacal ; from smell of flowers, gas, etheric oils, etc.
 Imbecility, or illusions of imagination and senses.
 Inability to think ; cannot direct or control thoughts.
 Loss of memory.
 Quiet, reflective mood ; no complaints ; no wants.
 Answers no questions ; cannot bear to be talked to.
 Makes irrelevant answers.
 While reading, interpolates improper words and sentences.
 Raises head from pillow and gazes about.
 Thinks he is in the wrong place.
 Sees persons who are not and have not been present.
 Does not know whether or not to take what is offered.
 Dread of drinks ; of water.
 Anxious apprehension ; chronic fearfulness.
 Fears. вeing left alone ; poison, or being bitten ; being poisoned or sold ; being betrayed, or injured ; wishes to run away.
 Complains of having been poisoned.
 Horrid anguish, fits of anxiety.
 Very suspicious.
 Reproaches others, complains of supposed injury done him.
 Quarrelsomeness ; indomitable rage.
 Impatience, precipitate liveliness, talkativeness, tells everything.
 Picking at bedclothes ; mutters and prattles.
 Mutters absurd things to himself.
 Makes abrupt, short answers to imaginary questions.
 Cries out suddenly.
 While awake talks irrationally, as if a man were present.
 Talks more than usual, and more animatedly and hurriedly.
 Constant unintelligible chattering.
 Lies naked in bed and prattles.
 Delirium : talks of business of imaginary wrongs.
 Loves smutty talk.
 Frequently breaks out into a loud laugh.
 Scolds ; raves ; abuses those about him.
 Cries and laughs alternately, gesticulations lively.
 Whines, but knows not why.
 Silly, smiling, laughs at everything, silly expression.
 Foolish laughter.
 Talks in an absurd way.
 Does foolish things, behaves like one mad.
 Comical alienation of mind ; ludicrous actions like monkeys ; makes ridiculous gestures like a dancing clown ; like one intoxicated.
 Plays with his fingers (not picking bedclothes).
 Catches at air, or at some imaginary appearance, and pulls bedclothes about.
 Carphologia and muttering.
 Sings constantly and talks hastily, but indistinctly.
 Sings amorous and obscene songs.
 Excessive animation, restless hurry.
 Insulting, shouting, brawling, ungovernable rage, with exhibition of unusual strength.
 Insane passion for work.
 Tendency to action ; wants to kill somebody or himself.
 Is violent, and beats people.
 Bite, scratch and nip everyone interfering with them.
 Child makes violent exertions to get out of bed, tries to bite, and raves.
 Tries to injure those around him ; convulsions after trying to swallow.
 Working and clutching of hands, strikes his attendants ; movements very quick, with difficulty held upon lap ; wants to fight, attempts to bite ; at intervals would sing and at times burst out laughing ; when anything is offered him clinches hold of it with both hands greedily.
 Delirium : with physical restlessness ; would not stay in bed ; moves from one place to another ; complete ; lively ; wild ; busy, with constant muttering or talking, and meddling with hands ; about usual employments ; wants to get up and attend to business or go home ; without apparent heat ; face pale, limbs cold, though temperature is high ; with jerking of limbs, and diarrhoea, red face, wild, staring look, and throbbing of carotids ; comes back to consciousness when spoken to ; continued while awake ; from jealousy or vexation ; murmurings ; incoherent talk ; from pain.
 Delirium tremens : with clonic spasms ; averse to light and company ; visions, as if persecuted preceded by an epileptic attack ; constant talking at night ; seeks to escape from men by whom he imagines himself surrounded and who are trying to capture him ; does not recognize his wife who is standing by his side, but imagines he sees her under a distant bed.
 Insanity brought on by drinking ; will neither eat nor drink ; face flushed, expression wild ; tears clothes ; wanders up and down room during night ; strikes at keepers, and can scarcely be restrained.
 Trembling all over, looking very wild, and constantly pointing to serpents which she saw creeping up towards her, and fancied they were in bed approaching her ; had to be held to be kept quiet ; metrorrhagia. θ Delirium tremens.
 Epileptiform fit precedes the attack ; continuous talking at night ; wants to run away for fear of being persecuted by police ; tremor of limbs. θ Delirium tremens.
 Loquacious and quarrelsome mania, especially inclined to unseemly and immodest acts, gestures and expressions.
 Jealousy : with rage and delirium ; with attempt to murder.
 Erotic mania accompanied by jealousy.
 Serious illness from jealousy and grief about a faithless lover ; fever worse after midnight ; high redness of face, with constant delirium and desire to run away ; continual throbbing toothache.
 Violent and threatening nervous symptoms, even spasms ; hectic fever ; sleepless nights ; mind nearly deranged ; disturbed by unfounded jealousy.
 A gentle, lovable woman became extremely jealous of her husband, and although fully realizing that she did him injustice, she was so filled with grief that she found no rest day nor night, and could neither eat nor drink.
 Amativeness ; nymphomania ; erotomania.
 Onanism since childhood ; has always been greatly attracted by opposite sex and prematurely busied himself with thoughts of marriage ; for last half year has been very ill humored and irritable ; memory impaired ; reserved ; secretly wrote his love affairs ; speech incoherent ; restlessness and sleeplessness ; attacks of mania with profuse sweating, hasty and vehement talking, one idea rapidly following another, all in some way concerning love ; masturbates at every opportunity, and is full of obscene talk ; constant walking about ; strikes at and destroys everything ; spits in face of attendant and raves ; face pale and sunken ; eyes wild, piercing, shining ; severe pain in nape of neck and small of back.
 Lascivious mania, uncovers body, especially sexual parts ; sings amorous songs.
 Goes about nearly naked ; will not be covered.
 Constantly throwing off bedcovers or clothes ; entire loss of modesty.
 He lies in bed nude and chatters ; walks about insane, naked, wrapped in a skin during summer heat.
 Desires to be naked (hyperesthesia of cutaneous nerves).
 Disappointed love followed by : epilepsy ; melancholy ; rage or inclination to laugh at everything ; despair and propensity to drown himself.
 Morose dejection, despair.
 After a fit of passion, melancholia, gradually developing into true madness ; appetite gone ; nights restless ; continual delirium attended with timorousness ; loss of strength ; complains of frequent shudderings and rigors in spine going up into head during lucid intervals ; hard, constipated stool.
 After fit of passion and sudden fear, became so melancholy and timorous as to hide himself in every corner, and even to dread and run away from flies ; speechless, could not get a word out of him ; no appetite ; sleepless ; loss of strength ; seemed as one out of his senses.
 Groundless suspicion of being watched by members of family with whom he had some slight misunderstanding ; to avoid being recognized by them, clothed himself differently every day, and seldom left his house ; this monomania gradually developed into insanity ; recognized his physician but at once went off again into delusions ; uncovered and exposed himself ; continually counting, at one time in French, at another in English, and at another in both ; continually fixing himself to correspond with the points of the compass and looking through his fingers ; tracing the pattern of carpet with his feet and twisting his legs till he nearly fell down ; grasping at imaginary objects ; watching his relations suspiciously and imagining he might be poisoned ; talking to himself. θ Insanity.
 Being harshly accused of theft, continual delirium ; fancies herself surrounded by objects of a terrifying nature ; not a moment quiet, continual calling out that she saw the devil ; denies herself guilty of theft, or that she has any concern with witches ; tremor all over body ; struggles with such violence to escape, that she must be tied to bed ; pulse and respiration shift according to the various phantoms which offer themselves to her imagination ; tongue extremely moist ; eyes stern, grim, wrathful ; involuntary stool and urine in bed.
 Mania during lactation ; extreme irritability ; raving ; when thwarted in anything scolds and strikes indiscriminately at persons ; talkative, irrational speech ; crying, alternating with a merry humor ; anxiety with trembling in limbs ; very profuse secretion of milk.
 Great restlessness, piercing, staring look ; jerking motion of head with rapid glances here and there ; face pale ; pulse slow and soft ; attempts to escape from room ; frightful hallucinations of figures coming to seize him, hens bound with chains, numbers of large crabs being driven into room ; general epileptic convulsions. θ Insanity.
 Raving, scolding, singing ; chatters day and night ; will not eat, drink or sleep ; seeks to escape ; breaks the window ; use of straight-jacket necessary. θ Mania.
 Restless, talking delirium, yet when spoken to answering rationally ; imagining that her deceased sister was sitting by her bedside, and talking to this imaginary person ; pulse 80, full ; head ached, but not hot ; hearing decreased ; loquacious. θ Hallucinations.
 Face earthy pale ; wild, strange expression ; constant talking, particularly on religious subjects ; believes himself poisoned, or that there is a stinking odor from his mouth ; occasionally scolds and cries, and declares that he hears loud noises. θ Insanity.
 Could not bear the light, nor to be spoken to ; repelled with rage and seeming disgust his mother, of whom, in his natural state, he was doatingly fond, did not know her, said she was not his mamma ; talked wildly and could with difficulty be kept covered. θ Maniacal fury.
 Face red and hot ; wild expression of eye ; respiration quick and impeded ; constant scolding and cursing ; tears her clothes ; walks about room at night ; strikes viciously at those about her and can scarcely be restrained ; will neither eat nor drink. θ Mania.
 Refused to rise from bed and dress herself ; assigned no reason ; after a few hours insisted on rising, but would not wear a single garment of any kind ; received her physician without any apparent consciousness of her singular condition, conversed intelligently, but would not admit that she needed any advice to clothe herself ; refused medicine, and cunningly evaded all stratagems to give it ; escaped from room, went through house, and sought to escape into street. θ Mania.
 Frequent looking at hands because they seem too large.
 Considers the stove a tree and wants to climb it.
 Looks at men as hogs.
 Does not know her relatives.
 Puerperal mania, with desire to be uncovered and nude.
 Nervous irritability without hyperemia.
 Consequences of fright.
 Complete loss of consciousness.
 Unconsciousness, from congestion of blood to head, with delirium ; answering all questions properly ; pupils dilated.
 Stupor, loss of consciousness, delirium, patient talking of his domestic affairs.
 Stupor, with incoherent speech ; patient is unconscious of severity of his case.
 Sopor with loud snoring, from which she can only be partially aroused by hard shaking or loud calling ; does not answer any questions ; unable to swallow ; involuntary stool and urine ; face red ; bloodvessels of body swollen ; pulse quick and full ; this condition lasted several days and was accompanied by numbness of hands. θ Apoplexy.
 Sudden falling, with a shriek, sopor.
 Apoplexy, snoring ; involuntary stool and urine.
 Rolls head, stertor, hiccough. θ сoncussion of brain.
 Repeated attacks of fainting.
 Confusion of head.
 Vertigo ; giddiness.
 Vertigo, with drunkenness.
 Vertigo from smell of flowers, gas, etc.

Head, face, and ears

 Constrictive, stupefying headache in upper part of forehead, and general malaise, alternating with absence of all pain.
 Pressing, stupefying pain in forehead.
 Aching, stupefying pains over eyes.
 Pressure in vertex and drawing in nape of neck, when turning head.
 Heaviness of head and violent pains, alternating with pains in nape of neck.
 Heaviness, vacant feeling, confusion, severe pain ; pains in meninges ; pressure in left side of forehead, changing to shooting.
 Brain feels as if loose.
 Sensation as if water was swashing in head.
 Shakes head to and fro ; swashing sensation in brain.
 Undulating sensation in brain, as if from throbbing in arteries.
 Heat and tingling in head ; violent pulsations, like waves, head shakes ; worse becoming cold, after eating ; better bending head forward, and from heat.
 Congestion of blood to head ; red, sparkling eyes ; face purple red ; worse in evening.
 Cerebral hyperemia, unconscious, blue red face ; red, sparkling eyes.
 Nervous headaches.
 Pain and heat in head, after a meal.
 Headache, better walking.
 Inflammation of brain, with unconsciousness ; heat and tingling in head ; violent pulsations in head, like waves ; head shakes ; worse from becoming cold and after eating ; better bending head forward (stooping) and from heat.
 Hydrocephalus, with stupor ; head is shaken to and fro ; twitching motions.
 Catches cold in head, especially from dry, cold air.
 Rolling the head.
 Head sinks on one or other side.
 Farsighted, clear-sighted ; pupils dilated.
 Illusions ; objects look red as fire.
 Illusions of vision ; small objects seem very large.
 Deceptive vision ; flame of one light seems smaller, that of another larger, though both were of equal size.
 Double sight.
 When reading the letters move about, from mydriasis.
 Dimness of vision, as though a veil were before eyes ; could scarcely see three steps.
 Obscuration of vision ; objects seem indistinct ; is nearsighted and obliged to hold book nearer when reading.
 Momentary loss of sight.
 Amblyopia. θ Epilepsy.
 Night blindness.
 Hemeralopia in a myopic eye, with shooting pains from eyes into nose and head ; headache better closing eyes.
 Eyes become shortsighted ; distorted, stare and protrude.
 Eyes open ; distorted ; rolling about in orbits ; squinting.
 Spasmodic action of internal rectus.
 Eyes red, wild, sparkling.
 Constant staring at surrounding objects, self-forgetful.
 Stupid staring, distorted eyes.
 Brilliant lustre to eyes.
 Pupils dilated ; insensible.
 Albuginea red, and pupils so widely dilated that irides seemed like a narrow circle ; they were also insensible to light.
 Pupils altered, dilated or contracted ; slow respiration.
 Conjunctiva red.
 Excessive photophobia of scrofulous ophthalmia.
 Tearing, beating in right eye, which waters and seems projected.
 Twitching in eyes ; dim vision, as if a veil before eyes.
 Quivering of eyeball.
 Buzzing, singing, rushing in ears.
 Hard hearing, as if stupefied, especially after apoplexy.
 Hardness of hearing from paralyzed auditory nerves.
 Sense of smell weak, or lost.
 Sudden jerking from above downwards in root of nose.
 Pressing pinching in root of nose and in zygomata.
 Cramp pressure at root of nose and malar bones.
 Nostrils sooty, smoky.
 Nosebleed bright red, with salivation.
 Dryness of nose.
 Liability to catch cold in head, principally from dry, cold air.
 Heat and redness of face.
 Flushed and excited countenance.
 Face : flushed ; dark red, bloated ; cold and pale ; distorted ; stupid expression ; muscles twitch, makes grimaces.
 Distorted, bluish face, with wide open mouth ; approaching cerebral paralysis. θ Typhoid.
 Twitching of muscles of face.
 Foam at the mouth.
 Lips, dry.
 Large pustules on chin.
 Lockjaw ; fully conscious.

Mouth and throat

 Closes the teeth tightly together.
 Toothache, driving to despair ; tearing, throbbing, extending to cheeks and along lower jaw.
 Violent attacks of toothache with sense of strangulation and difficult deglutition ; cramps ; sense of mental fatigue.
 Violent tearing and pulsating pain, causing spasmodic jerks of fingers, hands, arms and facial muscles.
 Toothache, driving to despair, in sensitive, nervous, excitable persons.
 Tearing in teeth as if blood was forced into them, flushes of heat, congestion to head ; worse from cold air, morning.
 Toothache, jerking, throbbing, tearing, drawing, extending into forehead.
 Throbbing toothache, appearing generally in morning, usually due to a cold ; throbbing in tooth, tearing sensation in gums, and in masticating the tooth seems loose as if it would fall out ; congestion to head, with great heat all over body.
 Teeth feel loose when chewing ; also, too long.
 Tearing raging pain in gums, with buzzing sensation in tooth.
 Intense pain in gums after extraction of a tooth.
 Pressing of gums together, putting hands to jaws, fingers into mouth ; during dentition.
 Sordes on teeth and in mouth.
 Grating the teeth.
 Putrid or salt taste.
 Parching dryness of tongue.
 Tongue : red or brown, dry, cracked, hard ; looks like burnt leather ; clean, parched ; white ; tremulous.
 Tongue shaken to and fro, with a trembling movement.
 Tongue does not obey, difficult mobility.
 Tongue protruded with difficulty, can hardly draw it in.
 Biting the tongue when talking.
 Paralysis of tongue.
 After fright complete loss of speech ; motions of tongue much impaired with sensation of numbness and lameness ; chewing and swallowing unaffected ; frequent stitching headaches.
 Loss of speech ; utters inarticulate sounds.
 Speech impaired, difficult and unintelligible, from arrest of secretion.
 Speech embarrassed.
 Very talkative.
 Soft and hard palate dry and glazed.
 Dryness of mouth, lips and fauces.
 Soreness of soft parts between gums and cheeks.
 Foaming, bloody saliva, tasting salty.
 Cadaverous smell from mouth, worse morning and evening.
 Elongated palate.
 Throat and mouth dry, parched and red, inability to swallow.
 Throat dry, burning ; shooting, pricking pains, difficult swallowing, as from constriction ; dread of liquors.
 Constriction of throat, with inability to swallow fluids.
 Spasms of throat ; an attempt to swallow renews spasm.
 Spasmodic contraction of oesophagus after injury ; solid and warm food swallowed best ; fluids cause spasm ; hiccough, nausea, stiff neck.
 Eructations : empty ; incomplete ; bitter.
 Loss of speech with aphonia, although she makes great efforts to speak cannot produce a sound or syllable.
 Hysterical aphonia.
 Speech impaired ; confused ; difficult and irrational.
 Hoarseness, with dry and inflamed throat ; hysteria.
 Voice husky, as from mucus.
 Constriction of larynx.
 Much mucus in larynx and air passages, which makes speech and voice rough.

Appetite and food preferences

 Unusually great appetite ; hungry gnawing.
 Voracious appetite and thirst, with inability to swallow.
 Unquenchable thirst.
 Much thirst with tenderness of stomach.
 Thirst, drinks but little at a time.
 Dread of water.
 Solid and warm food are swallowed best ; fluids cause spasm.

Gastrointestinal tract

 Hiccough : with spasms and rumbling ; after eating and at night ; with inflammation of intestinal organs.
 Nausea : with vertigo and vomiting ; with stiff neck.
 Vomiting and retching. With colic, extorting cries ; after coughing.
 Vomiting : of food and drink ; of blood, with convulsions ; of bloody mucus, with dark red blood.
 Pit of stomach tender to touch.
 Violent pain in stomach with vomiting and hiccough.
 Cramps in stomach, with loud shrieks, vomiting, convulsions ; cramps better after vomiting.
 Burning and inflammation of stomach.
 Inflammation of stomach, or peritonitis, with hiccough.
 Hematemesis, pit of stomach sensitive ; dull aching about liver ; abdomen bloated.
 Stitches or dull pain in region of liver.
 Abdomen distended, sore to touch, tympanitic.
 Pinching in abdomen.
 Colic, as if abdomen would burst ; presses fists into sides ; cutting, vomiting, belching, hiccough, screaming.
 Colic better by vomiting.
 Hysterical colic.
 Abdominal muscles sore.
 Pain, as from soreness in abdominal walls, when coughing.
 Pains in abdominal muscles : as if he had fallen upon them ; while sitting ; as after excessive exertion or a strain.
 Sticking in umbilical region, during inspiration.
 Umbilicus open, urine oozing through.
 Cutting low down in abdomen.
 Distension of hypogastrium, which is painful to touch.
 Enteritis or peritonitis, with typhoid symptoms.
 Roseola on abdomen.
 Frequent desire for stool ; with small discharges.
 Watery diarrhoea.
 Stools : painless ; watery ; mucous ; nearly odorless ; yellow, watery, involuntary during sleep, in old men.
 Stools involuntary, unconscious, painless, yellowish, watery ; attack coming on suddenly and without apparent cause. θ Diarrhoea in lying-in women.
 Hysterical females and young girls whose bowels are apt to bloat, and who are subject to attacks of diarrhoea, with colicky pains and frequent urging to stool, or where sphincters are weak, causing great difficulty in retaining the feces, and where excitement or mental trouble produces the attack.
 Relaxed state of bowels dependent on or connected with irritation of uterine system.
 Involuntary stool while urinating.
 Diarrhoea : during pregnancy ; in childbed ; at night ; during typhoid fever.
 Bright, staring eyes ; muttering delirium ; flushed face ; dry tongue ; teeth encrusted with brown mucus ; scanty urine ; rolling of head ; dilated pupils ; difficulty in swallowing liquids ; involuntary stools ; night cough. θ сholera infantum.
 Typhoid symptoms after the vomiting diarrhoea and coldness have ceased, with dulness of sense, wandering looks ; red and hot face ; spasms and rumbling in abdomen ; hiccough, with involuntary micturition and foaming at mouth. θ сholera.
 Stool small in size.
 Constipation, with epilepsy.
 Paralysis of rectum, or sphincter ani.
 Paralysis of sphincter ani and vesica ; involuntary stool and urine.
 Piles bleed profusely ; fulness of veins, full pulse, skin and muscles lax.

Urogenital system

 Paralysis of bladder ; after labor, and in children with affections of head.
 Retention of urine with constant pressure in bladder ; atony or apparent paralysis of bladder.
 Urination : frequent, scanty ; difficult, from spasmodic or inflammatory condition of neck of bladder ; involuntary ; has no will to urinate, difficult, with pressing.
 Urine : scanty ; retained or suppressed ; turbid, with mucopurulent deposit ; with red, sandy sediment.
 Frequent emission of urine as clear as water.
 Frequent urination at night, so that his rest was broken to such a degree as to make him miserable ; prostate slightly enlarged.
 Sexual desire excessive ; lascivious, exposes his person.
 Lascivious, uncovers sexual parts.
 Lascivious furor without modesty.
 Excited sexual desire without excitement of fancy.
 Metritis, especially if inflammation is developed by emotional disturbances ; typhoid state.
 Uterine cramps, with pulling in loins and small of back ; irritable uterus.
 Metrorrhagia, accompanied by cramps of whole body, interrupted by jerks and starts of entire frame, or of single parts, succeeded by general stiffness of limbs.
 Metrorrhagia in patients who have been subject to cramps during pregnancy ; blood bright red, and issues more and more freely at every jerk of body, while action of pulse diminishes.
 Continuous bright red flow, with spasmodic jerkings, great vascular excitement. θ Metrorrhagia.
 Metrorrhagia, blood pale, with convulsions.
 Labor-like pains, previous to menstruation, with drawings in loins and small of back.
 Menses preceded by hysterical or epileptic spasms ; loud, uninterrupted laughing ; profuse sweat and nausea.
 During menses : convulsive trembling of hands and feet, headache, profuse sweat ; lockjaw ; enuresis.
 Profuse menses, with delirium ; convulsive trembling of hands and feet ; silly manners, rage.
 Menstruation appears with profuse perspiration, headache and nausea.
 Irregular menses.
 Suppressed menstruation, suppressed lochia.

Plant characteristics

 Twitching in cheeks ; cramp-like pains in abdomen ; violent pain in pit of stomach. θ Pregnancy.
 Cold perspiration ; pale face ; suffocating spells and convulsions ; facial muscles greatly agitated. θ During parturition.
 Spasms during parturition with much nervous irritability.
 Every ten or fifteen minutes an attack of twitching of limbs and muscles of face ; unconsciousness. θ Parturition.
 Puerperal spasms, shrieks, anguish ; chest oppressed, unconscious.
 After miscarriage or labor, hemorrhage of bright red blood, flowing steadily ; commences with spasms, single shocks, twitchings and startings, with every start more blood comes.
 Puerperal fever.
 No will to make water, in child-bed.
 Watery, painless diarrhoea of lying-in women.
 Total suppression of milk or lochia.
 Children at breast have singultus.

Chest organs

 Spasms of chest with arrest of breathing, compelling one to lean forward.
 Loss of breath, as from rapid running.
 Oppression of chest, with internal stinging, worse during inspiration.
 Slow rattling breathing.
 Mucous rales during stupor or furious delirium.
 Tickling sensation in throat causing an incessant cough, worse when lying down, better when sitting up.
 Dry, tickling, hacking cough, which seems to come from air passages.
 Violent spasmodic cough ; short consecutive coughs, caused by tickling in throat, as if palate was too long, or as if some mucus was lodged there.
 Shattering spasmodic cough, with frequent, rapidly succeeding coughs, excited by tickling, as from adherent mucus, at night without, in daytime with expectoration of saltish mucus, or of bright red blood mixed with coagula.
 Tickling cough, with anxiety at night and expectoration of blood streaked mucus. θ сhest affection.
 Dry, hacking or spasmodic cough, worse lying down, better sitting up ; worse at night, also after eating, drinking, talking or singing ; velum palati elongated.
 Dry, spasmodic, persistent cough. θ вronchitis.
 Frequent cough at night, which always wakes him, after which he again falls asleep.
 Paroxysms of dry cough come on more frequently at night ; during cough face reddens and respiration may be arrested ; vomiting of white mucus ; after cough, exhaustion. θ Pertussis.
 Paroxysmal cough, severely shaking chest, abdomen, whole body, and causing a sense of excoriation in abdominal muscles.
 During cough : spasms of larynx ; painful epigastrium and hypochondria.
 Cough worse after midnight, when at rest, during sleep, in cold air, and from eating and drinking.
 Cough in incurable cases of pulmonary and laryngeal phthisis.
 Cough after measles.
 Expectoration of saltish mucus, or bright red blood, mixed with coagula.
 Tight feeling across chest, as from overexertion, running.
 Spasms of chest, arrest of breathing, must lean forward.
 Alternate difficult breathing with anxiety or oppression ; continual strong convulsive twitchings of abdomen ; diaphragm apparently affected in same manner, for breast seemed suddenly to become strongly dilated and ribs to rise and sink suddenly ; at intervals violent hiccough and risus sardonicus ; loss of voice ; difficult deglutition ; pulse full, strong and quick ; restless at night ; feels as if heart and breast were torn to pieces ; after paroxysms great weakness. θ Spasms of chest.
 Exhausted from long talking, body, and especially chest, weak ; green sputum, weak pulse.
 Stitches in sides of chest.
 Restless, delirious ; tongue and lips dry, brownish ; great heat and great thirst ; watery, yellowish diarrhoea ; intense spasmodic cough, causing him to jump up ; dull percussion sound from lower edge of scapula downwards on left side ; bronchial breathing ; bronchophony. θ сatarrhal pneumonia.
 Pneumonia : cerebral symptoms, delirium, sopor ; dry, fatiguing night cough, or rattling in chest ; senilis, with acute oedema of lungs ; of drunkards ; complicated with typhus ; hypogastric, in course of chronic affections.
 Atelectasis pulmonum ; bluish color of face ; great difficulty in inspiring ; must be raised up.
 Hamoptysis, bright red, with spasms, also in drunkards.
 Muscles of chest sore.
 Roseola on chest.
 Spasms of muscles of chest.

Cardiovascular system

 Chronic palpitation of heart so that she could not move body without greatest anxiety, or apprehension of suffocation or swooning ; unquenchable thirst in morning ; frequent, copious discharge of limpid urine ; appetite impaired.
 Pulse : accelerated, full, hard and strong ; rapid, intermitting ; slow and small ; weak and irregular ; small, weak, scarcely perceptible.
 Parotids beat violently.
 Inflammation of bloodvessels.

Limbs and spine

 Stiffness of cervical muscles, with tension as if too short, on bending neck.
 Contraction of muscles on one side of neck, twisting neck to one side ; neck turned obliquely.
 Herpetic spots on nape of neck.
 Abscesses on left side of neck.
 Spinal meningitis, with convulsions, jerks of muscles ; after injury.
 Trembling of arms and hands.
 Arms tremble, especially in evening and after exercise.
 Two pimples at elbow.
 Painful numbness of hands.
 Rigor of hands.
 Fingers look and feel too thick.
 Weakness of legs ; staggering gait.
 Cramps in thigh.
 Gangrenous spots and vesicles here and there on lower limbs.
 Convulsive tremor in right foot, can neither lie, sit, nor walk ; constipation, stool hard and discharged with much straining ; urine limpid, watery and inodorous.
 Coldness and swelling of feet.
 Toes spasmodically contracted, in walking or going up stairs.
 Trembling of limbs.
 Frequent twitching of hands and feet.
 Cramps and spasms of extremities.
 Lancinating pains in joints, especially on motion.
 Cold hands and feet.
 When at rest : cough.
 Lying down : cough.
 Lying on back : suddenly sits up, then lies down again.
 Lies on back : eyes wide open, staring and immovable.
 Bending head forward ; better violent pulsation.
 Spasm of chest compels one to lean forward.
 Pressing gums together, hands to jaws, fingers into mouth, during dentition ; presses fists into sides with colic.
 Must be raised up : great difficulty in inspiring.
 While sitting : pain in abdominal muscles ; cough .
 Motion : lancinating pains in joints ; bruised feeling.
 Movements quick.
 Moves from place to place.
 Turns from one place to another.
 Turning head : pressure in vertex and drawing in nape of neck.
 Walking : headache ; toes spasmodically contracted.
 Attempts to jump out of bed and run away.
 Jump up : cough causes patient to.
 Could not move body without greatest anxiety.
 Can neither lie, sit, nor walk on account of convulsive tremor in right foot.
 Going up stairs : toes spasmodically contracted.
 Touch : pit of stomach tender ; abdomen sore ; hypogastrium painful ; inflamed ulcers.
 After applying hand to parts : painful warmth.

Nervous system

 Blunted sensibility.
 Loss of smell and taste.
 Weakness ; uncommon sinking of strength.
 Long talking exhausts patient.
 Wants to get away, but cannot stand alone.
 Repeated attacks of fainting.
 Restless, turns from one place to another.
 Contraction of stomach with difficult breathing ; can hardly swallow anything, even a few spoonfuls of broth cause great fatigue ; pulse unequal ; urine limpid ; restless day and night ; perpetually watchful. θ Hysteria.
 About 10 A. M., chilliness in extremities, followed by heat, first in head, then descending to extremities ; sings ; bawls out aloud ; covers face with handkerchief ; stands in awe of those about her ; this continued for two hours and was followed by sleep which lasted three hours, during which body was very hot, with much sweat, and short, quick respiration ; on awakening does not remember. θ Hysteria.
 Constant state of erethism ; not a single part of whole body nor a solitary muscle in a quiet state for a moment ; general uninterrupted, irregular motion full of impetuosity ; eyelids opened and closed with a sudden force, features fairly grinned, made grimaces, rubbed head steadily on pillow, and whole body twisted and turned continually ; unceasing spitting, but without saliva ; answers no questions, as if it was impossible for him to collect his senses. θ Endocarditis rheumatica.
 Hysteric and asthenic delirium, with attempts to run away, prompted by fear.
 Concussive startings, alternating with tremblings and convulsions.
 Angular motions ; jerks of single muscles or sets of muscles.
 Convulsive jerks ; long lasting spasms.
 Subsultus tendinum.
 Violent tearing and pulsating pains causing spasmodic jerks of fingers, hands, arms, and facial muscles.
 Convulsions, beginning with twitchings of muscles of face, especially about eyes ; dark colored, bloated appearance of face and deep sleep after spasm goes off.
 Violent convulsions, not all over body but wandering, at one time affecting breast, belly, feet, arms, etc. ; great pain ; strength and appetite impaired ; sleepless ; vomiting of large quantities of bile ; while convulsions seized abdomen, strong contraction of sphincter ani followed by strangury with continual and very painful tenesmus.
 Falls suddenly to ground, with cries and convulsions.
 Every muscle in body convulsed ; frothing at mouth.
 Eyes staring and distorted, with spasmodic closure of lids, bluish face, clenching of teeth, foaming at mouth, constriction of throat.
 Alternate convulsions of upper and lower extremities.
 Convulsions : of children, especially from fright ; after meals ; child sickens after eating, vomits or shows distress at stomach, sudden shriek, and then insensible ; from intestinal worms ; puerperal.
 Convulsion during deep, heavy sleep.
 Suffocating spells and convulsions during labor.
 Rigid all over, as in tetanus.
 The forces sink quickly ; patient gets easily fatigued ; syncope is readily produced ; limbs become cold and tremble ; these symptoms, with those of sleep, paralysis of sphincters, point to its use in some conditions occurring in course of continued fevers.
 Fell down unconscious with whole body cold and stiff like a piece of wood.
 The spasms flex the limbs, and the bent body is tossed upward.
 Toes becomes spasmodically flexed, as from cramps, when walking or carrying foot forward, and ascending.
 Stiffness of arms and legs, jerking of hands and feet.
 After attack : sopor, snoring, dark colored, bloated appearance of countenance.
 Chorea, the result or consequence of long and debilitating diseases ; every muscle of body from eyes to toes twitches ; great agitation and loquacity ; tendency to laugh at everything.
 Throws arms about, misses what is reached for, gait tottering. θ сhorea.
 Epileptiform spasms, hyperesthesia of skin.
 Epilepsy ; before the attack, vertigo, sparks before eyes, ringing in ears, hungry gnawing ; during attack, face purple, eyes projecting, shrieks, grinding teeth, urination.
 Epileptic fits, almost daily ; convulsions so violent that it seemed as if joints or spine would be broken.
 Epileptoid spasms.
 Epilepsy : from grief, after emotion ; in consequence of drinking.
 Nervous apoplexy with somnolency ; paralysis of oesophagus and numb feeling ; paralysis of sphincter muscles.
 Paralysis after spasms, or after diphtheria.
 Paralysis agitans.


 Sleepiness ; falls asleep while answering.
 Very deep slumber.
 Constant slumber, with picking.
 Deep sleep, with convulsions.
 Deep sleep which continued without interruption at least three days ; only by hard shaking and loud calling she could be awakened sufficiently to take hold of breast, but before she had drawn a few swallows she went off again. θ Lethargy.
 Stupid and drowsy, or excitable and sleepless.
 Drowsy or sleepless ; wild expression ; delirious ; after chloroform.
 Laughing expression during sleep.
 Child sobs and cries in sleep.
 Sleep, with outcries.
 Drowsy, jerks in sleep, cries out, grates his teeth.
 Starts up from sleep in affright, or after a fright.
 Awakening with screams.
 Restless sleep.
 Frequent micturition at night, preventing sleep.
 Lying on back, suddenly sits up, then lies down again.
 Unable to sleep whole night ; tried lying upon one side then the other, yet he was unable to get quiet ; only shortly before daybreak sleeps a little from time to time ; during short naps perspiration all over, especially about neck.
 Sleeplessness from nervous irritation.
 Intense sleeplessness of irritable, excitable persons, from business embarrassments, often imaginary.
 Sleepless, on account of a quiet mental activity.
 Sleeplessness or dozing, with brain full of ideas, figures and bewildering images.
 Excessive wakefulness, alternating with drowsiness.
 Sleepless, or constant sleep, with muttering.
 Sleeplessness, after violent disease.
 Sleeplessness from renal affections ; very excitable.
 Long continued sleeplessness.
 Dreams : anxious ; lascivious.
 Morning : toothache.
 At 10 A. M. : chilliness in extremities.
 Afternoon : fever.
 Day : chatters ; cough ; restless.
 Evening : congestion of blood to head.
 Night : constant talking ; tears clothes ; sleepless ; chatters ; walks about room ; hiccough ; frequent urination ; cough without expectoration ; anxiety ; cough.
 After midnight : fever.

Common symptoms

 Cannot get warm in bed.
 Cold : worse violent pulsations in head.
 Cold air : toothache.
 Cold dry air : catches cold in head.
 Will not be covered ; throws off bed clothes.
 Getting warm : inflamed ulcers .
 Heat : pressure in vertex .
 Bad effects from cold air.
 Sweat : cold ; sour ; weakening ; during sleep ; on back and pit of stomach ; mostly on legs.
 Violent sweat after thirst.
 Dry nocturnal cough, disturbs sleep ; extreme nervous excitement, epileptic attacks, or other spasmodic affections ; hot stage without much sweat ; after each paroxysm pressure in head, vertigo, apyrexia, extreme weakness, luminous spots before eyes, dryness in mouth and frequent hiccough ; pulse small. θ Intermittent.
 Intermittent fever, quartan, with short, dry, hacking cough at night.
 Pulse 100 ; temperature 104°F. ; tongue red and cracked ; heavy, sour sweats ; troublesome dreams ; bronchial complications, with difficult, frothy, hemorrhagic expectoration. θ Remittent fever.
 Entire loss of consciousness and of functions of organs of sense ; does not recognize relatives or friends ; illusions of imagination and senses ; delirium continued while awake ; sees persons who are not and have not been present ; indistinct and muttering loquacity ; muttering with picking of bedclothes ; inability to think, thoughts cannot be directed or controlled ; constant staring at surrounding objects, with apparent entire self-forgetfulness. θ Typhoid fever.
 Great agitation ; restlessness ; jumping out of bed ; attempts to run away ; eyes red and sparkling, staring, rolling about in orbits ; squinting ; deafness ; distorted face, stupid expression ; tongue red or brown, dry and cracked, paralyzed ; loss of speech, or indistinct speech ; cadaverous smell from mouth ; involuntary or unnoticed stools in bed ; suppressed secretion or retention of urine ; involuntary discharge of urine, leaving streaks of red sand on sheet ; paralysis of sphincter ani and vesica ; convulsive motions ; grating of teeth ; jerkings ; subsultus tendinum ; trembling ; sleeplessness, or constant sleep with muttering ; coma vigil ; roseola spots on chest and abdomen ; cold extremities. θ Typhoid fever.
 Delirium, with attempt to jump out of bed and run away, sometimes with fear, sometimes without ; when spoken to answers correctly in whole or in part, and then is gone again, muttering to himself ; loquacity ; talks nonsense continually with his eyes open, but does not pay attention to any one ; thinks he is in the wrong place but does not want to go home ; picking at bedclothes and playing with hands ; throws off bedclothes so as to leave the genitals uncovered ; plays with the genitals. θ Typhoid fever.
 Staring or squinting, either with one or both eyes ; involuntary stools in bed and involuntary urination ; paralysis of sphincter ani and vesica ; marked subsultus tendinum. θ Typhoid fever.
 In typhoid and typhus fevers, especially typhus, when brain is active but wandering, patient laboring under hallucination of various kinds, but all centering in a desire to escape from room or from those around.
 Lies on back, eyes wide open, staring and immovable ; unconscious ; face red, lips black, tongue dry and black ; lower jaw hangs down ; urine involuntary, it leaves large streaks of red sand on sheet ; skin dry ; pulse over 200 ; ill nine days. θ Typhus.
 Fever cases in which torpor of entire organism predominates ; dull, fixed expression of face, delirium is lacking, or if present it consists of a confused farrago of complex images ; the perceptive faculty is almost suspended.
 Convulsions, mania, delirium, cough, and sleeplessness, all occur almost absolutely without any manifestations of fever.
 Chill and heat : last two hours, followed by sleep which lasts three.
 Every ten or fifteen minutes : an attack of twitching of limbs and muscles of face.
 Every evening : congestion to head ; burning heat of body.
 Alternate days, 11 A. M. : chill without thirst.
 Almost daily epileptic fits.
 Three days : sleeps without interruption.
 Right : beating in eye ; convulsive tremor in foot.
 Left : pressure in side of forehead changing to shooting ; dull percussion sound from lower edge of scapula downwards on side ; abscesses on side of neck ; inflamed ulcers.
 From above downwards : sudden jerking in root of nose.
 From within outward : pricking stitches.
 Brain as if loose ; as if water was swashing in head ; undulating sensation in brain, as if from throbbing in arteries ; as though a veil was before eyes ; hands as if too large ; hard hearing, as if stupefied ; as if strangling ; as if blood was forced into teeth ; as if tooth would fall out ; teeth feel loose and too long ; as if abdomen would burst ; as if he had fallen on abdominal muscles ; as if heart and breast were torn to pieces ; as if cervical muscles were too short ; fingers feel too thick ; as if palate was too long ; as if mucus was lodged in throat.
 Pain : in nape of neck ; in meninges ; in head ; in teeth ; in back ; in region of liver.
 Intense pain : in gums.
 Severe pain : in head ; in nape of neck.
 Violent pains : in head ; in teeth ; in stomach ; in pit of stomach.
 Tearing raging pain : in teeth ; toothache driving to despair.
 Violent tearing and pulsating pains.
 Great pain : during convulsion.
 Very painful tenesmus.
 Tearing : in right eye ; in teeth, extending to cheeks and lower jaw.
 Beating : in right eye.
 Cutting : low down in abdomen.
 Lancinating pain : in joints.
 Stitches : in sides of chest.
 Stitching pain : in head ; in region of liver.
 Shooting : in left side of forehead ; from eyes into nose and head ; in throat.
 Stinging : in internal chest.
 Sticking : in umbilical region.
 Pricking pains : in throat.
 Pinching : in root of nose ; in zygomata ; in abdomen.
 Throbbing pain : in teeth.
 Jerking : in teeth.
 Labor-like pains : previous to menstruation.
 Cramp pressure : at root of nose and malar bone.
 Cramps : in stomach ; of whole body ; in thigh ; of extremities.
 Cramp-like pain : in abdomen.
 Pulsating pain : in teeth.
 Painful epigastrium and hypochondria.
 Burning heat : all over.
 Burning : in throat ; in stomach.
 Heat : in head ; over whole body.
 Painful warmth : after applying hands to parts.
 Soreness : of soft parts between gums and cheeks ; of abdominal muscles ; of muscles of chest ; of throat.
 Constrictive, stupefying pain : in upper part of forehead.
 Pressing, stupefying pain : in forehead.
 Aching, stupefying pain : over eyes.
 Dull pain : in region of liver.
 Dull aching : about liver.
 Bruised feeling : on moving parts.
 Pulling : in loins ; in small of back.
 Drawing : in nape of neck ; in teeth ; in loins ; in small of back.
 Contraction : of stomach ; of sphincter ani.
 Painful numbness : of hands.
 Vacant feeling : in head.
 Tickling : in throat.
 Pressure : in vertex ; in left side of forehead ; in root of nose and zygomata ; in bladder ; in head.
 Heaviness : of head.
 Oppression : of chest.
 Constriction : of throat.
 Tight feeling : across chest.
 Stiffness : of cervical muscles ; of arms and legs.
 Numbness : of hands ; of tongue ; of oesophagus.
 Weakness : after paroxysms ; of legs.
 Tingling : in head.
 Buzzing sensation : in teeth.
 Buzzing, singing, rushing : in ears.
 Parching dryness : of tongue.
 Dryness : of mouth ; of throat.
 Violent pulsation, like waves : in head.
 Tremor : of limbs ; all through body.
 Quivering : in eyes.
 Twitching : in eyes ; of muscles of face ; in cheeks ; of limbs ; convulsive, of abdomen.
 Shudderings and rigors : in spine going up into head.
 Trembling : of arms and hands ; of limbs.
 Convulsive trembling : of hands and feet ; in right foot.
 Itching : around part.
 Coldness : of hands and feet ; of spine.
 Convulsions, spasms, cramps, epilepsy, chorea and other spasmodic affections ; in women and children.
 Expanded and puffed up veins ; full pulse.
 Hemorrhages usually light red.
 A constant flow of bright red blood, with bluish face.
 Skin and muscles lax.
 Obstinate dropsy.


 Cold at night, up back from small of back ; cannot get warm in bed.
 Chill commencing in feet and running up spine to nape of neck.
 Sudden chilliness ; coldness of spine ; body cold and stiff, cannot get warm in bed.
 Chill from feet upward ; shivering, heat of face.
 Cannot bear to be talked to, or least noise during chill.
 Chill without thirst ; alternate days, 11 A. M.
 Congestive chill with cold extremities.
 Chill, alternating with heat.
 Whole body cold, with burning redness of face.
 Afternoon fever, coldness predominates ; pain in back.
 Heat of head and face, with general coldness of body, without thirst, followed in evening by external heat, coldness ceases, thirst commences.
 Heat of head and face, with coldness and loss of sensibility of external surface of body.
 Burning heat all over, every evening congestion to head ; putrid taste.
 Burning heat of body every evening, always with thirst.
 Skin burning hot to examining hand, which leaves a burning in place touched.
 Burning heat, no external redness ; blood burns in veins.
 Burning heat all over, skin hot and dry to touch, with distended veins.
 Burning heat all through night, with tearing cough.
 Heat : over whole body, much thirst, or no desire to drink ; lips sticky ; along whole spine ; runs up back ; ascending from feet to face.
 During heat : pain in region of liver ; epileptiform convulsions ; sleeplessness.
 They throw the bedclothes entirely off, not because they are too warm, but they will not remain covered. θ Fever.


 Great sensitiveness of skin.
 Hot, dry, brittle skin, want of sensation.
 Painful warmth after applying hand to parts.
 Skin often pale, with delirium ; body hot.
 Skin red, or with red rash.
 Skin of bright red hue, resembling scarlet fever, with dry, sore throat and much nervousness.
 Scarlatina, with marked mental symptoms.
 Stupid drowsiness, or else great nervous excitability and sleeplessness ; utter stupidity, or else illusions of imagination and senses ; vacant staring at things, or else sparkling red, prominent eyes ; embarrassed, indistinct speech ; answers no questions, or else indistinct muttering loquacity ; mouth and throat dry and red ; inability to swallow ; abdomen distended, tympanitic ; watery, involuntary and unnoticed stools in bed. θ Scarlatina.
 Scarlatina with acute inflammatory affections of brain, or when there is a condition between erethism and torpor.
 Miliary eruption especially after abuse of вellad.
 Varicella ; vesicles in crops, sleepless ; nervous, dry cough, must sit up.
 Large pustules, clustering from hips to knees.
 Eruption of dry pimples like confluent small-pox.
 Repelled eruptions, with tendency to diarrhoea.
 Frequent large blood boils.
 Ulcers painful, bleeding ; bruised feeling on moving part.
 Inflamed ulcers, surrounding skin being of a bright vermilion redness ; large pustules around ulcers ; worse evening, during menses, from touch ; better when getting warm ; l. side.
 Anthrax in nervous and hysterical persons ; coma vigil ; great restlessness caused by excessive nervous excitement, shaking of head in all directions ; constriction of pharynx ; itching around part.
 Gangrene, with nervous restlessness.
 Brown or gangrenous spots.

Patient type and constitution

 Nervous, irritable, excitable, sanguine temperaments.
 Light haired people.
 Hysterical women and young girls ; old men ; drunkards.
 Child, at. 6 weeks, without any premonitory symptoms ; lethargy.
 Boy, at. 2, sudden attack ; maniacal fury.
 Boy, at. 6 ; catarrhal pneumonia.
 Boy, at. 13 ; rheumatic endocarditis.
 Boy, at. 14 ; insanity.
 Girl, at. 15 ; chronic palpitation of heart.
 Girl, at. 18 ; epilepsy.
 Girl, at. 20 ; spasms of chest.
 Woman, at. 21, strong and healthy, after fright ; loss of speech.
 Man, at. 23, previous good health, sudden insanity.
 Woman, at. 24, suffering five weeks ; convulsive tremor in foot.
 Woman, at. 25, quiet and peaceable disposition, after some mental shock, epileptic attacks, which, five days after childbirth, were followed by mania.
 Woman, at. 27, suffering four weeks ; hysteria.
 Young woman, apparently well, except recently had irregular menses ; mania.
 Very irritable lady ; effects of jealousy.
 Mrs. R., weak, nervous temperament, three weeks after confinement ; diarrhoea.
 Woman, after having been cured of a previous fit of insanity, after drinking ; insanity.
 Brandy drinker, within six years has had attacks ; delirium tremens.
 Woman, at. 30, after being accused of theft ; affection of mind.
 Man, at. 30, after fit of passion ; melancholia followed by madness.
 Man, at. 33, suffering several weeks ; chest affection.
 Woman, at. 36, tradesman’s wife, lymphatic temperament ; delirium tremens.
 Woman, at. 37, drunkard ; mania.
 Woman, at. 37, suffering from daily paroxysms for more than a year ; convulsions.
 Man, at. 38 ; frequent micturition.
 Man, at. 48 ; insanity.
 Man, at. 50, for some years monomania ; insanity.
 Woman, at. 59, unmarried ; apoplexy.
 Old man ; diarrhoea.
 Man, at. 70, suffering a year ; frequent micturition.
 Mrs. P., at. 85, health has been failing for several weeks, less activity of mind and body, restless at night, fearing to be alone in the dark ; hallucinations.

Dif. diagnostics

 Antidoted by : Vinegar, вellad., сitric acid, сinchon., Stramon.
 It antidotes : вellad., effects of ether, Plumbum, Stramon.
 Compatible : вellad., Pulsat., Stramon., Veratr., all follow well when indicated ; Phosphor. often cures lasciviousness when Hyosc. fails ; Hyosc. follows вellad. well in deafness after apoplexy ; Nux vom. or Opium in hamoptysis of drunkards ; вellad. And Opium in congestive chills.

Analogs by action

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