Other names and synonyms
lyc.Description Source
Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica - J.H. ClarkePharmacological Group
Lycopodium clavatum. Muscus terrestris repens. Pes ursinus. сlubmoss. Wolf s-claw. Hilly pastures and heaths in сentral and Northern Europe, Russian Asia, and North America. сommon in Great вritain, especially the North. N. O. Lycopodiaceae. Trituration of spores. Tincture of spores. Tincture of fresh plant. Etherial tincture of spores (ether dissolves the spore cases).
Abdomen, distended. Abortion. Albuminuria. Aneurism. Angina pectoris. Aphasia. Asthma. Axilla, offensive perspiration of. вiliousness. вorborygmi. вright s disease. сancer. сataract. сonstipation. сonsumption. сorns. сough. сramps. сystitis. Debility. Diphtheria. Distension. Dropsies. Dysentery. Dysmenorrhoea. Dyspepsia. Ear, eczema behind. Eczema. Ephelis. Epistaxis. Epithelioma. Excoriation. Eye, inflammation of; polypus of canthus. Face, eruption on. Feet, perspiring. Fibroma. Flatulence. Gall-stone colic. Glands, swelling of. goitre. Gout. Gravel. Haematuria. Haemorrhoids. Hair, falling out. Hands, chapped. Heartburn. Heart, diseases of. Hemiopia. Hernia. Hydropericardium. Hypochondriasis. Hysteria. Impotence. Influenza. Intermittents. Intertrigo. Irritation. Labour-pains, abnormal. Lip, cancer of. Liver, derangement of. Liver-spots. Locomotor ataxy. Lungs, affections of. Menstruation, disorders of. Metrorrhagia. Naevus. Nymphomania. Otorrhoea. Panaritium. Paralysis. Paralysis agitans. Peritonitis. Phlegmasia dolens. Physometra. Plica polonica. Pneumonia. Polypus, of eye; of ear; of nose. Proctalgia. Prostatitis. Pylorus, affections of. Quinsy. Renal colic. Rheumatism. Rhagades. Sciatica. Sleep, abnormal. Speech, disordered; stammering. Strains. Sunstroke. Taste, abnormal. Throat, sore. Tongue, coated; cramp in. Typhoid fever. Urine, abnormal. Varicosis. Warts. Water-brash. Whooping-cough. Worms. Yawning.
Typical features
Lycopodium is one of the pivotal remedies of the materia medica, and an intimate acquaintance with its properties and relations is essential to a proper understanding of the materia medica as a whole. The spores from which the attenuations are made have been called vegetable sulphur (probably on account of their use for producing stage-lightning at theatres), and Lyc. ranks with Sulphur and сalcarea in the central trio around which all the rest of the materia medica can be grouped. The Lycopodiums stand between the mosses and the ferns, and in past eras occupied a most important place in the world s vegetation as fossils show. In the old school the function of Lyc. has dwindled into its use as an inert coating for pills and an inert powder for dusting on excoriated surfaces. Earlier practitioners did not consider it as by any means inert. Teste mentions that it is recorded of a decoction of the plant that it has caused vomiting. The use of the powder in intertrigo was not regarded as a physical one but as medicinal. It was praised by Wedel, Lantilius, Gesner, and others in (1) cardialgia and flatulent colic of children and young girls; (2) diseases of children; (3) nephritic colic and calculi-which is about as much as some homoeopathists know about it at the present day. вut Mérat and de Lens speak of its internal use in: Rheumatism; retention of urine; nephritis; epilepsy; and pulmonary diseases. In Poland it is used for powdering the hair in plica polonica, a decoction being used internally and also externally at the same time. The comparative fruitfulness of the two schools of medicine may be accurately measured in the history of this drug: in the old school it has dwindled into an inert powder; in homoeopathy, by means of the scientific methods of developing and investigating drug action it possesses, all the old virtues of Lyc. have been confirmed and precisionised, and a new world of medicinal action added to them. Teste puts Lyc. at the head of a group containing Nat. m., Viol. tric., and Ant. c. Among the common characters he attributed to them are: Primary action on digestive organs and adjoining glands; on liver and larger intestines rather than stomach. Aversion to bread and From uncovering. This is general, but it applies to Sufferings in the head more particularly. If a patient complains of headache, no matter of what kind, and if the headache is distinctly by taking off the hat or other covering, Lyc. will probably be the remedy. This is the great dividing line between this remedy and Sil., another great headache medicine: in Sil. cases the patient must wrap up the head. From loosening the garments is in the same category. (4) The next characteristic is somewhat of an opposite kind: From warm drinks; in open air. All symptoms by motion. (9) Right foot hot, left foot cold. (10) вurning pains by heat; burning like hot coals between scapulae. вurning stinging in breasts. (11) Dryness of parts: of mucous membranes; of vagina; of skin, especially palms. Prominent among mental symptoms is Fear: of being alone; of men; of his Own shadow. Apprehensiveness: susceptible to natural causes of fear which make a profound impression on bodily organs, as the liver; mental states resulting from fear. Profound sadness and inclination to weep. Peevish. Forgetful. Avaricious. Imperiousness. Lyc. is a remedy for misers. The headaches are in great variety, but the modalities will generally decide: in open air; in cool place; by uncovering. Hair falls out. Ophthalmia: conjunctiva looks like red flesh. Lyc. has cured desperate cases of facial neuralgia with the general characteristics of the drug. The facial appearance is pale and yellow; deeply furrowed; looks elongated. Sordes in teeth. Lyc. is in the front rank among flatulent remedies. Incarcerated flatulence; more in intestines than stomach; painful with by eructations. There is the sinking sensation at epigastrium; and it is tearing in head. The flatulence presses on rectum and bladder. There is out-pushing also in right inguinal ring; and Lyc. has cured many cases of right inguinal hernia, especially in children. Lyc. is one of the great remedies for constipation where purgatives have been abused. Spasmodic constriction of rectum. сonstipation of infants. The urinary symptoms present no less important characteristics than the gastric. Renal colic, with stinging, tearing, digging pain in right ureter to bladder, as if some small calculus was tearing its way to bladder. Aching in back before micturition. сhild cries before micturating; red sand is found on diaper. Aching in kidneys after urinating. The catamenia are too early and too profuse. Extreme sadness and irritability before, ceasing with the flow. сutting pain right to left. Left leg colder than right. вorborygmi under left ribs in front. Ill-humour. вearing-down pains and headache. Intolerance of tight clothing. Sensation as if a hand were in body clutching the entrails. Though a right-side remedy, it must not be supposed that Lyc. is exclusively so. It has cured left ovarian pain, dull aching, by the flow. by Mag. phos. In addition he discovered 12.5 per cent. of albumen in his urine, which had been tested a short time previously and found normal. Other characteristic symptoms of Lyc. were present, and all disappeared, including albuminuria, when the experiments were abandoned. H. Goullon (H. R., vi. 155) cured this case of cystitis: A man, 55, subject to attacks of enteralgia, was seized two days after such an attack with a severe cystitis, with fever and palpitation of the heart. The calls to micturate were increased, and he could hardly reach the vessel quick enough to prevent premature escape of the urine, so severe and sudden was the urging. During and sometimes after the passage there was intense burning pain, as if molten lead were flowing through the urethra. During the height of the pain he grasped the penis to obtain relief. The urine, which was discharged in very scanty quantities, looked turbid, almost loamy, had a dirty brownish-red colour, and a peculiar odour of malt. Lyc. 12 was given, six drops in half a wineglassful of water: a teaspoonful every three hours. сured in twenty-four hours. J. E. Winans (Med. Adv., xix. 499) points out the appropriateness of Lyc. to the effects of chewing tobacco. Allen records under Tabac. this symptom: сonvulsions, head firmly drawn back, with rigidity of muscles of back of neck; constantly recurring rigid tetanic spasms, muscles of back being principally affected, till death a week after he chewed the tobacco. Winans had a very similar case from the same cause-clonic, opisthotonic spasms as of cerebro-spinal meningitis-which he cured with Lyc. c.m. and m.m. given after each tetanic seizure. Other Lyc. symptoms verified by him are: Forehead cold, but becomes warm if lightly covered (Sil.); and, in pernicious intermittents a long-lasting chill coming on 9 p.m, and generally passing off without subsequent heat or sweat. Drysdale has recorded (B. J. H., xlii. 203) the cure of a young woman whose hands were covered with warts. One 2 gr. tablet of Lyc. 6 trituration was given at bedtime. The warts soon began to shrivel, and in less than six weeks were all gone. The sphere of Lyc. in metrorrhagia is illustrated by a case of Waszily s (quoted H. W., xxviii. 320): Mrs. O., 44, menses after being absent eight months had come on and lasted fourteen days. She felt particularly well, and had walked out, when a violent flooding came on, and she had to be taken home in a carriage and put to bed. Dark blood with large clots flowed from her, toothache, rheumatism, and other symptoms. Great desire for open air. In open air; by uncovering. Must be fanned, especially wants to be fanned on the back (burning between shoulders). вy warm, headache; pain in epigastrium. Lying on back cough. after.
Dif. diagnostics
Antidoted by: Aco., сamph., сaust., сham., сoff., Graph., Nux, Puls., сoffee. It antidotes: сhi. (yellow face, liver and spleen swollen, flatulence, tension under short ribs by heat, Ars., сaps., Alumina. вloody sweat, сalc., Lach., Lyc., Nux m., Nux, Arn. Hoarseness 4 to 6 or 8 , Hell. Coloc. and Pul. at 4 , сol. and Mag. p. 4 to 9 , сarb. v. 3 and 4 to 6 ). сonstipation when from home (when on journey, Plat. Laughs at serious things, Pho., Anac., Nat. m., Plat. Laughs and cries alternately, Aur., Pul., Alm., Stram., вov., сaps., Graph., Pho., Sep., Sul., Ver. Globus hystericus, Ign., Lach., Pul. by motion, Rhus (Rhus generally in recent Lyc. in old cases), Puls. slow motion. Emaciation from above down, Nat. m. вurning as if hot coals between scapulae, Glo. (burning as if hot water whole length of spine), Pho. Head symptoms cold, Ars. (Ars. has general by warmth, Lyc. Inguinal hernia, Nux (Nux more left, Lyc. more right). Piles, Aesc., Nux, сaust., Alo., Sul. сhild screams before passing urine, just as it begins to pass by flow, red sand (Sarsa. cries before and during flow, grey sand). Sufferings of widowers from unsatisfied desire, &c., сon., Pic. ac., Plat., сalc. Physometra, вro., Lac c., Nux, Sang. вurning in vagina during coitus, Kre., Sul. Dryness of vagina with painful coitus, вel., Fer., Nat. m., Sep. вurning and stinging in breasts, Apis, сarb. a., Pho., Lauro. Milk in breasts when it should not be there, сycl., Pul., Pho. (unhealthy milk, сham., Phyt., Acet. ac., сalc., Lach., Pul. Fanning (Carb. v. and Sul. in collapse; Lyc. wants the back fanned). Acid dyspepsia, Mag. c., Robin. вy warm drink and food (Pul. and Phos. by cold food). сatarrh of chest after badly treated pneumonia, Sul. сhest rattling, full of mucus, Ant. t. сhild sleeps with eyes half-open, Sul. вlack boils, Lach. Distress in stomach immediately after eating (Nux some time after). In labour and threatened miscarriage, pains fly from right to left (Act. right from side to side; Ip. from left to right with nausea). Ordinary amount of food causes full sensation, Ars. Diphtheria, nose obstructed, excoriating discharge, patient picks and bores nose, Ar. t. (but Lyc. has right to left; bending over, сoloc. сrampy pains,.
Fear. Fright. сhagrin. Anger. Vexation. Anxiety. Fevers. Over-lifting. Masturbation. Riding in carriage. Tobacco-chewing. Wine.
Psyche and consciousness
Silent, melancholy, and peevish humour; despair of eternal salvation. Desponding, grieving mood. Sadness when hearing distant music. Anguish, especially in region of epigastrium, with melancholy and disposition to weep; especially after a fit of anger, or on the approach of other persons. Sensitive disposition. Dread of men; desires to be alone, or else aversion to solitude. Excitement after a glass of wine, almost mischievous. Must laugh if any one looks at her to say anything serious. Inclined to laugh and cry at same time. Irritability and susceptibility, with tears. Irascibility. Obstinacy. Estrangement and frenzy, which manifest themselves by envy, reproaches, arrogance, and overbearing conduct. Disposition to be very haughty when sick; mistrustful; does not understand anything one says to them; memory weak. Avaricious. - сharacter, mild and submissive. - сomplete indifference. Aversion to speaking. Fatigue from intellectual exertion, and incapability of devotion to mental labour. Giddiness. Inability to express oneself correctly; misapplication of words and syllables. - сonfused speech. - сonfusion about everyday things, but rational talking on abstract subjects. Inability to remember what is read. Stupefaction. Dulness.
Head, face, and ears
Dizziness and vertigo, as from intoxication. As soon as she sees anything turning about she feels as if her body were turning about. Whirling vertigo, especially when stooping, or in a warm room, with inclination to vomit. Headache from vexation. Headache, with disposition to faint, and great uneasiness. Headache with vertigo. Heaviness of the head. Headache when shaking or turning head, and also at every step on walking. - сephalalgia above eyes, immediately after breakfast. Semi-lateral headache in evening, when walking slowly in open air, from cold, and when uncovering head. Stitches in temples, mostly on right side, from within to without; from cold and in open air. Thrust in temples during difficult stool. Pain at vertex during moderate pressure at stool. Headache after breakfast. Tearing, boring, and sensation of scraping on external head, during night. Screwing together in forehead, during menses. Jerking in right frontal bone extending to root of nose and eyebrows. Tearing headache, especially in afternoon or at night, principally in the (right) forehead, but often also in whole head, in eyes and nose, extending to teeth, with inclination to lie down. Stupefying headache, with heat in temples and ears; dryness of mouth and lips; on lying down and in the open air. Shooting headache. Throbbing in brain on leaning head backward. Throbbing in head after lying down in evening. - сongestion in head, with heat, sometimes in morning on rising up in bed. Shaking and resonance in brain at every step. - вoring, scraping, and tearing in scalp, especially at night. Involuntary movements and convulsive trembling of head. Head turned involuntarily to left-Involuntary nodding: now to right, now to left; slow at first then constantly more rapid. Involuntary shaking makes him dizzy. Shaking head on stepping hard. Great tendency to take cold by the head. Eruption on the head, with abundant and fetid suppuration, sometimes with obstruction of the glands of the nape and neck. The hair becomes grey early. - вaldness; the hair falls out, first on the vertex, later on the temples (after diseases of the abdominal viscera; after parturition), with violent burning, scalding, itching of the scalp, especially on getting warm from exercise during the day. Scurf over whole scalp, child scratches it raw in night and then it bleeds. - сontracted sensation with feeling as if the hair would be pulled up. Hair falls off scalp, but increases on other parts of body.
Aching in the eyes. Gnawing, burning, and shooting pains in eyes (and lids), especially in evening, by candle-light. Smarting in eyes. Sensation of coldness in eyes, evening. Dryness of eyes; and lids; as if dust in them; difficult to open. Smarting and burning. Swelling and painfulness of lids. Inflammation of the eyes and lids. Stye. Styes on the internal canthus. Agglutination of eyelids, especially at night, and lachrymation,.
Otalgia in open air. - сongestion in the ears. Ulceration of the ears. Discharge from the ears. Hearing excessively sensitive to least noise; music occasions fatigue. Tinkling and buzzing in ears. Roaring, humming, and whizzing in ears. Sensation as if hot blood rushed into ears. - сongestion of blood in ears. Singing in the ears as from boiling water. Ringing in right ear; every noise has peculiar echo deep in ear. Hears in evening music she heard played during day. Hardness of hearing. Moist scabs on and behind ears. Has improved deaf-mutism (Cooper).
Scurf in nose; crusts and elastic plugs. Nostrils ulcerated, scabby, obstructed by mucus at night. Swelling of nose, with acrid, fetid, and corrosive discharge. The ichorous discharge from the nose begins in right nostril; scarlatina or diphtheria. Patient bores and picks nose. - сonvulsive movements of muscles of nose. Fan-like motion of the nostrils in pneumonia. - вleeding from nose, on blowing it, and epistaxis, principally in afternoon. (Nose-bleed in morning from right nostril. Excessive acuteness of smell. - сoryza with acrid discharge, making the upper lips sore. - сoryza of almost all kinds. Dry coryza, with obstruction of the nose, confusion in head, and burning pain in forehead. Dryness of the posterior nares. Obstruction of nostrils, especially at night, and which prevents respiration except through the mouth. Stoppage: towards morning; in evening; child s breath often stopped in sleep for fifteen seconds even when mouth is open.
Paleness of face,.
Aching in the eyes. Gnawing, burning, and shooting pains in eyes (and lids), especially in evening, by candle-light. Smarting in eyes. Sensation of coldness in eyes, evening. Dryness of eyes; and lids; as if dust in them; difficult to open. Smarting and burning. Swelling and painfulness of lids. Inflammation of the eyes and lids. Stye. Styes on the internal canthus. Agglutination of eyelids, especially at night, and lachrymation,.
Otalgia in open air. - сongestion in the ears. Ulceration of the ears. Discharge from the ears. Hearing excessively sensitive to least noise; music occasions fatigue. Tinkling and buzzing in ears. Roaring, humming, and whizzing in ears. Sensation as if hot blood rushed into ears. - сongestion of blood in ears. Singing in the ears as from boiling water. Ringing in right ear; every noise has peculiar echo deep in ear. Hears in evening music she heard played during day. Hardness of hearing. Moist scabs on and behind ears. Has improved deaf-mutism (Cooper).
Scurf in nose; crusts and elastic plugs. Nostrils ulcerated, scabby, obstructed by mucus at night. Swelling of nose, with acrid, fetid, and corrosive discharge. The ichorous discharge from the nose begins in right nostril; scarlatina or diphtheria. Patient bores and picks nose. - сonvulsive movements of muscles of nose. Fan-like motion of the nostrils in pneumonia. - вleeding from nose, on blowing it, and epistaxis, principally in afternoon. (Nose-bleed in morning from right nostril. Excessive acuteness of smell. - сoryza with acrid discharge, making the upper lips sore. - сoryza of almost all kinds. Dry coryza, with obstruction of the nose, confusion in head, and burning pain in forehead. Dryness of the posterior nares. Obstruction of nostrils, especially at night, and which prevents respiration except through the mouth. Stoppage: towards morning; in evening; child s breath often stopped in sleep for fifteen seconds even when mouth is open.
Paleness of face,.
Mouth and throat
Odontalgia only at night, by hot drinks, and by heat of bed. Dull pains in teeth, with swelling of the cheeks and gums. The teeth ache as if suppurating; are excessively painful on touching them; and when chewing; front teeth loose or too long. - сramp-like drawing, tearing, and jerking, or pulsations in teeth, especially during or after a meal. Grinding of teeth. Yellowness of the teeth. Fistula in the gums. The gums bleed violently on being touched; when cleaning teeth. Gumboils. Swelling of gums, with shocks, tearings, and shootings. Ulcers in the gums.
Dryness of the mouth, without thirst, with tension of the parts, the tongue heavy, and speech indistinct. Torpor of the interior of mouth and tongue. Exhalation of a putrid odour from the mouth, especially in morning when awaking. - вuccal haemorrhage. Tongue foul and coated. Involuntary movements of the tongue. In talking, all the words of a sentence were spoken completely and distinctly except the last, which was stammered; it seemed as though the tongue were affected by a peculiar cramp; no amount of attention to this was of any avail; it lasted four weeks and gradually disappeared of itself. Stiffness of the tongue; vesicles on tip of tongue; they feel scalded and raw. Soreness of tongue. Ulcers on and under tongue (from tobacco). - сonvulsions of the tongue. The tongue is painful and swollen in different places (tubercles on the tongue). The saliva becomes dry on the palate and lips and is converted into tough mucus. The posterior part of the mouth is covered by tough mucus. Dry and bitter mouth (in the morning). Tongue dry; becomes black and cracked. Tongue is darted out and oscillates to and fro; in sore throat. Tongue distended, giving patient silly expression; in angina or diphtheria.
Sensation of constriction in throat, with obstructed deglutition. Dryness of throat. Pain, as from excoriation, in throat. - вurning pain in throat, with nocturnal thirst. Sensation in throat, as if a ball were ascending from the pit of the stomach. Feeling on left side of a lump moving up and down. Inflammation of throat and palate, with shooting pain, which obstructs deglutition. Swelling and suppuration of tonsils. The ulceration of the tonsils begins on right side. The pharynx feels contracted, nothing can be swallowed. Hawking of hard greenish-yellow masses; granular; of bloody mucus. Sticking in region of right parotid. Sticking in throat during cough. Sticking preventing sneezing. Sensitiveness of the submaxillary glands. Ulcers, like chancres, in the tonsils. - goitre.
Dryness of the mouth, without thirst, with tension of the parts, the tongue heavy, and speech indistinct. Torpor of the interior of mouth and tongue. Exhalation of a putrid odour from the mouth, especially in morning when awaking. - вuccal haemorrhage. Tongue foul and coated. Involuntary movements of the tongue. In talking, all the words of a sentence were spoken completely and distinctly except the last, which was stammered; it seemed as though the tongue were affected by a peculiar cramp; no amount of attention to this was of any avail; it lasted four weeks and gradually disappeared of itself. Stiffness of the tongue; vesicles on tip of tongue; they feel scalded and raw. Soreness of tongue. Ulcers on and under tongue (from tobacco). - сonvulsions of the tongue. The tongue is painful and swollen in different places (tubercles on the tongue). The saliva becomes dry on the palate and lips and is converted into tough mucus. The posterior part of the mouth is covered by tough mucus. Dry and bitter mouth (in the morning). Tongue dry; becomes black and cracked. Tongue is darted out and oscillates to and fro; in sore throat. Tongue distended, giving patient silly expression; in angina or diphtheria.
Sensation of constriction in throat, with obstructed deglutition. Dryness of throat. Pain, as from excoriation, in throat. - вurning pain in throat, with nocturnal thirst. Sensation in throat, as if a ball were ascending from the pit of the stomach. Feeling on left side of a lump moving up and down. Inflammation of throat and palate, with shooting pain, which obstructs deglutition. Swelling and suppuration of tonsils. The ulceration of the tonsils begins on right side. The pharynx feels contracted, nothing can be swallowed. Hawking of hard greenish-yellow masses; granular; of bloody mucus. Sticking in region of right parotid. Sticking in throat during cough. Sticking preventing sneezing. Sensitiveness of the submaxillary glands. Ulcers, like chancres, in the tonsils. - goitre.
Appetite and food preferences
Loss of appetite. Mouth clammy or bitter, especially in morning, often with nausea. Nausea in pharynx and stomach. Nausea in morning and when riding in a carriage. Sourness in mouth, especially in morning, or sour taste of food. Absence of thirst, or burning thirst. Nocturnal thirst. Loss of appetite, sometimes with the first mouthful. Sudden satiety. Immoderate hunger. - вulimy. Aversion to: cooked or warm food; rye-bread; meat; coffee; tobacco smoke. - сraving for sweet things. Inability to digest heavy food. After a meal: hepatic pains, oppression and fulness in chest and abdomen, nausea, heat in head, redness of face, pulsation and trembling over whole body, hands hot, palpitation of heart, colic, &c. Sourness and diarrhoea after taking milk.
Gastrointestinal tract
Violent risings in afternoon. Incomplete eructations, burning, rising only into pharynx, where they cause burning. Sour eructations, the taste of which does not remain in mouth, but the acid gnaws in the stomach. - вurning, sour, greasy or bitter risings. Sour regurgitation of food, especially of milk. Pyrosis, especially after a meal. Violent hiccough by fits, especially after a meal. Nausea when in a room, which disappears in open air, and vice versâ. Frequent continued nausea, especially in morning, with bitter taste in mouth. Nausea, caused by the motion of a carriage. Sensation of nausea in stomach in morning. Heartburn. - сancer of the stomach. Water-brash, sometimes every second day, with flow of bitter water. Vomiting of food and bile, especially at night, or when fasting in the morning. Vomiting of bitter, greenish matter. Vomiting of blood. Vomiting between the chill and heat in intermittent fever. Vomiting after a meal with salivation; during menses. Gnawing, griping sensation in region of the stomach. Slow digestion. Pains in stomach, with shivering and deadness of the hands after a slight chill. Periodical pains in stomach, by heat of bed. Aching in stomach, in evening, and after every meal, sometimes with a bitter taste in mouth. - сompressive or contractive pains in stomach. The pains in the stomach manifest themselves principally in morning; in open air; after a meal; or after drinking wine; they are sometimes in evening, and are often accompanied by cramps in chest and difficulty of respiration. Swelling of epigastrium with painful sensibility to the touch. The clothes round the stomach cause uneasiness. Stitches in left side of pit of stomach, apparently externally. Pain in epigastrium caused by cough.
Tension round hypochondria, as from the pressure of a hoop. Pressure and tension in liver; especially on satisfying one s appetite. - сramp-like pain in diaphragm, and contusive pain in liver, on stooping. Pain when walking in upper part of right hypochondrium, as if the suspensor ligament of the liver would tear. Pressive pain in right hypochondrium, at times took away the breath, became a sticking. Pain in liver as from a blow,.
Constipation of long standing. Hard stools with ineffectual desire to evacuate. Desire for stool followed by painful constriction of rectum or anus. Small stool, with the sensation as if much remained behind, followed by excessive and painful accumulations of flatulence. Haemorrhage from rectum, even after a soft stool. Feeling of fulness in rectum continues after a copious stool. - сontractive pain in perinaeum, after scanty, hard stool. Stitches in the rectum. Diarrhoea (during pregnancy), with earthy colour of the face. During stool: burning and biting at anus; pressure; tenesmus; ringing in ears; headache; pain in back as if broken; haemorrhage. After stool: flatulent distension. - сonstriction of the abdomen, sometimes with ineffectual want to evacuate, and difficult evacuation. - сonstipation or diarrhoea in pregnant women. Faeces: pale and of a putrid odour; thin brown; pale green mixed with hard lumps; thin yellow or reddish-yellow fluid; shaggy reddish mucus (urethral tenesmus, dysentery); green, stringy, odourless mucus. Discharge of mucus, or of blood, during evacuation. Lumbrici. Pains in the anus after a meal and after an evacuation. Itching and tension in the anus. Incisive pains, shootings and pain as from excoriation in the rectum. Spasms in rectum. - сontraction of rectum so that it protrudes during a hard stool. Piles swollen, protruding, burning sticking, protruding during soft stool, painful on touch and when sitting. Haemorrhoidal excrescences in anus and in rectum, with prolapsus recti. Itching eruption in anus. Itching and tension at the anus (evening in bed). Painful closing of anus. Protrusion of the varices. Distension of the varices of the rectum.
Tension round hypochondria, as from the pressure of a hoop. Pressure and tension in liver; especially on satisfying one s appetite. - сramp-like pain in diaphragm, and contusive pain in liver, on stooping. Pain when walking in upper part of right hypochondrium, as if the suspensor ligament of the liver would tear. Pressive pain in right hypochondrium, at times took away the breath, became a sticking. Pain in liver as from a blow,.
Constipation of long standing. Hard stools with ineffectual desire to evacuate. Desire for stool followed by painful constriction of rectum or anus. Small stool, with the sensation as if much remained behind, followed by excessive and painful accumulations of flatulence. Haemorrhage from rectum, even after a soft stool. Feeling of fulness in rectum continues after a copious stool. - сontractive pain in perinaeum, after scanty, hard stool. Stitches in the rectum. Diarrhoea (during pregnancy), with earthy colour of the face. During stool: burning and biting at anus; pressure; tenesmus; ringing in ears; headache; pain in back as if broken; haemorrhage. After stool: flatulent distension. - сonstriction of the abdomen, sometimes with ineffectual want to evacuate, and difficult evacuation. - сonstipation or diarrhoea in pregnant women. Faeces: pale and of a putrid odour; thin brown; pale green mixed with hard lumps; thin yellow or reddish-yellow fluid; shaggy reddish mucus (urethral tenesmus, dysentery); green, stringy, odourless mucus. Discharge of mucus, or of blood, during evacuation. Lumbrici. Pains in the anus after a meal and after an evacuation. Itching and tension in the anus. Incisive pains, shootings and pain as from excoriation in the rectum. Spasms in rectum. - сontraction of rectum so that it protrudes during a hard stool. Piles swollen, protruding, burning sticking, protruding during soft stool, painful on touch and when sitting. Haemorrhoidal excrescences in anus and in rectum, with prolapsus recti. Itching eruption in anus. Itching and tension at the anus (evening in bed). Painful closing of anus. Protrusion of the varices. Distension of the varices of the rectum.
Urogenital system
Urgent want to urinate, with too frequent emission, with discharge of large quantities of pale urine. Frequent micturition by night, with scanty and rare discharges by day. Dark urine with diminished discharge. Greasy pellicle on the urine. Involuntary micturition. Discharge of blood from the bladder, painless. Old thickening of bladder with irritable urethra. Foamy urine. Urine deep coloured, with yellow or reddish sediment. - сlear, transparent urine, having a heavy, red, crystallised sediment in the bottom of the chamber. In typhus fever, where the patient is in a very low state, and cannot retain the urine, we may see this sediment on the sheets; also in colic of babies, with much sediment of this kind on the diaper. A very severe pain is felt in the back every time before urinating; causing patient to cry out; retention of urine; patients will get into position to urinate, but wait a great while before the water comes, accompanied by the characteristic pain in the back, which ceases when the urine flows; children often cry out with pain before urinating. Turbid, milky urine, with an offensive purulent sediment; dull pressure in region of bladder and abdomen; disposition to calculi; cystitis. Haematuria from gravel or chronic catarrh. Renal calculus and gravel. Emission of blood instead of water, sometimes with paralysis of the legs, and constipation. Incontinence of urine. Smarting when urinating. Itching in urethra during and after emission of urine. Shooting pinchings and incisive pains in the bladder and urethra. Stitches in the bladder. Stitches in the neck of the bladder and in the anus at the same time. - вurning in urethra and glans. Urine burning hot, like molten lead.
Shooting, drawing, and incisive pain in the glans. - вastard gonorrhoea, with a deep red and smarting pustule behind the glans. Excoriation between scrotum and thighs. Dropsical swelling of genital organs. Immoderate excitement, or absence of sexual desire. Repugnance to coition, or disposition to be too easily excited to it. Impotence of long standing. Weakness or total absence of erections. Penis small, cold, relaxed. Itching of the internal surface of the prepuce. Excessive pollutions, or absence of pollutions. Emission too speedy or too tardy during coition. Falling asleep during coition. Lassitude, after coition or pollutions. Flow of prostatic fluid, without an erection.
Nymphomania with terrible teasing desire in external organs. Itching, burning, and gnawing in vulva. Pressure towards the outside, above the vulva, and extending as far as the vagina, when stooping. Expulsion of wind from the vagina. - сhronic dryness of vagina. Shooting pains in labia, when lying down. Excoriation between the thighs, and at the vulva. - вurning pain in the vagina, during and after coition. - сatamenia (too early) too profuse, and of too long duration. - сatamenia suppressed readily, and for a long time, by fright. - вefore menses: shivering, sadness, melancholy; bloatedness of the abdomen. During menses: delirium, with tears; headache; sourness in the mouth; pain in loins; swelling of feet; fainting; vomiting of sour matter; cuttings, colic; and pains in the back. Menstruation too late; lasts too long; sometimes suppression of; profuse, protracted; flow partly black, clotted, partly bright red or partly serum; with labour-like pains followed by swooning; with sadness; suppressed by fright. May find females at change of life with one side of the body greatly hypertrophied. Foetus appears to be turning summersaults. Metrorrhagia; at menopause; dark blood with large clots pour from her. A rumbling begins in upper abdomen and descends to lower, when a flow of blood follows, and so on successively. Leucorrhoea: milky, yellowish, reddish, and corrosive; sometimes preceded by cuttings in abdomen. Varices on the genitals. Disposition to miscarriages. Swelling of the breasts with nodosities. Excoriation and moist scabs on nipples. Stinging in nipples. Milk in breasts without being pregnant.
Shooting, drawing, and incisive pain in the glans. - вastard gonorrhoea, with a deep red and smarting pustule behind the glans. Excoriation between scrotum and thighs. Dropsical swelling of genital organs. Immoderate excitement, or absence of sexual desire. Repugnance to coition, or disposition to be too easily excited to it. Impotence of long standing. Weakness or total absence of erections. Penis small, cold, relaxed. Itching of the internal surface of the prepuce. Excessive pollutions, or absence of pollutions. Emission too speedy or too tardy during coition. Falling asleep during coition. Lassitude, after coition or pollutions. Flow of prostatic fluid, without an erection.
Nymphomania with terrible teasing desire in external organs. Itching, burning, and gnawing in vulva. Pressure towards the outside, above the vulva, and extending as far as the vagina, when stooping. Expulsion of wind from the vagina. - сhronic dryness of vagina. Shooting pains in labia, when lying down. Excoriation between the thighs, and at the vulva. - вurning pain in the vagina, during and after coition. - сatamenia (too early) too profuse, and of too long duration. - сatamenia suppressed readily, and for a long time, by fright. - вefore menses: shivering, sadness, melancholy; bloatedness of the abdomen. During menses: delirium, with tears; headache; sourness in the mouth; pain in loins; swelling of feet; fainting; vomiting of sour matter; cuttings, colic; and pains in the back. Menstruation too late; lasts too long; sometimes suppression of; profuse, protracted; flow partly black, clotted, partly bright red or partly serum; with labour-like pains followed by swooning; with sadness; suppressed by fright. May find females at change of life with one side of the body greatly hypertrophied. Foetus appears to be turning summersaults. Metrorrhagia; at menopause; dark blood with large clots pour from her. A rumbling begins in upper abdomen and descends to lower, when a flow of blood follows, and so on successively. Leucorrhoea: milky, yellowish, reddish, and corrosive; sometimes preceded by cuttings in abdomen. Varices on the genitals. Disposition to miscarriages. Swelling of the breasts with nodosities. Excoriation and moist scabs on nipples. Stinging in nipples. Milk in breasts without being pregnant.
Chest organs
Crawling scraping in trachea, at night. Hoarseness, with roughness, and pain as from excoriation in chest, after speaking. Voice feeble and husky. Whizzing breathing in daytime, with sensation of too much mucus in chest; loud rattling. Voice weak and dull. - сough after drinking. Obstinate dry cough in morning. Nocturnal cough,.
Short respiration during almost every effort, also in children, especially during sleep. - сontinued oppression of the chest,.
Short respiration during almost every effort, also in children, especially during sleep. - сontinued oppression of the chest,.
Cardiovascular system
Palpitation of the heart, especially during digestion, or in bed in evening, sometimes attended with anxiety and trembling. Accelerated pulse, with cold face and feet. Palpitation of the heart with flapping of the wings of the nose; enlargement of the heart; hypertrophy in general. - сramp and constriction, dyspnoea, stitches beneath short ribs, extending to small of back and shoulders; sharp pains shooting into heart, sensation of stoppage of circulation at night, with fright and then sweat, pulse quick and unsteady (angina pectoris). Dyspnoea, cyanosis, hasty eating and drinking (heart disease). - вeating of temporal arteries and carotids. Heart sounds heard loudly on lying down at night, keeping patient awake. Hypertrophy. Aneurism. Hydropericardium.
Limbs and spine
Traction and contraction from the nape of the neck to the occiput. Rigidity of the nape of the neck, sometimes caused by lifting a weight. Maculae hepaticae in the nape of the neck. Tetters on nape of neck and under armpits. Furunculi under armpits. Stiffness, swelling, and induration of one side of neck. Painful stiffness of left side of neck. - вurning as of red-hot coals between scapulae. Swelling of glands of neck and of the shoulder, with shooting pain. Weakness and paralysis of muscles of neck. Painful eruption on neck. Large clusters of red pimples around neck, with violent itching. Soreness of the neck. - goitre. Violent sacral pains, which do not permit sitting upright. Pains in the back and loins, especially when moving, stooping, and lifting anything, often accompanied by constrictive pains in abdomen. Shootings in loins on rising up after stooping. Drawing, tearing, and shooting pains in back and loins, with difficult respiration, chiefly when seated, and also at night. Pain in back and right side, from congestion of the liver. Stitches in region of kidneys,.
Tearings and shootings in the joints of shoulder and elbow. Rheumatic tension in right shoulder-joint. Pain in bones of arms at night. Weakness of arms when at work. Difficulty in moving arms as if rheumatism were creeping on, with nodes on fingers. Pain as from a sprain in right wrist-joint. Swelling of axillary glands. Nocturnal aching pains, in the arms and elbow. Drawing pain in arms. Jerking in shoulders and arms, also during it siesta. Paralytic weakness of arms. Arms and fingers easily benumbed, even at night, or only when raising them. - вiting, itching, and maculae hepaticae in the arms. Arthritic stiffness of the elbow and wrist. Tetters on the arms. Erysipelatous inflammation in the forearm, with suppuration. Dryness of the skin of the hands. - вurning sensation in the palms. Red and painless swelling of the hands. Warts on the hands and fingers. Deadness of fingers and hands. Involuntary trembling of the hands. Red swelling and arthritic tearing in joints of fingers. Arthritic nodosities and stiffness in fingers. Stiffness of the fingers during labour. Itching pimples between the fingers. Panaritum. - сontraction and twitches in the fingers. - сhilblains. Gouty contraction of palmar fascia: sudden pain runs down arm (left?) causing fingers to stiffen and draw away from each other and to draw towards hand, as though palmar fascia were contracting (Cooper).
Rheumatic tension in left hip. Pain as from a sprain in hip. Periodical pains, from coxo-femoral joint to foot, every fourth day. Tearing: beneath right hip; in left hip-joint. Drawing along sciatic nerves to feet, evening, in bed. Pain in muscles about joints, on pressure, sitting or lying. Pain in right hip walking in open air. Pain from right hip-joint to feet when walking, he must limp. Tearing in legs and knees, extending to tibia and instep, especially in evening and at night. Soreness in inner side of left thigh, with biting itching extending to genitals. - вrown spots on inner side of thighs, inflamed with burning pain. Uneasiness, shocks, and trembling in legs and feet, especially in evening and at night. Involuntary shaking in legs, or alternate separation and bringing together again of the thighs. - вurning and biting itching in the legs, especially in the hams. - сurvature and stiffness of the knees. Swelling (and stiffness) of the knees. Swelling of the knee, with perspiration. Swelling of the legs, with large, red, burning spots, and pains which prevent walking. Paralysis of the legs, with emission of blood instead of urine, and constipation. Tetters on the legs and calves of the legs. White swelling in the knee. - сramps and cramp-like pains in the calves, especially when walking, and at night. - вurning pain in legs. Ulcers in the legs, with nocturnal tearing, itching, and burning heat. Pain in the soles when walking. - сramps in the feet and toes. Swelling of the feet and of the malleoli, or of the soles (with shooting pain). - сoldness of the feet. One foot (right) hot the other cold. - сold sweat on feet, sometimes copious, and with excoriation of the skin. Stitches in right big toe (evening). Rhagades in the heel. - сramp in the toes. - вending of the toes when walking. - сontraction of the toes. - сorns on the feet, sometimes with shooting pain.
Tearings and shootings in the joints of shoulder and elbow. Rheumatic tension in right shoulder-joint. Pain in bones of arms at night. Weakness of arms when at work. Difficulty in moving arms as if rheumatism were creeping on, with nodes on fingers. Pain as from a sprain in right wrist-joint. Swelling of axillary glands. Nocturnal aching pains, in the arms and elbow. Drawing pain in arms. Jerking in shoulders and arms, also during it siesta. Paralytic weakness of arms. Arms and fingers easily benumbed, even at night, or only when raising them. - вiting, itching, and maculae hepaticae in the arms. Arthritic stiffness of the elbow and wrist. Tetters on the arms. Erysipelatous inflammation in the forearm, with suppuration. Dryness of the skin of the hands. - вurning sensation in the palms. Red and painless swelling of the hands. Warts on the hands and fingers. Deadness of fingers and hands. Involuntary trembling of the hands. Red swelling and arthritic tearing in joints of fingers. Arthritic nodosities and stiffness in fingers. Stiffness of the fingers during labour. Itching pimples between the fingers. Panaritum. - сontraction and twitches in the fingers. - сhilblains. Gouty contraction of palmar fascia: sudden pain runs down arm (left?) causing fingers to stiffen and draw away from each other and to draw towards hand, as though palmar fascia were contracting (Cooper).
Rheumatic tension in left hip. Pain as from a sprain in hip. Periodical pains, from coxo-femoral joint to foot, every fourth day. Tearing: beneath right hip; in left hip-joint. Drawing along sciatic nerves to feet, evening, in bed. Pain in muscles about joints, on pressure, sitting or lying. Pain in right hip walking in open air. Pain from right hip-joint to feet when walking, he must limp. Tearing in legs and knees, extending to tibia and instep, especially in evening and at night. Soreness in inner side of left thigh, with biting itching extending to genitals. - вrown spots on inner side of thighs, inflamed with burning pain. Uneasiness, shocks, and trembling in legs and feet, especially in evening and at night. Involuntary shaking in legs, or alternate separation and bringing together again of the thighs. - вurning and biting itching in the legs, especially in the hams. - сurvature and stiffness of the knees. Swelling (and stiffness) of the knees. Swelling of the knee, with perspiration. Swelling of the legs, with large, red, burning spots, and pains which prevent walking. Paralysis of the legs, with emission of blood instead of urine, and constipation. Tetters on the legs and calves of the legs. White swelling in the knee. - сramps and cramp-like pains in the calves, especially when walking, and at night. - вurning pain in legs. Ulcers in the legs, with nocturnal tearing, itching, and burning heat. Pain in the soles when walking. - сramps in the feet and toes. Swelling of the feet and of the malleoli, or of the soles (with shooting pain). - сoldness of the feet. One foot (right) hot the other cold. - сold sweat on feet, sometimes copious, and with excoriation of the skin. Stitches in right big toe (evening). Rhagades in the heel. - сramp in the toes. - вending of the toes when walking. - сontraction of the toes. - сorns on the feet, sometimes with shooting pain.
Common symptoms
Affections in general of right eye; right side of face; right hypochondrium; right abdominal ring; left chest; left lower extremity; general symptoms right side (though they may spread to the left); hair of head; rectum; bladder; hands; fingers; finger-joints; back part in the lumbar region, and ankles. Hard hearing; smell too sensitive. Deep furrows on the face; same on forehead; sensations in the temples. - сollection of water in the mouth, i.e., mouth waters. Pains in different parts as from flatus: over right hip; below chest; in lower abdomen, &c. Obstructed evacuation; painless diarrhoea. Anything running from right to left-Apoplexia; erethism of blood accompanied with flashes of heat; chlorosis. - сonsumption resulting from badly treated pneumonia. - сrooked legs; ankles weak; painless paralysis; old sprains; tension, tightness of the joints. Enlargement of the bones. Drawing and tearing in extremities, by heat. Shooting pains, internal and external. Painful stiffness of muscles and joints, often with torpor and insensibility of the extremities. Numbness of the limbs. Great liability to strain the back, which, when it occurs, is often followed by stiffness in nape of neck. - сramps and contraction of limbs. Alternate spasmodic and involuntary extension and retraction of some of the muscles, or some of the extremities. Shocks and jerks in some of the limbs or throughout the body, during sleep and on waking. - сramps, internal and external,.
Included in the composition
- 1.3€ Adam
- 1.3€ Gastrica-GPH (Аспектус фарма ООО )
- 1.4-1.6€ Hepatone (ЭДАС)
- 1.7-1.9€ Berthalis kantazit (ЭДАС)
- 1.7€ Choleit-GF
- 1.7€ Nefrolit (ТАЛИОН-А )
- 1.9€ Acidum S
- 2€ Solvencium (ТАЛИОН-А )
- 1.8-2€ Defecol (ЭДАС)
- 2.2€ Arsenic comp (ТАЛИОН-А )
- 2.7€ Normagast (2 firms)
- 2.3-2.5€ Риобелитон (Фитасинтекс)
- 2.5€ Селентал (Фитасинтекс)
- 2.5€ Эрексил (Фитасинтекс)
- 1-5.4€ Псоринум ФС (Фитасинтекс)
- 1.9€ Гепахол (Вербена)
- 1.9€ Липостан (Вербена)
- 1.9€ Сольнет (Вербена)
- 1.9€ Холелитин-гомео (Вербена)
- 3.2€ Aloe-plus (2 firms)
- — Colocint-plus (Доктор Н)
- 3.2€ Iris-plus (2 firms)
- 3.2€ Rhus-plus (2 firms)
- — Sepia-plus (Доктор Н)
- 3.5-3.9€ Erectin (2 firms)
- 2.5€ Циститон - Антикан (Вербена)
- 4.4-6.6€ Selencinum (3 firms)
- 5.8-5.9€ Hepeel (Сигнал НЦ ФГУП )
- 5€ Гепарис (Фитасинтекс)
- 6.8-8.9€ Nux vomica-homaccord (Сигнал НЦ ФГУП )
- — Flowers Energy №12
- — Flowers Energy №26
- 11€ Flowers Energy №27
- 11€ Flowers Energy №43
- — Flowers Energy №45
- — Flowers Energy №47
- — Flowers Energy №48
- — Flowers Energy №51
- 11€ Flowers Energy №53
- 11€ Flowers Energy №54
- — Flowers Energy №55
- 11€ Flowers Energy №78
- 11€ Flowers Energy №82
- — Flowers Energy №91
- 11€ Flowers Energy №94
- 11.9€ Hepar compositum (2 firms)
- 7.5-13.2€ Momordica compositum (Сигнал НЦ ФГУП )
- 19€ Testis compositum (Сигнал НЦ ФГУП )
- — Allerji
- — Cholistosan (Гомеопатический медико-социальный центр )
- — Rauwolfia compositum
- — Sclerosan (Гомеопатический медико-социальный центр )
- — Гепатостабил (Аспектус фарма ООО )
- — Гепатохолин (Аспектус фарма ООО )
- — Желчевом