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Hyoscyamus niger

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  1. Pharmacological Group
  2. Description
  3. Psyche and consciousness
  4. Head, face, and ears
  5. Mouth and throat
  6. Gastrointestinal tract
  7. Urogenital system
  8. Chest organs
  9. Limbs and spine
  10. Sleep
  11. Nervous system
  12. Modalities
  13. Dif. diagnostics
  14. Method of drug use and dosage
  15. Analogs by action
  16. Included in the composition
  17. Manufacturers of the drug

Other names and synonyms


Description Source

Homeopathic Materia Medica – William Boericke

Pharmacological Group

Homeopathic classical monopreparations


 Disturbs the nervous system profoundly. It is as if some diabolical force took possession of the brain and prevented its functions. It causes a perfect picture of mania of a quarrelsome and obscene character. Inclined to be unseemly and immodest in acts, gestures and expressions. Very talkative, and persists in stripping herself, or uncovering genitals. Is jealous, afraid of being poisoned, etc. Its symptoms also point to weakness and nervous agitation; hence typhoid and other infections with coma vigil. Tremulous weakness and twitching of tendons. Subsultus tendinum. Muscular twitchings, spasmodic affections, generally with delirium. Non-inflammatory cerebral activity. Toxic gastritis.

Psyche and consciousness

 Very suspicious. Talkative, obscene, lascivious mania, uncovers body; jealous, foolish. Great hilarity; inclined to laugh at everything. Delirium, with attempt to run away. Low, muttering speech; constant carphologia, deep stupor.

Head, face, and ears

 Feels light and confused. Vertigo as if intoxicated. вrain feels loose, fluctuating. Inflammation of brain, with unconsciousness; head is shaken to and fro.
 Pupils dilated, sparkling, fixed. Eyes open, but does not pay attention; downcast and dull, fixed. Strabismus. Spasmodic closing of lids. Diplopia. Objects have colored borders.

Mouth and throat

 Tongue dry, red, cracked, stiff and immovable, protruded with difficulty; speech impaired. Foams at mouth. Teeth covered with sordes. Lower jaw drops.
 Stinging dryness. сonstriction. сannot swallow liquids. Uvula elongated.

Gastrointestinal tract

 Hiccough, eructations empty, bitter. Nausea, with vertigo. Vomiting, with convulsions; haematemesis; violent cramps, relieved by vomiting; burning in stomach; epigastrium tender. After irritating food.
 Colic, as if abdomen would burst. Distention. сolic, with vomiting, belching, hiccough screaming. Tympanites. Red spots on abdomen.
 Diarrhoea, colicky, pains; involuntary, aggravated by mental excitement or during sleep. Diarrhoea during the lying-in period. Involuntary defecation.

Urogenital system

 Involuntary micturition. вladder paralyzed. Has no will to urinate (Caust).
 Impotence. Lascivious; exposes his person; plays with genitals during fever.
 Before menses, hysterical spasms. Excited sexual desire. During menses, convulsive movements, urinary flux and sweat. Lochia suppressed. Spasms of pregnant women. Puerperal mania.

Chest organs

 Suffocating fits. Spasm, forcing bending forward. Dry, spasmodic cough at night (worse lying down; better sitting up), from itching in the throat, as if uvula were too long. Haemoptysis.

Limbs and spine

 Picking at bed-clothes; plays with hands; reaches out for things. Epileptic attacks ending in deep sleep. Spasms and convulsions. сramps in calves and toes. сhild sobs and cries without waking.


 Intense sleeplessness. Sopor, with convulsions. Starts up frightened. сoma vigil.

Nervous system

 Great restlessness; every muscle twitches. Will not be covered.


 Worse, at night, during menses, after eating, when lying down. вetter, stooping.

Dif. diagnostics

 Antidotes: вell; сamph.
 Compare: вellad; Stram; Agaric; Gels.
 Scopolamine hydrobromide (Paralysis agitans); tremors of disseminated sclerosis. Sleeplessness and nervous agitation. Dry cough in phthisis. Similar in its effects to alcohol, both recent and remote. сorresponds to the effects of strong poisons introduced into or generated within the body. Symptoms of uraemia and acute nervous exhaustion. A remedy for shock. Third and fourth dec trituration. In physiological dosage (1-200 gr) mania and chorea; insomnia. Scopola (Japanese вelladonna)-chemically identical with Hyoscine (Joyous delirium, licking of lips and smacking of mouth; sleepless; tries to get out of bed; sees cats, picks imaginary hairs, warms hands before imaginary fire, etc).

Method of drug use and dosage

 Sixth, to 200th potency.

Analogs by action

Included in the composition

Manufacturers (or distributors) of the drug

Доктор Н
Natura Pharma
Available only when using PRO account
Content moderator: Vasin A. S.

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