Other names and synonyms
hyos.Description Source
Materia Medica Pura – Samuel HahnemannPharmacological Group
Additional facts
(The expressed juice of the fresh plant, Hyoscyamus niger, mixed with equal parts of alcohol.
When dried the plant loses a great portion of its medicinal powers.
The following symptoms, which were produced by this drug on healthy persons, show the mental and emotional disorders and the derangement of the senses in which it is of use.
A dose containing a quadrillionth of a drop of the juice, or better, a small portion of such a drop is more than sufficient for all homoeopathic curative purpose when all other foreign irritants and drugs are kept away from the patient.
Frequent smelling at a saturated solution of camphor removes the troublesome effects of hyoscyamus when it has been given in too large a dose of in an unhomoeopathic case.
Although the symptoms of this plant recorded below are very numerous, they require to be added to in order to make them complete.
(The expressed juice of the fresh plant, Hyoscyamus niger, mixed with equal parts of alcohol.
When dried the plant loses a great portion of its medicinal powers.
The following symptoms, which were produced by this drug on healthy persons, show the mental and emotional disorders and the derangement of the senses in which it is of use.
A dose containing a quadrillionth of a drop of the juice, or better, a small portion of such a drop is more than sufficient for all homoeopathic curative purpose when all other foreign irritants and drugs are kept away from the patient.
Frequent smelling at a saturated solution of camphor removes the troublesome effects of hyoscyamus when it has been given in too large a dose of in an unhomoeopathic case.
Although the symptoms of this plant recorded below are very numerous, they require to be added to in order to make them complete.
Symptoms are taken from the following old-school authorities:
BARRERE, Observat. d Anatomie, 1753.
BARTON (same as SMITH ).
BERNIGAU, in Hufel. Journ, v.
BLOM- с. M., in Kon. Vetensk. Acad. Handl. 1774, and in вergius’ Mat. Ned.
BORELLI, PET., сent. iv.
CAGNION, in Desault s Journal de Ohirurgio, tom. i.
CAMERARIUS, in Acta Nat. сur., Vol. i.
CLAUDER, G., in Misc. Nat сur., Dec. i, Ann. 3.
COSTA, in Journ. de Medec, tom. xxv, Febr.
EEMS, VAN, in Praelect, вoerhavii de Morb. Nerv., ad tom. i.
FABER, J., in Schenck, lib. vii.
GARDANE, Gazette de Santa, 1773, 1774.
GESNER, J. A. PH., Samml. von вeobacht.. i,.
GMELIN, J. F., Reise durch Sibirien, Gott., 1752. Vol. III.
GREDING, in Ludwigii Adverse Medorrhinum pr., i.
GRUNEWALD, M., in Miscel Nat сur., Dec. iii, Ann. 9, 10, App.
HALLER, A. v., in Vicat’s s Drat. &:d., i.
Diss. de OpiO.
HAMILTON, ARCH., in Neue Edinb.~ yersuehe., ii.
HEILBRONN. DAV., in Neues Journal der Ausland. Mod. сhir. Lit, d. Hufel. u. Harles, i 1804. HELMONT, J. в. VAN, Pus. duumv.
HUNERWOLF, J. A., in Misc. Nat. сur., Dec. iii, Ann. 2.
JASKIEWITZ, J., Diss. Pharmaca regni veget., Vindob., 1775.
JOERDENS, in Hufel. Journal, iv.
KIERNANDER, Utkast til Medicinal Lagfar, 1776.
MATTHIOLUS, сomment in Diosc., lib. vi.
NAVIER, in Recueil period. d’Obs. de Medorrhinum, tom. iv.
PLANCHON. in Journal de Medecine, tom. xix. Pyl’a Neues Magazine, ii, в. iii, St.
RUEF, DH, in Nova Acta Natur. сur., t. iv.
Nosol., ii.
SCHULZE, S., in Misc. Nat. сur., Dec. i, Ann. 4, 5.
SELIGER, сapes„ in Misc. Nat. сur., Dec. ii, Ann. 1.
SERRE, J. LA, in Miss. Nat. сur., Dec. ii, Ann. 5.
SLOANE, EL, in Philos. Transact., № 457.
SMITH, in Medorrhinum сomment., Vol. ii. Dec, ii.
STEDMAN, J., in Philos. Transact., Vol. xi, vii.
STOERCK, Lib, de Stramonium, Hyoscyamus, Aeon., Vien., 1762.
TOZZETTI. TARG., Relaz. di alcuni viaggi, Vol. vi.
VICAT, Mat. Med, i.
WEDEL, G. W., in Misc. Nat. сur., Dec. i, Ann. 3.
WENDT, in Hufel. Journ., v.
WEPFER, Hist. сicut. squat., вas. 1716.
In the Frag. de Vir. hyoscyamus has 335 symptoms; in the 1st edit. 539, and in this 2nd edit. 582.
Symptoms are taken from the following old-school authorities:
BARRERE, Observat. d Anatomie, 1753.
BARTON (same as SMITH ).
BERNIGAU, in Hufel. Journ, v.
BLOM- с. M., in Kon. Vetensk. Acad. Handl. 1774, and in вergius’ Mat. Ned.
BORELLI, PET., сent. iv.
CAGNION, in Desault s Journal de Ohirurgio, tom. i.
CAMERARIUS, in Acta Nat. сur., Vol. i.
CLAUDER, G., in Misc. Nat сur., Dec. i, Ann. 3.
COSTA, in Journ. de Medec, tom. xxv, Febr.
EEMS, VAN, in Praelect, вoerhavii de Morb. Nerv., ad tom. i.
FABER, J., in Schenck, lib. vii.
GARDANE, Gazette de Santa, 1773, 1774.
GESNER, J. A. PH., Samml. von вeobacht.. i,.
GMELIN, J. F., Reise durch Sibirien, Gott., 1752. Vol. III.
GREDING, in Ludwigii Adverse Medorrhinum pr., i.
GRUNEWALD, M., in Miscel Nat сur., Dec. iii, Ann. 9, 10, App.
HALLER, A. v., in Vicat’s s Drat. &:d., i.
Diss. de OpiO.
HAMILTON, ARCH., in Neue Edinb.~ yersuehe., ii.
HEILBRONN. DAV., in Neues Journal der Ausland. Mod. сhir. Lit, d. Hufel. u. Harles, i 1804. HELMONT, J. в. VAN, Pus. duumv.
HUNERWOLF, J. A., in Misc. Nat. сur., Dec. iii, Ann. 2.
JASKIEWITZ, J., Diss. Pharmaca regni veget., Vindob., 1775.
JOERDENS, in Hufel. Journal, iv.
KIERNANDER, Utkast til Medicinal Lagfar, 1776.
MATTHIOLUS, сomment in Diosc., lib. vi.
NAVIER, in Recueil period. d’Obs. de Medorrhinum, tom. iv.
PLANCHON. in Journal de Medecine, tom. xix. Pyl’a Neues Magazine, ii, в. iii, St.
RUEF, DH, in Nova Acta Natur. сur., t. iv.
Nosol., ii.
SCHULZE, S., in Misc. Nat. сur., Dec. i, Ann. 4, 5.
SELIGER, сapes„ in Misc. Nat. сur., Dec. ii, Ann. 1.
SERRE, J. LA, in Miss. Nat. сur., Dec. ii, Ann. 5.
SLOANE, EL, in Philos. Transact., № 457.
SMITH, in Medorrhinum сomment., Vol. ii. Dec, ii.
STEDMAN, J., in Philos. Transact., Vol. xi, vii.
STOERCK, Lib, de Stramonium, Hyoscyamus, Aeon., Vien., 1762.
TOZZETTI. TARG., Relaz. di alcuni viaggi, Vol. vi.
VICAT, Mat. Med, i.
WEDEL, G. W., in Misc. Nat. сur., Dec. i, Ann. 3.
WENDT, in Hufel. Journ., v.
WEPFER, Hist. сicut. squat., вas. 1716.
In the Frag. de Vir. hyoscyamus has 335 symptoms; in the 1st edit. 539, and in this 2nd edit. 582.
Vertigo. J. A. HUNERWOLF, (From cooked roots, eaten by several persons.) in Miscel. Nat. сur. Dec. iii, Ann.2, Obs. 92.-M. GRUNEWALD (Three observations :-1. Effects of exhalations from seeds. 2. Do. of a clyster containing 13., with turpentine and carminatives. 3. Do. of fomentations of it in the girls who had applied them. (1), in Miscel. Nat. сur., Dec. iii, Ann. 9, 10, app., p. 179 (A vertigo lasting 14 days from the exhalation of the seeds. -C. M. вLOM,( From root eaten by an adult man.) in Kon. Vetensk. Acad. Handl. 1774, p. 52. NAVIER,( From herb eaten as salad by an adult.) in Recueil period d’Obs. de Medorrhinum, tom. IV -PLANCHON,( From repeated doses given to an adult. ) in Journal de Medecine, tom. xix, p. 42.-H. SLOANE,( From seeds eaten by children.) in Philos. Transact., № 429. GREDING,( From gr. iij-xij daily given to patients. Those referred to pp. 73-78 were melancholico-maniacs, those of pp. 79-87 maniacs; of 89-99 epileptics, 103-107 epilepto-maniacs.) in Ludwigii Advers. Medorrhinum, pr., i, pp. 86, 91. WEPPER, (From cooked roots, eaten by several persons. Hist. сicutae squat., вas., 1716, p. 230. VICAT,( General statement. Mat. Medorrhinum, i, p. 185. BERNIGAU,( From a cluster of H. in an adult man.) in Hufel. Journ., v, p. 905.
Violent vertigo. STEDMAN, ( From leaves boiled in broth, in several persons.) in Philos. Transact., Vol. xl, vii, p. 194.
Vertigo with obscuration of vision. From for grains of the resinous extract in a healthy man 24 years old. SMITH, (As in Hahnemann’s note.) in med.comment., vol, ii, Dec. ii.
Vertigo, with obscuration of vision. From four grains of the resinous extract in a healthy man 24 years old)[SMITH,( As in Hahnemann’s note.) in MedComment., vol., ii, Dec. ii.
5. Vertigo, as from intoxication (immediately). [Stf.
Swaying about from one side to the other. [Stf.
Staggering. LA SERRE (From clyster of H. given for dysentery.), in Misc. Nat. сur., Dec. ii, Ann. 5, Obs. 78-GRUNEWALD, 1. с.
They staggered as if intoxicated. Several children who had eaten the roots for carrots. CAGNION,( From root in children.) in Desault’s Journal de сhirurgie, tom. i, p. 370.
Intoxication. SLOANE, 1. c.-J. F. GMELIN,( General statement. Raise durch Sibirien, Gott,, 1752, vol.. iii, pp. 84, 85. From Hyoscyamus physaloides.
10. Unconsciousness : he is insensible to pinching and nipping, (From Ryoseyamus albus. [ARCH. HAMILTON,( ii, 243, of original English edition, from which corrections have been made: From gr. xxv of seeds of H. albus in a young man.) in Neue Edinb. Versuch, ii, p. 275.
Stupefaction. In original, stupor, as if drunk. STEDMAN. 1. c.
Staring at objects devoid of thought, tendency to self-forgetfulness (aft1/2 h. [Fz.
He involuntarily remembers persons and events, which he had no wish to think about (aft1/2 h. [Fz.
Remembrance of long forgotten things.( сurative action (.
15. Weak memory.
Complete loss of memory.
Loss of memory. [J. JASKIEWITZ,( From seeds in an adult man. )Diss. Pharmaca Regni Vogel., Vindob.,1775, p. 53.
Things he did not wish to remember come back into his thoughts, and he can with difficulty recall things he wishes to remember (after 3 h. [Fz.
Want of recollection: he remembers what he had thought and done the last few days only as if in a dream (after 24 h. [Ws.
20. Forgetfulness of all he had previously heard. WENDT,( From- a clyster of H. in an adult man. This symptom not found.) in Hufel..journal, v, p. 390.
Forgetfulness : he knows not whether he really said what he wished to say (after 1/4 h. [Fz.
He complains of heaviness of the head and violent headache. This occurred 24 hours after the poisoning, with S. 467. HAMILTON, 1. с.
Continued violent headache. PLANCHON, 1. с.
Heavy, dazed head. COSTA,( From seeds in an adult man. ) in journ. de Medec., tom. xxx, Febr.
25. Heaviness in the head, [GREDING, 1. c.. p. 91. VICAT, 1. c. MATTHIOLUS,( General statements.) сomment an Dioscorea, lib. vi, p. 1064.
Heaviness of the head with swollen eyelids. GREDIND, 1. c., p. 89.
Dulness of the head, costiveness and pains in the loins. GREDING, 1. c., p. 95.
The thoughts sometimes refuse to come (the 2nd d. [Stf.
His head is very much affected, like an absence of thoughts; he is troubled about everything, and hence goes to sleep for some hours in the afternoon (without dreams), and though he often half awakes, he continues to steep on (after 9 h. Ws.
30. сonfusion and dazed state of the head, such as occurs from excessive bodily weakness, especially in the morning.
Headache of several bouts’ duration. From the odour and exhalations of the plant. GARDANE,( From exhalations of H., in several persons. Gazette de Santa,1773, 1774, p. 294.
Headache. STEDMAN, 1. с: GREDING, 1. с., pp. 73. 76. 86. SAUVAGES,(From root, in several persons.) a Nosol., ii, p. 242.
(Fine shooting pain in the head.
(Shooting tearing headache) (after 2 h.
35. Obtuse headache in the base of the brain.
In the room he gets headache, after having felt.nothing of it in the open air (after 2 h. [Fz.
Obtuse pain in the forehead, especially in the membranes of the brain.
Aching stupefying pain in the brain, especially in the forehead, with needle-pricks, especially on the left side, recurring alternately (after 4 h. [Lr.
Aching stupefying pain, especially in the whole forehead, that at length changed into an intermittent tearing (after 101 h. [Lr.
40. Shooting in the head over the tight eye, on coughing.
By fits, sometimes constrictive, dazing headache on the top of the forehead and general discomfort, sometimes freedom from all sufferings and comfort with exalted imagination, the latter continuing much longer (after 1 h. [Fz.
(Tearing headache in the occiput.
Headache as if the brain shook and, splashed when walking (after 5 h.
An undulation in the brain as from violent beating of the arteries, with aching in the forehead; worst after stooping (after 1/2 h. [Ws.
45. Headache with unnatural heat. GREDING, 1. c., p. 82.
Heat and formication in the head (after 24 h.
Formication on the crown of the head (after 1 h.
Gnawing aching in the integuments of the head, increased by moving them and touching them (after 15 h. [Ws.
A dull stiff pain in the nape. [Stf.
50. Headache alternating with pain in the nape. GREDING, 1.c., p. 77.
On turning the head an aching in the crown and drawing in the nape (after 3 h. [Fz.
Dazed state, dulness of senses. GARDANE.1 c.
Dimness of vision. HUNERWOLF, 1. c.
Dimness of vision; objects appear indistinct; he is more shortsighted and must hold the book nearer when reading (after 1 h. [Ws.
55. сontracted pupils.
Very dilated pupils (aft1/2 h. [Fz.
Sensation before the right eye as if a veil were drawn before it (after 3 h.
Dim vision, as if a veil were before the eyes. BERNIGAU, 1. c.
Glittering before the eyes; dark points played rapidly, hither and thither (after 1 h. Ws.
60. Diminution of the vision. [BLOM, 1. c.
When consciousness returned the eyes were dim and without luster, and the brain was dazed. On the following morning. HAMILTON, 1. c.
Darkening of the vision. GRUNEWALD,_ JASKIEWITZ,_SLOANE,_WEPPER. 1. с.
Weakness of vision. STOERCK,( Observations on patients. )Lib. de Stramonium, Hyose Acon., Vien,, 1762, pp. 36, 39, 47, 55.
Transient amaurosis. SAUVAGES, 1, c.
65. вlind and senseless he wanders about the town. HUNERWOLF, 1, c.
Myopia : he could scarcely recognize objects at three paces distance. BERNIGAU, 1. с.
Longsightedness combined with great clearness of vision, with dilated pupils; the longsightedness lasted several days and then declined gradually(In a very myopic person, as curative reaction of the body.)(after 3 h. [Lr.
Myopia lasting four days. COSTA, 1, c.
Chronic presbyopia. In the original, sight for a long time not so acute: ) [WEPFER, 1. c.
70. Deception of sight : nine persons after partaking of the root of henbane saw all objects of a scarlet colour. [DAV. HEILBRONN,( Not accessible ), in Neues Journ. d. Ausland. Medorrhinum сhir. Lit. v. Hufel, v. Harles, i, 1804, p. 199.
Deception of sight : objects appear fiery red. WENDT, 1, с.
Deception of sight : everything appears made of gold. [S. SCHULZE,( From cooked roots, in several persona.) in Misc. Nat. сur. Dec. i, Ann. 4, 5, obs. 124.
Deception of sight: small things appear very large to him. GRUNEWALD. He takes a lark for a goose. GMELIN,( He takes a straw for a beam, and a drop of water for a pond )_WENDT,( The letters appear to him unusually large. 1. с].
False sight : the flame of one candle appears smaller, of the other large, although both flames ate the same size (after 10 h.
75. False sight : when reading the letters appear to move, and look like ants running about. WEPFER, 1. c.
False sight: when sewing he stuck the needle into a wrong place. WEPFER, 1. с.
Stating, distorted eyes. El сAMERARIUS,( From root, in children.) in Acta Nat. сur., vol.. i, Obs. 12.
Staring look. LA SERRE, 1. c.
With a fixed look he stares at those about him. HUNERWOLF, 1. c.
80. Intoxicated appearance, for a long time. CAGNION, 1, с.
Twitching in the eye (after 8 h.
Distorted eyes. HUNERWOLF. 1. c.
Open eyes turned towards different sides. HAMILTON, 1. c.
Convulsively moved, projecting eyes. PLANGHON, 1. c.
85. Sparkling eyes. Stedman says fiery-looking, вlom glittering: ) [STEDMAN, 1, c._BLOM. Same case as вlom’s in S. 2 ) in вergius Mat. Med p. 128.
Red, sparkling eyes. COSTA, 1. c.
Inflammation of the eyes. In the original, the eyes appeared inflamed. NAVIER, 1, c,].
Itching tearing in both canthi, worst in the outer canthus, going off by rubbing (after 8 h. [Ws.
Gnawing aching in the superior orbital border, which goes off on touching the spot (aft1/4 h. [Fz.
90. Aching in the eyes, as if sand had got into them (after 12 h. [Lr.
The eyelids are as if swollen, the whites of the eyes here and there reddish; the eyes look as if he had been crying. [Stf.
Inability to open the eyelids. WEPFER, 1. c.
Heat in the face, particularly in the lobes of the ears, with somewhat increased redness of the face and very dilated pupils. [Stf.
In the warm room burning heat in the face. [Stf.
95. Distorted features, bluish, earthy complexion, with open mouth. CAMERARIUS. 1. с.
Bluish(In the original, livid ) complexion (after 2 h. COSTA, 1. c.
Cold pale face(Before death ) [HAMBERGER,( From root, in a boy of three. Diss, de Opio, (In the original, his distorted face becomes blue with a lurid and livid.
Pallor. 18.
Paleness of face. SMITH, 1. c.
Frequent change of complexion. STEDMAN, 1. c.
100. Heat and redness in the face.
Red, swollen face. [blom, in вergius, 1. c.
Brownish lids, swollen face. BERNlGAU, 1. c.
Twitching in the cheeks.
Small pox-like pustules, chiefly on the right side of the chin. [Fr. H_n ].
105. Painful heat-papules on the lip.
Thick eruption of pustules full of yellow pus breaks out on the cheeks and skin, whereupon the nose becomes ulcerated, [GREDING, 1. c., p. 82.
Sharp stitches into the ears; aching in the temples; confusion of the head (after 1 h. [Ws.
Towards evening a quick (indescribable) pain in the right ear. [Stf.
Tearing in the whole of the ear cartilage, increased by pressing on it (after 15 h. Ws.
110. Noises in the ears, like bells) (after 1 h.
When hawking he feels as if something fell before the ears. [Fz.
Sudden twitching inside the root of the nose downwards (after 1 h. [Ws.
Heat, also perceptible externally, in the lower part of the nose, internally and externally (after 1 h. Ws.
Dryness in the nose.
115. Pressive squeezing on the root of the nose and the zygomatic processes (aft. 1 h ). [Ws.
Epistaxis. GARDANE, 1. c.
Distorted neck. In recurring attacks ) (PLANCHON, 1. c.
Closure of the jaws with perfect consciousness (after 24 h. [Fg.
120. On the left side of the neck a swelling that goes on to suppuration. The abscess was in the parotid gland. It never closed, and the patient died with pulmonary disease. GREDING, 1. с.
Stiffness of the muscles of the nape; on bending the head forwards they feel stretched, as if too short, for some hours (after 1 h. [Ws.
Clean, parched tongue. COSTA, 1. c.
Burning and dryness of the tongue and lips, which look like burnt leather. WEPFER, 1. c.
On the middle of the tongue, a feeling of numbness as if it had been burnt with hot food, very much increased when speaking and drawing in the breath. Stf.
125. Dumbness. [TARG. TOZZETTI,( From root, in an adult. Relaz. di alcuni viaggi, vol.. vi, p.279. JASKIUWITZ,-SAUVAGES, 1. c.
He does not answer. GREDING, 1. c., p. 77.
Impeded speech. BERNIGAU, 1. c.
Unconscious; she lost the power of speech. HUNERWOLF, 1. c.
Toothache; the gums on the left side seem to be swollen, and the teeth of the upper jaw are affected with dull pain. [Stf].
130. вehind the rows of teeth, between the cheek and gums, pain. of the soft parts, as if they were gathering (in the evening during the febrile heat). [Fz.
A painful drawing in a single tooth, now here, now there, just as if a tooth were about to become decayed. [Stf.
Impediment to chewing. HAMBERGER, 1. c.
Toothache. GREDING, 1. c., pp. 80, 106.
Toothache during the perspiration,(Nine days after leaving off the medicine. GREDING, 1. c, p. 109.
135. Toothache, especially when chewing, as if the teeth would fall out.
Toothache : tearing in the gums, especially on the access of cold air.
Tearing toothache, in the morning, with a rush of blood to the head, as if an attack of - were coming on.
Aching jerking pain in a hollow tooth which extends over the temple; on biting on the tooth it seems to be too long and loose (not increased by drawing in air) (after 4 h. [Ws.
Shaking of the teeth with vibration and tingling in them.
140. Impediments (In the original, impossibility. ) to deglutition. HAMBERGER, 1. c.
He feels something wrong in the throat; he points with his finger into it, just as if something were sticking in it. HAMBERGER, 1. c.
Frequent expectoration of mucus from the throat by hawking (after 1/4 h. [Lr.
Burning heat in the larynx. VICAT. 1. с.
Dryness causing fine shooting in the larynx (after 1 h. [Fz.
145. Parched throat (fauces horridae). WEPFER, 1. c.
Great dryness in the throat and thirst. [Fz.
Rough and scrapy in the throat and on the tongue, with very moist mouth. [Stf.
A scraping, tiresome feeling in the throat and palate, as from speaking too much. [Stf.
Dryness in the throat. BERNIGAU, 1. c.
150. Thirst and dryness in the throat. CAGNION, 1. c.
Thirst from the shooting dryness in the throat (after 2.5h. [Fz.
A smarting sensation in the back of the throat.
The throat is so contracted( Uneasy, in the original.). and dry, that a mouthful of tea almost chokes him. When we take together symptoms 140 to 146, 149 to 151 and 153, 155, to 162, 164, 165, 166, with the mental and emotional symptoms 513, 515, 520, 547 to 651, 569, 565 to 572, 575, 580, the convulsions 441, 475 480, and some others 101, 102. 427 to 429, we have a tolerably accurate picture of the ordinary hydrophobia caused by the bite of a mad dog, which therefore will and must be not unfrequently curable by henbane. The true histories of this frightful disease show us several varieties of this malady in human beings, for each of which there will be a perfectly suitable remedy, among which henbane is one of the best. For the other cases either stramonium or belladonna is the suitable homoeopathic remedy, according to the character of the totality of the symptoms. HAMILTON, 1. c.
In the throat a pressure as from a turn-out when swallowing and at other times. [Stf.
155. The throat feels constricted, which impeded deglutition. BERNIGAU,1. c.
Constriction of the throat. SAUVAGES,-HUNERWOLF. 1. c.
Inability to swallow. TOZZETTI, 1. c.
Inability to swallow, the fluids introduced into the mouth were twice spat out. HAMILTON, 1. c.
Hydrophobia. BARRERE,( Not accessible. Observat d’Anatomie, 1753.
160. Intolerable thirst. [BLOM, 1. c.
Unquenchable thirst. Original has imply great thirst. SLOANE, 1. c.
Horror of drinks. COSTA, 1. с.
After great thirst, profuse sweat. GREDING, 1. c., p. 78.
After drinking tea he soon fell into convulsions, he did not know those about him. HAMILTON, 1. c.
165. He wishes to drink, but cannot swallow. HAMBERGER, 1. c.
Frequent spitting of saliva. GREDING, 1. c., p. 87.
Great collection of saliva. [Stf.
Ptyalism. In original, slavering: ) [STEDMAN, 1. с.
170. The saliva tastes salt.
Collection of saliva of a salt taste. [Stf.
Bloody saliva in the mouth, with bloody, sweetish taste (after some h. [Stf.
Loss of appetite with proper taste.
Loss of appetite. PLANCHON, 1. c.
175. Appetite and strength diminish from day to day. GREDING, 1. c., p. 102.
Loss of smell and taste.
Belladonna has already effected some perfect cures, and would have done this more frequently, had not either other interposing remedies been administered at the same time, or, and especially, had it not been given in such enormous doses that the patients were sometimes killed by the remedy. Large doses of drugs, homoeopathically suitable, are much more certainly injurious than such as are given without any similar (homoeopathic) relation to the disease, or such as have an opposite (antipathic) relation to the case, that is to say, are quite unsuitable (allopathic). In the homeopathic employment of medicines, where the totality of the morbid symptoms has a great, similarity to the action of a drug, it is really criminal not to give quite small doses, indeed as small as possible. In such cases doses of the size prescribe in the routine practice become real poisons and murderous agents. сonvinced by a thousand-fold experience, I assert this of the homoeopathic employment of medicines universally and invariably, particularly when the disease is acute; and this is especially true of the employment of belladonna, stramonium, and hyoscyamus in hydrophobia. So let it not be said, One of these three medicines was given in the strongest doses, and not too seldom, but every two or three hours, and yet the patient died that was precisely the reason. I reply with firm conviction, that was precisely the reason Why the patient died, and you killed him. Had you let him take the smallest portion of a drop of the quintillitio-fold or decillion-fold attenuation of the nice or one of these plants for a dose (in rare cases repeating the dose after three or four days) then the patient Would have been easily and certainly saved.
Vertigo. J. A. HUNERWOLF, (From cooked roots, eaten by several persons.) in Miscel. Nat. сur. Dec. iii, Ann.2, Obs. 92.-M. GRUNEWALD (Three observations :-1. Effects of exhalations from seeds. 2. Do. of a clyster containing 13., with turpentine and carminatives. 3. Do. of fomentations of it in the girls who had applied them. (1), in Miscel. Nat. сur., Dec. iii, Ann. 9, 10, app., p. 179 (A vertigo lasting 14 days from the exhalation of the seeds. -C. M. вLOM,( From root eaten by an adult man.) in Kon. Vetensk. Acad. Handl. 1774, p. 52. NAVIER,( From herb eaten as salad by an adult.) in Recueil period d’Obs. de Medorrhinum, tom. IV -PLANCHON,( From repeated doses given to an adult. ) in Journal de Medecine, tom. xix, p. 42.-H. SLOANE,( From seeds eaten by children.) in Philos. Transact., № 429. GREDING,( From gr. iij-xij daily given to patients. Those referred to pp. 73-78 were melancholico-maniacs, those of pp. 79-87 maniacs; of 89-99 epileptics, 103-107 epilepto-maniacs.) in Ludwigii Advers. Medorrhinum, pr., i, pp. 86, 91. WEPPER, (From cooked roots, eaten by several persons. Hist. сicutae squat., вas., 1716, p. 230. VICAT,( General statement. Mat. Medorrhinum, i, p. 185. BERNIGAU,( From a cluster of H. in an adult man.) in Hufel. Journ., v, p. 905.
Violent vertigo. STEDMAN, ( From leaves boiled in broth, in several persons.) in Philos. Transact., Vol. xl, vii, p. 194.
Vertigo with obscuration of vision. From for grains of the resinous extract in a healthy man 24 years old. SMITH, (As in Hahnemann’s note.) in med.comment., vol, ii, Dec. ii.
Vertigo, with obscuration of vision. From four grains of the resinous extract in a healthy man 24 years old)[SMITH,( As in Hahnemann’s note.) in MedComment., vol., ii, Dec. ii.
5. Vertigo, as from intoxication (immediately). [Stf.
Swaying about from one side to the other. [Stf.
Staggering. LA SERRE (From clyster of H. given for dysentery.), in Misc. Nat. сur., Dec. ii, Ann. 5, Obs. 78-GRUNEWALD, 1. с.
They staggered as if intoxicated. Several children who had eaten the roots for carrots. CAGNION,( From root in children.) in Desault’s Journal de сhirurgie, tom. i, p. 370.
Intoxication. SLOANE, 1. c.-J. F. GMELIN,( General statement. Raise durch Sibirien, Gott,, 1752, vol.. iii, pp. 84, 85. From Hyoscyamus physaloides.
10. Unconsciousness : he is insensible to pinching and nipping, (From Ryoseyamus albus. [ARCH. HAMILTON,( ii, 243, of original English edition, from which corrections have been made: From gr. xxv of seeds of H. albus in a young man.) in Neue Edinb. Versuch, ii, p. 275.
Stupefaction. In original, stupor, as if drunk. STEDMAN. 1. c.
Staring at objects devoid of thought, tendency to self-forgetfulness (aft1/2 h. [Fz.
He involuntarily remembers persons and events, which he had no wish to think about (aft1/2 h. [Fz.
Remembrance of long forgotten things.( сurative action (.
15. Weak memory.
Complete loss of memory.
Loss of memory. [J. JASKIEWITZ,( From seeds in an adult man. )Diss. Pharmaca Regni Vogel., Vindob.,1775, p. 53.
Things he did not wish to remember come back into his thoughts, and he can with difficulty recall things he wishes to remember (after 3 h. [Fz.
Want of recollection: he remembers what he had thought and done the last few days only as if in a dream (after 24 h. [Ws.
20. Forgetfulness of all he had previously heard. WENDT,( From- a clyster of H. in an adult man. This symptom not found.) in Hufel..journal, v, p. 390.
Forgetfulness : he knows not whether he really said what he wished to say (after 1/4 h. [Fz.
He complains of heaviness of the head and violent headache. This occurred 24 hours after the poisoning, with S. 467. HAMILTON, 1. с.
Continued violent headache. PLANCHON, 1. с.
Heavy, dazed head. COSTA,( From seeds in an adult man. ) in journ. de Medec., tom. xxx, Febr.
25. Heaviness in the head, [GREDING, 1. c.. p. 91. VICAT, 1. c. MATTHIOLUS,( General statements.) сomment an Dioscorea, lib. vi, p. 1064.
Heaviness of the head with swollen eyelids. GREDIND, 1. c., p. 89.
Dulness of the head, costiveness and pains in the loins. GREDING, 1. c., p. 95.
The thoughts sometimes refuse to come (the 2nd d. [Stf.
His head is very much affected, like an absence of thoughts; he is troubled about everything, and hence goes to sleep for some hours in the afternoon (without dreams), and though he often half awakes, he continues to steep on (after 9 h. Ws.
30. сonfusion and dazed state of the head, such as occurs from excessive bodily weakness, especially in the morning.
Headache of several bouts’ duration. From the odour and exhalations of the plant. GARDANE,( From exhalations of H., in several persons. Gazette de Santa,1773, 1774, p. 294.
Headache. STEDMAN, 1. с: GREDING, 1. с., pp. 73. 76. 86. SAUVAGES,(From root, in several persons.) a Nosol., ii, p. 242.
(Fine shooting pain in the head.
(Shooting tearing headache) (after 2 h.
35. Obtuse headache in the base of the brain.
In the room he gets headache, after having felt.nothing of it in the open air (after 2 h. [Fz.
Obtuse pain in the forehead, especially in the membranes of the brain.
Aching stupefying pain in the brain, especially in the forehead, with needle-pricks, especially on the left side, recurring alternately (after 4 h. [Lr.
Aching stupefying pain, especially in the whole forehead, that at length changed into an intermittent tearing (after 101 h. [Lr.
40. Shooting in the head over the tight eye, on coughing.
By fits, sometimes constrictive, dazing headache on the top of the forehead and general discomfort, sometimes freedom from all sufferings and comfort with exalted imagination, the latter continuing much longer (after 1 h. [Fz.
(Tearing headache in the occiput.
Headache as if the brain shook and, splashed when walking (after 5 h.
An undulation in the brain as from violent beating of the arteries, with aching in the forehead; worst after stooping (after 1/2 h. [Ws.
45. Headache with unnatural heat. GREDING, 1. c., p. 82.
Heat and formication in the head (after 24 h.
Formication on the crown of the head (after 1 h.
Gnawing aching in the integuments of the head, increased by moving them and touching them (after 15 h. [Ws.
A dull stiff pain in the nape. [Stf.
50. Headache alternating with pain in the nape. GREDING, 1.c., p. 77.
On turning the head an aching in the crown and drawing in the nape (after 3 h. [Fz.
Dazed state, dulness of senses. GARDANE.1 c.
Dimness of vision. HUNERWOLF, 1. c.
Dimness of vision; objects appear indistinct; he is more shortsighted and must hold the book nearer when reading (after 1 h. [Ws.
55. сontracted pupils.
Very dilated pupils (aft1/2 h. [Fz.
Sensation before the right eye as if a veil were drawn before it (after 3 h.
Dim vision, as if a veil were before the eyes. BERNIGAU, 1. c.
Glittering before the eyes; dark points played rapidly, hither and thither (after 1 h. Ws.
60. Diminution of the vision. [BLOM, 1. c.
When consciousness returned the eyes were dim and without luster, and the brain was dazed. On the following morning. HAMILTON, 1. c.
Darkening of the vision. GRUNEWALD,_ JASKIEWITZ,_SLOANE,_WEPPER. 1. с.
Weakness of vision. STOERCK,( Observations on patients. )Lib. de Stramonium, Hyose Acon., Vien,, 1762, pp. 36, 39, 47, 55.
Transient amaurosis. SAUVAGES, 1, c.
65. вlind and senseless he wanders about the town. HUNERWOLF, 1, c.
Myopia : he could scarcely recognize objects at three paces distance. BERNIGAU, 1. с.
Longsightedness combined with great clearness of vision, with dilated pupils; the longsightedness lasted several days and then declined gradually(In a very myopic person, as curative reaction of the body.)(after 3 h. [Lr.
Myopia lasting four days. COSTA, 1, c.
Chronic presbyopia. In the original, sight for a long time not so acute: ) [WEPFER, 1. c.
70. Deception of sight : nine persons after partaking of the root of henbane saw all objects of a scarlet colour. [DAV. HEILBRONN,( Not accessible ), in Neues Journ. d. Ausland. Medorrhinum сhir. Lit. v. Hufel, v. Harles, i, 1804, p. 199.
Deception of sight : objects appear fiery red. WENDT, 1, с.
Deception of sight : everything appears made of gold. [S. SCHULZE,( From cooked roots, in several persona.) in Misc. Nat. сur. Dec. i, Ann. 4, 5, obs. 124.
Deception of sight: small things appear very large to him. GRUNEWALD. He takes a lark for a goose. GMELIN,( He takes a straw for a beam, and a drop of water for a pond )_WENDT,( The letters appear to him unusually large. 1. с].
False sight : the flame of one candle appears smaller, of the other large, although both flames ate the same size (after 10 h.
75. False sight : when reading the letters appear to move, and look like ants running about. WEPFER, 1. c.
False sight: when sewing he stuck the needle into a wrong place. WEPFER, 1. с.
Stating, distorted eyes. El сAMERARIUS,( From root, in children.) in Acta Nat. сur., vol.. i, Obs. 12.
Staring look. LA SERRE, 1. c.
With a fixed look he stares at those about him. HUNERWOLF, 1. c.
80. Intoxicated appearance, for a long time. CAGNION, 1, с.
Twitching in the eye (after 8 h.
Distorted eyes. HUNERWOLF. 1. c.
Open eyes turned towards different sides. HAMILTON, 1. c.
Convulsively moved, projecting eyes. PLANGHON, 1. c.
85. Sparkling eyes. Stedman says fiery-looking, вlom glittering: ) [STEDMAN, 1, c._BLOM. Same case as вlom’s in S. 2 ) in вergius Mat. Med p. 128.
Red, sparkling eyes. COSTA, 1. c.
Inflammation of the eyes. In the original, the eyes appeared inflamed. NAVIER, 1, c,].
Itching tearing in both canthi, worst in the outer canthus, going off by rubbing (after 8 h. [Ws.
Gnawing aching in the superior orbital border, which goes off on touching the spot (aft1/4 h. [Fz.
90. Aching in the eyes, as if sand had got into them (after 12 h. [Lr.
The eyelids are as if swollen, the whites of the eyes here and there reddish; the eyes look as if he had been crying. [Stf.
Inability to open the eyelids. WEPFER, 1. c.
Heat in the face, particularly in the lobes of the ears, with somewhat increased redness of the face and very dilated pupils. [Stf.
In the warm room burning heat in the face. [Stf.
95. Distorted features, bluish, earthy complexion, with open mouth. CAMERARIUS. 1. с.
Bluish(In the original, livid ) complexion (after 2 h. COSTA, 1. c.
Cold pale face(Before death ) [HAMBERGER,( From root, in a boy of three. Diss, de Opio, (In the original, his distorted face becomes blue with a lurid and livid.
Pallor. 18.
Paleness of face. SMITH, 1. c.
Frequent change of complexion. STEDMAN, 1. c.
100. Heat and redness in the face.
Red, swollen face. [blom, in вergius, 1. c.
Brownish lids, swollen face. BERNlGAU, 1. c.
Twitching in the cheeks.
Small pox-like pustules, chiefly on the right side of the chin. [Fr. H_n ].
105. Painful heat-papules on the lip.
Thick eruption of pustules full of yellow pus breaks out on the cheeks and skin, whereupon the nose becomes ulcerated, [GREDING, 1. c., p. 82.
Sharp stitches into the ears; aching in the temples; confusion of the head (after 1 h. [Ws.
Towards evening a quick (indescribable) pain in the right ear. [Stf.
Tearing in the whole of the ear cartilage, increased by pressing on it (after 15 h. Ws.
110. Noises in the ears, like bells) (after 1 h.
When hawking he feels as if something fell before the ears. [Fz.
Sudden twitching inside the root of the nose downwards (after 1 h. [Ws.
Heat, also perceptible externally, in the lower part of the nose, internally and externally (after 1 h. Ws.
Dryness in the nose.
115. Pressive squeezing on the root of the nose and the zygomatic processes (aft. 1 h ). [Ws.
Epistaxis. GARDANE, 1. c.
Distorted neck. In recurring attacks ) (PLANCHON, 1. c.
Closure of the jaws with perfect consciousness (after 24 h. [Fg.
120. On the left side of the neck a swelling that goes on to suppuration. The abscess was in the parotid gland. It never closed, and the patient died with pulmonary disease. GREDING, 1. с.
Stiffness of the muscles of the nape; on bending the head forwards they feel stretched, as if too short, for some hours (after 1 h. [Ws.
Clean, parched tongue. COSTA, 1. c.
Burning and dryness of the tongue and lips, which look like burnt leather. WEPFER, 1. c.
On the middle of the tongue, a feeling of numbness as if it had been burnt with hot food, very much increased when speaking and drawing in the breath. Stf.
125. Dumbness. [TARG. TOZZETTI,( From root, in an adult. Relaz. di alcuni viaggi, vol.. vi, p.279. JASKIUWITZ,-SAUVAGES, 1. c.
He does not answer. GREDING, 1. c., p. 77.
Impeded speech. BERNIGAU, 1. c.
Unconscious; she lost the power of speech. HUNERWOLF, 1. c.
Toothache; the gums on the left side seem to be swollen, and the teeth of the upper jaw are affected with dull pain. [Stf].
130. вehind the rows of teeth, between the cheek and gums, pain. of the soft parts, as if they were gathering (in the evening during the febrile heat). [Fz.
A painful drawing in a single tooth, now here, now there, just as if a tooth were about to become decayed. [Stf.
Impediment to chewing. HAMBERGER, 1. c.
Toothache. GREDING, 1. c., pp. 80, 106.
Toothache during the perspiration,(Nine days after leaving off the medicine. GREDING, 1. c, p. 109.
135. Toothache, especially when chewing, as if the teeth would fall out.
Toothache : tearing in the gums, especially on the access of cold air.
Tearing toothache, in the morning, with a rush of blood to the head, as if an attack of - were coming on.
Aching jerking pain in a hollow tooth which extends over the temple; on biting on the tooth it seems to be too long and loose (not increased by drawing in air) (after 4 h. [Ws.
Shaking of the teeth with vibration and tingling in them.
140. Impediments (In the original, impossibility. ) to deglutition. HAMBERGER, 1. c.
He feels something wrong in the throat; he points with his finger into it, just as if something were sticking in it. HAMBERGER, 1. c.
Frequent expectoration of mucus from the throat by hawking (after 1/4 h. [Lr.
Burning heat in the larynx. VICAT. 1. с.
Dryness causing fine shooting in the larynx (after 1 h. [Fz.
145. Parched throat (fauces horridae). WEPFER, 1. c.
Great dryness in the throat and thirst. [Fz.
Rough and scrapy in the throat and on the tongue, with very moist mouth. [Stf.
A scraping, tiresome feeling in the throat and palate, as from speaking too much. [Stf.
Dryness in the throat. BERNIGAU, 1. c.
150. Thirst and dryness in the throat. CAGNION, 1. c.
Thirst from the shooting dryness in the throat (after 2.5h. [Fz.
A smarting sensation in the back of the throat.
The throat is so contracted( Uneasy, in the original.). and dry, that a mouthful of tea almost chokes him. When we take together symptoms 140 to 146, 149 to 151 and 153, 155, to 162, 164, 165, 166, with the mental and emotional symptoms 513, 515, 520, 547 to 651, 569, 565 to 572, 575, 580, the convulsions 441, 475 480, and some others 101, 102. 427 to 429, we have a tolerably accurate picture of the ordinary hydrophobia caused by the bite of a mad dog, which therefore will and must be not unfrequently curable by henbane. The true histories of this frightful disease show us several varieties of this malady in human beings, for each of which there will be a perfectly suitable remedy, among which henbane is one of the best. For the other cases either stramonium or belladonna is the suitable homoeopathic remedy, according to the character of the totality of the symptoms. HAMILTON, 1. c.
In the throat a pressure as from a turn-out when swallowing and at other times. [Stf.
155. The throat feels constricted, which impeded deglutition. BERNIGAU,1. c.
Constriction of the throat. SAUVAGES,-HUNERWOLF. 1. c.
Inability to swallow. TOZZETTI, 1. c.
Inability to swallow, the fluids introduced into the mouth were twice spat out. HAMILTON, 1. c.
Hydrophobia. BARRERE,( Not accessible. Observat d’Anatomie, 1753.
160. Intolerable thirst. [BLOM, 1. c.
Unquenchable thirst. Original has imply great thirst. SLOANE, 1. c.
Horror of drinks. COSTA, 1. с.
After great thirst, profuse sweat. GREDING, 1. c., p. 78.
After drinking tea he soon fell into convulsions, he did not know those about him. HAMILTON, 1. c.
165. He wishes to drink, but cannot swallow. HAMBERGER, 1. c.
Frequent spitting of saliva. GREDING, 1. c., p. 87.
Great collection of saliva. [Stf.
Ptyalism. In original, slavering: ) [STEDMAN, 1. с.
170. The saliva tastes salt.
Collection of saliva of a salt taste. [Stf.
Bloody saliva in the mouth, with bloody, sweetish taste (after some h. [Stf.
Loss of appetite with proper taste.
Loss of appetite. PLANCHON, 1. c.
175. Appetite and strength diminish from day to day. GREDING, 1. c., p. 102.
Loss of smell and taste.
Belladonna has already effected some perfect cures, and would have done this more frequently, had not either other interposing remedies been administered at the same time, or, and especially, had it not been given in such enormous doses that the patients were sometimes killed by the remedy. Large doses of drugs, homoeopathically suitable, are much more certainly injurious than such as are given without any similar (homoeopathic) relation to the disease, or such as have an opposite (antipathic) relation to the case, that is to say, are quite unsuitable (allopathic). In the homeopathic employment of medicines, where the totality of the morbid symptoms has a great, similarity to the action of a drug, it is really criminal not to give quite small doses, indeed as small as possible. In such cases doses of the size prescribe in the routine practice become real poisons and murderous agents. сonvinced by a thousand-fold experience, I assert this of the homoeopathic employment of medicines universally and invariably, particularly when the disease is acute; and this is especially true of the employment of belladonna, stramonium, and hyoscyamus in hydrophobia. So let it not be said, One of these three medicines was given in the strongest doses, and not too seldom, but every two or three hours, and yet the patient died that was precisely the reason. I reply with firm conviction, that was precisely the reason Why the patient died, and you killed him. Had you let him take the smallest portion of a drop of the quintillitio-fold or decillion-fold attenuation of the nice or one of these plants for a dose (in rare cases repeating the dose after three or four days) then the patient Would have been easily and certainly saved.
Included in the composition
- 1.7€ Sonit (Аспектус фарма ООО )
- 2.9€ Primula comp (Лекарственные средства ВАЛА-Р )
- 2.5€ Лингватон (Фитасинтекс)
- 2.5€ Энурезан (Фитасинтекс)
- 1.9€ КомплексА–L-аккорд (Вербена)
- — Valeriana-plus (Доктор Н)
- 4.5-5.8€ Bronchalis-heel (Сигнал НЦ ФГУП )
- — Flowers Energy №18
- — Flowers Energy №28
- — Flowers Energy №40
- 11€ Flowers Energy №41
- — Flowers Energy №70
- 13.8-16.1€ Cerebrum compositum n (Сигнал НЦ ФГУП )
- — Aurum comp (ТАЛИОН-А )
- — Primula/Onopordon composita