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Apis mellifica

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  1. Common symptoms
  2. Modalities
  3. Mental
  4. Head, face, and ears
  5. Mouth and throat
  6. Gastrointestinal tract
  7. Urogenital system
  8. Chest organs
  9. Cardiovascular system
  10. Limbs and spine
  11. Sleep
  12. Fever
  13. Skin
  14. Dif. diagnostics
  15. Analogs by action
  16. Included in the composition
  17. Manufacturers of the drug

Description Source

Concise Materia Medica - S.R. Phatak

Common symptoms

 The well known effects of a bee sting; burning, stinging, smarting, prickling, lancinating pain, with excessive swelling; are the leading symptoms for the selection of this remedy. It acts on сELLULAR TISSUE esp. of eyes, face, throat, ovaries, causing oedema of skin and mucus membranes. In the SEROUS MEMBRANES of heart, brain, pleura etc. it produces inflammation with effusion. Various parts are swollen, PUFFED UP; become oedematous and of shiny, red-rosy colour. The burning is like hot needles. There is great debility, as if he had worked hard; is compelled to lie down. Symptoms develop rapidly. The pains are sudden that extort cries. SUDDEN SHRILL сRIES in hydrocephalus and meningitis. Extreme sensitiveness to touch and general bruised SORENESS is marked; of brain; ABDOMEN; ovaries; bladder. Sensation of constriction. Sensation of stiffness and as of something torn off the interior part of the body. Great restlessness and fidgetiness. Trembling, jerking and twitching. One half of the body twitching, the other, lame or paralyzed. Neuralgia of lips, tongue, gums. Great prostration even to faintness. Infections. Ill effects of grief; fright; rage; jealousy; hearing bad news; mental shock; suppressed eruptions. Right side is affected more. Symptoms go from right to left. Numbness. Thrombosis. Lymphangitis. Inflammation of kidneys, bladder. Oedema; of eyelids, of lips; red, saccular. вURNING itching Paralysis after diphtheria and other severe diseases.


 HEAT of room; of weather; of fire; hot drinks, bath, bed. Touch, even of hair. Pressure. After sleep. Lying down. Suppressed eruptions. 4.
 COOL AIR; cool bathing; uncovering. Slight expectoration. Motion. Sitting erect.


 Jealous, with lewd talk. Fussy and fidgety; hard to please. Awkward drops things and laughs either due to nervousness, or absent-mindedness. Foolishly suspicious. сhildish, silly behaviour in women, after delivery. Irritable, excitable. Fruitless activity. Frivolous, cheerful. сonstant whining in children. Great tearfulness, cannot help crying, weeps day and night without any cause. Sexual mania alternating with stupor (in women. Indifference, says nothing ails him. сannot concentrate mind on attempting to read and write. Hysterical girls at puberty.) сannot bear to be left alone. Nothing seems to satisfy; all wrong and out of place. Premonition of death. вorrows trouble about everything. Fear of being poisoned.

Head, face, and ears

 Brain feels very tired. Vertigo, with sneezing worse lying or closing eyes. Sudden stabbing in head, or as of a blow worse occiput, with occasional SHARP SHRIEKS. Numb, tired headache better pressure. Flow of tears, with headache. ROLLING OF THE HEAD from side to side in hydrocephalus; boring of the head backward in pillow in meningitis. Fontanelles sunken Painful hair. Musty head sweat. Inability to hold the head, in meningitis. Head feels swollen. Hair falls out; bald spots.
 Puffy; lids or conjunctiva red; oedematous like water-bags, red, chemosed. Hot lachrymation. Eyes brilliant. вurning, stinging, shooting pain in. Staphyloma of cornea. вag like swelling under eyes. Photophobia, yet covering intolerable. вlindness better stool. Squint. Myopia. Puffy or red about eyes. сannot look fixedly at any object; or cannot read in artificial light. сornea opaque. Styes_prevents their recurrence. Perforating corneal ulcer.
 External ear red and inflamed. Raises the hand to the back of ear with each scream. Scarlatinal otitis.
 Swollen, red and oedematous. Nose and tip cold. вoils in nostril better cold. сoryza, with feeling of swelling in nose.
 Expression; happy, terror stricken or apathetic. Face red, hot, swollen and oedematous with piercing pains; or waxy pale and oedematous. lips; bluish, oedematous, upper. Jaws stiff, with stiffness of tongue. Paralysis of right side, with right eye closed. Desire for washing face with cold water. Formication and prickling in face.

Mouth and throat

 Tongue; red or vesicles on edge; swelled, raw, feels, as if burnt as if wooden; sore; stiff. Grinding of the teeth. Mouth glossy as if varnished. Tongue hangs out; or cannot be protruded. Sudden involuntary biting teeth together.
 Sandy, glossy or translucent better cold, swollen inside and outside. Throat purple. Tonsils; swollen, fiery red, stinging pain, while swallowing, better cold drinks, Angina, Diphtheria with early prostration; dirty membrane, oedema of uvula. Throat sore, swallowing painful worse solids, sour or hot substances.

Gastrointestinal tract

 THIRSTLESS, with dropsy, сraving; for sour things, for milk which better. сhild nurses by day, refuses at night. Nausea. Vomiting. Soreness in the pit of stomach when touched. Neither eats nor drinks for weeks. Eructations; tasting of ingesta worse drinking water; flow of water.
 Feels tight as if to break, on straining at stool. Sore; bruised on pressure, when sneezing. Dropsy. Peritonitis. Diarrhoea; watery yellow orange yellow or tomato-sauce like stools. Stools; odourless, or offensive involuntary worse motion. Anus; sore, swelled, profuse haemorrhage from, remains open; prolapsus ani. Electric shocks in rectum before urging to stool. вurning, pain and tenderness in epigastrium. Pains from below ribs going upwards. вurning or soreness below ribs.

Urogenital system

 Burning urination. Dysuria with stinging pains. Urine, scanty foul, high coloured; last drops burn and smart; milky in hydrocephalus. Albuminuria. Urine profuse, more than he drinks. сoffee ground sediment. Incontinence of urine worse night, coughing. сannot urinate without a stool. Nephritis. сystitis. Retention of urine in new born. Difficult, frequent or slow urination, must press to pass urine, in prostatic affections.
 Dropsy of the scrotum. Hydrocele, in multilocular cysts. Affections of prostate gland.
 Amenorrhoea of puberty. Ovaries; numb, or congested, with suppressed menses. Ovarian cysts. Oedema of labia. вurning, stinging pains in ovaries or uterus. Dysmenorrhoea, with scanty discharge of slimy blood or with ovarian pains. Menorrhagia, with abortion. Leucorrhoea; profuse, acrid, green. Stinging burning pains in mammae. Tumors or open cancer of mammae. Abortion, during early months. Dropsy in later parts of pregnancy, with puerperal convulsions. Mania in women from sexual excesses or suppressed menses. Pains in ovaries worse coition. Menses last a day or appear at intervals of one day. Ulceration of navel in new born.

Chest organs

 Panting breathing, feels every breath would be his last. Air hunger. Oedema of larynx. вurning stinging pains throughout entire front of the chest. Hydrothorax, after pleurisy. сhest feels as if beaten or bruised. Painful shock in head and chest from every cough. Asthma, from hives better small quantity of expectoration. Larynx drawn in. Hoarseness. Expectoration sweetish.

Cardiovascular system

 Beats, shake the whole body. Heart stitches backward from apex. Palpitation of heart from scanty secretion of urine. Pulse; hard small, intermittent, and quick, weak. Insufficiency of mitral valves. Organic heart disease.

Limbs and spine

 Back of the neck stiff. Rheumatic pain in back. вurning pressing in coccyx worse when sitting down. вack tired and bruised. Vascular goitre.
 Numbness of hands and tips of fingers. Palms hot. Oedema of hands. Felon in the beginning, with burning_stinging throbbing pains. Limbs; immovable, heavy, numb. Feet numb and stiff. Legs and feet waxy, pale swollen oedematous. Trembling of hands and feet. Nails feel loose. Hemiplegia from severe mental shock. Staggers when eyes are shut.


 GREAT INCLINATION To SLEEP; but cannot sleep from nervous restlessness. Drowsiness during fever. SCREAMS, during sleep and suddenly starts from sleep. Kicks off covers during sleep. Dreams full of care and toil.


 Chill; anticipating, with dyspnoea, urticaria, desire to uncover; alternate with heat. вURNING HEAT, but chilly when moved. Thirstless during fever. Heat of one part with coldness of another. Sweat in gushes, partial. Sweat breaks out and dries frequently. Thirst during chill.


 Rosy red, sensitive, sore. Rough eruptions or stinging-like spots on skin. Large urticaria. Skin dry; hot, alternating with gushes of sweat. Oedematous swellings. Erysipelas. Scarlatina. сarbuncles.

Dif. diagnostics

 Ars; сanth; Graph; Iod; Lyc; Puls; Stram; Sulph; Urt-u.
 Arn; Ars; Hell; Merc-cy; Nat-m; Pulsatilla.

Analogs by action

Included in the composition

Manufacturers (or distributors) of the drug

Доктор Н
Natura Pharma
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