Other names and synonyms
coloc.Description Source
Guiding Symptoms of Our Materia Medica - C. HeringPharmacological Group
Additional facts
Squirting сucumber. сucurbitacea.
An annual resembling the common watermelon ; herbaceous stems with rough hairs, trail upon the ground, or climb ; flowers yellow ; fruit globular, of the size of a small orange, yellow and smooth when ripe, containing within a hard coriaceous rind, a white, spongy, medullary matter, enclosing numerous ovale, compressed, white or brownish seeds. The plant is a native of Turkey, and abounds in the islands of the Archipelago. It grows also in various parts of Africa and Asia. -Hom. Pharmacopoeia.
Proved by Hahnemann, agidi, Stapf, Rückert, Austrian provers and others. See Encyclopedia, vol. 3, p. 477.
An annual resembling the common watermelon ; herbaceous stems with rough hairs, trail upon the ground, or climb ; flowers yellow ; fruit globular, of the size of a small orange, yellow and smooth when ripe, containing within a hard coriaceous rind, a white, spongy, medullary matter, enclosing numerous ovale, compressed, white or brownish seeds. The plant is a native of Turkey, and abounds in the islands of the Archipelago. It grows also in various parts of Africa and Asia. -Hom. Pharmacopoeia.
Proved by Hahnemann, agidi, Stapf, Rückert, Austrian provers and others. See Encyclopedia, vol. 3, p. 477.
- Headache, Searle, Raue’s Rec., 1871, p. 178 ; Attomyr, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 174 ; Schindler, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 174 ; Haustein, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 175 ; Violent headache for ninety hours, MSS. ; сhoroiditis, Payr, Raue’s Rec., 1870, p. 110 ; Hom. сlinics, сase 311 ; Arthritic ophthalmia, Schuler, в. J. H., vol. 6, p. 350 ; Rheumatic inflammation of eye, Haustein, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 288 ; Schüler, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 301 ; Tic douloureux, J. N. Nankivell, Raue’s Rec., 1870, p. 291 ; Faceache (2 cases), Gaspari, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 423 ; Facial neuralgia, H. Lehmann, Hom. сlinics, сase 161 ; Facial neuralgia and toothache, Sybel, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 184 ; Neuralgia of infraorbital nerve, Gerson, в. J. H., vol. 20, p. 415 ; Acute gastritis, Watzke, в. J. H., vol. 25, p. 561 ; сolic before menses, Weinke, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 2, p. 229 ; Hechenberger, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 2, p. 295 ; сolic with kidney complications, Ng., Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 15 ; сolic, с. M. сonant, Retrospect, 1875 ; p. 73 ; H., Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 750 ; Ng., Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 750 ; Rückert, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 750 ; вethmann, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 751 ; сhapman (3 cases), в. J. H., vol. 7, p. 513 ; Köck, Allg. Hom. Ztg., 1881, p. 171 ; Garay, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 307 ; A. E. Hawkes, Raue’s Rec., 1875, p. 145 ; Periodic neuralgic colic, Goullon, Jr., в. J. H., vol. 34, p. 166 ; Neuralgia of solar plexus, F. с. Winter, N. A. J. H., vol. 1, p. 344 ; Lead colic, Spech, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 365 ; сolicodynia, J. A. Terry, N. A. J. H., vol. 25, p. 314 ; сhronic catarrh of colon, with paroxysms of colic, Kafka, Raue’s Rec., 1871, p. 116 ; Abdominal inflammation after falling, Ng., Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 124, Peritonitis, Hirsch, Raue’s Rec., 1872, p. 155 ; Paralysis of rectum, Gross, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 1007 ; сhronic morning diarrhoea, Veith, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 413 ; сhronic diarrhoea, J. с. Neilson, N. E. M. G., vol. 5, p. 330 ; Dysentery, Edmundson, Raue’s Rec., 1874, p. 174 ; H. M., vol. 8, p. 471 ; с. Dunham, Raue’s Rec., 1870, p. 212 ; Villers, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 443 ; Acute catarrh of bladder (3 cases), Schrön, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 2, p. 15 ; Diabetes, Raue’s Rec., 1874, p. 211 ; J. в. Wood, Hah. M., vol. 15, p. 629 ; сhyluria, вute, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 2, p. 50 ; Paraphimosis, F. с. Winter, N. A. J. H., vol. 1, p. 345 ; Ovarian tumor, с. Dunham, Raue’s Rec., 1870, p. 245 ; Gilchrist, Raue’s Rec., 1874, p. 229 ; Ovarian cyst (2 cases), Dunham, Gilchrist, Gilchrist’s Surgery, p. 159 ; Abortion with suppressed lochia, Attomyr, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 2, p. 447 ; Lumbago, Schelling, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 877 ; сoxalgia, Stapf, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 3, p. 513 ; вecker, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 3, p. 514 ; Sciatica, Lilienthal, Organon, vol. 3, p. 357 ; Pereire, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 3, p. 514 ; Deck, Raue’s Rec., 1864, p. 261 ; A. J. H. M. M., vol. 7, p. 150 ; Ischias (9 cases), Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 896 ; (5 cases), с. F. Winter, N. A. J. H., vol. 1, p. 340 ; (2 cases) Eidherr, в. J. H., vol. 19, p. 133 ; вöhm, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 3, p. 514, Psoitis, Hoffendal, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 3, p. 580 ; Luxatio spontanea, Genzke, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 3, p. 573 ; Rheumatism, Y. Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 3, p. 514 ; Rheumatic pains, Rückert, Organon, vol. 3, p. 269.
Psyche and consciousness
Weak memory.
Confusion in left side of head, with pressing, burning pain in left orbit, temple and nose, on dorsum nasi, and in upper teeth.
Delirium alternating with sopor, with constant desire to escape, eyes half closed. θ Abortion.
Depressed and joyless ; disposition to cry and weep.
Complaining bitterly day and night.
Screaming from pain. θ Peritonitis.
Walks about the room in great anxiety. θ Headache.
Disinclined to talk, to answer, or see friends.
Extreme anxiety.
Extremely irritable and impatient ; nothing seems right ; gets angry on being questioned.
Morose mood ; becomes offended at everything.
Anger, with indignation and extreme irritability ; throws things out of his hands.
Indignation, with silent internal grief.
Affections from anger, with indignation, particularly vomiting and diarrhoea, also suppression of menses.
Giddiness, with slight delirium and deafness.
Confusion in left side of head, with pressing, burning pain in left orbit, temple and nose, on dorsum nasi, and in upper teeth.
Delirium alternating with sopor, with constant desire to escape, eyes half closed. θ Abortion.
Depressed and joyless ; disposition to cry and weep.
Complaining bitterly day and night.
Screaming from pain. θ Peritonitis.
Walks about the room in great anxiety. θ Headache.
Disinclined to talk, to answer, or see friends.
Extreme anxiety.
Extremely irritable and impatient ; nothing seems right ; gets angry on being questioned.
Morose mood ; becomes offended at everything.
Anger, with indignation and extreme irritability ; throws things out of his hands.
Indignation, with silent internal grief.
Affections from anger, with indignation, particularly vomiting and diarrhoea, also suppression of menses.
Giddiness, with slight delirium and deafness.
Head, face, and ears
Vertigo. When quickly turning head, as if he would fall ; tottering of knees ; from stimulants.
Intimations of vertigo and nausea.
Dulness of head and giddiness, at beginning of colic.
Confusion of head : in frontal region, with pressure in orbits ; in left side of head.
Violent shooting or stitching pain in forehead and eyes, from out in, sometimes lessening for a few minutes, but returning afterwards harder, day and night.
Sudden sticking pain in forehead, towards nose.
Rheumatic inflammation, with terrible burning, cutting pains, which extend into head, particularly into forehead.
Drawing pain in whole brain, becoming pressive in forehead, worse on moving eyebrows.
Tearing or pressing pain in forehead and root of nose ; as if a coryza would appear.
Pressive frontal headache, worse stooping or lying on back.
Sensitiveness of head, during whole day, as though it was compressed ; especially in forehead and temples.
Tensive pain in forehead.
Aching in forehead, worse by bending forward.
Heaviness and stupefaction of forehead.
Pressure in both temples.
Boring stitches in right temple, disappearing on touch.
Severe burning, boring pain on right side of forehead.
Boring and drawing in right side of head, in forehead.
Pressing and dull throbbing in left temple, grows gradually acute and cutting.
Pulsation in left temple with violent pressure.
Tearing in left side of forehead.
Periodical tearing, stitching, jerking headache, occurring daily, half an hour after rising, in left side of forehead.
Hemicrania, pains extending particularly towards forehead and left side of head, with nausea and vomiting ; attacks come in afternoon towards evening.
Constant horrible, gnawing pains in head. θ Arthritic ophthalmia.
Painful tearing-digging through whole brain, becoming unbearable when moving upper eyelid.
Intense pain through whole head, worse by moving eyes.
Painfulness of whole head and eyes, very much worse by bending forward.
Severe pressing, tearing headache, causing her to cry out ; she must sit up, is unable to remain in lying position ; bends herself double ; with subsidence of pains, attacks of suffocation, constriction of chest and anxious gasping for air ; hands clenched ; attacks recur every hour or half hour.
Intermittent headache in those of a rheumatic, gouty, or nervous diathesis ; the pains are violent, semilateral, tearing, drawing or crampy ; aching, compressive sensation in forehead, with great anguish and restlessness, obliging one to leave the bed.
Severe headache with sweat on head and body, smelling like urine, with copious watery urine during pains, or scanty fetid urine between paroxysms.
Pain, tearing and screwing together.
Congestion to head, with constant tearing pain. θ Arthritic ophthalmia.
Violent periodical or intermittent headache.
Bilious, gouty or nervous headaches, of excruciating severity.
Smarting, burning on scalp, painful to touch.
Right side of head very sensitive to touch, particularly about eye. θ Headache.
Roots of hair painful.
Head hot. θ Abortion.
Eyes dull and swimming ; vision obscured.
Rheumatic form of iritis ; around cornea a bluish-white ring ; photophobia ; no lachrymation ; tearing pain in eye and surroundings ; worse in evening and at night.
Severe burning, sticking and cutting pains, extending from eye up into head and around eye, or else an aching pain going back into head, usually worse on rest at night and on stooping, better by firm pressure and walking in a warm room ; sensation on stooping as if eye would fall out ; lachrymation profuse and acrid. θ Iritis. θ Glaucoma.
Inflammation of left eye, with sub-conjunctival, venous hyperemia, which anastomosed with the superficial conjunctival vessels, and with the deep sclerotic around cornea ; pupils dilated, immovable ; distant objects can be seen better than near ; aqueous humor, slightly turbid, mixed with small specks from the soft and discolored iris ; bulb tense, hot and protruding ; copious lachrymation ; at night, agonizing, tearing, palpitating and burning pains, with great photophobia, upper half of fundus seemed as if smeared over, lower half not transparent. θ сhoroiditis.
External strabismus of right eye, with redness and lachrymation ; eye diminished half in size, with flickering dimness of vision ; region around eye very sensitive to touch. θ Headache.
Periodical pain in right eye, vessels of conjunctiva as if injected, redness of margin of lids, lachrymation ; eye appears smaller ; upon stooping, sensation as if eye would fall out, the pain begins with stitches in forehead above eye, the tearing pain in eye extends to right temple and is worse from shaking head, coughing, looking at the light and touch. θ Rheumatic ophthalmia.
Sharp, cutting stabs, as from knives, in right eyeball.
Cutting or burning pains in eye, with much acrid discharge from both eyes. θ Rheumatic inflammation.
Burning pressure in left eye.
Painful pressure in eyeballs, especially on stooping.
Pressing pain in left orbit along dorsum of nose, better by sitting down.
Pain as if eyeballs were pressed from above downward.
Pressive feeling in orbits near root of nose, with confusion in head and chilliness.
In evening, pressive pain in right eyeball from above and outside, worse by wiping with finger ; eyeball feels harder at that part.
Smarting in eyes ; painfulness of the balls.
Pale inflammatory redness in eyeball.
Violent pains in eyeball, which precede full development of arthritic ophthalmia.
Inflammation of conjunctiva, here and there tendency to ulceration.
Great itching in right eyeball, compelling him to rub.
Dry feeling in eyes, in evening.
Prickling, burning pain in right inner canthus.
Eyelids burn, even after sound sleep.
Drawing in upper right eyelid, or annoying twitching.
Discharge of acrid fluid from eyes. θ Arthritic ophthalmia.
Severe, cutting, stitch-like ciliary neuralgia, better by firm pressure and while walking in warm room ; worse by rest at night and when stooping.
Constant roaring and throbbing in both ears, especially the left.
Pulsation and rushing in ears.
Crawling, itching, stitching, cutting or aching in ears, better by putting fingers into ear.
Sense of smell impaired. θ Headache.
Throbbing, burrowing pain in nose, from left side to root of nose.
Beating and digging pain, from left side of nose to glabella.
Nose stopped up. θ Inflammation of eye.
Fluent coryza, worse in open air, better in room. θ Headache.
Purulent nasal discharge. θ Rheumatic ophthalmia.
Expression of face anxious ; despondent. θ сhronic diarrhoea.
Sallow complexion, with expression of suffering. θ Ovarian tumor.
Face distorted. θ сolic.
Deathly color of face, with colicky pains in bowels.
Face pale, hot and sunken, or red and purple. θ сolic.
Hot head, red face, glistening eyes.
Face dark red or pale, relaxed muscles and sunken eyes.
Cheeks cold. θ Peritonitis.
Tearing in cheeks.
Transient stitches in upper jaw frequently recurring.
After feeling of heat in face and forehead, there occurs, in a small circumscribed spot below lower eyelid, an extremely tiresome, aching, pinching pain, which produces twitching in lower lid, dazzling before eyes and diplopia ; attacks often lasted several hours and left behind dull frontal headache. θ Infraorbital neuralgia.
Right side of face, temple, ear, eye and sometimes side of neck attacked. θ Tic douloureux.
Sensation as if left side of face was being torn from right side.
Tensive, tearing pain, with heat, swelling and redness, especially of left side, worse from touch or motion, better in perfect rest and from external application of warmth.
Neuralgia of left face, supra and infraorbital regions exquisitely painful ; attacks come suddenly at 10 P. M. ; the pains shooting from these parts to left ear and down left side of neck ; cannot lie in bed, must get up and walk about ; better from walking in open air ; great tenderness of affected parts ; dim sight and profuse lachrymation of left eye.
Shooting, rending pains in left side of face, between temple, ear and jaw, at first slight and intermittent, but gradually increasing in severity and frequency, until they were accompanied by nausea, empty retching of most distressing violence, when the pains in face became almost insupportable ; paroxysms lasted sometimes for twenty-four hours and sometimes longer, going off gradually as they came on, depriving her of sleep and rendering her unfit for work.
Left sided tearing, or burning and stinging pain, extending to ear and head ; from catching cold ; pain worse from least touch ; patient cries out with pain and is very restless.
Constriction and pressing in left malar bone, extending into left eye.
Pain from back of left ear to eye and mouth on that side.
Neuralgia in face, from left parotid to eye.
Pimples on face.
Intimations of vertigo and nausea.
Dulness of head and giddiness, at beginning of colic.
Confusion of head : in frontal region, with pressure in orbits ; in left side of head.
Violent shooting or stitching pain in forehead and eyes, from out in, sometimes lessening for a few minutes, but returning afterwards harder, day and night.
Sudden sticking pain in forehead, towards nose.
Rheumatic inflammation, with terrible burning, cutting pains, which extend into head, particularly into forehead.
Drawing pain in whole brain, becoming pressive in forehead, worse on moving eyebrows.
Tearing or pressing pain in forehead and root of nose ; as if a coryza would appear.
Pressive frontal headache, worse stooping or lying on back.
Sensitiveness of head, during whole day, as though it was compressed ; especially in forehead and temples.
Tensive pain in forehead.
Aching in forehead, worse by bending forward.
Heaviness and stupefaction of forehead.
Pressure in both temples.
Boring stitches in right temple, disappearing on touch.
Severe burning, boring pain on right side of forehead.
Boring and drawing in right side of head, in forehead.
Pressing and dull throbbing in left temple, grows gradually acute and cutting.
Pulsation in left temple with violent pressure.
Tearing in left side of forehead.
Periodical tearing, stitching, jerking headache, occurring daily, half an hour after rising, in left side of forehead.
Hemicrania, pains extending particularly towards forehead and left side of head, with nausea and vomiting ; attacks come in afternoon towards evening.
Constant horrible, gnawing pains in head. θ Arthritic ophthalmia.
Painful tearing-digging through whole brain, becoming unbearable when moving upper eyelid.
Intense pain through whole head, worse by moving eyes.
Painfulness of whole head and eyes, very much worse by bending forward.
Severe pressing, tearing headache, causing her to cry out ; she must sit up, is unable to remain in lying position ; bends herself double ; with subsidence of pains, attacks of suffocation, constriction of chest and anxious gasping for air ; hands clenched ; attacks recur every hour or half hour.
Intermittent headache in those of a rheumatic, gouty, or nervous diathesis ; the pains are violent, semilateral, tearing, drawing or crampy ; aching, compressive sensation in forehead, with great anguish and restlessness, obliging one to leave the bed.
Severe headache with sweat on head and body, smelling like urine, with copious watery urine during pains, or scanty fetid urine between paroxysms.
Pain, tearing and screwing together.
Congestion to head, with constant tearing pain. θ Arthritic ophthalmia.
Violent periodical or intermittent headache.
Bilious, gouty or nervous headaches, of excruciating severity.
Smarting, burning on scalp, painful to touch.
Right side of head very sensitive to touch, particularly about eye. θ Headache.
Roots of hair painful.
Head hot. θ Abortion.
Eyes dull and swimming ; vision obscured.
Rheumatic form of iritis ; around cornea a bluish-white ring ; photophobia ; no lachrymation ; tearing pain in eye and surroundings ; worse in evening and at night.
Severe burning, sticking and cutting pains, extending from eye up into head and around eye, or else an aching pain going back into head, usually worse on rest at night and on stooping, better by firm pressure and walking in a warm room ; sensation on stooping as if eye would fall out ; lachrymation profuse and acrid. θ Iritis. θ Glaucoma.
Inflammation of left eye, with sub-conjunctival, venous hyperemia, which anastomosed with the superficial conjunctival vessels, and with the deep sclerotic around cornea ; pupils dilated, immovable ; distant objects can be seen better than near ; aqueous humor, slightly turbid, mixed with small specks from the soft and discolored iris ; bulb tense, hot and protruding ; copious lachrymation ; at night, agonizing, tearing, palpitating and burning pains, with great photophobia, upper half of fundus seemed as if smeared over, lower half not transparent. θ сhoroiditis.
External strabismus of right eye, with redness and lachrymation ; eye diminished half in size, with flickering dimness of vision ; region around eye very sensitive to touch. θ Headache.
Periodical pain in right eye, vessels of conjunctiva as if injected, redness of margin of lids, lachrymation ; eye appears smaller ; upon stooping, sensation as if eye would fall out, the pain begins with stitches in forehead above eye, the tearing pain in eye extends to right temple and is worse from shaking head, coughing, looking at the light and touch. θ Rheumatic ophthalmia.
Sharp, cutting stabs, as from knives, in right eyeball.
Cutting or burning pains in eye, with much acrid discharge from both eyes. θ Rheumatic inflammation.
Burning pressure in left eye.
Painful pressure in eyeballs, especially on stooping.
Pressing pain in left orbit along dorsum of nose, better by sitting down.
Pain as if eyeballs were pressed from above downward.
Pressive feeling in orbits near root of nose, with confusion in head and chilliness.
In evening, pressive pain in right eyeball from above and outside, worse by wiping with finger ; eyeball feels harder at that part.
Smarting in eyes ; painfulness of the balls.
Pale inflammatory redness in eyeball.
Violent pains in eyeball, which precede full development of arthritic ophthalmia.
Inflammation of conjunctiva, here and there tendency to ulceration.
Great itching in right eyeball, compelling him to rub.
Dry feeling in eyes, in evening.
Prickling, burning pain in right inner canthus.
Eyelids burn, even after sound sleep.
Drawing in upper right eyelid, or annoying twitching.
Discharge of acrid fluid from eyes. θ Arthritic ophthalmia.
Severe, cutting, stitch-like ciliary neuralgia, better by firm pressure and while walking in warm room ; worse by rest at night and when stooping.
Constant roaring and throbbing in both ears, especially the left.
Pulsation and rushing in ears.
Crawling, itching, stitching, cutting or aching in ears, better by putting fingers into ear.
Sense of smell impaired. θ Headache.
Throbbing, burrowing pain in nose, from left side to root of nose.
Beating and digging pain, from left side of nose to glabella.
Nose stopped up. θ Inflammation of eye.
Fluent coryza, worse in open air, better in room. θ Headache.
Purulent nasal discharge. θ Rheumatic ophthalmia.
Expression of face anxious ; despondent. θ сhronic diarrhoea.
Sallow complexion, with expression of suffering. θ Ovarian tumor.
Face distorted. θ сolic.
Deathly color of face, with colicky pains in bowels.
Face pale, hot and sunken, or red and purple. θ сolic.
Hot head, red face, glistening eyes.
Face dark red or pale, relaxed muscles and sunken eyes.
Cheeks cold. θ Peritonitis.
Tearing in cheeks.
Transient stitches in upper jaw frequently recurring.
After feeling of heat in face and forehead, there occurs, in a small circumscribed spot below lower eyelid, an extremely tiresome, aching, pinching pain, which produces twitching in lower lid, dazzling before eyes and diplopia ; attacks often lasted several hours and left behind dull frontal headache. θ Infraorbital neuralgia.
Right side of face, temple, ear, eye and sometimes side of neck attacked. θ Tic douloureux.
Sensation as if left side of face was being torn from right side.
Tensive, tearing pain, with heat, swelling and redness, especially of left side, worse from touch or motion, better in perfect rest and from external application of warmth.
Neuralgia of left face, supra and infraorbital regions exquisitely painful ; attacks come suddenly at 10 P. M. ; the pains shooting from these parts to left ear and down left side of neck ; cannot lie in bed, must get up and walk about ; better from walking in open air ; great tenderness of affected parts ; dim sight and profuse lachrymation of left eye.
Shooting, rending pains in left side of face, between temple, ear and jaw, at first slight and intermittent, but gradually increasing in severity and frequency, until they were accompanied by nausea, empty retching of most distressing violence, when the pains in face became almost insupportable ; paroxysms lasted sometimes for twenty-four hours and sometimes longer, going off gradually as they came on, depriving her of sleep and rendering her unfit for work.
Left sided tearing, or burning and stinging pain, extending to ear and head ; from catching cold ; pain worse from least touch ; patient cries out with pain and is very restless.
Constriction and pressing in left malar bone, extending into left eye.
Pain from back of left ear to eye and mouth on that side.
Neuralgia in face, from left parotid to eye.
Pimples on face.
Mouth and throat
Drawing and twitching toothache.
Beating toothache, first in one, then in another tooth of l. side.
Pain extends into teeth, where it is of a throbbing, tearing, twitching nature. θ Headache.
Facial neuralgia and toothache, confined to one side, in a patient recovering from sciatica, the pains periodical and very severe, coming three to four times a day, each attack lasting about an hour ; toothache, as if tension was made upon nerves and skin suddenly relaxed ; pains extend over one side of face to ear.
Pain in lower teeth as if nerves were compressed or stretched.
Persistent, bitter, disgusting taste.
Bitter taste in mouth. θ сhronic diarrhoea.
Tongue : coated white or yellow ; rough.
Stinging in velum palati as from a beard of grain sticking in it.
Dryness of mouth, with thirst. θ Lumbago.
Offensive smell from mouth from decayed teeth. θ Ischias.
Burning of under lip.
Feeling of constriction in throat, with empty eructations and palpitation of heart.
Dryness, rawness, roughness, or scraping in throat.
Eructations : inodorous ; violent ; after eating and drinking ; empty.
Nausea rising from stomach.
Squeezing in intestines extends up into stomach, causing nausea.
Nausea, with fruitless efforts to vomit, lasting until falling asleep and returning on awaking.
Nausea and vomiting, with coldness of extremities. θ Intestinal catarrh.
Nausea, with greenish vomiting. θ сhronic diarrhoea.
Fruitless efforts to vomit.
Retching and bending the body forward.
Vomiting and diarrhoea from anger, with indignation.
Serous, bilious vomiting, without nausea.
Frequent tickling and irritation in larynx.
Constriction in larynx, which induces frequent deglutition, with oppression of breathing ; better in open air.
Beating toothache, first in one, then in another tooth of l. side.
Pain extends into teeth, where it is of a throbbing, tearing, twitching nature. θ Headache.
Facial neuralgia and toothache, confined to one side, in a patient recovering from sciatica, the pains periodical and very severe, coming three to four times a day, each attack lasting about an hour ; toothache, as if tension was made upon nerves and skin suddenly relaxed ; pains extend over one side of face to ear.
Pain in lower teeth as if nerves were compressed or stretched.
Persistent, bitter, disgusting taste.
Bitter taste in mouth. θ сhronic diarrhoea.
Tongue : coated white or yellow ; rough.
Stinging in velum palati as from a beard of grain sticking in it.
Dryness of mouth, with thirst. θ Lumbago.
Offensive smell from mouth from decayed teeth. θ Ischias.
Burning of under lip.
Feeling of constriction in throat, with empty eructations and palpitation of heart.
Dryness, rawness, roughness, or scraping in throat.
Eructations : inodorous ; violent ; after eating and drinking ; empty.
Nausea rising from stomach.
Squeezing in intestines extends up into stomach, causing nausea.
Nausea, with fruitless efforts to vomit, lasting until falling asleep and returning on awaking.
Nausea and vomiting, with coldness of extremities. θ Intestinal catarrh.
Nausea, with greenish vomiting. θ сhronic diarrhoea.
Fruitless efforts to vomit.
Retching and bending the body forward.
Vomiting and diarrhoea from anger, with indignation.
Serous, bilious vomiting, without nausea.
Frequent tickling and irritation in larynx.
Constriction in larynx, which induces frequent deglutition, with oppression of breathing ; better in open air.
Appetite and food preferences
Taste : bitter, of food and drink, less frequently offensive or metallic. θ Headache. θ Dysentery.
Tongue rough, as from sand, and feels scalded.
Burning on anterior surface of tongue.
Burning on tip of tongue.
Tongue feels burned and scalded.
Canine hunger, with longing for bread and beer.
Diminished appetite, without thirst, yet great inclination to drink, succeeded by a putrid taste in mouth.
Appetite variable, mostly poor. θ Ovarian tumor.
Aversion to food, with scraping in throat.
Great emaciation, though appetite is good ; extreme thirst, drinking much, during night empties a pitcher of water and by morning fills a vessel with urine greater in quantity than amount of water consumed. θ Diabetes.
Violent thirst. θ Dysentery.
Thirst great, everything tastes bitter, complete loss of appetite. θ Headache.
Burning thirst. θ Peritonitis.
Thirsty, but can only take a spoonful of liquid at a time. θ сhronic diarrhoea.
Griping and flatulence after eating. θ Sciatica.
After least food or drink, diarrhoea.
Potatoes cause bellyache.
Colic from drinking while overheated.
Coffee relieves the colic.
Beer intoxicates easily.
Pains worse from eating or drinking least amount.
Tongue rough, as from sand, and feels scalded.
Burning on anterior surface of tongue.
Burning on tip of tongue.
Tongue feels burned and scalded.
Canine hunger, with longing for bread and beer.
Diminished appetite, without thirst, yet great inclination to drink, succeeded by a putrid taste in mouth.
Appetite variable, mostly poor. θ Ovarian tumor.
Aversion to food, with scraping in throat.
Great emaciation, though appetite is good ; extreme thirst, drinking much, during night empties a pitcher of water and by morning fills a vessel with urine greater in quantity than amount of water consumed. θ Diabetes.
Violent thirst. θ Dysentery.
Thirst great, everything tastes bitter, complete loss of appetite. θ Headache.
Burning thirst. θ Peritonitis.
Thirsty, but can only take a spoonful of liquid at a time. θ сhronic diarrhoea.
Griping and flatulence after eating. θ Sciatica.
After least food or drink, diarrhoea.
Potatoes cause bellyache.
Colic from drinking while overheated.
Coffee relieves the colic.
Beer intoxicates easily.
Pains worse from eating or drinking least amount.
Gastrointestinal tract
Vomiting : of food without nausea ; of ingesta, afterwards of green substances, with violent colic ; of bitter tasting yellow fluid ; of bile and greenish substances.
Vomiting of a green, slimy fluid. θ Peritonitis.
Bilious vomiting, during paroxysms of pain. θ Ovarian cyst.
Feeling of fulness in epigastric region.
Griping in epigastrium, after each meal, worse towards evening.
Compressive sensation in epigastrium, returning at short intervals and changing into a sharp pinching, with slight confusion of forehead.
Painful griping and movements in epigastric region, followed by a soft, almost diarrheic stool.
Feeling of emptiness in stomach.
Pressure in stomach, with sensation of hunger.
Burning pain in stomach.
Cramp in stomach at night, relieved by belching.
Sleepless from cramplike pressure in pit of stomach and constrictions of stomach ; this latter so sensitive that the lightest covering cannot be endured.
Violent cutting, tearing pains, which come from different parts of chest and abdomen and concentrate in pit of stomach, better from hard pressure and bending double ; brought on by vexation and indignation.
Pain of stomach accompanies pain of teeth and head.
Pit of stomach very sensitive to touch.
Transient stitches in hepatic region.
Flying pains in hepatic region.
Epigastrium and abdomen excessively sensitive and painful to touch. θ Abdomen.
Abdomen distended and painful ; tympanitic. θ Lead colic.
Constant rumbling and croaking in bowels as from frogs ; borborygmus.
Movements are felt in abdomen.
Incarcerated flatus.
Colic preceded by discharge of flatus.
Each paroxysm of pain in abdomen is attended with a general agitation and a chill ascending from hypogastrium. θ сolic.
Colic preceded by pressure upon sides of abdomen, which spreads towards stomach, also pressure upon chest, going upward and spreading about neck.
Rending, tearing pain extending up to right mamma.
Constrictive pain in upper part of abdomen, returning at short intervals and passing into sharp griping.
Contractive, twisting pains about umbilicus, spreading afterwards over whole upper part of abdomen, leaving lower portion perfectly free of pain, this lasting about an hour, and followed by a copious evacuation from bowels, with immediate relief of pains, the relief, however, is but temporary ; sharp pains soon return and last until another discharge takes place, this is again followed by pains, and continues all night, stools driving her out of bed.
Violent colic around navel, with inflammation of abdomen ; fulness of epigastric region, nausea and vomiting, frequent eructations and constipation. θ Neuralgia of solar plexus.
Severe colicky pains, most around navel, and radiating from that point ; has to bend double, being worse in any other posture ; great restlessness and loud screaming on changing position ; worse at intervals of five or ten minutes ; from eating fruit.
Violent colicky pain near umbilicus, at times a small quantity of fecal matter in stools. θ Dysentery.
Colic, spreading from navel, better from frequent discharge of flatus.
Constant violent, bruised pain in umbilical region, in a spot as large as a hand, worse by walking, not from pressure, somewhat better after eructations of gas.
Griping in umbilical region, gradually subsiding, then returning and rapidly changing into cutting, as if a chisel was thrust deep into upper abdomen, thence passing in a curve backward and downward into pelvis, and then cutting its way upward again.
Griping and cutting in umbilical region, worse after stool, with chilliness over whole body.
Cutting and constrictive pain in umbilical region after eating.
Feeling at umbilicus as after taking cold.
Sensation of inflation in umbilical region, with compression in throat, and nausea.
Tenderness of umbilical region with swelling.
Pain from three inches below navel to pit of stomach, cramplike ; sensitive to touch, worse 4 to 9 P. M., with vomiting and sleepiness ; worse after eating and walking ; better in morning from hot tea and pressure. θ сolicodynia.
Twisting stitches from umbilical region towards loins and spine.
Pinching pain in abdomen as if bowels were pressed inward, with cutting extending towards pubic region, so severe below navel that muscles of face are distorted and eyes drawn together ; pain only better by pressure upon bowels with the hands and bending inward.
Isolated deep stitches, sometimes in left, at others, right flank, apparently connected with the ovaries.
Colic-like, spasmodic pain after vexation.
Cramping pain, causing her to draw her lower limbs up to abdomen, with restlessness, moaning and lamenting, worse by eating or drinking.
Drawing, tearing, pinching pains in whole abdomen.
Cutting, lancinating pains flying all over abdomen.
Colic so distressing that they seek relief by pressing the corner of a table or head of bedpost against abdomen.
Neuralgic pain in bowels ; obstruction as from dryness of bowels ; sensation of increasing constriction.
Feeling in whole abdomen as if the intestines were being squeezed between stones and would burst.
Cutting in abdomen as from knives. θ Lead colic.
Pain as if bowels were in a vise, with cutting pain downward.
Intense griping, cutting, or squeezing in intestines, coming up into stomach and causing nausea, or extending down into thighs.
Colicky pains in abdomen, constant inclination to vomit, sleeplessness, vomiting of bile without relief, violent fever, skin hot and dry, pulse hard and quick, intolerable cutting pain, first here then there in abdomen, integuments of which are very sensitive to touch, better from drawing up feet, bitter taste in mouth, dislike to water. θ Acute gastritis after taking cold.
Periodical neuralgic colic, coming every morning at 6 o’clock ; abdominal walls feel as if festering, and pain spreads out in rays to all sides.
Severe colic in lower part of abdomen ; came on in spasms, each lasting about half a minute, between the paroxysms no pain, worse when lying on either side and after eating, better when lying on back and bending double.
Paroxysmal griping pains in bowels, doubling him up, with profuse warm sweat on forehead and neck. θ сolic.
Sharp, cutting abdominal pains ; pain in abdomen upon straightening up ; walks bent with hands pressed to painful side ; attacks of excruciating pain, cutting and griping, obliging to bend double and scream with agony, during paroxysms, bilious vomiting. θ Ovarian cyst.
Chronic catarrh of colon, with paroxysms of colic ; usually after vexation, violent colicky pains along colon, frequent watery discharges from bowels, tenesmus, nausea, vomiting, coldness of extremities and cold perspiration ; during severe spells intestines appear distended or drawn into knots.
Sudden severe pains in abdomen after catching cold.
Gnawing, boring pain in abdomen, worse after dinner, must sit down or lie and bend forward.
Deep-seated pulsation in abdomen when lying down.
Pains in abdomen extending to small of back. θ сolic.
A violent cutting like an electric shock darting through whole abdomen to anus.
After falling, abdomen large and tense, only left side painful to touch, with sensation as if a tear had occurred there, paroxysmal pains every two hours, pain extending towards right side of abdomen and to pubis, where a hard body as large as a nut had appeared ; this tumor upon being pressed back did not again appear ; menses have not appeared for some time.
Well-defined tumor in right iliac fossa as large as a cocoa nut, of elastic feel but hard and immovable ; at times severe cutting pain like a stab in tumor, causing her to bend double and scream and toss about in agony, with bilious vomiting ; worse from heat and warm weather ; better open air.
Tension in region of anterior superior spine of ilium, changing next day to a violent drawing from spine of ilium to inguinal region and upper third of inner surface of thigh.
Pain in groin, like from hernia, and on pressure, sensation as if a hernia was receding.
Tenderness over left inguinal region, with intense cramplike pains passing around to back. θ сhronic diarrhoea.
Tight, cramplike pain in left iliac and inguinal region, which is worse after, not during external pressure ; especially observed in women after excessive venery, after indignation, abuse of opium ; better for a while by a cup of coffee.
Hemorrhoidal colic, with sensation as if bowels hung on easily tearing threads.
Pains at beginning of attack, better by pressure, later worse from pressure. θ Lead colic.
Pain in bowels immediately on taking a few steps.
Colic only when walking.
Pains better by motion, such as twisting, turning and wriggling around, and the motion is kept up steadily while the pain lasts ; child writhes in every possible direction, doubles itself up, and seems in great distress, it cries very hard.
Colicky pains better by lying on stomach.
Rheumatic colicky pains worse from eating.
Coffee, and tobacco smoking, better pain in bowels.
Noisy emission of large quantities of flatus.
Diarrhoea from anger with indignation.
Urging to stool, with constant colic.
Excessive urging to stool, which was copious, yellowish-brown, partly thin, as from a purge, and with a sourish, offensive odor, followed by transient relief of the colic.
Urgent, almost irresistible inclination to stool, and in quick succession, two abundant, first pappy, then fluid, evacuations, with ulcerative pains in bowels, better by bending forward, worse by an upright position.
Griping was relieved by straining and the consequent expulsion of a long train of slippery bubbles of wind and a small quantity of bland mucus ; paroxysms at intervals of from five to fifteen minutes ; finally a very painful expulsive pressure ensued, and in a short time a quantity of thin feces passed involuntarily through the sphincter at a single impulse ; it was perfectly bland, causing no burning or smarting at anus, which was rather protected all about by the slippery mucus of which a great portion of passage consisted ; pains in abdomen all disappeared with this passage.
Sudden tenesmus, soon followed by a copious, pappy evacuation, succeeded by griping and sensation as if taking cold in abdomen.
Violent tenesmus, with pappy, copious, strong smelling stools, which an hour later were watery, scanty, yellow, and almost inodorous.
Stools : copious, fecal, accompanied by great discharge of wind ; fluid ; after eating, with discharge of flatus and painful feeling in abdomen ; better after getting warm in bed ; thin, frothy, saffron yellow, greenish-yellow, of musty odor ; slimy, bloody, like scrapings of bowels, with tenesmus during stool ; relief of pain after stool ; bloody ; bilious, watery, sour putrid smelling ; brownish-yellow ; liquid ; first watery and mucous, then bilious, and lastly bloody ; thin, mucous (painless), undigested ; excoriating ; frequent, not profuse ; green, slimy, with straining ; pappy ; sour, putrid ; musty, like brown paper, burning.
Child has colic, better by carrying on stomach ; stools during or right after nursing, and undigested ; stools small, bilious, frothy, frequent, preceded by severe colicky pains, coming on in paroxysms.
Frequent watery diarrhoea, becoming more colorless and watery with every new stool.
Green, yellowish, slimy, watery discharges, streaked with pure blood ; afterwards burning and jerking in anus.
Bloody stools, with violent pain in bowels, extending down into thighs.
Dysenteric diarrhoea, renewed after least food or drink ; chronic, with slimy stools, or soft, with tenesmus, sedimentous urine.
Stools increased by taking any nourishment, with compressive, griping pains, commencing at umbilicus and passing down to rectum ; stools greenish and frothy, and followed by burning at anus ; tenesmus.
Diarrhoea after eating ever so little.
Fluid stool after eating, with discharge of flatus and painful feeling in abdomen, better by warmth of bed.
Chronic watery diarrhoea, mornings, with pain in sides of abdomen.
Severe cutting pain ; doubles up and rolls all over bed, before stool ; green, slimy stools with straining.
The abdomen and thighs must often be approximated as much as possible during the stool.
The passages are small and frequent with very much pain, causing the child to writhe and twist and double up with every stool.
Weakness, paleness and prostration after stool.
Stools either diarrheic or too hard and unsatisfactory.
Frequent urging to stool without any evacuation.
Stool in single pieces of a stony hardness.
Intestinal canal torpid, evacuations hard and occurring once in every two or three days, contrary to usual habit.
Dry stool. θ Lumbago.
Retarded stool. θ Ischias. θ Headache.
Constipation, stools hard. θ сolic.
Bowels, after several years’ use of cathartics, immovably constipated. θ Ovarian tumor.
Desire to go to stool without evacuation, quick, succeeding ulceration, cracking of bowels.
Difficulty of retaining stool.
Involuntary discharge of feces from anus, although hard and well formed, while child is standing or playing. θ Paralysis of rectum.
Darting in rectum alternating with stitches through the bladder.
Constriction of rectum during stool ; discharge of blood from rectum, with stinging, burning pain in small of back and anus, worse in afternoon and evening, also during rest ; better from motion.
No pain or constriction except on going to stool, when the anus becomes painfully constricted, pain running up back, of a sharp, cutting, lancinating character.
Discharge of blood from anus, with violent sticking and burning pain in small of back and anus.
Terrible colic, causing cramping up double, and great restlessness, from or on account of hemorrhoids.
Painfully swollen hemorrhoids, in rectum and at anus.
Blood flows continuously from hemorrhoids for a long time.
Pricking at anus, with constant discharge of mucus.
Burning, sticking and excoriating pain in anus, with discharge of moisture from rectum ; frequent pressure at anal sphincter, which ceases on escape of mucus.
Burning and darting pain in anus.
Frequent urging to stool, with sensation as if anus and rectum were weakened by long-continued diarrhoea.
Stools excoriate anus.
Chronic diarrhoea ; epidemic dysentery.
Vomiting of a green, slimy fluid. θ Peritonitis.
Bilious vomiting, during paroxysms of pain. θ Ovarian cyst.
Feeling of fulness in epigastric region.
Griping in epigastrium, after each meal, worse towards evening.
Compressive sensation in epigastrium, returning at short intervals and changing into a sharp pinching, with slight confusion of forehead.
Painful griping and movements in epigastric region, followed by a soft, almost diarrheic stool.
Feeling of emptiness in stomach.
Pressure in stomach, with sensation of hunger.
Burning pain in stomach.
Cramp in stomach at night, relieved by belching.
Sleepless from cramplike pressure in pit of stomach and constrictions of stomach ; this latter so sensitive that the lightest covering cannot be endured.
Violent cutting, tearing pains, which come from different parts of chest and abdomen and concentrate in pit of stomach, better from hard pressure and bending double ; brought on by vexation and indignation.
Pain of stomach accompanies pain of teeth and head.
Pit of stomach very sensitive to touch.
Transient stitches in hepatic region.
Flying pains in hepatic region.
Epigastrium and abdomen excessively sensitive and painful to touch. θ Abdomen.
Abdomen distended and painful ; tympanitic. θ Lead colic.
Constant rumbling and croaking in bowels as from frogs ; borborygmus.
Movements are felt in abdomen.
Incarcerated flatus.
Colic preceded by discharge of flatus.
Each paroxysm of pain in abdomen is attended with a general agitation and a chill ascending from hypogastrium. θ сolic.
Colic preceded by pressure upon sides of abdomen, which spreads towards stomach, also pressure upon chest, going upward and spreading about neck.
Rending, tearing pain extending up to right mamma.
Constrictive pain in upper part of abdomen, returning at short intervals and passing into sharp griping.
Contractive, twisting pains about umbilicus, spreading afterwards over whole upper part of abdomen, leaving lower portion perfectly free of pain, this lasting about an hour, and followed by a copious evacuation from bowels, with immediate relief of pains, the relief, however, is but temporary ; sharp pains soon return and last until another discharge takes place, this is again followed by pains, and continues all night, stools driving her out of bed.
Violent colic around navel, with inflammation of abdomen ; fulness of epigastric region, nausea and vomiting, frequent eructations and constipation. θ Neuralgia of solar plexus.
Severe colicky pains, most around navel, and radiating from that point ; has to bend double, being worse in any other posture ; great restlessness and loud screaming on changing position ; worse at intervals of five or ten minutes ; from eating fruit.
Violent colicky pain near umbilicus, at times a small quantity of fecal matter in stools. θ Dysentery.
Colic, spreading from navel, better from frequent discharge of flatus.
Constant violent, bruised pain in umbilical region, in a spot as large as a hand, worse by walking, not from pressure, somewhat better after eructations of gas.
Griping in umbilical region, gradually subsiding, then returning and rapidly changing into cutting, as if a chisel was thrust deep into upper abdomen, thence passing in a curve backward and downward into pelvis, and then cutting its way upward again.
Griping and cutting in umbilical region, worse after stool, with chilliness over whole body.
Cutting and constrictive pain in umbilical region after eating.
Feeling at umbilicus as after taking cold.
Sensation of inflation in umbilical region, with compression in throat, and nausea.
Tenderness of umbilical region with swelling.
Pain from three inches below navel to pit of stomach, cramplike ; sensitive to touch, worse 4 to 9 P. M., with vomiting and sleepiness ; worse after eating and walking ; better in morning from hot tea and pressure. θ сolicodynia.
Twisting stitches from umbilical region towards loins and spine.
Pinching pain in abdomen as if bowels were pressed inward, with cutting extending towards pubic region, so severe below navel that muscles of face are distorted and eyes drawn together ; pain only better by pressure upon bowels with the hands and bending inward.
Isolated deep stitches, sometimes in left, at others, right flank, apparently connected with the ovaries.
Colic-like, spasmodic pain after vexation.
Cramping pain, causing her to draw her lower limbs up to abdomen, with restlessness, moaning and lamenting, worse by eating or drinking.
Drawing, tearing, pinching pains in whole abdomen.
Cutting, lancinating pains flying all over abdomen.
Colic so distressing that they seek relief by pressing the corner of a table or head of bedpost against abdomen.
Neuralgic pain in bowels ; obstruction as from dryness of bowels ; sensation of increasing constriction.
Feeling in whole abdomen as if the intestines were being squeezed between stones and would burst.
Cutting in abdomen as from knives. θ Lead colic.
Pain as if bowels were in a vise, with cutting pain downward.
Intense griping, cutting, or squeezing in intestines, coming up into stomach and causing nausea, or extending down into thighs.
Colicky pains in abdomen, constant inclination to vomit, sleeplessness, vomiting of bile without relief, violent fever, skin hot and dry, pulse hard and quick, intolerable cutting pain, first here then there in abdomen, integuments of which are very sensitive to touch, better from drawing up feet, bitter taste in mouth, dislike to water. θ Acute gastritis after taking cold.
Periodical neuralgic colic, coming every morning at 6 o’clock ; abdominal walls feel as if festering, and pain spreads out in rays to all sides.
Severe colic in lower part of abdomen ; came on in spasms, each lasting about half a minute, between the paroxysms no pain, worse when lying on either side and after eating, better when lying on back and bending double.
Paroxysmal griping pains in bowels, doubling him up, with profuse warm sweat on forehead and neck. θ сolic.
Sharp, cutting abdominal pains ; pain in abdomen upon straightening up ; walks bent with hands pressed to painful side ; attacks of excruciating pain, cutting and griping, obliging to bend double and scream with agony, during paroxysms, bilious vomiting. θ Ovarian cyst.
Chronic catarrh of colon, with paroxysms of colic ; usually after vexation, violent colicky pains along colon, frequent watery discharges from bowels, tenesmus, nausea, vomiting, coldness of extremities and cold perspiration ; during severe spells intestines appear distended or drawn into knots.
Sudden severe pains in abdomen after catching cold.
Gnawing, boring pain in abdomen, worse after dinner, must sit down or lie and bend forward.
Deep-seated pulsation in abdomen when lying down.
Pains in abdomen extending to small of back. θ сolic.
A violent cutting like an electric shock darting through whole abdomen to anus.
After falling, abdomen large and tense, only left side painful to touch, with sensation as if a tear had occurred there, paroxysmal pains every two hours, pain extending towards right side of abdomen and to pubis, where a hard body as large as a nut had appeared ; this tumor upon being pressed back did not again appear ; menses have not appeared for some time.
Well-defined tumor in right iliac fossa as large as a cocoa nut, of elastic feel but hard and immovable ; at times severe cutting pain like a stab in tumor, causing her to bend double and scream and toss about in agony, with bilious vomiting ; worse from heat and warm weather ; better open air.
Tension in region of anterior superior spine of ilium, changing next day to a violent drawing from spine of ilium to inguinal region and upper third of inner surface of thigh.
Pain in groin, like from hernia, and on pressure, sensation as if a hernia was receding.
Tenderness over left inguinal region, with intense cramplike pains passing around to back. θ сhronic diarrhoea.
Tight, cramplike pain in left iliac and inguinal region, which is worse after, not during external pressure ; especially observed in women after excessive venery, after indignation, abuse of opium ; better for a while by a cup of coffee.
Hemorrhoidal colic, with sensation as if bowels hung on easily tearing threads.
Pains at beginning of attack, better by pressure, later worse from pressure. θ Lead colic.
Pain in bowels immediately on taking a few steps.
Colic only when walking.
Pains better by motion, such as twisting, turning and wriggling around, and the motion is kept up steadily while the pain lasts ; child writhes in every possible direction, doubles itself up, and seems in great distress, it cries very hard.
Colicky pains better by lying on stomach.
Rheumatic colicky pains worse from eating.
Coffee, and tobacco smoking, better pain in bowels.
Noisy emission of large quantities of flatus.
Diarrhoea from anger with indignation.
Urging to stool, with constant colic.
Excessive urging to stool, which was copious, yellowish-brown, partly thin, as from a purge, and with a sourish, offensive odor, followed by transient relief of the colic.
Urgent, almost irresistible inclination to stool, and in quick succession, two abundant, first pappy, then fluid, evacuations, with ulcerative pains in bowels, better by bending forward, worse by an upright position.
Griping was relieved by straining and the consequent expulsion of a long train of slippery bubbles of wind and a small quantity of bland mucus ; paroxysms at intervals of from five to fifteen minutes ; finally a very painful expulsive pressure ensued, and in a short time a quantity of thin feces passed involuntarily through the sphincter at a single impulse ; it was perfectly bland, causing no burning or smarting at anus, which was rather protected all about by the slippery mucus of which a great portion of passage consisted ; pains in abdomen all disappeared with this passage.
Sudden tenesmus, soon followed by a copious, pappy evacuation, succeeded by griping and sensation as if taking cold in abdomen.
Violent tenesmus, with pappy, copious, strong smelling stools, which an hour later were watery, scanty, yellow, and almost inodorous.
Stools : copious, fecal, accompanied by great discharge of wind ; fluid ; after eating, with discharge of flatus and painful feeling in abdomen ; better after getting warm in bed ; thin, frothy, saffron yellow, greenish-yellow, of musty odor ; slimy, bloody, like scrapings of bowels, with tenesmus during stool ; relief of pain after stool ; bloody ; bilious, watery, sour putrid smelling ; brownish-yellow ; liquid ; first watery and mucous, then bilious, and lastly bloody ; thin, mucous (painless), undigested ; excoriating ; frequent, not profuse ; green, slimy, with straining ; pappy ; sour, putrid ; musty, like brown paper, burning.
Child has colic, better by carrying on stomach ; stools during or right after nursing, and undigested ; stools small, bilious, frothy, frequent, preceded by severe colicky pains, coming on in paroxysms.
Frequent watery diarrhoea, becoming more colorless and watery with every new stool.
Green, yellowish, slimy, watery discharges, streaked with pure blood ; afterwards burning and jerking in anus.
Bloody stools, with violent pain in bowels, extending down into thighs.
Dysenteric diarrhoea, renewed after least food or drink ; chronic, with slimy stools, or soft, with tenesmus, sedimentous urine.
Stools increased by taking any nourishment, with compressive, griping pains, commencing at umbilicus and passing down to rectum ; stools greenish and frothy, and followed by burning at anus ; tenesmus.
Diarrhoea after eating ever so little.
Fluid stool after eating, with discharge of flatus and painful feeling in abdomen, better by warmth of bed.
Chronic watery diarrhoea, mornings, with pain in sides of abdomen.
Severe cutting pain ; doubles up and rolls all over bed, before stool ; green, slimy stools with straining.
The abdomen and thighs must often be approximated as much as possible during the stool.
The passages are small and frequent with very much pain, causing the child to writhe and twist and double up with every stool.
Weakness, paleness and prostration after stool.
Stools either diarrheic or too hard and unsatisfactory.
Frequent urging to stool without any evacuation.
Stool in single pieces of a stony hardness.
Intestinal canal torpid, evacuations hard and occurring once in every two or three days, contrary to usual habit.
Dry stool. θ Lumbago.
Retarded stool. θ Ischias. θ Headache.
Constipation, stools hard. θ сolic.
Bowels, after several years’ use of cathartics, immovably constipated. θ Ovarian tumor.
Desire to go to stool without evacuation, quick, succeeding ulceration, cracking of bowels.
Difficulty of retaining stool.
Involuntary discharge of feces from anus, although hard and well formed, while child is standing or playing. θ Paralysis of rectum.
Darting in rectum alternating with stitches through the bladder.
Constriction of rectum during stool ; discharge of blood from rectum, with stinging, burning pain in small of back and anus, worse in afternoon and evening, also during rest ; better from motion.
No pain or constriction except on going to stool, when the anus becomes painfully constricted, pain running up back, of a sharp, cutting, lancinating character.
Discharge of blood from anus, with violent sticking and burning pain in small of back and anus.
Terrible colic, causing cramping up double, and great restlessness, from or on account of hemorrhoids.
Painfully swollen hemorrhoids, in rectum and at anus.
Blood flows continuously from hemorrhoids for a long time.
Pricking at anus, with constant discharge of mucus.
Burning, sticking and excoriating pain in anus, with discharge of moisture from rectum ; frequent pressure at anal sphincter, which ceases on escape of mucus.
Burning and darting pain in anus.
Frequent urging to stool, with sensation as if anus and rectum were weakened by long-continued diarrhoea.
Stools excoriate anus.
Chronic diarrhoea ; epidemic dysentery.
Urogenital system
Kidney affections with dysuria or dropsy.
Stitching and burning in region of kidneys and loins.
Cutting pain extending from umbilical to ovarian region, followed by an urging to urinate with discharge of turbid, slimy urine, which quickly deposits a mucous sediment ; labor-like pains in course of ureters, extending to upper part of thighs, followed by burning in urethra ; constant cutting pain at region of fundus of bladder, with discharge of urine every fifteen minutes. θ Acute catarrh of bladder.
Alternate stitches in bladder and rectum.
Urging to urinate with discharge of a great quantity of clear watery urine.
Frequent urination.
Frequent tenesmus vesica, with scanty emission.
Sudden violent pressure upon bladder, which was full, passed off suddenly on emission of flatus.
Itching of orifice of urethra, with desire to urinate.
Severe burning along whole urethra during stool.
Burning in urethra after micturition.
Difficult urination, with a brown discharge.
Retention of urine.
Pain during micturition extends all over abdomen.
Urine clear, like water. θ Lumbago.
Urine : scanty and fetid ; brown ; bad smelling ; viscid ; deposits copious sediment, which becomes jelly-like ; faint flesh-colored, with light brown, flocky, unequally translucent sediment, and depositing small, hard, reddish crystals, which adhere to the vessel and are not easily removed by water ; gelatinous, viscid, jelly-like, copious deposits, sometimes like gravel.
Increased secretion of urine, looking like brown beer, which becomes turbid and deposits a copious sediment when cold.
Urine viscid, looks like and has the consistency of thin glue ; complaints before passing water, also after.
Tough mucous sediment in urine which can be drawn out into strings.
Urine when voided is white and turbid, when getting cold it coagulates and becomes a milk-white jelly-like mass, which, when poured out, glides in a compact cake out of the vessel.
Peculiar milky urine, which coagulates when standing. θ Diabetes.
Sexual desire strong, with erections.
Pain and swelling of testicles and spermatic cord.
Retraction of testicles and priapism, with retention of urine.
Retraction of prepuce behind glans during sleep.
Prepuce drawn behind glans, inflamed and swollen, violent pains both day and night. θ Paraphimosis.
Cramplike pain in left ovarian region, as though the parts were squeezed in a vise.
Severe stitches in region of right ovary, which afterwards becomes a burning pain. θ сolic.
Intense boring or tensive pain in ovary, causing her to draw up double, with great restlessness.
Deep stitches as from a needle, in ovaries.
Ovaritis supervening on abortion, stitches in ovaries.
Swelling in region of left ovary and descending colon, becoming hard during pains ; parts very sensitive to touch ; pains better by warm drinks. θ сolic.
A firm, elastic tumor between uterus and vagina anteriorly and rectum posteriorly, completely occluding vagina and rendering defecation very difficult ; paroxysms of acute pain across hypogastrium, in sacral region and around hip-joint when attempting to walk ; pain extends down groin and along femoral nerve, better by flexing thigh upon pelvis, always induced or worse by extending thigh, but there are frequent and severe paroxysms without any provocation.
Ovarian cysts, with pain in abdomen upon straightening up ; walks bent, with hands pressed to painful side.
Ovarian neuralgia.
Uterus prolapsed, inclined to left side from pressure of tumor ; difficult breathing with menses, during which must remain in bed ; between periods has thick, yellow, offensive leucorrhoea. θ Ovarian tumor.
Metritis, from indignation ; colicky pains bend her double ; cutting, as from knives, in bowels ; great distress, distension of abdomen ; feeling as if intestines were being squeezed between stones.
Menses preceded by cutting pains beneath umbilicus, extending towards groins and internal genital organs, better from warmth of bed ; with the pains coldness of feet and pappy stool. θ сolic.
Occasionally, sharp pain like a stab in right pelvic region, obliging her to bend double and press strongly with her hand on part. θ Ovarian tumor.
Metrorrhagia, with cramplike pain in abdomen ; better by pressure and hot drinks.
Drawing, gnawing pain in left ovary, extending towards stomach, before appearance of menses, which are profuse and too early.
Several days before each menses, sharp, darting paroxysmal pains in stomach, making her bend forward and press on painful part to get relief, with extreme nausea and vomiting ; these all ceased on appearance of menses ; on last day of menses pains returned, lasting to within about thirty minutes of end of menses, when an erythematous eruption appeared over seat of pain, itched intensely for thirty minutes and then suddenly disappeared ; no return of symptoms till next pre-menstrual time.
Dysmenorrhoea ; cramping pains, must bend double, sometimes worse after eating or drinking.
Catamenia by one or two days too soon, dark colored, offensive, accompanied by almost constant sharp, cutting pains, obliging her to bend double, screaming and tossing about in agony. θ Ovarian tumor.
Menses regular, last two weeks, scanty and bright red, with cramplike pain.
Menses increased, with pain in left foot ; worse before menstruation.
Menses increased and too frequent.
Difficulty of breathing during menses. θ Ovarian tumor.
Suppression of menses, caused by chagrin ; colicky pains, with great anguish and restlessness.
Menses absent. θ сhronic diarrhoea.
Between menses, yellow, thick, offensive leucorrhoea.
Swelling of labia, with dragging pain and heat in vagina.
May be indicated in some cases of very painful cancer.
Stitching and burning in region of kidneys and loins.
Cutting pain extending from umbilical to ovarian region, followed by an urging to urinate with discharge of turbid, slimy urine, which quickly deposits a mucous sediment ; labor-like pains in course of ureters, extending to upper part of thighs, followed by burning in urethra ; constant cutting pain at region of fundus of bladder, with discharge of urine every fifteen minutes. θ Acute catarrh of bladder.
Alternate stitches in bladder and rectum.
Urging to urinate with discharge of a great quantity of clear watery urine.
Frequent urination.
Frequent tenesmus vesica, with scanty emission.
Sudden violent pressure upon bladder, which was full, passed off suddenly on emission of flatus.
Itching of orifice of urethra, with desire to urinate.
Severe burning along whole urethra during stool.
Burning in urethra after micturition.
Difficult urination, with a brown discharge.
Retention of urine.
Pain during micturition extends all over abdomen.
Urine clear, like water. θ Lumbago.
Urine : scanty and fetid ; brown ; bad smelling ; viscid ; deposits copious sediment, which becomes jelly-like ; faint flesh-colored, with light brown, flocky, unequally translucent sediment, and depositing small, hard, reddish crystals, which adhere to the vessel and are not easily removed by water ; gelatinous, viscid, jelly-like, copious deposits, sometimes like gravel.
Increased secretion of urine, looking like brown beer, which becomes turbid and deposits a copious sediment when cold.
Urine viscid, looks like and has the consistency of thin glue ; complaints before passing water, also after.
Tough mucous sediment in urine which can be drawn out into strings.
Urine when voided is white and turbid, when getting cold it coagulates and becomes a milk-white jelly-like mass, which, when poured out, glides in a compact cake out of the vessel.
Peculiar milky urine, which coagulates when standing. θ Diabetes.
Sexual desire strong, with erections.
Pain and swelling of testicles and spermatic cord.
Retraction of testicles and priapism, with retention of urine.
Retraction of prepuce behind glans during sleep.
Prepuce drawn behind glans, inflamed and swollen, violent pains both day and night. θ Paraphimosis.
Cramplike pain in left ovarian region, as though the parts were squeezed in a vise.
Severe stitches in region of right ovary, which afterwards becomes a burning pain. θ сolic.
Intense boring or tensive pain in ovary, causing her to draw up double, with great restlessness.
Deep stitches as from a needle, in ovaries.
Ovaritis supervening on abortion, stitches in ovaries.
Swelling in region of left ovary and descending colon, becoming hard during pains ; parts very sensitive to touch ; pains better by warm drinks. θ сolic.
A firm, elastic tumor between uterus and vagina anteriorly and rectum posteriorly, completely occluding vagina and rendering defecation very difficult ; paroxysms of acute pain across hypogastrium, in sacral region and around hip-joint when attempting to walk ; pain extends down groin and along femoral nerve, better by flexing thigh upon pelvis, always induced or worse by extending thigh, but there are frequent and severe paroxysms without any provocation.
Ovarian cysts, with pain in abdomen upon straightening up ; walks bent, with hands pressed to painful side.
Ovarian neuralgia.
Uterus prolapsed, inclined to left side from pressure of tumor ; difficult breathing with menses, during which must remain in bed ; between periods has thick, yellow, offensive leucorrhoea. θ Ovarian tumor.
Metritis, from indignation ; colicky pains bend her double ; cutting, as from knives, in bowels ; great distress, distension of abdomen ; feeling as if intestines were being squeezed between stones.
Menses preceded by cutting pains beneath umbilicus, extending towards groins and internal genital organs, better from warmth of bed ; with the pains coldness of feet and pappy stool. θ сolic.
Occasionally, sharp pain like a stab in right pelvic region, obliging her to bend double and press strongly with her hand on part. θ Ovarian tumor.
Metrorrhagia, with cramplike pain in abdomen ; better by pressure and hot drinks.
Drawing, gnawing pain in left ovary, extending towards stomach, before appearance of menses, which are profuse and too early.
Several days before each menses, sharp, darting paroxysmal pains in stomach, making her bend forward and press on painful part to get relief, with extreme nausea and vomiting ; these all ceased on appearance of menses ; on last day of menses pains returned, lasting to within about thirty minutes of end of menses, when an erythematous eruption appeared over seat of pain, itched intensely for thirty minutes and then suddenly disappeared ; no return of symptoms till next pre-menstrual time.
Dysmenorrhoea ; cramping pains, must bend double, sometimes worse after eating or drinking.
Catamenia by one or two days too soon, dark colored, offensive, accompanied by almost constant sharp, cutting pains, obliging her to bend double, screaming and tossing about in agony. θ Ovarian tumor.
Menses regular, last two weeks, scanty and bright red, with cramplike pain.
Menses increased, with pain in left foot ; worse before menstruation.
Menses increased and too frequent.
Difficulty of breathing during menses. θ Ovarian tumor.
Suppression of menses, caused by chagrin ; colicky pains, with great anguish and restlessness.
Menses absent. θ сhronic diarrhoea.
Between menses, yellow, thick, offensive leucorrhoea.
Swelling of labia, with dragging pain and heat in vagina.
May be indicated in some cases of very painful cancer.
Plant characteristics
During pregnancy, frequent attacks of colic, which draw the patient nearly double.
Suppression of lochia : with violent colic ; from anger or indignation ; with tympanitic swelling of abdomen and diarrhoea ; worse after taking food or drink, great restlessness.
Suppression of lochia, after abortion, from vexation, head hot, face dark red, tongue yellow, epigastrium and abdomen painful to touch. θ Abortion.
Childbed fever brought on by indignation or grief because of unkind treatment ; the attacks commence with fainting spells and sleeplessness, followed by a febrile heat, hot, dry skin ; hard, full, quick pulse ; stupor alternating with delirium, open eyes, desire to escape ; hot head ; stitches in eyes and forehead ; dark red face ; pain in epigastrium when touched ; marked pulsation of heart and in all the arteries.
Suppression of lochia : with violent colic ; from anger or indignation ; with tympanitic swelling of abdomen and diarrhoea ; worse after taking food or drink, great restlessness.
Suppression of lochia, after abortion, from vexation, head hot, face dark red, tongue yellow, epigastrium and abdomen painful to touch. θ Abortion.
Childbed fever brought on by indignation or grief because of unkind treatment ; the attacks commence with fainting spells and sleeplessness, followed by a febrile heat, hot, dry skin ; hard, full, quick pulse ; stupor alternating with delirium, open eyes, desire to escape ; hot head ; stitches in eyes and forehead ; dark red face ; pain in epigastrium when touched ; marked pulsation of heart and in all the arteries.
Chest organs
Oppression of chest, worse evenings and before midnight.
Respiration anxious and oppressed, with sensation as if he was about to smother ; stitches in sides with each breath. θ Lumbago.
Dyspnoea, with constriction of chest and anxious respiration. θ Headache.
Asthmatic attacks at night, with slow, difficult breathing, which provokes cough.
Titillating cough, frequently during night.
Dry cough from tickling in throat.
Cough caused by smoking tobacco.
Cough with greenish expectoration and aggravation of headache.
Oppression of chest.
Nightly attacks of oppression, as if chest was constricted.
Stitching pains in right or left side of chest.
Cutting and shooting pains in stomach extend to chest.
Respiration anxious and oppressed, with sensation as if he was about to smother ; stitches in sides with each breath. θ Lumbago.
Dyspnoea, with constriction of chest and anxious respiration. θ Headache.
Asthmatic attacks at night, with slow, difficult breathing, which provokes cough.
Titillating cough, frequently during night.
Dry cough from tickling in throat.
Cough caused by smoking tobacco.
Cough with greenish expectoration and aggravation of headache.
Oppression of chest.
Nightly attacks of oppression, as if chest was constricted.
Stitching pains in right or left side of chest.
Cutting and shooting pains in stomach extend to chest.
Cardiovascular system
Stitches in cardiac region.
Palpitation of heart.
Hard, full and hurried pulse. θ Abortion.
Full, quick pulse ; great thirst ; bitter taste in mouth.
Pulse : generally full, hard and accelerated ; less frequently, small and weak.
Strong throbbing in all the bloodvessels.
Pulse weak and frequent. θ Peritonitis.
Pulse small, scarcely perceptible. θ сolic. θ Lumbago.
Pulse 130, feeble. θ сhronic diarrhoea.
Palpitation of heart.
Hard, full and hurried pulse. θ Abortion.
Full, quick pulse ; great thirst ; bitter taste in mouth.
Pulse : generally full, hard and accelerated ; less frequently, small and weak.
Strong throbbing in all the bloodvessels.
Pulse weak and frequent. θ Peritonitis.
Pulse small, scarcely perceptible. θ сolic. θ Lumbago.
Pulse 130, feeble. θ сhronic diarrhoea.
Limbs and spine
Feeling of stiffness in muscles of nape, when moving head ; drawing in nape.
Heat in nape of neck.
Violent tensive drawing in left cervical muscles, worse on motion.
Pressure in left side of nape, worse from turning.
Drawing pain, internally, in region of right scapula, as if nerves and vessels were made tense.
Rawness in right shoulder blade during repose.
Pain in shoulder blades and back, extending into neck, with tension.
Great tenderness on pressure over posterior spinous processes of all cervical and first four dorsal vertebra ; pressure on spinous processes of first three cervical vertebra worse or brings on neuralgic attack. θ Neuralgia of face.
Weakness and pains in back, with pressing headache mornings ; painful lassitude in small of back and lower limbs.
Pain in small of back.
Severe stitching pain in small of back, worse from motion. θ Sciatica.
Painful lassitude in small of back and lower extremities, in evening.
Sensation of a heavy weight in lumbo-dorsal region better by lying on left side, with increase of temperature and sensibility of parts affected.
Pain in back and small of back, which finally locates itself in upper part of thigh and buttock, pain seems confined to a small spot covering an area of about an inch, making him limp ; the pain finally becomes so severe as the disease progresses that he can neither stand nor walk. θ Lumbago.
Sharp, cutting or lancinating pain running up back, with constriction of anus.
Tensive stitch pain in right loin, felt only during inspiration, and most violent when lying on back.
Stitching pains in small of back, so severe upon motion that he gets upon arms and knees in order to obtain relief, pains unendurable in any other position ; stitching and cutting pain in right hip, extending down leg to joint, when it becomes a severe tearing pain ; upon remission of pain limb is numb and seems without sensation. θ сoxalgia.
Aching in region of left sacro-iliac articulation, with crawling in left sole as though it was asleep.
Cramplike pain in hip, from kidneys to thighs, with sensation as if hip-joint was fastened by iron clamps.
Continuous drawing pains in right, also in left hip ; lying, sitting, standing and walking are all painful ; she can find no comfortable position, especially at night and in bed ; walking difficult, partly on account of paralytic state of leg, and partly on account of pain. θ Ischias.
Shooting pains in sacral region, so that he must keep perfectly quiet, worse from every motion.
Severe burning along sacrum.
Coxalgia ; hip joint feels as if femur was fastened to os innominatum with iron claws, accompanied by pains which dart periodically from sacro-lumbalis muscle into thigh.
Swelling and suppuration of axillary glands.
Pain in right shoulder joint as if it had been bruised, brought on by vexation.
Stitches in right shoulder towards back, with pain in shoulder on motion or pressure ; great restlessness in arm, patient unable to hold it quiet ; patient scrofulous. θ Luxatio spontanea.
Right shoulder and elbow joint, and the finger joints of both hands painful, stiff and swollen ; pains sharp or sore. θ Rheumatism.
Rheumatic pains through arms.
Hands feel stiff.
Tearing-drawing in left arm, down to finger joints.
Pain in palms, as if muscles were contracted.
Tearing in joints of left hand.
Tensive pain in left thumb, impeding motion.
Violent drawing pain in right thumb, like in the tendons, beginning in ball and passing off at tip.
Pain in palms of hands, as if muscles were contracted and hands and fingers could not be opened ; worse when at rest.
Exceedingly painful, long stitches in right metacarpus, frequently repeated, embarrassing the opening of hand and stretching of fingers.
Pain in the hips, extending from region of kidneys down to upper part of thighs.
Inflammation of right hip joint, the buttock is swollen and joint very sensitive to touch, pain worse from least motion, and particularly when rotating leg inward, tearing pain in limb, which has increased one inch in length.
Drawing, twitching, with dull throbbing in region of left hip and right loin, crest of ilium towards buttock.
Dull stitches in region of right hip so severe that he must cease walking, better while resting and by warmth of bed ; sensibility of parts affected.
Throbbing, boring in region of right hip, waking him from sleep about 4 A. M.
Crampy pain in affected hip, as though the parts were screwed in a vise ; lies upon affected side with knee bent up.
Constricting, pressing pain shooting from hip just behind joint into leg, with sensation as if pain was boring deep into bones, also stitching pains.
Origin of pain in sacral region, corresponding to position of plexus ischiadicus, thence is extended through the incisura ischiadica major towards hip joint down posterior portion of thigh into fossa poplitea ; sensibility of parts affected.
Violent, continuous tearing, sticking, burning pains, from sacrum along course of sciatic nerve, behind great trochanter of right leg, down as far as knee, can neither lie, sit nor walk ; worse from warmth of bed. θ Ischias.
Pain passing down outside of left leg, from hip to ankle ; pains in paroxysms every quarter of an hour, parts very painful to touch ; paroxysms worse at night, better from heat ; movements at first worse afterwards better pain ; worse again from long-continued motion, every two or three hours, four or five successive shocks of pain pass suddenly through affected parts ; tenderness on pressure over sciatic nerve, and stiffness of knee joint ; pain better from rubbing ; worse between 1 and 2 A. M. and 4 P. M., about quarter hour after rising ; about noon. θ Sciatica.
Severe pain in right leg, compelling him to lie quietly in one place ; slightest attempt at motion causes great pain which is accompanied by a sensation as if marrow of bone was being crushed ; want of sensation along course of sciatic nerve ; occasionally, pain shooting with lightning-like rapidity from small of back to heels. θ Sciatica.
Severe stitching, tearing pains from hip to knee, making him cry out, pains worse from motion. θ Ischias.
Continuous drawing and tearing pains in right hip and thigh, with periodical exacerbations. θ Ischias.
Rheumatic pain which seems to be in the bone, concentrating itself especially in right hip and radiating thence to calf and knee ; it became so violent that he whined day and night, and could not sleep a minute.
Pressure at left sacro-iliac articulation, with tingling in sole of foot.
Pain extends down leg to knee, where it becomes tearing in character ; when the pains cease, the limb feels numb and without sensation ; pains better in evening and at night. θ сoxalgia.
Pain in right thigh so severe that she cannot stand upon affected limb. θ Psoitis.
Pain in right thigh only when walking, as if the psoas magnus were too short.
Stiffness of muscles of right side of thigh.
Drawing pain in right thigh down to knee.
Cramp in middle of left thigh.
Drawing in inner side of left thigh, afternoons.
Drawing in external condyle of right femur.
Acute paroxysmal sciatic pains with headache ; parts tender to touch ; worse at night, by motion, by heat and rubbing.
Ischias with albuminuria.
Violent pains in bowels, extending down into thighs.
Tearing pain in legs, particularly in right, with cutting in abdomen, as of knives. θ сolic.
Heaviness of lower limbs.
Cramp in the legs.
Cannot walk much on account of weakness and trembling of legs, especially in open air ; walks bent over with hand applied to right side. θ Ovarian tumor.
Shooting pains in left knee, sometimes lacerating pains running from hip inwardly down to knee, worse from least attempt to move leg ; walking or standing on it impossible ; the nights are sleepless, especially in bed ; knee not much tumefied, pale and of normal heat ; tongue coated white, no appetite or thirst ; lower limbs feel heavy ; not much pain in it as long as she keeps it quiet, but the least motion produces it ; shooting in knee with every attempt to walk ; chilliness.
Stitching pains in right knee joint, worse from motion, when at rest pains extend towards hip ; dragging of right leg when walking, trochanter, buttock and knee of right leg lower than of left leg, which is shorter in length than right. θ Luxatio spontanea.
The knees feel stiff, preventing stooping.
Sensation of coldness in knees.
Sticking-drawing along left tibia into ankle bones, with burning pressure in left eye.
Falling asleep of feet and knee joints.
Tearing in left calf as far as heel.
Cramp in left calf.
Cramps in legs and feet, calves feel as if asleep.
Ankles, toes and soles of both feet, painful, swollen and stiff ; pains sharp and pricking, or sore.
Constant dull, aching, cramplike pain, as if in periosteum or dorsum of feet.
A swelling on right edge of tarsus, soft, pale, painless, clearly circumscribed and as large as a pigeon’s egg, appearing like a common lymphatic tumor.
Burning in feet at night. θ Lumbago.
Drawing, aching in left foot.
Pain in left foot, worse before menstruation.
The feet go to sleep, first the left then the right.
Crawling in left sole as though it was asleep.
Sweating of feet.
Feet cold. θ сolic.
Tearing or drawing pains in all the limbs.
Tearing, drawing pains in both thighs and in left arm down to finger joints.
Rheumatic pains in limbs and joints after catching cold.
Heaviness of limbs. θ Headache.
Extremities cold. θ Peritonitis. θ сhronic diarrhoea.
Icy coldness of hands and feet.
Cold hands with warm feet. θ Dysentery.
Stiffness in joints ; shortening of tendons.
Rest : pains extending from eye into head ; stitching in right knee.
Repose : rawness in right shoulder blade.
Lying down : pulsations in abdomen.
Lying on back : frontal headache .
Lying on back : colicky pains .
Lying on left side : sensation of heavy weight in lumbo-dorsal region .
Lying on either side : pain in lower part of abdomen.
Crampy pain in affected hip, as though parts were screwed in a vise, lies upon affected side with knee bent up.
Severe pain in right leg, compelling him to lie quietly in one place ; slightest attempt at motion causes great pain.
Pain in right thigh so severe that she cannot stand upon affected limb.
Can neither stand nor walk on account of pain in small spot in upper part of thigh and buttock.
Continuous drawing pains in hips, lying, sitting, standing and walking are all painful, can find no comfortable position, walking difficult.
Sitting : pressing pain in left orbit along dorsum of nose .
Must sit down or lie and bend forward : gnawing, boring in abdomen.
Headache compels her to sit up.
Upright position : ulcerative pains in bowels.
While standing or playing : child has involuntary discharge of hard and well-formed feces.
Bending forward : aching in forehead .
Bending double : pains from different parts of chest and abdomen concentrating in pit of stomach ; pain in lower part of abdomen .
Colicky pains compel him to bend double.
Walks bent, with hands pressed to painful side.
Abdomen and thighs approximated during stool ; with cramping pains.
Drawing patient double : cramping dysmenorrhoeal pains ; frequent attacks of colic during pregnancy ; paroxysmal griping pains in bowels ; boring, tensive pain in ovary.
Gets upon arms and knees : stitching pains in small of back.
Finds rest in no position, throws himself constantly about.
Obliged to leave the bed : headache.
Motion : head and eyes sensitive to least ; pain in left side of face , then worse again from long continued ; stitching from hip to knee ; pains from left hip to knee ; such as twisting, turning and wriggling around better pain.
On moving eyes : pain through head.
On moving upper eyelid : painful tearing digging through brain unbearable.
On moving eyebrows : pain in head.
On quickly turning head : vertigo.
Turning : pressure on left side of nape.
On moving head : stiffness in muscles of nape.
On shaking head : pains in right eye.
Stooping : frontal headache.
On straightening up : pains in abdomen.
Drawing up feet : colicky pains .
When attempting to walk : paroxysms of acute pain across hypogastrium, in sacral region and around hip joint.
Walking : pain extending from eye into head ; ciliary neuralgia ; neuralgia of left face ; about room in great anxiety ; bruised pain in spot in umbilical region.
When rotating leg inward : pain in right hip joint and limb.
Touch : boring stitches in right temple ; scalp painful to ; right side of head, particularly about eye, very sensitive to ; pains in r. eye.
Stomach so sensitive that lightest covering cannot be endured.
Putting fingers into ear : crawling, itching, stitching, cutting or aching in ears .
Wiping with finger : pressing pains on right eyeball.
Rubbing : great itching in right eyeball compels ; sciatic pains .
Pressure : pains extending from eye into head better by firm ; ciliary neuralgia ; pains from different parts of chest and abdomen concentrating in pit of stomach better by hard ; pain from three inches below navel to pit of stomach ; pinching and cutting in abdomen ; sensation in groin as if a hernia was receding on ; tight, cramplike pain in left iliac and inguinal region worse after, not during, external ; lead colic, pains at beginning of attack , later ; sharp, darting, paroxysmal pains in stomach ; over posterior spinous processes of all cervical and first four dorsal vertebra great tenderness on ; on spinous processes of first three cervical vertebra brings on or worse neuralgic attack ; pains in shoulder on ; over sciatic nerve, tenderness on.
Colic so distressing that they seek relief by pressing corner of table or head of bedpost against abdomen.
Carrying on stomach : colic of child .
Heat in nape of neck.
Violent tensive drawing in left cervical muscles, worse on motion.
Pressure in left side of nape, worse from turning.
Drawing pain, internally, in region of right scapula, as if nerves and vessels were made tense.
Rawness in right shoulder blade during repose.
Pain in shoulder blades and back, extending into neck, with tension.
Great tenderness on pressure over posterior spinous processes of all cervical and first four dorsal vertebra ; pressure on spinous processes of first three cervical vertebra worse or brings on neuralgic attack. θ Neuralgia of face.
Weakness and pains in back, with pressing headache mornings ; painful lassitude in small of back and lower limbs.
Pain in small of back.
Severe stitching pain in small of back, worse from motion. θ Sciatica.
Painful lassitude in small of back and lower extremities, in evening.
Sensation of a heavy weight in lumbo-dorsal region better by lying on left side, with increase of temperature and sensibility of parts affected.
Pain in back and small of back, which finally locates itself in upper part of thigh and buttock, pain seems confined to a small spot covering an area of about an inch, making him limp ; the pain finally becomes so severe as the disease progresses that he can neither stand nor walk. θ Lumbago.
Sharp, cutting or lancinating pain running up back, with constriction of anus.
Tensive stitch pain in right loin, felt only during inspiration, and most violent when lying on back.
Stitching pains in small of back, so severe upon motion that he gets upon arms and knees in order to obtain relief, pains unendurable in any other position ; stitching and cutting pain in right hip, extending down leg to joint, when it becomes a severe tearing pain ; upon remission of pain limb is numb and seems without sensation. θ сoxalgia.
Aching in region of left sacro-iliac articulation, with crawling in left sole as though it was asleep.
Cramplike pain in hip, from kidneys to thighs, with sensation as if hip-joint was fastened by iron clamps.
Continuous drawing pains in right, also in left hip ; lying, sitting, standing and walking are all painful ; she can find no comfortable position, especially at night and in bed ; walking difficult, partly on account of paralytic state of leg, and partly on account of pain. θ Ischias.
Shooting pains in sacral region, so that he must keep perfectly quiet, worse from every motion.
Severe burning along sacrum.
Coxalgia ; hip joint feels as if femur was fastened to os innominatum with iron claws, accompanied by pains which dart periodically from sacro-lumbalis muscle into thigh.
Swelling and suppuration of axillary glands.
Pain in right shoulder joint as if it had been bruised, brought on by vexation.
Stitches in right shoulder towards back, with pain in shoulder on motion or pressure ; great restlessness in arm, patient unable to hold it quiet ; patient scrofulous. θ Luxatio spontanea.
Right shoulder and elbow joint, and the finger joints of both hands painful, stiff and swollen ; pains sharp or sore. θ Rheumatism.
Rheumatic pains through arms.
Hands feel stiff.
Tearing-drawing in left arm, down to finger joints.
Pain in palms, as if muscles were contracted.
Tearing in joints of left hand.
Tensive pain in left thumb, impeding motion.
Violent drawing pain in right thumb, like in the tendons, beginning in ball and passing off at tip.
Pain in palms of hands, as if muscles were contracted and hands and fingers could not be opened ; worse when at rest.
Exceedingly painful, long stitches in right metacarpus, frequently repeated, embarrassing the opening of hand and stretching of fingers.
Pain in the hips, extending from region of kidneys down to upper part of thighs.
Inflammation of right hip joint, the buttock is swollen and joint very sensitive to touch, pain worse from least motion, and particularly when rotating leg inward, tearing pain in limb, which has increased one inch in length.
Drawing, twitching, with dull throbbing in region of left hip and right loin, crest of ilium towards buttock.
Dull stitches in region of right hip so severe that he must cease walking, better while resting and by warmth of bed ; sensibility of parts affected.
Throbbing, boring in region of right hip, waking him from sleep about 4 A. M.
Crampy pain in affected hip, as though the parts were screwed in a vise ; lies upon affected side with knee bent up.
Constricting, pressing pain shooting from hip just behind joint into leg, with sensation as if pain was boring deep into bones, also stitching pains.
Origin of pain in sacral region, corresponding to position of plexus ischiadicus, thence is extended through the incisura ischiadica major towards hip joint down posterior portion of thigh into fossa poplitea ; sensibility of parts affected.
Violent, continuous tearing, sticking, burning pains, from sacrum along course of sciatic nerve, behind great trochanter of right leg, down as far as knee, can neither lie, sit nor walk ; worse from warmth of bed. θ Ischias.
Pain passing down outside of left leg, from hip to ankle ; pains in paroxysms every quarter of an hour, parts very painful to touch ; paroxysms worse at night, better from heat ; movements at first worse afterwards better pain ; worse again from long-continued motion, every two or three hours, four or five successive shocks of pain pass suddenly through affected parts ; tenderness on pressure over sciatic nerve, and stiffness of knee joint ; pain better from rubbing ; worse between 1 and 2 A. M. and 4 P. M., about quarter hour after rising ; about noon. θ Sciatica.
Severe pain in right leg, compelling him to lie quietly in one place ; slightest attempt at motion causes great pain which is accompanied by a sensation as if marrow of bone was being crushed ; want of sensation along course of sciatic nerve ; occasionally, pain shooting with lightning-like rapidity from small of back to heels. θ Sciatica.
Severe stitching, tearing pains from hip to knee, making him cry out, pains worse from motion. θ Ischias.
Continuous drawing and tearing pains in right hip and thigh, with periodical exacerbations. θ Ischias.
Rheumatic pain which seems to be in the bone, concentrating itself especially in right hip and radiating thence to calf and knee ; it became so violent that he whined day and night, and could not sleep a minute.
Pressure at left sacro-iliac articulation, with tingling in sole of foot.
Pain extends down leg to knee, where it becomes tearing in character ; when the pains cease, the limb feels numb and without sensation ; pains better in evening and at night. θ сoxalgia.
Pain in right thigh so severe that she cannot stand upon affected limb. θ Psoitis.
Pain in right thigh only when walking, as if the psoas magnus were too short.
Stiffness of muscles of right side of thigh.
Drawing pain in right thigh down to knee.
Cramp in middle of left thigh.
Drawing in inner side of left thigh, afternoons.
Drawing in external condyle of right femur.
Acute paroxysmal sciatic pains with headache ; parts tender to touch ; worse at night, by motion, by heat and rubbing.
Ischias with albuminuria.
Violent pains in bowels, extending down into thighs.
Tearing pain in legs, particularly in right, with cutting in abdomen, as of knives. θ сolic.
Heaviness of lower limbs.
Cramp in the legs.
Cannot walk much on account of weakness and trembling of legs, especially in open air ; walks bent over with hand applied to right side. θ Ovarian tumor.
Shooting pains in left knee, sometimes lacerating pains running from hip inwardly down to knee, worse from least attempt to move leg ; walking or standing on it impossible ; the nights are sleepless, especially in bed ; knee not much tumefied, pale and of normal heat ; tongue coated white, no appetite or thirst ; lower limbs feel heavy ; not much pain in it as long as she keeps it quiet, but the least motion produces it ; shooting in knee with every attempt to walk ; chilliness.
Stitching pains in right knee joint, worse from motion, when at rest pains extend towards hip ; dragging of right leg when walking, trochanter, buttock and knee of right leg lower than of left leg, which is shorter in length than right. θ Luxatio spontanea.
The knees feel stiff, preventing stooping.
Sensation of coldness in knees.
Sticking-drawing along left tibia into ankle bones, with burning pressure in left eye.
Falling asleep of feet and knee joints.
Tearing in left calf as far as heel.
Cramp in left calf.
Cramps in legs and feet, calves feel as if asleep.
Ankles, toes and soles of both feet, painful, swollen and stiff ; pains sharp and pricking, or sore.
Constant dull, aching, cramplike pain, as if in periosteum or dorsum of feet.
A swelling on right edge of tarsus, soft, pale, painless, clearly circumscribed and as large as a pigeon’s egg, appearing like a common lymphatic tumor.
Burning in feet at night. θ Lumbago.
Drawing, aching in left foot.
Pain in left foot, worse before menstruation.
The feet go to sleep, first the left then the right.
Crawling in left sole as though it was asleep.
Sweating of feet.
Feet cold. θ сolic.
Tearing or drawing pains in all the limbs.
Tearing, drawing pains in both thighs and in left arm down to finger joints.
Rheumatic pains in limbs and joints after catching cold.
Heaviness of limbs. θ Headache.
Extremities cold. θ Peritonitis. θ сhronic diarrhoea.
Icy coldness of hands and feet.
Cold hands with warm feet. θ Dysentery.
Stiffness in joints ; shortening of tendons.
Rest : pains extending from eye into head ; stitching in right knee.
Repose : rawness in right shoulder blade.
Lying down : pulsations in abdomen.
Lying on back : frontal headache .
Lying on back : colicky pains .
Lying on left side : sensation of heavy weight in lumbo-dorsal region .
Lying on either side : pain in lower part of abdomen.
Crampy pain in affected hip, as though parts were screwed in a vise, lies upon affected side with knee bent up.
Severe pain in right leg, compelling him to lie quietly in one place ; slightest attempt at motion causes great pain.
Pain in right thigh so severe that she cannot stand upon affected limb.
Can neither stand nor walk on account of pain in small spot in upper part of thigh and buttock.
Continuous drawing pains in hips, lying, sitting, standing and walking are all painful, can find no comfortable position, walking difficult.
Sitting : pressing pain in left orbit along dorsum of nose .
Must sit down or lie and bend forward : gnawing, boring in abdomen.
Headache compels her to sit up.
Upright position : ulcerative pains in bowels.
While standing or playing : child has involuntary discharge of hard and well-formed feces.
Bending forward : aching in forehead .
Bending double : pains from different parts of chest and abdomen concentrating in pit of stomach ; pain in lower part of abdomen .
Colicky pains compel him to bend double.
Walks bent, with hands pressed to painful side.
Abdomen and thighs approximated during stool ; with cramping pains.
Drawing patient double : cramping dysmenorrhoeal pains ; frequent attacks of colic during pregnancy ; paroxysmal griping pains in bowels ; boring, tensive pain in ovary.
Gets upon arms and knees : stitching pains in small of back.
Finds rest in no position, throws himself constantly about.
Obliged to leave the bed : headache.
Motion : head and eyes sensitive to least ; pain in left side of face , then worse again from long continued ; stitching from hip to knee ; pains from left hip to knee ; such as twisting, turning and wriggling around better pain.
On moving eyes : pain through head.
On moving upper eyelid : painful tearing digging through brain unbearable.
On moving eyebrows : pain in head.
On quickly turning head : vertigo.
Turning : pressure on left side of nape.
On moving head : stiffness in muscles of nape.
On shaking head : pains in right eye.
Stooping : frontal headache.
On straightening up : pains in abdomen.
Drawing up feet : colicky pains .
When attempting to walk : paroxysms of acute pain across hypogastrium, in sacral region and around hip joint.
Walking : pain extending from eye into head ; ciliary neuralgia ; neuralgia of left face ; about room in great anxiety ; bruised pain in spot in umbilical region.
When rotating leg inward : pain in right hip joint and limb.
Touch : boring stitches in right temple ; scalp painful to ; right side of head, particularly about eye, very sensitive to ; pains in r. eye.
Stomach so sensitive that lightest covering cannot be endured.
Putting fingers into ear : crawling, itching, stitching, cutting or aching in ears .
Wiping with finger : pressing pains on right eyeball.
Rubbing : great itching in right eyeball compels ; sciatic pains .
Pressure : pains extending from eye into head better by firm ; ciliary neuralgia ; pains from different parts of chest and abdomen concentrating in pit of stomach better by hard ; pain from three inches below navel to pit of stomach ; pinching and cutting in abdomen ; sensation in groin as if a hernia was receding on ; tight, cramplike pain in left iliac and inguinal region worse after, not during, external ; lead colic, pains at beginning of attack , later ; sharp, darting, paroxysmal pains in stomach ; over posterior spinous processes of all cervical and first four dorsal vertebra great tenderness on ; on spinous processes of first three cervical vertebra brings on or worse neuralgic attack ; pains in shoulder on ; over sciatic nerve, tenderness on.
Colic so distressing that they seek relief by pressing corner of table or head of bedpost against abdomen.
Carrying on stomach : colic of child .
Nervous system
Great restlessness and anguish, with headache.
Extremely restless, very weak, unable to speak except in a whisper. θ сhronic diarrhoea.
Extreme weakness and lassitude with trembling of legs, especially when walking in open air, though the other symptoms are. θ Ovarian tumor.
Finds rest in no position, throws himself constantly about. θ сolic.
General lassitude and painful weariness in small of back.
Sensation as if all his strength was failing.
Great prostration. θ Dysentery.
Faint feeling, paleness and great prostration.
Fainting. θ сolic.
Fainting, with coldness of external parts.
Great tendency of muscles of all parts of body to become painfully cramped.
Twitching of muscles.
A shuddering rises from abdomen over body.
Sensation of formication in affected part.
Affected parts feel asleep.
Neuralgia, especially facial, and sciatica.
Neuralgia of solar and other abdominal plexuses and of lumbar and femoral nerves.
Neuralgia of rheumatic or gouty-rheumatic diathesis.
Extremely restless, very weak, unable to speak except in a whisper. θ сhronic diarrhoea.
Extreme weakness and lassitude with trembling of legs, especially when walking in open air, though the other symptoms are. θ Ovarian tumor.
Finds rest in no position, throws himself constantly about. θ сolic.
General lassitude and painful weariness in small of back.
Sensation as if all his strength was failing.
Great prostration. θ Dysentery.
Faint feeling, paleness and great prostration.
Fainting. θ сolic.
Fainting, with coldness of external parts.
Great tendency of muscles of all parts of body to become painfully cramped.
Twitching of muscles.
A shuddering rises from abdomen over body.
Sensation of formication in affected part.
Affected parts feel asleep.
Neuralgia, especially facial, and sciatica.
Neuralgia of solar and other abdominal plexuses and of lumbar and femoral nerves.
Neuralgia of rheumatic or gouty-rheumatic diathesis.
Yawning and sleepiness.
Sleeplessness. θ сhronic diarrhoea.
Sleeplessness and restlessness, with pains ; after anger.
Sleeps badly, often wakes tired. θ Ovarian tumor.
Dreams : disturbing sleep ; vivid ; anxious ; voluptuous.
In morning : pain below navel to pit of stomach better ; chronic watery diarrhoea.
In afternoon : attacks of hemicrania ; discharge of blood, with stinging and burning in small of back and anus.
From 4 to 9 P. M. : pain below navel to pit of stomach.
In evening : pain in eyes ; fever.
At night ; pain in eyes ; sciatic pains.
At 10 P. M. : sudden attacks of neuralgia in left face.
Before midnight : oppression of chest.
At 1 and 2 A. M. : pains passing down outside of left leg from hips to ankle.
At 4 A. M. : throbbing, boring in region of right hip, waking him from sleep.
At 6 A. M. : periodical neuralgic colic every morning.
Sleeplessness. θ сhronic diarrhoea.
Sleeplessness and restlessness, with pains ; after anger.
Sleeps badly, often wakes tired. θ Ovarian tumor.
Dreams : disturbing sleep ; vivid ; anxious ; voluptuous.
In morning : pain below navel to pit of stomach better ; chronic watery diarrhoea.
In afternoon : attacks of hemicrania ; discharge of blood, with stinging and burning in small of back and anus.
From 4 to 9 P. M. : pain below navel to pit of stomach.
In evening : pain in eyes ; fever.
At night ; pain in eyes ; sciatic pains.
At 10 P. M. : sudden attacks of neuralgia in left face.
Before midnight : oppression of chest.
At 1 and 2 A. M. : pains passing down outside of left leg from hips to ankle.
At 4 A. M. : throbbing, boring in region of right hip, waking him from sleep.
At 6 A. M. : periodical neuralgic colic every morning.
Common symptoms
Warmth : better left side of face.
Warm weather : pain in tumor in right iliac fossa.
Warm room : ciliary neuralgia .
Warmth of bed : painful feeling in abdomen ; cutting beneath umbilicus before menses ; dull stitches in region of right hip ; pains from sacrum along course of sciatic nerve.
Warm drinks : better colic.
Heat : worse pain in tumor in right iliac fossa ; better pains down outside of left leg from hip to ankle ; worse sciatic pains.
Hot tea : better pain from three inches below navel to pit of stomach.
Hot drinks : better cramplike pain in abdomen.
Open air : neuralgia of left face ; fluent coryza ; constriction in larynx, with oppression of breathing ; cannot walk much on account of weakness and trembling of legs.
From catching cold : left-sided tearing, burning and stinging in face, extending to ear and head ; acute gastritis ; sudden severe pains in abdomen ; rheumatic pains in limbs and joints.
Pain residing in muscular fibres of stomach during the seasons when the air is cold, but the sun still powerful enough to heat the blood, likewise in Summer in consequence of sudden changes in weather.
As if coryza would appear ; as if head was compressed ; as if head was being screwed together ; as if eye would fall out ; as if eyeballs were pressed ; as if l. side of face was being torn from right side ; as if tension was made upon nerve of face and skin suddenly relaxed ; as if nerves of lower teeth were compressed or stretched ; as if tongue was scalded ; as if a beard of grain was sticking in velum palati ; as of hunger, in stomach ; as if a chisel was thrust deep into upper abdomen, thence passing in a curve backward and downward into pelvis and thence cutting its way upward again ; as if umbilical region was inflated ; as if bowels were pressed inward ; as of increasing constriction in bowels ; as after taking cold, at umbilicus ; as if intestines were being squeezed between stones and would burst ; as if knives were cutting in abdomen ; as if bowels were in a vise ; as if abdominal walls were festering ; as of an electric shock darting through whole abdomen to anus ; as if a tear had occurred in left side of abdomen ; as of a hernia in groin, and on pressure as if a hernia was receding ; as if bowels hung on easily tearing threads ; as if taking cold in abdomen ; as if anus was weakened by long continued diarrhoea ; as though parts about left ovarian region were squeezed in a vise ; as of a stab in right pelvic region ; as if he was about to smother ; as if chest was constricted ; as if nerves and vessels in region of right scapula were made tense ; as of a heavy weight in lumbo-dorsal region ; as though left sole was asleep ; as if hip joint was fastened by iron clamps ; as if femur was fastened to os innominatum with iron claws ; as if r. shoulder joint had been bruised ; as if muscles in palms of hands were contracted ; as though parts about affected hip were screwed in a vise ; as if pain was boring deep into bones ; as if marrow of bone was being crushed ; as if psoas magnus of right side was too short ; as if calves were asleep ; as if all his strength was failing.
Pain : from back of left ear to eye and mouth ; during micturition extends all over abdomen ; of testicles and spermatic cord ; in shoulder blades and back, extending into neck, with tension ; in back ; in small of back ; in upper part of thigh and buttock ; in hips from region of kidneys down to upper part of thighs ; in legs ; in bowels, extending down into the thighs ; in left foot ; in palms.
Agonizing pains : in left eye ; during menses.
Lancinating pains : flying all over abdomen ; running up back during stool ; running up back, with constriction of anus.
Lacerating : running from left hip inwardly down to knee.
Cutting : extending into head, particularly into forehead ; in left temple ; in eye ; in ears ; from eye up into head and around eye ; as from knives, in bowels ; in stomach, extending to chest ; in bowels, downward ; in intestines, coming up into stomach, or extending down into thighs ; here and there in abdomen ; sharp, in abdomen ; darting through whole abdomen to anus ; in different parts of chest and abdomen and concentrates in pit of stomach ; in umbilical region ; in abdomen, extending towards pubic region ; flying all over abdomen ; during menses ; beneath umbilicus, extending towards groins and internal genital organs ; before menses ; like a stab, in tumor in right iliac fossa ; in abdomen ; pains running up back during stool ; from umbilical to ovarian region ; at region of fundus of bladder.
Sharp, cutting stabs, as from knives, in right eyeball ; in abdomen.
Severe cutting, stitch-like ciliary neuralgia.
Stitches : in forehead above right eye ; in upper jaw ; in hepatic region ; twisting, from umbilical region towards loins and spine ; isolated, deep, apparently connected with ovaries ; through bladder ; in region of kidneys and loins ; alternate, in bladder and rectum ; in region of right ovary ; as from a needle, in ovary ; in eyes and forehead ; in sides with each breath ; in cardiac region ; in r. shoulder towards back ; painful, long, in right metacarpus, frequently repeated, embarrassing opening of hand and stretching of fingers.
Stitching : in forehead and eyes ; in forehead towards nose ; in left side of forehead ; in ears ; dull, in region of r. hip ; in right or left side of chest ; in small of back ; in right hip, extending down leg to joint ; from hip to knee ; in r. knee joint.
Tensive stitch pain in right loin, during inspiration.
Piercing : headache.
Sticking : from eye up into head and around eye ; in small of back and anus ; from sacrum along course of sciatic nerve, behind great trochanter of right leg, down as far as knee.
Sticking-drawing : along left tibia into ankle bones.
Pricking : at anus ; in ankles, toes and soles of feet.
Prickling : in right inner canthus ; in skin ; at anus.
Stinging : in left side of face, extending to ear and head ; in velum palati ; in small of back and anus.
Shooting : in forehead and eyes ; in left side of face, between temple, ear and jaw ; in stomach, extending to chest ; in sacral region ; from small of back to heels ; in left knee.
Darting : sharp, paroxysmal, in stomach, before menses ; in rectum, alternating with stitches through bladder ; in anus ; from sacro-lumbalis muscle into thigh.
Flying pains : in hepatic region.
Tearing : in forehead and root of nose ; in left side of forehead ; through whole brain ; headache ; in eye and surroundings ; in left eye ; in right eye, extending to right temple ; in teeth ; in cheeks ; in left side of face, extending to ear and head ; in different parts of chest and abdomen and concentrates in pit of stomach ; in abdomen, extending up to right mamma ; in whole abdomen ; in right knee joint ; in joints of left hand ; in right limb ; from sacrum along course of sciatic nerve, behind great trochanter of right leg down as far as knee ; from hip to knee ; in right hip and thigh ; in knee ; in legs ; in all limbs ; in skin.
Tearing-drawing : in left arm down to finger joints.
Tearing-twitching : pains in teeth.
Tensive tearing : of left side of face.
Rending : in left side of face between temple, ear and jaw ; in abdomen, extending up to right mamma.
Drawing : in whole brain ; in right side of head and in forehead ; in right upper eyelid ; toothache ; in whole abdomen ; from spine of ilium to inguinal region and upper third of inner surface of thigh ; in left ovary, extending towards stomach, before menses ; in nape ; internally, in region of right scapula ; in hips ; in right thumb, like in tendons, beginning in ball and passing off at tip ; in region of left hip and right loin, crest of ilium towards buttocks ; in right hip and thigh ; in right thigh down to knee ; in left foot ; in all limbs.
Violent tensive drawing : in left cervical muscles.
Jerking : in left side of forehead ; in anus ; in skin.
Twisting : about umbilicus, spreading over whole upper part of abdomen.
Boring : in right side of head and in forehead ; in abdomen ; in ovary ; in region of right hip ; in abdomen.
Boring stitches ; in right temple ; in right side of forehead ; in anus.
Burrowing : in nose, from left side to root of nose.
Beating : toothache ; from left side of nose to glabella.
Scraping : in throat.
Digging : through whole brain ; from left side of nose to glabella.
Dragging pain : in vagina.
Burning : extending into head, particularly into forehead ; in right side of forehead ; on scalp ; from eye up into head and around eye ; in left eye ; in eye ; in right inner canthus ; of eyelids ; in left side of face, extending to ear and head ; on anterior surface of tongue ; on tip of tongue ; of under lip ; in stomach ; in small of back and anus ; in anus ; in region of kidneys and loins ; in urethra ; along whole urethra ; in region of right ovary ; along sacrum ; from sacrum along course of sciatic nerve, behind great trochanter of right leg down as far as knee ; in feet ; in ulcers ; in carbuncles ; on skin.
Burning pressure : in left eye.
Cramping : headache ; in stomach ; from three inches below navel to pit of stomach ; pains in left inguinal region passing around to back ; in left ovarian region ; in abdomen ; dysmenorrhoeal pains ; in hip, from kidney to thighs ; in affected hip ; as if in periosteum or dorsum of feet.
Tight, cramplike pain : in left iliac and inguinal region.
Cramps : in middle of thigh ; in legs ; in left calf ; in legs and feet.
Labor-like pains : in course of ureters, extending to upper part of thighs.
Griping : after eating ; in epigastrium ; sharp, in upper part of abdomen ;
In umbilical region ; in intestines coming up into stomach, or extending down into thighs ; in abdomen ; commencing at umbilicus and passing down to rectum.
Gnawing pain : in head ; in abdomen ; in left ovary extending towards stomach, before menses.
Pinching : in small spot below lower eyelid ; sharp, in epigastrium ; in abdomen.
Squeezing : in intestines extending into stomach, or down into thighs.
Compressive pain : commencing at umbilicus and passing down to rectum.
Compressive sensation : in forehead ; in epigastrium ; in throat.
Constriction : of chest ; in left malar bone extending into left eye ; in throat ; of stomach ; in upper part of abdomen ; about umbilicus, spreading over whole upper part of abdomen ; in umbilical region after eating ; of rectum during stool ; of anus during stool ; in larynx ; of chest ; from hip just behind joint into leg.
Pressure : in orbits ; in temples ; in left temple ; in stomach ; cramplike, in pit of stomach ; upon sides of abdomen, which spreads towards stomach ; upon chest, going upward and spreading about neck ; at anal sphincter ; sudden upon bladder ; in left side of nape ; in left sacroiliac articulation.
Pressive pain : in forehead ; frontal headache ; in eyeballs ; in left orbit along dorsum of nose ; in right eyeball from above and outside.
Pressing : in left temple ; headache ; in left malar bone extending into left eye ; from hip just behind joint into leg ; in orbits near root of nose, with confusion in head and chilliness.
Oppression : of chest.
Ulcerative pain : in bowels.
Excoriating pain : in anus.
Rheumatic pains : through arms ; which seem to be in the bone, in right hip, radiating thence to calf and knee ; in limbs and joints after catching cold.
Colicky pains : in bowels ; around navel ; after vexation ; in abdomen ; along colon ; during menses.
Tensive pain : in forehead ; in ovary ; in left thumb.
Tension : in region of anterior superior spines of ilium.
Bruised pain : in umbilical region, in spot as large as hand.
Sore pain : in right shoulder and elbow joint and finger joints of both hands ; in ankles, toes and soles of both feet.
Smarting : on scalp ; in eyes ; in skin.
Aching : in forehead ; from eye back into head ; in ears ; in small spot below lower eyelid extremely tiresome ; in region of left sacro-iliac articulation ; dull, as if in periosteum or dorsum of feet ; in left foot.
Throbbing : in left temple ; in ears, especially in left ; pains in teeth ; in nose, from left side to root of nose ; dull, in region of left hip and right loin, crest of ilium towards buttock ; in region of right hip.
Palpitating pains : in left eye.
Pulsation : in left temple ; in ears ; in abdomen.
Twitching : in right upper eyelid ; toothache ; in region of l. hip, right loin, crest of ilium towards buttock.
Stiffness : in muscles of nape on moving head ; of hands ; of left knee joint ; of muscles of right side of thigh ; of knees ; of joints.
Rawness : in throat ; in right shoulder blade.
Irritation : in larynx.
Shuddering : from abdomen over body.
Confusion : in frontal region ; of left side of head ; of forehead.
Dulness : of head.
Painful weariness : in small of back.
Heaviness : of forehead ; of lower limbs ; of limbs.
Fulness : in epigastric region.
Emptiness : in stomach.
Tingling : in sole of left foot.
Crawling : in ears ; in left sole ; in skin.
Formication : in affected parts ; in skin.
Falling asleep : of feet and knee joints.
Tickling : in larynx ; in throat.
Itching : in right eyeball ; in ears ; of orifice of urethra ; of erythematous eruption on last day of menses ; of skin ; of ulcers.
Roughness : of tongue as from sand in throat.
Dry feeling : in eyes ; in mouth ; of throat.
Heat : in face and forehead, followed by tiresome aching, pinching pain in small spot below lower eyelid ; in vagina ; in nape of neck ; in head.
Coldness : in knees ; of feet ; of hands.
Inflammation, or colic which comes on in consequence of violent indignation.
Trigeminus affected, causing toothache and hemicrania.
Seldom indicated in rheumatism, is, however, useful in rheumatoid pains or pains along course of sciatic nerve, from reflex nervous action, during or after an attack of rheumatism.
Rheumatic and arthritic conditions ; coxalgia.
Unusual inclination of muscles of all parts of body to become painfully cramped.
Dropsy after scarlet fever.
Indicated in some cases of very painful cancer.
Emaciation. θ Lumbago. θ сhronic diarrhoea.
Warm weather : pain in tumor in right iliac fossa.
Warm room : ciliary neuralgia .
Warmth of bed : painful feeling in abdomen ; cutting beneath umbilicus before menses ; dull stitches in region of right hip ; pains from sacrum along course of sciatic nerve.
Warm drinks : better colic.
Heat : worse pain in tumor in right iliac fossa ; better pains down outside of left leg from hip to ankle ; worse sciatic pains.
Hot tea : better pain from three inches below navel to pit of stomach.
Hot drinks : better cramplike pain in abdomen.
Open air : neuralgia of left face ; fluent coryza ; constriction in larynx, with oppression of breathing ; cannot walk much on account of weakness and trembling of legs.
From catching cold : left-sided tearing, burning and stinging in face, extending to ear and head ; acute gastritis ; sudden severe pains in abdomen ; rheumatic pains in limbs and joints.
Pain residing in muscular fibres of stomach during the seasons when the air is cold, but the sun still powerful enough to heat the blood, likewise in Summer in consequence of sudden changes in weather.
As if coryza would appear ; as if head was compressed ; as if head was being screwed together ; as if eye would fall out ; as if eyeballs were pressed ; as if l. side of face was being torn from right side ; as if tension was made upon nerve of face and skin suddenly relaxed ; as if nerves of lower teeth were compressed or stretched ; as if tongue was scalded ; as if a beard of grain was sticking in velum palati ; as of hunger, in stomach ; as if a chisel was thrust deep into upper abdomen, thence passing in a curve backward and downward into pelvis and thence cutting its way upward again ; as if umbilical region was inflated ; as if bowels were pressed inward ; as of increasing constriction in bowels ; as after taking cold, at umbilicus ; as if intestines were being squeezed between stones and would burst ; as if knives were cutting in abdomen ; as if bowels were in a vise ; as if abdominal walls were festering ; as of an electric shock darting through whole abdomen to anus ; as if a tear had occurred in left side of abdomen ; as of a hernia in groin, and on pressure as if a hernia was receding ; as if bowels hung on easily tearing threads ; as if taking cold in abdomen ; as if anus was weakened by long continued diarrhoea ; as though parts about left ovarian region were squeezed in a vise ; as of a stab in right pelvic region ; as if he was about to smother ; as if chest was constricted ; as if nerves and vessels in region of right scapula were made tense ; as of a heavy weight in lumbo-dorsal region ; as though left sole was asleep ; as if hip joint was fastened by iron clamps ; as if femur was fastened to os innominatum with iron claws ; as if r. shoulder joint had been bruised ; as if muscles in palms of hands were contracted ; as though parts about affected hip were screwed in a vise ; as if pain was boring deep into bones ; as if marrow of bone was being crushed ; as if psoas magnus of right side was too short ; as if calves were asleep ; as if all his strength was failing.
Pain : from back of left ear to eye and mouth ; during micturition extends all over abdomen ; of testicles and spermatic cord ; in shoulder blades and back, extending into neck, with tension ; in back ; in small of back ; in upper part of thigh and buttock ; in hips from region of kidneys down to upper part of thighs ; in legs ; in bowels, extending down into the thighs ; in left foot ; in palms.
Agonizing pains : in left eye ; during menses.
Lancinating pains : flying all over abdomen ; running up back during stool ; running up back, with constriction of anus.
Lacerating : running from left hip inwardly down to knee.
Cutting : extending into head, particularly into forehead ; in left temple ; in eye ; in ears ; from eye up into head and around eye ; as from knives, in bowels ; in stomach, extending to chest ; in bowels, downward ; in intestines, coming up into stomach, or extending down into thighs ; here and there in abdomen ; sharp, in abdomen ; darting through whole abdomen to anus ; in different parts of chest and abdomen and concentrates in pit of stomach ; in umbilical region ; in abdomen, extending towards pubic region ; flying all over abdomen ; during menses ; beneath umbilicus, extending towards groins and internal genital organs ; before menses ; like a stab, in tumor in right iliac fossa ; in abdomen ; pains running up back during stool ; from umbilical to ovarian region ; at region of fundus of bladder.
Sharp, cutting stabs, as from knives, in right eyeball ; in abdomen.
Severe cutting, stitch-like ciliary neuralgia.
Stitches : in forehead above right eye ; in upper jaw ; in hepatic region ; twisting, from umbilical region towards loins and spine ; isolated, deep, apparently connected with ovaries ; through bladder ; in region of kidneys and loins ; alternate, in bladder and rectum ; in region of right ovary ; as from a needle, in ovary ; in eyes and forehead ; in sides with each breath ; in cardiac region ; in r. shoulder towards back ; painful, long, in right metacarpus, frequently repeated, embarrassing opening of hand and stretching of fingers.
Stitching : in forehead and eyes ; in forehead towards nose ; in left side of forehead ; in ears ; dull, in region of r. hip ; in right or left side of chest ; in small of back ; in right hip, extending down leg to joint ; from hip to knee ; in r. knee joint.
Tensive stitch pain in right loin, during inspiration.
Piercing : headache.
Sticking : from eye up into head and around eye ; in small of back and anus ; from sacrum along course of sciatic nerve, behind great trochanter of right leg, down as far as knee.
Sticking-drawing : along left tibia into ankle bones.
Pricking : at anus ; in ankles, toes and soles of feet.
Prickling : in right inner canthus ; in skin ; at anus.
Stinging : in left side of face, extending to ear and head ; in velum palati ; in small of back and anus.
Shooting : in forehead and eyes ; in left side of face, between temple, ear and jaw ; in stomach, extending to chest ; in sacral region ; from small of back to heels ; in left knee.
Darting : sharp, paroxysmal, in stomach, before menses ; in rectum, alternating with stitches through bladder ; in anus ; from sacro-lumbalis muscle into thigh.
Flying pains : in hepatic region.
Tearing : in forehead and root of nose ; in left side of forehead ; through whole brain ; headache ; in eye and surroundings ; in left eye ; in right eye, extending to right temple ; in teeth ; in cheeks ; in left side of face, extending to ear and head ; in different parts of chest and abdomen and concentrates in pit of stomach ; in abdomen, extending up to right mamma ; in whole abdomen ; in right knee joint ; in joints of left hand ; in right limb ; from sacrum along course of sciatic nerve, behind great trochanter of right leg down as far as knee ; from hip to knee ; in right hip and thigh ; in knee ; in legs ; in all limbs ; in skin.
Tearing-drawing : in left arm down to finger joints.
Tearing-twitching : pains in teeth.
Tensive tearing : of left side of face.
Rending : in left side of face between temple, ear and jaw ; in abdomen, extending up to right mamma.
Drawing : in whole brain ; in right side of head and in forehead ; in right upper eyelid ; toothache ; in whole abdomen ; from spine of ilium to inguinal region and upper third of inner surface of thigh ; in left ovary, extending towards stomach, before menses ; in nape ; internally, in region of right scapula ; in hips ; in right thumb, like in tendons, beginning in ball and passing off at tip ; in region of left hip and right loin, crest of ilium towards buttocks ; in right hip and thigh ; in right thigh down to knee ; in left foot ; in all limbs.
Violent tensive drawing : in left cervical muscles.
Jerking : in left side of forehead ; in anus ; in skin.
Twisting : about umbilicus, spreading over whole upper part of abdomen.
Boring : in right side of head and in forehead ; in abdomen ; in ovary ; in region of right hip ; in abdomen.
Boring stitches ; in right temple ; in right side of forehead ; in anus.
Burrowing : in nose, from left side to root of nose.
Beating : toothache ; from left side of nose to glabella.
Scraping : in throat.
Digging : through whole brain ; from left side of nose to glabella.
Dragging pain : in vagina.
Burning : extending into head, particularly into forehead ; in right side of forehead ; on scalp ; from eye up into head and around eye ; in left eye ; in eye ; in right inner canthus ; of eyelids ; in left side of face, extending to ear and head ; on anterior surface of tongue ; on tip of tongue ; of under lip ; in stomach ; in small of back and anus ; in anus ; in region of kidneys and loins ; in urethra ; along whole urethra ; in region of right ovary ; along sacrum ; from sacrum along course of sciatic nerve, behind great trochanter of right leg down as far as knee ; in feet ; in ulcers ; in carbuncles ; on skin.
Burning pressure : in left eye.
Cramping : headache ; in stomach ; from three inches below navel to pit of stomach ; pains in left inguinal region passing around to back ; in left ovarian region ; in abdomen ; dysmenorrhoeal pains ; in hip, from kidney to thighs ; in affected hip ; as if in periosteum or dorsum of feet.
Tight, cramplike pain : in left iliac and inguinal region.
Cramps : in middle of thigh ; in legs ; in left calf ; in legs and feet.
Labor-like pains : in course of ureters, extending to upper part of thighs.
Griping : after eating ; in epigastrium ; sharp, in upper part of abdomen ;
In umbilical region ; in intestines coming up into stomach, or extending down into thighs ; in abdomen ; commencing at umbilicus and passing down to rectum.
Gnawing pain : in head ; in abdomen ; in left ovary extending towards stomach, before menses.
Pinching : in small spot below lower eyelid ; sharp, in epigastrium ; in abdomen.
Squeezing : in intestines extending into stomach, or down into thighs.
Compressive pain : commencing at umbilicus and passing down to rectum.
Compressive sensation : in forehead ; in epigastrium ; in throat.
Constriction : of chest ; in left malar bone extending into left eye ; in throat ; of stomach ; in upper part of abdomen ; about umbilicus, spreading over whole upper part of abdomen ; in umbilical region after eating ; of rectum during stool ; of anus during stool ; in larynx ; of chest ; from hip just behind joint into leg.
Pressure : in orbits ; in temples ; in left temple ; in stomach ; cramplike, in pit of stomach ; upon sides of abdomen, which spreads towards stomach ; upon chest, going upward and spreading about neck ; at anal sphincter ; sudden upon bladder ; in left side of nape ; in left sacroiliac articulation.
Pressive pain : in forehead ; frontal headache ; in eyeballs ; in left orbit along dorsum of nose ; in right eyeball from above and outside.
Pressing : in left temple ; headache ; in left malar bone extending into left eye ; from hip just behind joint into leg ; in orbits near root of nose, with confusion in head and chilliness.
Oppression : of chest.
Ulcerative pain : in bowels.
Excoriating pain : in anus.
Rheumatic pains : through arms ; which seem to be in the bone, in right hip, radiating thence to calf and knee ; in limbs and joints after catching cold.
Colicky pains : in bowels ; around navel ; after vexation ; in abdomen ; along colon ; during menses.
Tensive pain : in forehead ; in ovary ; in left thumb.
Tension : in region of anterior superior spines of ilium.
Bruised pain : in umbilical region, in spot as large as hand.
Sore pain : in right shoulder and elbow joint and finger joints of both hands ; in ankles, toes and soles of both feet.
Smarting : on scalp ; in eyes ; in skin.
Aching : in forehead ; from eye back into head ; in ears ; in small spot below lower eyelid extremely tiresome ; in region of left sacro-iliac articulation ; dull, as if in periosteum or dorsum of feet ; in left foot.
Throbbing : in left temple ; in ears, especially in left ; pains in teeth ; in nose, from left side to root of nose ; dull, in region of left hip and right loin, crest of ilium towards buttock ; in region of right hip.
Palpitating pains : in left eye.
Pulsation : in left temple ; in ears ; in abdomen.
Twitching : in right upper eyelid ; toothache ; in region of l. hip, right loin, crest of ilium towards buttock.
Stiffness : in muscles of nape on moving head ; of hands ; of left knee joint ; of muscles of right side of thigh ; of knees ; of joints.
Rawness : in throat ; in right shoulder blade.
Irritation : in larynx.
Shuddering : from abdomen over body.
Confusion : in frontal region ; of left side of head ; of forehead.
Dulness : of head.
Painful weariness : in small of back.
Heaviness : of forehead ; of lower limbs ; of limbs.
Fulness : in epigastric region.
Emptiness : in stomach.
Tingling : in sole of left foot.
Crawling : in ears ; in left sole ; in skin.
Formication : in affected parts ; in skin.
Falling asleep : of feet and knee joints.
Tickling : in larynx ; in throat.
Itching : in right eyeball ; in ears ; of orifice of urethra ; of erythematous eruption on last day of menses ; of skin ; of ulcers.
Roughness : of tongue as from sand in throat.
Dry feeling : in eyes ; in mouth ; of throat.
Heat : in face and forehead, followed by tiresome aching, pinching pain in small spot below lower eyelid ; in vagina ; in nape of neck ; in head.
Coldness : in knees ; of feet ; of hands.
Inflammation, or colic which comes on in consequence of violent indignation.
Trigeminus affected, causing toothache and hemicrania.
Seldom indicated in rheumatism, is, however, useful in rheumatoid pains or pains along course of sciatic nerve, from reflex nervous action, during or after an attack of rheumatism.
Rheumatic and arthritic conditions ; coxalgia.
Unusual inclination of muscles of all parts of body to become painfully cramped.
Dropsy after scarlet fever.
Indicated in some cases of very painful cancer.
Emaciation. θ Lumbago. θ сhronic diarrhoea.
Chill and coldness of whole body, frequently with heat of face.
Skin cool. θ Lumbago.
Internal coldness with external heat.
Chills proceeding from abdomen.
Chilliness. θ Headache.
Chill and shivering, with pains.
Chilliness with inclination to perspire.
Coldness of hands or soles of feet, rest of body warm.
Chill and fever. θ Lumbago.
Cold hands with warm feet.
Skin warm and moist. θ Dysentery.
Partial heat and partial coolness of skin.
Skin hot and dry. θ Abortion.
External dry heat.
After chill, intense pain in abdomen, constantly increasing, worse from slightest motion or touch, high fever, burning thirst, cheeks and extremities cold. θ Peritonitis.
Dry heat over whole body. θ Headache.
Heat of whole body, with full, hard pulse and thirst.
Internal sensation of heat, with external flushes.
Bilious fever, with cardialgia, spasmodic colic, diarrheic stool.
Fever in evening. θ Acute catarrh of the bladder.
Perspiration about head. θ Ischias.
Profuse warm sweat on forehead and neck. θ сolic.
Profuse sweat over whole body at night, towards morning.
Sweat at night, smelling like urine, causing itching of skin.
Sweat principally on head and extremities.
Cold perspiration. θ сatarrh of colon with colic. θ Lead colic.
Occasionally : pain shooting with lightning-like rapidity from small of back t heels.
Frequent : eructations ; constipation ; watery discharges from bowels ; urging to stool without any evacuations ; pressure at anal sphincter ; urination ; tenesmus vesica ; attacks of colic during pregnancy ; titillating cough at night.
Periodical : headache in l. side of forehead ; occurring daily half an hour after rising ; pain in r. eye ; facial neuralgia ; neuralgic colic, every morning at 6 ; darting from sacro-lumbalis muscle into thigh ; exacerbations of pain in r. hip and thigh.
Intermittent : headache, in those of rheumatic, gouty, or nervous diathesis.
At intervals of five or ten minutes : colicky pains about navel.
At intervals of from five to ten minutes : griping better by straining and consequent expulsion of wind and mucus.
Every fifteen minutes : constant cutting at region of fundus of bladder, with discharge of urine ; paroxysmal pains down outside of l. leg from hip to ankle.
Every hour : headache followed by attacks of suffocation and constriction of chest.
Every two hours : paroxysmal pain in abdomen.
Every four or five hours : four or five successive shocks pass suddenly through parts affected by sciatica.
Every two or three days : hard evacuation.
Sudden : stitching pain in forehead towards nose ; tenesmus ; violent pressure upon bladder.
Transient : stitches in upper jaw frequently recurring ; stitches in hepatic region.
Lasting half a minute : colic in lower part of abdomen coming on in spasms.
For thirty minutes : intense itching of erythematous eruption on last day of menses.
Lasting an hour : periodical facial neuralgia and toothache coming three to four times a day ; constriction, twisting pains about umbilicus, spreading over whole upper part of abdomen.
Lasting several hours : twitching in lower lid, dazzling before eyes and diplopia.
For a whole day : sensitiveness of head as if compressed.
Lasting all night : sharp pains in abdomen followed by discharge, stools chasing her out of bed.
Lasting 24 hours : shooting, rending pains in left side of face, between temple, ear and jaw.
Day and night : complaining bitterly ; violent shooting or stitching in forehead and eyes, from out in, sometimes lessening for a few minutes, but returning afterwards harder ; paraphimosis, violent pains ; whining, on account of rheumatic pain in right hip, calf and knee.
Constant : desire to escape ; horrible, gnawing pains in head ; tearing pain in head ; roaring and throbbing in ears ; rumbling and croaking in bowels as from frogs ; violent bruised pain in umbilical region in spot as large as hand ; inclination to vomit ; flow of blood from hemorrhoids for a long time ; discharge of mucus from anus ; cutting at region of fundus of bladder ; sharp, cutting pains during menses ; dull, aching, cramplike pain as if in periosteum or dorsum of feet.
Chronic : diarrhoea ; catarrh of colon.
Right : boring stitches in temple better from touch ; burning, boring pain in side of forehead ; boring and drawing in side of head ; side of head, particularly about eye, very sensitive to touch ; external strabismus of eye ; periodical pain in eye ; tearing in eye extending to temple ; sharp, cutting stabs as from knives in eyeball ; great itching in eyeball ; prickling, burning pain in inner canthus ; drawing in upper eyelid, or annoying twitching ; side of face, temple, ear, eye and sometimes side of neck attacked by tic douloureux ; inflammation of hip joint, buttock swollen, joint very sensitive to touch ; tearing pain in limb ; dull stitches in region of hip ; violent, continuous tearing, sticking, burning pains from sacrum along course of sciatic nerve behind great trochanter down as far as knee ; severe pain in leg ; rheumatic pains in hip radiating thence to calf and knee ; pain in thigh ; as if psoas magnus was too short ; stiffness of muscles of side of thigh ; drawing in thigh down to knee, stitching in knee joint ; dragging of leg when walking ; tumor in iliac fossa ; severe stitches in region of ovary, which afterwards becomes a burning pain ; pain like a stab in pelvic region ; stitching pains in side of chest ; drawing in region of scapula ; rawness in shoulder blade during repose ; tensive stitch pain in loin during inspiration ; stitching and cutting in hip, extending down leg to joint, when it becomes a severe tearing ; pain in shoulder joint as if bruised ; stitches in shoulder towards back ; shoulder and elbow joint painful, stiff and swollen ; violent drawing in thumb like in tendons, beginning in ball and passing off at hip ; tearing and drawing in hip and thigh.
Left : pressing-burning in orbit, temple and nose, on dorsum nasi and in upper teeth ; confusion in side of head ; pressing-throbbing in temple ; pulsation and pressure in temple ; tearing, stitching, jerking in side of forehead ; inflammation of eye ; burning pressure in eye ; pressing pain in orbit along dorsum of nose ; neuralgia of face, supra and infraorbital regions ; shooting to ear and down side of neck ; profuse lachrymation ; shooting, rending pains in side of face, between temple, ear and jaw ; constriction and pressing in malar bone, extending into eye ; pains from back of ear to eye and mouth of same side ; neuralgia in face from parotid to eye ; beating toothache first in one, then in another tooth of side ; side of abdomen painful to touch ; tenderness over inguinal region ; tight, cramplike pain in iliac and inguinal region ; cramplike pain in ovarian region ; swelling in region of ovary and descending colon ; drawing, gnawing pain in ovary extending towards stomach, before menses, menses increased with pain in foot, worse before menstruation ; stitching pains in sides of chest ; violent tensive drawing in cervical muscles ; pressure in side of nape ; aching in sacro-iliac articulation, with crawling in sole ; tearing-drawing in arm to finger joints ; tearing in joints of hand ; tensive pain in thumb ; pains down outside of leg from hip to ankle ; pressure at sacro-iliac articulation, with tingling in sole of foot ; shooting in knee ; lacerating pains running from hip inwardly down to knee ; sticking drawing in tibia into ankle bones with burning pressure in eye ; drawing aching in foot.
From left to right : paroxysmal pains in abdomen ; falling asleep of feet.
From out in : pain in forehead and eyes.
From above downward : as if eyeballs were pressed.
Skin cool. θ Lumbago.
Internal coldness with external heat.
Chills proceeding from abdomen.
Chilliness. θ Headache.
Chill and shivering, with pains.
Chilliness with inclination to perspire.
Coldness of hands or soles of feet, rest of body warm.
Chill and fever. θ Lumbago.
Cold hands with warm feet.
Skin warm and moist. θ Dysentery.
Partial heat and partial coolness of skin.
Skin hot and dry. θ Abortion.
External dry heat.
After chill, intense pain in abdomen, constantly increasing, worse from slightest motion or touch, high fever, burning thirst, cheeks and extremities cold. θ Peritonitis.
Dry heat over whole body. θ Headache.
Heat of whole body, with full, hard pulse and thirst.
Internal sensation of heat, with external flushes.
Bilious fever, with cardialgia, spasmodic colic, diarrheic stool.
Fever in evening. θ Acute catarrh of the bladder.
Perspiration about head. θ Ischias.
Profuse warm sweat on forehead and neck. θ сolic.
Profuse sweat over whole body at night, towards morning.
Sweat at night, smelling like urine, causing itching of skin.
Sweat principally on head and extremities.
Cold perspiration. θ сatarrh of colon with colic. θ Lead colic.
Occasionally : pain shooting with lightning-like rapidity from small of back t heels.
Frequent : eructations ; constipation ; watery discharges from bowels ; urging to stool without any evacuations ; pressure at anal sphincter ; urination ; tenesmus vesica ; attacks of colic during pregnancy ; titillating cough at night.
Periodical : headache in l. side of forehead ; occurring daily half an hour after rising ; pain in r. eye ; facial neuralgia ; neuralgic colic, every morning at 6 ; darting from sacro-lumbalis muscle into thigh ; exacerbations of pain in r. hip and thigh.
Intermittent : headache, in those of rheumatic, gouty, or nervous diathesis.
At intervals of five or ten minutes : colicky pains about navel.
At intervals of from five to ten minutes : griping better by straining and consequent expulsion of wind and mucus.
Every fifteen minutes : constant cutting at region of fundus of bladder, with discharge of urine ; paroxysmal pains down outside of l. leg from hip to ankle.
Every hour : headache followed by attacks of suffocation and constriction of chest.
Every two hours : paroxysmal pain in abdomen.
Every four or five hours : four or five successive shocks pass suddenly through parts affected by sciatica.
Every two or three days : hard evacuation.
Sudden : stitching pain in forehead towards nose ; tenesmus ; violent pressure upon bladder.
Transient : stitches in upper jaw frequently recurring ; stitches in hepatic region.
Lasting half a minute : colic in lower part of abdomen coming on in spasms.
For thirty minutes : intense itching of erythematous eruption on last day of menses.
Lasting an hour : periodical facial neuralgia and toothache coming three to four times a day ; constriction, twisting pains about umbilicus, spreading over whole upper part of abdomen.
Lasting several hours : twitching in lower lid, dazzling before eyes and diplopia.
For a whole day : sensitiveness of head as if compressed.
Lasting all night : sharp pains in abdomen followed by discharge, stools chasing her out of bed.
Lasting 24 hours : shooting, rending pains in left side of face, between temple, ear and jaw.
Day and night : complaining bitterly ; violent shooting or stitching in forehead and eyes, from out in, sometimes lessening for a few minutes, but returning afterwards harder ; paraphimosis, violent pains ; whining, on account of rheumatic pain in right hip, calf and knee.
Constant : desire to escape ; horrible, gnawing pains in head ; tearing pain in head ; roaring and throbbing in ears ; rumbling and croaking in bowels as from frogs ; violent bruised pain in umbilical region in spot as large as hand ; inclination to vomit ; flow of blood from hemorrhoids for a long time ; discharge of mucus from anus ; cutting at region of fundus of bladder ; sharp, cutting pains during menses ; dull, aching, cramplike pain as if in periosteum or dorsum of feet.
Chronic : diarrhoea ; catarrh of colon.
Right : boring stitches in temple better from touch ; burning, boring pain in side of forehead ; boring and drawing in side of head ; side of head, particularly about eye, very sensitive to touch ; external strabismus of eye ; periodical pain in eye ; tearing in eye extending to temple ; sharp, cutting stabs as from knives in eyeball ; great itching in eyeball ; prickling, burning pain in inner canthus ; drawing in upper eyelid, or annoying twitching ; side of face, temple, ear, eye and sometimes side of neck attacked by tic douloureux ; inflammation of hip joint, buttock swollen, joint very sensitive to touch ; tearing pain in limb ; dull stitches in region of hip ; violent, continuous tearing, sticking, burning pains from sacrum along course of sciatic nerve behind great trochanter down as far as knee ; severe pain in leg ; rheumatic pains in hip radiating thence to calf and knee ; pain in thigh ; as if psoas magnus was too short ; stiffness of muscles of side of thigh ; drawing in thigh down to knee, stitching in knee joint ; dragging of leg when walking ; tumor in iliac fossa ; severe stitches in region of ovary, which afterwards becomes a burning pain ; pain like a stab in pelvic region ; stitching pains in side of chest ; drawing in region of scapula ; rawness in shoulder blade during repose ; tensive stitch pain in loin during inspiration ; stitching and cutting in hip, extending down leg to joint, when it becomes a severe tearing ; pain in shoulder joint as if bruised ; stitches in shoulder towards back ; shoulder and elbow joint painful, stiff and swollen ; violent drawing in thumb like in tendons, beginning in ball and passing off at hip ; tearing and drawing in hip and thigh.
Left : pressing-burning in orbit, temple and nose, on dorsum nasi and in upper teeth ; confusion in side of head ; pressing-throbbing in temple ; pulsation and pressure in temple ; tearing, stitching, jerking in side of forehead ; inflammation of eye ; burning pressure in eye ; pressing pain in orbit along dorsum of nose ; neuralgia of face, supra and infraorbital regions ; shooting to ear and down side of neck ; profuse lachrymation ; shooting, rending pains in side of face, between temple, ear and jaw ; constriction and pressing in malar bone, extending into eye ; pains from back of ear to eye and mouth of same side ; neuralgia in face from parotid to eye ; beating toothache first in one, then in another tooth of side ; side of abdomen painful to touch ; tenderness over inguinal region ; tight, cramplike pain in iliac and inguinal region ; cramplike pain in ovarian region ; swelling in region of ovary and descending colon ; drawing, gnawing pain in ovary extending towards stomach, before menses, menses increased with pain in foot, worse before menstruation ; stitching pains in sides of chest ; violent tensive drawing in cervical muscles ; pressure in side of nape ; aching in sacro-iliac articulation, with crawling in sole ; tearing-drawing in arm to finger joints ; tearing in joints of hand ; tensive pain in thumb ; pains down outside of leg from hip to ankle ; pressure at sacro-iliac articulation, with tingling in sole of foot ; shooting in knee ; lacerating pains running from hip inwardly down to knee ; sticking drawing in tibia into ankle bones with burning pressure in eye ; drawing aching in foot.
From left to right : paroxysmal pains in abdomen ; falling asleep of feet.
From out in : pain in forehead and eyes.
From above downward : as if eyeballs were pressed.
Dryness and heat of skin.
Itching : prickling ; crawling ; formication.
Burning, jerking, tearing pain.
Smarting, itching, followed by perspiration.
Herpes (scabby) on face.
Itch-like eruptions.
Itching, burning ulcers.
Carbuncles, with continuous burning pain.
Boils on neck and face.
Desquamation over whole body.
Itching : prickling ; crawling ; formication.
Burning, jerking, tearing pain.
Smarting, itching, followed by perspiration.
Herpes (scabby) on face.
Itch-like eruptions.
Itching, burning ulcers.
Carbuncles, with continuous burning pain.
Boils on neck and face.
Desquamation over whole body.
Patient type and constitution
Blonde persons.
Persons subject to violent attacks of cramp colic from fruit, lead poisoning or excessive venery.
Rheumatic or gouty rheumatic diathesis.
Neuralgia of the small branches of the infraorbital nerves, in plethoric, choleric, irritable men, from 40 to 50 years of age, and disposed to hemorrhoidal and gouty affections and to congestions towards head ; most frequent cause was vexation, but sometimes too close application to business ; but once produced, this neuralgia was apt to recur many days successively at same hour, in forenoon.
Boy, at. 4, feeble constitution, suffering frequently from constipation ; paralysis of rectum.
Boy, at. 13 ; violent headache for ninety hours.
Boy, at. 13, after catching cold ; rheumatism.
Minna G., at. 17, had begun to menstruate ; ischias.
A young countryman, at. 18, had suffered for several weeks ; rheumatic sciatica.
Servant girl, at. about 23, healthy complexion, intelligent appearance ; neuralgia of left face.
Miss W. в., at. about 20, after taking cold ; acute gastritis.
Miss с., at. 23 ; dysentery.
Mrs. L., at. 24, fond of tea and coffee, of a venous, hemorrhoidal temperament, yellow complexion, inclined to hysterical affections, subject to cramps in stomach and pain in back, and suffering under stoppage of menses ; neuralgia of solar plexus.
Young woman, at. 25, suffering for five years ; ovarian tumor.
Girl, at. 26 ; scrofulous during childhood, not well developed ; headache.
Woman, at. 26, in sixth week of lactation, in consequence of catching cold ; colic.
Man, at. 27 ; ischias.
Woman, at. 27, with amenorrhoea and chronic disposition to vomit ; faceache.
ME., at. 28 ; diarrhoea.
W., at. 29, well built, choleric-phlegmatic temperament, accustomed to much traveling ; headache.
Woman, at. 30, abortion at fourth month, followed by suppression of lochia.
Girl, at. 30, tall, slender and healthy, although somewhat pale and emaciated in consequence of former abdominal troubles.
Woman, wife of an apothecary, suffered for fourteen months under unsuccessful allopathic treatment ; chronic morning diarrhoea.
Girl, at. 33, lively disposition ; colic before appearance of menses.
Man, at. 34, suffering for eight days from periodical recurrence of pain in right eye ; rheumatic inflammation of eye.
Mrs. -, at. 37, in consequence of taking cold ; peritonitis.
Man, at. 38 ; colic from vexation.
Mrs. с. E. H., at. about 38, always been in good health, married ten years ; never pregnant ; ovarian tumor.
Man, at. 40, after catching cold and heavy lifting ; coxalgia.
Potter, at. 40, had rheumatism and lead colic, suffering all Winter and Spring ; lumbago.
Mrs. -, a lady, at. about 40, had been for two or three years suffering from chronic diarrhoea, nervous prostration and general debility ; the result of mental overexertion.
Military man, at. 40, suffering for nine months ; allopathic treatment without result ; coxalgia.
Woman, at. 44, mild disposition, short in build ; after having fallen twice ; inflammation about the abdomen.
PL., at. 55, always been in good health until within four or five years, since when he has been suffering from piles ; ischias.
Woman, at. 56, suffering from gastralgia and gout, followed by inflammation of eyes ; choleric temperament, venous, hemorrhoidal constitution ; choroiditis.
Man, at. 56, sanguine-choleric temperament, has been suffering for twenty years from attacks of colic.
Man, at. 59, active ; sciatica.
Man, at. 60, otherwise healthy ; faceache.
The wife of a custom clerk, at. 64, had suffered for two years ; ischias.
Woman, at. 78, subject to attacks of vertigo for one year, otherwise healthy ; dysentery.
Persons subject to violent attacks of cramp colic from fruit, lead poisoning or excessive venery.
Rheumatic or gouty rheumatic diathesis.
Neuralgia of the small branches of the infraorbital nerves, in plethoric, choleric, irritable men, from 40 to 50 years of age, and disposed to hemorrhoidal and gouty affections and to congestions towards head ; most frequent cause was vexation, but sometimes too close application to business ; but once produced, this neuralgia was apt to recur many days successively at same hour, in forenoon.
Boy, at. 4, feeble constitution, suffering frequently from constipation ; paralysis of rectum.
Boy, at. 13 ; violent headache for ninety hours.
Boy, at. 13, after catching cold ; rheumatism.
Minna G., at. 17, had begun to menstruate ; ischias.
A young countryman, at. 18, had suffered for several weeks ; rheumatic sciatica.
Servant girl, at. about 23, healthy complexion, intelligent appearance ; neuralgia of left face.
Miss W. в., at. about 20, after taking cold ; acute gastritis.
Miss с., at. 23 ; dysentery.
Mrs. L., at. 24, fond of tea and coffee, of a venous, hemorrhoidal temperament, yellow complexion, inclined to hysterical affections, subject to cramps in stomach and pain in back, and suffering under stoppage of menses ; neuralgia of solar plexus.
Young woman, at. 25, suffering for five years ; ovarian tumor.
Girl, at. 26 ; scrofulous during childhood, not well developed ; headache.
Woman, at. 26, in sixth week of lactation, in consequence of catching cold ; colic.
Man, at. 27 ; ischias.
Woman, at. 27, with amenorrhoea and chronic disposition to vomit ; faceache.
ME., at. 28 ; diarrhoea.
W., at. 29, well built, choleric-phlegmatic temperament, accustomed to much traveling ; headache.
Woman, at. 30, abortion at fourth month, followed by suppression of lochia.
Girl, at. 30, tall, slender and healthy, although somewhat pale and emaciated in consequence of former abdominal troubles.
Woman, wife of an apothecary, suffered for fourteen months under unsuccessful allopathic treatment ; chronic morning diarrhoea.
Girl, at. 33, lively disposition ; colic before appearance of menses.
Man, at. 34, suffering for eight days from periodical recurrence of pain in right eye ; rheumatic inflammation of eye.
Mrs. -, at. 37, in consequence of taking cold ; peritonitis.
Man, at. 38 ; colic from vexation.
Mrs. с. E. H., at. about 38, always been in good health, married ten years ; never pregnant ; ovarian tumor.
Man, at. 40, after catching cold and heavy lifting ; coxalgia.
Potter, at. 40, had rheumatism and lead colic, suffering all Winter and Spring ; lumbago.
Mrs. -, a lady, at. about 40, had been for two or three years suffering from chronic diarrhoea, nervous prostration and general debility ; the result of mental overexertion.
Military man, at. 40, suffering for nine months ; allopathic treatment without result ; coxalgia.
Woman, at. 44, mild disposition, short in build ; after having fallen twice ; inflammation about the abdomen.
PL., at. 55, always been in good health until within four or five years, since when he has been suffering from piles ; ischias.
Woman, at. 56, suffering from gastralgia and gout, followed by inflammation of eyes ; choleric temperament, venous, hemorrhoidal constitution ; choroiditis.
Man, at. 56, sanguine-choleric temperament, has been suffering for twenty years from attacks of colic.
Man, at. 59, active ; sciatica.
Man, at. 60, otherwise healthy ; faceache.
The wife of a custom clerk, at. 64, had suffered for two years ; ischias.
Woman, at. 78, subject to attacks of vertigo for one year, otherwise healthy ; dysentery.
Dif. diagnostics
Antidoted by : сamphor., сaustic., сhamom., сoffea, Opium, Staphis.
Large doses are counteracted by tepid milk, infusion of galls, сamphor. and Opium.
It antidotes : сaustic., Magnes.
Compatible : сoloc. in alternation with Staphis. cured ovarian pains ; after сhamom. in abdominal pains and first stage of cholera.
Complementary : Mercur. in dysentery with much tenesmus.
Compare : Actea rac., Arnic., вellad., вryon. (closed analogue), сanthar., сaustic., сhamom., сhelid., сinchon., (beer intoxicates easily), сoccul., сoffea, Digit., Gambog., Lycop., Mercur., Nux vomica, Plumbum (inclination to assume strange attitudes in bed), Pulsat., Staphis. (anger with vexation, abdominal pains, neuralgia, etc. Veratr.
Large doses are counteracted by tepid milk, infusion of galls, сamphor. and Opium.
It antidotes : сaustic., Magnes.
Compatible : сoloc. in alternation with Staphis. cured ovarian pains ; after сhamom. in abdominal pains and first stage of cholera.
Complementary : Mercur. in dysentery with much tenesmus.
Compare : Actea rac., Arnic., вellad., вryon. (closed analogue), сanthar., сaustic., сhamom., сhelid., сinchon., (beer intoxicates easily), сoccul., сoffea, Digit., Gambog., Lycop., Mercur., Nux vomica, Plumbum (inclination to assume strange attitudes in bed), Pulsat., Staphis. (anger with vexation, abdominal pains, neuralgia, etc. Veratr.
Included in the composition
- 1.7€ Feminin-gran (Аспектус фарма ООО )
- 2.3€ Menalgin
- 2.7€ Normagast (2 firms)
- 2.1-2.5€ Акваберберис (Фитасинтекс)
- 2.5€ Алкавит (Фитасинтекс)
- — Colocint-plus (Доктор Н)
- 4.8-6.2€ Spascupreel (Сигнал НЦ ФГУП )
- 5.8-5.9€ Hepeel (Сигнал НЦ ФГУП )
- 5€ Гепарис (Фитасинтекс)
- 6.8-8.9€ Nux vomica-homaccord (Сигнал НЦ ФГУП )
- 11€ Flowers Energy №10
- 11€ Flowers Energy №24
- 11€ Flowers Energy №27
- 11€ Flowers Energy №43
- 11€ Flowers Energy №44
- 11€ Flowers Energy №46
- — Flowers Energy №48
- 11€ Flowers Energy №61
- 13-218.8€ Discus compositum (Сигнал НЦ ФГУП )
- — Atropinum compositum
- — Berberis-homaccord (Сигнал НЦ ФГУП )
- — Cholistosan (Гомеопатический медико-социальный центр )