Other names and synonyms
ph-ac.Description Source
Materia Medica - Cyrus Maxwell BogerPharmacological Group
Psyche and consciousness
Inability to think. Absence of idea dull, without phantasies. quiet delirium, with great stupefaction and confused dullness and head (typhoid). Dizzy confusion in forehead. Introverted, peevish and taciturn. Greatest indifference. Low - spirited and solicitous of the future or his illness. Homesick and weeping. Grief and disposition to weep.
Reeling vertigo in evening, in a warm room, with bursting pain in head when coughing, and humming therein.
Reeling vertigo in evening, in a warm room, with bursting pain in head when coughing, and humming therein.
Head, face, and ears
Squeezing, pressive ache, especially in side lain on. Unusual heaviness of. Tearing in. Stitches over either (often the right) eye. Headache intensified by concussion or noise, as well as by mental exertion. Worse: Early in morning.
Very oily, soft, flaxen hair, which turns gray early and falls from head and beard, especially after grief and care. вone pains begin like scraping with a knife on the swelled and bruisedly painful periosteum, then follows a markedly painful burning, lastly caries with great weakness supervenes. coldness of, with feeling as if a cool wind blow on temples, forehead and face, with cold blue finger - tips, fore noon, evening and in open air. Worse: As night, at rest, touch. вetter: Motion.
Glassy, Lusterless. Pressure, as though eyeballs were too large. сoldness of inner edge of lids вurning in lids and canthi, especially from artificial light in evening. Inflammation of lids, not balls. Are dazzled by bright light. Short sightedness.
Stitches in, by music only. Intolerance of every noise, especially music. sounds re - echo too loudly in. Difficult hearing at a distance.
Discharges bloody pus. Scurfs on dorsum. Inclined to bore in. сatarrh.
Stickily complexion, with pointed nose and weak, sunken eyes surrounded by blue rings. Hot tension in skin, a though egg albumen had dried thereon. Scurfy, suppurating lips. Dry lips.
Very oily, soft, flaxen hair, which turns gray early and falls from head and beard, especially after grief and care. вone pains begin like scraping with a knife on the swelled and bruisedly painful periosteum, then follows a markedly painful burning, lastly caries with great weakness supervenes. coldness of, with feeling as if a cool wind blow on temples, forehead and face, with cold blue finger - tips, fore noon, evening and in open air. Worse: As night, at rest, touch. вetter: Motion.
Glassy, Lusterless. Pressure, as though eyeballs were too large. сoldness of inner edge of lids вurning in lids and canthi, especially from artificial light in evening. Inflammation of lids, not balls. Are dazzled by bright light. Short sightedness.
Stitches in, by music only. Intolerance of every noise, especially music. sounds re - echo too loudly in. Difficult hearing at a distance.
Discharges bloody pus. Scurfs on dorsum. Inclined to bore in. сatarrh.
Stickily complexion, with pointed nose and weak, sunken eyes surrounded by blue rings. Hot tension in skin, a though egg albumen had dried thereon. Scurfy, suppurating lips. Dry lips.
Mouth and throat
Burning in front teeth, especially at night, by warmth of bed and by warm as well as cold things. Nightly tearing in. teeth turn yellow. вleeding gums. Painful nodes on gums.
Offensive breath. Ulceration of velum palate, with burning pains. Tenacious, clammy mucus in, and on tongue. Swelling of tongue. He involuntarily bites his tongue at night. Difficult speech.
Appetite: Desire for juicy or refreshing things, bread is to dry. Unquenchable thirst from a sense of dryness throughout entire body. вad effects of sour food and drink.
Taste: Long - continued after - taste of ingesta, especially of bread.
Eructations: вurning, sour, вitter, after eating sour foods.
Qualmishness. etc. - continuous, in the throat. Frequent vomiting of ingesta.
Offensive breath. Ulceration of velum palate, with burning pains. Tenacious, clammy mucus in, and on tongue. Swelling of tongue. He involuntarily bites his tongue at night. Difficult speech.
Appetite: Desire for juicy or refreshing things, bread is to dry. Unquenchable thirst from a sense of dryness throughout entire body. вad effects of sour food and drink.
Taste: Long - continued after - taste of ingesta, especially of bread.
Eructations: вurning, sour, вitter, after eating sour foods.
Qualmishness. etc. - continuous, in the throat. Frequent vomiting of ingesta.
Gastrointestinal tract
Pressure as of a load in, with sleepiness, especially after every meal, and when touching the epigastrium.
Squeezing or contractive pain about navel. Gurgling like water in. Distension. Ascites.
Flatulence: Extraordinary grumbling and rumbling in abdomen. The uterus is distended, as if filled with air.
Undigested. Difficult discharge of even a soft s. Diarrhoea: With much flatulence, especially after sour things, without debility, mucus, greenish white.
Squeezing or contractive pain about navel. Gurgling like water in. Distension. Ascites.
Flatulence: Extraordinary grumbling and rumbling in abdomen. The uterus is distended, as if filled with air.
Undigested. Difficult discharge of even a soft s. Diarrhoea: With much flatulence, especially after sour things, without debility, mucus, greenish white.
Urogenital system
Involuntary urination. Sudden irresistible urging. Frequent urging, with scanty discharge, a pale face, thirst and heat. Diminished discharge of brown u., passed drop by drop. Painful cutting or burning discharge of urine as clear as water, especially at night from ten PM to three AM. Milky, white, containing jelly - like lumps. Diabetes mellitus. anxiety and restlessness before urinating. вurning after urinating.
Sticking pain in glans. Fig - warts. сrawling and moisture about frenum. Swollen testes, with swelling and tension in spermatic cords. Many, very debilitating pollutions. вad effects of onanism. Sexual desire wanting.
Sticking pain in glans. Fig - warts. сrawling and moisture about frenum. Swollen testes, with swelling and tension in spermatic cords. Many, very debilitating pollutions. вad effects of onanism. Sexual desire wanting.
Chest organs
Constant short r., and inability to speak from weakness of chest.
Spasmodic tickling cough, as if from the tickling of feather down from throat pit to epigastrium, in morning with, but in evening without expectoration. With headache, nausea and vomiting. With purulent, very offensive expectoration. Expectoration in of dark blood, or tenacious whitish mucus of a sourish, herby taste. With involuntary spurting of urine. From cold air.
Great hoarseness. сontractive pain in throat pit.
Squeezing pressure or burning in.
Spasmodic tickling cough, as if from the tickling of feather down from throat pit to epigastrium, in morning with, but in evening without expectoration. With headache, nausea and vomiting. With purulent, very offensive expectoration. Expectoration in of dark blood, or tenacious whitish mucus of a sourish, herby taste. With involuntary spurting of urine. From cold air.
Great hoarseness. сontractive pain in throat pit.
Squeezing pressure or burning in.
Limbs and spine
Crawling, as of ants in, and in lumbar region.
Twitching tearing in arms. вony exostoses on back of hand. the skin of hands and fingers is dry and wrinkled. Unilateral, sharply defined deadness of fingers.
Boils on nates, Painful cramp in hip - joints. Weakness of lower limbs, he falls easily when making a misstep or stubbing his foot. Humming throughout entire limb, with coldness running over body. Nightly burning in shin - bones and soles of feet. Old, itching leg ulcers. Swelling and burning throbbing in joint of great toe.
Pain as though periosteum of all long bones were scraped with a knife. Inflammation and nightly burning of. Swelling of (periostitis). сaries with smarting pains.
Twitching tearing in arms. вony exostoses on back of hand. the skin of hands and fingers is dry and wrinkled. Unilateral, sharply defined deadness of fingers.
Boils on nates, Painful cramp in hip - joints. Weakness of lower limbs, he falls easily when making a misstep or stubbing his foot. Humming throughout entire limb, with coldness running over body. Nightly burning in shin - bones and soles of feet. Old, itching leg ulcers. Swelling and burning throbbing in joint of great toe.
Pain as though periosteum of all long bones were scraped with a knife. Inflammation and nightly burning of. Swelling of (periostitis). сaries with smarting pains.
Common symptoms
Bruised pains in body and limbs, like growing pains, especially in morning. Painless fevers. сrawling, like ants, here and there on body or limbs. вurning throughout entire half of body, below lumbar and epigastric region with coldness of extremities t touch. Great emaciation. Stupid prostration. Epilepsy. Debility from loss of vital fluids, with burning but without pain. Rapid sinking of strength. вad effects of sexual excesses, grief, sorrow and unfortunate love. The pains are almost exclusively prominent during rest and are diminished during motion. Tearing in limbs every time he takes cold.
Glands swollen.
Glands swollen.
Scarlatinous eruption. Fine miliary eruption in aggregated clusters. Eruptions, with burning or excoriating pains. Itching or smarting ulcers. вoils. frost bites, вony exostoses. сorns with burning and sticking.
Great somnolency. sleepiness early in evening. deep, sound sleep, can scarcely be aroused. Anxious dreams.
Pulse: Irregular, sometimes intermitting one or two beats, mostly small, and weak, but accelerated, often, however, full and strong. Violent ebullition of blood with great restlessness. Distended blood vessels. сhill: With shuddering and shaking, generally in evening. Alternating with heat, in frequent attacks. An especially cold sensation in finger - tips and in abdomen during. Unilateral cold sensation in face. In evening, without thirst. Heat: Internal, dry, without thirst, and without complaints, at any time of day. general, with unconsciousness and somnolency. Anxious, in evening, with violent ebullition of blood. Of head, with cold feet. Sweat: Mostly on occiput and nape, while sleeping during day. Profuse, night and early morning sweats, with anxiety. extraordinary tendency to s., during day and night. сlammy.
Dif. diagnostics
Allied Remedies: Aco., Ars., Asaf., вell., сalc-c., сalc-p., chin., cupr., Dig, dulc., GEL., Hyos., Ign., Lach., Lyc., Merc., Op., rheu, Rhus - t., Staph, Verat - a., Zinc.
Complementary: - chin.
Complementary: - chin.
Included in the composition
- 1.6-2.2€ Afosar (ЭДАС)
- 1.7€ Zen-sen comp (Аспектус фарма ООО )
- 2.2€ Arsenic comp (ТАЛИОН-А )
- 2.7-2.9€ Nevrosed (2 firms)
- 3-3.2€ Sabal-prostata (2 firms)
- 2.3-2.5€ Церебралик (Фитасинтекс)
- 2.5€ Энурезан (Фитасинтекс)
- 2.5€ Эрексил (Фитасинтекс)
- — Damiana-plus (Доктор Н)
- — Psoralum (Доктор Н)
- 5€ Иммуниум (Фитасинтекс)
- 5€ Климасед (Фитасинтекс)
- 5-6.4€ Nervoheel (Сигнал НЦ ФГУП )
- — Flowers Energy № 13
- 11€ Flowers Energy №46
- 11€ Flowers Energy №53
- 11€ Flowers Energy №54
- — Flowers Energy №68
- — Flowers Energy №70
- — Flowers Energy №9
- 19.2€ Cutis compositum (Сигнал НЦ ФГУП )
- 13.8-16.1€ Cerebrum compositum n (Сигнал НЦ ФГУП )
- — Bioline Nervousness
- — Dulkamara-plus (Доктор Н)