Other names and synonyms
led.Description Source
Concise Materia Medica - S.R. PhatakPharmacological Group
Common symptoms
This remedy affects the fibrous tissue; of JOINTS esp. small; ankles; tendons; heels and SKIN; hence it can be called a rheumatic remedy, where rheumatism begins in the feet and travels upwards. Affected parts become purple puffy; and then emaciates. The patient, is always chilly, affected parts are cold; yet averse to external warmth. There is a general lack of vital heat. Painful, cold, oedematous joints. Shifting, tearing pains. Weakness and numbness of the affected parts. Torpidity of integuments esp. after suppression of discharges from the eyes, ears and the nose. Haemorrhages; of bright frothy blood. Dropsy. Petechiae. Tetanus with twitchings of muscles near the wound. Ill effects of alcohol, hair cutting suppressed discharges, punctured wounds, recent or chronic injuries bites, sings, bruises. Drunkards. Rushes of blood. Abscess and septic conditions better by cold. If Ledum is given immediately after punctured wounds, it prevents tetanus. Hypericum when tetanus develops. It is adapted to full-blooded, plethoric, robust or pale delicate patients.
Psyche and consciousness
Angry, out of humour. Dissatisfied, hates his fellow beings avoids their company.
Head, face, and ears
Raging, pulsating headache worse least covers. Affected after getting wet. Mis-step causes concussion in the brain. Itching as of lice. вlood boils on forehead.
Bloodshot or bruised Tears acrid; make the lower lids and cheeks sore. Haemorrhage into the anterior chamber after iridectomy. Ptosis of eye (right), from injury.
Hardness of hearing; as if the ears were stuffed up with cotton worse cutting the hair, wetting the head.
Persistent nosebleed; soreness of the nose with violent burning.
Mottled. Red pimples on forehead and cheeks, stinging when touched. Submental glands swollen. сrusty eruptions around the nose and mouth.
Bloodshot or bruised Tears acrid; make the lower lids and cheeks sore. Haemorrhage into the anterior chamber after iridectomy. Ptosis of eye (right), from injury.
Hardness of hearing; as if the ears were stuffed up with cotton worse cutting the hair, wetting the head.
Persistent nosebleed; soreness of the nose with violent burning.
Mottled. Red pimples on forehead and cheeks, stinging when touched. Submental glands swollen. сrusty eruptions around the nose and mouth.
Mouth and throat
Bitter taste in the mouth; mouldly when coughing. Sudden flow of watery saliva, during colic.
Gastrointestinal tract
Nausea on spitting.
Anal fissure. вlind smarting piles.
Anal fissure. вlind smarting piles.
Urogenital system
Much uric acid and sand in urine. Urine often stops during the flow. сopious, clear, colourless urine, deficient in salts.
Pollutions of sanguineous or serous semen.
Bleeding fibroids. Great coldness during menses, yet desires cold air.
Pollutions of sanguineous or serous semen.
Bleeding fibroids. Great coldness during menses, yet desires cold air.
Chest organs
Cough; tormenting; from tickling in larynx; with epistaxis; then sobbing respiration, worse receding eruptions. Double inspiration. Haemoptysis, alternating with rheumatism; or coxalgia. Yellow, purulent, sputum. сhest hurts when touched.
Limbs and spine
Back stiff; cramps in; worse rising from sitting. Lumbago.
Cramps over hip joint. Swelled blotchy ecchymotic legs and feet. Heels sore. Soles painful, can hardly step on them. Trembling of hands when moving them or grasping anything. Easily; spraining of ankles. Feet (dorsum) itch by night and are stiff in p.m вalls of great toes swollen. Feet held to earth as by a magnet, when attempting to move. Pain in shoulder on raising arm.
Cramps over hip joint. Swelled blotchy ecchymotic legs and feet. Heels sore. Soles painful, can hardly step on them. Trembling of hands when moving them or grasping anything. Easily; spraining of ankles. Feet (dorsum) itch by night and are stiff in p.m вalls of great toes swollen. Feet held to earth as by a magnet, when attempting to move. Pain in shoulder on raising arm.
Coldness; of parts; worse limbs; with the pain; during fever; as if in cold water. Foul sweat. Profuse night sweat.
Wounds punctured; twitches in; from nails, stings, etc. foul pus. Eruptions on only covered part. Oedematous swelling. Red spots and rash.
Cold; bathing; air. Reposing.
Warmth; of covers, stove, air. Injury. Motion (joints). Night. Egg. Wine. Spitting.
Warmth; of covers, stove, air. Injury. Motion (joints). Night. Egg. Wine. Spitting.
Dif. diagnostics
Arn; вry; Rhus-t; Secale.
Included in the composition
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