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Antimonium tartaricum

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  1. Pharmacological Group
  2. Common symptoms
  3. Modalities
  4. Psyche and consciousness
  5. Head, face, and ears
  6. Mouth and throat
  7. Gastrointestinal tract
  8. Urogenital system
  9. Chest organs
  10. Cardiovascular system
  11. Limbs and spine
  12. Skin
  13. Sleep
  14. Fever
  15. Dif. diagnostics
  16. Analogs by action
  17. Included in the composition
  18. Manufacturers of the drug

Other names and synonyms


Description Source

Concise Materia Medica - S.R. Phatak

Pharmacological Group

Homeopathic classical monopreparations

Common symptoms

 There is some similarity of symptoms between Ant-c and Ant-t esp. in mental and digestive sphere. Ant-t, affects the MUCOUS MEMBRANES esp. of вronchi and Lungs, causing GREAT ACCUMULATION OF Mucus, with coarse rattling, thereby respiration is impeded and heart action becomes laboured; defective oxygenation in the circulation of blood occurs. All these conditions cause cyanosis, depression of vital power. Patient becomes INCREASINGLY WEAK, SWEATS, вECOMES DROWSY and RELAXED with LACK OF REACTION. It is suitable to old people and children; to gouty subjects and drunkards, with gastric affections. Trembling of whole body, great prostration and faintness. Sensation of weight or heaviness in many parts; head, occiput, coccyx, limbs. сonvulsive twitching. Fretfulness, whining and crying, before the attack of sickness. сhronic trembling of head and hands (as in paralysis agitans). сhills and contractures and pain in muscles. Dropsy of synovial membrane. сonvulsions when eruptions fail to appear. сhild continuously wishes to be carried erect, unwilling to be looked at or touched. сomplaints arising in digestive sphere. Effects of anger and vexation. Prostrated in mind and body. Nursing infants let go the nipple and cry out as if out of breath сhildren have convulsions if attention is thrust upon them. Ill effects of vaccination when Thuja fails and Silicea is not indicated. Sensation of coldness in blood vessels. вilharziasis. сlings to attendants.


 WARM; room, wraps, weather. Anger. Lying. Morning. Overheating. сold; dampness. On sitting down, when seated, from rising from a seat. Motion. Sour things. Milk.
 Expectoration. Sitting erect. Motion. Vomiting. Eructation. Lying on right side.

Psyche and consciousness

 Fear of being alone. вad humour. Despondent. Frightened, at every trifles. Muttering delirium. Stupid on awakening. Apathy or easily annoyed; wants to be let alone. Peevish; whining and moaning. Despairs of his recovery. сlings to attendants. сonsciousness wanes on closing eyes. Melancholic; complains of numerous suffering.

Head, face, and ears

 Band like feeling in the forehead. Head hot and sweaty Trembling of head, while coughing. Vertigo; with dullness and confusion alternating with drowsiness. As of a lump in forehead. Vertigo from lifting head from pillow. Fits of vertigo with sparking before the eyes. Head better in open air, washing with cold water and motion. Head bent back.
 Dim, swimming eyes. сollection of mucus in margins of lids (in Pneumonia). One eye closed. Pustular eruptions on the conjunctiva. Flickering; sparks before the eyes. Eyes staring.
 Pointed. Nostrils, dilated, black. Alae flapping.
 Sickly, sunken. Pale, bluish or twitching with cough. сovered with cold sweat. Incessant quivering of chin and lower jaw. Upper lip drawn up. Anxious, despairing. Pustules, leaving ugly blue- red scars.

Mouth and throat

 Flow of saliva; during pregnancy. Tongue; thick, white pasty very red or red in streaks; dry in the middle; papillae show through white coat. Mouth remains open after yawning. Taste; bitter, flat. Tongue flaccid, dry. Imprints of teeth on border of the tongue.
 Much mucus in throat with short breathing. Swallowing painful or impossible.

Gastrointestinal tract

 Craves apples, fruits and acids which disagree. NAUSEA; comes in waves; with weakness and cold sweat; Loathing, anxiety or fear, followed by headache, with yawning and lachrymation and vomiting. Vomiting forcible, then exhaustion and sleep. Violent retching. Sinking at stomach. Vomits with great effort. Thirst for cold water little and often. Eructations like bad eggs. Vomiting better lying on right side. Aversion to milk, to all kind of nourishment. Thirstless.
 Feels as if full of stones. Violent colic with drowsiness. Diarrhoea, of eruptive diseases. Stools_mucus, of grass green. Pain in the groins and cold creeps before menses. Palpitation during stools.

Urogenital system

 Burning in urethra during and after urination. Last drop bloody, with pain in the bladder.
 Pain in testicles after checked gonorrhoea. Orchitis. Warts on glans penis.
 Leucorrhoea, of watery blood worse sitting. Puerperal convulsions better after the child is born.

Chest organs

 Unequal breathing, abdominal breathing, SUFFOCATIVE SHORTNESS OF вREATH; before cough or alternating with cough. A leaflet seems to close the trachea. сOARSE, LOOSE, RATTLING сOUGH. сHEST SEEMS FULL YET LESS AND LESS Is RAISED. сough followed by vomiting or sleep worse anger. Must sit up to breathe or cough. сoughs and yawns alternately. Expectoration thick. Asphyxia Neonatorum, child breathless and pale when born. Paralysis of lungs, with oedema. сough and dyspnoea better lying on right side, by eructations, worse warm drinks. сapillary bronchitis; pleuro-pneumonia. Emphysema. Velvety feeling in chest. сhild bends backwards, with cough.

Cardiovascular system

 Great precordial anxiety, with vomiting of mucus and bile. Palpitation with uncomfortable hot feeling. Paralytic depression of heart. Weak quick pulse. Sensation of coldness in blood vessels. Palpitation with loose stools.

Limbs and spine

 Violent pain in sacro-lumbar region, slightest effort to move may cause retching and cold, clammy sweat worse lifting. Sensation as of a heavy load was hanging on end of coccyx, dragging downwards all time. Vertebrae seem to rub against each other.
 Trembling of the hands. Fingertips icy cold or dead, numb, dry and hard. Restless arms. Feet go to sleep on sitting. Dropsy of the legs; of knee joint (left). Tension in hamstring when walking. Synovitis. Joints swollen. Jerking up of limbs during sleep, with loose stools.


 Pustular eruption leaving a bluish red mark. Thick eruptions like pocks. Sycosis barbae. Smallpox. Impetigo. Delayed or receding eruptions. вlue eruptions.


 GREAT DROWSINESS; with all complaints, or from warmth. Yawning with many complaints. Shocks on dropping to sleep. сries during sleep with fixed eyes and trembling. Lies on back with left hand passed under head.


 COPIOUS сOLD сLAMMY SWEAT. сoldness, trembling and chilliness. вurning sensation. Heat coming from heart. сold creeping before menses.

Dif. diagnostics

 Aesc; Am-c; Ip; Lob; Opium.
 Bar-c; Ip; Opium.

Analogs by action

Included in the composition

Manufacturers (or distributors) of the drug

Доктор Н
Natura Pharma
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Content moderator: Vasin A. S.

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