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Antimonium tartaricum

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  1. Additional facts
  2. Mental
  3. Head, face, and ears
  4. Mouth and throat
  5. Gastrointestinal tract
  6. Analogs by action
  7. Included in the composition
  8. Manufacturers of the drug

Description Source

Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica - TF Allen

Additional facts

 Tartar emetic, 2(K (SbO) с4H4O6) H2O.
 Preparation: Triturations.


 Furious delirium (third day).
 (Suicidal mood; he raves and does not know what he is doing).
 Excitement of disposition.
 He was talking to himself.
 Despondent and apprehensive about his recovery.
 Hopeless, despondent mood, toward evening, with chilliness, pain in the chest, and great sleepiness.
 4.30 very morose, dejected, and sad.
 The anxiety increases with the nausea, together with a slight pressure and some warmth in the abdomen, which moves about with the free flatulence.
 She is frightened at every trifle.
 Apprehensive, with fullness about the heart and increased warmth (eighth day).
 Apprehensive and restless.
 Dreaded to be left alone even for a few moments, lest he should be dreadfully nervous and not know what to do with himself.
 Bad humor, everything goes wrong.
 Bad humor, noise is intolerable.
 Everything displeases her of which she thinks (after two hours).
 Peevish and quarrelsome.
 He rubs his eyes with his hands as if in a stupid sleep, and wakes in a very ill-humor, e. g., if one looked at him he began to howl.
 The child will not allow itself touched, without whining and crying, whereby the toes and fingers are drawn inwards.
 The whole time an unusual, noticeable (more to others than to herself) wild gayety, toward evening; this gave place to fretfulness, peevishness, and anxious thoughts about the future; she thinks she will remain in her present condition.
 Excited mentally (ninth day).
 Restless, excited mind.
 Became senseless.
 Loss of consciousness; he falls into a state of stupor, interrupted from time to time by spasms.

Head, face, and ears

 Head confused (second day).
 Head confused.
 Head much confused (fifth day). Head confused in the morning, which disappeared after rising (first day).
 Head confused, with a warm forehead, disappeared of vigor, and indifference to everything.
 Confusion of the head, like a stupefaction, with a feeling as if he ought to sleep.
 Head confused, with heaviness and pressure in the forehead (eighth day).
 Confusion of the head, like a pressure in the temples (immediately).
 Marked confusion of the head, with increasing nausea.
 Head heavy, much confused.
 Head heavy, much confused (ninth day).
 Head heavy, pressive, and confused.
 Head heavy, confused, with great discomfort on waking, mornings (ninth day).
 The head is heavy, confused, and painful, with internal heat in the head (3 P.M).; it becomes better in the open air, and does not return again in the room.
 Vertigo (eighth day).
 Attacks of vertigo (third and fourth day).
 Vertigo often on closing eyes.
 Vertigo on walking; he totters.
 Vertigo, with flickering before the eyes (third day).
 Whirling in the head (ninth day).
 On trying to lift his head he felt a dizziness which obliged him to replace it on the pillow.
 Dulness, dizziness.
 No pustules, but an inflammation of the meninges of the brain; the patient ran about delirious (inunction of four grains).
 Congestion to head.
 Headache (second day).
 Very painful headache, that she cannot well describe.
 Stupefying headache (ninth day).
 Violent headache, with pressure and throbbing in the forehead and temples (eleventh day).
 Severe headache, palpitations, vertigo.
 Stupefaction of the head, as if confined.
 Headache, like a tension, with drawings and burrowing, even as far as the root of the nose (afternoons).
 Headache, with sensitiveness of epigastric region.
 Heat in the head increased by motion (third day).
 Sensation of heat in the head, 4.
 Frequent risings of heat in the head, with thirst (sixth day).
 Compression of the head.
 External weakness of the head; she cannot hold the head erect.
 Internal weakness of the head.
 Heaviness of the head.
 The head seems very heavy.
 The head is heavy, and feels enlarged (4 P.M).
 The head is so heavy that she can scarcely hold it upright, with very fretful disposition, in the forenoon.
 The head is heavy and requires supporting behind.
 Pressure in the brain.
 Pressive headache all day, especially in forehead (eleventh day).
 Stitches in the head, from 11 p.m till evening (second day).
 Sharp stitches in the head on motion.
 Raging and beating in the whole head, as if the brain would suppurate, which disappears in the open air, but returns in in the room, 2 1/2.
 Forehead covered with cold sweat.
 Forehead covered with sweat, head is cold.
 Slight attacks of frontal headache.
 Violent pain in forehead and vertigo (five minutes).
 Heat on the forehead, without sweat, in the morning.
 On coughing, heat and sweat of the forehead, so that she became very dizzy.
 Fine burning on the frontal bone above the right temple (after one and a half hours).
 Headache, as from a band compressing the forehead.
 Inward boring into the frontal bone, between the left root of the nose and the eyebrows.
 Dull boring, as from a blunt instrument, below the right frontal eminence.
 Headache draws about, painfully, in the forehead and vertex, with tension and pressure.
 Dull pain in the forehead, as if some one had beaten him on the head (fourth day).
 In the forehead a dull pain, sometimes becoming sticking, which extends to the temple, increased by coughing (fourth day).
 Pressure in the forehead, especially on motion (four hours).
 Pressure in forehead and occiput (fifth day).
 A dull, wave like pressure on the right frontal eminence.
 Headache from morning till 5 ; a painful pressing forward from the occiput across the vertex into the frontal region, where it seems to her as if everything would come out; worse at 1 (seventh day).
 Pressive headache in the centre of the forehead, above the nose.
 For several months, a pressive, tensive pains, especially in the forehead, immediately after waking, relieved by cold water (especially the third day).
 Pressive pain in the forehead, more like a sticking, extends downwards into the left eye, with unusual inclination to close the eyes (four hours).
 A fine tearing from the left frontal eminence toward the temple, on speaking (after one hour).
 Slight sticking in the forehead (second day).
 Sticking (or rather tearing) in the forehead (twenty hours) from 2 till 3.
 Jerking and drawing, with a tension in the forehead, especially over the left eye (one hour).
 A sensitive pain in the right side of the forehead, the whole evening, with a sensation as if the brain pressed too hard there, balled into heavy lumps.
 Throbbing in the right side of the forehead (fourth day).
 On waking in the night he always has the same bad headache, as if the brain were balled into a heavy lump, only in the left half of the forehead.
 Pressive headache on the left side of the forehead, with pressure on the eyes.
 Violent pulsating of the blood vessels in the temples (fifth day).
 Pressing inward in the left temple.
 Feeling as if both temples were pressed together.
 Feeling as if the head were compressed, at both temples, with dull instruments.
 Fine tearing in the left temple, on motion in the open air (after two hours).
 Sticking in the temples (third day).
 A long continuing, sensitive, drawing pressure in the right temple. In the temples a tension, as if squeezed, with a kind of stupefaction (one-quarter of an hour).
 Painful drawing in the right temple extends down to the zygoma and upper jaw.
 Tension on the vertex (second day).
 Very sensitive pressure on the vertex (fifteenth day).
 In the afternoon, on motion, a surging from the neck upward across the vertex, toward the forehead, with stupefaction and confusion of the senses, on standing for one minute.
 Burning and itching, in a place as large as a half dollar, in the anterior part of the right parietal bone, on stooping; on rising, it is somewhat relieved, but constantly returns on stooping, and disappears on scratching (after one hour).
 Intermittent tearings in the right side of the head.
 Tearing in the right side of the head, and especially deep in the right ear, on raising the head, after stooping (after three-quarters of an hour).
 A kind of stupefaction with a tensive sensation attacks the left half of the head (one-quarter of an hour).
 Slight tearing, drawing headache in left half of the head from behind forward.
 A tensive pressing-in headache in the left half of the skull.
 On stooping, several violent stitches in the left parietal bone, extending forward (after half an hour).
 Such a violent stitching-tearing from the posterior-inferior portion of the left parietal bone to a place in front of the vertex, that it seems as though a piece were being torn from her head; deep within, on standing, 8 p.m; the same pain returns on the following day, at the same hour(120).
 The occiput becomes heavy, and an anxious oppressive sensation sets in.
 Sensation in the occiput, on stooping, as if something feel forwards (three hours).
 Raging or throbbing pain on the right side of the occiput, like ulceration, on rest and motion, 1 1/2.
 Heaviness in the head, and the scalp is so sensitive that she can scarcely bear the comb (morning and evening).
 Squinting eyes.
 Enlarged, swollen eyes.
 Bloodshot eyes.
 Weak and dim eyes.
 Weakness of eyes (eleventh day).
 Eyes feel so tired that they would close.
 Burning in the eyes, evenings, as if he had studied long by the light.
 Pressure on both eyes.
 Sense of weight on eyes.
 Inclination to press the eyes tightly together.
 Dull pressure over the nose and one eye.
 Violent tearing between the root of the nose and the right eyebrow, as if some one took hold of her there by the skin; very painful and long-lasting (after half an hour).
 Difficulty of moving the lids (second day).
 Sticking, like electric stitches, in both inner canthi, and pressure in the eyes.
 Burning and biting in the right internal canthus redness of the conjunctiva.
 Acute conjunctivitis, with much lachrymation.
 Yellowness of the sclerotica.
 The eyeball pains as if bruised, especially on touch.
 Sudden, rather severe, tensive pain in the upper part of the right eyeball.
 Vanishing of sight (ninth day).
 Vanishing of sight and hearing.
 The sight vanishes when she looks at an object for a long time, 4 1/2.
 Sparks before the eyes.
 Flickering before the eyes.
 Flickering before the eyes, especially on rising from sitting, several times in an hour, of short duration; she sees only as through a thick veil, with vertigo (several days). вlackness before the eyes.
 Twitching-tearing in the right concha, in the evening on lying down, which disappears in bed.
 Ulcerative pain in the right concha, in the evening (after two days).
 Twitching, painful tearing in the right ear, in the morning (second day).
 Roaring in the ear (fourth day).
 Fluttering before the left ear, as from a large bird; at the same time a warmth passes to this ear, as if she stood near a hot stove; gradually disappearing (after one and a half hours).
 The corners of the nostril are ulcerated and painful (fourth hour).
 Nose pointed.
 Violent sneezing, five times. Twice hearty sneezing).
 Sneezing, fluent coryza, and chilliness, with loss of taste and smell.
 Fluent coryza.
 Fluent coryza and tickling cough, with violent eructations, retching, and vomiting of a tough, watery mucus (eleventh day).
 Catarrhal symptoms toward evening (eight day).
 Catarrhal stoppage of the nose, with thick, mucous discharge.
 Catarrh in the left nostril, with stoppage of the nose and loss of smell (1.30 P.M).
 Now stoppage of the nose, now a fluent catarrh.
 Nose-bleed at 3 , followed by fluent coryza, with sneezing.
 Stupefying tension across over the root of the nose, as if laced with a band.
 A tearing and crawling in the left nostril, as of sudden irritation to sneeze, which, however, does not occur (after half an hour).
 Red face.
 Face bright-red.
 Face smutty color.
 Livid face.
 Pale face.
 Great paleness.
 Remarkably pale face, for an hour.
 Pale, sunken face.
 Face unusually pale and wore an expression of extreme anxiety.
 Countenance livid, bathed in clammy sweat, and expressive of great suffering (one hour).
 Cold sweat on face.
 Spasmodic agitation of the facial muscles.
 Convulsive twitches in almost every muscle of the face.
 Countenance distorted, with peculiar tetanic spasms of the jaws, as though she was endeavoring to bite everything within reach.
 Burning heat of face.
 Tensive feeling in face and neck (second day).
 Dull pressure on the left malar bone.
 Sensitive drawing, at last dull pressure, on left malar bone.
 Lips livid.
 Cracked lips, at night on waking (fourth day).
 Dry, scurfy lips (third hour).
 The right and left sides of the upper lip are full of clear, itching vesicles, which on drying up, are replaced by new ones; the itching is especially violent in the evening.
 On the right side of the lower lip several clear vesicles; at the same time the right side of the upper lip is swollen and covered with small pimples, with tensive pain on pressure.
 Burning externally on the right side of the chin, which lasts but a short time (after one hour and a half).
 Burning on the right of the chin, as if one held a hot coal to it (after one hour and three-quarters).
 Drawing form the chin along the right side of the lower jaw.

Mouth and throat

 Violent toothache in the morning (fourth day).
 Tearing in three to four teeth of the lower left row, which soon disappears (after an hour and a half).
 Pain in a root of a tooth of the right lower row, as if it were being taken out, which frequently returns.
 Gums bleed, as if scorbutic.
 Several burning blisters on the left side of the tongue, which soon disappear, but return a day later (sixth day).
 Tongue dry and red (one hour).
 Tongue very red and dry in the centre.
 Tongue coated.
 Tongue in morning thick yellow, thicker in.
 Tongue coated gray.
 Tongue thickly white coated.
 Tongue covered with a thick, white, pasty coat.
 Tongue coated slimy (fourth day).
 Tongue coated pappy, slimy.
 Moist, clean tongue.
 Tongue difficult to move.
 It is painful to move the tongue about.
 Tearing pain on the left side, behind the root of the tongue, noticed on swallowing.
 In the morning after rising, the mouth is so sore that she can scarcely swallow, with white tongue and sour taste (second day).
 An unpleasant sensation on the palate the whole time.
 On the posterior part of the palate, sensation of soreness, and as if a hard body lay against it; without swallowing; it disappears on eating bread (8 A.M).
 Itching below the right corner of the mouth, where, after scratching, three vesicles arise; also under the left corner (second day).
 Mouth dry (ninth day).
 Increase of saliva.
 Saliva increased; must frequently expectorate.
 Copious saliva runs from the mouth (fourth day).
 Great accumulation of water in the mouth.
 Accumulation of water in the mouth, without nausea, though with a qualmish, filthy taste.
 Collection of water in the mouth.
 Flow of tasteless, clear water in the mouth, which runs out in great quantity, with retching and straining, without fetching up anything beyond a little clear mucus.
 Profuse spitting.
 Must often spit, even while eating.
 Bad taste in the mouth (eighth day).
 Very unpleasant taste in the mouth.
 Clammy mouth.
 Salty taste.
 Bitter mouth.
 Bitter mouth in morning.
 Taste bitter and pasty (fourth day).
 Taste dry and pasty (first day).
 Sour taste in the mouth, in the morning after waking (sixth and seventh days).
 In the morning on waking, very sour taste on the posterior part of the tongue, as of salt, which disappears after eating (second day).
 Taste pappy or flat.
 No taste to the food (fourth hour).
 Tobacco has no taste.
 Difficult speech.
 Increased mucous secretion in the throat.
 Much mucus in throat and short breathing (eighth day).
 Sharp pain at the throat.
 Choking sensation.
 Roughness in the throat, with sensation as if a small leaf obstructed the windpipe, on hawking; for one hour (after one hour).
 Great roughness in the throat, which soon disappears (7 P.M).
 Throat raw; swallowing difficult and painful.
 Itching and dryness in the throat, which provokes a hacking in the morning (seventeenth day).
 The soft palate and pharynx very red, covered with vesicles; many are opened, swollen, and covered with mucus.
 Rapid swelling of the cervical glands and tonsils.
 Sensitiveness of oesophagus, so that unchewed morsels cause much pain.
 Swallowing sensitive.
 Difficulty in swallowing.
 Great dysphagia.
 Deglutition is impossible.
 Eructations frequently through the day, slight gagging (fourth day).
 Eructation sometimes tasteless, sometimes nauseous.
 Bitter eructations (eighth day).
 Eructations acid, bitter (fifth day).
 Eructations of a salty, nausea fluid (second hour).
 Sour eructations.
 Eructations of watery fluid, often of sharp, salty taste.
 Eructations, with taste of the breakfast.
 Empty eructations.
 Empty eructations relieve the nausea for a very short time.
 In the morning frequent eructations, with yawning, and great ill-humor (fifth day).
 First eructations, then frequent rising of fluid (as of food), which she again swallows, after which a sour taste and scrapy sensation down the throat remain.
 General hiccough, like eructations of air.
 Violent hiccough, but no vomiting.
 Uprisings of milk and an acid fluid (one hour).
 Water brash.
 Qualmishness, a reminder of nausea, rises from the stomach.
 Qualmish, uncomfortable, and depressed.
 After dinner, qualmishness in the stomach of some duration.
 Several times gagging severely, sweat starts out on the forehead, the limbs become very weak, and much water flows from the mouth; followed by weakness.
 Violent retching (a half hour).
 Retching gradually comes on, which becomes more severe, till vomiting (with great effort) ensues of tenacious mucus and bile (ninth day).
 Indescribable nauseous internal sensation.
 An especially disgusting sensation in the stomach; she believes it would do her good to eructate; with frequent attacks of nausea in the stomach, which extends into the chest (after three-quarters of an hour).

Gastrointestinal tract

 Appetite increased (second day).
 Canine hunger on walking in open air.
 Though food tastes good and he has some appetite, yet he can only gradually get some food into his stomach, from which he feels better, and the pressure in the abdomen is somewhat relieved (first day).
 On eating, soon satiated, almost nauseated, must stop eating.
 He eats at noon with appetite, but after he is satisfied a kind of nausea attacks him at times.
 Some appetite, but food was quickly rejected.
 Usually good appetite, only sometimes poor.
 Extraordinary appetite for apples, and thirst for cool water; evenings he is soon sleepy, against his usual habit.
 No more, desire for tobacco.
 Cannot eat, on account of nausea and aversion.
 Appetite diminished (third day, et seq).
 Loss of appetite,.
 Appetite completely lost (fifth day).
 Loss of appetite in the morning.
 The child eats little but drinks much.
 Thirst (second day).
 Great thirst.
 Thirst increased (fourth day).
 Urgent thirst.
 Thirst constant and insatiable.
 Much thirst one day, the next none of all.
 Thirst, with internal heat.
 Thirst for beer or sour milk, with dryness in the throat (6 P.M).
 Desire for strong liquors and acids.
 Desire for acids.
 Absence of thirst.
 Absence of thirst the whole day.
 Nausea (one hour).
 Continued nausea.
 Nausea from swallowing the saliva.
 Nausea after eating.
 Nausea after eating or drinking.
 Nausea rises suddenly from the umbilicus and epigastric regions, in repeated attacks.
 Nausea, causing anxiety (fifth day).
 Nausea, and great aversion to food (eighth day).
 Great nausea, with aversion to the accustomed food, and with pinchings in the abdomen.
 Nausea, accompanied by increased frequency of pulse, rising till he vomits, and followed by slow, weak pulse.
 Nausea, which causes a particularly disagreeable feeling in the throat.
 Nausea, with slight pressure in the pit of the stomach, followed by headache in the forehead.
 Nausea increased, frequent hiccough, aversion, eructation, pressure in the throat (ninth day).
 Nausea, inclination to vomit, after each dose.
 Constant nausea, inclination to vomit.
 Ineffectual efforts to vomit.
 Nausea, vomiting (two hours).
 Nausea and vomiting after eating.
 Violent nausea and incessant vomiting through the whole night, and four stools in twelve hours.
 Nausea and vomiting of curdled milk (in an infant whose nurse had been taken Ant. tart) (Hencke).
 Nausea (in a quarter of and hour), then yawning with profuse lachrymation, followed by vomiting.
 Nausea and vomiting of mucus, with acceleration of the pulse from 62 to 75, where it continued till night.
 Unheard of vomiting.
 Enormous vomiting (a strong dose).
 Violent vomiting (three grammes).
 Intolerance of food and drink.
 Vomits till he becomes faint.
 Vomiting in any position, expect lying on the right side.
 After a violent pressure on the stomach it increases to vomiting.
 Retching, and once difficult vomiting of bitter, bad- smelling, pasty, and fluid matter (it had an acid reaction, and showed traces of antimony), (fifth day).
 Green vomiting.
 Painful vomiting of much mucus and bile mixed with some blood (half an hour).
 Vomiting of some tough, watery mucus, then pasty food, and at last fluid mixed with bile, with most violent exertion of the chest and abdomen, and anxious sweat.
 Vomiting of food.
 Vomiting of food, from the cough.
 Vomiting speedy and easy, followed by great retching (thirteenth day).
 Vomiting, with headache, and trembling in the hands (half an hour).
 First violent vomiting and purging (4 grains to an old woman).
 Vomiting, with frequent stools (40 grains).
 Vomiting, followed by constant involuntary watery stools (One hour).
 Vomiting with anguish.
 Vomiting difficult after long retching, and followed by great prostration.
 No vomiting (5 centigrams).
 No vomiting (from 15 centigrams).
 Heaviness in stomach (second day).
 Weakness in the stomach (eleventh day).
 Irritation in stomach and nausea (fourth day).
 Indescribable malaise in region of the stomach and abdomen; on touching the parts gently with the hand the pain increases in the region of the stomach and diminishes in the abdomen.

Analogs by action

Included in the composition

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