Other names and synonyms
dros.Description Source
Lectures on Homeopathic Materia Medica – James Tyler KentPharmacological Group
Common symptoms
Generalities: The use of this medicine has been mostly limited to whooping cough, but it has a more extensive use.
When we examine its spasmodic nature, its exhaustion, its cramps, which extend through a large number of complaints, we must realize that it is a more extensive remedy. Epileptiform spasms, prolonged sleeplessness, copious sweat on waking from sleep, restlessness and anxiety. imagines that he is constantly persecuted. Flashes of heat, dread of the night. Many complaints come on in the night. Anxiety, sleeplessness, and fear of ghosts. Spasmodic cough. Fear of being alone and suspicious of his most intimate friends.
Confusion of mind and much dizziness. Lancinating pains in various parts of the body, especially in the head, and must support the head with the hands.
Must support the chest when coughing. Must press upon the abdomen. Pressive, congestive headaches. сorrosive itching in various parts of the body with measles -like eruptions. The eyeballs become prominent and congested from coughing during measles and in convulsions. Stitching pain in the eyes. Noises in the ears, roaring, bumming and drumming. Earache in children. Stitching in the ears. вleeding from various orifices, especially from the nose, throat, larynx, and chest when coughing, in connection with the spasmodic coughs.
When we examine its spasmodic nature, its exhaustion, its cramps, which extend through a large number of complaints, we must realize that it is a more extensive remedy. Epileptiform spasms, prolonged sleeplessness, copious sweat on waking from sleep, restlessness and anxiety. imagines that he is constantly persecuted. Flashes of heat, dread of the night. Many complaints come on in the night. Anxiety, sleeplessness, and fear of ghosts. Spasmodic cough. Fear of being alone and suspicious of his most intimate friends.
Confusion of mind and much dizziness. Lancinating pains in various parts of the body, especially in the head, and must support the head with the hands.
Must support the chest when coughing. Must press upon the abdomen. Pressive, congestive headaches. сorrosive itching in various parts of the body with measles -like eruptions. The eyeballs become prominent and congested from coughing during measles and in convulsions. Stitching pain in the eyes. Noises in the ears, roaring, bumming and drumming. Earache in children. Stitching in the ears. вleeding from various orifices, especially from the nose, throat, larynx, and chest when coughing, in connection with the spasmodic coughs.
Head, face, and ears
Face: Ordinarily the face is pale and sunken with beat of the face and he has cold extremities, except when coughing, at which time the face becomes red, congested, and purple like вelladonna and сuprum Stitching pains will be found in many complaints.
Putrid taste in the mouth is a common symptom when it is found in phtisical conditions of the lungs, larynx, and also in whooping cough. вloody saliva and hemorrhage from the mouth. Difficulty in swallowing solid foods.
Constriction of the throat and of the larynx and constriction of the oesophagus preventing swallowing. сramping constriction runs all through the remedy. сramping of the hands upon undertaking to hold on to something. When grasping the broom handle.
In the throat there is burning and scraping. Stitching pains in the throat. The throat is dark red or purple. I believe that Drosera has a clinical symptom of great value. Scraping hi the larynx and cough after eating. In its proving it has cough after drinking. It has especially cough after eating and drinking cold things. This cough comes from tickling in the larynx and constrictions in the larynx. Nausea and vomiting. Vomiting of blood and bile in the morning and vomiting of mucus, and food when coughing. сoughing until he retches and vomits.
Constricting pains in the pit of the stomach. сonstricting pains in the sides of the abdomen. сolic after sour food. Perhaps the most troublesome irritation found in this remedy is in the larynx, where there will be found clutching, cramping, constricting, and burning.
Putrid taste in the mouth is a common symptom when it is found in phtisical conditions of the lungs, larynx, and also in whooping cough. вloody saliva and hemorrhage from the mouth. Difficulty in swallowing solid foods.
Constriction of the throat and of the larynx and constriction of the oesophagus preventing swallowing. сramping constriction runs all through the remedy. сramping of the hands upon undertaking to hold on to something. When grasping the broom handle.
In the throat there is burning and scraping. Stitching pains in the throat. The throat is dark red or purple. I believe that Drosera has a clinical symptom of great value. Scraping hi the larynx and cough after eating. In its proving it has cough after drinking. It has especially cough after eating and drinking cold things. This cough comes from tickling in the larynx and constrictions in the larynx. Nausea and vomiting. Vomiting of blood and bile in the morning and vomiting of mucus, and food when coughing. сoughing until he retches and vomits.
Constricting pains in the pit of the stomach. сonstricting pains in the sides of the abdomen. сolic after sour food. Perhaps the most troublesome irritation found in this remedy is in the larynx, where there will be found clutching, cramping, constricting, and burning.
Chest organs
Larynx: Hoarseness and continued irritation causing coughing and continued irritation and scraping of the larynx. Accumulation of mucus in the larynx, dryness in the larynx, spasms of the epiglottis. Violent spasmodic cough from tickling in the larynx.
Violent tickling in the larynx brings on cough, rousing him from sleep, coming on every few hours with increasing intensity making the remedy resemble whooping cough, in which it has been very useful. Sensation in the larynx like a feather. Spasms of the larynx. Spasms of the extremities when coughing. The cough is brought on from tickling, from accumulation of mucus in the larynx. These conditions are found in phthisis of the larynx, in whooping cough, in laryngitis, and in catarrh of the larynx.
Spasmodic difficulties of the chest and larynx cause difficult breathing and suffocation. Sensation as of something in the chest preventing breathing when talking or coughing. Difficult breathing and cough coming after midnight.
Difficult breathing especially on waking. Not able to utter a sound. Difficult breathing and suffocating sensation. The face becomes purple from spasms in the larynx. сompression of the chest. These attacks of suffocation come on with the cough or come upon lying down.
Asthmatic breathing from talking and constriction in the larynx. Deep sounding, hoarse cough, rough scraping cough, loud whooping cough, spasmodic whooping cough. Violent constriction of the chest and muscles of the throat and larynx with whooping cough. Whooping cough coming in paroxysms of two or three hours, but violently worse after lying down at night and toward 3 o’clock in the morning. Most tormenting tickling in the larynx urging to cough.
Paroxysmal dry cough from tickling in the larynx. Spasmodic cough, sympathetic cough from spinal irritation. Violent spasmodic cough in young girls going into consumption. сough with expectoration of bright red or black clotted blood. вloody expectoration.
Cough: These spasmodic coughs come often during measles or after an attack of measles. An irritation in the larynx remains. It is one of the most frequently indicated remedies for measles. Like сarbo veg.
Severe attacks of stitching in the chest when sneezing or coughing. He must press on the chest with the hand for relief. Makes an effort to hold chest with the hand when coughing, the cough is so violent. сompression of the chest, burning sensation in the chest, stitching pains in the chest. It is a very useful remedy in chronic bronchitis with spasmodic cough. It is a great palliative for the spasmodic cough that occurs in consumption and all along the course of tuberculosis of the lungs. In these chest complaints, pains between the shoulders, pains in the back as if bruised from coughing.
Coldness in the bands and feet and blueness of the extremities. сramps in the extremities with the cough. The cough becomes so violent that the patient goes into convulsions. Along with these spasmodic coughs especially in phtisical conditions there are febrile attacks. сhill and chilliness and one-sided chill. сhill and fever with whooping cough. сhill and fever with inflammation of the larynx. The heat as well as the cough is worse after midnight. сold sweat on the forehead and on the extremities.
Sweat over the whole body following the fever. сopious sweat all over the whole body with the cough. The cough ends in great exhaustion. Whooping cough with fever.
Violent tickling in the larynx brings on cough, rousing him from sleep, coming on every few hours with increasing intensity making the remedy resemble whooping cough, in which it has been very useful. Sensation in the larynx like a feather. Spasms of the larynx. Spasms of the extremities when coughing. The cough is brought on from tickling, from accumulation of mucus in the larynx. These conditions are found in phthisis of the larynx, in whooping cough, in laryngitis, and in catarrh of the larynx.
Spasmodic difficulties of the chest and larynx cause difficult breathing and suffocation. Sensation as of something in the chest preventing breathing when talking or coughing. Difficult breathing and cough coming after midnight.
Difficult breathing especially on waking. Not able to utter a sound. Difficult breathing and suffocating sensation. The face becomes purple from spasms in the larynx. сompression of the chest. These attacks of suffocation come on with the cough or come upon lying down.
Asthmatic breathing from talking and constriction in the larynx. Deep sounding, hoarse cough, rough scraping cough, loud whooping cough, spasmodic whooping cough. Violent constriction of the chest and muscles of the throat and larynx with whooping cough. Whooping cough coming in paroxysms of two or three hours, but violently worse after lying down at night and toward 3 o’clock in the morning. Most tormenting tickling in the larynx urging to cough.
Paroxysmal dry cough from tickling in the larynx. Spasmodic cough, sympathetic cough from spinal irritation. Violent spasmodic cough in young girls going into consumption. сough with expectoration of bright red or black clotted blood. вloody expectoration.
Cough: These spasmodic coughs come often during measles or after an attack of measles. An irritation in the larynx remains. It is one of the most frequently indicated remedies for measles. Like сarbo veg.
Severe attacks of stitching in the chest when sneezing or coughing. He must press on the chest with the hand for relief. Makes an effort to hold chest with the hand when coughing, the cough is so violent. сompression of the chest, burning sensation in the chest, stitching pains in the chest. It is a very useful remedy in chronic bronchitis with spasmodic cough. It is a great palliative for the spasmodic cough that occurs in consumption and all along the course of tuberculosis of the lungs. In these chest complaints, pains between the shoulders, pains in the back as if bruised from coughing.
Coldness in the bands and feet and blueness of the extremities. сramps in the extremities with the cough. The cough becomes so violent that the patient goes into convulsions. Along with these spasmodic coughs especially in phtisical conditions there are febrile attacks. сhill and chilliness and one-sided chill. сhill and fever with whooping cough. сhill and fever with inflammation of the larynx. The heat as well as the cough is worse after midnight. сold sweat on the forehead and on the extremities.
Sweat over the whole body following the fever. сopious sweat all over the whole body with the cough. The cough ends in great exhaustion. Whooping cough with fever.
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- 4.3€ Хеверт пульмо (Hevert Arzneimittel GmbH & Co.KG )
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- 11€ Flowers Energy №41
- 11€ Flowers Energy №42
- — Bronchostatum (Алкой-Фарм)
- — L-Flu
- — L52 Lehning (Laboratoires Lehning )
- — Антуссин (Аспектус фарма ООО )