Другие названия и синонимы
ph-ac, Phosphoricum acidum, фосфорная кислота гомеопатия.Источник описания
Materia Medica - Adolf zur LippeФармакологическая группа
Психика и сознание
Mind and Disposition.
Perfect indifference.
Silent sadness.
Indifference, thoughtlessness, stupidity.
Disinclination to talk, even to answer a question.
[5] Home-sickness with inclination to weep.
Low-spirited and anxiety about the future or about one s health.
Bad effects from grief, sorrow, unfortunate love, with great emaciation, sleepiness and morning sweat.
Quiet delirium with great stupefaction and dulness of the head (in typhus fever).
Perfect indifference.
Silent sadness.
Indifference, thoughtlessness, stupidity.
Disinclination to talk, even to answer a question.
[5] Home-sickness with inclination to weep.
Low-spirited and anxiety about the future or about one s health.
Bad effects from grief, sorrow, unfortunate love, with great emaciation, sleepiness and morning sweat.
Quiet delirium with great stupefaction and dulness of the head (in typhus fever).
Голова, лицо и уши
Stupefaction in the forehead, with somnolency without snoring, the eyes being closed.
[10] Sensation as if intoxicated, in the evening in the warm room, with humming in the head, which feels as if it would burst when coughing.
Pressing tensive headache, especially on the side on which one lies.
Great heaviness of the head.
Stitches over one (the right) eye.
Morning headache.
[15] The headache compels one to lie down, and is insupportably aggravated from the least shaking or noise.
The hair becomes gray early or flaxen and very greasy, falls off ; also the hair of the beard, especially after grief and sorrow.
Pain in the bones of the skull ; it feels as if somebody scraped the swollen and tender periosteum with a knife ; worse at rest, better from motion.
Caries of the skull with burning pain.
The eyes look glassy, but without lustre.
Pressing in the eyes as if the eyeball were too large.
[20] сoldness of the internal surface of the eyelids.
Burning of the eyelids and the corners of the eyes, especially in the evening by candle-light.
Inflammation of the eyelids.
The eyes are dazzled on looking at bright objects.
Yellow spot in the white of the eye.
[25] Stitches in the ears, with drawing pains in the cheeks and teeth ; aggravated only from musical sounds.
Every sound re-echoes loudly in the ears.
Intolerance of all sounds, especially music.
Shrill sound in the ears on blowing the nose.
Hardness of hearing at a distance.
[30] Discharge of bloody pus from the nose.
Swelling of the dorsum of the nose with red spots ; scurfs on the dorsum of the nose.
Inclination to bore with the fingers in the nose.
Fetid smell from the nose.
Heat of that side of the lace on which he is not lying.
Pale, sickly complexion, with lustreless, sunken eyes surrounded by blue margins, and pointed nose.
Hot tension on the skin of the face, as if the white of an egg had dried on it.
Lips dry, scurfy, suppurating.
Yellow-brown, crust-like eruptions with pus on the lower lip towards the corner of the mouth.
Pimples and scurfs on the vermilion borders of the lips.
Mouth and Throat.
Burning in the front teeth, especially at night, aggravated by the heat of the bed as well as from hot and cold things.
Violent aching in a hollow tooth when particles of food get into it, going off after they have been removed.
The teeth become yellow.
The gums are swollen, stand off from the teeth, and bleed easily.
Painful tubercle on the gum.
[45] Ulceration of the soft velum, with burning pain.
Tough, clammy mucus in the mouth and on the tongue.
Swelling of the tongue, with pain on talking.
Nasal voice.
Dryness of the throat (palate) without thirst.
[50] вites himself involuntarily in the tongue at night.
Sore throat, with soreness, scraping and stinging, worse on swallowing food.
Hawking up of tough mucus.
Stupefaction in the forehead, with somnolency without snoring, the eyes being closed.
[10] Sensation as if intoxicated, in the evening in the warm room, with humming in the head, which feels as if it would burst when coughing.
Pressing tensive headache, especially on the side on which one lies.
Great heaviness of the head.
Stitches over one (the right) eye.
Morning headache.
[15] The headache compels one to lie down, and is insupportably aggravated from the least shaking or noise.
The hair becomes gray early or flaxen and very greasy, falls off ; also the hair of the beard, especially after grief and sorrow.
Pain in the bones of the skull ; it feels as if somebody scraped the swollen and tender periosteum with a knife ; worse at rest, better from motion.
Caries of the skull with burning pain.
The eyes look glassy, but without lustre.
Pressing in the eyes as if the eyeball were too large.
[20] сoldness of the internal surface of the eyelids.
Burning of the eyelids and the corners of the eyes, especially in the evening by candle-light.
Inflammation of the eyelids.
The eyes are dazzled on looking at bright objects.
Yellow spot in the white of the eye.
[25] Stitches in the ears, with drawing pains in the cheeks and teeth ; aggravated only from musical sounds.
Every sound re-echoes loudly in the ears.
Intolerance of all sounds, especially music.
Shrill sound in the ears on blowing the nose.
Hardness of hearing at a distance.
[30] Discharge of bloody pus from the nose.
Swelling of the dorsum of the nose with red spots ; scurfs on the dorsum of the nose.
Inclination to bore with the fingers in the nose.
Fetid smell from the nose.
Heat of that side of the lace on which he is not lying.
Pale, sickly complexion, with lustreless, sunken eyes surrounded by blue margins, and pointed nose.
Hot tension on the skin of the face, as if the white of an egg had dried on it.
Lips dry, scurfy, suppurating.
Yellow-brown, crust-like eruptions with pus on the lower lip towards the corner of the mouth.
Pimples and scurfs on the vermilion borders of the lips.
Mouth and Throat.
Burning in the front teeth, especially at night, aggravated by the heat of the bed as well as from hot and cold things.
Violent aching in a hollow tooth when particles of food get into it, going off after they have been removed.
The teeth become yellow.
The gums are swollen, stand off from the teeth, and bleed easily.
Painful tubercle on the gum.
[45] Ulceration of the soft velum, with burning pain.
Tough, clammy mucus in the mouth and on the tongue.
Swelling of the tongue, with pain on talking.
Nasal voice.
Dryness of the throat (palate) without thirst.
[50] вites himself involuntarily in the tongue at night.
Sore throat, with soreness, scraping and stinging, worse on swallowing food.
Hawking up of tough mucus.
Желудочно-кишечный тракт
Stomach and Abdomen.
Violent thirst from a sensation of dryness of the whole body.
Longing for something refreshing and juicy ; bread is too dry.
[55] вad effects from sour food and drink.
Bitter eructations after eating sour things.
Continuous nausea in the throat ; vomiting of food.
Pressing in the stomach as from a heavy load, with sleepiness, after every meal and when touching the pit of the stomach.
Rumbling in the intestines and noise as from water.
[60] The flatulency is much augmented by sour food.
The uterus is bloated as if filled with wind.
Stool and Anus.
Diarrhoea not debilitating.
Diarrhoeic stools of mucus ; undigested, greenish-white.
Difficult discharge of even the soft stool.
Violent thirst from a sensation of dryness of the whole body.
Longing for something refreshing and juicy ; bread is too dry.
[55] вad effects from sour food and drink.
Bitter eructations after eating sour things.
Continuous nausea in the throat ; vomiting of food.
Pressing in the stomach as from a heavy load, with sleepiness, after every meal and when touching the pit of the stomach.
Rumbling in the intestines and noise as from water.
[60] The flatulency is much augmented by sour food.
The uterus is bloated as if filled with wind.
Stool and Anus.
Diarrhoea not debilitating.
Diarrhoeic stools of mucus ; undigested, greenish-white.
Difficult discharge of even the soft stool.
Мочеполовая система
Urinary Organs.
[65] Sudden, irresistible urging to urinate.
Frequent profuse emission of watery urine, which forms a white cloud at once.
Urine like milk, with bloody, jelly-like lumps.
Diabetes melitus.
Urging to urinate, with pale face, heat and thirst.
[70] вurning in the urethra while urinating.
Painful constriction in the bladder (without urging).
Involuntary secretion of urine.
Sexual Organs.
Men. Pricking pain in the glans penis.
Tingling and humid secretions at the frenulum.
[75] Sycotic excrescences with heat and burning.
Swelling of the testicles, with swelling and tension in the spermatic cords.
The testicles are very tender to the touch ; gnawing pain in the testicles.
Inflammatory swelling of the scrotum.
Sexual desire suppressed.
[80] вad effects from onanism.
Frequent involuntary, very debilitating emissions.
Women. Meteoristic distention of the uterus.
[65] Sudden, irresistible urging to urinate.
Frequent profuse emission of watery urine, which forms a white cloud at once.
Urine like milk, with bloody, jelly-like lumps.
Diabetes melitus.
Urging to urinate, with pale face, heat and thirst.
[70] вurning in the urethra while urinating.
Painful constriction in the bladder (without urging).
Involuntary secretion of urine.
Sexual Organs.
Men. Pricking pain in the glans penis.
Tingling and humid secretions at the frenulum.
[75] Sycotic excrescences with heat and burning.
Swelling of the testicles, with swelling and tension in the spermatic cords.
The testicles are very tender to the touch ; gnawing pain in the testicles.
Inflammatory swelling of the scrotum.
Sexual desire suppressed.
[80] вad effects from onanism.
Frequent involuntary, very debilitating emissions.
Women. Meteoristic distention of the uterus.
Органы грудной клетки
Respiratory Organs.
Shortness of breath and inability to speak long on account of great weakness of the chest.
Constriction in the throat-pit.
[85] Hoarseness and roughness in the throat.
Cough from tickling in the pit of the stomach and throat, with expectoration only in the morning.
Cough with headache, nausea and vomiting of food, or with involuntary emission of urine.
Cough with purulent, very offensive expectoration.
Spasmodic tickling cough, caused by a sensation as from dust in the larynx and chest down to the pit of the stomach in the morning ; expectoration of dark blood or of tough white mucus, tasting acid, herbaceous.
[90] The cough is worse morning and evening ; during rest if one sits or lies long in the same position ; after sleeping ; from cold air ; from loss of fluids.
Burning and pressure in the chest.
Shortness of breath and inability to speak long on account of great weakness of the chest.
Constriction in the throat-pit.
[85] Hoarseness and roughness in the throat.
Cough from tickling in the pit of the stomach and throat, with expectoration only in the morning.
Cough with headache, nausea and vomiting of food, or with involuntary emission of urine.
Cough with purulent, very offensive expectoration.
Spasmodic tickling cough, caused by a sensation as from dust in the larynx and chest down to the pit of the stomach in the morning ; expectoration of dark blood or of tough white mucus, tasting acid, herbaceous.
[90] The cough is worse morning and evening ; during rest if one sits or lies long in the same position ; after sleeping ; from cold air ; from loss of fluids.
Burning and pressure in the chest.
Конечности и позвоночник
Back and Neck.
Formication in the back and small of the back.
Upper. Shrivelled dry skin of the hands and lingers.
Wen on the hand (between the metacarpal bones).
[95] Stitches in the finger joints.
Trembling of the hands (when writing).
Sharply marked deadness of one half of the fingers.
Lower. вlood-boil on the nates.
Painful spasm in the hip-joint.
[100] Weakness of the legs ; he falls easily from a misstep, or on tripping.
Burning in the tibia and soles of the feet at night.
Ulcers on the lower extremities, with itching.
Swelling and burning, beating pains in the joint of the big toe.
Blisters on the balls of the toes.
[105] Feet swollen ; sweaty.
Formication in the back and small of the back.
Upper. Shrivelled dry skin of the hands and lingers.
Wen on the hand (between the metacarpal bones).
[95] Stitches in the finger joints.
Trembling of the hands (when writing).
Sharply marked deadness of one half of the fingers.
Lower. вlood-boil on the nates.
Painful spasm in the hip-joint.
[100] Weakness of the legs ; he falls easily from a misstep, or on tripping.
Burning in the tibia and soles of the feet at night.
Ulcers on the lower extremities, with itching.
Swelling and burning, beating pains in the joint of the big toe.
Blisters on the balls of the toes.
[105] Feet swollen ; sweaty.
Общие симптомы
Sensation as if the body and the limbs were bruised, as from growing, especially in the morning.
Formication in different parts of the body.
Burning through the lower half of the body from the small of the back and pit of the stomach downwards while the extremities are cold to the touch.
Weakness from loss of fluids without any other pain than burning.
[110] Great drowsiness.
Sensation as if the body and the limbs were bruised, as from growing, especially in the morning.
Formication in different parts of the body.
Burning through the lower half of the body from the small of the back and pit of the stomach downwards while the extremities are cold to the touch.
Weakness from loss of fluids without any other pain than burning.
[110] Great drowsiness.
Deep and heavy sleep ; can scarcely be roused in the morning.
Anxious dreams.
Deep and heavy sleep ; can scarcely be roused in the morning.
Anxious dreams.
Pulse irregular, sometimes intermitting one or two beats, generally small, weak or frequent, at times full and strong.
Violent ebullitions with great restlessness.
[115] Swollen veins.
Chills with shuddering and shaking, always in the evening.
Chill and heat frequently alternating.
Sensation of coldness on one side of the face.
During the chill, a peculiarly strong sensation of coldness in the tips of the fingers and in the abdomen.
[120] Internal dry heat without heat and without any complaint, at any time of the day.
General heat with loss of consciousness and somnolence.
Heat in the head, with cold feet.
Perspiration mostly on the back part of the head and in the neck, with sleepiness during the day.
Profuse perspirations during the night and in the morning, with anxiety.
[125] Great inclination to perspire during clay and night. сlammy perspirations.
Intermittent fevers. Shaking chills over the whole body ; the fingers being as cold as ice, without any thirst, followed by heat without thirst, or by excessive heat, depriving one almost of consciousness.
Pulse irregular, sometimes intermitting one or two beats, generally small, weak or frequent, at times full and strong.
Violent ebullitions with great restlessness.
[115] Swollen veins.
Chills with shuddering and shaking, always in the evening.
Chill and heat frequently alternating.
Sensation of coldness on one side of the face.
During the chill, a peculiarly strong sensation of coldness in the tips of the fingers and in the abdomen.
[120] Internal dry heat without heat and without any complaint, at any time of the day.
General heat with loss of consciousness and somnolence.
Heat in the head, with cold feet.
Perspiration mostly on the back part of the head and in the neck, with sleepiness during the day.
Profuse perspirations during the night and in the morning, with anxiety.
[125] Great inclination to perspire during clay and night. сlammy perspirations.
Intermittent fevers. Shaking chills over the whole body ; the fingers being as cold as ice, without any thirst, followed by heat without thirst, or by excessive heat, depriving one almost of consciousness.
Swelling of the glands.
Pain as if the periosteum of all the long bones were so with a knife.
Inflammation of the bones with burning at night.
[130] Swelling of the bones.
Caries with smarting pains.
Formication on the skin.
Scarlet-like exanthems. Erysipelatous inflammations.
[135] сhilblains, wens, sycotic excrescences.
Corns with stinging and burning.
Ulcers, flat, itching.
Smarting in the wounds, even in those of the bones.
Swelling of the glands.
Pain as if the periosteum of all the long bones were so with a knife.
Inflammation of the bones with burning at night.
[130] Swelling of the bones.
Caries with smarting pains.
Formication on the skin.
Scarlet-like exanthems. Erysipelatous inflammations.
[135] сhilblains, wens, sycotic excrescences.
Corns with stinging and burning.
Ulcers, flat, itching.
Smarting in the wounds, even in those of the bones.
Bad effects from sexual excesses (loss of fluids).
[140] вad consequences from grief, sorrow or unfortunate love.
Most of the pains are only felt during rest and are much ameliorated by motion.
Aggravation from suppression of cutaneous eruptions ; from loss of animal fluids ; from warm food ; from talking.
Amelioration from motion and the nightly pains from pressure.
Bad effects from sexual excesses (loss of fluids).
[140] вad consequences from grief, sorrow or unfortunate love.
Most of the pains are only felt during rest and are much ameliorated by motion.
Aggravation from suppression of cutaneous eruptions ; from loss of animal fluids ; from warm food ; from talking.
Amelioration from motion and the nightly pains from pressure.
Входит в состав
- 155-219₽ Афосар (ЭДАС)
- 165₽ Жень-шень комп (Аспектус фарма ООО )
- 215₽ Арсеник комп (ТАЛИОН-А )
- 270-291₽ Невросед (2 фирмы)
- 300-315₽ Сабаль-простата (2 фирмы)
- 230-250₽ Церебралик (Фитасинтекс)
- 250₽ Энурезан (Фитасинтекс)
- 250₽ Эрексил (Фитасинтекс)
- — Дамиана-плюс (Доктор Н)
- — Псоралюм (Доктор Н)
- 500₽ Иммуниум (Фитасинтекс)
- 500₽ Климасед (Фитасинтекс)
- 500-635₽ Нервохель (Сигнал НЦ ФГУП )
- — Flowers Energy № 13
- 1100₽ Flowers Energy №46
- 1100₽ Flowers Energy №53
- 1100₽ Flowers Energy №54
- — Flowers Energy №68
- — Flowers Energy №70
- — Flowers Energy №9
- 1920₽ Кутис композитум (Сигнал НЦ ФГУП )
- 1375-1605₽ Церебрум композитум н (Сигнал НЦ ФГУП )
- — Биолайн Нервоузнес
- — Дулькамара-плюс (Доктор Н)
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