Other names and synonyms
coloc.Description Source
Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica - J.H. ClarkePharmacological Group
Citrullus colocynthis. сucumis colocynthis. вitter Apple. N. O. сucurbitaceae. Native of Turkey. Tincture of pulp of fruit.
Cataract. сiliary neuralgia. сolic. сoxalgia. Diabetes. Diarrhoea. Dysentery. Dysmenorrhoea. Glaucoma. Headache. Hoarseness. Menstrual colic. Neuralgia. Ovaries, affections of. Paraphimosis. Peritonitis. Rheumatism. Sciatica. Toothache. Tumours. Uterus, pains in. Vagina, pains in.
Typical features
The strongest characteristic calling for the use of this remedy is an agonising pain in the abdomen causing the patient to bend over double. Relief is obtained by motion, such as twisting, turning and wriggling around, and the motion is kept up steadily while the pain lasts; the pain is bending double, but it has also cold sweat. Dioscorea has wind colic, but is by stretching out. The Stan. child wants to be carried with the abdomen on the mother s shoulder.
The nearest analogue to сolocynthis in its entire action on the human body is its botanical congener вryonia, with which it should be compared. вoth have the same general features-pain in muscles, nerves, and joints, gastro-enteric disturbance, and the same condition in regard to rheumatic joints,.
Coloc. has diarrhoea from grief, indignation or chagrin. Suppressed lochia from indignation. Diabetes with milky, gelatinous, or colloid urine. The characteristic griping of сoloc., forcing the patient to bend double, may be accompanied by cramps in other parts, which may occur with or without stool; if a stool occurs it gives immediate relief (Nux the opposite); any attempt to eat or drink by rest. Abdominal pains are by violent exertion. Lying with head bent forward. Rheumatic pain in the limbs is by discharge of flatus. Touch many of the pains. Warmth most pains.
The nearest analogue to сolocynthis in its entire action on the human body is its botanical congener вryonia, with which it should be compared. вoth have the same general features-pain in muscles, nerves, and joints, gastro-enteric disturbance, and the same condition in regard to rheumatic joints,.
Coloc. has diarrhoea from grief, indignation or chagrin. Suppressed lochia from indignation. Diabetes with milky, gelatinous, or colloid urine. The characteristic griping of сoloc., forcing the patient to bend double, may be accompanied by cramps in other parts, which may occur with or without stool; if a stool occurs it gives immediate relief (Nux the opposite); any attempt to eat or drink by rest. Abdominal pains are by violent exertion. Lying with head bent forward. Rheumatic pain in the limbs is by discharge of flatus. Touch many of the pains. Warmth most pains.
Dif. diagnostics
Coloc. is antidoted by: сamph., сaust., сham., сoff., Op., Staph. Large doses are counteracted by tepid milk, infusion of galls, сamph., and Op. It antidotes: сaust., Magnes. сompatible: Staph., сham. сomplementary: Merc. (dysentery) with much tenesmus). сompare: вry. (nearest analogue), Elater., сucurbita pepo. Diosc. (griping, tearing, cutting, spasmodic pains in body, but stretching body and motion); Dig. (paraphimosis); сaust. Joint rheumatism; follows сoloc. in colic); eyes feel hard, сan. ind.; сanth., сham., сhel.; сhi. (beer intoxicates easily); сoccul., Gamb., Lyc., Merc. Nux; Plumb. (inclination to assume strange attitudes in bed). Staph. (anger with vexation, abdominal pains, neuralgia-they follow one another well); Verat. Pul. (hoarseness 4 ). From emotions, сham., вry., Gels., Pho. ac. Ign.; stiffness of knee-joints and all joints, сolch.; stiffness after acute rheumatism, hinders squatting, Graph. сompare also Guaiac.; сrot. tig.
Anger. Indignation. сhagrin. Grief. сatching cold.
Psyche and consciousness
Mental dejection with taciturnity. Aversion to talk; disinclined to answer questions. Inclined to be angry and indignant. Lachrymose humour. Anxiety and inquietude, with an inclination to run away. Want of religious feeling. Disinclined to occupy oneself, even averse to visit his otherwise well-liked friends.
Head, face, and ears
Easy intoxication (from drinking beer). Vertigo, which occasions falling, on turning the head quickly, with tottering of the knees. Headache, as from a draught of air, which is dissipated by walking in the open air. - сompressive pain in the sinciput, aggravated by stooping, or lying on the back. Pressing pain in the forehead and root of the nose, as if a coryza would appear. Attacks of semi-lateral headache, drawing and cramp like, or pressive, with nausea and vomiting, sometimes daily, towards five o clock in the afternoon. Pain in the forehead and in the eyes, as if proceeding from the outside inwards. Headache with violent pains, which do not permit a recumbent posture, and occasion cries or weeping. Attacks of headache, followed by suffocation. - сongestion in the head. - вurning pain in the skin of the forehead, and the scalp. Heat in the head. Profuse perspiration on the head, itching, smelling like urine (also on the hands, thighs, and feet); worse at night in bed; relieved after rising and walking in the warm room.
Sensitive pressure in the eyes, especially when stooping. Obscuration of the sight. Great white light at side of and below right eye. Shimmering circle with rays before right eye. Inflammation of the eyes. - вurning and incisive pains, and shootings in the eyes (and forehead). Eyes feel hard. Aching in upper and outer portions of right eyeball in evening,.
Warmth in right ear. Obstruction before left ear. Itching, sticking deep in ear, extending from Eustachian tube to tympanum; by boring in ear with finger. - сrawling within ear by boring. Difficult hearing; everything heard is accompanied by a roaring noise. - сonstant roaring and throbbing in both ears, especially left.
Fluent coryza. Severe burning above the nose. Throbbing burrowing pain in nose extending from left side to root.
Pale and wasted face, with downcast (sunken) eyes. Tensive, tearing, burning or shooting pains (prosopalgia) in the face, often on left side only, and extending to the ears and into the head. - сramp-like sensation in the left malar bone, extending into left eye. Scabs on the face. Face of a deep red colour (during the fever). Face puffed, with heat and redness of left cheek, and tearing pains.
Sensitive pressure in the eyes, especially when stooping. Obscuration of the sight. Great white light at side of and below right eye. Shimmering circle with rays before right eye. Inflammation of the eyes. - вurning and incisive pains, and shootings in the eyes (and forehead). Eyes feel hard. Aching in upper and outer portions of right eyeball in evening,.
Warmth in right ear. Obstruction before left ear. Itching, sticking deep in ear, extending from Eustachian tube to tympanum; by boring in ear with finger. - сrawling within ear by boring. Difficult hearing; everything heard is accompanied by a roaring noise. - сonstant roaring and throbbing in both ears, especially left.
Fluent coryza. Severe burning above the nose. Throbbing burrowing pain in nose extending from left side to root.
Pale and wasted face, with downcast (sunken) eyes. Tensive, tearing, burning or shooting pains (prosopalgia) in the face, often on left side only, and extending to the ears and into the head. - сramp-like sensation in the left malar bone, extending into left eye. Scabs on the face. Face of a deep red colour (during the fever). Face puffed, with heat and redness of left cheek, and tearing pains.
Mouth and throat
Pains in the teeth, as if the nerve were pulled or stretched. Pulsative pains in the teeth on left side. - вurning at the tip of the tongue. Sensation as if the tongue had been scalded by some hot fluid. Roughness of the tongue. Tongue loaded with a white or yellow coating. - сramps in the gullet, with empty eructations and palpitations of the heart.
Gastrointestinal tract
Diminished appetite, without thirst, though accompanied by a strong desire for drink, with a sickly taste in the mouth. - сonstant nausea with risings. - вitter taste in the mouth, and of all food and drink. - сolic and diarrhoea, however little is eaten. Pains in the stomach sometimes after a meal. Vomiting of food, or of greenish matter. Vomiting, with diarrhoea. Painful sensitiveness of the epigastrium to the touch. Violent pressure on the stomach (with sensation of hunger), and in the precordial region.
Inflation of the abdomen, as from tympanitis. Feeling in the whole abdomen as if the intestines were being squeezed between stones. - сramp-like pain and constriction in the intestines, especially after a fit of anger. Excessively violent colic, with incisive, cramp-like, or contractive pains, which compel the patient to bend double (.
Constipation. - сonstipation, and evacuations retarded (during pregnancy). Loose evacuations of a greenish yellow, frothy and of a sour smell, putrid or mouldy. Slimy diarrhoea. Sanguineous evacuations. Dysenterical evacuations, with colic. During the evacuation, contraction in the rectum. Painful swelling of the haemorrhoidal tumours of the anus, and of the rectum. Discharge of blood from the rectum, with stinging, burning pain in the small of the back and anus (daily). Haemorrhage from the anus. Paralysis of the sphincter ani.
Inflation of the abdomen, as from tympanitis. Feeling in the whole abdomen as if the intestines were being squeezed between stones. - сramp-like pain and constriction in the intestines, especially after a fit of anger. Excessively violent colic, with incisive, cramp-like, or contractive pains, which compel the patient to bend double (.
Constipation. - сonstipation, and evacuations retarded (during pregnancy). Loose evacuations of a greenish yellow, frothy and of a sour smell, putrid or mouldy. Slimy diarrhoea. Sanguineous evacuations. Dysenterical evacuations, with colic. During the evacuation, contraction in the rectum. Painful swelling of the haemorrhoidal tumours of the anus, and of the rectum. Discharge of blood from the rectum, with stinging, burning pain in the small of the back and anus (daily). Haemorrhage from the anus. Paralysis of the sphincter ani.
Urogenital system
Tenesmus of the bladder, with but small discharges. Diminished secretion of urine. Abundant discharge of urine of a bright colour, during the pains. Urine (like that in dropsy after scarlet fever) of a faint flesh colour, with a white-brown flocculent, transparent sediment, depositing on the chamber small, red, hard, solid crystals, which adhere firmly to the vessel. Fetid urine, which soon becomes thick, gelatinous, and glutinous. Itching at the orifice of the urethra, with desire to urinate. - вurning in the urethra after micturition.
Sensation as if everything were flowing towards the genital parts, from both sides of the abdomen, occasioning a discharge of semen. Excitement of sexual desire, as in priapism. - сomplete impotence. Retraction of the prepuce behind the glans.
Cramp-like pain in left ovary; in uterus; as if parts were squeezed in a vice. Ovarian cyst, paroxysm of acute pain in abdomen, sacrum, and hip, by flexing thigh on pelvis. Metritis; metrorrhagia; suppressed catamenia, with cramping pains by bending double; or caused by indignation or chagrin. Stitches in the ovaries. Lochia suppressed; puerperal fever after vexation. Painful nodosities in the mammae.
Sensation as if everything were flowing towards the genital parts, from both sides of the abdomen, occasioning a discharge of semen. Excitement of sexual desire, as in priapism. - сomplete impotence. Retraction of the prepuce behind the glans.
Cramp-like pain in left ovary; in uterus; as if parts were squeezed in a vice. Ovarian cyst, paroxysm of acute pain in abdomen, sacrum, and hip, by flexing thigh on pelvis. Metritis; metrorrhagia; suppressed catamenia, with cramping pains by bending double; or caused by indignation or chagrin. Stitches in the ovaries. Lochia suppressed; puerperal fever after vexation. Painful nodosities in the mammae.
Chest organs
Small dry cough, excited by irritation in the larynx, or by tobacco smoke. - сonstriction in the larynx, which induces frequent deglutition with oppressed breathing; in the open air. Fits of asthma at night.
Oppression of the chest, as if it were compressed.
Oppression of the chest, as if it were compressed.
Cardiovascular system
Palpitation of the heart. Stitches in cardiac region.
Limbs and spine
Tension in the neck and shoulder-blades. Drawing pains in the back, as if the muscles were stretched. Great weakness in the back, especially in the small of the back, with pressing headache (morning). - сongestion and suppuration of the axillary glands; subsultus of muscles.
Bruise-like pain in the joint of the shoulder, especially after a fit of passion. Aching, pressive, and shooting pain in the arms. - сramp-like pain in the hands, which with difficulty suffers the fingers to be opened;
Pain in the coxo-femoral joint, as if it were fastened with an iron clasp, the pelvis and sacral region, with pains extending from the lumbar region to the legs. Tensive lancination, in the lumbar region and of the hips, especially when lying on the back. Pain (in the right thigh) while walking, as if the psoas muscles were too short; on stooping it ceased, but began again when he commenced to walk. Spontaneous dislocation of the coxo-femoral joint. Want of flexibility in the knee, which prevents the bending of it. - сramps in the legs. Shootings in the legs, especially during repose. Stitches in the knee-joints. Sensation of coldness in the knees (in the morning). Great heaviness and trembling of the legs. The feet go to sleep (first the left, then the right foot). Swelling of the feet. Tearing in the soles of the feet during repose.
Bruise-like pain in the joint of the shoulder, especially after a fit of passion. Aching, pressive, and shooting pain in the arms. - сramp-like pain in the hands, which with difficulty suffers the fingers to be opened;
Pain in the coxo-femoral joint, as if it were fastened with an iron clasp, the pelvis and sacral region, with pains extending from the lumbar region to the legs. Tensive lancination, in the lumbar region and of the hips, especially when lying on the back. Pain (in the right thigh) while walking, as if the psoas muscles were too short; on stooping it ceased, but began again when he commenced to walk. Spontaneous dislocation of the coxo-femoral joint. Want of flexibility in the knee, which prevents the bending of it. - сramps in the legs. Shootings in the legs, especially during repose. Stitches in the knee-joints. Sensation of coldness in the knees (in the morning). Great heaviness and trembling of the legs. The feet go to sleep (first the left, then the right foot). Swelling of the feet. Tearing in the soles of the feet during repose.
Common symptoms
Semi-lateral pains. Painful cramps, and cramp-like contractions, in the internal or external parts. Sensation as though stones were being ground together in the abdomen, working upon the soft parts. - сontraction of the tendons in some parts only, or throughout the body, with a drawing up of all the limbs. Twitching of the muscles. Stiffness in all the joints. Tearing shootings, traversing the whole body longitudinally. Physical depression while walking in the open air. Fainting, with coldness of the external parts. Swelling of various parts, with oppression of breathing. Pulsations through the body. - вurning pains.
Troublesome itching, with great restlessness in the whole body, especially in the evening in bed, followed by perspiration. Desquamation of the skin over the whole body. - сarbuncles, with continuous burning pain. Small ulcers, with itching and burning. Eruptions which resemble scabies. Skin hot and dry.
Disturbed sleep at night (by dreams). Sleepiness, alternately with delirium, with the eyes open. Sleeplessness following a fit of indigestion. Very wakeful and sleepless. Lying on the back when asleep, with one hand under the occiput. Frequent vivid and lascivious dreams.
Cold and shivering, with heat in the face, without thirst. - сoldness of the hands and soles of the feet, while the rest of the body is warm. Pulse hard, full and quick. Strong pulsation in the arteries. External dry heat. Internal heat, with attacks of flushes of heat. Nocturnal sweat, of the smell of urine, on the head, hands, legs, and feet, causing itching of the skin. Perspiration principally on the head and on the extremities.
Included in the composition
- 1.7€ Feminin-gran (Аспектус фарма ООО )
- 2.3€ Menalgin
- 2.7€ Normagast (2 firms)
- 2.1-2.5€ Акваберберис (Фитасинтекс)
- 2.5€ Алкавит (Фитасинтекс)
- — Colocint-plus (Доктор Н)
- 4.8-6.2€ Spascupreel (Сигнал НЦ ФГУП )
- 5.8-5.9€ Hepeel (Сигнал НЦ ФГУП )
- 5€ Гепарис (Фитасинтекс)
- 6.8-8.9€ Nux vomica-homaccord (Сигнал НЦ ФГУП )
- 11€ Flowers Energy №10
- 11€ Flowers Energy №24
- 11€ Flowers Energy №27
- 11€ Flowers Energy №43
- 11€ Flowers Energy №44
- 11€ Flowers Energy №46
- — Flowers Energy №48
- 11€ Flowers Energy №61
- 13-218.8€ Discus compositum (Сигнал НЦ ФГУП )
- — Atropinum compositum
- — Berberis-homaccord (Сигнал НЦ ФГУП )
- — Cholistosan (Гомеопатический медико-социальный центр )