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Drosera rotundifolia

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Description Source

Materia Medica Pura – Samuel Hahnemann

Pharmacological Group

Homeopathic classical monopreparations

Additional facts

 (From vol. vi, 2nd edit., 1827.
 (The freshly expressed juice of this lowly plant, which grows on peaty soil [HB. Rorellae, Roris Solis], mixed with equal parts of alcohol.
 This plant, one of the most powerful medicinal herbs in our zone, was used by the older physicians mostly as an external remedy - in cutaneous eruptions - but not with the best effects. They also gave it internally, and sometimes, as it would seem, with advantage. The moderns who, guided by tradition, had no knowledge of any other than large doses, knew not how to employ this uncommonly heroic plant without endangering the life of their patients, hence they rejected it altogether.
 I first employed it in the trillion-fold dilution of the juice, but laterly in still higher potency, and at last in the 30th (decillion-fold) dilution (each diluting phial getting only two succussion), and of this I gave as a dose only the smallest portion of a drop, to wit, one, or at most two, globules the size of a poppy-seed (of which from 200 to 300 can be completely moistened with a drop of the dilution) in morbid conditions similar to the characteristic effects produced by the plant on healthy persons.
 Thus, for example, a single such dose is quite sufficient for the homoeopathic cure if epidemic whooping-cough, (The cure takes place with certainty in from seven to nine days, under a nonmedical diet. сare should be taken not to give a second dose (or any other medicine) immediately after the first dose, for that would inevitably not only prevent the good result, but do serious injury, as I know from experience.) according to the indications given by symptoms 135, 137, 144, 149, but especially 145 and the second part of symptom 143.
 Allopathy, as may easily be understood, could hitherto do nothing for this formidable disease, which does not pass off by itself like other acute diseases, without terminating fatally or tormenting its victim for twenty or twenty-two weeks. In consequence it allowed many children to die of the disease where it did not hasten death by large doses of unsuitable drugs.
 He who fails to perceive that in this as in other similar cases homoeopathy is the only perfect, true medical art, let him continue blindly to employ unknown drugs to the injury of sick mankind.
 Drosera requires further provings of its pure effects on the healthy human subject.
 Camphor alleviates and antidotes its effects.


 A few symptoms are derived from:
 BONFIGLI, in Vicat’s Materie Medicale, i.
 In the Fragmenta, Drosera has 40 symptoms, in the 1st edit. Of the ‘R.p.mL.,’279, and in this 2nd edit., 287.


 When walking in the open air, vertigo (after 4 d.
 When walking in the open air, attack of vertigo; he felt always as if he would fall to the left side (after 9 h. [Lr.
 Whirling and giddy, with disinclination for work (after 33 h. [Gn.
 The head is confused and heavy.
 5. Aching pain in the head.
 Out-pressing pain in the right temple. [Gn.
 On stooping, headache above the orbits, which goes off on walking.
 After strong exercise and when walking, a headache in the forehead, like the confusion of the head that comes from much speaking.
 Out-pressing pain in the forehead and zygomatic processes (aft. 7.1/2 h. [Gn.
 10. Aching pain above the right temple (after 3.1/2 h. [Gn.
 Pain boring out at the forehead, only on stooping while writing (after 7 h. [Gn.
 A dull drawing pain in the left side of the brain towards the temple (after 28 h.0. [Gn.
 In the right half of the brain, drawing pain towards the occiput (after 9 h. [Gn.
 Tearing tensive pain in the forehead, more violent on stooping (after 11 h. [Gn.
 15. Sharp cutting needle-pricks in the right side of the forehead (after 33 h. [Lr.
 Tearing pain in the brain, more towards the forehead, worse on moving the eyes, but relieved by supporting the head on the hand (after 10 h. [Gn.
 Heaviness of the head when held upright, but not when stooping (after 37 h. [Gn.
 Painfulness of the whole brain; he feels every step in it (after 8 h. [Gn.
 Burning sore pain on the right side of the hairy scalp; it went off each time it was touched (after 6.1/2 h. [Gn.
 20. Smarting burning pain in the hairy scalp at the crown (after 10 h. [Gn.
 Sore pain on the hairy scalp, above the right side of the forehead (after 32 h. [Gn.
 Sore pain on the left frontal protuberance. [Gn.
 Sore sensation in the skin of the right temple. [Gn.
 Itching gnawing on the hairy scalp anteriorly, which went off on rubbing. [Ws.
 25. Eroding itching on the whole hairy scalp, but especially on the sides which compelled scratching (after 12 h. [Lr.
 Aching, sometimes combined with gnawing, externally on the top of the head (after 2 h. [Ws.
 Obtuse boring pain externally on the crown (after 10 h. [Ws.
 Aching gnawing pain externally over the eyebrows, with drawing thence into the cerebellum, in the morning (after 28 h. [Ws.
 On pressing on the left eyebrow and eyelid, they pain as if festering (after 3 d. [Gn.
 30. Drawing burning pain on the superciliary arch, more towards the temple (after 25 h. [Gn.
 Contracted pupils.
 Contracted pupils (aft. 1, 2 h. [Lr.
 Dilated pupils (aft. 25 h. [Lr.
 Long sight (presbyopia) and weakness of the eyes; when he tries to see small objects, he has flickering before the eyes.
 35. Like a veil before the eyes; on reading the letters run together.
 In the evening (7 o’clock), when he comes from a walk in the open air in the room, he is affected with dimness of vision, without vertigo and there is flickering before the eyes.
 Bright glittering playing before the right eye, rather above and to the side; if he directs his sight towards the glittering, it recedes always more out of the line if sight; it hinders him in reading (after 48 h. [Ws.
 Tensive burning transversely across in the left eye and eyelids (after 13 h. [Gn.
 The eyelids stick together as if with matter.
 40. His eyelids itch (after 24 h.
 Sore pain in the right lower lid, worse when touched (after 11 h. [Gn.
 A cutting pain transversely across the holw of the left eye. [Gn.
 Obtuse tearing transversely across the left eyeball (after 32 h. [Gn.
 Severe stitches out at the eyes, especially when stooping.
 45. a sharp stitch in he left eyeball, when at rest. [Gn.
 When he strains the eyes to look, he gets a pain in them, which is more smarting than aching.
 Burning pain in the right eyeball, and fine stitches in the left internal ear (after 9 h. [Gn.
 Broad, slow stitches through the left ear inwards (after 2 h. [Ws.
 Squeezing and shooting in the left ear inwards (after 2 h. [Ws.
 50. Obtuse stitch in the right ear, not quite externally (after 3 h. [Gn.
 A tickling prick in the innermost part of the right ear. [Gn.
 A pain in the right inner ear, as if all were compressed, almost cramp-like (after 7.1/2 h. [Gn.
 Drawing pain in the right ear-lobe and in a portion of the cartilage(after 31 h. [Gn.
 Sharp gnawing beneath both aural cartilages (after ½ h. [Ws.
 55. Tearing and twitching pain anteriorly in the orifice of the left ear (after 35 h. [Gn.
 Tensive shooting in the left ear, more externally than internally (after 12 h. [Gn.
 Pecking and burning pain externally in the whole right ear; soon followed by a dull drawing from without inwards (after 57 h. [Gn.
 (Behind and beneath the left ear, a pimple painful when touched.
 Roaring and buzzing before the ears, or like a distant drum, which continues when moving and when at rest.
 60. Hardness of hearing with increased buzzing before the ears.
 Pricking burning pain in the skin of the cheek, below the left eyelid (aft. ¾ h. [Gn.
 Drawing pressure on the upper jaws (after 2 h. [Ws.
 Sudden, fine twitching in the left cheek, which makes him start (after 8 h. [Ws.
 Digging aching in the right maxillary joint, and in the neighbouring bones, persisting when at rest and when moving - aggravated every time the mouth is opened (after 52 h. [Gn.
 65. Severe aching pain the right maxillary joint, when at rest and when moving (after 26 h. [Gn.
 Pricking on the left side of the nose and formication in the left ear. [Gn.
 Bleeding from the nose when stooping.
 Bleeding from the nose in the morning and evening.
 When washing his face in the morning he blows blood from his nose (after 4 d. [Gn.
 70. Great sensitiveness to sour smells (after 3 d. [Gn.
 The lower lip chapped in the centre.
 Red pimple in the middle of the chin, close below the lower lip, its apex covered with a white scaly skin, without sensation even when touched (after 27 h. [Lr.
 Here and there in the face small pimples with fine shooting pain only when touched, in the centre of which a pustule is formed, which dries up after some days. [Ws.
 Shooting tearing on the left lower jaw as if in the periosteum (after 8 h. [Ws.
 75. вurning pain in the skin before the right oral commissure. [Gn.
 Causes pain in the teeth. HALLER, in Vicat’s materie,. Medorrhinum, I, pp. 313, 314. From its acridity.
 Shooting pain in the teeth, in the morning, after warm drinks.
 (Looseness of the teeth.
 Sensation of coldness in the crown of an incisor (after 56 h. [Gn.
 80. Fine pricking pricks on the dorsum of the tongue (after 25 h. [Gn.
 On the tip of the tongue there appears a whititsh ulcer.
 Shooting smarting pain in right side and tip of the tongue. [Gn.
 A small, round, painless swelling in the middle of the tongue (after 48 h.
 Smarting pain on the inside of the left cheek (as from pepper) (after 2 h. [Gn.
 85. Copious discharge of watery saliva. Water-brash.
 Lips always dry and little taste.
 Food is quite without any taste for him.
 Bread tastes bitter.
 90. In the morning, bitter taste in the mouth until he dines.
 On the soft palate and deep down in the fauces, a rough, scraping dry sensation, which causes short cough. [Ws.
 Creeping, smarting sensation in the fauces, on the right side, when not swallowing (after 35 h. [Gn.
 (Frequently during the day ravenous hunger, without appetite; when he thought he had appeased it, it returned after one and a half or two hours.
 Frequent hiccup (aft. 28 h. [Lr.
 95. Something bitter rises from the stomach and comes into his mouth.
 Something bitter and sour rises from the stomach and comes into his mouth.
 (Nausea comes on by mere imagination.
 After a meal nausea with inclination to vomit.
 Nausea with aching stupefying pain in the head, especially in the forehead (after 4 h. [Lr.
 100. Nocturnal vomiting.
 Vomiting before dinner.
 In the morning, vomiting, mostly bile.
 Vomiting of blood.
 Shooting and throbbing in the scrobiculus cordis.
 105. Squeezing tension in the scrobicukus cordis, as if all were drawn inwards there, especially on inspiring deeply (after 10 h. [Ws.
 Fine, transient clutching together in the scorbiculus cordis (after 4 h. [Ws.
 The region below the ribs (hypochondria) is painful on being touched and when coughing, and when he coughs he must pess on the spot with his hand, in order to mitigate the pain.
 Tensive pain in the epigastrium before and after stool, when he kept in his breath; he felt nothing when inspiring and when expiring; when sitting and stooping the pain in the epigastrium becomes very violent; the stool is softer than usual (after 50 h. [Gn.
 From the right side of the abdomen an obtuse drawing stitch darted across to the left side, which almost took away his breath, when walking (after 5 d. [Gn.
 110. Pinching and clawing in the abdomen, with diarrhoea.
 A twisting pain in the abdomen.
 A shooting in the right side of the abdomen, when sitting.
 Cutting in the abdomen (after 3 h.
 Nipping, cutting pinching in the abdomen, as if caused by displaced flatulence (after 13 h. [Lr.
 115. сutting blows in the abdominal and pectoral muscles, more severe when sitting than when moving (after 8 h. [Ws.
 Boring stitches in the right side of the abdominal integuments (after 13 h. [Gn.
 Obtuse stitch in the right side of the abdominal integuments (after 13 h. [Gn.
 Obtuse in the right iliac foss (after 51 h. [Gn.
 Out-pressing pain in thr rectum, independent of stool (after 6 h. [Gn.
 Cutting in the abdomen, not followed by stool (after 5 h. [Gn.
 120. Frequent stools, with cutting in the abdomen.
 Bloody mucus comes away with the stool, followed by pains in the abdomen and pain in the sacrum.
 The first days thin stool, then somewhat harder, but after the evacuatoin there remained still fruitless call to stool.
 A stool always becoming softer as it passes (after 1 h. [Gn.
 Stool consisting of much pappy faeces (after 14 h. [Lr.
 125. Scanty stool of hard faeces, with pressing (after 38 h. [Lr.
 Watery, inodorous urine, with white, slimy foetid stools (after 24 h.
 Frequent urging to urinate, with very scanty urine, often onlu passed by drops (aft. 2 h. [Lr.
 Diuresis. NICOKAUS, (Observation.) in Vicat, l. c.
 Frequent copious flow of urine, all day (after 48 h. [Lr.
 130. Itching obtuse prick in the glans penis, lasting some minutes (after 33 h. [Gn.
 Crawling sensation in the right nostril, provoking sneezing (after 26 h. [Gn.
 Frequent sneezing, with or without fluent coryza (aft. 13, 24 h.
 Painful sneezing and a cough, during which he must support the chest with his hand laid on it.
 Severe fluent coryza, especially in the morning. [Lr.
 135. When coughing, pain in the hypochondria, as if that region were forcibly constricted.
 Pain across the lower part of the chest and hypochondria.
 Across the chest a violent pain when sitting, also independently of the cough, which is composed more of pressure than shooting, and goes off on moving; the part also aches when touched.
 The region beneath the short ribs (hypochondria) suffers from a contractive pain, which hinders the cough; he cannot cough on account of pain unless he presses his hand on the scrobiculus cordis.
 Deep breathing.
 Tightness of chest, especially whenever he speaks, even at every word - the throat was contracted; he felt no tightness of chest when walking.
 Crawling in the larynx, which provokes coughing, with sensation as if of a soft body was located there, with fine shooting therein to the right side of the gullet (aft. 4 d. [Gn.
 Deep down in the fauces (and on the soft palate) a rough, scraping sensation of dryness exciting short cough, with yellow slimy expectoration and hoarseness of the voice (Very similar to this must be the state, where, in some kinds of so-called laryngeal phthisis (provided that no specific cachexy of a syphilitic, psoric etc kind is at te bottom of it), sundew is so peculiarly useful. This plant also excites a very violent cough in sheep (See вORRICHIUS, in Actea Hafne., vol. iv, p. 162). Several of the older physicians found this plant useful in some kinds of malignant cough, and in the phthisical persons, thus confirming its (homoeopathic) medicinal power; but the moderns (vide MURRAY, Apparat. Medorrhinum, vol. iii, p. 501), in contornity with their anthipathic theories, warned against its use in account of its supposed acridity. , so that it is only with an effort that he can speak in a deep bass tone; at the same time he feels an oppression of the chest, as if something there kept back the air when he coughed and spoke, so that the breath could not be expelled (lasting several days). [Ws.
 Cough coming from quite deep down in the chest.
 145. сough, the impulses of which follow one another so violently, that he can hardly get his breath.
 Cough in the evening, immediately after lying down.
 Nocturnal cough.
 He wakes up at night (about 2 p.m) for a short time to cough and then falls asleep again.
 In the evening, while lying in bed, when he breathes out, a sudden contraction of the hypogastrium, which makes him heave as though he could vomit, and excites coughing.
 150. The cough, when expectoration did not properly occur, affected the abdomen, like a clawing together and retching.
 The cough makes him like to vomit.
 On coughing, he vomits water, mucus and food.
 On coughing, the breath he brings up from his lungs has a smell of burning.
 Cough in the morning with expectorat.
 155. The taste of what he coughs and hawks up is salt.
 What is coughed up in the morning tastes bitter.
 What is coughed up has a disgusting taste in the morning - not during the day.
 Shooting in the chest when coughing.
 From the morning onwards, intolerable stitches when coughing and breathing deeply in the upper part of the side of the chest, near the axilla, which is somewhat alleviated only by pressing the hand on the painful part - with expectoration intimately mixed with blood, and coloured red; but the part is not painful to external touch (after 24 h.
 160. Haemoptysis.
 When coughing and breathing, stitches in the pectoral muscles.
 A burning rough sensation deep down in the throat, immediately after dinner (after 29 h. [Gn.
 Tensive pain in the pectoral muscles, lasting several hours, when inspiring and expiring (after 8 h. [Gn.
 Burning sensation in the middle of the chest, without thirst (after 4 h. [Gn.
 165. сreeping sensation in the left costal mucles, with a pressing headache in both temples, especially the right (after 8.1/2 h. [Gn.
 A hot, obtuse stitch in the muscles of the right true ribs, continuing on inspiration and expiration. [Gn.
 Obtuse stitches in the left costal muscles, so violent that they almost take away his breath, continuing on inspiration and expiration (after 3 d. [Gn.
 Itching stitch in the coccyx, when sitting (after 29 h. [Gn.
 On walking quickly, a clawing-together pinching in the left lumbar region, which tightens the breath, relieved by pressing with the hand (after 1 h. [Ws.
 170. Drawing stitch in the left loin down into the penis (after 6 h. [Gn.
 Shooting tearing from the spine to the anterior process of the left os ilii, when sitting (after 8 h. [Ws.
 An obtuse stitch in the left dorsal muscles (after 12 h. [Gn.
 Here and there pain in the back as if bruised.
 The back is painful as if it were beaten (broken on the wheel), in the morning (after 12 h.
 175. Drawing pain in the back and shoulders, when at rest and when moving (after 6 h. [Fr.H-n.
 During movement, rheumatism felt between the scapulae, which extends to the sacrum.
 The nape is stiff, and painful on movement.
 Quivering on the right shoulder, only when at rest (aft.52 h. [Gn.
 In the shoulder-joint pain as if bruised, when he bends the arm backwards, or raises it, or lies on it, or only touches the joint.
 180. Pain in the shoulder-joint, as if the arm would go to sleep, and were tired and weak - it goes off on continuing to move.
 When walking or standing dislocation pain in the left axilla, which however, is alleviated by touching (after 11 h. [Lr.
 Sharp pressure from within outwards in the axilla, when at rest (after 7 h. [Ws.
 The arm is painful on movement, as if the flesh of the muscles were detached from the bones.
 Shooting in the right arm, and there occurs a pain fron the shoulder to the elbow, even when at rest; the elbow-joint is painful when touched, as if gathering.
 185. Pain as if contused, first in the bend of the elbow-joint, then in that of the shoulder-joint.
 Squeezing tension in the bend of the lebow on flexing the arm, felt but little on extending it (after 24 h. [Ws.
 Severe, very acutely painful stitchs through the middle of the left forearm (after 12 h. [Ws.
 On the wrist-joint, where the heads of the ulna and radius touch one another, pain on bending and turning the hand, and on touching.
 Pain as if beaten and contused in the hands, up to the elbow-joints.
 190. Sudden cutting behind the wrist-joint, between the shafts of both bones, at the same time with paralytic weakness of the arm (after 48 h. [Ws.
 On the back of the hand and behind the wrist-joint, two red, raised spots the size of the lentils, at first painful, afterwards, in one of them, itching pricks, which are more violent on being rubbed. [Ws.
 Stitches into the fingers ad out at their tips, also when at rest.
 Inclination of the fingers to draw themselves spasmodically together, and when grasping anything a stiffness in the middle finger-joints, as if the tendons would not yield, sometimes in the right, sometimes in the left hand.
 Spasmodic contraction of the flexor tendons of the fingers, so that he could only extend them with difficulty, when he held something in the hand (after 8 h. [Ws.
 195. A deeply eroded little ulcer on the back of the right hand, with an itching sensation, which on rubbing changes into burning, whereupon a bloody watery discharge comes out (after 24 h. [Lr.

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