Другие названия и синонимы
thuj, Thuja occidentalis, туя западная гомеопатия.Источник описания
Materia Medica Pura – Samuel HahnemannФармакологическая группа
Дополнительные факты
(Arbor vitoe.
(From vol. v, 2nd edit., 1826.
(The green leaves of the Thuja occidentalis are first bruised to a fine pulp themselves, then stirred up with two thirds of their weight of alcohol, and the juice then expressed.
No serious medicinal employment has been made in Europe before now of this plant, which somewhat resembles in external characters the Juniperus sabina; for what PARKINSON and HERRMANN say of it is evidently more theoretical speculation, after the fashion of the dear old Therapia generalis. According to вOERHAAVE its distilled water has been found useful in dropsical diseases. According to KALM it is popularly employed in North America as an external remedy in some undefined pains of the limbs.
The following elements of artificial diseases, the pure effects of this uncommonly powerful medicinal substance, with be regarded by the homoepathic practitioner as a great addition to his medicinal treasury, and he will not fail to make a useful application of them in some of the most serious diseases of mankind, for which hitherto there has been no remedy. For example, he will perceive from these symptoms that the juice of thuja must be specifically useful in that hideous disease arising from impure coitus, the fig-warts, if they be not complicated with other miasmata; and experience also shows that thuja is the only efficacious remedy for them. And for a similar reason it most certainly cures that bad kind of gonorrhoea resulting form impure coitus if it be not complicated with other miasmata.
I employed the decillion-fold dilution of the juice, in the dose of a very small portion of a drop, even in the worst cases.
As the fig-wart gonorrhoea is one of the few permanent miasmatic diseases, I was able to test in the most certain manner the degree of efficacy of the higher dilutions of thuja juice. Thus I found that even the higher dilutions. e.g. the decillion-fold or even the vigesillion-fold dilution (1/xx), made with sixty diluting phials, each of 100 drops), if each diluting phial were successed ten times and oftener (that is, with ten or more shakes of a powerful arm), was not weaker in power than the less diluted preparations, nor, on account of the enormously diminished arithmetical fraction, had it sunk to complete powerlessness, to nothing, but, on the contrary, it had rather become even more intensely charged (The discovery that crude medicinal substances (dry and fluid) unfold their medicinal power ever more and more by trituration or succession with non-medicinal things, and in greater extent the further, the longer, and the stronger this trituration or succussion is carried on, so that all their material substance seems gradually to be dissolved and resolved into pure medicinal spirit; - this discovery, unheard of till made by me, is of unspeakable value, and so undeniable, that the unheard of till made by me, is of unspeakable value, and so undeniable, that the sceptics, who from ignorance of the inexhaustible ersources of nature in the homoeopathic dilutions, see nothing but mechanical division and diminution until nothing remains (therefore, annihilation of their medicinal power), must see their error as soon as they appeal to experiment.) with the medicinal virtue of thuja.
Innumerable accurate trials have so completely confirmed this (also with regard to other high fluid medicinal dilutions prepared in a similar way) that I can certify to its truth form conviction.
In order to obtain real preparations of sufficiently developed, but at the same time suitably moderated. Power for even the more and most sensitive patients by the dilutions of medicinal substances for homoeopathic use, for some time back I have adopted the plan in the case of all fluid medicines of succussing each diluting phial with only two strokes of the arm.
The duration of the action of even the smallest doses is nearly three weeks.
Camphor appears to be the best antidote to mitigate the excessive action of this juice in larger doses.
(From vol. v, 2nd edit., 1826.
(The green leaves of the Thuja occidentalis are first bruised to a fine pulp themselves, then stirred up with two thirds of their weight of alcohol, and the juice then expressed.
No serious medicinal employment has been made in Europe before now of this plant, which somewhat resembles in external characters the Juniperus sabina; for what PARKINSON and HERRMANN say of it is evidently more theoretical speculation, after the fashion of the dear old Therapia generalis. According to вOERHAAVE its distilled water has been found useful in dropsical diseases. According to KALM it is popularly employed in North America as an external remedy in some undefined pains of the limbs.
The following elements of artificial diseases, the pure effects of this uncommonly powerful medicinal substance, with be regarded by the homoepathic practitioner as a great addition to his medicinal treasury, and he will not fail to make a useful application of them in some of the most serious diseases of mankind, for which hitherto there has been no remedy. For example, he will perceive from these symptoms that the juice of thuja must be specifically useful in that hideous disease arising from impure coitus, the fig-warts, if they be not complicated with other miasmata; and experience also shows that thuja is the only efficacious remedy for them. And for a similar reason it most certainly cures that bad kind of gonorrhoea resulting form impure coitus if it be not complicated with other miasmata.
I employed the decillion-fold dilution of the juice, in the dose of a very small portion of a drop, even in the worst cases.
As the fig-wart gonorrhoea is one of the few permanent miasmatic diseases, I was able to test in the most certain manner the degree of efficacy of the higher dilutions of thuja juice. Thus I found that even the higher dilutions. e.g. the decillion-fold or even the vigesillion-fold dilution (1/xx), made with sixty diluting phials, each of 100 drops), if each diluting phial were successed ten times and oftener (that is, with ten or more shakes of a powerful arm), was not weaker in power than the less diluted preparations, nor, on account of the enormously diminished arithmetical fraction, had it sunk to complete powerlessness, to nothing, but, on the contrary, it had rather become even more intensely charged (The discovery that crude medicinal substances (dry and fluid) unfold their medicinal power ever more and more by trituration or succession with non-medicinal things, and in greater extent the further, the longer, and the stronger this trituration or succussion is carried on, so that all their material substance seems gradually to be dissolved and resolved into pure medicinal spirit; - this discovery, unheard of till made by me, is of unspeakable value, and so undeniable, that the unheard of till made by me, is of unspeakable value, and so undeniable, that the sceptics, who from ignorance of the inexhaustible ersources of nature in the homoeopathic dilutions, see nothing but mechanical division and diminution until nothing remains (therefore, annihilation of their medicinal power), must see their error as soon as they appeal to experiment.) with the medicinal virtue of thuja.
Innumerable accurate trials have so completely confirmed this (also with regard to other high fluid medicinal dilutions prepared in a similar way) that I can certify to its truth form conviction.
In order to obtain real preparations of sufficiently developed, but at the same time suitably moderated. Power for even the more and most sensitive patients by the dilutions of medicinal substances for homoeopathic use, for some time back I have adopted the plan in the case of all fluid medicines of succussing each diluting phial with only two strokes of the arm.
The duration of the action of even the smallest doses is nearly three weeks.
Camphor appears to be the best antidote to mitigate the excessive action of this juice in larger doses.
Список литературы
No old-school authorities are cited.
The 1st edit, has 509 symptoms, this 2d edit. 633.
No old-school authorities are cited.
The 1st edit, has 509 symptoms, this 2d edit. 633.
When he has stooped he staggers.
Whirling vertigo, even when sitting when walking she staggers.
Frequent vertigo, even when lying in bed.
Much vertigo when sitting, like a moving to and fro, very much aggravated by lying.
5. Vertigo, especially when he was seated and the eyes were closed; it went off when lying.
Sensation of giddiness as after frequent turning round in a circle (after ¾ h. [Htn.
His head is confused and incapable of thinking.
Cloudiness in the forehead (immediately). [Fz.
Slow recollection and slow speaking; he has to seek for the words when talking (after 3 d.
10. Inward weakness of the head; the brain feels numbed and dead.
In the morning stupefaction of the head (after 6 h. [Ws.
Dull pain in the whole head like stupefaction (after 1 h. [Lr.
A numb sensation and humming in the left half of the brain and in the left ear (after 3 h. [Htn.
Preoccupation of the mind; he could not get rid of the thoughts he had been engaged with.
15. He becomes cloudy in the head, so that he knows not where he is, when standing (after ¾ h. [Fz.
Want of attention to what took place around him. [Ws.
Stupid in the head, with nausea. [Fr.H-n.
Dazed in the head and as if intoxicated, especially in the morning. [Fr.H-n.
His head feels empty, when sitting and walking (after 6.1/2 h. [Lr.
20. In the morning headache, sometimes as if the head were severed asunder in the zygoma and upper jaw, sometimes in the forehead as if it would fall out, with internal chilliness; all this was ameliorated by walking in the open air.
In the morning headache, as after sleeping too soundly or as after stooping; a pulsation or short pressive jerks in the forehead with redness of face.
A cramp-like sensation in the left side of the head, followed by feeling of warmth. [Fz.
A boring pressure in the head.
Drawing pain in the head.
25. Painless drawing in the right parietal bone, with slight pressure, during which an almost agreeable warmth spreads over the body (after 4 h. [Fz.
Tearing in the right side of the sinciput and face, transversely, across the nose to the zygoma, and over the eyes; most severe in the morning and evening.
Violent contractive pressure externally on the left frontal protuberance, which seemed as it were to press down the upper eyelid (after 1.1/2 h. [Htn.
Shooting pain in the head.
Dull drawing pressure transversely across the forehead, as if a weight sank down in it (after 4.1/2 h. [Lr.
30. A deep pressure in the right temple (after 1.3/4 h. [Htn.
Jerking pressure in the left frontal protuberance (after 4 h. [Htn.
Jerking pressure in the right frontal protuberance (after 4.1/2 h. [Htn.
Aching in the left parietal bone, with a dull pain (after 2 h. [Fz.
Dull aching pains in the occiput, for six hours (after 1 h. [Wr.
35. A pressive pain transversely across the forehead (after ½ h. [Lr.
Furious pressing inwards in both temples, as though the brain would be pressed out. [Htn.
Severe painful pressure in the head, sometimes in one part sometimes in another, only momentary (after 2 h. [Htn.
Aching drawing in the left temple. [Fz.
Twitching tearing in the occiput, more on the right side (after 1 h. [Htn.
40. Drawing tearing pain from the crown to the middle of the brain. [Hnl.
Heaviness in the head as if a weight pressed the brain inwards. (after 1.1/2 h. [Htn.
Feeling of weight in the head, especially in the occiput, aggravated by every movement (after ½ h. [Wr.
Heaviness of the head, with crossness and disinclination to speak (aft. 3 h. [Wr.
A headache compounded of aching, bruised and lacerating pain from the forehead to the occiput, on waking from sleep, which went off on continuing to sleep. [Fr.H-n.
45. Sensation in the upper part of the skull as if it were beaten in. [Fz.
Sensation in the right parietal bone as though a nail were driven in there, which goes off on tothat part (after ½ h. [Fz.
Jerk-like stitch through the whole head, which leaves behind an aching sensation (after 1 h. [Htn.
Violent tearing stab through the right half of the brain from the occiput to the forehead (after 11 h. [Htn.
Headache as if his head were compressed form without with pules-like beating and shooting on the temples, which pains are removed by external pressure and bending backwards, but return by bending forwards (after 4 h. [Trn.
50. Headache: a pricking formication in the head in the morning.
Drawing in the temporal muscles, an external headache, worse when chewing.
Severe stitches externally on the left temporal region (aft. 8, 12 h. [Lr.
Prickling pain on the temples.
Needle-pricks, especially along the forehead (after 5.1/2 h. [Lr.
55. Swelling of the veins on the temples when at rest, without heat (after 18 h. [Lr.
Three red, painful lumps on both temples.
Eruption of pimples betwixt the eyebrows, with matter in their apices, which itch somewhat (after 6 h. [Lr.
An itching on the occiput.
Pain at the back of the skull, as though it were contracted from both sides. [Fz.
60. At night he is unwilling to lie on the left side, because when he does so, as also when touches it, a spot on the head near the occipital protuberance is painful; even the hair there is painful when touched. [Gss.
Obtuse pressive pain behind the left ear (after ½ h. [Wr.
Violent aching burning pain behind the right ear (after 9 h. [Wr.
A corrosive gnawing in the skin of the occiput, with the sensation as if something were running among the hair there, for half an hour (after 13 h. [Hnl.
On the right side of the hairy scalp a smarting and corrosive gnawing, in the evening. [Hnl.
65. In the nape a sensation as if it were beaten to pieces (after 3 h. [Fz.
Tension of the skin of the nape on moving the head (after 16 h. [Ws.
Stiff feeling in the nape and on the left side of the neck, up to the ear, even when at rest, which however, does not impede the movement of the neck in any way (The stiff pain was not increased by moving the neck) (after 2.1/4 h. [Htn.
A pressive and drawing pain from below upwards on the right side of the neck, even when at rest (after 2 h. [Wr.
Tearing pain on the left eyebrow, going off after touching (aft. 11 h. [Lr.
70. An aching pain above the left eye which extends towards the right and goes off there. [Trn.
A considerable aching above the right eye, externally (after 3.3/4 h. [Htn.
Boring pain above the inner canthus of the right eye (after 3 d. [Ws.
Short sightedness.
A dimness like a veil before the eyes and aching in them as though the eyes were pressed forwards out of the head, or the eyes were swollen.
75. In the open air, dimness before the eyes, like a veil, in near and distant vision, with dulness in the head, for half an hour.
When reading the objects are darker, with a feeling in the eyes as though he had not slept enough.
Illusion of sight: when writing all surrounding objects seemed to tremble (immediately after eating). [Trn.
Black points before the eyes, even when they are closed, which do not remain steady, but appear to move about among one another, with a confusion in the occiput. [Fz.
The sight of the uninflamed eye is dark.
80. Weak eyes; aching in them as from fine sand.
Shooting in the eyes in the morning (in sharp air). This symptom is repeated.
On every exposure to bright light some stitches in the eye.
The white of the eye is blood red.
The white of the eye is very inflamed and red, with smarting and aching in it as from sand.
85. In the morning, in the white of the left eye, near the cornea, a redness, without sensation (after 74 h. [Lr.
Aching in the eyes, for two or three days.
The lower eyelid has on its border a red lump.
Swelling of the upper eyelid (after 76, 120 h. [Lr.
From time to time a violent, deeply penetrating sharp stitch in the right inner canthus (after 2 h.
90. Violent stitch in the inner canthus of the left eye, which forced out moisture and thereby rendered the vision obscure (after 1.1/4 h. [Htn.
A burning aching in the outer canthus of the left eye, without redness (after 9 d.
In the outer canthus of the left eye feeling of heat and dryness as if the parts would inflame (after 29 h. [Hnl.
95. Dry feeling in the eyes. [Hnl.
The left eye waters when walking in the open air (after 9 d.
The eyes deposit eyegum in their inner canthi all day.
Great dilatation of the pupils (after 6 h. [Lr.
Great contraction of the pupils, which remained for five days more contracted than in the healthy state (after 1 h. [Trn.
In the evening in bed frightful hammering and tearing in the ear until after midnight; at the same time urinating every half hour, with cold feet up to the knee.
Ringing in the ears (after 1 h. [Wr.
100. Roaring in the ears, like a drawing stove (after 1 h. [Wr.
On the lower part of the auricle, a tension as if a ligature there were drawn downwards (after 6 h. [Ws.
Cramp sensation in the right auricle (after 4.1/2 h. [Fz.
Spasm in the internal ear, like forcing together and compression, followed by a stitch in it like a flash of lightening, so that he trembled; frequently in the evening.
Fine cramp-like pain in the right meatus auditorious extrenus, most severe when he draws the scalp downwards from the upper most part of the crown (after 4 d. [Ws.
105. Violent thrust-like stabs in the right side of the fauces, which quickly go into the ear as though there were a hole in it through which the air could penetrate (after 6.1/2 h. [Htn.
Aching shooting pain in the right meatus auditorious (after 5 h. [Wr.
A pinching pain in the right ear. [Htn.
Pressive pain in the meatus auditorious (at noon).
(Increased secretion of ear-wax.
110. Formication and quivering towards he zygomata.
A digging, painful itching in the left zygoma (after ½ h. [Lr.
Boring pain in the left zygomatic process, diminished by touching (aft. 7, 29 h. [Lr.
A twitching pricking pain in the muscles of the cheek, only when walking in the open air.
Cramp-like pain in the right cheek when this part is at rest (after ½ h. [Htn.
115. An itching in the face, so that he must scratch. [Fz.
Glandular swelling in the left cheek.
Burning heat only in the face and cheeks, lasting all day.
On the cheek, not far from the commissure of the lips, a scabby itching eruption.
Eruption of pimples all over the face (after 17 h. [Lr.
120. An ulcerated place, half an inch deep in the nose, where scab has formed.
Erosive formication on the nose.
A red pimple in the depression behind the left ala nasi, filled with a watery fluid itching somewhat (after 6 h. [Lr.
Sensation of tension over the right ala, which went off after rubbing (after 24 h. [Hnl.
Swelling and hardness on the left ala nasi, with tensive pain. [Hnl.
125. Under the right nostril sensation as if a part there would become indurated (after 3.1/2 h. [Fz.
Nasal mucus mixed with coagulated blood.
Epistaxis every day, two or three times.
He often blows blood from the nose. [Gss.
In the morning, after rising from bed, on blowing the nose gently it bleeds, for two days. [Hnl.
130. Epistaxis, especially when he gets heated (after 70 h. [Gss.
Drawing pain between the mouth and nose, as if the periosteum were more tightly stretched; afterwards this pain spreads over the nasal bones, as though they had a saddle on them. [Hl.
(Stitches in the lip.
Twitching on the upper lip.
Sensation of twitching in the upper lip, near the commissure of the mouth. [Hnl.
135. Fine itching in the inner side of the upper lip. [Fz.
Itching pimple on the border of the upper lip, near its middle (after 6 h. [Lr.
Red pustules above the lip, which bleed when stretched (after 36 h. [Ws.
Dryness of the lips without thirst (after 11 h. [Lr.
Burning on the red of the lips and on the palate.
140. Violent tearing in the left upper jaw towards the eye (after 2 h. [Htn.
Drawing tearing in the right lower jaw in the evening. [Hnl.
Repeated gnawing boring pain in the left upper jaw (after 1.1/2 h. [Lr.
Shooting in the lower jaw out at the ear.
A violent drawing stitch in the angle of the left lower jaw, which goes off after touching (after 8 m. [Lr.
145. Needle-pricks in the left side of the lower jaw (after 1.1/2 h. [Lr.
Itching pimples on the chin (after 5 d. [Lr.
Stiffness of the left muscles of mastication, painful when the jaws are opened (after 4 d. [Ws.
Pain in the left side of the neck as from having lain on an uncomfortable bed or in an improper position.
On moving the neck a short stitch in the cervical muscles, which made him start.
150. Pain in the (swollen) cervical glands, so that he could not lie at night on account of it.
The veins of the neck are distented and of a blue colour.
Itching on the anterior aspect of the neck, which excites scratching. [Ws.
On both sides of the neck, from back to front, a stripe of small red papules close together, with sore pain when touched (after 26 h. [Ws.
Shooting pains on the front of the neck under the larynx (after 9 h. [Wr.
155. Pinching stitch on the right side of the neck, which goes off on moving and turning it (after 3.1/4 h. [Htn.
On blowing the nose a pressing pain in a carious tooth (sideways).
Sharp drawing pain from below upwards in the teeth of the lower jaw, often without cause, usually chiefly when eating.
After every cup of the accustomed tea which he drank there occurred immediately in the first lower left molar a violent pressing pain, as if the tooth were burst asunder, a pain which then extended to the whole lower and upper jaw and gradually went off (after 1 h. [Htn.
In a hollow tooth constant gnawing pain, which involves the whole side of the head, and is increased by everything cold (drink and air), as also by chewing (after 4 d. [Ws.
160. Sudden violent tearing in the first lower left molar, which quickly spreads through the whole lower jaw (after ¾ h. [Htn.
Shooting pain in an incisor tooth.
Twitching pain in a carious tooth in the morning.
Pain in a tooth, from evening till midnight, dull, as if the nerve were slightly touched; sometimes twitching in it.
Sore pain under the back teeth of the right side. [Hl.
165. Toothache like hacking or sharp throbbing in the gums. [Fr.H-n.
Swollen gums with sore pain in them.
Great swelling of the gums and tongue, which s painful when she brings anything hard in contact with it, or when she eats.
Shooting twitching through the gums of the posterior lower molars (after 34 h. [Ws.
Sore feeling on the left lower gums, when touched (after 48 h. [Ws.
170. The tip of the tongue pains as if sore when touched.
A white vesicle on the side of the tongue, close to its root, which causes very sore pain.
Rough scrapy feeling on the tongue, which is furred white; in front of its middle a long white blister which is rather painful.
White furred tongue without thirst. [Trn.
On the right side, under the tongue, a gradually increasing aching prick, just as if a needle were stuck in; it was sometimes aggravated when swallowing (after 4 h. [Htn.
175. The inside or the mouth us very much affected, as if full of blisters, just as though he had burnt his mouth, with much thirst at night.
When swallowing the saliva a kind of sore pain, as when air gets into a wound, in the whole palate towards the left ear, internally.
An aching and like a heaviness on the velum palati.
Dry feeling on the palate, without thirst (after 11 h. [Lr.
The salivary glands are much swollen; discharge of much saliva.
180. The tonsils and throat are swollen.
Sensation in the throat as if on account of mucus, he could no swallow, and as if the oesophagus were contracted; after hawking the throat became rough.
Sore throat, like swelling caused by taking cold.
When swallowing a pressure in the back of the throat.
Shooting in the throat.
185. Excitation to swallow.
The saliva is somewhat bloody.
Dryness in the back of the mouth and thirst, even in the morning.
Great thirst for cold drinks, all day, without heat |(after 8 h. [Lr.
Rancid eructation.
190. Heartburn when stooping.
Scrapy in the throat.
Roughness in the throat as from snuff.
A flat, sweetish taste in the mouth, on several evenings.
Bitter taste of the saliva in the mouth (after 2 h. [Lr.
Whirling vertigo, even when sitting when walking she staggers.
Frequent vertigo, even when lying in bed.
Much vertigo when sitting, like a moving to and fro, very much aggravated by lying.
5. Vertigo, especially when he was seated and the eyes were closed; it went off when lying.
Sensation of giddiness as after frequent turning round in a circle (after ¾ h. [Htn.
His head is confused and incapable of thinking.
Cloudiness in the forehead (immediately). [Fz.
Slow recollection and slow speaking; he has to seek for the words when talking (after 3 d.
10. Inward weakness of the head; the brain feels numbed and dead.
In the morning stupefaction of the head (after 6 h. [Ws.
Dull pain in the whole head like stupefaction (after 1 h. [Lr.
A numb sensation and humming in the left half of the brain and in the left ear (after 3 h. [Htn.
Preoccupation of the mind; he could not get rid of the thoughts he had been engaged with.
15. He becomes cloudy in the head, so that he knows not where he is, when standing (after ¾ h. [Fz.
Want of attention to what took place around him. [Ws.
Stupid in the head, with nausea. [Fr.H-n.
Dazed in the head and as if intoxicated, especially in the morning. [Fr.H-n.
His head feels empty, when sitting and walking (after 6.1/2 h. [Lr.
20. In the morning headache, sometimes as if the head were severed asunder in the zygoma and upper jaw, sometimes in the forehead as if it would fall out, with internal chilliness; all this was ameliorated by walking in the open air.
In the morning headache, as after sleeping too soundly or as after stooping; a pulsation or short pressive jerks in the forehead with redness of face.
A cramp-like sensation in the left side of the head, followed by feeling of warmth. [Fz.
A boring pressure in the head.
Drawing pain in the head.
25. Painless drawing in the right parietal bone, with slight pressure, during which an almost agreeable warmth spreads over the body (after 4 h. [Fz.
Tearing in the right side of the sinciput and face, transversely, across the nose to the zygoma, and over the eyes; most severe in the morning and evening.
Violent contractive pressure externally on the left frontal protuberance, which seemed as it were to press down the upper eyelid (after 1.1/2 h. [Htn.
Shooting pain in the head.
Dull drawing pressure transversely across the forehead, as if a weight sank down in it (after 4.1/2 h. [Lr.
30. A deep pressure in the right temple (after 1.3/4 h. [Htn.
Jerking pressure in the left frontal protuberance (after 4 h. [Htn.
Jerking pressure in the right frontal protuberance (after 4.1/2 h. [Htn.
Aching in the left parietal bone, with a dull pain (after 2 h. [Fz.
Dull aching pains in the occiput, for six hours (after 1 h. [Wr.
35. A pressive pain transversely across the forehead (after ½ h. [Lr.
Furious pressing inwards in both temples, as though the brain would be pressed out. [Htn.
Severe painful pressure in the head, sometimes in one part sometimes in another, only momentary (after 2 h. [Htn.
Aching drawing in the left temple. [Fz.
Twitching tearing in the occiput, more on the right side (after 1 h. [Htn.
40. Drawing tearing pain from the crown to the middle of the brain. [Hnl.
Heaviness in the head as if a weight pressed the brain inwards. (after 1.1/2 h. [Htn.
Feeling of weight in the head, especially in the occiput, aggravated by every movement (after ½ h. [Wr.
Heaviness of the head, with crossness and disinclination to speak (aft. 3 h. [Wr.
A headache compounded of aching, bruised and lacerating pain from the forehead to the occiput, on waking from sleep, which went off on continuing to sleep. [Fr.H-n.
45. Sensation in the upper part of the skull as if it were beaten in. [Fz.
Sensation in the right parietal bone as though a nail were driven in there, which goes off on tothat part (after ½ h. [Fz.
Jerk-like stitch through the whole head, which leaves behind an aching sensation (after 1 h. [Htn.
Violent tearing stab through the right half of the brain from the occiput to the forehead (after 11 h. [Htn.
Headache as if his head were compressed form without with pules-like beating and shooting on the temples, which pains are removed by external pressure and bending backwards, but return by bending forwards (after 4 h. [Trn.
50. Headache: a pricking formication in the head in the morning.
Drawing in the temporal muscles, an external headache, worse when chewing.
Severe stitches externally on the left temporal region (aft. 8, 12 h. [Lr.
Prickling pain on the temples.
Needle-pricks, especially along the forehead (after 5.1/2 h. [Lr.
55. Swelling of the veins on the temples when at rest, without heat (after 18 h. [Lr.
Three red, painful lumps on both temples.
Eruption of pimples betwixt the eyebrows, with matter in their apices, which itch somewhat (after 6 h. [Lr.
An itching on the occiput.
Pain at the back of the skull, as though it were contracted from both sides. [Fz.
60. At night he is unwilling to lie on the left side, because when he does so, as also when touches it, a spot on the head near the occipital protuberance is painful; even the hair there is painful when touched. [Gss.
Obtuse pressive pain behind the left ear (after ½ h. [Wr.
Violent aching burning pain behind the right ear (after 9 h. [Wr.
A corrosive gnawing in the skin of the occiput, with the sensation as if something were running among the hair there, for half an hour (after 13 h. [Hnl.
On the right side of the hairy scalp a smarting and corrosive gnawing, in the evening. [Hnl.
65. In the nape a sensation as if it were beaten to pieces (after 3 h. [Fz.
Tension of the skin of the nape on moving the head (after 16 h. [Ws.
Stiff feeling in the nape and on the left side of the neck, up to the ear, even when at rest, which however, does not impede the movement of the neck in any way (The stiff pain was not increased by moving the neck) (after 2.1/4 h. [Htn.
A pressive and drawing pain from below upwards on the right side of the neck, even when at rest (after 2 h. [Wr.
Tearing pain on the left eyebrow, going off after touching (aft. 11 h. [Lr.
70. An aching pain above the left eye which extends towards the right and goes off there. [Trn.
A considerable aching above the right eye, externally (after 3.3/4 h. [Htn.
Boring pain above the inner canthus of the right eye (after 3 d. [Ws.
Short sightedness.
A dimness like a veil before the eyes and aching in them as though the eyes were pressed forwards out of the head, or the eyes were swollen.
75. In the open air, dimness before the eyes, like a veil, in near and distant vision, with dulness in the head, for half an hour.
When reading the objects are darker, with a feeling in the eyes as though he had not slept enough.
Illusion of sight: when writing all surrounding objects seemed to tremble (immediately after eating). [Trn.
Black points before the eyes, even when they are closed, which do not remain steady, but appear to move about among one another, with a confusion in the occiput. [Fz.
The sight of the uninflamed eye is dark.
80. Weak eyes; aching in them as from fine sand.
Shooting in the eyes in the morning (in sharp air). This symptom is repeated.
On every exposure to bright light some stitches in the eye.
The white of the eye is blood red.
The white of the eye is very inflamed and red, with smarting and aching in it as from sand.
85. In the morning, in the white of the left eye, near the cornea, a redness, without sensation (after 74 h. [Lr.
Aching in the eyes, for two or three days.
The lower eyelid has on its border a red lump.
Swelling of the upper eyelid (after 76, 120 h. [Lr.
From time to time a violent, deeply penetrating sharp stitch in the right inner canthus (after 2 h.
90. Violent stitch in the inner canthus of the left eye, which forced out moisture and thereby rendered the vision obscure (after 1.1/4 h. [Htn.
A burning aching in the outer canthus of the left eye, without redness (after 9 d.
In the outer canthus of the left eye feeling of heat and dryness as if the parts would inflame (after 29 h. [Hnl.
95. Dry feeling in the eyes. [Hnl.
The left eye waters when walking in the open air (after 9 d.
The eyes deposit eyegum in their inner canthi all day.
Great dilatation of the pupils (after 6 h. [Lr.
Great contraction of the pupils, which remained for five days more contracted than in the healthy state (after 1 h. [Trn.
In the evening in bed frightful hammering and tearing in the ear until after midnight; at the same time urinating every half hour, with cold feet up to the knee.
Ringing in the ears (after 1 h. [Wr.
100. Roaring in the ears, like a drawing stove (after 1 h. [Wr.
On the lower part of the auricle, a tension as if a ligature there were drawn downwards (after 6 h. [Ws.
Cramp sensation in the right auricle (after 4.1/2 h. [Fz.
Spasm in the internal ear, like forcing together and compression, followed by a stitch in it like a flash of lightening, so that he trembled; frequently in the evening.
Fine cramp-like pain in the right meatus auditorious extrenus, most severe when he draws the scalp downwards from the upper most part of the crown (after 4 d. [Ws.
105. Violent thrust-like stabs in the right side of the fauces, which quickly go into the ear as though there were a hole in it through which the air could penetrate (after 6.1/2 h. [Htn.
Aching shooting pain in the right meatus auditorious (after 5 h. [Wr.
A pinching pain in the right ear. [Htn.
Pressive pain in the meatus auditorious (at noon).
(Increased secretion of ear-wax.
110. Formication and quivering towards he zygomata.
A digging, painful itching in the left zygoma (after ½ h. [Lr.
Boring pain in the left zygomatic process, diminished by touching (aft. 7, 29 h. [Lr.
A twitching pricking pain in the muscles of the cheek, only when walking in the open air.
Cramp-like pain in the right cheek when this part is at rest (after ½ h. [Htn.
115. An itching in the face, so that he must scratch. [Fz.
Glandular swelling in the left cheek.
Burning heat only in the face and cheeks, lasting all day.
On the cheek, not far from the commissure of the lips, a scabby itching eruption.
Eruption of pimples all over the face (after 17 h. [Lr.
120. An ulcerated place, half an inch deep in the nose, where scab has formed.
Erosive formication on the nose.
A red pimple in the depression behind the left ala nasi, filled with a watery fluid itching somewhat (after 6 h. [Lr.
Sensation of tension over the right ala, which went off after rubbing (after 24 h. [Hnl.
Swelling and hardness on the left ala nasi, with tensive pain. [Hnl.
125. Under the right nostril sensation as if a part there would become indurated (after 3.1/2 h. [Fz.
Nasal mucus mixed with coagulated blood.
Epistaxis every day, two or three times.
He often blows blood from the nose. [Gss.
In the morning, after rising from bed, on blowing the nose gently it bleeds, for two days. [Hnl.
130. Epistaxis, especially when he gets heated (after 70 h. [Gss.
Drawing pain between the mouth and nose, as if the periosteum were more tightly stretched; afterwards this pain spreads over the nasal bones, as though they had a saddle on them. [Hl.
(Stitches in the lip.
Twitching on the upper lip.
Sensation of twitching in the upper lip, near the commissure of the mouth. [Hnl.
135. Fine itching in the inner side of the upper lip. [Fz.
Itching pimple on the border of the upper lip, near its middle (after 6 h. [Lr.
Red pustules above the lip, which bleed when stretched (after 36 h. [Ws.
Dryness of the lips without thirst (after 11 h. [Lr.
Burning on the red of the lips and on the palate.
140. Violent tearing in the left upper jaw towards the eye (after 2 h. [Htn.
Drawing tearing in the right lower jaw in the evening. [Hnl.
Repeated gnawing boring pain in the left upper jaw (after 1.1/2 h. [Lr.
Shooting in the lower jaw out at the ear.
A violent drawing stitch in the angle of the left lower jaw, which goes off after touching (after 8 m. [Lr.
145. Needle-pricks in the left side of the lower jaw (after 1.1/2 h. [Lr.
Itching pimples on the chin (after 5 d. [Lr.
Stiffness of the left muscles of mastication, painful when the jaws are opened (after 4 d. [Ws.
Pain in the left side of the neck as from having lain on an uncomfortable bed or in an improper position.
On moving the neck a short stitch in the cervical muscles, which made him start.
150. Pain in the (swollen) cervical glands, so that he could not lie at night on account of it.
The veins of the neck are distented and of a blue colour.
Itching on the anterior aspect of the neck, which excites scratching. [Ws.
On both sides of the neck, from back to front, a stripe of small red papules close together, with sore pain when touched (after 26 h. [Ws.
Shooting pains on the front of the neck under the larynx (after 9 h. [Wr.
155. Pinching stitch on the right side of the neck, which goes off on moving and turning it (after 3.1/4 h. [Htn.
On blowing the nose a pressing pain in a carious tooth (sideways).
Sharp drawing pain from below upwards in the teeth of the lower jaw, often without cause, usually chiefly when eating.
After every cup of the accustomed tea which he drank there occurred immediately in the first lower left molar a violent pressing pain, as if the tooth were burst asunder, a pain which then extended to the whole lower and upper jaw and gradually went off (after 1 h. [Htn.
In a hollow tooth constant gnawing pain, which involves the whole side of the head, and is increased by everything cold (drink and air), as also by chewing (after 4 d. [Ws.
160. Sudden violent tearing in the first lower left molar, which quickly spreads through the whole lower jaw (after ¾ h. [Htn.
Shooting pain in an incisor tooth.
Twitching pain in a carious tooth in the morning.
Pain in a tooth, from evening till midnight, dull, as if the nerve were slightly touched; sometimes twitching in it.
Sore pain under the back teeth of the right side. [Hl.
165. Toothache like hacking or sharp throbbing in the gums. [Fr.H-n.
Swollen gums with sore pain in them.
Great swelling of the gums and tongue, which s painful when she brings anything hard in contact with it, or when she eats.
Shooting twitching through the gums of the posterior lower molars (after 34 h. [Ws.
Sore feeling on the left lower gums, when touched (after 48 h. [Ws.
170. The tip of the tongue pains as if sore when touched.
A white vesicle on the side of the tongue, close to its root, which causes very sore pain.
Rough scrapy feeling on the tongue, which is furred white; in front of its middle a long white blister which is rather painful.
White furred tongue without thirst. [Trn.
On the right side, under the tongue, a gradually increasing aching prick, just as if a needle were stuck in; it was sometimes aggravated when swallowing (after 4 h. [Htn.
175. The inside or the mouth us very much affected, as if full of blisters, just as though he had burnt his mouth, with much thirst at night.
When swallowing the saliva a kind of sore pain, as when air gets into a wound, in the whole palate towards the left ear, internally.
An aching and like a heaviness on the velum palati.
Dry feeling on the palate, without thirst (after 11 h. [Lr.
The salivary glands are much swollen; discharge of much saliva.
180. The tonsils and throat are swollen.
Sensation in the throat as if on account of mucus, he could no swallow, and as if the oesophagus were contracted; after hawking the throat became rough.
Sore throat, like swelling caused by taking cold.
When swallowing a pressure in the back of the throat.
Shooting in the throat.
185. Excitation to swallow.
The saliva is somewhat bloody.
Dryness in the back of the mouth and thirst, even in the morning.
Great thirst for cold drinks, all day, without heat |(after 8 h. [Lr.
Rancid eructation.
190. Heartburn when stooping.
Scrapy in the throat.
Roughness in the throat as from snuff.
A flat, sweetish taste in the mouth, on several evenings.
Bitter taste of the saliva in the mouth (after 2 h. [Lr.
Входит в состав
- 125₽ Андроит (Аспектус фарма ООО )
- 140-155₽ Меркур эдас (ЭДАС)
- 140-160₽ Стоматин (ЭДАС)
- 165-185₽ Берталис кантацит (ЭДАС)
- 165₽ Гаморин (Аспектус фарма ООО )
- 165₽ Мастопан (Аспектус фарма ООО )
- 195₽ Сольвенций (ТАЛИОН-А )
- 210-245₽ Тонзиллин (ЭДАС)
- 175-235₽ Урситаб (ЭДАС)
- 198-220₽ Фарингол (ЭДАС)
- 250-391₽ Мастиол (ЭДАС)
- 260-265₽ Апис-плюс (2 фирмы)
- 258-274₽ Барбарис комп. (Иов-малыш) (ТАЛИОН-А )
- 250₽ Алерготокс (Фитасинтекс)
- 250-260₽ Мамморегулан (Фитасинтекс)
- 300₽ Массиф-олис (Фитасинтекс)
- 250-280₽ Масторегулан (Фитасинтекс)
- 250₽ Отит-олис (Фитасинтекс)
- 250₽ Ректилайт (Фитасинтекс)
- 230-250₽ Церебралик (Фитасинтекс)
- 95-540₽ Псоринум ФС (Фитасинтекс)
- 190₽ Аденотом (Вербена)
- 190₽ Бронзовый всадник (Вербена)
- 190₽ КомплексА–L-аккорд (Вербена)
- 190₽ Тонзиллон (Вербена)
- 275-433₽ Микостоп (Фитасинтекс)
- 315₽ Кониум-плюс (2 фирмы)
- 315₽ Рута – плюс (2 фирмы)
- 315₽ Силицея-плюс (2 фирмы)
- — Туя-плюс (Доктор Н)
- 250₽ Антикан (Вербена)
- 250₽ Антикан-Т (Вербена)
- 250₽ Гемопрост (Вербена)
- 250₽ Папиллокан - Антикан (Вербена)
- 250₽ Пеликан - Антикан (Вербена)
- 250₽ Тукофит (Вербена)
- 250₽ Эбилом (Вербена)
- 457-599₽ Спигелон (Сигнал НЦ ФГУП )
- 560-598₽ Мастопол (2 фирмы)
- 757-976₽ Галиум-хель (Сигнал НЦ ФГУП )
- — Псоринохель н (Сигнал НЦ ФГУП )
- — Flowers Energy № 13
- — Flowers Energy №11
- 1100₽ Flowers Energy №16
- 1100₽ Flowers Energy №38
- — Flowers Energy №4
- 1100₽ Flowers Energy №59
- — Flowers Energy №63
- — Flowers Energy №70
- — Flowers Energy №73
- 1100₽ Flowers Energy №82
- — Flowers Energy №84
- — Flowers Energy №89
- 920-15562₽ Эхинацея композитум сн (Сигнал НЦ ФГУП )
- 1920₽ Кутис композитум (Сигнал НЦ ФГУП )
- 1375-1605₽ Церебрум композитум н (Сигнал НЦ ФГУП )
- — Акнесан (Камелия НПП )
- — Аллержи
- — Алопецин (Аспектус фарма ООО )
- — Биолайн Детокси
- — Биолайн Кандида
- — Дермадипин (Аспектус фарма ООО )
- — Назисан (Аспектус фарма ООО )
- — Простатосан (Гомеопатический медико-социальный центр )
- — Сикназин (Аспектус фарма ООО )
- — Фитолакка-плюс (Доктор Н)