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Calendula officinalis

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  1. Additional facts
  2. Mental
  3. Head, face, and ears
  4. Mouth and throat
  5. Gastrointestinal tract
  6. Urogenital system
  7. Chest organs
  8. Cardiovascular system
  9. Limbs and spine
  10. Common symptoms
  11. Skin
  12. Fever
  13. Modalities
  14. Analogs by action
  15. Included in the composition
  16. Manufacturers of the drug

Description Source

Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica - TF Allen

Additional facts

 Calendula officinalis, Linn. Natural order: сompositae. Preparation: Tincture of the leaves and flowers.


 Disposition, during the chill, anxious, morose, and solicitous. Great irritability; he is easily frightened; hearing is very acute (after he had smelled of camphor). Fretful, sleepy, dreamy.

Head, face, and ears

 Confusion of the head, as after a night’s debauch; in the morning, heaviness of the head, as after a long illness (third day). Dull sensation, especially in the upper part of the occiput. Headache in the forehead, after eating, with sensation of heat in it. Dull, pressive sensation in the occiput.
 Lids very much swollen (after one hour). Dryness and biting in the margin of the lids, as from smoke. The white of the eye is inflamed, with pressive headache, now in the forehead, now in the temples, when lying down, not when sitting and standing. Pupils dilated (after one hour).
 Sticking pain in the ears during the fever-heat; the adjacent parts are very red.
 Sensation of swelling extending from the lips to the eyes and forehead, accompanied by a burning-stinging sensation (after one hour). Sensation as if the lips were swollen; from the lips it spread to the sides of the nose; increased rapidly in intensity (immediately). Drawing-tensive pain in the glands before the left ramus of the lower jaw, on moving the head.

Mouth and throat

 Speech scarcely recognizable (after one hour).
 Bitter taste of mucus in the throat, before eating; food, however, taste natural. Pain in front beneath the chin, on motion and pressure; and at the union of the clavicle with the sternum (eighteenth day). Rheumatic drawing pain in the right side of the throat, which is increased on bending the neck to the right side, and on raising the right arm; it extends to the shoulder, in the morning (second day). The submaxillary glands are swollen and painful to the touch, as if suppurating; the axillary glands are also painful to touch (fourth day). The submaxillary glands pain on touch, as if swollen, and at times cause a tensive pain, which, especially on swallowing, becomes a pressure in the throat (afternoon, second day).

Gastrointestinal tract

 Diminished appetite for dinner, though he relishes the food when he eats. Hiccough, after smoking. Attacks of nausea, at times, in the forenoon.
 A boring-digging pain, deep in the region of the navel, when walking. Dull, coarse stitches in the middle of the right side of the abdomen, on moving; they disappear during rest.
 A stool in the morning, preceded by griping and anxiety in the abdomen, and accompanied by a chill.

Urogenital system

 Tearing, at times in the urethra, during a chill. Frequent micturition; urine white as water, is very hot and burning.

Chest organs

 Very deep inspiration, with heat in the chest and face. Great efforts were made to inflate the lower lobes of the lungs, which were only successful when sitting up (after one hour).
 Pressive-drawing pain in the left side of the chest, and on the breast-bone, with stitches in the right side of the chest (second day). Pressure and oppression in the left side of the chest, in the evening, when lying in bed. Drawing pressure in the left side of the chest, when standing, during inspiration.

Cardiovascular system

 Pulse irregular and diminishing rapidly (after one hour).

Limbs and spine

 Pressive-drawing pain between the shoulder-blades. Pressive pain beneath the right lower tip of the shoulder- blade, with a sensation as if everything were suppurating and bruised (afternoon, second day).
 Extremities in General.
 Drawing-pressive tension in the wrists and ankles, during rest.
 Inferior Extremities.
 Tired, weary feeling in the lower extremities (after one hour). Pains in the knees, while sitting, in the outer side, as if bruised. вurning-tearing pain in the upper part of the calf, while sitting. Drawing-pinching pain on the inner border of the sole, while sitting.

Common symptoms

 Very restless at night, he gets rest in no position; he continually wakes; is obliged to urinate frequently, and drinks very much. A wound becomes raw and inflamed anew. A wound is painful, in the morning, as if bruised, with smarting and throbbing in it, as if it would suppurate. The rheumatic, drawing pains appear only during motion, and are very slight.


 Eruption of small vesicles, in the left corner of the lower lip.


 Chilliness. сhilly the whole morning, and very sensitive to the air (second day). He feels shivery, and has a kind of goose- flesh, while the skin seems warm to touch. Shivering in the back, with pressure in the last true ribs of the left side, with movements in the epigastric region and abdomen as if he would faint. Hands and feet cold (after one hour). сhilliness in the hands and feet, the whole forenoon, without thirst, together with drawing, pressive, rheumatic pains through the whole body; the ribs ache as if squeezed together and bruised, sometimes after eating (in the morning, second day). Heat. Great heat, the whole forenoon, with much sweat; he feels qualmish in the chest, and the axillae are very hot. Heat in the afternoon, with creeping chills and great thirst; drinking, however, causes every time shivering and a shaking chill. Great heat, in the evening, in bed. Great heat, in the evening, in bed; he begins to sweat; especially the feet burn very much and sweat. The heat abates after 5 , without shivering, even in the open air, the head feels freer, the breathing easier, and the voice stronger and deeper. The heat continues unabated after 5 ; only that cold drinks cause shivering. Flushes in the forehead, in the evening (after eight hours). Sensation of heat in the face after eating, of the hands and feet, and an hour afterwards, thirst (second day). Towards evening, a feeling of heat in the otherwise cold hands and whole body, with creeping chills, without thirst, and almost dread of drinking, while sitting (after nine and a half hours).


 Feels best when walking about, or when lying perfectly still.
 Conditions Aggravations.
 (Morning), Heaviness of head; wound painful; chilly. Forenoon), Attacks of nausea; chilliness in hands, etc.; heat, etc. Afternoon), Heat. Toward evening), While sitting, feeling of heat, etc. Evening), When lying in bed, pressure in left chest; in bed, heat; flushes in forehead. Night), Restless, etc. Bending neck to right side), Pain on side of throat. During chill), Nearly all symptoms appear; anxious, etc.; tearing in urethra. After eating), Headache in forehead, etc. When lying down), White of eye inflamed, etc. On moving), Stitch in abdomen; rheumatic pains. Moving head), Pain in glands before jaw. During rest), Tension in wrists, etc. While sitting), Pains in knees; pain in calf; pain on border of sole. After smoking), Hiccough. When standing), During inspiration, pressure in left side of chest. When walking), Pain in region of navel.

Analogs by action

Included in the composition

Manufacturers (or distributors) of the drug

Доктор Н
Natura Pharma
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Content moderator: Vasin A. S.

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