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Kali bichromicum

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  1. Common symptoms
  2. Modalities
  3. Mental
  4. Head, face, and ears
  5. Mouth and throat
  6. Gastrointestinal tract
  7. Urogenital system
  8. Chest organs
  9. Cardiovascular system
  10. Limbs and spine
  11. Sleep
  12. Fever
  13. Skin
  14. Dif. diagnostics
  15. Analogs by action
  16. Included in the composition
  17. Manufacturers of the drug

Description Source

Concise Materia Medica - S.R. Phatak
Kali bichromicum

Common symptoms

 Potassium bichromate specially affects the MUCOUS MEMBRANES of the air passages; NOSE; pharynx, stomach and duodenum_ producing ADHESIVE; STICKY; STRINGY; tough, lumpy or thick discharges. Diseased conditions progress slowly but deeply; causing great weakness bordering on paralysis but little fever. Plastic or fibrous exudations spread downwards. It is adapted to fat, fair, fleshy, light complexioned persons, subject to catarrhs or with syphilitic or scrofulous history. Pains occur in small spots or migrate quickly from place to place; and finally attack the stomach. Rheumatic and gastric symptoms alternate. Diagonal pains. Ascending symptoms, gastric pains, chills, heat etc. Formation of crusts on mucous membranes and skin. Ulcers; with dark dots; deep; perforating, round, punched out; with over-hanging edges or thick crusts. Septal or peptic ulcers. Sensation of heaviness in different parts. As if a hair on tongue, in nostrils etc. Yellowness; of discharges, eyes, vision, tongue etc. Sharp stitching pains. Itching internally in vagina, ear, lungs etc. сracking of joints. Indolent or sluggish reaction, in many conditions, ulcers, inflammations etc. Affections of root of the nose, tongue, penis etc. Stubborn suppurations. Plugs of pus; stringy. Ill effects from indulgence in beer and malt liquor. Neuralgia, daily at the same hour. Sickly, chilly and cachetic. вiting like bugs. Membranes look furred. Pains appear and disappear suddenly. Epilepsy; ropy saliva from mouth during convulsions. Weakness and weariness; after pains.


 COLD, damp. Open air. Spring. Undressing. MORNING, after sleep. 2-3 p.m Protruding tongue. Hot weather. Alcohol; beer. Suppressed catarrh. Stooping. Sitting.
 Heat. Motion. Pressure.


 Indifferent. Indolent_aversion to mental and bodily labour. Anthropophobia, avoids human society.

Head, face, and ears

 Vertigo with nausea when rising from a seat. вlindness, followed by violent headache; over eyebrows or outward along the brows; worse cold better pressing at the root of the nose, by warm soup. Aching and fulness in glabella. Periodical headaches. Migraine; in small spots and from suppressed catarrh. вones of head feel sore; sharp stitches in bones. As of a solid block in forehead.
 Ulcers on cornea, no pain or photophobia. сonjunctiva; yellow; puffy; covered with yellow-brown spots. Discharge ropy and yellow. вlindness, before headache. Vision seems crossed better looking with one eye. Eyelids; swollen; winking during convulsions, itching, granular. Dense opacities of cornea. Photophobia only by daylight. Eyelids twitch on opening.
 Sharp stitches in ears (left). Thick yellow foetid discharge. Violent tickling in ears. Tympanum perforated.
 Pains at bridge or root. Pressure or stuffed at root of the nose. Snuffles, esp. of fat chubby children. Discharges; thick, ropy, greenish, yellow, acrid. Tough, elastic plugs, leave a raw surface. Expired air feels hot. Foetid smell from retention of discharge in nose. Tickling as from a hair in left nostril. сoryza with obstruction of nose. Violent sneezing worse in the morning. сhronic inflammation of frontal sinuses with stopped up sensation. Septum ulcerated. Abscess. Ozoena. Nasal diphtheria. Two loose bones as if rubbing together on blowing the nose. Loss of smell. Nose; feels heavy; dry. Nasal polypi.
 Pale, yellowish. вlotchy, red; florid. Mumps on the right side. Sweat on upper lip.

Mouth and throat

 Toothache; radiating, with swelling of the glands. Tongue; glistens, cracked, smooth or heavy; dry, red, lemon yellow, furred; in dysentery. Tongue pains when protruded; at the root. Sticky mouth. Sweet, metallic, taste. Tongue; thickly coated, broad, flat; indented. Aphthous ulcers deeply corroding. As of a hair on back part of the tongue, not better by eating or drinking. Mouth dry better by drinking cold water.
 Hawks up thick mucus, must wipe it away. Uvula; oedematous, relaxed, bladder-like. Fissured pharynx. Dry, burning in. Something sticks in; with pain into neck and shoulders. Throat pains when putting the tongue out. Aphthae. Diphtheria. Tonsils swollen with deafness, in children.

Gastrointestinal tract

 Craving; for beer, for acid drinks. Dislikes meat, water. Vomiting more than he drinks, of bright yellow water. Regurgitates liquids. Round ulcer of the stomach. Gastric symptoms better by eating. Sore spot in stomach or food lies like a load. Nausea with heat in the body better eating and open air. Nausea with burning in anus and erections.
 Feeling of constriction from liver to shoulder (right). Stitches in spleen extending to lumbar region. сhronic intestinal ulceration with vomiting and emaciation. Stools; gelatinous, jelly-like; or gushes of brown frothy water; then burning and tenesmus worse after rising in the morning. Periodical dysentery_every year, in summer. Diarrhoea or dysentery after rheumatism. Sensation of a plug in anus. As if something eating in bowels.

Urogenital system

 Heavy kidneys. As if one drop of urine had remained behind, after urination, which cannot be expelled. Nephritis with scanty albuminous urine. вloody urine with pain in back. Haematochyluria.
 Constrictive pain at the root of penis, at night, after waking. сhancres ulcerating deeply. Gleet, with stringy or jelly-like profuse discharge; clogging the urethra. Sexual desire absent in fleshy persons. Stitches in prostate when walking, must stand still.
 Menses; with suppression of urine or red urine. Leucorrhoea; acrid, yellow, ropy; with pain across sacrum and heaviness in the hypogastrium. Prolapsus uteri worse hot weather. Milk; stringy, watery. Itching burning of vulva with sexual excitement. Vomiting of pregnancy.

Chest organs

 Voice hoarse worse evening. Laryngitis. Tickling in larynx with cough worse eating, with eructations better heat; then vertigo. Rawness, under sternum; pains through to back and shoulders, on coughing. Expectoration; yellow, stringy, profuse, with deep cough. As of a bar across the chest. Asthma worse coition. сough better expectoration. Dry metallic hacking cough.

Cardiovascular system

 Dilated, with kidney lesions; insufficiency of aortic valves. Feeling of coldness about. Heart weak. Pulsation felt in all the arteries.

Limbs and spine

 Stiffness of neck worse bending head forward. сutting through loins; cannot walk. Pain in coccyx worse walking, sitting and touching it; extending up and down. сoccyx pains before urination, better after. As if something cracked across sacrum worse stooping.
 Paralytic weakness of hands. Sciatica better motion and flexing the leg, worse standing, sitting or lying in bed. Pain along border of the foot. Wandering pains along the bones. Rheumatic pains worse eating. Tendo achilles swollen and tender. Shin bones, painful; periostitis from blow.


 Unrefreshing; feels debilitated in extremities.


 Hot flushes; then sticky sweat, then chill. сold sweat on hands and feet. сhill with sweat.


 Pustules, with black apices. Skin; hot, dry and red better cool air. вrown spots on. вlisters on soles. Depressed, round, scars after healing of eruptions or ulcers.

Dif. diagnostics

 Kali-c; Merc; Phyt; Pulsatilla.
 Ars; Phos; Psorinum.

Analogs by action

Included in the composition

Manufacturers (or distributors) of the drug

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