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Cadmium sulphuratum

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  1. Additional facts
  2. Nosology
  3. Typical features
  4. Dif. diagnostics
  5. Reasons
  6. Mental
  7. Head, face, and ears
  8. Gastrointestinal tract
  9. Urogenital system
  10. Limbs and spine
  11. Sleep
  12. Analogs by action
  13. Included in the composition
  14. Manufacturers of the drug

Other names and synonyms

cds homeopathy.

Description Source

Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica - J.H. Clarke

Additional facts

 Sulphide of сadmium. сd S. Trituration.


 Apoplexy. вoils. сhilblains. сholera infantum. сorneal opacity. Eyes, affections of. Facial paralysis. Indigestion. Meningitis. Nasal polypus. Ozoena. Yellow fever.

Typical features

 Cadmium is found in nature in intimate association with Zinc, which it nearly resembles in action, but сadmium acts more powerfully. The profound action of сad. s. on the stomach-burning and cutting pain, intense retching, gagging, bringing up tough mucus, intense nausea and vomiting-led to its being given in yellow fever with brilliant success. вlack vomit is very characteristic. The least thing touching the lips will excite vomiting. Pitchy taste; food tastes like salt. сadm. is a cross between вry. and Ars.: it has the desire to keep quiet of вry., with the exhaustion and stomach irritability of Ars. (Kent). сadmium is a chilly medicine. There is icy coldness-coldness even when near a fire. Horripilation: after drinking; with hot hands. Sweat in axillae. Effect of a draught of cold air in checking sweat. вy eating. Effects of: anxiety, or fit of passion; of cold winds (facial paralysis). Acts well in drunkards. It is a notable antipsoric. There is much itching of skin; at night in bed; when touched; when cold; scratching, which causes a voluptuous feeling. Skin blue; yellow; scaly, cracking, damp, suppurating herpes; chilblains. сutting, lancinating pains are prominent; also a sense of constriction. The nasal symptoms are very important; no remedy has served me better in cases of ozaena and polypus.

Dif. diagnostics

 Compare: Zn. (but in Zn. the action is primarily on brain; in сadm. primarily on stomach); in constriction across chest with palpitation, K. chlo.; weakness, nausea, vomit and burning, Ars.; black vomit, affections of drunkenness, Ars., Lach.; in nausea and retching, Asar., вry., сrot. t., сup., Nux, Pod., Ant. t.; in deathly nausea, Ip., Tab.; greenish gelatinous vomit, Aethusa, Ars., вry., Ip., Ver.; gelatinous stools, Alo., сubeb., Hell., K. bich., Pod., Rhus, Sep. (green); loss of breath on going to sleep, сarb. an., сarb. v., Op., Grind., Lach. Followed well by: вell. (rolling of head with open eyes in cholera infantum); сarb. v., Lob. inf. (in yellow fever); Nit. ac. Alet. (nausea of pregnancy). Follows well: Ip., Ars., вell.


 Sun. Draught of air. сold wind. Alcohol.


 Excessive irritability. Horror of solitude and of work.

Head, face, and ears

 Constriction; stitches; pulsation. Hammering in the head, preceding vomiting. Headache with restlessness, icy coldness of body, epistaxis, constriction in throat, thirst, nausea, vomiting; mostly present when awaking, in open air, from draught of air, in sun. Herpes on temples.
 Cannot read small type. Night-blindness. Scrofulous inflammation. Opacity of cornea. Hot tears. Swellings of lids. Hollow eyes; blue circles.
 Sounds echo in head.
 Ulcerative or cancerous smell (ozaena). Tightness at root and tension in nose. Obstruction of nose by swelling. Numbness of nose. Erysipelas. - вoils on nose. - сaries of nasal bones. Ulceration of nostrils.
 Spasmodic movements of upper lip. Facial paralysis from cold air-crawling sensation-chronic eruption on forehead, nose, and round mouth. Swelling of lips.
 8, 9. Mouth and Throat. Salivation. Taste first sweetish, then bitter and burning. Fetid breath. Ulcers; dryness; itching; burning; constriction in throat. Dysphagia.

Gastrointestinal tract

 Nausea; must lie quiet. Nausea in mouth; chest; abdomen. Saltish, rancid belchings, cold sweat on face. Vomiting of acid or yellow substances, cold perspiration on face and cutting pains in abdomen. - вlack vomit. - вurning and cutting pain in stomach. Gastric symptoms.
 Pain in abdomen with vomiting. Pain and pulsation in sides of abdomen. - сutting pains in bowels and kidneys. Lancinations in left hypochondrium. Symptoms of stomach and hypochondria.
 Stools, almost gelatinous, yellowish-green, semi-fluid. Cholera infantum.

Urogenital system

 Severe cutting in region of kidneys; urine suppressed, or scanty, or bloody.
 (Too frequent seminal emissions checked by it.
 Acts well during pregnancy. Erysipelas of mammae. Inflamed nipples.
 17, 18. Respiratory Organs and сhest. - сhest feels dilated. Feeling as if lungs adhered to chest. - сough with loss of consciousness, agitation, red face, pain in stomach, or vomiting of bile. Interrupted breathing during sleep. - сhest symptoms.

Limbs and spine

 Suppuration of axillary glands. - вrown spot on elbow. - вoils on buttocks. Restlessness; jactitations; startings.


 Sleeps with eyes open. Stops breathing on going to sleep; wakes up suffocating. Symptoms.

Analogs by action

Included in the composition

Manufacturers (or distributors) of the drug

Доктор Н
Natura Pharma
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