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Causticum hahnemanni

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  1. Mental
  2. Head, face, and ears
  3. Mouth and throat
  4. Gastrointestinal tract
  5. Urogenital system
  6. Chest organs
  7. Limbs and spine
  8. Common symptoms
  9. Sleep
  10. Fever
  11. Skin
  12. Modalities
  13. Analogs by action
  14. Included in the composition
  15. Manufacturers of the drug

Description Source

Materia Medica - Adolf zur Lippe


 Mind and Disposition.
 Melancholy, peevish.
 Low-spirited, with fearful anxiety, day and night.
 Attacks of anger, with scolding.
 Afraid at night (in the dark room ; the child does not want to go to bed alone).

Head, face, and ears

 [5] Giddiness, with sensation of weakness in the head.
 Stitches in the temples.
 Tension and tightness in the head, and of the scalp (forehead and temples).
 Congestion to the head, with roaring in the head and ears.
 Involuntary nodding of the head while writing.
 [10] Pressure in the eyes, as if sand were in them.
 Agglutination of the eyes (in the morning).
 Inflammation of the eyes, with burning and itching of the eyes and eyelids.
 Old warts ; on the eye-brows ; on the upper eye-lid (nose).
 Movements before the eyes, as of a swarm of insects.
 [15] Dim-sightedness, as if a thick fog were before the eyes.
 Buzzing and roaring in the ear and head.
 Spasmodic pain in the ear, as if the inner parts were pressed out.
 Stitches in the (right) ear.
 Painful swelling of the external ear.
 [20] Feeling of obstruction in the ears.
 Words spoken and steps re-echo in the ear.
 Pimples on the tip of the nose.
 Old warts on the nose (orbits, upper eyelids).
 Itching in the nose, and of the nostrils.
 [25] сoryza, with hoarseness, preventing loud speech.
 Continuous dry coryza, with obstruction of both nostrils.
 Yellowness of the face, (temples).
 Spasmodic sensation of the lips.
 Sensation of tightness and pain in the jaws, rendering it very difficult to open the mouth, or to eat.
 [30] Arthritic pains in the lower jaw.
 Semi-lateral paralysis of the face.
 Itching eruption on the face.
 Mouth and Throat.
 Swelling of the inner side of the cheek ; he bites it when chewing.
 Dry mouth and tongue.
 Accumulation of much mucus in the mouth and throng.
 Speechlessness from paralysis of the tongue.
 [40] Distortion of the tongue and mouth when talking.
 Stuttering, difficult, indistinct speech.
 Dryness in the throat, without thirst.
 Constant disposition to swallow, (pain as if a tumor were in the throat).
 Audible cracking in the throat.
 [45] Sensation as if something cold were rising in the throat.
 Appetite and Taste.
 Aversion to sweet things.
 Greasy taste in the mouth.
 Violent thirst, (cold drinks).
 Fresh meat causes nausea ; smoked meat agrees.

Mouth and throat

 Painfully elongated teeth, (incisors).
 Stitches in the teeth.
 [35] Gums suppurating, (fistula dentalis).

Gastrointestinal tract

 Stomach and Abdomen.
 [50] Violent distention of the abdomen after a meal, (breakfast).
 Sour vomiting, often followed by sour eructation.
 Colic, with heat in the head, chilliness over the whole body ; better when lying down.
 Swelled abdomen in children.
 Painful swelling of the navel.
 [55] The clothes press the hypochondria painfully.
 Stitches in the liver.
 Stool and Anus.
 Constipation ; painful, fruitless urging to stool, with anxiety and redness of the face.
 The hard, tough stool, is covered with mucus, and shines as if greased.
 The stool is too small-shaped.
 [60] Diarrhoea, with tenesmus and burning in the rectum.
 Bloody stool, with soreness and burning of the rectum.
 Itching at the anus, (after dinner).
 Varices of the rectum, hindering stool ; large ; painful ; stinging ; burning when touched ; increased by walking, and when thinking of them.
 Pulsation in the perinaeum. Fistula in ano).
 [65] Soreness of, and oozing of moisture from the rectum.

Urogenital system

 Urinary Organs.
 Frequent and urgent desire to urinate, with thirst and scanty emission.
 Involuntary emission of urine by day and night ; at night, when asleep ; when coughing, sneezing, and walking.
 Burning in the urethra when urinating.
 Itching of the orifice of the urethra.
 Sexual Organs.
 [70] Men. Increase of smegma about the glans.
 Aching in the testes.
 Itching of the scrotum.
 Women. Menses too late, but profuse ; blood clotted.
 Difficult first menstruation.
 [75] During the menses, no blood is passed at night.
 Pain in the back, (during the menses) ; yellowness of the face ; vertigo.
 Aversion to coition.
 Leucorrhoea at night.
 Sore, cracked nipples, surrounded with herpes.
 [80] Deficiency of milk.

Chest organs

 Larynx and Trachea.
 Burning and roughness.
 Hoarseness and roughness, (early in the morning).
 Aphonia, (in the morning), or from weakness of the organs.
 Sensation of soreness of the larynx.
 [85] Hawking up of mucus early in the morning.
 Asthma, especially when sitting or lying down.
 Stitches in the sternum, or deep in the chest, during a long inspiration.
 Rattling in the chest.
 Burning, stitches, and soreness in the chest.
 [90] Palpitation of the heart, with languor.
 Stitches about the heart.
 Tight dressing about the chest oppresses the breathing.
 Short, dry cough.
 Dry, hollow cough, with soreness in the chest, caused by tickling and mucus in the throat, with expectoration only at night, of acrid-tasting mucus, which he cannot raise, but has to swallow it again.
 [95] сough, with pain in the hip, with involuntary passage of some drops of urine.
 Cough is worse in the evening till midnight, from exhaling ; drinking coffee ; cold air ; draft of air ; when awaking from sleep.
 Cough is relieved by a swallow of cold water.

Limbs and spine

 Back and Neck.
 Stiffness and tension in the neck.
 Swelling, like goitre, on the throat.
 [100] Painful stiffness between the scapulae, and of the back, especially when rising from a seat.
 Itching and humid tetter in the nape of the neck.
 Pain, as from a bruise in the nape of the neck.
 Upper. Dull tearing in the arms and hands.
 Great heaviness and weakness in the arms.
 [105] Trembling of the hands.
 Great heaviness in the right hand.
 Paralytic feeling in the right hand.
 Sensation of fulness in the interior of the hand when grasping anything.
 Tension of the posterior joints of the fingers when bending them.
 [110] Numbness, insensibility and tightness of the fingers.
 Tearing in the right wrist-joint.
 Lower. Sensation of dislocation of the hip-joint when walking.
 Tension in the knee and ankle-joints.
 Contraction and tension in the heel and tendo Achillis.
 [115] Marbled skin of the legs.
 Swelling of the feet.
 Cold feet ; cramp in the feet.
 Unsteady walk of children ; they fall easily.

Common symptoms

 Paralytic, trembling weakness of the limbs, paralysis (one-sided).
 [120] Epileptic spasms (at night during sleep).
 St. Vitus dance.
 Tension and shortening of the muscles, contracting the joints and bending the limbs ; they become paralyzed.
 Rheumatism in the limbs.


 He starts from the sleep.
 [125] Sleeplessness at night, with anxiety and heat.
 Great sleepiness during the day.


 Pulse only accelerated towards evening.
 Chilliness predominating, frequently with coldness of the left side.
 Internal chilliness, followed by perspiration, without previous heat.
 [130] Heat in the evening, from 6 to 8.
 Flushes of heat, followed by chilliness.
 Perspiration when walking in the open air.
 Morning sweat (smelling sour).


 Itching of the whole body at night. (Itch).
 [135] Injuries of the skin, which had been healed, become sore again.
 Humid tetters.
 Painful varices.
 Soreness of children.


 In the evening, great restlessness of the body (legs).
 [140] Aggravation in the evening ; in the open air ; from colic.
 Amelioration, especially of the rheumatic pains in the limbs, in bed, and from heat.

Analogs by action

Included in the composition

Manufacturers (or distributors) of the drug

Доктор Н
Natura Pharma
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Content moderator: Vasin A. S.

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