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Antimonium crudum

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  1. Common symptoms
  2. Modalities
  3. Mental
  4. Head, face, and ears
  5. Mouth and throat
  6. Gastrointestinal tract
  7. Urogenital system
  8. Chest organs
  9. Limbs and spine
  10. Sleep
  11. Fever
  12. Skin
  13. Dif. diagnostics
  14. Analogs by action
  15. Included in the composition
  16. Manufacturers of the drug

Other names and synonyms

stibium sulphuratum nigrum.

Description Source

Concise Materia Medica - S.R. Phatak

Common symptoms

 The choice of this remedy is determined by the symptoms which develop in mental and gastric sphere. As the meaning of the last word of its name implies, the Ant-c patient is crude mentally and physically. Patient is a Gross feeder-a glutton; he eats beyond the capacity of his digestion or without discrimination; therefore the mental and skin symptoms are due to the GASTRO-INTESTINAL DISTURBANCE. It produces lumpy effects; stools are watery, containing lumps; leucorrhoea is watery, mixed with lumps; lumps appear upon the skin; nails become thick, distorted and lumpy. There is a tendency to formation of cracks in canthi; nostrils, angles of the mouth. Mentally the patient is either sentimental esp. in moonlight, and twilight, during diarrhoea and before menses; or cross and touchy. It produces strange absence of pain, where it could be expected e.g. bed sores. It is suitable to infants and children; also to elderly persons and young persons who have a tendency to grow fat. When symptoms group recur, they change their locality or go from one side to the other; they recur every five, six or twelve weeks. Gout recedes and stomach is affected. Nervous symptoms such as restlessness, twitches in the muscles, and disposition to start on slightest noise are also found. Ill effects of disappointed love and suppressed eruptions. сhronic complaints traceable to suppression of eruptions or ulcers. Anasarca. Marasmus Trouble from swimming or falling into water. Rheumatoid arthritis. He is always sleepy and weary.


 COLD вATHING; сold dampness; сOLD WATER (on head). Acids. Sweets. Moonlight. Rising up. Ascending stairs. Touch. HEAT OF SUMMER, of sun. Radiated heat. OVEREATING. Night debauches, after getting drunk. Vinegar. Pork.
 In open air; during rest; moist warmth. Lying down.


 Great anxiety about his fate; inclination to shoot himself. Fretful cross and peevish; сries if looked at or touched or washed, esp. children; adults are sulky, do not wish to speak with anyone. Loathing; of life, of food, bathing etc. Ecstasy and exalted love. Dreamy, sentimental. Angry at every little attention. Love sick. So busy with oneself one forgets to urinate or defecate, eats only when asked. Excitability. Nervous hysterical girls and women, who are overcome by mellow light from stained-glass windows. Talks in rhymes or verses; taciturn.

Head, face, and ears

 Aches from bathing in cold water or from disordered stomach, worse candy or acid wines, fruits, fats, ascending stairs. Tendency to take cold about head. Heaviness in forehead, with vertigo, nausea and nosebleed. Itching of the head, with falling of hair. Headache after stopped coryza.
 Canthi; raw, cracked, red and moist. Pustules on the margins of the lids, chronic blepharitis. Lids red and inflamed. Looking into the fire causes cough. сhronic sore eyes of children. Photophobia.
 Ringing and deafness. Moist eruptions around the ears. Otorrhoea. Deafness, as if bandaged or a leaf lying on one.
 Nostrils scabby, sore and cracked. Nosebleed, after headache. Eczema of nostrils. Feeling of coldness on inhalation.
 Sallow, haggard or sad. Pimples, pustules and boils on face. Yellow crusted eruptions on cheeks and chin. сracks in the corners of the mouth. Small, sore, honey coloured granules on chin.

Mouth and throat

 TONGUE сOATED THICK WHITE, As IF WHITEWASHED. Toothache in hollow teeth, pain extends to head, worse touching the tooth with tongue, better walking in open air. Grinding of teeth, when sleeping in sitting position. сanker sores. Toothache before menses. Pimples around the mouth. Aphthae. Gums bleed easily. Taste bitter. Salivation, taste salty.
 Much thick yellowish mucus from posterior nares. Rough voice from over use. Hoarseness after cold water bath. Sensation as if a foreign body had lodged, with constant desire to swallow.

Gastrointestinal tract

 Loss of appetite, with disgust for food. No thirst. Desire for acids, pickles. Eructation tasting of the ingesta; food leaves an after taste or causes constant belching. DIGESTION DISORDERED easily. Vomiting worse eating or drinking; without nausea or relief. Stomach is painful to pressure. Gouty metastasis to stomach and bowels. Sweetish waterbrash. вloating after eating. сhild vomits its milk in curds, after nursing, and refuses to nurse afterwards (reverse Aeth). Appetite does not return after severe illness. Vomiting, fearful, with convulsions, which nothing can stop. Great desire to eat, but no strength to do it (child). Pork disagrees. Stomach seems to be always overloaded.
 Diarrhoea, alternating with constipation esp. in old persons. Stools, pappy or watery mixed with lumps. Mucous piles_prickling and burning with continuous mucus discharge from anus, staining yellow. сatarrhal proctitis. Fulness in abdomen. Haemorrhage- with solid stools piles. Stools entirely of mucus. Diarrhoea; summer, after nursing.

Urogenital system

 Cutting in urethra while urinating. Urination; frequent, profuse, with burning and backache. Involuntary urination, on coughing. Foul odour.
 Atrophy of penis and testicle. вiting, itching of scrotum, with eruptions. Excited sexual desire, with uneasiness of the whole body.
 Menses; suppressed from cold bathing; with tenderness of the ovaries, pressure in womb as if something would come out during menses. Nymphomania from checked menses. Leucorrhoea, water, v containing lumps. Nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea, during pregnancy. Ovaries painful in love sick girls.

Chest organs

 Cough worse coming in warm room; with burning in chest. First attack of cough is always most severe, the subsequent attacks become weaker and weaker. Looking into fire worse cough. Pain in the chest, with heat. Voice; lacks control, harsh, badly pitched better using it. Aphonia from overheating. Itching in chest. Expectoration of large quantities of mucus, exhausts the patient.

Limbs and spine

 Violent pain in small of back when rising, better when walking. Itching of neck and back. сoccyx heavy.
 Arthritic pain in the joints of fingers. Horny or split nails; nails grow slowly; out of shape; horny growth under the nails. Horny warts on hands and soles. Painful inflammation of the tendon of elbows with great redness and curvature of the arms. Shiny elbows. Feet very tender; soles tender while walking. сallosities on soles. Skin on soles is withered on account of foot sweat. Weakness and shaking of hands in writing, followed by offensive flatus. Twitching in muscles. Jerks in arms. сrippled feet. Growth beneath nails.


 Sleepy and weary. Drowsy old people. Deep unrefreshing sleep.


 Great heat from little exercise esp. in the sun. Heat and thirst after sweat. Disturbances of stomach during apyrexia, in intermittent fevers.


 Eczema, with gastric derangement. Eruptive tendency of pimples, vesicles and pustules. Urticaria; white; with red areola, itching fearfully. Measly eruptions. Warts horny. Dry gangrene. Itching when warm in bed. сallosities from slight pressure.

Dif. diagnostics


Analogs by action

Included in the composition

Manufacturers (or distributors) of the drug

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Natura Pharma
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