Suxamethonium chloride - analogs
Components: Suxamethonium chloride || Suxamethonium iodide |
Pharmgroups: N-Cholinolytics (muscle relaxants) |
Prices in pharmacies: — Instructions Suxamethonium chloride | |||||||||
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Similar | Complete analog ⓘ✘Analogues of the drug with completely identical active ingredients |
Prices in pharmacies |
≈100% | Lysthenon | 1.2€ |
Prices in
pharmaciesAnalogs by action ⓘ✘Analogues of the drug according to its degree of similarity with other drugs that are not direct analogues
- 90% — Dithylin [Suxamethonium iodide]
- 90% — Dithylin-Darnitsa [Suxamethonium iodide]
- 90% — Суксаметоний-биолек [Suxamethonium iodide]
- 90% — Dithylin solution for injections [Suxamethonium iodide]
- 89% — Suxamethonium iodide [Suxamethonium iodide]
- 18% — Tubocurarine [Tubocurarine chloride]
- 16% 1.8-3.3€ Tolperizon [Tolperisone]
- 16% 2.1-3.2€ Tolperizon-OBL [Tolperisone]
- 16% 1.6-2.1€ Толперизон Канон [Tolperisone]
- 15% 1.8-3.1€ Tolizor [Tolperisone]
- 15% — Tolperisone hydrochloride [Tolperisone]
- 14% 3.7-5.5€ Sab simplex [Simethicone]
- 14% — Толперизон Органика [Tolperisone]
- 14% — Ox bile [Bile]
- 14% 2-2.3€ ТОЛЗИТОЛ ТАБС [Tolperisone]
- 14% — Ox bile powder dry [Bile]
- 13% — Disflatyl [Simethicone]
- 12% 4-6€ Espumisan [Simethicone]
- 12% 3.1€ Herbion aesculus [Meliloti herbae extract+Aesculo hippocastano semenis extract and more 1Aesculo hippocastano semen extract]
- 11% 2-4.4€ Stagemin [Tranexamic acid]
- 11% 2.5-3.8€ Bile medicine conserved [Bile]
- 11% 4.1€ Espumisan Extra [Simethicone]
- 10% — Epiterra Long [Levetiracetam]
- 10% 4.2-46.1€ Keppra [Levetiracetam]
- 10% 4.4-7.5€ Algerika [Pregabalin]
- 10% 9.1€ Levetiracetam [Levetiracetam]
- 10% 0.8-4.5€ Topiramate [Topiramate]
- 10% — Arixtra [Fondaparinux sodium]
- 10% — Sombrevin [Propanidid]
- 10% 1.8-5.1€ Toreal [Topiramate]
- 10% — Кепайра-веро [Levetiracetam]
- 10% — Элсетор [Levetiracetam]
- 10% — Окскарбазепин - натив [Oxcarbazepine]
- 10% — Levetiracetam Lupin [Levetiracetam]
- 10% — Simethicone [Simethicone]
- 10% — Pregabilon [Pregabalin]
- 10% — Прега-Эйч [Pregabalin]
- 10% 10.3-21.8€ Komviron [Levetiracetam]
- 10% 14.4-29.2€ Epiterra [Levetiracetam]
- 10% — Letiram [Levetiracetam]
- 10% 7.8€ Epitropil [Levetiracetam]
- 10% 1.6€ Zenicetam [Levetiracetam]
- 10% — Pregabio [Pregabalin]
- 10% — Прегабалин-СЗ [Pregabalin]
- 10% — Replica [Pregabalin]
Learn more about the selection of analogues
- The drug has «Suxamethonium chloride» 1 full analog, the cheapest - Lysthenon (1.2€); 46 analogs by action, the most similar - Dithylin .
- Medical online service has selected the best substitutes for Suxamethonium chloride based on its instructions, components, pharmaceutical groups and practical application.
- The table shows the prices of analogues Suxamethonium chloride to choose the cheapest pills.
- If you have introduced other drugs for registration, substitutes are selected taking into account the assessment of interactions and safety.
- Sometimes, due to the presence of dangerous interactions, it is necessary to use drugs that are similar in effect, sometimes even from different pharmacological groups.