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caust, Causticum hahnemanni, каустическая сода по ганнеману гомеопатия.Источник описания
Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica - TF AllenФармакологическая группа
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Tincture acris sine Kali .
Preparation: Distill a mixture of slaked lime and a solution of Potassium sulphate according to directions given in the Homeopathic Dispensatory. The distillate contains Potassium hydrate, but no lime nor Sulphuric acid. Some effects of сaustic potash (Kali causticum, Potassium hydrate) are here included.
Preparation: Distill a mixture of slaked lime and a solution of Potassium sulphate according to directions given in the Homeopathic Dispensatory. The distillate contains Potassium hydrate, but no lime nor Sulphuric acid. Some effects of сaustic potash (Kali causticum, Potassium hydrate) are here included.
Психика и сознание
When she closes the eyes she does only terrible visions and distorted human faces. Lively, joyous mood, first twelve hours, rapid flow of ideas (* This seemed to be the curative action in one whose previous conditions of dispositions and mind had been the opposite. H. *) but after twenty-one hours (in the morning after waking and through the whole forenoon), and anxious trembling, sleepy confusion of the head, heavy pressure in the occiput and forehead, with heaviness of the limbs, constant pains in the joints and muscles of the fingers, arms, shoulders, knees and feet. Lively disposition the whole day, contented with himself and very talkative; he constantly wished to talk with some one (curative action). Good humored and talkative, in the forenoon. The child whines about every trifle.
Although disputes (e. g. political) were brought to him, still he remained quite calm, though, indeed, he felt sensitive, yet be avoided speaking of it, and subdued his emotions (curative action), (the first hours). Melancholy mood. Melancholy before menstruation, as if everything was of a dark color. Sad, weeping mood, full of care, as if beside oneself. Sad and some what anxious mood. Excessively sympathetic; she is beside herself, with weeping and sobbing, and cannot be contented when listening to accounts of the hard-ships of others. Anxiety the whole day, as if he had done something bad, or apprehended it, or as if he had been unfortunate. Anxiety in the morning on waking.
Anxiety in the evening before going to sleep; the boy could not fall asleep because he constantly thought of anxious things; one could with difficulty induce him to go to bed in the evening.
Anxiety and uneasiness at night did not permit her to sleep (20th day). Anxiety after the stool. Anxiety after the stool, heat in the face, and inclination to sweat. Anxiety with the physical troubles. Great anxiety throughout the day (13th day). The greatest anxiety for 12 hours. Anxious mood, as if stupefied (soon after taking). Anxious uneasy mood, as if something unpleasant impended; this unfits him for every work. Anxious solicitude about every occurrence. Anxious apprehension lest something evil should happen, with urging to stool. сonstantly anxious and sweaty (2nd day). He was busy with thoughts of death, with uneasiness and great solicitude. Loss of courage. Fear and anxiety, so that she does not wish to live. Fearfulness at night. Extremely anxious fearfulness; was so anxious about a dog near by, which did not hurt her, that her whole body trembled; every noise in the street made her apprehensive; and if she saw boys climbing she was in the greatest uneasiness lest they should be harmed. Great apprehension whenever anything happens; despondent, depressed, most excessive exhaustion and prostration. Full of frightful ideas, in the evening. Sensitive and inclined to be angry, with great nervous irritability, together with slight chilliness, and on motion easily heated. Very sensitive, hot headed, and vehement. Irritable about trifles. Extreme irritability of mind; the slightest vexation affects her whole body, so that her knees sink under her. Unbounded inclination to be out of humor. Out of humor and irritable (after 4 days). During menstruation ill humor and great weariness. Discontented with herself, with gloomy looks. Peevish, irritable mood. Peevish, weeping mood. Peevish, irritable, takes no pleasure in music. Very Peevish.
(after 48 hours). Fretful. Fretful and despondent, without being vexed (1st day). Fretful the whole day; everything which surrounded him made a disagreeable impression upon him.
Fretful the whole day, out of humor with himself, discontented, solicitous, and yet not disinclined to mental labor. Fretful, still, and absorbed in himself, though previously he head been very lively, lasting half an hour (immediately after taking). Very fretful and indolent. сontradictory. Furiously opinionated and quarrelsome. Inclined to scold and make a disturbance, without being peevish. Inclined to scold and quarrel, with sullen mood. Quarrelsome (after a quarter of an hour). He becomes easily violent after the midday sleep, with great despondency. Persistent silence, difficult to overcome, remained after the poisoning. Long morose silence (after 6 hours). At one time excessively merry, at another depressed. Sometimes joyful, and soon afterwards peevish. Intellectual. Weakness of thought; slow succession of ideas. Absence of mind, with loss of ideas. A kind of loss of ideas; if he was doing anything it constantly seemed to him that he head something more important to do, although he did not know what; he reflected about it, but without thinking of anything.
Disinclined to work (after ten and 20 hours). Disinclined to pay attention. Momentary absence of mind; he seemed to be thinking of something, but without having any thoughts (after half an hour).
Inattentive and distracted. Weakness of memory. He frequently pronounces words wrongly and confuses syllables and letters. (e.
G. cluent foryza’), for several days. сoma.
When she closes the eyes she does only terrible visions and distorted human faces. Lively, joyous mood, first twelve hours, rapid flow of ideas (* This seemed to be the curative action in one whose previous conditions of dispositions and mind had been the opposite. H. *) but after twenty-one hours (in the morning after waking and through the whole forenoon), and anxious trembling, sleepy confusion of the head, heavy pressure in the occiput and forehead, with heaviness of the limbs, constant pains in the joints and muscles of the fingers, arms, shoulders, knees and feet. Lively disposition the whole day, contented with himself and very talkative; he constantly wished to talk with some one (curative action). Good humored and talkative, in the forenoon. The child whines about every trifle.
Although disputes (e. g. political) were brought to him, still he remained quite calm, though, indeed, he felt sensitive, yet be avoided speaking of it, and subdued his emotions (curative action), (the first hours). Melancholy mood. Melancholy before menstruation, as if everything was of a dark color. Sad, weeping mood, full of care, as if beside oneself. Sad and some what anxious mood. Excessively sympathetic; she is beside herself, with weeping and sobbing, and cannot be contented when listening to accounts of the hard-ships of others. Anxiety the whole day, as if he had done something bad, or apprehended it, or as if he had been unfortunate. Anxiety in the morning on waking.
Anxiety in the evening before going to sleep; the boy could not fall asleep because he constantly thought of anxious things; one could with difficulty induce him to go to bed in the evening.
Anxiety and uneasiness at night did not permit her to sleep (20th day). Anxiety after the stool. Anxiety after the stool, heat in the face, and inclination to sweat. Anxiety with the physical troubles. Great anxiety throughout the day (13th day). The greatest anxiety for 12 hours. Anxious mood, as if stupefied (soon after taking). Anxious uneasy mood, as if something unpleasant impended; this unfits him for every work. Anxious solicitude about every occurrence. Anxious apprehension lest something evil should happen, with urging to stool. сonstantly anxious and sweaty (2nd day). He was busy with thoughts of death, with uneasiness and great solicitude. Loss of courage. Fear and anxiety, so that she does not wish to live. Fearfulness at night. Extremely anxious fearfulness; was so anxious about a dog near by, which did not hurt her, that her whole body trembled; every noise in the street made her apprehensive; and if she saw boys climbing she was in the greatest uneasiness lest they should be harmed. Great apprehension whenever anything happens; despondent, depressed, most excessive exhaustion and prostration. Full of frightful ideas, in the evening. Sensitive and inclined to be angry, with great nervous irritability, together with slight chilliness, and on motion easily heated. Very sensitive, hot headed, and vehement. Irritable about trifles. Extreme irritability of mind; the slightest vexation affects her whole body, so that her knees sink under her. Unbounded inclination to be out of humor. Out of humor and irritable (after 4 days). During menstruation ill humor and great weariness. Discontented with herself, with gloomy looks. Peevish, irritable mood. Peevish, weeping mood. Peevish, irritable, takes no pleasure in music. Very Peevish.
(after 48 hours). Fretful. Fretful and despondent, without being vexed (1st day). Fretful the whole day; everything which surrounded him made a disagreeable impression upon him.
Fretful the whole day, out of humor with himself, discontented, solicitous, and yet not disinclined to mental labor. Fretful, still, and absorbed in himself, though previously he head been very lively, lasting half an hour (immediately after taking). Very fretful and indolent. сontradictory. Furiously opinionated and quarrelsome. Inclined to scold and make a disturbance, without being peevish. Inclined to scold and quarrel, with sullen mood. Quarrelsome (after a quarter of an hour). He becomes easily violent after the midday sleep, with great despondency. Persistent silence, difficult to overcome, remained after the poisoning. Long morose silence (after 6 hours). At one time excessively merry, at another depressed. Sometimes joyful, and soon afterwards peevish. Intellectual. Weakness of thought; slow succession of ideas. Absence of mind, with loss of ideas. A kind of loss of ideas; if he was doing anything it constantly seemed to him that he head something more important to do, although he did not know what; he reflected about it, but without thinking of anything.
Disinclined to work (after ten and 20 hours). Disinclined to pay attention. Momentary absence of mind; he seemed to be thinking of something, but without having any thoughts (after half an hour).
Inattentive and distracted. Weakness of memory. He frequently pronounces words wrongly and confuses syllables and letters. (e.
G. cluent foryza’), for several days. сoma.
Голова, лицо и уши
Head. - сonfusion.
Confusion of the head, the whole day from the morning, as if in a close room where clothes were washed and dried; aggravated by stooping, not relieved by walking in the open air, but on returning into the room. сonfusion of the head in the morning, with coryza. сonfusion and heat of the head (7th day). A momentary (painful, tensive) confusion of the head; almost like a slight throbbing headache, disappearing after eating. сloudiness of the head. Feeling of stupefaction and drunkenness of the head (after 24 hours). Stupid feeling in the head the day after an emission. The head feels dull and screwed together (after half an hour). The head feels dull and as if intoxicated, with redness of the face (after half an hour). Vertigo. Vertigo, as from spirituous drinks.
Vertigo, forwards and sideways. Vertigo, in the morning on rising from bed. Vertigo at night in bed, on rising, and lying down again. Vertigo in the open air; everything turned about with her; persons seemed larger than usual to her; it disappears in the room. During menstruation vertigo and whirling in the head, worse on stooping; relieved in the afternoon. Vertigo on looking fixedly at one point. Vertigo on looking up (to a high tower), so violent that he feel over.
Vertigo almost like a loss of consciousness, after walking; while sitting, he nearly fell. Vertigo, when standing. Vertigo, reeling, with heaviness of the head, while standing and sitting. Vertigo on stooping, which disappears on rising up, in the morning (2nd day). Vertigo, relieved in the open air. Vertigo, with weakness of the head. Vertigo, and falling down without cause. Momentary vertigo while sitting, as if he would stagger (after 3 hours and a half). Dizziness of the head. Dizziness of the head, with anxiety of the whole body. Dizzy the whole week, as from compression of the head. Dizzy in the morning, with painful confusion of the head. Feels drunken and dizzy, with distraction of thought. General Head. Involuntary nodding with the head, just as if some one pressed it down (while writing). Rush of blood to the head, with heat in it. Rush of blood to the head, and a sensation as if intoxicated, relieved in the open air (after a quarter of an hour). Rushing of blood into the head, in the evening. After walking in the open air a little, the blood rushes to the head and face; it becomes dim shaken, when walking in the open air. Stitches in the head, with warmth in it. Tearing in the head, neither aggravated nor relieved by motion, lasting several days, more or less severe. A sticking-tearing in the head, which commences in the forehead and extends to the right side through the whole head.
Throbbing pain; very painful throbbing in the cerebral arteries. Jerkings and severe beatings in the head every minute, in all positions, during rest and motion. Headache at night, as if an ulcer were in it. A morning headache, which had existed a long time, disappears (curative action). Forehead. Stupefying pain in the forehead, when sitting and reading, which was not relieved on walking or standing. Headache, as if something were forced in between the frontal bone and the cerebrum, or as if the place behind the frontal bone were hollow.
The whole brain was painful on shaking the head. Warmth in the head internally, an hour after dinner. Sensation of internal heat in the head, without external heat (after half an hour).
Sensation in the head as if everything would come out in front, on stooping. Headache, with nausea. сompressive headache. A jerking-pinching pain through the head. Painless digging in the whole head. Pressive headache from all sides, with pinching in the ear and boring toothache. At times a pressure deep in the head, with heaviness of the head. Screwing in and heaviness of the head, relieved in the open air. Sticking headache, more especially in the orbits, the whole night, not during the day. Stitch like headache, in the morning on waking, and almost the whole day. вurning headache in the forehead, as if the forepart of the brain were inflamed, after returning into the room from the open air. Tension and warmth in the forehead and nose, with slight drawing in the eyes from time to time. Tensive and drawing headache between the eyes.
Drawing in the left side of the forehead. Pressive pain in the right frontal eminence. Pressive pain from the forehead to the eyes. Painful pressive cutting in the upper part of the frontal bone immediately on moving the arms violently, while stopping. сonstrictive pressure in the forehead, in the open air, which constantly became more violent the faster he walked, and suddenly disappeared when stooping low down. Sharp pressure in the left side of the forehead. A painful drawing pressure in the forepart of the forehead. Rather sharp frontal headache (after the large flow of the urine. A tensive stitching from the lower portion of the forehead to the upper part of the head (10th day). Shifting slow stitches in the left side of the forehead above the eye. Twitching headache in the right side of the forehead and head. Tearing pain in the middle of the forehead and in the cervical vertebrae, during the day in the heated room and in tobacco-smoking; and especially at night, when he was unable to sleep on account of it. Severe throbbing in the forehead for three days, several afternoons, with tension in the neck (after 12 days). A painful pressive throbbing in the forehead, as with a dull point. Dull painful throbbing of the arteries of the head above the orbits. Temples. вurning in the right temple and side of the forehead. Tension in the right temple and in the eye, as if it were paralyzed. Violent drawing pain in the temple, gradually increasing to its highest, and when suddenly disappearing (after 24 hours). Pressive headache on the upper margin of the temporal bone. Pressive headache in the right temple. Pressing-out headache in the temples days and night, with nausea amounting to vomiting (9th day). Stitches in the temples. Dull stitches in the left temporal bone, which always spreads in a circle, when the pain is relieved or disappears (9th day). Painful tearing in the right temple.
Painful tearing in the left temple at 4 Throbbing headache in the right temple, on motion; when quiet it is only a pressive pain. Vertex. вurning in the vertex (after 10 hours).
Frequently repeated cold burning in front of the vertex (after 14 hours). Frequent drawing in the left side of the top of the head. A sudden pressure, as from a sharp stone falling upon it, in the vertex, in the region of the coronal suture. Pain in the top of the head, as if the brain were torn or shattered, especially in the morning on waking (after 3 hours). A sticking-tearing, extending into the left side of the vertex (6th day). Throbbing in the vertex, mingled with stitches, by paroxysms. вeating and throbbing in the whole vertex, as if everything would be forced out, in the morning after rising, lasting 2 hours (2nd day). Pain in a small spot on the vertex, as if bruised or beaten, only on touch. Pain on the top of the head, on pressure or touch. Parietals. Tension in the left side of the head. Pressive pain in the right side of the head, extending into the eyes. Pressive pain in the right parietal bone and both temples. Stitches in the right side of the head, for half an hour. Stitches in the left side of the head, several evenings. Tearing in the left side of the head, especially in the forehead and temple, which began in the evening and constantly increased, with swelling of the painful side (after 16 days). Violent tearing in the left side of the head. Occiput. Sensation in the occipital bone as if the part were numb, pithy, or dead (after a quarter of an hour). Sudden pain in the occipital bone while sitting, as if something in the muscles had been displaced. Drawing pain in the occiput. Tensive headache arising from the nape of the neck (after 24 hours). Drawing pressure in the right side of the occiput and muscles of the neck, which was increased on rapid walking, arising in the open air. Several stitches in the occiput, for half an hour. Throbbing pain on the right side of the occiput; on rubbing, it extends further upward towards the vertex, where it continues to pain for a long time, as if beaten (after 1 hour). External Head. Falling out of the hair.
Movement of the scalp towards the forehead (13th day).
Painfulness of the scalp when rubbed. Tearing-burning in the scalp in front of the vertex, in the evening (13th day).
Itching in the scalp. The skin of the head is tense. Sensation of trembling or shaking in the skin of the right temple, which lasts till lying down; a peculiar sensation, but not painful. сreeping sensation on the vertex. Itching on the forehead. Stinging-itching on various parts of the head, in the right and left parietal bones, on the forehead, the right check, behind the left zygoma, extending towards the ear and upward to the temporal bone.
Inflammation of the eyes, with burning and pressing pain (4th day). Inflammation of the eyes, with pressure in them during the day, and agglutination in the morning. Weakness of the eyes.
Dry sensation in the eyes, with pressure in them. At first, dryness of the eyes in the morning, and stiffness, followed by lachrymation. Heat in the eyes. вurning in the eyes, without redness. вurning and dryness of the eyes, from 4 , till evening. вurning and stinging, as with needless, in the eyes.
With dryness and photophobia, from 6 to 8 Pressure in the eyes, as if sand were in them. Pressure in the eyes as if they were pressed inwards and tried to come out. Pressure in the right eye, as from a swelling of the lids, which are really red, with watery eyes. Pressure in the left eye, as if it would be pressed out. A very painful pressure in the eyes, in the morning, before he can open them; if he closes them again, the pain is relieved.
Internal pressure of the eye, as if it would be distended.
Pressive pain in the eye, increased by touch. Pressive pain over the right eye, as if the upper lid would be pressed down (after three-quarters of an hour). A rubbing, as of sand in the eyes. Tearing and pressure in the eyes. вiting in the eyes, as from salt. вiting and pressure in the eyes, which seem heavy, with redness of the lids. Itching of the eyes, especially in the lids. Itching in the right eye, which disappears on rubbing, and is followed by lachrymation.
Itching in the left eye, which disappears on rubbing (half an hour after dinner). Orbit and вrow. Twitching in the left eyebrow ( (2nd day). Drawing in the arch of the right eyebrow.
Pressure in the orbits and behind the eyes. Slow pressure above the right orbit. Frequent drawing and pressure between the eyes. Lids. Inflamed lids from time to time, with accumulation of hard matter between the lashes. Visible twitching of the lids, and of the left brow. Stye on left lower lid at outer end, for three or four days (1st day). Stye on inner end of left lower lid, with watering of left eye, for a day or two (8th day). Agglutination of the eyes in the morning. Inclination to close the eyes; they close involuntarily. Sensation as if the eyes would close from weakness. Sensation of heaviness in the upper lid, as if he could not raise it easily, or as if it were agglutinated to the lower lid, and could not be easily loosened. Opening the eyes is difficult, with sensation as if the lids were swollen, mostly in the morning. вurning in the left lid.
Burning pain on the margins of the lids, as from burning with gunpowder. Sensation as if the lids were swollen, mostly in the morning. Pressure in the upper lid, as if a stye would appear. Pressure in the upper lid, as from a swelling, as if a stye would form. вiting in the lids. Smarting pain in the left lid (after 4 days). Itching on the lower lid and on its inner surface, with burning as soon as he touches the eye or moves it. Dry matter in the canthi. вurning in both inner canthi (after 3 and 4 days). An itching sore pain in the right inner canthus, in the morning, after waking, as if salt had got into the eye, which obliges him to rub it vigorously, which, however, increases the sensation so that lachrymation is produced, without redness of the eye. Itching in the inner canthus of the right eye, with lachrymation (after 3 quarters of an hour).
Itching in the inner canthus of the left eye, which disappears on rubbing. Itching like fleabites, in the left inner canthus, with desire to rub it. Voluptuous itching of the right canthus, which obliges him to rub it, lasting an hour (after 8 hours). Lachrymal Apparatus. Lachrymation of the eyes, even in the room, but mostly in the open air. Unusual lachrymation of the eyes, in the room, without redness of them.
Watering of the eyes, especially in the open air (2nd and 3rd days). The previously watery eyes become better (curative action). вall. Distending pain in the right eyeball. Itching in the right eye-ball, in the morning (2nd day). Pupil.
Dilated pupils. The pupils at first seem contracted, but after ten or 12 hours are dilated. Vision. Photophobia the whole day; he was constantly obliged to wink. Photophobia; the eyes are painful on motion, more on looking at the bright daylight. Small round objects pass before his vision while lying down, even with open eyes. Flickering before the eyes. Flickering before the eyes, like a veil before them.
Flickering before the eyes, as from swarms of insects. If he looked a long time at anything, objects flickered before his eyes, and everything ran together, which was followed by pressive pain in the eyes. Sparks of fire before the eyes, even on a bright day. If he winks, he sees sparks of fire before the eyes, even on a bright day. It becomes black before the eyes, for half an hour (5th day). The eyes become dim, and the vision indistinct; it seems as though a thick cloud were before the eyes. Obscuration of the eyes at times, as from a veil.
Obscuration of the eyes frequently, as if a membrane were drawn over them. Obscuration of the vision for a moment, on blowing the nose. Obscuration of the eyes in the morning, when blowing the nose, as if a membrane were drawn from the inner canthus over half the pupil. Obscuration of the eyes frequently, especially if he looks at the light, as if he were blinded by a strong light, and could see nothing.
Obscuration of the eyes, as if a veil were drawn before them, when standing. Obscuration of the eyes; something seemed to come from the head into the left eye, and the light looked as if there were many points of light in a black circle.
Dimness of vision. Dim vision, as if a thin membrane were drawn over the eyes, or as if a cloud were before them, increased by wiping and rubbing. Dim vision, as from a thick cloud before the eyes, in the morning, after waking; she could not see for a long time, until she had washed (2nd day). While reading, some of the letters became invisible. Farsightedness, the first day; he was unable to read without glasses.
Objective. Swelling of the external ear, with contractive pains. Swelling of the meatus, with twinging earache and discharge of bloody matter. Suppuration and discharge from within the ear, with offensive odor. During eructations, air rushes into the ear. Subjective. Severe boring pain in the right fossa, below the ear afterwards, on pressing upon it, a bruised pain. At one time boring, at another, pulsating-throbbing, behind the left ear (4th day). Pressive pain in the mastoid process. Sharp intermitting stitches near the right ear, in the mastoid process. Stitches, like boring knife-stitches, externally behind the left ear, with frequent sudden general sweat, lasting eight minutes, several times a day (7th day).
Confusion of the head, the whole day from the morning, as if in a close room where clothes were washed and dried; aggravated by stooping, not relieved by walking in the open air, but on returning into the room. сonfusion of the head in the morning, with coryza. сonfusion and heat of the head (7th day). A momentary (painful, tensive) confusion of the head; almost like a slight throbbing headache, disappearing after eating. сloudiness of the head. Feeling of stupefaction and drunkenness of the head (after 24 hours). Stupid feeling in the head the day after an emission. The head feels dull and screwed together (after half an hour). The head feels dull and as if intoxicated, with redness of the face (after half an hour). Vertigo. Vertigo, as from spirituous drinks.
Vertigo, forwards and sideways. Vertigo, in the morning on rising from bed. Vertigo at night in bed, on rising, and lying down again. Vertigo in the open air; everything turned about with her; persons seemed larger than usual to her; it disappears in the room. During menstruation vertigo and whirling in the head, worse on stooping; relieved in the afternoon. Vertigo on looking fixedly at one point. Vertigo on looking up (to a high tower), so violent that he feel over.
Vertigo almost like a loss of consciousness, after walking; while sitting, he nearly fell. Vertigo, when standing. Vertigo, reeling, with heaviness of the head, while standing and sitting. Vertigo on stooping, which disappears on rising up, in the morning (2nd day). Vertigo, relieved in the open air. Vertigo, with weakness of the head. Vertigo, and falling down without cause. Momentary vertigo while sitting, as if he would stagger (after 3 hours and a half). Dizziness of the head. Dizziness of the head, with anxiety of the whole body. Dizzy the whole week, as from compression of the head. Dizzy in the morning, with painful confusion of the head. Feels drunken and dizzy, with distraction of thought. General Head. Involuntary nodding with the head, just as if some one pressed it down (while writing). Rush of blood to the head, with heat in it. Rush of blood to the head, and a sensation as if intoxicated, relieved in the open air (after a quarter of an hour). Rushing of blood into the head, in the evening. After walking in the open air a little, the blood rushes to the head and face; it becomes dim shaken, when walking in the open air. Stitches in the head, with warmth in it. Tearing in the head, neither aggravated nor relieved by motion, lasting several days, more or less severe. A sticking-tearing in the head, which commences in the forehead and extends to the right side through the whole head.
Throbbing pain; very painful throbbing in the cerebral arteries. Jerkings and severe beatings in the head every minute, in all positions, during rest and motion. Headache at night, as if an ulcer were in it. A morning headache, which had existed a long time, disappears (curative action). Forehead. Stupefying pain in the forehead, when sitting and reading, which was not relieved on walking or standing. Headache, as if something were forced in between the frontal bone and the cerebrum, or as if the place behind the frontal bone were hollow.
The whole brain was painful on shaking the head. Warmth in the head internally, an hour after dinner. Sensation of internal heat in the head, without external heat (after half an hour).
Sensation in the head as if everything would come out in front, on stooping. Headache, with nausea. сompressive headache. A jerking-pinching pain through the head. Painless digging in the whole head. Pressive headache from all sides, with pinching in the ear and boring toothache. At times a pressure deep in the head, with heaviness of the head. Screwing in and heaviness of the head, relieved in the open air. Sticking headache, more especially in the orbits, the whole night, not during the day. Stitch like headache, in the morning on waking, and almost the whole day. вurning headache in the forehead, as if the forepart of the brain were inflamed, after returning into the room from the open air. Tension and warmth in the forehead and nose, with slight drawing in the eyes from time to time. Tensive and drawing headache between the eyes.
Drawing in the left side of the forehead. Pressive pain in the right frontal eminence. Pressive pain from the forehead to the eyes. Painful pressive cutting in the upper part of the frontal bone immediately on moving the arms violently, while stopping. сonstrictive pressure in the forehead, in the open air, which constantly became more violent the faster he walked, and suddenly disappeared when stooping low down. Sharp pressure in the left side of the forehead. A painful drawing pressure in the forepart of the forehead. Rather sharp frontal headache (after the large flow of the urine. A tensive stitching from the lower portion of the forehead to the upper part of the head (10th day). Shifting slow stitches in the left side of the forehead above the eye. Twitching headache in the right side of the forehead and head. Tearing pain in the middle of the forehead and in the cervical vertebrae, during the day in the heated room and in tobacco-smoking; and especially at night, when he was unable to sleep on account of it. Severe throbbing in the forehead for three days, several afternoons, with tension in the neck (after 12 days). A painful pressive throbbing in the forehead, as with a dull point. Dull painful throbbing of the arteries of the head above the orbits. Temples. вurning in the right temple and side of the forehead. Tension in the right temple and in the eye, as if it were paralyzed. Violent drawing pain in the temple, gradually increasing to its highest, and when suddenly disappearing (after 24 hours). Pressive headache on the upper margin of the temporal bone. Pressive headache in the right temple. Pressing-out headache in the temples days and night, with nausea amounting to vomiting (9th day). Stitches in the temples. Dull stitches in the left temporal bone, which always spreads in a circle, when the pain is relieved or disappears (9th day). Painful tearing in the right temple.
Painful tearing in the left temple at 4 Throbbing headache in the right temple, on motion; when quiet it is only a pressive pain. Vertex. вurning in the vertex (after 10 hours).
Frequently repeated cold burning in front of the vertex (after 14 hours). Frequent drawing in the left side of the top of the head. A sudden pressure, as from a sharp stone falling upon it, in the vertex, in the region of the coronal suture. Pain in the top of the head, as if the brain were torn or shattered, especially in the morning on waking (after 3 hours). A sticking-tearing, extending into the left side of the vertex (6th day). Throbbing in the vertex, mingled with stitches, by paroxysms. вeating and throbbing in the whole vertex, as if everything would be forced out, in the morning after rising, lasting 2 hours (2nd day). Pain in a small spot on the vertex, as if bruised or beaten, only on touch. Pain on the top of the head, on pressure or touch. Parietals. Tension in the left side of the head. Pressive pain in the right side of the head, extending into the eyes. Pressive pain in the right parietal bone and both temples. Stitches in the right side of the head, for half an hour. Stitches in the left side of the head, several evenings. Tearing in the left side of the head, especially in the forehead and temple, which began in the evening and constantly increased, with swelling of the painful side (after 16 days). Violent tearing in the left side of the head. Occiput. Sensation in the occipital bone as if the part were numb, pithy, or dead (after a quarter of an hour). Sudden pain in the occipital bone while sitting, as if something in the muscles had been displaced. Drawing pain in the occiput. Tensive headache arising from the nape of the neck (after 24 hours). Drawing pressure in the right side of the occiput and muscles of the neck, which was increased on rapid walking, arising in the open air. Several stitches in the occiput, for half an hour. Throbbing pain on the right side of the occiput; on rubbing, it extends further upward towards the vertex, where it continues to pain for a long time, as if beaten (after 1 hour). External Head. Falling out of the hair.
Movement of the scalp towards the forehead (13th day).
Painfulness of the scalp when rubbed. Tearing-burning in the scalp in front of the vertex, in the evening (13th day).
Itching in the scalp. The skin of the head is tense. Sensation of trembling or shaking in the skin of the right temple, which lasts till lying down; a peculiar sensation, but not painful. сreeping sensation on the vertex. Itching on the forehead. Stinging-itching on various parts of the head, in the right and left parietal bones, on the forehead, the right check, behind the left zygoma, extending towards the ear and upward to the temporal bone.
Inflammation of the eyes, with burning and pressing pain (4th day). Inflammation of the eyes, with pressure in them during the day, and agglutination in the morning. Weakness of the eyes.
Dry sensation in the eyes, with pressure in them. At first, dryness of the eyes in the morning, and stiffness, followed by lachrymation. Heat in the eyes. вurning in the eyes, without redness. вurning and dryness of the eyes, from 4 , till evening. вurning and stinging, as with needless, in the eyes.
With dryness and photophobia, from 6 to 8 Pressure in the eyes, as if sand were in them. Pressure in the eyes as if they were pressed inwards and tried to come out. Pressure in the right eye, as from a swelling of the lids, which are really red, with watery eyes. Pressure in the left eye, as if it would be pressed out. A very painful pressure in the eyes, in the morning, before he can open them; if he closes them again, the pain is relieved.
Internal pressure of the eye, as if it would be distended.
Pressive pain in the eye, increased by touch. Pressive pain over the right eye, as if the upper lid would be pressed down (after three-quarters of an hour). A rubbing, as of sand in the eyes. Tearing and pressure in the eyes. вiting in the eyes, as from salt. вiting and pressure in the eyes, which seem heavy, with redness of the lids. Itching of the eyes, especially in the lids. Itching in the right eye, which disappears on rubbing, and is followed by lachrymation.
Itching in the left eye, which disappears on rubbing (half an hour after dinner). Orbit and вrow. Twitching in the left eyebrow ( (2nd day). Drawing in the arch of the right eyebrow.
Pressure in the orbits and behind the eyes. Slow pressure above the right orbit. Frequent drawing and pressure between the eyes. Lids. Inflamed lids from time to time, with accumulation of hard matter between the lashes. Visible twitching of the lids, and of the left brow. Stye on left lower lid at outer end, for three or four days (1st day). Stye on inner end of left lower lid, with watering of left eye, for a day or two (8th day). Agglutination of the eyes in the morning. Inclination to close the eyes; they close involuntarily. Sensation as if the eyes would close from weakness. Sensation of heaviness in the upper lid, as if he could not raise it easily, or as if it were agglutinated to the lower lid, and could not be easily loosened. Opening the eyes is difficult, with sensation as if the lids were swollen, mostly in the morning. вurning in the left lid.
Burning pain on the margins of the lids, as from burning with gunpowder. Sensation as if the lids were swollen, mostly in the morning. Pressure in the upper lid, as if a stye would appear. Pressure in the upper lid, as from a swelling, as if a stye would form. вiting in the lids. Smarting pain in the left lid (after 4 days). Itching on the lower lid and on its inner surface, with burning as soon as he touches the eye or moves it. Dry matter in the canthi. вurning in both inner canthi (after 3 and 4 days). An itching sore pain in the right inner canthus, in the morning, after waking, as if salt had got into the eye, which obliges him to rub it vigorously, which, however, increases the sensation so that lachrymation is produced, without redness of the eye. Itching in the inner canthus of the right eye, with lachrymation (after 3 quarters of an hour).
Itching in the inner canthus of the left eye, which disappears on rubbing. Itching like fleabites, in the left inner canthus, with desire to rub it. Voluptuous itching of the right canthus, which obliges him to rub it, lasting an hour (after 8 hours). Lachrymal Apparatus. Lachrymation of the eyes, even in the room, but mostly in the open air. Unusual lachrymation of the eyes, in the room, without redness of them.
Watering of the eyes, especially in the open air (2nd and 3rd days). The previously watery eyes become better (curative action). вall. Distending pain in the right eyeball. Itching in the right eye-ball, in the morning (2nd day). Pupil.
Dilated pupils. The pupils at first seem contracted, but after ten or 12 hours are dilated. Vision. Photophobia the whole day; he was constantly obliged to wink. Photophobia; the eyes are painful on motion, more on looking at the bright daylight. Small round objects pass before his vision while lying down, even with open eyes. Flickering before the eyes. Flickering before the eyes, like a veil before them.
Flickering before the eyes, as from swarms of insects. If he looked a long time at anything, objects flickered before his eyes, and everything ran together, which was followed by pressive pain in the eyes. Sparks of fire before the eyes, even on a bright day. If he winks, he sees sparks of fire before the eyes, even on a bright day. It becomes black before the eyes, for half an hour (5th day). The eyes become dim, and the vision indistinct; it seems as though a thick cloud were before the eyes. Obscuration of the eyes at times, as from a veil.
Obscuration of the eyes frequently, as if a membrane were drawn over them. Obscuration of the vision for a moment, on blowing the nose. Obscuration of the eyes in the morning, when blowing the nose, as if a membrane were drawn from the inner canthus over half the pupil. Obscuration of the eyes frequently, especially if he looks at the light, as if he were blinded by a strong light, and could see nothing.
Obscuration of the eyes, as if a veil were drawn before them, when standing. Obscuration of the eyes; something seemed to come from the head into the left eye, and the light looked as if there were many points of light in a black circle.
Dimness of vision. Dim vision, as if a thin membrane were drawn over the eyes, or as if a cloud were before them, increased by wiping and rubbing. Dim vision, as from a thick cloud before the eyes, in the morning, after waking; she could not see for a long time, until she had washed (2nd day). While reading, some of the letters became invisible. Farsightedness, the first day; he was unable to read without glasses.
Objective. Swelling of the external ear, with contractive pains. Swelling of the meatus, with twinging earache and discharge of bloody matter. Suppuration and discharge from within the ear, with offensive odor. During eructations, air rushes into the ear. Subjective. Severe boring pain in the right fossa, below the ear afterwards, on pressing upon it, a bruised pain. At one time boring, at another, pulsating-throbbing, behind the left ear (4th day). Pressive pain in the mastoid process. Sharp intermitting stitches near the right ear, in the mastoid process. Stitches, like boring knife-stitches, externally behind the left ear, with frequent sudden general sweat, lasting eight minutes, several times a day (7th day).
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